How did the USSR prepare for war? Destroy them all: The United States is seriously preparing for war with Russia. The United States is openly preparing for a big war with Russia

In the United States, the regular military exercises of the third brigade from Fort Carson ended. And these teachings are interesting because if earlier american soldiers more and more trained to deal with different kind rebel and guerrilla military structures are now trained to counter the regular army of a potential enemy. This enemy, of course, is our country - Russia.

How will the war between Russia and NATO end?

As the brigade commander, Colonel Mike Simmering, said, "We are training to counter the most serious threat we can face." He also noted: "One man alone cannot do much, but when you have four thousand men in an armored brigade, you can do amazing things."

A number of media outlets note that, judging by the nature of the exercises, the armies of China and Russia are meant by potential adversaries. In general, the injection of military hysteria continues. And this is not her first act. Only this summer, the Saber Strike exercises were completed relatively recently on the territory of the Baltic countries. There, NATO troops also "repelled the attack of the eastern enemy."

The US military has been purchasing Soviet military equipment in recent years to practice warfare on it. It's about more Soviet aircraft and helicopters. I think everyone remembers about the entrance to the "Russian village" of NATO troops. When NATO recruiters were looking for people for extras to portray a small Russian locality and work out the entrance of the military contingent there.

Since the beginning of this year, the Pentagon began quite officially and publicly to select the candidacy of a general who "will be engaged in planning a possible conflict with Russia and China."

In general, the current exercises are another stage in a series of consistent military policy. And that's just the teachings. And if we take into account the increase in the number of American warships in the Black Sea, regular air provocations in the Russian waters off the coast of Crimea, it becomes clear who American politicians now see as "enemy number one."

However, in the States, many talk about it openly. And when it comes to the next sanctions, and just when we are talking about increasing the military presence on the Russian borders.

At the same time, the rhetoric of the United States periodically strikes with its "clearness." For example, according to US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert, the new sanctions that could come into effect against Russia on August 22 this year are needed in order to “force Russian government behave properly."

And earlier, commenting on the increase in the naval grouping of troops in the Black Sea, Pentagon representatives stated that such a buildup of forces is necessary in order to "reduce conflict in this region." In general, "war is peace, freedom is slavery" in its purest and unadulterated form.

Concerning latest exercises, then, in addition to the infantry, they also took part military equipment: tanks M1A2 "Abrams", combat vehicles "Bradley" and self-propelled guns M109 "Paladin". At the same time, many officers noted the "dramatically changed nature of the exercises."

The confrontation goes not only along the line of military exercises. Many current and former officials in the United States, they are seriously talking about confrontation with Russia along the line " hybrid war". Naturally, in a purely defensive vein. True, the defense turns out to be somehow strange.

Also from recent speeches Donald Trump follows that the United States will create space troops and many of the elements space defense planned to be taken from the Ronald Reagan program, known to the general public under the name " star Wars". And yes, in Trump's speech about the need to build up weapons in space, Russia and China again appeared as the main competitors, and even potential adversaries.

In the United States itself, something completely paranoid is happening. Immigrants from Russia there automatically became control and law enforcement agencies as a "potential threat." If we take into account that the Russian diaspora in the United States is about three million people, then the catching of "enemies of America", if any, will give a hundred points head start to the entire era of McCarthyism.

By the way, the issuance of American visas to Russians has risen in price, decreased and become more complicated in recent years. Up to a third of such visas are generally issued outside the Russian Federation. Well, the detention of Russians in the United States is, in general, also a trend of recent years. At the same time, they are arrested both for banal crime and for political reasons, such as suspicion of "espionage", as they recently arrested.

By the way, experts point out that if a mass detention or a banal restriction on the freedom of immigrants from Russia in the United States begins, this will be the first sign of a new round of conflict and that the United States has finally and irrevocably decided that it is necessary to fight with Russia.

As they write in a number of telegram channels, if this course does not change, then in the near future we should expect at least "squeezing out" the citizens of the Russian Federation, who are at the most different reasons in the USA with long visits. Or maybe not for a long time.

However, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev spoke about the economic war already in the context of the upcoming sanctions. And he noted that if they are accepted, then such an announcement economic war Russia will respond "with political, economic and other methods."

From a political point of view, by the way, such behavior of the United States contradicts their own declared goals. Since all these sanctions and other build-up of the military presence, firstly, is officially defensive in nature. Secondly, the States seem to be fighting exclusively with the Russian political system. But not with all citizens of the Russian Federation.

In fact, everything turns out to be exactly the opposite. Washington is now trying to hit precisely on Russian society generally. And marking immigrants from the Russian Federation as a threat is a measure from the same series. Why, at the same time, American strategists think that such measures will cause Russians to dislike Putin, and not towards the United States, is an interesting question.

This question, by the way, is also asked by American analysts from the pages of the same newspaper. The Washington post. In one of the latest materials, a number of experts stated that sanctions, of course, could undermine the Russian economy, but at the same time they would also increase Putin's popularity as a politician who opposes these sanctions. Well, anti-American sentiments with their escalation, these experts also quite reasonably suggested.

In general, it is clear that anti-Russian hysteria is now such a political mainstream in the United States, and rhetoric " cold war“I finally returned to Washington. On the other hand, it’s good that Russia has a much more mature and sober attitude towards current geopolitics and the confrontation between Russia and the United States. We are still very, very far from such a “witch hunt”.

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Aggravation international environment makes Russian leadership prepare the country for a possible war. The set of measures includes not only regular exercises conducted by the Ministry of Defense, but also the transfer of the economy to a military footing. This was discussed at a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the analysis of the results of the Zapad-2017 exercises. The transcript was published on the Kremlin website.

According to Vladimir Putin, if necessary, all large enterprises Russia must be ready to increase the production of military products. And this applies not only to the public sector, but also to private business.

“The ability of the economy to rapidly increase the volume of defense products and services in right time- one of essential conditions ensure military security states. All strategic and simply large enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership, should be ready for this,” the Supreme Commander emphasized.

He also recalled that in 2015-2016, instructions were given to modernize production facilities, form a reserve of material and technical resources and ensure the transportation of troops. Then the tasks were implemented by civilian departments under the leadership of the Collegium of the Military-Industrial Commission in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense.

Among other recent measures designed to subordinate the civilian sector to military tasks, the organization, on the basis of the “Law of Martial Law”, of territorial defense in Russian regions. The headquarters created by the head of state, in order to protect the population and infrastructure from terrorist attacks and sabotage, will limit the rights of citizens and impose additional duties on them.

In addition, in the fall of 2016, during the command and staff exercises in the Caucasus, new system management in war time, suggesting the subordination of governors, the FSB and the police to the heads of the Ministry of Defense. New structure management was created on the basis of the "Plan of Defense Russian Federation for 2016-2020".

If for the state sector of the economy, the task of mobilization set by Putin looks natural, then adherents of private business may rebel. Many of them see defense spending as an evil that hinders economic growth. Among them is Alexei Kudrin, head of the council of the Center for Strategic Research, who is proposing to the president to cut defense spending.

Putin's statement also provoked a sarcastic reaction. A selection of jokes from the network was published by Radio Liberty. “Cheese that is sold in stores cannot be called anything other than a bioweapon,” writes one reader. “What to produce for a furniture factory, coffins?” - asks another. “Does Vovan really think that people with penny salaries will go to war for billions offshore of him and his kodlyak?” - interested in the third.

But the head of the Great Fatherland Party, writer Nikolai Starikov, assesses the president's mobilization message from the point of view of citizenship.

Our president said things that should be obvious to anyone Russian citizen. First, we live in a turbulent world, and sooner or later, with all our unwillingness to war, a military conflict may break out. Second: the economy of our country is capitalist. And this means that there are state-owned enterprises and there are private ones. And third: in the event of a military conflict, both the former and the latter should work for victory. That is, now Peaceful time all necessary preparations must be made.

According to the professor of the department international finance MGIMO Valentina Katasonova, Russian history teaches that private capital is an unreliable partner for increasing the country's defense capability.

This is, of course, a good statement by the president. But it seems to me that it is still poorly thought out. Life will tell next steps. In the meantime, to understand the current problems, it is worth remembering the history hundred years ago when Russia, poorly prepared, was drawn into the First world war. At that time, Russia did not have almost half of the types of weapons and ammunition. She was forced to import them. Mostly from the United States.

That part of military products that was produced on Russian enterprises, was very expensive. Because the enterprises of the military-industrial complex of that time were private. As a result, private entrepreneurs, or more simply capitalists, took the war as a way to make good money. There were constant scandals, investigations, trials and even court verdicts. It was the result of all sorts of abuses.

Finally, by trial and error, by the end of 1915-beginning of 1916, they realized that it was impossible to ensure the country's defense capability relying on private capital. The construction of state-owned factories began, some private military factories began to be slowly nationalized, and only then did Russia overcome the shell hunger. There are new types of ammunition and weapons. But it was done, unfortunately, too late.

Therefore, since the president said "a", now you need to say "b". This is whole system activities that need to be carried out very quickly and competently. It's good that we have experience for this.

Laboratory manager military economy Institute. E.T. Gaidar, Vasily Zatsepin considers it reasonable to combine state coercion and material gain.

Exist mobilization plans and everything is written there. Another thing is that they are secret and we will not know what is there. In wartime, both state-owned and private enterprises participate in the production of military products. And even those who never thought before that they could do something for defense.

"SP": - That is, the mechanism of coercion is activated. No one will simply be asked whether or not he wants to work in the interests of defense?

But why? Material interest, benefit, can also be. All this is not done for free. Even in Soviet period, for example, the tank cost absolutely specific money. A combination of whip and gingerbread.

I think the owners of private enterprises who may be concerned about this issue already know everything. Unless, of course, they have access to state secrets and a license for the production of defense products. They should already know if they are included in the mobplan for wartime and what their task is for such a period.

In turn, the economist, chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation from 1995 to 2000, Yuri Boldyrev, considers the task voiced by the president to be incompatible with the offshore Russian economy.

This statement of the president was at least ten years late, and even twenty years too late. Let me remind you that Putin's Munich speech was in 2007. In addition, no matter how this statement was a pre-election PR. Because real activity on this topic does not begin with a statement about the need for mobilization, but with a strict suppression of the withdrawal of money to offshores and abroad in general.

After all, according to recently published data, the export of capital for Last year grew almost three times. That is, this is a completely bad mine in a completely bad game, which we now have to start. Start by concentrating resources in countries

But even with the current PR - and now in the Ministry of Defense this is run by a 26-year-old girl, this problem can be solved. If, after the Great Depression, the United States was able to mobilize its economy not even for war, but for simple implementation social functions, then Russia, taking into account our experience, should cope all the more.

But under the pretext of such mobilization, leaving all offshore friends intact, they can turn the screws: raise housing and communal services prices, gas prices, reduce pensions in real purchasing power, etc.

Member of the State Duma Committee on economic policy, industry, innovative development and Entrepreneurship Sergey Panteleev has no doubts that a private trader will work for the defense interests of the country no worse than a “statist”.

Of course, in the 1990s and later, many ties in the defense industry were broken, technologies and personnel were lost. There is such a problem. Nevertheless, one should not forget that many enterprises that are now in private hands are related to the state defense order. Especially large enterprises. They are also in old times were on the mobilization list, and now they are there. Therefore, regardless of whether this enterprise is private or state-owned, it will work for defense. Protecting your country is a common task.

These people believe in the end of the world, but not sectarians. They always carry backpacks with them, but not hikers. They shoot well with their own guns, but not hunters. Survivalists, and if in Russian, survivalists, believe that some kind of cataclysm can happen at any moment, and one must be prepared for this. figured out how the movement came to Russia, who represents it, and whether the stereotypes about always ready for the apocalypse are true.

When Noah built the ark, it didn't rain.

The survivalist movement, or survivalists, originated in the United States during the Cold War - thousands of Americans were waiting from day to day nuclear strike USSR, dug bomb shelters and stocked up on canned food. When nuclear threat passed, the same people found themselves a new horror story: the oil crisis, which will certainly ruin the country. At the same time, the bible of American survivalists, written by TV presenter Howard Ruff, "Hunger and Survival in America" ​​was released, which lay in the house of every decent survivalist next to a gun, an emergency case and a key to the bunker. “When Noah was building the ark, there was no rain,” Ruff wrote, and the bunker-digging Americans made this phrase their motto.

There was no survivalist culture in the USSR. Why, if the state itself took care of civil defense and built bomb shelters in all residential areas, and someone else voluntarily passed the TRP standards? In addition, salvation from the enemy on their own was contrary to the ideas of patriotism and collectivism - it was worth meeting face to face in the army or, in extreme cases, joining the partisans. Serving time in a bunker did not fit in with the image of a Soviet person.

However, with the collapse of the USSR, everything changed - the responsibility for the life and safety of themselves and their families fell on the shoulders of the citizens themselves. It was then that the first Russian survivalists appeared. True, they, unlike their American colleagues, did not build bunkers themselves, but thought about life in nature or in the countryside forage. They had where to get knowledge from: the culture of hiking and dachas was just widespread in the USSR. And the gloomy atmosphere of the post-apocalypse just came into fashion: some fell in love with it, walking through the radioactive wastelands of Fallout and S.T.A.L.K.E.R, others saw enough disaster films, others were carried away by the idea of ​​​​survival after reading several dystopias. According to the author YouTube channel survkit by Roman Kuzminov, many were set in motion by the novel "Marauder" by Berkem al Atomi (real name - Asiya Kashapova) about how the protagonist and his wife are trying to get to the stash in Chelyabinsk region across Russia divided by Western invaders.

"Indeed, all these underground bunkers in their own areas Fluency weapons and other attributes of true survivalists are possible, perhaps, only in the USA. But we have our own zest instead of underground shelters: endless fields and forgotten villages, impenetrable taiga and abandoned industrial zones. Everything that is depicted in American posters for the next blockbuster about the apocalypse can be seen here by walking along the outskirts of almost any metropolis, ”says Sergey Malik, author of the Paranoid Nest project.

"You know, the whole world is afraid nuclear bombs but it's not about us. It is practical survival skills that are common among us, for the most part we will prefer something more real than stockpiling food and finding a reliable shelter. We give preference to skills that will help in a more applied situation, ”a member of the movement under the pseudonym Shen draws a line under the differences between Russian survivalists and American survivalists.

Cannibalism and guerrillas

Despite the stereotypes about survivalists, it is difficult to create a generalized image of a representative of the subculture. There are many currents within the movement itself: preppers are those who make huge stocks in bunkers in case of a conditional nuclear war, bushcrafters - craftsmen who make a fire without matches, who know all kinds of mushrooms and plants and collect a reliable hut from hell knows what and sticks in ten minutes, stalkers - climb into restricted areas"survivors". There are even partisans who are preparing for war: they learn to handle weapons and train hard.

The interlocutor of, Roman Kuzminov, organized his own offshoot - survkitism (from the word survkit, aka “anxious backpack”), so as not to be associated with preppers and “not look stupid in the eyes of ordinary people.” “The survivalist movement itself is not very popular now, as many survivalists have vulgarized it with excessive paranoia. Belief in world conspiracies, zombies and other offal,” he sadly admits.

Contrary to stereotypes, he does not carry an alarming backpack with him everywhere, the Survkit is "always packed and at home." The weight of the backpack is 40 kilograms, and this is only the most necessary. Kuzminov tests all the components of the backpack during weekend hikes. However, he always has a portable emergency supply with him, the second copy of which lies at home in a survkit. This is a small bag with the most necessary things: a whistle, threads and needles, medicines (painkillers and disinfectants), wire, a candle, a lighter and hunting matches, fishing set, zip ties, electrical tape, mini compass, mirror, bouillon cubes, pencil and paper.

Sergey Malik admits that half of the subscribers of his Paranoid Nest community are preparing to survive according to the “house in the village” scheme. They are planning to autonomous life out of civilization, mastering crafts and thinking about how to get out of the city in the event of a BP (obscene analogue of the phrase " big disaster"and one of the main terms of the subculture). The rest, in which case, are ready to either turn their apartment into a shelter and protect the entrance from marauders along with their neighbors, or join a spontaneously organized detachment of survivalists who will justify their community with weapons and subsistence farming.

You may not notice a survivalist on the streets, but most will have a backpack or an EDC bag with them (a set of items that you carry with you daily, the need for which may arise in various non-standard and extreme situations), their clothes will be multi-layered and non-marking (often camouflage), and on their arm you can see a paracord bracelet. This functional decoration is woven from parachute sling material, often woven into a mini compass, fishing tackle or a wire saw. When it comes to guns, most preppers are in favor of legalizing them, and almost everyone owns a hunting rifle. Only a small stratum of the community makes do with non-firearms: bows, crossbows, and slingshots.

A separate category is made up of “couch forum survivalists”, it is customary for them in the community to be treated with some contempt, although it is not always justified. Often these are theorists who are more interested in speculating about the horrors of BP than directly about issues of survival. For example, a user under the nickname Leonid Zubkov from the forum "Russian survivalist" plans how there will be "10-30 years without the sun in case of an eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano." In this case, the man intends to “organize a well-armed group and actively practice cannibalism” and “look for survivalist settlements, squeeze out their supplies, followed by cannibalism.” He explains the desire to eat people by the fact that without the sun, plants and animals will die out, but people will remain.

And the community is really bad at commercial events. "Keep warm on a popular topic by hosting one-day "How to Survive in the Wild" workshops for office workers- occupation is profitable and not troublesome, ”says Malik.

Not just a hobby

Most Russian survivalists still regard their hobby no longer as preparation for the apocalypse, but as a “worthy male” hobby. “I personally do not believe in a global apocalypse, zombies and alien attacks. But that doesn't change the facts. local war, floods, earthquakes, fires and more. Small such apocalypses,” says Kuzminov. He lives in Krasnodar Territory and he is concerned about the conflict in eastern Ukraine, so he has focused on preparing for survival in the face of war. “BP is different. Someone is really waiting, but for someone it's just a hobby. Like, for example, for me. It's like the saying "every joke has a grain of truth". It seems like a hobby, but it can also be useful. Is it good to learn something all your life? ”He argues.

Sergey Malik also believes that it is not worth waiting for the apocalypse all your life. However, justifying the name of his resource “The Nest of the Paranoid”, he notes that you should always be ready for problems: “ Emergencies occur every hour in all corners of the planet, hundreds of people die from floods and other natural Disasters, armed conflicts or man-made accidents. You have to be a complete optimist to ignore the possibility of such threats in your region.” He himself admits that survival skills helped him more than once on campaigns and even helped him survive an emergency overnight stay in winter forest no tent or sleeping bag. “After all, if you call it a hobby, then this is not the worst pastime,” he concludes.

The best survivalist is a grandmother from the village

Survivors draw their knowledge from thematic forums, where they discuss, it seems, literally all aspects of saving from PD: from medical care and the ability to understand plants to completing an alarming backpack. A lot of them focused on YouTube and thematic resources, often copyrighted and non-commercial, - knowledge about salvation, in their opinion, should be accessible and clear. There are many widgets on such resources: a selection of news about the latest incidents, a weather forecast, and information about the seismological status. On the Paranoid's Nest resource, the date and time are indicated at the top, along with a reassuring caption: "The situation is stable."

Many representatives of the movement know and watch American programs about survivists, but still more for entertainment, preferring sources closer to Russian realities. “If I have a choice - to learn from Bear Grylls how to get water from fresh bear droppings or to see how an ordinary village family lives beyond the Urals, I will choose the second,” admits Malik.

The multiplication table doesn't care if you're selling or buying.

Irina Alksnis on the website published a good article about the meaning of the ongoing checks of the combat readiness of the Russian armed forces for many years now, in which the author made cautious, but, as it turned out, unexpected assumptions for many.

In this situation, I would like to sing across the choir and make a cautious assumption that the current check of combat readiness has little to do with current operational affairs. It is about much deeper, systemic and long-term processes. And the scope and scale of the events only emphasize that all this is not about the here and now, but about designing a great future.

I should note that these conclusions are unexpected only for those who do not know how to think, do not have a complete picture of the world and, as they say, "only eats in the head." Because in reality we really getting ready for war.

Why does everyone like to talk so much about the approaching global economic collapse, in which bourgeois wrappers will burn first of all, but no one thinks about its consequences?

For example, the collapse of the dollar pyramid will happen tomorrow morning. Depositors, quite reasonably, will run to withdraw money from bank accounts. Banks, just as logically, will begin to try to repay debts. Here it turns out that they mainly consist of a pyramid of derivatives, which exists only in the form of numbers on a computer screen and only as long as people believe in its reality. As soon as they try to mass convert it into money, it will evaporate like morning mist. Demand will stop without money; store sales will drop. At the same time, the need for new orders of goods will disappear. in production. It, of course, will also stop. Printing press? The Weimar Republic also had it, and did it help it a lot?

If, or rather when, the economy collapses as completely as it follows from the analyzes, then all these people will have nothing to eat, nothing to pay for electricity, heat and water. This means that there will be no light, heat and water there either, because no one will work without money, and when consumers have no work and no money, there will be no one to sell what they produce.

But this does not mean that they all unanimously agree to die of hunger and cold. Especially today in Europe and the USA. Why especially? because Western culture has long been openly demonstrating that he obeys stupid social norms only under the pressure of the mechanisms of state coercion. And even with them, steam breaks out from time to time. When everything collapses, the first thing we will see is the wars of marauders with the police.

For those who do not yet understand, I will explain. System public safety of any state is based only on excellence police over the rioters at the pace of the build-up of forces. For reference, in the USA, for 324 million people. population there are only 794 thousand policemen of all levels of subordination. To make it clearer, it's easier to see how many employees law enforcement accounts for 100 thousand population. In Germany - 299, in Italy - 417, in France - 356, In Great Britain - 307. How 374 Belgian policemen will be able to stop the rebellion of 100,000 starving citizens of the country is a mystery to me personally. More precisely, it is not at all a mystery, if we do not forget the examples of various kinds of natural emergencies that led to a local weakening of the state.

Everywhere and always the looters took over. The only difference is that at that time even the most reckless of them clearly understood the temporality of the period of anarchy. Freemen, she is only now. Only until the police had time to urgently pull up forces from other regions and create an overwhelming superiority "in forces and means" in a particular area. This is when a curfew is introduced and cities are combed by armed patrols who have the right to shoot to kill immediately, and not after 100500 "last Chinese warnings”, 100 thousand warning shots in the air, and at least a dozen permissive court decisions personally in this particular case. There are few police officers, but they are armed, centralized, trained, mobile and act quickly. Trying to resist them with weapons only means making them want to come by minibus with machine guns, and drive up in tanks, with the support of army attack helicopters.

However, all this “works” only as long as there are few incidents requiring an emergency concentration of police forces per unit of time. Then it is possible to weaken other, at the moment calm, sections for some period. But when every hundred thousand people become hungry and angry, three hundred policemen will not be able to oppose them. At all. And the global collapse of the “world of the dollar” will lead exactly to this.

Well, we are separated from America by two oceans, but with Europe we have more than 3 thousand km. land border. More than 700 million people live in Europe. Highly different people, from simple hard workers, ready to learn any language and obey any laws, if only there was normal work and a safe life, to the point of scumbags, prushing everything that is badly screwed. When the state obviously loses its monopoly on violence, the emergence of many independent armed gangs will only be a matter of time. This happens everywhere. Syria. Libya. Ukraine. Damn it, Russia 90s. It would be naive to think that Europe is any different in this sense. There already today there are national enclaves where the local police, without special need and means of reinforcement, prefer not to meddle. And as soon as it ceases to exist altogether, the world and the rule of law will collapse. At all. And refugees will appear very quickly.

To be better understood. 18 million people lived in Syria during the peaceful years. In Libya - 6.3 million. In Iraq - 37.5 million. In Afghanistan - 33.3 million. In Mali - 18.1 million. in total, there are less than 80 million people in the regions that have become disadvantaged. initially. At the same time, the fallen standard of living there is not very different from the former prosperity. And all the same, more than 7 million people, or almost 10%, have already dumped from there to distant lands in 4 years. Even if we extrapolate these figures to Europe, it turns out that the economic collapse chaos will create a migration flow of at least 70-80 million people in 3-4 years. Probably more. Europeans have become too unaccustomed and generally forgot how one can live in conditions like in the Middle East. So the number of refugees is likely to even exceed 100 million.

Only it will not be quite familiar to us from films, exhausted by a long transition peaceful people with dull eyes. For the most part, these will be gangs, armed, angry and convinced that the man with the gun is always right. They may not have tanks, but they will have Chaos behind them. And here it is still unknown which is better. Look, in Syria, the war with these gangs almost undermined the state. And there the scale of the issue is much smaller. Everyone and everyone there are a little more than a hundred thousand barmaley throughout the country. And a hundred million will come to us. Why trample on us? Because only we will have order, law, work, warmth, food, security. Well, except maybe in China. Only Beijing is far away, but it will be much closer to us.

I do I'm not exaggerating. During the Great Depression in the United States, when ¾ of the country's population were farmers, i.e. much less dependent on shops and money than we are today, out of 125.6 million people. more than 7 million died of starvation. And about 1.5 million more died from diseases that weakened by poor nutrition and difficult living conditions human body could not fight. And a depressed country to give to all those in need medical care was unable to. Many fled into the wilderness and engaged in squatting the land, which in those days was still enough. According to American estimates, more than 2.5 million people moved to “live in the forests of Canada” in this way. Why didn't the Canadians stop them? And how could they technically do this if Canada's own population in 1931 numbered about 10 million? And all "went into the forests", including to sparsely populated the territory of the United States itself, at least 19 million people. Many American cities begin their history with just such settlements that arose in the 30s. And the federal police did not go there, because there they shot at the police without talking to kill.

Now let's compare the scale of the numbers. The expected volume of those wishing to escape from Chaos in Europe to a normal calm world is estimated at least 100 million people in the first 5 - 7 years from the moment the big furry northern animal arrived there. Such a world will be only in Russia. China do not consider for Europeans it is too far. How geographically as well as conceptually. But the Russians, they are nearby. They have “the same land” there. Only they have an unfair amount of it ... Therefore, they must move.

So we have to fight. Regardless of someone's subjective desire. Otherwise, we will all just be washed away. In the literal sense of the word. Therefore, personally, I look extremely positively at increasing the country's defense capability. Since the days of my service, I have been unequivocally convinced of the unconditional correctness of the expression: sweat saves blood. The more sweat shed now, the less our blood will have to shed later. Because the question is no longer “if there is a war”, but only about how much time we have left before it starts.