Personal effectiveness: how to deal with the autumn blues. How to get rid of the autumn blues: the reasons for its appearance and how it can be overcome

So the warm, bright and colorful summer is over. " sad time, eyes charm "... This line from the verses of the classic most accurately characterizes the aching melancholy that we experience in the last autumn month. In anticipation of prolonged cold weather, many of us are prone to bouts of blues and apathy. Psychologists say that such manifestations are especially characteristic of sensitive and emotional people, subtly feeling the biorhythms of nature, leaving for winter rest.

How to overcome despondency, sadness, melancholy, negative thoughts and tune in to positive tone without resorting to medicines- antidepressants? Here's what they advise experienced psychologists to my patients complaining of autumn depression.

Walk outdoors as much as possible

Nothing “winds the head” and relieves stagnation like being in the air. During hiking and playing sports, endorphins are produced in the body, which are responsible for mood and emotional background. Take an hour-long walk at your own pace every day, inhaling the delicate fragrance autumn foliage and rain, and in a week your condition will improve significantly.

Walk with friends and alone, with children and pets, in autumn forest, a nearby park or square, be sure to visit Botanical Garden and admire exotic plants and fall flowers.

Rest your soul on the desert alleys, enjoying peace and tranquility. Feed the pigeons while watching the lively birds snatch the bread crumb. Immerse yourself in the state of contemplation of nature, which has been and remains the best healer.

Devote a weekend or vacation to your favorite hobby

If you are a fan of "silent hunting", then it's time to go to the forest for mushrooms. Healing air, saturated with phytoncides of coniferous plants, improves the condition of the respiratory and nervous systems. And the discovery of mushrooms hidden in the most unexpected places, causing genuine delight - the best medicine from depression.

Not better holiday and relaxation for fans of fishing than gatherings with a fishing rod near the river and lake and throwing spinning rods from the shore or boat. Go fishing with friends or on your own, enjoy the autumn bite, at the same time delighting the household with delicious and useful booty- catch.

Have a picnic in the country, kindle a fire, grill meat and barbecue, devote time to active ball games, badminton, a flying saucer with the kids, ride down a hill or swing on a swing, remembering your childhood. All this time you will communicate with your loved ones and relax morally, freeing yourself from stress and negativity, and invigorating autumn air will be a pleasant bonus that improves well-being and cleanses spiritually.

Fans of bath procedures are advised to visit the sauna or the Russian steam room. Steaming with birch or oak is not only relaxing, but also guaranteed to bring positive emotions. And even better if you combine a trip to the country, fishing and a visit to the bath. A short rest in a sanatorium, at a camp site or in a spa center outside the city will help get rid of the blues.


Did you know that inhaling the healing vapors of some essential oils relieves depression and relaxes? Saturate the air in your bedroom, living and working spaces with the help of an aroma lamp with the smells of citrus, lavender, juniper, rosemary, geranium, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, patchouli. Wear kuramic pendants with these scents.

Strengthen the body and nerves with B vitamins, which are rich in honey and bee pollen

Significant assistance to the nervous, cardiovascular and immune system has a monthly intake of bee pollen (bee pollen). It contains a lot of B vitamins that improve conductivity nerve impulses that support the cognitive functions of the brain and
responsible for the beauty of the skin, hair and nails.

The product is also rich in carotenoids, other vitamins and vitamin-like compounds, trace elements, enzymes, antioxidants, amino acids, phospholipids, nucleic acids, phenolic elements and substances with antibacterial properties.

Take every morning, on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before breakfast, a teaspoon of pollen, along with the same amount of natural honey, dissolving the product in your mouth until completely dissolved. After a monthly intake, take a break of 3-4 weeks and, if necessary, repeat the course in winter or spring.

Enrich your diet with antidepressant foods

According to experienced nutritionists, in the autumn it is necessary to include a number of products in the daily menu, biological substances which stimulate the production of serotonin - the "hormone of joy" - by the body. It's about about bananas, grapes, ice cream, dark chocolate, nuts, marmalade, dried fruits, seeds, halva, bee products - honey, royal jelly, bee bread.

How do you deal with autumn bouts of melancholy? Share your recipes in the comments below. Let your mood be equally rosy at any time of the year!

The information is provided for informational purposes only. Any treatment, like diets, should be carried out only as prescribed by a specialist and strictly under his supervision.

Autumn blues - quite typical psychological condition of many people. This is usually associated with a decrease emotional background person. In addition, appetite, sleep patterns change, motivation for activity disappears. And what exactly is happening to us, and what are the reasons for this condition?

Human body accustomed to the summer heat, not only physically, but also psychologically. Whatever the summer, it is always perceived as a holiday, rest, vacation. In summer, people become mobile, active, their mood and general tone of the body increase, while in autumn the activity decreases sharply: the body prepares for a meeting with the cold and begins to work to save its own resources. Starting from September, the day decreases, and the lack of light directly affects biological rhythms which are slowing down. Also, the body is affected by a decrease in temperature. Such circumstances cannot be called joyful, so the mood is rapidly falling. The autumn melancholy is also associated with regret that the summer is over, and a cold and often harsh winter awaits us ahead, and before next summer still far.

Signs of the autumn blues can appear in any person, but in fact, autumn is just another time years and there are plenty of reasons not to get discouraged! So, what is needed in order to calmly endure the period of the change of seasons?

1. Find something to do for yourself. Make a list of things that you absolutely must do for autumn period. Every morning you will get up, knowing that new achievements and discoveries await you ahead. Thus, you will avoid sad thoughts, replenish your knowledge base and spend time with benefit.

2. Follow the daily routine. It does not matter that the daylight hours have been reduced. The body still needs strength and in order to stay in a cheerful mood, you need to get enough sleep and not ignore the rest if you are busy with serious and difficult work.

3. Review your diet. Eliminate fatty and heavy foods, replacing them with vitamins, fresh fruits. Autumn is harvest time, so fresh fruits and vegetables in abundance arrive on the shelves of shops, markets and private outlets.

4. Do not neglect sports. Support good mood and active physical exercises will help you get rid of anger.

5. Change the space around you. Bring more bright colors into your home, wardrobe, food. Don't let the environment get you depressed.

6. Don't neglect communication. Get together with friends or close relatives more often. You can arrange themed tea parties, outings with a picnic, visit exhibitions and theaters, or go on an excursion to a neighboring city.

Autumn blues is a seasonal concept, and if you pull yourself together, you will be surprised to note that autumn is over, and your Bad mood did not appear. Use your own imagination to diversify gray everyday life, do something you like and do not forget that every day is given to us for new victories and achievements.

If you understand that none of the methods helps you, you cannot improve your emotional condition, there is not enough strength for this, you need the help and support of a specialist, then we are waiting for you at st. Lenina, 441, building 3, 3rd floor, room 19.

Autumn time brings sadness to many, and sometimes just imaginary longing. It seems that summer is over, which means that there are fewer pleasant actions. Someone sincerely feels a sense of oppression, while someone succumbs to the general mood and also begins to mope. Photo from my

In fact, autumn is the same regular season as all the others. This is a fact and we cannot change it. Of course, with the advent of coolness, you need to cheer up your body with various vitamins.

But let's talk about ways that will give a positive attitude for a long time and help you accept and love the beautiful autumn!


Everything is in our head. And our attitude is no exception. How we relate to certain changes directly affects our mood. In autumn, many people notice a decline in energy, heightened feeling anxiety, fatigue, devastation. But all these sensations can occur at any other time of the year.

In the summer, due to the warmth, the many entertainments and the long daylight hours we don't give these thoughts great attention we put them off for later. It seems that with the departure of the summer time, some kind of happiness ends. But in fact, with the onset of autumn - everything is just beginning! Nature is being renewed, playing with bright colors, so why shouldn't people renew their thoughts and energy? Even on a cloudy autumn day, you can have a comfortable time, you just want to!

Having accepted and fallen in love with autumn with all its differences, your mood will not depend on this factor and will lead you to harmony with yourself and with nature!

Photo from my

Dream. Make plans.

Autumn - perfect time in order to sit down and think about what you want in the near future. How do you see the coming year?

Buy beautiful notebook, such that it was pleasant to hold in hands. Write down your ideas and plans there. Visualize every detail. This should cheer you up in those moments when melancholy and sadness creep up. You can even make a collage of cut out pictures (you can find them in old magazines and newspapers). It will distract you and occupy your leisure time. Time runs faster than we think. And autumn is not forever. Set up a positive mood in your head and return to your dreams and plans every time you feel sad.

Surround yourself with interesting information.

good helper in this case are books. They can be purchased online or borrowed from the library. Choose the genre that suits you. Do not rely on the opinions and advice of others. If the book impresses you, it will allow you to plunge into interesting world, will distract from sad thoughts and make you think. Your evenings will not be gloomy, but rather become cozy while reading an interesting book.

If reading books doesn’t give you pleasure in principle, consider taking some evening courses. For example, you can study foreign languages. Or choose a different course. Anyway, new information will make your brain think not only about cold and slush, but also about something interesting and useful!

Well, if you can combine both books and any courses, your leisure time will definitely not be boring!

Think of an action.

In autumn, do not neglect walks in the fresh air. More precisely, they should be mandatory. Of course, in the summer we do it with great pleasure, because both the weather and the atmosphere are conducive to this.

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But do not forget that in addition to coolness, autumn gives us a riot of bright colors. This time gives us the opportunity not only to take a walk, but also to spend time with benefit.

On the Internet you can find a lot of information about various fakes and decor items. So, you can go to nature to collect the necessary equipment. Be it cones, acorns or branches. A walk backed by some idea will charge and inspire you. And, most importantly, it will be very useful for your body.

If no one keeps you company, it’s still worth going for a walk. Remember the saturation of autumn colors and go ahead - photograph nature. Remember that even on a cloudy or cool day, you can make a magical and beautiful shot.

Participate in marathons.

Photo from my

Accordingly, you can find some interesting autumn marathon and take part in it. Doing tasks, communicating with other people, being inspired - this is exactly what will cheer you up and have a beneficial effect on your autumn period.

Spa treatments, shopping.

With the onset of any season, it is recommended to buy at least one new thing. It would seem a trifle, but it can still cheer you up! How nice it is to put on a new cozy sweater in the fall or try on a beautiful headdress. And new Underwear so generally able to awaken all your energy, regardless of the weather. Positive emotions are what we simply need in the autumn period!

Do not forget about the Spa-procedures, which you can go to in the company of a girlfriend. Relaxation, pleasant conversations,

phytobarrels - all this is useful for both physical and state of mind. You can track the promotions of various Spa-centers and thereby increase the number of trips to such establishments.

So to win autumn blues, first of all, you need to demolish the installations in your head. Autumn is not cold and bad. Autumn is the beginning of something new, a period when you can calmly sit down and think about plans for the near future.

Read books, attend various courses. On the Internet you can find information about free events. These actions will distract you from the dullness of autumn everyday life. Moreover, you will get a lot interesting information and make good use of your time.

Make time for autumn walks. Think of actions. Freshness of the air physical exercise and creative inspiration able to energize for a long time.

Accept Active participation in autumn marathons. Thus, you will expand your circle of communication and distract from sad thoughts.

Do not forget about pleasant shopping and Spa treatments. Sometimes, in order to cheer up, you just need to dilute your wardrobe with some new thing.

Overall, autumn time not as sad as it seems. positive attitude and more action is the main guarantee of the fight against the autumn blues.

Photo from my

The human body is accustomed to heat not only physically, but also psychologically. Whatever the summer, it is always perceived as a holiday, rest, vacation. At this time of the year, people become mobile, active, their mood and general tone of the body rise, while in autumn the activity drops sharply: the body prepares for a meeting with the cold and begins to work to save its own resources. Starting from September, the day decreases, and the lack of light directly affects biological rhythms, which slow down. Also, the body is affected by a decrease in temperature. These circumstances cannot be called joyful, so the mood is rapidly falling.

Autumn blues is a fairly typical psychological state of many people. Usually, this is due to a decrease in the emotional background of a person. In addition, appetite, sleep patterns change, motivation for activity disappears. And what exactly is happening to us, and what are the reasons for this condition? We asked this question medical psychologist Stavropol regional psychiatric hospital No. 1 to Anna Tolstova.

- Signs of the autumn blues can appear in any person. In fact, autumn is just another season of the year and there are many reasons not to get discouraged! So, what is needed in order to calmly endure the period of the change of seasons? First, it's important to find something you enjoy. I recommend making a list of things that you definitely need to complete during the autumn period. Then every morning a person will get up, knowing that new achievements and discoveries await ahead. Thus, you can avoid sad thoughts, replenish your knowledge base and spend time usefully.

Secondly, you should pay attention to the daily routine. It does not matter that the daylight hours have been reduced. The body still needs strength. In order to stay in a cheerful mood, you need to get enough sleep and not ignore rest, especially if you have to decide challenging tasks at work. In the autumn period, it is important to reconsider your diet, eliminating fatty and heavy foods. Autumn is harvest time, so fresh fruits and vegetables are in abundance on store shelves, markets and private outlets. To defeat the blues, you should go in for sports - this will help maintain a good mood and get rid of negative emotions.

I would also advise changing the space around you. Let me explain: you can bring more bright colors into your home, wardrobe, food, such an environment will not allow you to succumb to depression. What else matters? Don't neglect communication. Gather more often with friends or close relatives: you can arrange themed tea parties, outings with a picnic, visit exhibitions and theaters, and go on an excursion to a neighboring city. Spleen is a seasonal concept, and if you pull yourself together, you can be surprised to note: autumn is over, a bad mood has not appeared.

autumn blues how to deal with it and what to do so as not to fall into a deep depression on the eve of the new year?

November has already arrived, the time of the autumn blues has come. Runet groans from melancholy and sadness. Articles on psychology vying to give helpful tips, and it seems to you that there is nothing better than taking time off from work, wrapping yourself in a warm blanket, listening to old sad songs and watch old sad movies.

1. Sadness came up, well, I’ll go, I’ll take a walk ...

The option of spending time at home only at first glance seems cozy. Give him a couple of days, no more, and then in the most dull and not sunny days. Scientists argue that the state of melancholy and apathy is a completely physiological symptom caused by a lack of sun, which contributes to the development of " happiness hormone» serotonin. And if there is not a cloud in the sky, feel free to go out into the fall. Dress for the weather and walk until your inside wakes up. inner child who can't care less about rain or snow, who is happy just because he exists.

2. Lemons, tangerines and other bananas

Passion for the use of products containing antioxidants, in fact, also has a completely physiological need to reduce the oxidation of the body, which leads to various diseases and early aging. Treat yourself to a variety of colorful fruits and exotic vegetables. And raise your mood, and get enough of natural vitamins, and slow down aging.

3. It's great that we are all here today ...

Communicate at this time to the maximum, but with those who bring joy and evoke positive emotions. And even if in the evening you don’t feel like leaving your warm cozy house in the autumn gloom, force yourself to do it, perhaps your friends also fell into a rut. The joy of communication is the greatest of all that will remain in the memory of the outgoing autumn, and in near term will allow you to forget for a while that you need to mope.

4. I see the goal, I believe in myself ...

Autumn is the time when we have not yet cooled down from summer emotions, goals and tasks that we solved against the backdrop of summer, sun, warmth and joy. What's stopping you from giving yourself new task and with perseverance, diligence to solve it? And there is time before the New Year, and a new activity will perfectly distract from bad thoughts and sad films.

5. And laugh...

Certainly for viewing - funny programs, funny videos, for reading - new jokes and humoresques. The same psychologists say that you can deceive the brain if you smile through force. Your brain, having received the command to purse your lips in a smile, will think that you are actually having fun and will give the command to produce the appropriate hormones.
And, most importantly, remember that all this minor is temporary. December will come, the earth will be covered with fluffy White snow, supermarkets will deliver fresh tangerines and full swing preparations for the New Year will begin. And there until the summer - at hand!