Guidelines for preparing for the exam. How to choose textbooks for preparing for the exam in history? Textbooks to prepare for the oral part

Hello dear friends and readers! Today is not an ordinary post. This is a post answer. Such a normal and great answer to the most frequently asked question, which the guys always ask me: “What do you recommend reading, what textbooks to prepare for the exam in history or social science?”

Let me do this. In the first part of this post, you will read what you want to hear. What they will tell you without me. OK? But the second part of the post will be for those guys and their parents who really want high scores on the exam in a few months.

Part one: what you want to hear

  • L. Katsva. The history of homeland. Handbook for high school students and university applicants. Any edition.
  • A.S. Orlov. History of Russia: textbook. Any edition
  • Kotova, Liskova: Social science. Grade 11. Modular triactive course
  • Baranov, Shevchenko, Vorontsov: USE Social Science. New complete guide

You also need to stock up on tests, they can be found on well-known sites on the Internet, everyone knows them very well. Yes, and they are too famous for us to call them here).

If you wanted to hear just such an answer to the question: what manuals and textbooks to prepare for the exam, then you can not read further. The information below is not for you at all. Feel free to take these manuals, read them, solve tests, and God help you!

The second part of the answer to the question: my real answer

No allowances to take, not worth buying at all. Here are the reasons:

  • There is absolutely no apparatus for reflection in the manual: for example, for independent work.
  • Everything in the manual is dry, it is assumed that you already have an idea about basic concepts. In history, these concepts: civilization, state, apparatus of power, forms of power, surplus product, natural economy, and many other concepts. The same is true for social studies.
  • There are no tests in the manuals.
  • The manual does not explain how to solve tests, what are the principles for solving them. In the collections of tests themselves, at the very beginning, extremely dry information is given with a description of the test itself, there are no principles there at all.

Despite these huge cons every year, millions of children buy these benefits and prepare for them. The result is very deplorable, look at the statistics of Rosobrnadzor. From myself, I can say unequivocally: 95% of the guys who read manuals and prepare for them will never pass the exam in history or society for high scores. Yes, knowledge can improve, but the test for high score they won't decide. Maximum points for 60 out of 100.

What to do. First, read and . Second, if your goal is self-training: you do not want to use the services of tutors and third-party services and sites, then the preparation option (really correct and competent) can only be this.

STEP 1. Buy school textbooks (better latest edition): on history - a textbook is bought for each period: Ancient Russia, according to the Middle Ages, according to the New Age, etc. Authors on history: Sakharov, Buganov, Danilin, Kosulina, Rybakov, etc. It is similar in social science. Take textbooks for grades 10 and 11.

STEP 2. For history, take historical Atlases and contour maps. On society, you will need to take a plus manual, in which social science is presented in the form of diagrams.

STEP 3. In both disciplines, you are looking for where you will solve tests. Tests are needed with verification so that you can check yourself by the answers.

STEP 4. Self-preparation method:

By history

Take a textbook on the first period of Russian history. Read the chapter, look in parallel in the Atlas. Tell yourself what you understand. Next, look at the chapter that you forgot. Read it again. You retell again. Note that you missed it again. You read a third time, a fourth, until you can properly retell what the chapter is about. Then answer the questions for the chapter at the end of the chapter. Better in writing, so you sharpen the skill of formulating thoughts.

Then read the second chapter, do the same work. A day later, return to the first chapter, and check yourself that you remember. If you forgot everything, re-read it again, and do as described above.

If you have mastered in this way, for example, the period of Ancient Russia, take thematic USE tests for this period and solve both the first part of the test and the second. The second part will check yourself against the answers in the manual.

Social studies

Take a textbook on the first period of Russian history. You read the chapter, look at the same time, write out incomprehensible terms, look for their definitions on the Internet or in the textbook (there is a Glossary at the end). Tell yourself what you understand. Next, look at the chapter that you forgot, what terms you missed, learn them. Read it again. You retell again. Note that you missed it again. You read a third time, a fourth, until you can properly retell what the chapter is about. Then answer the questions for the chapter at the end of the chapter. Better in writing, so you sharpen the skill of formulating thoughts.

We reached the end of the section, for example, Man and Society, take out a test on this topic and decide. Solve both the first and second parts. The second part will check yourself against the answers in the manual.


Is everyone capable of such training? No, not everyone. Serious erudition, normal memory, good perseverance and determination are required. Most will run out of steam by the second week of such preparation, or they will have nervous breakdown. Believe me, I have seen this over the years of working with children (I also worked at school)

What to do?

Modern training to the exam for really high scores is unthinkable without the constant support of a competent teacher. Who, when he receives your tests, your questions, will give such recommendations that will clarify the material and principles of solving tests.

The trouble is that there are no such courses on the Internet now .. Why? Because in all other courses you will be offered work in so-called groups: when the guys are driven into a webinar room, and the teacher leads such group lesson. Homework is also checked selectively, or given at the mercy of the computer. As a result, an individual student is simply lost against the background of the others, and no one EXPLAINS HIS mistakes specifically to HIM.

To our training courses

In our courses, the mistakes of each student are explained individually thanks to the excellent preparation service. The student is watching the video. He can view it as many times as he likes, at any time of the day or night, when the student is COMFORTABLE and CONVENIENT. The student then completes the task. Any questions he can ask the teacher directly. And the teacher will give a clear, competent, professional answer in a timely manner.

All tasks are checked experienced teacher. Without the approval of the assignment, no student will be able to access the next lesson until the assignment is completed at the proper level. How to do this is also explained. Cool?! Yes!

In this article, we give an overview of teaching aids for preparing for the exam in mathematics. Let's start with traditional "paper" textbooks, and then we will talk about useful sites, because most students prepare for the exam on the Internet.

How to choose a textbook for preparing for the exam in mathematics? It is clear that this is not a school textbook: in most of them there is not even the word “USE”. It is clear that the textbook should cover all topics of the USE in mathematics, should be written in a simple and plain language, and it's good when it contains the necessary theory, and a reference book, and problems.

For example, Anna Malkova's book “Mathematics. The author's course of preparation for the exam. This is a study guide for preparing for the exam on all topics, ranging from simple tasks the first part to the most difficult - tasks with parameters and tasks on numbers and their properties. The book is written in such a way that even a loser can understand it, and at the same time all topics are told in required level mathematical culture.

Now we need options for training. You can use the collections of options edited by I.V. Yashchenko. At the same time, you need to know that such collections are bad, good and normal. Bad: 50 Workout Variations collection. One junk is collected there, and the same tasks are repeated with different numbers. But we don't need it.

A good collection is “36 training options”. As a rule, in such collections they give fresh options, what really happened in the last 2-3 years in the exams and even what can get caught this year. Minus: some topics of the second part are omitted there.

Since a lot of collections have been published under the editorship of I.V. Yashchenko, the tasks in them are repeated. He's got a scarcity of choice. One book, there is little choice. To expand the choice, we take collections edited by F. F. Lysenko. Note that assignments from collections edited by F. F. Lysenko often turn out to be those that are later given at the exam in mathematics. We have been observing this statistics for two years now.
We can also advise:
Textbooks V.V. Kochagin and M. N. Kochagina on stereometry (part 2),
Collections of R. K. Gordin on geometry (part 2),
Collections of problems by A. G. Koryanov and A. A. Prokofiev - in algebra, solution of inequalities, problems with parameters.

Now - about sites for preparing for the exam in mathematics.

Let's start with the official website of FIPI. All new tasks that are going to be included in USE program appear on this site. And this is the only plus of the official site. There are many more cons: no answers, no navigation, all tasks are different topics, of varying complexity- piled up in a heap, which is almost impossible to sort out.

There is a site “I will solve the exam”, where you can train and immediately test yourself. In test mode, you can see how many points you have scored, check the answers and see the solutions. It's fine. The only thing is that new tasks do not always appear on time.

Of course, to prepare for the exam, we use the Larin website. Since last year, Alexander Larin has become a developer of USE options. And therefore, its training options will be very valuable for those who pass the exam in mathematics with high scores.

The site / - on which you are located - is practically not only a site, but a printed publication, a library site. Here you can not only solve problems, but also study the necessary theory, and in compressed form. There is a full course of preparation for the exam in mathematics and tasks for all USE topics. There are also full courses training in other subjects.

In this sense, the site of Inna Feldman is also good. There is a website by Igor Yakovlev for advanced guys who want to pass the exam very well or prepare for the Olympiads. This site contains a database of tasks for various Olympiads.
These sites can also be considered teaching aids for preparing for the exam in mathematics.

Social science. USE textbook. Baranov P.A., Shevchenko S.V.

M.: 2014. - 480 p.

The USE textbook on social studies is a unique manual for students in grades 10-11 and applicants, which allows as soon as possible and without attracting other benefits to successfully prepare for the delivery of a unified state exam.
The book reveals the most efficient technologies completing tasks different types(A, B, C) that make up the examination work, and the most optimal approaches to organizing the process of preparing for the exam. Educational material The book consists of five blocks-modules: "Man and Society", "Economics", " social relations", "Policy", "Law", each of which includes thematic elements presented in a compact and visual form (diagrams and tables), questions and tasks for repetition, examples of tasks and algorithms for their implementation, and training tasks to consolidate knowledge and skills At the end of the book is an option examination work in social studies and a questionnaire that allows you to assess the level of readiness for passing the exam. All questions have been answered.

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Preface 7
Section I
Section II
USE in social studies: main goal, form of conduct, objects of verification 18
Characteristics of the tasks of the examination work
in social studies and algorithms for their implementation 21
Section III
1. Man and society 64
Thematic content elements: a brief description of 64
1.1. Natural and social in man (man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution) 64
1.2. Worldview, its types and forms 66
1.3. Types of knowledge 70
1.4. The concept of truth, its criteria 72
1.5. Thinking and activity 74
1.6. Needs and Interests 80
1.7. Freedom and necessity human activity 82
1.8. System structure societies: elements and subsystems 84
1.9. The main institutions of society 86
1.10. The concept of culture. Forms and varieties of culture 87
1.11. The science. Key Features scientific thinking. Natural and social sciences 89
1.12. Education, its significance for the individual and society 95
1.13. Religion 97
1.14. Art 100
1.15. Moral 101
1.16. concept social progress 103
1.17. Multivariance community development(types of companies) 105
1.18. Threats of the 21st century ( global problems) 107
Summarizing and systematizing: questions and tasks for repetition 109
Examples thematic assignments and algorithms for their implementation 113
Applying knowledge and skills: training tasks 128
2. Economy 133
Thematic Content Elements: Brief Description 133
2.1. Economy and economics 133
2.2. Factors of production and factor income 135
2.3. Economic systems 137
2.4. Market and market mechanism. Supply and demand 139
2.5. Fixed and variable costs 146
2.6. Financial institutions. Banking system 147
2.7. Main sources of business financing 151
2.8. Securities 152
2.9. Labor market. Unemployment 153
2.10. Types, causes and consequences of inflation 158
2.11. The economic growth and development. Concept of GDP 160
2.12. The role of the state in the economy 163
2.13. Taxes 167
2.14. The state budget 171
2.15. World economy 173
2.16. Rational economic behavior of the owner, employee, consumer, family man, citizen 177
Summarizing and systematizing: questions and tasks for repetition 181
Examples of thematic tasks and algorithms for their implementation 185
Applying knowledge and skills: training tasks 209
3. Social relations 215
Thematic Content Elements: Brief Description 215
3.1. social stratification and mobility 215
3.2. Social groups 218
3.3. Youth like social group 221
3.4. ethnic communities 223
3.5. Interethnic relations, ethno-social conflicts, ways to resolve them 225
3.6. Constitutional principles (foundations) national policy in Russian Federation 229
3.7. social conflict and ways to resolve it 231
3.8. Kinds social norms 234
3.9. social control 236
3.10. Freedom and responsibility 238
3.11. Deviant behavior and its types 239
3.12. social role 241
3.13. Socialization of the individual 243
3.14. Family and marriage 245
Summarizing and systematizing: questions and tasks for repetition 248
Examples of thematic tasks and algorithms for their implementation 251
Applying knowledge and skills: training tasks 268
4. Politics 274
Thematic Content Elements: Brief Description 274
4.1. The concept of power 274
4.2. State, its functions 276
4.3. Political system 279
4.4. Typology political regimes 281
4.5. Democracy, its core values ​​and features 283
4.6. Civil Society and State 285
4.7. Political elite 288
4.8. Political parties and movement 290
4.9. Funds mass media in political system 292
4.10. Election campaign in Russia 294
4.11. Political process 298
4.12. Political participation 301
4.13. Political leadership 302
4.14. Organs state power RF 304
4.15. federal structure Russia 311
Summarizing and systematizing: questions and tasks for repetition 314
Examples of thematic tasks and algorithms for their implementation 317
Applying knowledge and skills: training tasks 336
5. Law 342
Thematic Content Elements: Brief Description 342
5.1. Law in the system of social norms 342
5.2. System Russian law. Legislative process in the Russian Federation 346
5.3. The concept and types of legal liability 350
5.4. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation 353
5.5. Legislation of the Russian Federation on elections 358
5.6. Subjects civil law 359
5.7. Organizational and legal forms and legal regime entrepreneurial activity 361
5.8. Property and non-property rights 365
5.9. The procedure for hiring. The order of conclusion and termination employment contract 367
5.10. Legal regulation relations of spouses. The procedure and conditions for concluding and dissolving a marriage 371
5.11. Features of administrative jurisdiction 375
5.12. right to favorable environment and ways to protect it 379
5.13. international humanitarian law (international protection human rights in times of peace and war) 382
5.14. Disputes and the procedure for their consideration 385
5.15. Basic rules and principles of civil procedure 387
5.16. Features of the criminal process 391
5.17. Citizenship of the Russian Federation 396
5.18. Military duty, alternative civil service 399
5.19. Rights and obligations of the taxpayer 402
5.20. Law enforcement. Judicial system 405
Summarizing and systematizing: questions and tasks for repetition 409
Examples of thematic tasks and algorithms for their implementation 413
Applying Knowledge and Skills: Training Tasks 431
Section IV
Training version of the examination paper in social studies 436
Summing up 449
Answers 452
Applying knowledge and skills: training tasks 452
1. Man and society 452
2. Economy 454
3. Social relations 456
4. Politics 458
5. Law 461
Grading system training option examination paper in social studies 464
Literature 474

This textbook is not an ordinary social studies textbook for high school, and a guide to preparing for the unified state exam (USE) in social science.
The structure of the manual is determined by the tasks of quick and high-quality preparation for the exam and consists of four sections: “The role study guide in preparation for the Unified State Examination in Social Studies”, “Unified State Examination in Social Studies: general characteristics”, “Content blocks-modules tested for the Unified State Exam in social studies”, “Let's check our readiness for the Unified State Examination”. These sections, on the one hand, are logically interconnected, which allows organizing the process of preparing for the Unified State Examination more productively, and on the other hand, they are to a certain extent autonomous, valuable in themselves, which expands the boundaries of the possible use of the textbook as a whole, taking into account the educational needs of the examinees.

The USE in social studies often becomes selective for high school graduates, since its results are needed to continue education in the specialties of the pedagogical, humanitarian direction. The subject itself is complex in nature, that is, it combines the knowledge of different disciplines: economic, philosophical, legal, social. For this reason, passing the exam is by no means the same. easy task as it might seem at first.

KIMS consist of two parts and 29 exercises, 20 of which need to be given short answers, consisting of a word or phrase, 9 - detailed. It is necessary to demonstrate a confident knowledge of the terms, theories of social development, aspects political life countries, good factual erudition, the ability to understand the author's position, to express a personal point of view with its justification. An essay is the most difficult stage in the exam, it offers a choice of one of the five proposed topics in the format of statements by political, scientific, cultural figures, each of which can be attributed to the key sections of the subject.

Choice undoubtedly plays a significant role on the path to obtaining the coveted high score. Consider popular guides that have already proven themselves in this regard.

List of textbooks

First of all, don't neglect school textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Rosobrnadzor. Such is

  • Bogolyubov L.N. "Social science. 10-11 class "

The author is one of the compilers of the examination tests. The set, consisting of two books, is aimed at developing students' understanding of society as a special complete system presented in development, and the main points of the economic, social, political and other areas of life. At the end of each section are "documents" - excerpts various tasks, requiring to express a point of view - questions for repetition and final comprehension of what has been read, a dictionary key concepts and practical implications. You should also pay attention to the paragraph giving recommendations for successful preparation for the final exam.

See also important and useful documents: "Constitutions of the Russian Federation" and " Civil Code RF".

  • Lipsits I.V. "Economics: Basic Course"

Introductory information about the economy is presented, subtleties are also disclosed economic process in its correlation with public policy.

  • Bochkov B.A., Fedorov N.A. "100 questions and answers", Klimenko A.V., Rumynina V.V. "Social Studies for Applicants to Universities"

In a concise and systematized form, the fundamental problems of the course of social science are outlined: a person, knowledge, various areas life of modern society.

  • Baranov L.A., Vorontsov A.V., Shevchenko S.V. "Full Express Tutor"

The theoretical part was created in the format of excellent illustrative indicative material, diagrams, tables, designed to structure information, ensure its easy memorization and search if necessary. It is possible to solve many tests compiled according to regulatory requirements.

  • Pazin R.V. "Social science in tables and diagrams"
  • Kishenkova O.V. "Algorithm for writing an essay"

Are given valuable advice, an overview of topics on typical blocks, samples of work with analysis.

  • Chernysheva O.A. "Preparing for the exam"

The exercise book is dedicated to writing, which traditionally causes the greatest difficulty for students. The author convinces that it is worth taking it as an opportunity to show personal opinion and creative potential, uncommon thinking and erudition. The goal is training in accordance with the criteria and methodological instructions given in abundance on the pages of the manual. You will find here a variety of memos, algorithms, a description of the structure, typical mistakes and examples of previous years' work. practice tests distributed into blocks of topics with their problematic aspects and statements of thinkers, decorated with ready-made clichés and necessary reference materials.

And finally, for processing:

  • Liskova T.E., Kotova O.A. "Typical exam options"

The collection is compiled taking into account the requirements of FIPI. Recommended for use for self check and objective evaluation level of their knowledge.

In this article I will try to collect in one place the textbooks for preparing for the Great and Terrible USE that I use. I’ll make a reservation right away: I take one main textbook (there will be an article about it), and all the manuals described in the article only decorate my lesson.

The bad news: there are a lot of USE textbooks, and not all of them are available in electronic format.

The good news: Since almost all the manuals are Russian, they are not very expensive and easy to learn.

I will describe the textbooks in the order in which the skill test follows on the exam itself. Basically, these will be series of manuals by the same authors.

Textbooks for the exam: Listening

I also take from grammar: Veselova and Bodonia Training notebook for preparing for the exam.

When we are preparing for the task of word formation, we go through almost the entire textbook Word formation. Tasks 26-31:

If I see that a student has problems with vocabulary, he does not understand the difference between do and make, he knows little phrasal verbs), I take Veselova's textbook Thematic simulator in English or reference book Muzlanova