School dictionary of antonyms Lviv online. Russian antonymy and its lexicographic description

The dictionary contains about 2000 pairs of antonyms - words with opposite meaning(white - black, enter - exit, good - evil). For many antonyms, synonyms (synonymous pairs of antonyms) are given. All of them are illustrated with quotations from artistic, scientific, journalistic literature. The quotations contain both opposed words. The dictionary is accompanied by an index and an appendix.
The dictionary is of interest to both a wide range readers, and for specialists in philology, translators, press and radio workers. The dictionary can be recommended as reference guide for persons studying Russian as a non-native or foreign language.

Dictionary makes it possible to master wealth means of expression language, which is primarily and most clearly manifested in the vocabulary. “Dictionaries of the Russian language are a powerful tool for the culture of speech and, at the same time, a product of this culture,” wrote Acad. V. V. Vinogradov. Being an authoritative reference book, they at the same time absorb “the best that the national language culture making it public property.

Grammar and vocabulary - two the most important forms descriptions of the language, and above all - descriptions of the practical, intended for a wide range of consumers. The first gives an idea of grammatical structure language and norms of the use of morphological and syntactic categories and units, the second - about lexical system language as a whole or its individual categories (dimensions), about the patterns of the accepted use of words and their combinations.

Theoretical research in the field of semantics and lexicology and a systematic description of the main categories of vocabulary undertaken in recent decades, are directly reflected in lexicographic practice, not only in qualitative improvement already existing dictionaries (explanatory and some others), but also in the development and publication of new types of dictionaries of the Russian language, in different ways, with various points view of reflecting vocabulary: from the side of semantic similarity lexical units(dictionary of synonyms), their opposites (dictionary of antonyms), sound and graphic coincidence of words and their forms (dictionary of homonyms), normative connection of words in speech with other words (dictionary of word compatibility), subject-conceptual organization of vocabulary (thematic, ideographic dictionary), structures, word structures (word-building dictionary), etc.

Antonymy and dictionaries of antonyms (L. A. Novikov)
From the author
How to use a dictionary
Conditional abbreviations and signs accepted in the dictionary
Appendix I-II.

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Series: "Desk dictionaries of the Russian language"

The dictionary contains about 2700 antonyms. It gives for the first time general concepts, uniting antonymic pairs, and features of the lexical meaning of each antonym. The dictionary contains examples of the use of antonyms in speech: dictionary entries contain illustrations from fiction and journalistic Literature XIX-XX centuries. The applications provide non-standard ways the formation of antonyms, as well as the antonymy of morphemes. The index helps to quickly find the desired antonymic pair. The dictionary is intended for the widest range of readers, including philologists, translators, media workers, methodologists, school teachers and university teachers.

Publisher: "AST-Press Book" (2012)

Format: 70x100/16, 512 pages

ISBN: 978-5-462-01207-5

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    > Dictionaries of antonyms

    Vvedenskaya L.A. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language. - M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2004. - 445, p.

    The dictionary contains more than 500 antonymic nests. The dictionary entry includes an antonymic pair, the interpretation of each of its members and illustrative material. Synonymous pairs of antonyms form a nest.

    The dictionary contains the following applications: 1. Antonymy between a word and a free phrase; 2. On the interaction of antonymy and synonymy; 3. Synonymous pairs of antonyms; four. Synonymous relations between pairs of antonyms; 5. The concept of a synonymic-antonymic paradigm; 6. Compatibility of antonyms in Russian; 7. Occasional antonyms; eight. Stylistic figures based on antonyms; 9. Antonyms as an artistic and visual means in L.N. Tolstoy; 10. Dictionary of antonyms A.P. Chekhov.

    Sample dictionary entries


    And where life couldn't take root natural in order, there it gradually arose artificial way, forcibly, at the cost of large monetary costs and human effort. A.P. Chekhov.


    When a woman destroys like a man, they find it natural and everyone understands this, when she wants or tries to create, like a man, then they find it unnatural and they don't agree with it. A.P. Chekhov.


    They all teach, warn, frighten, and as if for bravery their words are hidden fear. M. Gorky.

    Lvov M.R. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language: Over 3000 antonyms / Ed. L.A. Novikov. - 8th ed., stereotype. - M: PRESS BOOK, 2006. - 592 p.

    The dictionary includes more than 3000 antonyms of the Russian language. Synonyms (synonymous pairs of antonyms) are given for antonyms. Antonymic pairs are illustrated with quotations from the artistic, scientific literature and journalism.


    Greatness - insignificance (cm.)

    greatness - insignificance (cm.)

    A great goal is a small goal. O According to the strange arrangement of things, always insignificant reasons gave birth to great events and, conversely, great enterprises ended in insignificant consequences. Gogol. old secular landlords.- It has long been known that high places make insignificant people even more insignificant, and great people even more great. Stadnyuk. War.Ø In the meaning noun cf. R. Evil is rooted in evil secrets, The pain of a bitten cry lurks. Everything is different in them: great is small. Everything, everything is not so: insignificant is great. You. Fedorov. O evil secrets...

    GREAT - Pitiful

    Napoleon Bonaparte was despised by everyone as long as he was great, and since he became a miserable comedian, Emperor Franz sought to offer him his daughter as an illegitimate wife. L. Tolstoy. War and Peace.


    It's better to be funny than pretend to be great. G. Gor. Geometric forest.Ø In the meaning noun cf. R. From the great to the ridiculous - one step. Proverb. Yes, he was young, the great and the funny coexisted side by side in his head. M. Kolesnikov. Industrial ballad.


    owls.rejoice - upset

    I am just as little happy about your winning as it is about losing. L. Tolstoy. Childhood. He was ashamed of the fifteen minutes he had slumbered without waiting for her, but he didn't want to say that he hadn't slept all night - that would probably have upset her more than gladdened her. K. Simonov. Days and nights. The passenger train made a small stop there. This both pleased and upset Klimov. Nagibin. Smoke break. Galya, dove! Thank you for your letter, it made me very happy. I was a little upset by the fact that you reported about Borovsky. Yesenin. Letter from G. Benislavskaya, 20 December. 1924.

    Lvov M. R. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language. St. 3000 antonym. steam / Ed. L. A. Novikova. - 8th ed., stereotype. - M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2006. - 592 p.

    Collecting antonyms and systematizing them according to a single principle - that is, compiling a dictionary - is a very difficult task. And although the work on the dictionary brought joy and satisfaction, there were moments when the task seemed overwhelming.

    A significant place in the dictionary is occupied by text illustrations, without which the meaning of antonymic pairs is not always clear, and sometimes antonymy is doubtful. And naturally, the greatest difficulties in working on a dictionary are associated with the selection of literary quotations.

    The expressive power of contrast, antithesis, and therefore antonyms (full, symmetrical and so-called "quasi-antonyms") is amazing. Antonyms reveal not only the opposite ("A merry and boredom is merry, and a boring one is boring." Proverb), but also the internal inconsistency of phenomena ("Petersburg with its merry boredom and bored gaiety." N. Leskov), the completeness of the coverage of the depicted phenomenon (“In the Russian language, all tones and shades, all transitions of sounds from the hardest to the most gentle and soft.” Gogol) and other meanings. The collection of semantically opposed words found in works of literature was the first step towards the creation of the Dictionary of Antonyms. For more than 20 years, a card file of antonyms has been accumulating and continues to grow - quotes containing antonymic pairs in one sentence or in one small passage of text. It is very important that the illustrated antonyms be used in exactly one context, since the antonymic pair is a lexical-semantic unity.

    The dictionary uses quotes from works of Russian fiction from A. S. Pushkin to the present day (A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol, N. A. Nekrasov, I. S. Turgenev, L N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. P. Chekhov, M. Gorky, A. A. Blok, S. A. Yesenin, M. I. Tsvetaeva, A. N. Tolstoy, M. A. Bulgakov , K. A. Fedin, M. A. Sholokhov, A. A. Fadeev, A. T. Tvardovsky, K. G. Paustovsky, K. M. Simonov, V. P. Astafiev and others), from the political, journalistic, scientific literature, from magazine and newspaper periodicals. When preparing the dictionary, the following were used: "The Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language" (M.; L., 1950-1965. Vol. 1-17); "Dictionary of the Russian language" (M., 1957-1961. Vol. 1-4; 2nd ed., Rev. and added. M., 1981-1984. Vol. 1-4); "Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language" ed. A. P. Evgenyeva (L., 1970-1971. Vol. 1-2); "Dictionary of synonyms" ed. A. P. Evgenyeva (L., 1975). The nature of the literature used makes it possible to consider that the dictionary reflects the use of antonyms in the modern literary language. Due to the lack of illustrative material, not all commonly used antonyms are included in the dictionary, not all antonymic pairs are uniformly illustrated, rarely used antonyms sometimes have only one quote.

    Note, by the way, that the frequency of the use of antonyms does not always coincide with the frequency of individual words - members of an antonymic pair. So the words virtue and vice have, as shown in " frequency dictionary Russian language, ed. LN Zasorina (M., 1977), a relatively low frequency of use, while the antonymic pair of virtue - vice is quite common.

    Great difficulties in the lexicographic description of antonyms are due to the fact that the degree of antonymy of different pairs is not the same. In the process of work, various options for constructing a dictionary were tried: full and incomplete antonyms were given in two of its sections; thematic nests were compiled; an attempt was made to arrange all the antonyms in a row, alphabetically, providing them with marks that determine the degree of antonymy, etc. At the suggestion of the doctor of philological sciences L. A. Novikov, author of the monograph "Antonymy in the Russian language" (M., 1973), in the dictionary, such a structure was adopted and implemented that made it possible to distinguish between antonyms into complete and incomplete ("quasi-antonyms") within each dictionary entry, highlighting full antonyms as dominants or their synonyms, and incomplete antonyms as subordinates to them.

    However, such a structure, for all its merits, turned out to be rather complicated for this work. The card file did not always provide illustrative material, as a result of which some synonymous groups of antonyms were not marked; in some, rare cases, one had to resort to the traditional method of quoting - combining two quotations or limiting oneself to typical phrases indicating the parallelism in the use of antonyms.

    The dictionary is not explanatory: refusing to interpret each member of the antonymic pair separately, the author believes that it should be found specific way interpretation of the meaning of an antonymic pair as a lexico-semantic unity. This problem has so far been satisfactorily solved only for some antonymic pairs. Therefore, the values ​​(one or more) are revealed by selection literary examples(citations): each quotation usually illustrates a new meaning, a new shade of meaning, or a peculiarity in the use of antonyms.

    In the fifth edition, the dictionary is supplemented with new entries, the synonymic nests of antonyms are significantly replenished, the number of derived antonymic pairs (not illustrated with citations) inside the dictionary entries is increased. The illustrative material of the dictionary has been significantly updated by including quotations from works published in recent years.

    The seventh edition of the "Dictionary of Antonyms" has been significantly increased in volume. For what? The card index continued to accumulate, thanks to which the dictionary was supplemented with new articles (there are about 200 of them). Many articles were enriched with new textual illustrations that reflected the variants of the meaning and use of antonymic pairs in the text, synonymous nests and word-formation series became richer. I tried to present more fully the literature of the Russian diaspora, the works of the last two decades, and also to present authors who were not published in those years when the dictionary was created. A worthy place among them was taken by V. Solovyov, N. Berdyaev, M. Tsvetaeva, D. Merezhkovsky, A. Solzhenitsyn, A. Akhmatova, V. Khodasevich, I. Annensky, N. Gumilev, V. Grossman, V. Nabokov, M Voloshin and other writers.

    The new edition included Appendix III, which presents some antonymic pairs that are usually not included in dictionaries: occasional, contextual, connotative antonyms, the phenomena of derivational and grammatical antonymy are noted. I appreciate their expressive power; they are widely used both in fiction and in everyday life (wedding - funeral, honey - poison, roses - thorns).

    These antonyms were introduced sporadically in previous editions of the Dictionary of Antonyms, but only in cases where they could be considered as synonymous in the nest, for example: “Heat - cold, heat - cold, heat - frost, heat - cold, heat - frost , fire - ice "; "Laughter - crying, laughter - tears, comedy - tragedy."

    In the seventh edition of the dictionary, lexical antonymy was shown more fully than in previous editions. But it is far from exhausted. Reflected in antonymy general laws nature: the laws of rhythm, symmetry, contrast... Antonymic relations go beyond vocabulary: we see them in grammar, in the structure of the text, and in style...

    The release of the 8th, stereotyped edition of the Dictionary of Antonyms by the AST-PRESS KNIGA publishing house testifies to the interest in it: the dictionary, apparently, performs its functions well.

    M. R. Lvov



    § 1. The dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language includes both heterogeneous antonyms (big - small, loud - quiet, day - night), and single-root ones (flight - short flight, come - leave, revolutionary - counter-revolutionary).

    § 2. Not only significant parts of speech (nouns and adjectives, adverbs, verbs, pronouns), but also service parts (prepositions, particles) are presented as antonyms in the dictionary: love - hate, high - low, fun - sad, light - extinguish, everything - no one, to - from, over - under, give - on, yes - no, etc.

    § 3. The dictionary contains antonyms expressing: a) a qualitative opposite (easy - difficult, beautiful - ugly, talented - mediocre); b) complementarity (married - single, alive - dead, sighted - blind, true - false); c) the opposite direction of actions, signs, properties (fly in - fly out, light up - extinguish, bloom - fade, warming - cooling, mind - madness).


    § 4. The dictionary consists of the main part, an appendix and an index of antonymic pairs included in the dictionary.

    § 5. The main part contains dictionary entries arranged in alphabetical order of capital pairs of antonyms (dominant), which are assigned a serial number. Subordinate antonymic pairs do not have their own number and are marked with the same number as the dominant.


    § 6. A single pair of antonyms or a group of antonymic pairs united on a synonymic basis and subordinate to the capital pair - dominant can be presented in a dictionary entry.

    Dictionary entry title

    § 7. The most common, semantically homogeneous and stylistically neutral symmetrical pair of antonyms is given as the main heading (dominant), typed in capital bold, for example:


    In the absence of modern language For a stylistically neutral variant, a commonly used, symmetrical, but stylistically colored pair of antonyms can be chosen as a dominant, for example:

    WEATHER (colloquial) - BAD WEATHER

    § 8. Below the main heading, in smaller (than the dominant) bold capital font, synonyms of the main antonymic pair are given, for example:


    GOOD - BAD

    § 9. Then the so-called “quasi-antonyms” are given in bold italics: semantically and stylistically heterogeneous, asymmetrical oppositions, based not on the primary, but on the secondary meanings of the word, figurative oppositions and some others, for example:


    GOOD - BAD

    GOOD - BAD

    GOOD - THIN (colloquial)

    JOY - SAD

    JOY - SAD


    JOY - KRUCHINA (nar.-poet.)

    § 10. In the title: a) nouns are given in nominative case singular, except when, as part of an antonymic pair, they are used mainly in plural, for example:



    b) adjectives are given in the nominative singular male; c) verbs are given in the infinitive form.

    § 11. Masculine nouns with the meaning of person and correlative nouns formed from them female cited in one article, for example:


    and. blonde - brunette

    Verbs considered as correlative in aspect are given in one article with the corresponding aspect mark, for example:


    owls. appear - disappear


    nesov. fall asleep - wake up

    Verbs that do not have a correlative aspectual pair are given in the heading without specifying the aspect.

    § 12. In the title: the word order within the antonymic pair is due to traditional fixedness (war - peace), logical or temporal sequence (to get sick - to recover, yesterday - tomorrow), the presence of a positive quality, property (good - evil, legal - illegal, revolutionary - counter-revolutionary), in the absence of such conditionality - the order is alphabetical.

    Stylistic notes

    § 13. If a word is a member of an antonymic pair, which is a heading, is stylistically or expressively colored, then it is supplied with the mark colloquial, simple, nar.-poet., bookish, obsolete. or high, for example:

    BUCKET (simple) - HAZARD

    SAVE - WIND (colloquial)

    In paired aspectual verbs and nouns with the meaning of a person, the stylistic mark is placed only at the word in the main heading, for example:

    EARN - WIND (colloquial) and WASTE (colloquial)

    owls. acquire - squander

    TALKER (colloquial) - SILENT (colloquial)

    and. talker - silent

    Word-building connections

    § 14. With antonyms that are considered as initial ones, one-root, relative to the capital, antonymic pairs are given. So, in the article white - black, the following antonymic pairs are given:

    white - black

    white - black

    turn white (sya) - blacken (sya) (see)

    whiten - blacken (see)

    whiten - blacken

    white - draft (see)

    whitewash - denigrate (see)

    whitening - blackening (see)

    The mark (see) for some of them means that these antonyms are headings and their place in the dictionary can be determined by the index (§ 21).


    § 15. As illustrations, in case of use, phrases are given that indicate similarities in syntactic links antonyms, for example:


    Legal claims are illegal claims. A legal act is an illegal act. Legally - illegally.

    § 16. The following are illustrations taken from works of fiction, journalistic, scientific literature, from periodicals. Quotations usually contain both opposing words and help to reveal the meaning of antonyms, demonstrate their use in direct and figurative meaning, emphasize polysemy, note substantivation, etc. Omissions in the text are indicated by a dot.