How to deal with rude people. insolent

How many proverbs and sayings there are in the Russian language with the word impudence: "Impudence is the second happiness", "Give free rein to the impudent - he will want more." This word is mentioned several times even in the Bible, but what does it mean?

Meaning of the word

The noun "impudence" is a word derived from the adjective "impudent". Means a character trait akin to impudence and audacity. Manifested in a direct look at point-blank range, raising his voice or tone, an attempt to confuse the interlocutor in any way. It is most often the result of impunity and a sense of security, a sense of superiority over others due to high social status, self-confidence or despair.

In other people, arrogance causes contempt, irritation or a desire to resist.

From the old Russian "impudence" the word "impudence" came from. The meaning of the word then was somewhat different - "quick, fast." Knowing this, you already look at the established expression in a different way: “Look, how fast!” You can safely say: “Look, how arrogant!” - and the value will not change.

The main signs of arrogance

Who is most often called an insolent? After all, this quality has very wide and blurred boundaries. Some call arrogance impudence, while others call it excessive confidence.

So, an impudent person is one who is characterized by the following qualities:

  • complete disregard for the opinion of society, the norms established by it, if the latter stand in the way of the goal;
  • without a shadow of embarrassment, a person can take what does not belong to him, if he wants;
  • The insolent puts his interests above all else. He has no love for children or women. If a person needs it, he will "go over their heads";
  • if impudent person they will make a remark, he will remain silent or begin to be rude, but he will not change his tactics of behavior;
  • completely absent a sense of shame, and do not care what you think;
  • persistent and demanding, there is also the expression "takes impudently";
  • constantly interferes in the affairs of others, while imposing a point of view, even when he is not asked.

Being arrogant - good or bad?

Of course, if arrogance is something like a lack of shame or self-confident impudence, then it is bad for those around you. But today, when the world belongs to self-confident people, the word "impudence" also means complete confidence in the actions performed by a person. The main thing is not to be arrogant towards opponents. In this vein this concept has a positive color.

The antagonism of "positive" insolence will be uncertainty about own forces and fear to take a step towards changing life. At its core, arrogance and self-doubt are sides of the same coin.

Uncertainty and arrogance: are they close?

So what does the word "arrogance" mean? Its meaning becomes more understandable if we decompose arrogance as a manifestation into its components. It immediately becomes clear that insolence is often just insecure person. Only in order to prove to himself and others that this is not so, an insecure person begins to show impudence.

He has an exaggerated sense of "importance", and in order to confirm to himself that he is irreplaceable and priceless, the insolent (read - insecure) seeks to humiliate others in order to exalt himself in his own eyes. Someone to humiliate? And the locker will come, let's kick it, there is nothing to stand in the way of such an "important" person. And the insolent asserts himself out of fear of humiliation. Note that an insolent person will never humiliate a person if he feels strength and power in advance. slows him down.

When arrogance enters into a confrontation with wisdom, it is like a meeting between an elephant and a Pug. A wise elephant does not need to assert himself, he is confident in himself, in his strength. That is why he is so calm. And the mongrel always barks, but inside her every hamstring trembles. She, overcoming fear, asserts herself.

The insolent cannot understand one thing for himself, that the “strength” that rests on the “weakness” of others is worthless. In fact, strength lies in the ability to achieve one's own without pressure and humiliation of others, weaker ones. Insolence is a complete misunderstanding of yourself and your needs.

Why do we get annoyed by someone else's arrogance?

It is an irritant for everyone that lives in us and we do not like or are forbidden. In other words, the impudence of another person irritates us, because it lives in ourselves. We ourselves would be glad to assert ourselves at the expense of others, but we do not like it when they assert themselves at our expense.

But being insolent is not so bad if we hold back this trait in ourselves, suppress it and let it out in the form of confidence. As soon as an understanding of oneself comes, someone else's impudence, the meaning of which becomes clear to us, ceases to irritate us.

What benefit can

If “positive” impudence lives in you, it can even help you in some way. There are five aspects positive impact this quality on you and your life:

  1. Your self-esteem will rise. Often public opinion and cliches hammered in in childhood prevent a person from starting to act. And if there is also a lack of self-confidence, then the fear of getting the opinion that you are just an insolent person is holding back a person from moving forward. Spontaneous deeds help to increase the assessment in their own eyes (the main thing is that actions are not directed to the detriment of another person).
  2. Your situation will improve. Having committed, we then often reproach ourselves, feel guilty, but time passes, and we understand that this particular one was the most correct. So, arrogance is what helped to solve a situation that was simply unrealistic to solve in another way.
  3. Life starts to change. Read on and you will notice how many examples there are when such “arrogant”, thoughtless, actions performed on intuition led to a radical change in the entire course of life. Career began to go uphill, prosperity grew, success came. And people just did what others considered unacceptable. That is, they were insolent.
  4. The desired is achieved. Often people discuss other people's requests. It so happened that in our time it is considered: to ask means to be humiliated, and if you ask also for yourself, then this is simply unacceptable arrogance. But successful people look at the request in a completely different way. Just need to ask the right people and in the right way.
  5. The emergence of perseverance in action. Often, our perseverance is taken by others for arrogance. But is it right? Even the Bible says, "Knock, it will be opened to you." What if desired result received and you are celebrating the victory, then is the opinion of others so important?

Is it worth it to be rude?

If we consider the word "impudence", the definition of which comes from the point of view of the above aspects, then the word "impudent" thrown at the back will no longer sound like an insult, but like a confession - you are on the right way moving towards your goal. And people have always condemned and discussed those who stand out from the crowd.

If you know that you are acting for the good (your own) and do not harm others, then what do you care about someone else's opinion? Just move towards your goal and don't be afraid to take risks.

About the mental phenomenon "impudence"

Manifestations of arrogance are little studied from the standpoint of psychophysiology. The article will show that this is an important mark of the stage of passing the process of forming any skills, a side effect is not yet completely sure. developed skill in conditions of an urgent need to obtain the desired result with certain obstacles to this.

The word "arrogance" in everyday life is clearly shocking in nature, but should not interfere with the correct consideration of its psychophysiological background, and so far there is no reason to choose a more euphonious, "scientific" term for it.

Of course, what the development of individual manifestations of impudence into a style of impudent behavior can lead to goes far beyond the root causes, as it happens with literally all the makings of adaptive mechanisms of creativity: art and science, which, in turn, are qualitatively divided into many types. So the article will consider only the primary mechanism and its manifestations.

The current understanding of the meaning of the word .

As a rule, the word impudence is understood as impudent behavior that encroaches on generally accepted norms, an expression of protest by scandalous (outrageous) means.

Impudence (the original meaning of this word is “suddenness, speed, courage”, cf. the expression How dare you!) - impudence, impudence. Possible manifestations - increased tone, loudness of voice, looking straight into the eyes, without looking away (piercing gaze, point-blank gaze), attempts to confuse the interlocutor with something, the use of lies, a smirk, protrusion thumbs and moving them. It may be the result of self-confidence, a high social position, another sense of superiority, despair, indignation, a sense of one's security. Typical reaction - irritation, contempt, opposition.

By the way, outrageous characteristic avant-garde, and partly modernist (one way or another, but any destructive) to art, but refers to "non-aesthetic, and even more so to non-artistic reactions." From the point of view of psychology, shocking is one of the forms of demonstrative behavior..

Arrogance and self-doubt as two polarities

...Impudence is something like shamelessness and bold self-confident insolence which borders on rudeness. Sometimes impudence has a positive connotation when the emphasis is on confidence in their actions, and not on their impudence. Nowadays lack of self-esteem often contrasted with such "positive" arrogance.

With all this seemingly quite unambiguous understanding, the boundaries of the phenomenon turn out to be quite blurred, and the manifestations of arrogance themselves are controversial, if you do not consider how and why arrogance arises, at what time of development of the individual it begins to manifest itself and what is the reason for this. Moreover, the phenomenon has hardly been studied from the position of psychophysiology, although a lot of literature provides purely empirical studies of the manifestations of impudence in the description of the periodization of the development of an organism. And these manifestations concern not only the person.

A specialized complex of brain regions that controls social behavior, was first found in mammals, then in other terrestrial vertebrates, and even in fish. American biologists have shown that different groups vertebrates, not only the structure of this complex is similar, but also the nature of the work of key genes in it. The differences that do exist, however, are more affect the synthesis of signaling substances (neurotransmitters) and, to a lesser extent, the distribution of receptors that respond to these substances. Apparently, already the last common ancestor of ray-finned fishes and terrestrial vertebrates had a socially oriented neuronal network, the main structural and neurochemical properties of which changed very slowly in the course of further evolution.

... The most surprising property of the SDM network is its evolutionary conservatism, that is, the extremely slow pace of evolutionary change...the basic socially oriented tasks of all vertebrates are similar: to attract good sexual partners, to overcome competitors, to increase one's social status, to raise more healthy offspring... This fundamental similarity of life aspirations probably creates the prerequisites for the development of more or less universal socially oriented neuronal structures in the course of evolution.

The commonality of the mechanisms for the manifestation of impudence and the existing actual materials allows to systematize and concretize the mechanism, thereby more correctly specifying the formal definition. Which will be done in this article.

Here are a few good examples empirical of their articles.

When a child is rude and bickering

Yes, children sometimes tend to show impudence!... Most often, the reason for this behavior is that Small child simply tests on his parents what he learned from TV shows or heard from older children living in the neighborhood.

Even if your six-year-old child, when you put him to bed, will show great ability in an argument, proving that he is not tired at all, let him know that you know more. You can, of course, praise his manner of conducting a dialogue and promise that you will listen to him later, but at the same time indicate that you still know better when he goes to bed .... Families where children do not hesitate to approach their parents in order to calmly present their arguments on a particular issue, can be considered healthy families. However, even in such democratic families, where everyone can say what he thinks, there are situations when the last word must remain with the parents. If you find yourself in a situation in which you must show your power, then you need to immediately clearly determine that now is such a moment, and then decisively stop any discussion.

Hyperactivity - one of the most common behavioral dysfunctions that has a significant impact on the development of the child ... In age group up to 7 years of age, behavioral disorders in the form of hyperactivity with attention disorders are accompanied by a delay in psychomotor development: a lag in the development of fine and gross motor skills, auditory and visual perception, etc. There is a slight transition from tears to laughter. Age interests, including intellectual ones (for example, in the content and illustrations of books), may be underdeveloped. There are violations of social interactions, especially with adults: children do not keep their distance, are familiar, tend to show impudence. Peers often reject such children because of their impulsiveness and outbursts of anger, not being able to follow the rules in games, sowing discord..

Hyperactivity is characteristic not only for developmental pathologies caused by internal factors, but also as initial period development of adaptability skills in any field and at any age. In this case, problems with attention and assessment of the significance of what is perceived in the context of the development of new ideas will have the specifics of DVGA. The fact that this provokes manifestations of arrogance speaks of the conditions of still insufficient sophistication, insufficient confidence and inability to be prudent in these new circumstances.

The teenage crisis is not as straightforward as it seems at first glance. There are different manifestations, let's designate extreme cases: the teenage crisis of "excessive independence" (denial of authorities, negative behavioral manifestations, aggression, rudeness, the desire for independence in any way, stubbornness, arrogance, opposing oneself to others, etc.) and the teenage crisis " excessive dependence" (complete lack of independence, dependence on other people, infantilism in attitudes and behavior, the desire to be with everyone and "like everyone else", loyalty to authorities, the desire to be a "correct" child, a return to more childish interests, etc.)

Psychophysiology of the phenomenon .

Given that the child is passing critical periods development of brain structures, each of which is characterized by its own specifics of the best sensory activity (which is discussed on the parallel site Chronotop) and specific manifestations of mental reactions occur, one can find the place of onset and development of manifestations of impudence.

The period of gullible learning is replaced by a period of playful trampling of authorities. However, the origins of impudence arise earlier, when there is pressing need(it doesn’t matter what it is), or rather, there is a dominant motivation that determines the context of behavior requires the implementation of this behavior at all costs.

This state differs from the commonly used understanding of the word "impudence" in that the action is not hindered by any motivation that contradicts it, and it is carried out as soon as it arises. Of course, a frustrated parent might think of a child who literally ruined his freshly changed linen as impudence. But arrogance is an active opposition to someone or something, rendered by a subject who has shown such arrogance without a sufficiently confident prediction of the consequences. Although the infant does not have any predictions of consequences at all, he does not make a conscious volitional effort to overcome internal conflict, his impudence is still involuntary.

During the period of game trampling of authorities, there is already a baggage of perceived norms of behavior, which often finds itself in conflict with the current dominant motivation, and there is still no sure forecast of how the attempt to break the norm will end. If motivation exceeds the blocking effect of norms, it becomes possible to display impudence in behavior in all cases when there is no time or ability to comprehend the situation more creatively.

In the period of the end of gullible learning for the entire period of playful trampling of authorities, the personality shows more decisive, revolutionary variants of testing behavior, with still very little life experience, cutting off many such options, which, of course, ends in failure in many attempts to get extreme experience. This dependence is smoothly corrected by sad experience failed attempts, leaving more conservative options viable. (see Revolutions are in vain in young countries)

So, arrogance is an attempt to take active actions 1) under the conditions of a motivational dominant, 2) in conflict with previous experience, with 3) significant uncertainty (lack of a confident forecast) and 4) lack of time or comprehension skills. If the dominant exceeds the uncertainty and taboo of morality, then the action is performed.

It seems that such a definition, which formalizes the identified mechanisms of the psyche (a triggering stimulus in the context of active motivation that exceeds the risk of predicted consequences accessible to awareness), most fully correlates with the current understanding of the word "impudence".

Insolence is always an act of conscious will, requiring volitional effort to exceed limiting factors previous experience if it has not already become a style of unconscious behavior.

Insolence is a step dictated not by reason (creative understanding of the situation with finding an acceptable course of action in terms of risks), but by an acute subjectively conditioned need for action (see Dangers). This is aggression, first of all, in relation to one's previous experience.

An impudent action, which ended successfully with the desired results, receives a positive assessment (“impudence is the second happiness”), and at this point the dominant is exhausted, freeing the area of ​​awareness.

Purchased on failure negative experience, blocking such actions, but the motivational dominant may remain, more inclining to creative, rather than extreme, finding a behavior option.

In the case of a delay in the action of the dominant, it can exist for years and develop as an unresolved, but very urgent problem, acquiring a set of subjectively produced assumptions, of which those that promise the desired result have a clear preference. This is the way of growth of subjectivisms, inadequacies. This is the way of development of the fixed idea in the conditions of conflict with the carriers of unacceptable views, and, accordingly, with all the attributes of development paranoid schizophrenia, with obligatory conspiracy theories and with increased chances irreparable mental disorders.

In attempts to justify the desired idea, with insufficient determination or the ability to implement it, there is more and more absurdity, obvious from an outside point of view, vices of thinking that are not noticed by the bearer of an important idea.

Examples of manifestations of arrogance and its consequences .

Anyone who raised a child faced the situation of the impossibility of explaining something reasonably to him if the child still lacks the intermediate concepts necessary for understanding, but he really wants something to the point of impatience. There is a feeling of powerlessness, despite all the wisdom of an adult. With a persistent attempt to reason and explain something, with active arrogance of bickering, such states sometimes arise that a sense of the absurdity of one’s own understanding of the situation is added to impotence, that with accumulated fatigue and endless attempts to explain and reciprocal bickering can actually damage the psyche.

The child believes that the parent is wrong in some important matter for him, tries to brazenly challenge the correctness with aggressive attempts to impose his naive ideas. In this case, accordingly, any reasoning arguments are useless. Two conflicting parties in this way differ in that the more experienced one easily sees the essence of the delusions of the naive, but cannot explain this due to the insufficiency of intermediate ideas in the naive. The impudent one, with the power of his motivating dominant, weeds out everything that contradicts it, strengthens all the forecasts that are positive for his idea, comes up with arguments in support, not noticing (not wanting to notice) the contradictory. In the end, his confidence turns out to be no less than the confidence of an experienced person, despite the obvious inadequacy and untestedness of the idea in practice.

Many examples of impudence are easy to find in the statements of naive oppositionists. Thus, they ardently convince themselves and others that there were 200,000 participants on the "March of Millions" on June 12, 2012, without noticing that the capacity of the venue does not exceed 50,000, and the indication of infidelity only causes attempts in any way to justify, first of all, in their words, this figure and transfer the viciousness of impudent logic to opponents, attributing to them exactly what they themselves are not correct.

It is characterized by impudence about Onishchenko, where the author is in a shocking form ( G. Onishchenko banned Russians eat sushi) complains that the head physician of the country does not recommend eating sushi in a restaurant - as a result of checking these restaurants for compliance with sanitary standards for controlling fish for helminths. As an additional argument against the top specialist of the country, who has gone out of his mind, the author cites Onishchenko's recommendation, which he considers deadly, not to be afraid to use GMOs. The author, obviously for specialists, proved himself to be a complete layman in the issues raised, far from Onishchenko's level of understanding, but some features of Onishchenko's speech gave him grounds to suspect him of absurdity and malicious intent. All signs of impudence in this example are present.

One can cite and recall many examples of the manifestation of impudence in relation not to the opponent, but to inanimate deterrents. If you really need to jump over the fast current, but there is no certainty that you will jump to the other side, but you really need to, then this state of aggressive arrogance may arise with the commission of risky actions. The experience gained will correct the ideas about the possible, but if you do not decide, but develop these ideas, for example, in strong desire fly by the effort of thought (or something so paranormal), then a complex of inadequacies will arise, provoking multiple manifestations of arrogance that are already difficult to correct due to the developed motivational dominant (idea-fix).

Almost always, people who have reached some heights in the development of professional skills are in many other ways perceived as all ordinary, unremarkable, even repulsive people and, moreover, often show signs that are perceived negatively (an eccentric professor, a scientist who has lost his mind, etc.). .p.), which are sufficient grounds for them to be challenged by those who in this area do not have any comparable ideas in depth, but have a pronounced motivation to aggressively challenge the undesirable.


Dissatisfaction with the existing, generating creativity, is positive for the adaptability of not only the individual, but also other members of the species connected by a common culture, but if this is combined with a motivational dominant that requires immediate action or manifestation of one’s attitude in order to influence others, then an aggressive attempt arises. subordination of one's will, just as the will has already subordinated to the dominant the former conflicting with it personal experience. But the uncertainty generated by the lack of experience in such actions carries a very high probability of inadequacy, i.e. in most cases, such actions will be to the detriment of the general adaptability of the species. This is somewhat reminiscent of the situation with mutations, the vast majority of which are harmful and only a few, which turn out to be fortunate by chance, provide an evolutionary advantage.

In view of the overwhelming majority of inadequate outcomes of impudent actions, impudence is generally perceived negatively, therefore, an indication of impudence is perceived as an insult, although this should be a signal to reason for the insolent person.

A revolutionary is a carrier of a motivational dominant who has overcome its conflicts in himself and is trying to do it in relation to others. The results of revolutions have the most serious consequences for all those who did not share the convictions and all those who unwittingly found themselves under the pernicious influence of the inadequacy of ideas. If the desire for innovation is mainly characteristic of a relatively early age, but arrogance can manifest itself at any age, if the conditions for its occurrence are met.

In any country, at any level of democracy and prosperity, there is a percentage of people who, in certain situations, find themselves in conditions conducive to the manifestation of arrogance. It would not be correct to call them full-fledged oppositionists. These are naive oppositionists or impudent ones.

Russian hooligans deported from Poland by court order

Russians found guilty of hooliganism are being deported from Poland with being included in the "black list" of the Schengen countries... Mass riots in Warsaw, according to Polish authorities, were provoked by local hooligans .... In total, as a result of clashes before and after the match Poland - Russia, 184 people were detained: 156 Poles, 24 Russians, one Hungarian and one Spaniard ... Among the detained Russians is a man who is suspected of throwing a flare on the field during the game Russia - Czech Republic on June 8. Then, due to an unsuccessful attempt by the stewards to detain the alleged offender, a fight broke out between the fans and the guards in the under-tribune room..

How to recognize in yourself and others manifestations of arrogance?

Unexpected manifestations of ardor in considering the problem that motivates the arrogance of manifestations of this ardor can surprise the person who shows impudence in itself, make him perplexed, but not abandon the idea.

As already noted, from the point of view of sophisticated people, naivety is instantly recognized on the basis of experience and, accordingly, impudence is recognized. There are no problems here: the teacher immediately sees the student's mistake, no matter how he justifies himself. And he usually has sufficient skill and ability to overcome brazen resistance.

Sassy and unceremonious people climb into your life as if it were their own territory. For them there are no boundaries, prohibitions and decency. They command, criticize, demand obedience, be rude to full confidence who are entitled to it. With such people, there are only two acceptable options for behavior: either resolutely move away from communicating with them, or put them in their place.

Ignore the insolent

If an insolent person pesters you with his remarks, insults and harassment on the street, in transport or in some other public place, you can simply walk away from such communication and do it absolutely calmly, without uttering a word. Remember that you are not required to respond to all remarks and questions addressed to you. Complete absence Reactions are the best response to an insolent person. Ignore him and you won't give him the gift he's looking forward to. After all, he is waiting for your reaction - it does not matter if it is embarrassment, confusion or rudeness on your part. For him, it is only important to get you out of yourself one way or another. In the depths of his soul, he feels flawed, he has low self-esteem, and only in this way can he feel significant, feel his power. So let him see that he has no power over you, for you he is nobody, empty place. Do not let the insolent person assert himself at your expense.

Just laugh

If there is no way to completely get away from communication (for example, this is a fellow traveler in transport, with whom, whether you like it or not, you have to be around for some time), it can be hard to play silent, you will begin to tense up willy-nilly, and insolent to your he will feel joy that he “got you” after all. In this case, you can react to the actions of the impudent, but not at all in the way he expects, but in the exact opposite way. For example, instead of answering tactless questions, you can smile and the softest, pleasant voice say: “You are so kind and well-mannered, you rarely meet such a nice person ...” And if he swears, shouts or openly insults you, again smile or even laugh, start clapping your hands and exclaiming: “Bravo! Bravo!" Don't take the insolent person seriously - it's just bad well-mannered person With low level culture. The fact that he behaves this way is his problem, not yours. Turn everything into a game, from which, it is possible, you will even enjoy it in the end.

Feel free to fight back

A slightly different situation is when we have to communicate with a sassy, ​​unceremonious person more or less constantly. For example, he is your neighbor or work colleague. It is important to immediately stop his attempts to get into your life. This must be done calmly but firmly. Unfortunately, it often happens that we automatically answer someone's questions before we have time to realize that this is not necessary. For example, an unceremonious neighbor comes to your house without an invitation, begins to look at your things and asks where you have so much money to buy them. Control yourself, do not rush to answer. It’s better to avoid answering with a counter question, for example: “Do you ask everyone these questions?” or “What else would you like to know about me?” You can say directly that you do not intend to answer, do not want to communicate. You can unequivocally point to the door. But try to do without swearing and screaming, these reactions require too much nervous expenditure, save your strength. Yes, and you should not stoop to the level of insolence, your self-esteem may suffer from this.

Don't forget that the most effective method protect yourself from arrogance and arrogance - learn to say "no". With this word, you will put an invisible, but reliable barrier between yourself and the insolent pestering you. He crawls into your soul, asks for a visit, demands that you do something for him or for him - say a firm “no”. He shouts - say that you do not intend to communicate in that tone. If he already goes beyond any limits, threatens or does nasty things to you - remember that you have the right to sue him or at least warn you that you can do it. Brazen people are often cowardly at heart, and this technique can help curb them.


If some arrogant and unceremonious person endlessly gets you, learn, as soon as you see him approaching, mentally place yourself under an imaginary glass cap. It is possible in another way: imagine that you put it under a glass cap. And start looking at him with curiosity, as if through a glass, while not listening to what he says.

You can think about something of your own and at the same time agree and smile. He will quickly get tired of pestering you.

If, while communicating with an impudent person, you feel that everything is boiling inside, you can’t keep calm - remember that restraining emotions is harmful to health. If you really want to make a scandal - make a scandal! But just don't take it seriously. Imagine that you are an actor who plays a scandal on stage or in a series. Enjoy the game - and throw out emotions to the fullest!

And remember that if other methods fail, you always have the right to sharply reject the insolent person. And don't be afraid to be rude.

impudent, impudent, impudent, impudent. | app. sudden, unexpected. He acts arrogantly, impudently. Sneaky, sassy, ​​very sassy. Give free rein to the insolent, he will want more. The audacity of women arrogant property. impudent, impudent, impudent, in ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

See daring... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. impudent impudent, shameless, shameless, shameless, unceremonious, shameless, boorish, impudent; frivolous, ... ... Synonym dictionary

impudent, impudent, impudent; cheeky, cheeky, cheeky. Shameless and impudent, extremely impudent. Blatant lie. Bold act. Bold outburst. "Women feared his impudent persecution." Herzen. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

BRAUD, oh, oh; cheeky, cheeky, cheeky. Boldly shameless, shameless. Rude behaviour. N. look. Blatant lie. N. enemy. | noun impudence, and, wives. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

impudent- cheeky, short f. impudent, impudent and permissible impudent, impudent, impudent; comp. Art. bolder... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

impudent- impudent, impudent, impudent 0556 Page 0557 Page 0558 Page 0559 ... New explanatory dictionary Russian synonyms

impudent- 1 shamelessly brazen amazingly brazen 2 brazen deceit... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

impudent- Old Russian - arrogant (fast). Common Slavic - naglъ. The adjective "arrogant", meaning "tactless", "arrogant", is Slavic in origin, primordial. In others Slavic languages there are also words with the same meaning and ... ... Etymological dictionary Russian language Semenov

Brazenly, impudently, impudently, Ukrainian. impudently introduced, hasty, other Russian, tsslav. impudently fast, fast, Bolg. brazenly brazenly, Serbohorv. nagao, f. impudently hasty, Slovenian. nagǝl, w. nagla sudden, Czech. nahly - the same, slvts. nahly, Polish, v. ... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

App. Extremely cheeky; brash, shameless. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova


  • Return to language. New level. A brazen tutorial on creating texts, Zhdanov O.. A brazen tutorial for a writer, journalist and writer. Tutorial for creating texts. The manual is designed to develop in schoolchildren, students and novice journalists the ability to create beautiful, ...
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