Came to us with a sword. Who will come with a sword ...

The thirteenth feature film directed by Alexander Rowe was released in March 1965 and immediately became a classic - not only at home, but also abroad.

It won the Lion of Saint Mark Grand Prix at the Children's Film Competition of the XVII Venice Film Festival, the prize for the best A film for children All-Union Film Festival in Kyiv, silver medal children's film festival in Tehran. For the role of Marfushi, Czech Ambassador Yaroslav Bashta presented Inna Churikova with the Masaryk silver medal.

In the Czech Republic, no one can do without Morozko New Year's celebration. The tradition was broken only once. After the "velvet revolution" in 1989 in Czechoslovakia, the authorities banned the showing of the picture - but not for long. Outraged Czechs have achieved the abolition of the ban.

And soon, based on the film, a musical was staged, ice cream "Mrazík" ("Morozko" in Czech) was released and computer game with the same name.

Fairytale winter filmed on Kola Peninsula, near Olenegorsk. Filmmakers were attracted by beautiful wooded areas, sunny weather and an abundance of snow.

The film crew brought a whole zoo with them: the bear Manya, cats, dogs, birds. Beautiful horses were issued from the Kalinin hippodrome especially for the fabulous trio. The actors returned after filming to the city hotel, where, “in the courtyard”, the cinematic beast lived, and the she-bear lived in an extension near the city bath.

Trainers worked with animals. The cubs really knew how to pick mushrooms, albeit sham ones.

For Baba Yaga, whose role was brilliantly played by Georgy Millyar, a wooden hut was built in the forest, set in motion with the help of special levers. The second, dancing, was made of foam rubber.

The costumes of the rotten stumps that attacked Ivanushka were also made from the same material. Olenegorsk extras in costumes made of decorated foam rubber weighed a lot, and Eduard Izotov had to work hard before he managed, as required, to throw them out of the hut on chicken legs.

The northerners also helped Baba Yaga herself. Konstantin Braslavsky, who was then the director of the Olenegorsk city sports complex, performed some tricks for Georgy Frantsevich.

Millyar himself prepared for the role by doing pole gymnastics in order to skillfully use a broom. In addition to Baba Yaga, he played a small role as a robber clerk, and also voiced a rooster, which at the beginning of the film Nastenka asks not to crow until she ties a stocking.

He had to endure many hardships. In 30-degree frost, the actor ran in Yagi's light tatters. He was made up for six hours, and once his face was badly burned with hydrogen peroxide.

Millyar literally saved the film from destruction. This was later told by the second operator of the picture, Vladimir Okunev. “Somehow we were returning from the shooting of the next episode ... To meet the local boys: “Hurry, hurry! Your film was flooded with water!” We went down to the basement, where they kept the boxes with the footage, and the pipes burst there. The rescue operation was led by Millyar (that day he was not involved in filming). In only shorts, knee-deep in water, he handed over the boxes with the film to the costume designer. Thank God Millyar did not get sick, and not a single frame was injured. "

“I got into the film crew by accident,” recalls Churikova. “At that time, I studied at the Shchepkin Theater School. good girl, a talented actress Tamara Nosova, whom Rowe originally wanted to take on the role of Marfushka. But one day in the corridors of the institute we ran into an assistant director, and she advised me to him. On the samples, Tamara and I had to gnaw nuts. I wanted to act so badly that I didn't spare my teeth! That's probably why Rowe noticed me.

Then, I remember, an incident happened to me. It was very cold. And when I was sitting under the tree waiting for Santa Claus, I really froze, because our operator set the light for a very long time. And then, for some reason, there were onions in the basket instead of apples. And I had to pop it, pretending to gnaw apples, as it was supposed to according to the script.

Home female role- Nastenka - performed by 15-year-old Natalia Sedykh. "Rowe himself insisted on my candidacy, although absolute majority members of the artistic council opposed: a little girl, not an actress, and even squeaks like a mouse (I had a very high voice). But Alexander Arturovich was adamant: Natalya Sedykh will be filming! “Just do something with her,” he asked the make-up artists, “to make her look at least sixteen years old.”

She rode on a self-propelled sleigh, which was tied to a powerful truck with a long metal cable. She jumped into a dirty pond, saving Marfushenka. “I just couldn’t decide to jump there. The pond was very dirty, just swarming with leeches. I ran down the hill three times, and stopped at the very shore until Rowe yelled at me. The fear of upsetting Alexander Arturovich turned out to be stronger - I immediately plopped into the water ."

Ivan in one of the scenes in search of Nastenka ran through the forest and constantly fell into the snow - literally to the waist. And under the tree where she was sitting, they put plywood under her, otherwise she would also have fallen into the snowdrifts.

The actress said that the most difficult thing for her in these shootings was the removal of makeup, as the effect of icy eyelashes was created by make-up artists with glue.

On set, Rowe always had perfect order. Episodes in which 100 or more extras took part and for which other directors took a day, he shot in one and a half to two hours. Sometimes the preparation lasted longer than the process itself.

According to actress Marina Skilyazhnova, Rowe personally worked with the actors, and it doesn’t matter who is in the frame - the protagonist or just a crowd. The actress said: “There is such a scene in a fairy tale where Marfushechka was catching a goose. I don’t know where the pond was filmed, where she floundered, but we, laughing village onlookers, were filmed separately in a clearing. Row to achieve the desired effect amused us. He jumped and made faces! It was funny to us that the fat guy did such tricks. And he made sure that we all laughed sincerely.

Relations on the site were calm and friendly. “Millyar was always making jokes and jokes,” says Sedykh. “After filming, Inna Churikova took me to her teacher in theater school to give me a voice - I had it very quiet.

And I completely fell in love with Eduard Izotov. True, she never told anyone about her secret love. Edward was 33 at the time. With him I had the first kiss in my life. And I was terribly shy when I had to kiss in front of the camera.

The main character of the tale - Morozko - was played by Alexander Khvylya. “I remember he always grumbled at everyone. True, he would grumble and grumble and begin to sing songs. His bass was very strong,” recalls the assistant director.

“And Khvylya seemed like a real Santa Claus to me,” says Sedykh. “He was such a kind, powerful man. And he treated me like a granddaughter."

In the episode when Nastenka touches Morozko's staff, the director used overlay photography with double exposure. Instead of the frozen heroine, they filmed her reflection in a transparent mirror, behind which stood Khvylya and Izotov.

In the film, Rowe repeatedly uses his favorite technique: rewind. They shook off the frost from the trees - and then they rolled the film in reverse direction. Just as in the scenes where the cat and the dog are walking backwards, the robbers fly up to the pines, the stumps jump out of the hut.

Alexander Nevsky, who said nothing of the kind

None. Of the known historical figures the words “Whoever comes to us with a sword, will die by the sword,” no one said.
The phrase, which has become winged, was coined by the Soviet writer P. A. Pavlenko (July 11, 1899 - July 16, 1951). On December 1, 1938, the film "Alexander Nevsky" was released on the cinema screens of the Soviet Union, the script for which was written by Pavlenko. In it, the main character pronounces this text. However, in historical annals there is no mention of a similar speech by Nevsky. She became famous thanks to the media. So to say, " Magic power art"

However, the words “whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword” still have a primary source. This is the gospel of Matthew

47 And while he was still speaking, behold, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a multitude of people with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and elders of the people.
48 And the one who betrayed him gave them a sign, saying: Whomever I kiss, he is, take him.
49 And immediately coming up to Jesus, he said, Rejoice, Rabbi! And kissed him.
50 And Jesus said to him, Friend, why have you come? Then they came and laid hands on Jesus, and took Him.
51 And behold, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, and striking the servant of the high priest, cut off his ear.
52 Then Jesus said to him, Return your sword to its place, for all, ; (chapter 26)

It is interesting that another apostle - Mark, describing the scene of the arrest of the Teacher, does not say anything about the sword and death from him.

43 And immediately, as he was still speaking, there comes Judas, one of the twelve, and with him a multitude of people with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders.
44 And the one who betrayed him gave them a sign, saying: Whom I kiss, he is, take him and lead him carefully.
45 And having come, he immediately went up to him and said: Rabbi! Rabbi! and kissed him.
46 And they laid their hands on him and took him.
47 And one of those standing there drew a sword, struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.
48 Then Jesus said to them: You came out as if against a robber with swords and clubs to take me (Gospel of Mark: 14)

And the apostle Luke tells this story like this

47 While He was still speaking this, a crowd appeared, and in front of them was one of the twelve, called Judas, and they came up to Jesus to kiss Him. For he gave them such a sign: Whom I kiss, He is.
48 Jesus said to him, Judas! do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?
49 And those who were with him, seeing what was going on, said to him: Lord! shall we strike with the sword?
50 And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear.
51 Then Jesus said, Leave it enough. And touching his ear, he healed him.
52 And Jesus said to the chief priests, and to the rulers of the temple, and to the elders who were gathered against him, “As if you had gone out against a robber with swords and clubs to take me?
53 Every day I was with you in the temple, and you did not raise your hands against Me, but now is your time and the power of darkness.
54 They took him, and brought him to the house of the high priest. Peter followed from afar. (Gospel of Luke, chapter 22)

And here there is not a word about "those who take the sword will perish by the sword."
A slightly different interpretation of the event by the Evangelist John

3 So Judas, having taken a company of soldiers and servants from the chief priests and Pharisees, comes there with lanterns and candlesticks and weapons.
4 But Jesus, knowing all that would happen to him, went out and said to them, Whom are you looking for?
5 They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus said to them: It is I. And Judas, his betrayer, also stood with them.
6 And when I said to them, “It is I,” they stepped back and fell to the ground.
7 Again he asked them: whom are you looking for? They said: Jesus of Nazareth.
8 Jesus answered: I told you that it was I; so if you are looking for me, leave them, let them go,
9 May the word which He spoke be fulfilled: Of those whom You have given Me, I have not destroyed any.
10 And Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it, and struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. The slave's name was Malch.
11 But Jesus said to Peter, Put the sword back in its sheath; shall I not drink the cup which the Father has given me?
12 Then the soldiers, and the commander of the thousand, and the servants of the Jews took Jesus and bound him, (Gospel of John, chapter 18)

There are more specifics here. It turns out that Peter was brandishing a sword, and the name of the one who lost his ear was Malchus, but again nothing about the warning “those who take the sword will perish by the sword”. All in all, it's dark

Application of the Evangelical Text in Literature

“Well you talk about stolen cattle, but it’s a pity that you don’t know well about the forgotten Christ: you sharpen the sword, you destroy with the sword, and you yourself can die from the sword"(N. S. Leskov" The Legend of the conscientious Danil ")
“Is it really possible to practice the sword when the Lord said that everyone who takes up the sword will die by the sword? (L. N. Tolstoy "The Kingdom of God is within you")
“Sheath your sword. He who lifts the sword will perish by the sword..."And he, the prince - the killer of Kostogorov, must become a suicide" (N. E. Heinze "Prince of Taurida")
“The first gathered the tribes and peoples of the earth under the rule of the Sword. But he who takes the sword will perish by the sword. And Rome perished ”(D. S. Merezhkovsky“ Resurrected Gods. Leonardo da Vinci ”)
“Let this heretic perish according to the law, for it is said: he who lifts the sword, let him perish by the sword!"(M. N. Zagoskin "Bryn Forest")

Everything can be native land! It can feed you warm and tasty bread, give you spring water to drink, and surprise you with its beauty. And only she cannot defend herself ... Therefore, the defense of the Fatherland and native land- the duty of those who eat her bread, drink her water, admire her beauty! Already ancient chroniclers noted that our ancestors - Russ, Rusichi - cultivators and farmers loved their land very much. As soon as the enemy entered their territory, both old and young rose to fight. The courage and bravery of the Russian soldiers inspired fear and horror in the opponents.

Prince Svyatoslav According to legend, Svyatoslav was agile and quick, bold and resolute. He lived with his retinue, slept like a simple warrior on the ground, placing a horse saddle at the head. His name inspired fear in the enemies of Russia, and in its neighbors. Contrary to the military laws of his time, he never attacked stealthily, unexpectedly. “I want to go to you,” he always sent to say, calling for a fair duel. First, Svyatoslav turned his weapon on the Khazars - the old enemies of Russia - and defeated their capital Itil, forever putting an end to their raids on Russian lands. Many great campaigns were made by Prince Svyatoslav with his squad, and he died in unequal battle with the Pechenegs. “The mound over the grave of Prince Svyatoslav has not been preserved, and only the memory of the people, this eternal keeper of the truly valuable, carefully conveyed to the descendants glorious name prince-knight - warrior for the Russian land!

Prince Alexander Nevsky Hard times experienced by our country. In the south of Russia, cities and villages were burning after the Tatar raids, the Swedes and Germans were advancing from the north. In the summer of 1240, Swedish ships under the command of Birger entered the Neva. A lot of Swedes remained on the ships, and the most combat-ready part of the troops went ashore. Birger had about 5000 soldiers, the army of Prince Alexander was much smaller. But everything was decided by the suddenness of the attack and the talent of the commander. The victory was swift and glorious. Lot uninvited guests was cut down on the shore. The prince and his squad fought tirelessly, and he was then 22 years old ... For this victory, the people called Prince Alexander Nevsky, and increased his glory and military prowess prince of novgorod, defeating the Livonian knights on the ice of Lake Peipsi in April 1242.

Prince Dmitry Donskoy For a century and a half, Russia suffered from the raids of the Golden Horde. Khan Mamai was cunning, he skillfully kindled discord among the Russian princes, but before a common disaster, Russia united, gathered formidable forces, rose to fight the enemy ... Under the black and gold banner of Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich, a 150,000th Russian army. And, before crossing the Don, to the Kulikovo field, the prince said at a military council: “My dear friends and brothers! .. This day we will go beyond the Don and there we will either win or lay down our heads ...” And the Russian squads crossed the Don, stood to death and defeated the Tatar army, and it happened on September 8, 1380. A month later, the Russian army solemnly entered Moscow, and since then the prince of Moscow has been called Dmitry Donskoy.

Prince Dmitry Pozharsky At the beginning of the 17th century, during the time of unrest, the Poles captured Moscow. In the autumn of 1611 At the call of the cathedral bell flocked to the square in Nizhny Novgorod people. Zemsky headman Kuzma Minin took the floor: “Good people! You know about the great ruin of the Russian land ... If we really want to save Moscow state, we will not regret anything, we will recruit soldiers and put at the head of our troops a skilled governor, an honest man - Dmitry Pozharsky!

Citizen Kuzma Minin There was a troubled time. Foreigners ruled in Moscow, the common people "from the Poles, from Lithuania ... there was a great insult." In three days, the squads of Minin and Pozharsky defeated Polish army and approached Kitay-gorod. The prince addressed the warriors: “The walls of Kitay-gorod are strong, and the fighting spirit of our army is even stronger. On the attack! Warriors took Kitai-Gorod by storm; the Poles, who had settled in the Kremlin, surrendered to the mercy of the victors.

Peter the Great “He put all his unshakable will, tireless activity, all of himself on the altar of the Fatherland. Created a fleet regular army, founded harbors, the Academy, manufactories, multiplied the Russian army, exalted Russia in Europe. Few commanders had such a complete and glorious victory as that won by Peter the Great near Poltava. April 1709. swedish king Charles 12 laid siege to the city. The 42,000-strong Russian army approached the battlefield. Tsar Peter personally participated in the battle. The battle lasted only two hours. The Russians defeated the previously invincible Swedes according to all the rules of martial art.

Generalissimo Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov “A soldier must be healthy, brave, firm ... “Soldier” is a proud word, a soldier is dearer to me than myself,” said Suvorov. Day and night, in heat and cold, the soldiers comprehended the Suvorov science of victory. Making swift marches, they fell upon the enemy with an unexpected and all-destroying attack. So it was near Ochakov, Fokshany, on the banks of the Rymnik. In 1770. For seven months, Russian troops besieged the Turkish fortress of Izmail. Taking command of the army, Suvorov invited the Turks to surrender without a fight. “Rather the sky will fall to the ground than Ishmael will fall,” answered the Turkish pasha. December 11, 1770 Suvorov led troops to storm the impregnable fortress. After 8 hours, the commander wrote to St. Petersburg: " Russian flag on the walls of Ishmael! The great Russian commander A.V. led his miraculous heroes from victory to victory. Suvorov.

Field Marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov Great commanders are not born. M.I.Kutuzov spent more than 40 years in campaigns and warriors before becoming the commander-in-chief of the Russian army. It was 1812. Huge french army moved into the depths of Russia. On September 7, near the village of Borodino, Russians and French troops. 10 hours went on battle of Borodino. The French attacked fiercely, the Russians defended stubbornly. At the cost of terrible losses, the enemy managed to oust the Russian army ... But for 6 months, the Emperor of France, Napoleon, had to leave Moscow and flee from Russia. And Field Marshal Kutuzov, addressing the troops with an order to end the war, said: “Each of you is the savior of the Fatherland! Russia greets you with this name!”

Admiral Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov The future admiral was born in the Tambov region, as a teenager he entered maritime school, a young officer sailed on different ships over many seas. It was restless then southern borders Russian state. Turkish Sultan demanded Crimea from Russia, and in 1787 began Russo-Turkish War. By this time, Ushakov commanded a squadron of the Black Sea Fleet. On July 31, 1791, the Russian squadron approached the Bulgarian coast, and here, at Cape Kaliakria, F.F. Ushakov overtook the enemy. Turkish ships anchored, there were twice as many as in the Russian squadron. At full sail, the Russian ships passed along the coast, past the enemy batteries, came close to the Turkish fleet and began to shoot the enemy point-blank. Panic gripped Turkish squadron, the flight began ... This glorious victory and ended the war with Turkey ...

Admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov Stronger and grown Russian Black Sea Fleet. It worried the strong maritime powers. With the support of France and England, Turkey prepared for war with Russia. Landing craft with a 20,000-strong army were waiting for their squadron to head to the coast of Georgia and land there. In 1853, Russian ships under the command of Vice-Admiral P.S. Nakhimov went to sea. Near the city of Sinop, our squadron overtook the enemy. On the morning of November 18, Russian ships unexpectedly entered the bay and opened heavy fire ... Three hours later Turkish fleet didn't exist. In the autumn of 1854, Franco-Anglo-Turkish troops landed near Evpatoria and moved to Sevastopol. lasted almost a year heroic defense Sevastopol, it went down in history as an unprecedented feat of Russian soldiers and sailors. June 28, 1855 Mamaev Kurgan The commander of the defense of Sevastopol, Admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov, was mortally wounded.

General Alexei Alekseevich Brusilov The first World War. In the autumn of 1915, bloodless in stubborn battles, the troops of the warring parties dug into the ground. There was a lull on the entire Russo-German front. March 17, 1916 Commander southwestern front became Adjutant General A.A. Brusilov, a participant in many battles, who was known and loved by the troops. He knew how to attack quickly and defend steadfastly, they looked at him with hope - a victory was needed! To find a solution unexpected for the enemy and win - this is the talent of the commander. Contrary to all military theories, A.A. Brusilov decided: “Only a persistent attack with all forces along the entire front is capable of through the enemy, preventing him from transferring reserves!” On May 22, 1916, the battle began, which went down in history as “ Brusilovsky breakthrough". For three days of the offensive, the front was broken through.

Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov In battles with Japan. At the Khalkhin-Gol River, General G.K. Zhukov won his first victory. In many battles of the Great Patriotic War, four times Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal G.K. Zhukov, commanded the troops and always won. The soldiers in the trenches said: "Where Zhukov is, there is victory!" rout German troops near Moscow, victory near Stalingrad, on Kursk Bulge, in Western Europe- here's the one glorious way, which was the representative of the Headquarters Supreme High Command. And he ended the war together with the victorious army in defeated Berlin! May 8, 1945 Under historical document about surrender Nazi Germany put their signatures representatives of the allies. From the side of the Soviet Union puts his signature outstanding commander World War II - Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.

The Novgorod prince allegedly uttered this phrase when the ambassadors Livonian Order arrived in Veliky Novgorod to ask " eternal peace» after the defeat in the Battle of the Ice. The source of the conviction that was strengthened in the public consciousness was the film by Sergei Eisenstein "" (1939), which formed a whole complex of myths about Alexander Nevsky and the role of the battle on the ice of Lake Peipsi in April 1242. Since then, the statement of the hero Nikolai Cherkasov, who played the main role in Eisenstein's film, has been strongly associated with the name of the Novgorod prince.

Usage examples

There were still three hundred years of shame and humiliation ahead, for another three hundred years Russia paid tribute to the khans of the Golden Horde. But the words of Prince Alexander Nevsky have already sounded a formidable warning to the enemies: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!”(Nazarov O.“Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!” // Website-newspaper "Local demand", 16.04.2013)

And no matter what extremes some politicians go to when they say that the confrontation between the West and Russia can turn into a “hot” war, we answer: Russia is not going to fight with anyone. But no one should have any doubts about our strength and determination. As Alexander Nevsky once said: "Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword."(Newspaper "Tomorrow", No. 37 (773) of September 10, 2008)


The phrase that the director and screenwriter put into the mouth of Nikolai Cherkasov is a slightly modified version of a quote from the Bible, apparently from the Gospel of Matthew (26:52): “And behold, one of those who were with Jesus, stretching out his hand, drew a sword his, and striking the servant of the high priest, he cut off his ear. Then Jesus said to him, Return your sword to its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.”

A statement similar in meaning is also found in the Revelation of John the Theologian 13:10): “He who leads into captivity will himself go into captivity; whoever kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and faith of the saints.”

Curiously, a similar formula existed in ancient world, in particular, in Ancient Rome in the form of the phrase "Whoever fights with a sword, dies by the sword" (Qui gladio ferit, gladio perit).

In reality, the sources do not report whether the Novgorod prince uttered such a phrase. There is no mention of this in the texts that tell about the life and deeds of Alexander Nevsky (including the Sophia First Chronicle and the Pskov Second Chronicle).

According to the researcher medieval Russia I.N. Danilevsky, Alexander Nevsky is one of the most sacralized characters Russian history. His image as a defender of Orthodoxy, a fighter for the independence of Russia began to take shape in the 18th century, according to the researcher, and had a solid ideological platform: the place he chose for the construction of the new capital was located almost in the same place where the Battle of Neva took place in 1240. Russia's claims to access to the Baltic were associated with the victory of the prince on the Neva. Even the day of memory of Alexander Nevsky (August 30) was not chosen by chance: on this day, Russia concluded the Treaty of Nystadt with Sweden.

Subsequently, the image of Alexander as the defender of the Russian land became more and more popular: in 1725, Catherine I established the highest military award- Order of St. Alexander Nevsky; Elizabeth in 1753 ordered that Alexander's relics be placed in a silver shrine. Then they began to hold a special annual procession from the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Finally, at the beginning of the 20th century, one of the Moscow streets was named after Alexander Nevsky, notes I.N. Danilevsky.

Eisenstein's film gave new life to the image of Alexander as an outstanding defender of Russia. The picture was released on a wide screen in 1941, when the Great Patriotic War began. Its authors were awarded the Stalin Prize. The film turned out to be so uplifting that in 1942 the Order of Alexander Nevsky was established, decorated with a portrait of the performer. leading role, Nikolai Cherkasov - and this despite the fact that just a few years before that, professional historians called the film script "a mockery of history."

Film influence on public consciousness turned out to be so strong that both the screen image of the protagonist and the whole complex of accompanying myths, including key role The battle on the ice in the fight against crusader expansion, and the fact that Alexander Nevsky symbolically completed it with a modified biblical quote about the sword - firmly entered the public consciousness, entrenched in historical memory, and appear not only in the reasoning of the townsfolk when referring to the "old times", but also in the works professional historians and in educational materials.


On April 5, 1242, a battle took place, rightfully inscribed in the tablets of brilliant Russian military victories, and is currently known as the Battle on the Ice.

In the battle on the ice of Lake Peipus, the Russian squad led by Prince Alexander Nevsky defeated the army of knights Teutonic Order.

In honor of this event, we offer to refresh the memory of the most famous sayings Alexander Nevsky.

Grand Duke of Vladimir and Kyiv, Prince Novgorodsky Alexander Yaroslavich was born on May 13, 1221. The victory won by him on July 15, 1240 on the banks of the Neva over the detachment commanded by future ruler Jarl Birger of Sweden. It was for this victory that the prince began to be called Nevsky. On April 5, 1242, by defeating the knights of the Teutonic Order on the ice of Lake Peipsi, the prince entered his name in history as a commander who secured western borders Russia. Died November 14, 1263. He was buried in the Vladimir Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin. Was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1547. In 1942 Soviet government established the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

In many military units In Russia, we will find on the posters the phrase “Whoever enters us with a sword will die by the sword!”. And the signature under it: "Alexander Nevsky". In this case, we are dealing with a cultural-historical curiosity. And that's why. Some statements of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky, one of those great princes of Russia, who most strongly influenced its history, have come down to us. However, it seems that he did not say precisely these words, otherwise they would have been preserved in the memory of those from whose words the chroniclers then, in hot pursuit, recorded the facts of the biography of Alexander Nevsky.

Why do we still cite them in the book Speeches that Changed Russia? The answer to this question is Feature Film"Alexander Nevsky", filmed by director Sergei Eisenstein in 1938 under Stalin's genuine patronage, who made his own adjustments both to the script and to the final cut of the film. The film was supposed to become not only an artistic, but also an ideological phenomenon. Threat big war was then real, and this threat came from Germany. Historical parallels with the film were transparent to the viewer.

When the film was released in 1938, it was a huge success, comparable only to the success of Chapaev. Sergei Eisenstein received Stalin Prize and a Doctor of Arts degree without a dissertation. However, shortly after the release of the picture, it was withdrawn from distribution for reasons of political correctness in relation to Germany, with which during this period the USSR was trying to establish strong ties. In 1939 Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact with Germany, and the film was banned by special order from being shown and put on the shelf so as not to lose Hitler's favor and not to generate in the mind Soviet citizens negative image of the German conqueror.

However, as we know, the non-aggression pact was treacherously violated by the Nazis in 1941, and it no longer made any sense to keep the film on the shelf. After the start of the Great Patriotic War, "Alexander Nevsky" returned to the screens with even more resounding success. And even more than that, in 1942 it was 700 years since the battle on Lake Peipsi. There was an impression that the film was specially shot for this date, and even with propaganda overtones. Indeed, in the film, the knights of the Teutonic Order (Germans) are represented as a powerful, well-organized force that turns into nothing when they meet with the heroism and resourcefulness of the Russian people. Pointing to this, Stalin's words were printed on the posters of the film: "Let the courageous image of our great ancestors inspire you in this war."

The film ends with the complete victory of the Russian troops over the invaders. AT final scenes Novgorod people decide their fate in this way: ordinary soldiers are released, the knights are left for ransom, and the leaders of the troops are executed. Actor Nikolai Cherkasov, the performer of the role of Alexander Nevsky, throws to the departing knechts so that they tell everyone else: “Whoever enters us with a sword will die from the sword! On that stood and will stand the Russian land! At that moment, these words sounded very relevant: it seemed as if the disgraced and defeated Germans of the thirteenth century had to convey these words to the Germans of the twentieth. But, apparently, neither one nor the other heard these words. But they were accepted with all their hearts, understood and inspired by them by the Russian people of the twentieth century, to whose lot it fell to repulse the powerful, well-organized force of fascism and turn it into nothing.

The historical parallels were not accidental, as evidenced, in particular, by the words of the filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein: “It was 1938. “Patriotism is our theme” - stood steadily in front of me and in front of the entire creative team during filming, during dubbing, during editing. Reading simultaneously chronicles of the 13th century and newspapers today, you lose the sense of time difference, because the bloody horror that was sown in the XIII century knightly orders conquerors, almost does not differ from what is being done now in some countries of the world.

Let us now return to the personality of Alexander Nevsky. Oddly enough, not much is known about him. "The Life of Alexander Nevsky", created in the early 80s of the XIII century, is small in size, and it is no coincidence that Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, the author of the "History of the Russian State", inserts large excerpts from the reports of Plano Carpini and Willem into the presentation dedicated to Alexander Nevsky van Rubruk about their trips to the Horde to balance the volumes of the various chapters of their historical work. But, as they say, what is - is.

Apparently, the explanation for this lies in the fact that the activities of Alexander Nevsky were mainly devoted to his relationship with the restless Novgorodians, with their formidable western neighbors - the Germans and Swedes - and with the Horde, which brought great trouble to the prince. And the interests of the chroniclers traditionally lay in the plane of confrontation between Kyiv and Vladimir princes, although, to be honest, in historical terms, these endless intrigues no longer had much significance. Not for nothing that Andrei Bogolyubsky, mindful of sad fate his father, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, who was poisoned Kyiv boyars, renounced claims to the Kyiv Grand Duke's table.

There are not many of us, but the enemy is strong; but God is not in power, but in truth: go with your prince!

However, even the little that we know about Alexander Nevsky causes huge interest to him as a politician and military leader. Here are two opinions expressed by people who spoke with the prince. The first belongs to the master of the Livonian Order, Andrei Velven, who, after talking with Alexander, noted: “I went through many countries and saw many peoples, but I did not meet such a king among kings, nor a prince among princes.” The second was expressed by Khan Batu after meeting with Alexander Nevsky: "They told me the truth that there is no prince like him."

Of course, when reading The Life of Alexander Nevsky, you notice that its author, following the dictates of his time, expounds the speeches and deeds of his hero through the prism of Christian, or rather Orthodox attitude to the world and people, and, of course, Alexander himself thought and spoke in the same vein. An example of this is the words of Alexander Nevsky, which he said to his soldiers before the Battle of the Neva: “There are not many of us, but the enemy is strong; but God is not in power, but in truth: go with your prince!”

A curiosity related to those attributed to the atheistic Soviet time To Alexander Nevsky, the words “Whoever enters us with a sword will die by the sword!” is also connected with the fact that this statement is very reminiscent of one verse from the biblical “Revelation of John the Theologian”: “Whoever leads into captivity, he himself will go into captivity ; whoever kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and faith of the saints” (Rev. 13:10).

In conclusion, it is necessary to mention the appeal to Alexander noted by the chronicler from Pope Innocent IV, who sent two legates to the prince, Cardinals Hald and Gemont, with a proposal to go to catholic faith. In a response letter, Alexander Nevsky wrote the following words, which have not lost their relevance even today.

Answer of Prince Alexander Nevsky to papal legates, 1251

From Adam to the flood, from the flood to the division of nations, from the confusion of nations to Abraham, from Abraham to the passage of Israel through the Red Sea, from the exodus of the sons of Israel to the death of David the king, from the beginning of the reign of Solomon to Augustus the king, from the power of Augustus to nativity, from the birth of Christ to the suffering and resurrection of the Lord, from His resurrection to the ascension into heaven, from the ascension to heaven to the reign of Constantine, from the beginning of the reign of Constantine to the first Council, from the first Council to the seventh - we know all this well, but from you teachings are not acceptable.