Heroin addiction is one step before death. Heroin - signs of use, consequences, heroin withdrawal

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Opium (opium) is a potent narcotic derived from sun-dried milky juice extracted from unripe pods of the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). Contains about 20 alkaloids. In traditional medicine, due to the high content of morphine alkaloids, it was used as a strong pain reliever. However, it quickly caused drug addiction and is now used only as a raw material for the production of safer painkillers and serves as a raw material for the production of stronger drugs - codeine, morphine, heroin (opiates). In the USSR, opium tincture (a stomach remedy) was discontinued in 1952.


Heroin is Chemical substance derived from the opium poppy. This beautiful blood-colored flower grows only in hot and dry climates. Receptacle - poppy box, which remains after all the petals have fallen, contains syrup - white molasses, which is collected by those who grow opium poppy. When molasses dries, it turns into a brown substance, which we call opium.

From opium, pharmacists get a large number of conventional medicinal substances. Many of them are officially used in medicine. The most common derivatives of morphine and codeine, which are used as painkillers. Interestingly, heroin is synthesized, in fact, from the waste (residue) of the production of these medicinal substances.

How did heroin come about?

Morphine, discovered in 1803, was widely used throughout the nineteenth century as an anesthetic. Pretty quickly, doctors, primarily military, were faced with morphine addiction of the wounded soldiers who were treated with it. In the era civil war in the United States, morphine was even called "soldier's medicine." In 1874, the famous British chemist Alder Wright obtained a new chemical substance - diacetylmorphine - from the waste products of morphine production in order to help patients who constantly use morphine as an anesthetic drug to gradually wean from it. But Wright's discovery, as is often the case, went unnoticed. Only in 1898, the great German pharmacologist Heinrich Dreiser, who had previously discovered aspirin, rediscovered this compound and noticed that it was 10 times stronger than morphine itself in terms of analgesic effect. Since then, heroin has been used as an anesthetic and ... cough medicine.

Historically, heroin received its "heroic" name is also not accidental. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it replaced morphine among the combatants of the First World War and the Civil War, and it, in turn, came to be called, "soldier's medicine." And only by the beginning of the 10s of our century, doctors began to realize that addiction to heroin is much worse than addiction to morphine (heroin addiction is much stronger than morphine addiction).

The United States was the first country to completely ban heroin. In 1914, Harrison's famous heroin-banning pact was signed there. The United States was followed by European countries and Russia. In Russia, heroin has been banned by law since 1924.

I must say that the word "drug" is not a medical concept, but a legal one. In most countries of the world, the government (in our country this is done by a special committee of the Ministry of Health of Russia) issues a special list "No. 1" of chemicals prohibited for import, use, storage, use for medical purposes, etc. on the territory of the respective state. Although there are an almost infinite number of chemical compounds that cause an intoxicating effect, only the substances included in this list are called "drugs". (Consequently, until 1924, heroin was considered a medicine in our country, and only after 1924 did it become a drug in the full sense of the word). In Russia, as in almost all countries of the world, heroin tops the “list No. 1” as the most dangerous of the narcotic substances, known to mankind. It is considered so dangerous that it is banned from use even for medical and research purposes.

Heroin is banned even in those countries that have allowed the free licensed sale of a number of well-known "light" drugs (for example, in Holland you can order a "track" with cocaine or a cigarette with marijuana in a number of restaurants, but if heroin is found, you will be 24 hours will be expelled from the country).

(from the book by A. Danilin and I. Danilin "Heroin" M., 2000) What is heroin?

Heroin is one of the most feared modern drugs. And its main danger is in quick addiction. Sometimes two or three doses are enough for a person to develop a persistent physical and psychological dependence on the substance. The drug is usually used intravenously or smoked.

Why are heroin addicts so eager to get their fix?

Scientists have proven that heroin affects certain areas brain. For example, the one that is responsible for the respiratory process. When taking the drug, a feeling of bliss instantly arises, as endorphins, the hormones of joy, begin to actively stand out. Euphoria lasts for several hours (from 4 to 6). In these moments, heroin addicts forget about problems, feel a surge of energy and happiness. That is why heroin addiction occurs so quickly, and treatment is difficult.

What are the signs of heroin addiction?

Relatives should be wary if they notice that their loved one:

  • He began to behave unusually, shows secrecy and uses specific slang.
  • His mood often changes: from stormy joy to deep depression.
  • I started taking bottles of water with me at night.
  • Lies for any reason.
  • Sleeps during the daytime.
  • He eats without appetite and has lost a lot of weight.
  • Has strange pupils: too wide or too narrow.
  • He began to speak in a hoarse voice.
  • Hides hands and other parts of the body that are likely to have injection marks.

All of these symptoms indicate that the person has started taking heroin. Treatment should begin as early as possible to prevent a heroin addict from becoming a victim of a fatal overdose or other death. And this happens often.

The most common causes of death for heroin addicts

According to statistics, of all categories of drug addicts, it is the death rate of heroin addicts that is the highest. The reasons are the severity of the drug, rapid addiction, constant increase doses and a strong detrimental effect of the substance on all organs and systems of the body. Most often without treatment heroin addiction a person dies from:

  1. severe toxic coma
  2. infectious disease or HIV (immunity dependent reduced to the limit)
  3. Overdose resulting in complete cessation of breathing
  4. Events of a criminal nature (heroin use, the treatment of which is long and difficult, often leads the patient to a criminal environment)
  5. Cardiovascular disease
  6. Cirrhosis of the liver
  7. Disturbances in the blood supply to the arms and legs (gangrene)
  8. Purulent complications

And this list is far from complete. There can be only one conclusion from this -
treatment of heroin addiction should be started as early as possible in the development of addiction.

Withdrawal is a terrible symptom of heroin addiction.

When using any drugs and alcohol in large quantities in certain moment withdrawal occurs. But the withdrawal of heroin addicts is characterized by particular rigidity and duration. Even if you want to “get off the needle”, a person is simply unable to cope with this condition on his own. If you do not enter the next dose, then literally after 9-12 hours you will begin to feel worse.

The addict will start yawning and sneezing. Then his eyes will begin to water, the first muscle pain will appear. In a day, diarrhea, convulsions, vomiting will be added to the symptoms, and muscle pain will become unbearable, as will the desire to take heroin. Treatment is necessary at this stage immediately. Otherwise, the addict will simply return to using the substance with even greater intensity.

Only comprehensive treatment of heroin addiction in a rehabilitation clinic will provide consistently positive results.

IMPORTANT: if the patient has overdosed, ultra-rapid opioid detoxification (UROD) will help. This procedure is considered an emergency and requires a thorough preliminary examination of the patient. UBOD is carried out in 4-6 hours with the participation of an anesthesiologist.

Heroin addiction is treated in a variety of ways and medications. Excellent results are shown by Naltrexone blocker. It acts on the nerve receptors that heroin previously targeted. Thus, the drug is simply forced out. And the patient's state of health improves, the attraction to the narcotic substance decreases, and a strong motivation begins to form for a complete rejection of addiction.

Treatment for heroin addiction rehabilitation center"Keys" are handled by experienced professionals with extensive experience. They use the most modern methods and drugs to help a person forever part with a terrible addiction.

Among the various types of narcotic drugs, heroin quickly causes physical and psychological dependence which is almost impossible to get rid of. One injection of an opiate causes inevitable degradation and loss human form. For the production, sale, possession of a dangerous painkiller drug that is not used for medical purposes, criminal liability is provided.

Signs of Diacetylmorphine Use

A number of specific signs can help to identify the use of heroin by loved ones in a timely manner. They will allow not only to confirm or refute suspicions, but also to begin treatment of a sick person, until his mind and psyche are severely affected. Any narcotic substances are poisons. Their use leads to poisoning human body, to dysfunction in the work of its systems, leaching, vitamins, minerals. The list of signs indicating dependence on diacetylmorphine includes:

  • Strong constriction of the pupils and lack of reaction to a bright light source.
  • Nausea, vomiting when using heroin.
  • Violent perspiration during night rest.
  • Appearance bad smell from a drug addict, severe drowsiness that occurs even while communicating with friends, colleagues, relatives and loved ones.
  • Injection marks on the skin of the arms, hands, legs, ankles, which have a blue, burgundy tint, caused by constant damage to the walls of blood vessels.
  • Lack of desire to comply elementary rules personal hygiene, take water procedures, apathy to the outside world, increased irritability.

Apathy towards outside world, lack of desire for personal hygiene may be signs of addiction.

In addition, heroin intoxication loved one may indicate dry mouth and desire to drink large amounts of fluids. The use of diacetylmorphine causes the addict to high frequency causeless mood swings, pallor skin, the appearance of itching, swelling of the face, omission of the corners of the lips. Incoherent, slow, slurred and slurred speech, impaired coordination of movements are also signs of heroin use.

A drug addict who prefers diacetylmorphine will slow down breathing, decrease pressure, and heart rate. Simultaneously with such symptoms of heroin intoxication, there is an increase in reflexes. Lightly stroking the hands or feet of a person who has taken a dose of a narcotic substance causes a violent reaction in the muscle fibers in him, which leads to twitching, trembling of the limbs.

Drugs require money

The purity of diacetylmorphine determines its value. One gram of heroin costs an average of $90, and the price of a single dose starts from $10. Heroin addicts who, in order to get feelings of euphoria, orgasm and complete relaxation inject an illicit opiate after warming it in a small amount of water into a vein or intramuscularly in the shoulder area, must spend an average of $150 a day to maintain good health.

One gram of heroin costs an average of $90, and the price of a single dose starts from $10.

This situation forces them to commit socially dangerous actions, serious crimes with damage of various sizes, to engage in theft. The loss of belongings and jewelry from home should alert the relatives of heroin addicts, who are constantly in need of the money needed to buy doses of opiates.


Sharp mood swings, manifested in an unreasonable change in sociability to an aggressive state or isolation, are also included in the list of signs of heroin intoxication. The addict after taking a dose of an opiate becomes good-natured, affectionate. The world is beautiful for him in all its manifestations. Over time, after the feeling of euphoria has passed, the behavior of heroin addicts becomes incomprehensible to the people around him. They can become detached, withdrawn, self-absorbed. Later, they develop excessive sociability, obsession, talkativeness, excessive energy. The feelings shown by them are distinguished by a pretense, noticeable for relatives, friends, colleagues.

Sharp mood swings, manifested in an unreasonable change in sociability to an aggressive state or isolation, are also included in the list of signs of heroin intoxication.

Drug addiction, heroin and other types of substances leading to mental, physical addiction, lead to the development of severe disease. Timely treatment can save a person's life, restore peace to his family and friends.

withdrawal symptoms

Anyone can become addicted to a illicit opiate age categories, regardless public status, income level, life priorities. Most often, drug addicts become representatives of the younger generation, including adolescents, who do not take seriously information about the harm and mortal danger of the drug. Heroin addiction causes severe withdrawal when you stop taking diacetylmorphine. It is accompanied by characteristic symptoms that indicate the need for immediate medical attention. These include:

Convulsive contraction of muscle fibers is a pronounced symptom of withdrawal in drug addiction.

  • Tearing, increased sweating.
  • The appearance of a runny nose, panic, tremor, yawning, chills, nausea, vomiting.
  • Insomnia, convulsive contraction of muscle fibers.
  • Increased body temperature, pulse and blood pressure.
  • Follicular hyperkeratosis in the form of pimples on the skin, diarrhea, stomach cramps.
  • Muscle pain, cramps.
  • Excessive irritability, aggression.

An overdose of heroin leads to slow breathing, loss of consciousness, death of the addict. At timely resuscitation measures can save his life. But the guarantee for the return of the heroin addict to full life and no one can provide the restoration of the functionality of all its organs and systems.

How long do heroin addicts live?

Drug addicts who use diacetylmorphine are constantly at risk of contracting hepatitis, AIDS, syphilis and others. dangerous diseases that are transmitted through contact with the blood of an infected person. The reusable use of injection syringes and the lack of sanitation lead to the infection of heroin addicts. Their lifespan depends on the time, doses and purity of the drug taken, as well as the conditions of its use. According to statistics, heroin addicts live from 3 to 5 years. Early recognition of the problem drug addiction, asking for help qualified specialists let them live long happy life while maintaining joy, health and harmony with the outside world, peace of relatives, loved ones.

Heroin is one of the most dangerous drugs. And it is dangerous because it is very addictive. Just a few doses are enough for a person to fall into the trap of heroin addiction, both physical and psychological, which is extremely difficult to cope with.

What does heroin addiction mean for a person? This is a break that makes you sell your soul.

There are only a few drugs that can cause a very strong and painful withdrawal when they are rejected. This is exactly what happens with heroin. Withdrawal occurs on the first day after giving up drugs. It manifests itself most clearly and with many symptoms on the second and third days. During the week it is very difficult. Usually a person needs medical care at that time. It is breaking ( withdrawal syndrome) is the main reason why drug addicts are ready to do anything for a dose - and this leads a person to inevitable degradation and loss of human appearance.

Heroin addict: signs of admission and life span

Heroin use is a permanent high risk. Dependence on this drug is dangerous due to overdose and the occurrence of concomitant diseases such as HIV / AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis and many other diseases transmitted through contact with the patient's blood (through syringes). Heroin addicts use injecting syringes uncontrollably, which leads to the transmission of infections.

Signs of a heroin addict:

  • the main and most obvious is the narrowing of the pupil and the lack of its reaction when the lighting changes;
  • nausea and even vomiting may occur;
  • during sleep, a person sweats a lot, an unpleasant odor may come from the body;
  • as a result of taking this drug, severe drowsiness may occur, a person may fall asleep even during a conversation with an interlocutor;
  • marks from intravenous injection on the hands, arms, ankles, resembling cat scratches;
  • unwillingness to regularly visit the shower and wash;
  • burnt clothes in the chest area. If a person smokes, then he can fall asleep with a cigarette and often burns through clothes;
  • mood swings may occur, sociability may be replaced by isolation or aggression;
  • Valuable things and money can disappear from the home of a heroin addict, there is a constant need for money, requests for it under various pretexts.

Heroin is not an easy drug, and the question of how long heroin addicts live is also not an easy one.

Life expectancy is affected by many risks (from overdose and the risk of getting serious illnesses to accidents). The average life span is several years and depends on the following factors:

  • drugs are poisons, toxins, they quickly poison the body, washing out vitamins and minerals, without which the vital activity of all organs and systems suffers. The body is destroyed with every stab. The health of a drug addict is steadily and rapidly deteriorating, immunity is declining, diseases are progressing;
  • risks associated with overdose (different suppliers, different composition drugs) and accidents due to the fact that a person is not actually aware of the real environment;
  • The life span of a heroin addict depends, among other things, on the initial health and strength of the person, both mental and physical. He can kill someone earlier, and someone later. Someone is so strong in spirit that he can overcome many barriers on his life path. But that's the problem, that the strength of the spirit will be constantly suppressed by the drug, and the person will fall lower and lower.

Some of the consequences of heroin addiction that affect the timing and quality of life:

  • breathing problems (this drug affects nervous system and on the brain, affecting breathing);
  • limited supply of oxygen to the brain and clouding of thoughts and perceptions;
  • destruction of veins and infection of the vessels of the circulatory system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • arthritis;
  • tooth decay and gum disease;
  • acne;
  • women are impaired menstrual cycle, and men develop impotence;
  • and other problems, including depression and negative emotional states.

Treatment options for heroin addiction

During the existence of this problem, people have come up with many solutions, but not all of them are effective and not all are safe. We will describe some of them, as well as dispel the myths associated with these methods:

  • blocker filing and similar techniques. The theory is this - the drug is filed to block the usual reaction from heroin and the drug, if taken before filing or after, is excreted from the body without exerting desired action, and even vice versa, can cause withdrawal symptoms;
  • detoxification. Poisons are excreted from the blood;
  • medicines (any, such as painkillers, sedatives, antidepressants, psychotropic drugs etc.);
  • groups of anonymous drug addicts and conversations with psychologists, attempts to change the worldview and behavior of a person.

First, a little truth about drugs: they are poisons that have effects depending on the dose. Medicines are also poisons (this is evidenced by their rapid action, side effects, the consequences of an overdose or taking them together with alcohol, addiction with long-term use, etc. Poisons are not completely eliminated, but are deposited in the tissues of the body, and subsequently, again getting into the blood, cause some reactions similar to those that a person experienced at the time of taking.

Addiction does not arise as a consequence of taking heroin. No, it starts much earlier - when there is something in life that oppresses him, because of which he seeks to escape from reality. And he "chooses" drugs. This is the way to deal with the problem, whatever it may be. This is his way of coping with life.

And neither medication will help to solve this (there is no pill that would teach a person to cope with life), nor medical detoxification (it does not remove drugs from adipose tissue), nor filing of blockers (if heroin does not help, a person will change one addiction for another). Conversations with psychologists or in groups are a little more effective than pills, but they will not return a person to that good condition in which he was before addiction. Psychologists try to change the point of view and behavior with the help of persuasion, they say what to do and what to think. Will it help with heroin use? Drug addiction, so to speak, is a state of mind that cannot be solved with pills, prohibitions, persuasion and discussion of problems.

The treatment of a heroin user is divided into several stages:

  • removal of withdrawal symptoms;
  • detoxification of the body, in which toxins are removed from the fatty and other tissues of the body;
  • rehabilitation course;
  • post-rehabilitation adaptation.
  1. Withdrawal syndrome can be removed in a clinic where potent drugs are not used, and even more so anesthesia and psychotropic drugs. In our center there is even softer, but effective way- weaning, which is the first step of the program.
  2. Detoxification New life” is also held in our center. It is here that a person gets rid of accumulated toxins (deposits of heroin and other poisons) that cannot be removed in any other way: pills, blood purification or folk methods.
  3. Rehabilitation in our center is based on several important components: working with all aspects of addiction and returning a person to the good state that was before addiction. No suggestions, persuasion, discussions - a person comes to a good state, returns self-respect and personal principles, he himself looks at his life, actions, he himself finds answers to his questions. If someone does it for him (for example, a psychologist) - there will be no result. Just looking at things underneath right angle(having the right knowledge about life) and by changing your thoughts and decisions, you can truly change, regain a chance for a happy future.
  4. After completing the program and returning home, a person needs help and support. We provide it. We can always be contacted and we periodically contact those who have completed the program.

Getting rid of dire consequences heroin addiction is possible. But without rehabilitation, it is very difficult to do this and the person's condition will be unstable. Yes, without good rehab, you can use all your willpower to stop using, hold on, and not give up. difficult times, experience negative manifestations past and so on. But such a state cannot be called freedom. Thanks to the Narconon program, heroin is a thing of the past, the craving for it becomes only a memory, and a person literally gets a chance to start all over again, from the moment when he made a wrong decision and drugs entered his life.

Since 2001, our Narconon Standard Drug Rehabilitation Center has had a program of many people who have used heroin, whom we have been able to help overcome their addiction.

Treatment without further rehabilitation does not give any stable results. Our rehabilitation program is required for the full recovery of a person with drug addiction, after giving up heroin use.


We will help motivate a person so that he has a desire to get rid of addiction.
We will give advice on how to communicate with drug addicts.

Dependence heroin drug is not only dangerous mental illness, but also a rather serious problem, both legally and socially. It refers to a powerful analgesic that acts instantly and can create a feeling of euphoria in people.

heroin addiction develops too fast. After one week, the person turns into a drug addict. After all, the use of this drug has extremely negative consequences. Here it is important to identify the addiction in a timely manner and immediately provide him with all the necessary assistance.

The first dose does not cause any dependence on heroin. Although from the injection made to the subsequent development of the real heroin addiction it might not take that long. That is why, after a person has tried it on himself at least a few times, for example, in order to get some new sensations, getting rid of addiction will be quite problematic.

With appearance no clear manifestations may or may not exist. He can work, study, but at the same time all his existing thoughts will be directed to the search for a dose. Such behavior is usually referred to as a psychological type of addiction, which is based on the presence of a sufficiently strong craving. It is perceived by man as main source getting pleasure, as well as a method of liberation from a wide variety of options that exist in life worries.

Externally signs of heroin use a person may not possess, although even with this one can notice some features of non-standard behavior that are characteristic of a drug addict. First sign of heroin use irritability. They also tend to be aggressive. As a result, the longer the interval between successive doses is, the correspondingly, the aggression will increase much faster. Every day it draws into its own networks much stronger. Soon, the number of doses also begins to increase. There is a risk of overdose-death.

The stronger the addiction becomes, the more obvious its signs will seem. heroin addict begins to lose its own weight very quickly. In some areas of the skin, numerous ulcers begin to appear. Immunity is weakened, which leads to the appearance of various infectious diseases.

Among the obvious signs of the presence of addiction, it is worth highlighting the following options:

- Loss of appetite and insomnia.

“People begin to feel exhausted and sleepy, but do not want to rest.

- Instant mood change and the presence of obsession in communication.

- The skin on the face becomes red, just like the area around the eyes itself.

- Pupils begin to constrict.

- There is a constant need for Money.

- On the elbows, there are traces of numerous injections.

Such drug addiction is considered the most pernicious variety, which leads to death. It is distributed in a huge number of states. Heroin has already killed great amount of people. How does a person become addicted?

It does not always become the first drug. Before that, the person most likely has already used such types of drugs as marijuana, as well as drugs that contain narcotic substances. Although in some situations they are used directly heroin drug. Today there is fake information about the fact that there are really soft drugs in the world. And if a person once used marijuana and did not die, then it may not be so harmful. It is not true. Such false information is initially provided in order to draw people into addiction as much as possible. more of people.

Even the first dose will lead to poisoning of the body. People experience the strongest intoxication. Even after the first use of such a drug, dizziness and nausea appear. And herself heroin addiction appears fairly quickly. After all, the body is almost instantly rearranged, which leads to addiction.

With heroin addiction, he is at the mercy of the drug. Since it needs to be taken every day. In a situation where the necessary dose is not available, a person begins to feel pain and suffering. Due to the presence of fracture heroin addicts afraid to give it up. That is why they continue to use drugs. As a result, life turns into a constant search for the money that is needed to acquire heroin. Dependent people in such a situation, they steal, lie and commit various crimes.

Money begins to disappear in the house, as well as various things. And relatives are observed constant occurrence the strongest stress. Average heroin addicts people do not live long and without appropriate treatment can die within five years.

Severe withdrawal or, in other words, withdrawal syndrome is a psychological and physical type of disorder. occurs after a short period of time as a result of a decrease in dosage or a complete cessation of heroin use. When the body does not receive the next dose, a corresponding reaction occurs. There are strong painful sensations, which are called brittleness. So strong heroin withdrawal timing, which are the longest, can cause severe pain.

Initially, treatment is aimed at getting rid of the withdrawal syndrome. heroin withdrawal term up to about 7 days. Such a period is considered quite difficult. Although this problem can still be dealt with using special medicines. But these steps are just the first step.

Here, careful attention should be paid to determining the cause of the occurrence of such a condition. After all, only after that you can achieve the desired effect. All actions professional specialists initially sent to return to a full life. Also, do not forget about the implementation of such a procedure as coding. And after that, you can proceed to rehabilitation procedures. This stage is very important. At the same time, psychologists work not only with a sick person, but also with all his relatives.