What does ptu decryption mean. What is a college, technical school, school

Education system In our country, today it is undergoing some changes, however, despite the fact that educational institutions of a new type are emerging, the old ones, familiar from the Soviet era, remain no less relevant and are very popular among students. Applicants (and not only them) often confuse the concepts: technical school, college, college. Let's see what are their similarities and what are their differences.

Of course, higher education institutions are in the first place in the popularity rating, but colleges are in second place. Now, when the first stage of higher education is a bachelor's degree, not a specialist, secondary special education can become quite equivalent in terms of the amount of knowledge, skills, and practice acquired. Students begin to think: is it necessary to spend 4-6 years on getting a higher education, if you can get a specialized secondary education in 2-3 years and be in the same demand on the labor market? In fact, it all depends on your personal mood, desires and goals in life. Although, indeed, recent times colleges quickly adapt to changes in the labor market and pay much more attention not to theory, but to practice.

What is a college?

This is one of the most promising and prestigious forms of existence of special educational institutions that provide secondary vocational education. The college differs from technical schools and colleges primarily in its high level preparation of students, which is practically close to higher education. Colleges have enough to offer large spectrum various specialties, which are also multidisciplinary. The very process of studying in college is also similar to university: lectures, seminars, production, undergraduate practice. College graduates easily enter higher educational institutions. Often colleges enter into agreements with universities, thanks to which students have some benefits for admission.

You can get into college on the basis of a certificate of basic general education(after 9 classes), about average full education(after 11 classes), in addition, a diploma of primary vocational education (vocational school, vocational school), a diploma of secondary vocational education is suitable.

In college, training takes place for 2-3 years, but this period may vary depending on what specialty you have chosen and with what document you entered (for graduates of grade 9, training lasts 4 years).

College students enrolled in educational institution, receive student ticket, grade book. And upon graduation, they receive a diploma of secondary vocational education. This diploma gives the right to immediately get a job or enter a university on preferential terms under an abbreviated program of study.

Another educational institution is a technical school.

In technical schools, as a rule, the main professional educational programs secondary specialized education at the basic level. Education in a technical school lasts no more than 3 years, sometimes - two years.

Technical schools can be of three types:

1. State educational institutions of secondary vocational education.

2. Non-state educational institutions of secondary vocational education.

3. Autonomous non-profit organizations of secondary vocational education.

They are admitted to a technical school on the basis of a certificate (graduation of grades 9 and 11), in addition, USE results and GIA. Remember that studying at a technical school does not entitle you to a deferment from military service.

By the way, if everything is arranged in a college, as in a university: lectures, seminars, then in a technical school it is more and more close to school uniform learning.

Vocational school - an echo of the past?

Vocational-technical schools (vocational schools) have been known since the Russian Empire, only they were then called FZU and vocational schools. Vocational schools provide primary vocational education. Admission is conducted on the basis of a certificate of completion of 9 or 11 grades of the school. The term of study at a vocational school ranges from six months to three years. Recently, vocational schools have been reorganized simply into vocational schools, into higher vocational schools.

In general, in technical schools, colleges and schools you can master and get almost any profession, and then go to study further or get a job.

Technical schools and schools for a long time were one of the most popular schools. However, as a result of reforming the education sector, they have undergone some changes.

What is a technical school

So in the Soviet Union the main institutions that trained middle-level personnel were called. Here, they mainly received the specialty of technology and a diploma of secondary specialized education. Their graduates were employed in industries National economy production direction. There were also technical schools that provided secondary specialized education of a non-industrial profile (pedagogical, legal, artistic, etc.)

In the post-Soviet period in the Russian Federation and most states from the former Soviet republics there are processes of reforming the education system. As a result, many technical schools have become colleges. In fact, this is the same technical school, only giving an in-depth general education. Both educational institutions provide young people with high-quality training at an average level in their chosen profession.

Technical schools today are educational institutions that implement educational programs in certain professions. Their graduates receive basic secondary specialized education and professional qualification in the chosen specialties. Such institutions should have adequate staffing and logistical support. For full development programs of study in them usually need to study for three years. For certain specialties, this period may be two years.

Admission to technical schools is held among young people who have completed at least nine classes secondary school. They choose their future specialties from their official list. These lists are developed in accordance with state standards and are approved by the ministries and departments organizing educational processes.

About schools

The concept of school is quite multifaceted. In some of them, earlier, as in technical schools, they received secondary specialized education. Such specialists were trained by schools for the needs of medicine, veterinary medicine, pedagogy, culture and other fields of activity. Many military educational institutions are called schools. However, this name was the most common for educational institutions for the preparation workforce. They are at the base high school led the initial vocational training future workers. They bore the names of vocational or vocational schools. During the Russian Empire, similar institutions also functioned.

In the 1980s, there were more than 7,000 vocational schools in the Soviet Union with more than 3.6 million students enrolled. There were several types of such schools. These were technical schools (TU), urban and rural vocational schools (GPTU and SPTU), special establishments closed type. They trained personnel for hundreds of in-demand working professions, including very rare ones. Students were entitled to reduced fares in public transport could eat for free. Excellent students enjoyed benefits for admission to specialized universities.

During the reform of the education system, many were reorganized into professional lyceums, vocational training centers, etc. Some of them have become technical schools and colleges. They teach the basics of many working professions and provide primary vocational education. They can relate to state and non-state forms of ownership. However, regardless of this, they act within the framework of national educational legislation.

In Russia, they are considered secondary specialized educational institutions. Federal legislation establishes that their functions include the implementation of the initial vocational training skilled workers. This is carried out in many areas and is aimed at personnel satisfaction of various public needs. Educational base such training is general secondary (9 grades) and complete (11 grades) secondary education. In order to be eligible to provide such professional educational services, the school must obtain the appropriate state license. It can be issued only to those educational institutions that have a trained staff of teachers, the necessary material and technical base.

A condition for the provision of initial vocational education by such institutions is the possession of an appropriate license issued by the competent state authority.

What is the difference

Despite the fact that the technical school and college are secondary educational institutions, there are differences between them.

  1. At the technical school during educational process more attention given theoretical questions acquired specialty. In the school, the main thing is the development of practical skills, which allows you to immediately start working in production.
  2. A graduate of a technical school receives a diploma corresponding to a bachelor's degree or junior specialist. In a school that provides a completed secondary education, they receive only a certificate of working profession and the corresponding certificate of education.
  3. The course of study at a technical school is usually longer than at a college.
  4. The technical school may be part of the structure of the university, which usually does not happen with the school.
  5. A graduate of a technical school has the opportunity to spend less time studying at a university. A graduate of the college enters the first year of the university on a general basis.

Sooner or later, every high school student has a question about what to do with his life next. And getting a specialized education is directly related to this issue. Many are beginning to wonder: "Vocational school - what kind of education is this?" Let's figure it out.

When did these institutions appear?

Advantages of vocational schools

The main advantage of vocational schools is their narrow specialization. And this means that in young man they will not pour in mountains of information that is not at all useful to him in his chosen profession. If you happened to study at a university, you yourself can estimate how much of the material learned there remained unclaimed, or even completely evaporated from memory as unnecessary. Knowledge, of course, is not to be carried behind your back, but the time spent will not return.

In addition, the very structure of the vocational school is focused on ensuring that after graduation the student is assigned to work. At the universities, this moment there is no such practice.

What are the specialties in vocational schools?

What is needed for admission

For admission to the city vocational school after graduating from grade 9, it will be necessary to pass entry exams. In addition, you will need the following package of documents:

  1. Application to the director of the school.
  2. Certificate of education.
  3. 6 photos 3x4 cm.
  4. Medical certificate.
  5. Information about vaccinations.
  6. Certificate of residence.
  7. Copy of birth certificate (or passport).
  8. Copy of identification number.

How to get the most out of learning

Even the most the best teacher in the world will not be able to teach a student anything until he himself wants to learn. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to start with your attitude towards education.

Don't let those around you discourage you. And remember the purpose of admission - the acquisition of practical skills that will help you provide for yourself. Consider the period of study as an investment in the future. Time is one of valuable resources that we all have. Don't be foolish enough to throw it into the wind.

How to achieve this? Just try to listen carefully. Try to be really interested in your chosen profession. In the end, it was with this case that you decided to connect your life, according to at least, in the next few years. Why deliberately turn these years into hard labor, if it is quite possible to get real pleasure from an interesting business?

What are the prospects after graduating from vocational school

A vocational school diploma will give you the opportunity to immediately get a job in your specialty. Often the head of the school is in charge of securing the availability of job vacancies. You will have certain options already when you pass the mandatory

In addition, such education (vocational school) gives you the opportunity to continue your studies if you wish. And if you enter the same specialty, then most likely you will be provided with some benefits. This may be enrollment immediately in the second or third year of the university, or the opportunity to enter without entrance exams.

Modern terminology

PTU - what kind of education? In fact, this question has already become archaic. Because we no longer have official vocational schools. Today there are PU - vocational schools and PL - vocational lyceums. However, not soon from our public consciousness such a familiar abbreviation - vocational school will disappear.

If we compare total former vocational schools and the total number of current launchers and submarines, it turns out that the latter have become fewer. However, the number of professions offered for development has increased significantly.

To master some professions, it is not at all necessary to study at the institute - secondary vocational education is quite enough. Such an education will take you much less time and will not require large financial costs, and the level obtained is quite enough to then find a job in the chosen specialty.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained at a college, technical school or vocational school. It should be noted that there are very few vocational technical schools left, now here you can get not only technical education, therefore, from vocational schools, the schools turned into PU.

College and technical school

In college, you can master the specialty of a technician, manager, lawyer, accountant and others. You can be admitted to college after graduating from 9th or 11th grade of school, after graduating from a vocational school or after receiving a secondary vocational education. College education lasts 2-4 years, depending on the education received. When studying in college, you get student status, a student ID card, and a transcript. After graduation, you will be issued a diploma of secondary specialized education in the chosen specialty, which gives you the right to enter a university or get a job in an appropriate position.

It is noteworthy that the programs and courses of study at the college are only slightly simpler than at the institute, and it is much easier and cheaper to enter here. In some colleges, study programs provide more than complete knowledge than at the institute, and the learning process itself is built in the same way as at the university - students listen to lectures, participate in seminars, pass tests and exams. In addition, discipline is more strict here and students get less freedom. Colleges are better adapted to the innovations taking place in the education system and in the labor market, therefore, you have a chance to get more practical skills and useful knowledge, which will be useful directly in the work.

In fact, a technical school is an analogue of a college, with the only difference being that in a technical school you get basic training, and in college you get more advanced training.

vocational school

In vocational schools you can get the specialty of a locksmith, fitter, hairdresser, electrician and others. These professions are in demand at any time. Vocational technical schools give a basic level of knowledge, some of them are not at all difficult to enter after the 9th grade of school. Mostly those who do not like to study go there, especially since entrance exams are not required - just write an application. But there are also such PUs in which 2-3 people apply for one place, and you have to pass an exam to pass competitive selection. After graduating from college, you will be able to go to work in your specialty, but you are unlikely to be able to count on a promotion - for this you will have to receive additional education.

On 1-2 course in professional technical school general education subjects are provided, at the 3rd they teach the basics of your future profession. There is an opportunity to do an internship at the enterprise. At the end vocational school you will receive a high school diploma and a profession certificate. This does not give you any benefits when entering a higher educational institution, however, if you have sufficient work experience in your specialty or received a red diploma, then the university will provide you with benefits.

Now, having an idea about the level of education in a college, technical school and vocational school, you can decide on the choice of an educational institution. It is never too late to engage in self-education and, having received a secondary specialized education, you can always continue your studies at a university.

A college, technical school is an educational institution of secondary vocational education that implements educational programs for secondary vocational education in basic or in-depth training. Education lasts from 3 years (two years in some specialties) to 4 years (advanced training).

Continuation. Page 2

The structure of Russian professional education

What kind of education do they get in college, and what kind of education after technical school?

  • SPO, or secondary vocational education. In the process of training, mid-level specialists are trained who have in-depth knowledge in a particular professional area.
  • NGOs. The abbreviation stands for: primary vocational education. You can enter the training on the basis of 9 or 11 classes. Specialists graduate from entry level qualifications.

Having mastered the programs of the first type, college graduates receive the qualification " specialist", the second - " entry level specialist».

Technical schools and colleges give primary and secondary vocational education, and most schools - only initial vocational education.

SPO and NGOs

SVE programs are aimed at training specialists who will have in-depth, high-quality skills and knowledge in their field.

As part of the training, expand basic knowledge on general subjects from the school curriculum.

NGO provides more low level training and provides graduates with modest career opportunities, despite the fact that those who have mastered the program primary education acquire certain competencies and are considered qualified workers.

For example, a holder of a medical specialization program can work as a nurse or paramedic, and the “ceiling” for those who have only an NGO is the work of a nanny.

More about suzes


Institutions of this type are more promising, highly valued by employers and offer a wide range of specialties. The quality of education in them is close to the university level. Often colleges are administrative divisions of universities or institutes, which enables graduates to enter the second or third year of the university to which their college is “attached”.

Education in the college is built according to the type of institute or university. The percentage of college graduates who entered universities is significantly higher than those who graduated from a technical school or college.

This is due in no small part to the (sometimes tacit) benefits and priority given to college graduates.

For admission to college, you must provide a certificate of completion of 11 or 9 grades, as well as a diploma in SVE or NGO if you have one.

Training lasts an average of three years, but on the basis of 9 classes - at least 4 years, and in some specialties even more.

SSUs are divided into:

* Graphic design classes

Technical College

The technical school provides secondary specialized education.

Autonomous non-profit organization- non-membership non-profit organization founded by citizens and/or legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions for the purpose of providing services in the field of education, life support, healthcare, culture, science, law, physical education and sports and other services.

Enroll in technical College it is possible on the basis of completed 9th and 11th grades of a general education school on the basis of sufficient high results GIA and USE.

Education takes about 3 years, some specialties are mastered in two. Recently, students of technical schools have been granted a deferment from the army. Educational process in technical schools takes place in a format close to school.

Vocational school.

- Schools usually run NGO programs. They enter the school on the basis of 11 or 9 grades of a comprehensive school. The course of study at the school lasts from 6 to 36 months.

The term depends on the specialty that the student receives. As part of educational reform Vocational schools are massively reorganized into VPU, PL and PU (lyceums and varieties of schools). The renaming of institutions does not have a special effect on the quality of education and the learning process.