Classes on the development of speech senior group conversation. "Conversation as a means of developing coherent speech of preschool children

    Specificity of conversations with children of the second and third years of life. The content of conversations with children on a visual basis and based on the personal experience of children.

    Types of conversations and their purpose. Requirements for the content of conversations for children of different age groups. The structure of the conversation. Characteristics of questions as the main methods of conversation.

1. Conversation and conversation as two ways speech communication people are essential methods development of coherent speech of children from dialogue to monologue.

Talk with children in the first year of life, it contributes to the development of imitation (in the form of babbling) and understanding of speech (the development of a connection between an object, action and word). To develop imitation in a conversation with children, one should repeat the same or similar syllables (mother, aunt), it is good to use the roll call technique with the child, the sing-song pronunciation of words. The development of speech understanding in children is associated with the emergence of a primary orientation in the environment, with the ability to perform certain tasks. simple steps in the process of talking with an adult (show, give, sit down, make patties). The most common method of developing speech understanding is to ask the child the question: “Where is that?”. In response, children by the end of the first year of life can show 6-8 objects. With speech, an adult accompanies all the actions and games of the child: washing, feeding, dressing, playing with toys, folk games, nursery rhymes “Ladushki”, “Magpie”, etc.

The second year of a child's life is a period of intensive formation of all aspects of speech. Development of speech understanding (from understanding individual words and phrases until understanding the plot of a short story or fairy tale) is based on familiarization with the surrounding objects. Therefore, in a conversation with children of the second year of life, one should pay attention to the qualities, condition, purpose of objects: “I have a small car, and you have a big one”, “The apple is red, sweet”. Improving the understanding of speech is facilitated by the complication of the orienting activity of children, which is developed in a conversation: “Show the nesting doll”, “Find the doll”, “Where is the cockerel?”. First, the children answer the questions of an adult by action or onomatopoeia: “Tell your mother thanks” (the child nods his head), “How big will you grow up?” (the child stands on his toes and raises his hands up), “Call the cat” (kiss-kiss). To teach a child to answer questions, it is necessary, when asking them, to first answer the adult himself: “What does Katya eat? Kasha?" Such questions with a subsequent answer are asked to the child during the day: when dressing, putting to bed, in games. At first, the child can repeat the answer after the adult, and then he will be able to answer himself in a situation familiar to him.

Particular attention should be paid to the development of children's understanding of words-assignments: say, repeat. In a conversation with adults, children are happy to repeat certain words and phrases. However, difficulties may arise here if the child is accustomed to accompanying the conversation by showing toys or pictures. Therefore, it is necessary, repeating the words “say, repeat” in a calm tone, to ensure that the child focuses his attention on the face of an adult, listens and answers. It is important to teach children in their second year of life to express their desires in conversation with adults. different words“give”, “can”, “drink”, “go”, etc.

In the third year of life, children begin to communicate with each other, therefore, in a conversation with adults, they learn those forms of communication, which they then transfer to situations of communication with peers. In a conversation with adults, the planning function of speech begins to take shape: “I will draw a house”, “I will be a mother, and you are my daughter.”

Children of the third year of life actively get acquainted with the qualities and properties of the surrounding objects and phenomena. In a conversation with children from day to day, the use of monotonous words and expressions should be avoided. For example, instead of ordinary word"hot", you can say: "The tea is hot, wait until it cools down." It is necessary to express the same thoughts in different ways, this not only contributes to the enrichment of the vocabulary of children, but also to the expansion and deepening of their ideas about the world around them. Children begin to compare, compare various objects and phenomena, establish connections between them. Therefore, any requirement, instruction should be explained to the child: "Put on mittens, because it's cold." So they teach the child to motivate their requests and desires: “First I’ll play a little, then I’ll eat.”

In children of the third year of life, the need to talk with adults increases significantly. In a conversation with an adult, the child best perceives an individual appeal: “Katya, go wash your hands”, “Tanya and Sveta, help Petya collect toys”. Phrases like: "Children, go wash your hands" or "Let's collect toys together" kids may not pay attention.

Children often use speech as a means of communicating with each other in games in pairs or with a small number of participants. But not always children can agree and distribute roles and game responsibilities. Therefore, the direct or indirect participation of an adult is necessary.

Thus, a child’s conversation with adults and peers contributes to the development of speech functions (communicative, regulatory, cognitive) and the formation of various speech skills and abilities (answering a question, denoting objects, actions, signs with a word, building phrases and simple sentences).

2. Conversation- This is a purposeful discussion with children of any phenomena. Conversation is an active method of teaching children to get acquainted with the world around them and one of the most effective verbal methods in the development of children's speech. The rationale for conversation as a method was given back in ancient Greece by Socrates and Plato for teaching young men rhetoric and logic. For the first time, the use of conversations in preschool education was proposed by Ya.A. Comenius and I.G. Pestalozzi. E.I. attached great importance to the conversation. Tikheev. She meant by conversation an organized, systematically conducted speech lesson, the purpose of which is to deepen, systematize the ideas and knowledge of children.

Conversation for children preschool age is a means of systematizing and clarifying the knowledge of children. In the process of conversation, an adult directs the thoughts of children with his questions, leading them to comparisons, generalizations, and conclusions. The value of the conversation lies precisely in the fact that the child is taught to think logically, to reason, and this is necessary for further education at school. The development of coherent speech skills is closely related to the development of thinking. In a conversation, the child is taught to clearly express his thoughts in a word, develop the ability to listen to the interlocutor.

The content of the conversation should be close and accessible to children. The mistake of the teacher is the desire to give children in a conversation as much as possible new and complex material that children cannot comprehend and assimilate, so they are distracted and deviate from discussing issues. The most effective technique is the fragmentation of information: new information is given in small parts - "segments" - in the process of conversation based on personal experience children. The technique of "speech segmentation" allows you to conduct conversations lively and naturally, to achieve the activity of children.

The younger the child, the more the conversation should be related to his direct observations. With older preschoolers, it is necessary in a conversation to go beyond direct personal experience, but knowledge should be elementary and contribute to active learning. mental activity child.

Visual materials (objects, toys, paintings, models, etc.) are of great importance in organizing and conducting conversations. The educator needs to think over the logic of sequential examination of visual material, as well as questions, explanations, tasks for children.

Conversation Structure traditionally includes three parts. In the first (introductory) part, children must be given living image, so you can start a conversation by looking at visual material or memories of loved ones life experience child phenomena. In the second part (main) follows analysis discussed phenomena and facts, highlighting the most significant features, on the basis of which it is necessary to bring children to conclusions. The third part (final) is aimed at generalization, systematizing the ideas of children, contributing to the development in children of the necessary attitude to the phenomena under discussion and proper behavior.

The main means of conversation are questions. The sequence of questions and their wording is important for success. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of children. Most often, the educator uses questions that require a simple naming of objects, a description of their properties, actions with them. At the same time, the child states the facts known to him - he names and describes the material that he directly perceives. Questions like “What is it?”, “What?”, “What does it do?” can be asked to evoke children's memories of previously seen objects or events; they stimulate mental activity and activate the speech of the child.

The most difficult questions for children are those that involve the establishment of causal relationships (“when?”, “Why?”). Sometimes children cannot answer such a question because it is very general, then the wording of the question should be specified. For example: “When do the birds arrive?” - the question is not clear, as a rule, the children are silent, with clarification: “When do the birds arrive - in spring or autumn?” children answer: "Spring". the main task questions - to encourage children to independent logical reasoning, which are expressed in phrases and detailed sentences.

Particular attention should also be paid to questions asked by the children themselves. Unfortunately, in practice, the conversation often turns into a monologue-story of the teacher or a one-sided questioning of children. Nevertheless, it is very important to encourage children to ask questions, to provoke a lively exchange of opinions, to lead children to correct conclusions and conclusions. So, in the course of a conversation, children learn to listen to the opinions of others, adhere to the general topic of the conversation, ask clarifying questions, thereby improving their effective communication skills.

Thus, conversation as a method of active knowledge of the surrounding world contributes to the development of all aspects of the child's speech: lexical, grammatical, phonetic, and also coherent speech.


1. Lyamina, G.M. Speech development of an early age child: a methodological guide / G.M. Lyamina. - 2nd ed. - M.: Iris-press, 2006. - 96 p.

2. Starzhinskaya, N.S. Teaching children to tell / N.S. Starzhinskaya, D.M. Dubinina, E.S. Belko. - Minsk: Adukatsiya i vykhavanne, 2003. – 144 p.



To acquaint children with the basic moral category "good".


- develop personal qualities: reflection, empathy, tolerance;

- raise creative activity preschoolers.


- bring up respectful attitude to the people around careful attitude to objects, nature.

Demo material: recording of the song “We wish you happiness”, “If you are good”, a drawing depicting flowers, trees, animals, people, objects, natural phenomena; image of a blossoming apple tree; objects: stick, stone, rope, book; apple seed; explanatory dictionary, ball, magnets.

Handout : an image of an evil character for each with models of eyebrows, lips; an image of a tree for each; colored pencils, heart models for each.

Lesson progress

Children, along with the teacher, come in and stand in a circle.

- Hello, my new friends! My name is Olga Vladimirovna. I am very glad to see your kind faces, radiant eyes! Let's give a piece of our Have a good mood each other. Smile!

“I really want to get to know you. The ball will help me with this. The one to whom I throw the ball must say his affectionate name, by which he is called at home.

What an affectionate name, kind, cordial, beautiful, wonderful, wonderful, delightful, joyful, bright, soft, warm, sunny, musical, crystal, sonorous.

I was pleased to hear your affectionate names. People call affectionate names very good people.

Kindness is an amazing thing. It brings people together, saves us from loneliness and involuntary resentment.

The theme of our meeting is "Kindness".

Please sit down comfortably on the carpet.

What do you think kindness is? ( children's responses).

AT explanatory dictionary It is written: “Kindness is responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.” "Good" - everything positive, good, useful.

What kind of person can we call kind?

What should a person do to become good?

How can a kind person and should talk to others?

Who needs kindness? ( Answers).

Look at the pictures. Name who or what you think needs kindness and explain why you think so?

Let's listen to Sasha. What will Andryushenka add? What can you name, Petenka? It is very interesting to hear what Irochka will call. Light, what do you want to say?

Conclusion: Summarizing your answers, we can say that kindness is needed not only for all living things, but for all objects.

- There are things on the table. Who wants to choose any subject (stick, rope, book, stone, etc.), perform with them those actions that can be said that they bring good to people, tell about these actions.

Conclusion: I am sure that as kind people, with all objects you perform only good actions.

Is there kindness in music? Listen to a piece of music. What music? What can be done under it? So why are we sitting? Let's dance.

I brought with me seed. Whose seed do you think it is?

Imagine that you are the seeds of an apple. Show what will happen to you if you plant a seed in the ground.

- So what will happen to the seed in five years if it is planted in the ground? (Answers of children).

Showing the picture "apple tree"»

Whose kindness helped the apple tree to grow ? (The kindness of the sun, earth, air, breeze, gardener).

Conclusion: right, the kindness of the sun, earth, rain, air, people helped the apple tree grow, the fruits ripen.

- And whose kindness helps you grow? ( The kindness of parents, grandparents, educators and teachers, friends)

Today is such a good day, everyone is smiling. But I noticed that you have images of some evil characters on your tables. Go ahead and look at them.

What needs to be changed in the appearance of a character in order for an evil character to become good?

— Has the character become kind?

- What did you, Kolenka, do for this? What did he do with his lips? Eyebrows?

Conclusion: you have performed very simple actions in order for goodness to prevail over evil.

How many kind people have you met in your life?

- You have pictures of a tree on your tables. Turn it into a tree of kindness. There should be as many fruits on a tree as you remember good people in your life.

How many fruits have you drawn, Mashenka? Why? And you, Arthur?

It is wonderful that in your life you meet many kind people.

Leave the tree of kindness on the table, please go to the carpet.


- I am sure that you will always, in any situation, make good deeds to do good deeds.

- Remember that without good deeds there is no good name, life is given for good deeds.


- What did we talk about in class?

- What do you remember the most?

This is where our lesson comes to an end.

I wish you well

Good night until morning

I wish you all good dreams

good deeds and kind words

Will the road take you

From the beloved threshold

Let someone tell you:

"AT good hour and good luck!”

I wish with you

People were happier

To kind eyes

You were looking at people.

In memory of our today's meeting, I give a small heart - a symbol of a piece of my heart.

The song "We wish you happiness" is performed.

Video lessons

Attention! The first part begins the contestant's lesson from 4 minutes.

Introspection of the teacher

The theme of my lesson is "Conversation about kindness"

I have set the following tasks:

  1. Educational: to introduce children to the basic moral category "kindness".
  2. Developing: to develop personal qualities: reflection, empathy, tolerance; to increase the creative activity of preschoolers.
  3. Educational: to cultivate a respectful attitude towards people around, respect for objects, nature.

The children were told the topic of the lesson. The structure of the lesson corresponded to the tasks set. It is built in a logical sequence and the relationship of the parts of the lesson. Divided the time appropriately into all parts of the lesson. The equipment was used rationally. The pace of the lesson is chosen optimally.

When selecting content educational material I followed the requirements modified program in building tolerance.

Secondly, since I am unfamiliar with children, I picked up material for influencing the feelings of children, which contributed to feedback.

I ensured the scientific nature and availability of information.

New to the lesson was what gave the children the concept of "kindness". I believe that this topic is attractive to children.

The volume of the proposed material was sufficient for mastering by children.

For the lesson, I used a conversation, art word, playing tricks, surprise moment, music, modeling, health-saving technologies (psycho-gymnastics, physical minutes, posture dynamics). For feedback, I used: promotions, sweet Nothing, facial expressions, gestures.

Independent work was organized as a simulation of medium complexity. Individually, with indirect question, sent to fulfill right action.

I chose a moderate pace of speech. The material was presented emotionally. Managed to organize interpersonal communication.

Throughout the lesson, the children were active and efficient, showed interest in the content and process of the activity. Psychological atmosphere was calm and positive. Children showed empathy.

From the foregoing, it can be seen that the set training, developing, educational tasks fully implemented.

educator, MBDOU Kindergarten No. 7 "Ryabinushka"

of a general developmental type of Strezhevoy urban district

Synopsis on the development of speech in the senior group. Conversation about Chukovsky and his books

"Conversation about K. I. Chukovsky and his books"

Tasks: Help children remember the content of Chukovsky's fairy tales known to them. Introduce new fairy tale"Aibolit" Highlight the features of the content of the new fairy tale.

Dictionary activation: Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, Aibolit, Moidadyr, Cockroach.

Arouse interest, feeling for the writer.

Preliminary work: A conversation about books by different writers.

Organization of children: Children sit in a semicircle on chairs.

Equipment: Portrait of a writer, illustrations for fairy tales, landscape sheet 1/2, pencils.


On the table is a portrait of K. I. Chukovsky, the children sit on chairs, on the board there are illustrations for the works.

Guys, remember who wrote the fairy tale Moidadyr?

Today I brought a portrait of a writer who wrote many fairy tales.

Do any of you know what his name is? - Do you know what books he wrote?

Let me help you. Who wrote the tale of the Cockroach?

The guys of this writer are called Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Let's all say together.

What do you like about Chukovsky's fairy tales? - Do you have his fairy tales at home?

Do you like fairy tales? Children: yes. Educator. What fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky do you know?

Children. “Phone”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Moydodyr”, “Fly-Tsokotuha”,

"Fedorino grief". Educator. Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales.

Today we will get acquainted with his new fairy tale "Aibolit"

Now I will read it to you, and you listen carefully, and then answer my questions.

I am reading a fairy tale. Questions: Who wrote the fairy tale? Who main character fairy tales?

Tell Katya who wrote it? What is this fairy tale about?

Tell me, Maxim, what does Korney Ivanovich teach us with this fairy tale?

Where did our hero go to which country? What is the name of the main character? Tell us Uliana (Aibolit).

What are the names of the animals that helped Aibolit? Tell us Anya.

Where did Aibolit rush to treat sick animals? (To Africa, to Limpopo)

List the ways how Aibolit treated sick animals in Africa? (he gave a chocolate bar, put thermometers, regaled him with eggnog). Did you like the fairy tale? What new did you learn today?

And now who will briefly retell the tale to us. Let's listen to Maxim. Listen carefully to continue the story of Ulyana.

Here are the good guys. Now let's rest a little.

Fizminutka: There is a forest on the mountain

circular motions of the hands

He is neither low nor tall

sit down, stand up, hands up

eyes and hands up, stretch

Two tourists on the path

Went home from afar

walking in place

They say: "We have not heard such a whistle yet"

raise your shoulders

And now let's play the game "Tell the word." I will read the beginning of the line, and you continue.

Educator. Did you enjoy playing? What story are these lines from?

Children. Yes! From the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”

And now draw Aibolit. (children draw)

Summary of the lesson: What did we talk about today? What is the writer's name? What does this tale teach us? Did you like the fairy tale Aibolit? What game did we play? Well done, they did a good job, answered questions. The drawings turned out very beautiful. Class is over. Goodbye.

Ludmila Levashova
Abstract of the final conversation on the development of speech in preparatory group on the topic "Transport"

Abstract of the final conversation on the development of speech in the preparatory group on the topic« Transport»

Target: improvement generalized knowledge about ground, air, water sports transport improve children's knowledge of the rules of the road.

Educational tasks:

- develop coherent speech of children, operations of generalization, classification, concretization;

Summarize ideas about special transport based on the systematization of previously formed ideas about species transport, names Vehicle , professions of people, their actions;

Improve the skills of word formation and inflection, grammatical structure speeches;

Continue development speech-thinking activity, expressiveness speeches, attention, memory, the ability to justify their judgments, generalization.

Continue to consolidate agreement speech with movement.

Expand the horizons and activate the vocabulary of children based on deepening knowledge about special transport;

Educational tasks:

Bring up cognitive interest to different types transport;

Cultivate a sense of responsibility on the road;

Cultivate discipline and perseverance;

Develop the ability to work in a team.

vocabulary tasks:

Dictionary activation;

Refinement and consolidation of the dictionary;

Equipment: car toys, promotional stars.

(Organizing time)

Part 1 Introductory

Guys, today we will have a competition with you "Znayka!" For each correct answer, I will give you an asterisk. Whoever collects the most stars wins. Now I will guess riddles for you, and you try to guess them and then we will find out what topic our competition:

The house is walking down the street

It takes everyone to work.

Not on thin chicken legs,

And rubber boots. (Bus)

Takes off without acceleration

Reminds me of a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian: (Helicopter)

Without asking the ford

I boldly climb into the water -

At any depth

Always up to my waist. (Ship)

Look at these pictures, how can you call in one word what is shown on them?

In one word, all this can be called - transport.

- Well done! Guys, why did people come up with transport?

- Transport invented by people to make their work easier. For movement by land, water, air, for the transport of passengers and goods.

2 part. Main

1. What happens transport?

What is a passenger transport?

it transport that carries passengers.

Name the types of passenger transport.

Bus, tram, cars, train, electric train, bicycle, motorcycle, trolleybus fixed-route taxi, subway, plane, train, ship, etc.).

What is cargo transport?

it transport that transports goods.

Name the types of cargo transport.

dump truck, trucks, train, planes, ships, barges, etc.)

What is special transport?

it transport who performs special transportation.

What is the passenger, cargo and special transport?

Ground, underground, air and water.

2. Ground transport

Guys, what kind of land do you know transport?

Car, train, train, truck, bus, trolleybus, tram.

Why this transportation is called land?

Because this vehicles walk on the ground.

What do you know special ground transport and why is it needed?

Special ground transport- Needed for a very responsible job. They are called by phone if an urgent need is required. help: fire truck, Ambulance, police car.

Describe how you can distinguish a special transport?

The fire engine is red, the color of fire, so that it can be seen from afar and the number that you can call in case of fire is written on it - 01.

Car "Ambulance" - white color (yellow-resuscitation) with a red cross. It has everything you need to give a person first aid and the number-03 is written on it.

The police car is also white with a blue stripe. On it is written the number to call-02.

Some of these machines are equipped with special sound signals - "siren": a flashing light is installed on the cabin roof - a blue or red beacon.

Well done! Why is this beacon necessary?

The beacon is needed so that when heading to the destination, the driver can turn it on and apply sound signal. Pedestrians, having heard the signal, should immediately clear the roadway, and other cars should let the car through special purpose. These cars can go to any traffic signal.

What are the parts of the ground transport?

Cabin, salon, windows, doors, wheels, pedals, motor.

Solve riddles.

Throwing a fiery arrow

A car rushes off into the distance.

And any fire will flood

Strong car.

(Fire engine)

Step aside! Way! Way!

The car flies to help.

Guard's order: "Stand! No move!

For this machines- Green light!"

There's been a big problem somewhere.

This car is going there. (Ambulance)

Well done! About what kind transport were mysteries?

Special ground!

3. Physical education. D. I. “Traffic light”

Traffic lights have three colors.

They are clear to the chofe ra:

Red light - no way.

Yellow - be ready to go

BUT green light- roll.

(Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. The teacher shows in turn a red, yellow or green traffic light. Red - children squat, yellow - stand up, green - run in a circle, yellow stop).

4. Air transport.

Why transport called air?

- Transport called aerial because it flies through the air.

Who controls the air transport?

air transport controlled by navigators and pilots (pilots).

Guys, what kind of air do you know transport?

Airplane, helicopter.

Where does the air land transport?

Air transport lands at the airport, at the airfield, and helicopters can land at special sites, because it does not need a runway.

What are the parts of the air transport?

Cabin, propeller, landing gear, wings, tail, fuselage, porthole.

What is air for? transport special purpose?

In order to quickly help those in need to transport goods and passengers over long distances. With its help, medicines and mail, industrial and food products are delivered to the most inaccessible areas.

Solve riddles.

Boldly floats in the sky,

Overtaking birds in flight.

The man controls it.

What? (Airplane)

Cracks, not a grasshopper,

Flying, not a bird

Lucky, not a horse. (Helicopter)

Well done! About what kind transport were mysteries?


5. Water transport.

What water transport you know?

Ship, boat, boat, steamer, barge.

What is the name of the place where ships sail?

Port. Berth.

What are the parts of the water transport?

At the water transport has an anchor, bottom, deck, stern, bow, mast.

Where can you find water transport?

In the sea, on the river, in the ocean, on the pond, on the lake.

And why do you need a special water transport?

water special transportation is needed to help or save people on the water.

Solve riddles.

At sea, in rivers and lakes

I swim, agile, fast.

Among the warships

Known for its lightness. (boat)

The house floats under water

Brave people live in it,

Even under polar ice

This house can float. (Submarine)

Well done! About what kind transport were mysteries?

6. D.I. "Name it right".

Children take a picture associated with transport and call a person's profession. (Driver - drives a car; conductor - distributes fare tickets; auto mechanic - repairs cars; a taxi driver drives a taxi, a tractor driver works on a tractor; crane operator on a crane; pilot - controls the aircraft; policeman - keeps order; firefighter - works on fire truck and extinguish fires

7. Blitz poll. Rules of behavior.

Rules of conduct on the street and in transport?

The passenger must enter and exit at a complete stop, speak quietly, hold on to the handrails, give way to elders, purchase tickets ...

Where to wait for a passenger transport?

Passenger transport you just have to wait at the bus stop.

How to bypass the passenger transport?

A bus, trolleybus, car standing on the road or a stop must be bypassed only from behind, and a tram only from the front.

Why do you need to know the rules of the road?

To calmly cross the street and not get into an unpleasant situation.

Why is it necessary to walk only on the sidewalk on the street?

On the street, you only need to walk on the sidewalk, because traffic begins behind the sidewalk transport.

Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk on and why?

The pedestrian must walk right side pavement so as not to interfere with the movement of pedestrians.

Why You Shouldn't Cross the Road in Front of a Close Walker transport?

Don't cross the road in front of someone close to you transport because the driver will not be able to stop immediately, especially on a slippery road - in snow, in rain.

Why is it necessary to cross the street only at the crossroads and at the pedestrian crossing?

The driver knows that according to the rules pedestrians are allowed to move in these places, he drives carefully, slows down. A pedestrian who does not cross where it is supposed to, and he himself may suffer, and interfere with the driver. Pedestrians must cross the street strictly at the pedestrian crossing.

Why can't you cross the street on red or yellow?

When Pedestrian Enabled "red" light, for drivers on "green". Seeing green, the driver is driving fast and not expecting pedestrians. Even if there are no cars in sight, you must resist the urge to cross and wait for the green light.

Well done! I see that you know traffic rules very well.

3 part. Final

Who wants to earn extra stars can answer the following questions:

1. What does passenger mean transport?

2. What does cargo mean transport?

3. What does special mean transport?

4. What happens transport?

5. What is a sidewalk?

6. What color should I cross the road?

Count how many stars someone has and we'll pick a winner.

Well done! You all did very well today.


"Conversation as a means of developing coherent speech of preschool children"

Completed by: Mayba Yu.R.

4th year student

Chapter I . Theoretical part.

1.1. Analysis of the research of scientists A.P. Usovva, E. A. Flerina, E. I. Radina, E. P. Krylova, N. M. Krylova on the problem of the content of conversations with preschoolers............................ ................................................. ...............................................3

1.2. Characteristics of structural divisions .............................................................. ....6

1.3. Classification of conversations on various grounds .............................................. ....eight

1.4. Methodology for conducting interviews in different age groups .............................. 11

Chapter II . Practical part.

2.1. Development of a summary of the conversation accompanying the acquisition of new experience of the preparatory group ................................................. ..............fifteen

Literature ................................................................................................................18

Theoretical part

Analysis of the studies of scientists A.P. Usova, E. A. Flerina, E. I. Radina, E. P. Krylova, N. M. Krylova on the problem of the content of conversations with preschoolers

The development of coherent speech is central task speech education of children. This is primarily due to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized.

connected speech - highest form speech of mental activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development child (T.V. Akhutina, L.S. Vygotsky, N.I. Zhinkin, A.A. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, F.A. Sokhin, etc.).

Mastering the liaison oral speech is essential condition successful preparation children to school. Psychological nature coherent speech, its mechanisms and features of development in children are revealed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.A. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein and others. All researchers note complex organization coherent speech and indicate the need for special speech education (A.A. Leontiev, L.V. Shcherba).

Teaching coherent speech to children in the domestic methodology has rich traditions laid down in the works of K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy. The basics of the methodology for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers are defined in the works of M.M. Konina, A.M. Leushina, L.A. Penevskaya, O.I. Solovieva, E.I. Tiheeva, A.P. Usovoi, E.A. Flerina.

Conversation in preschool pedagogy is considered as one of the means of developing coherent speech in preschool children.A conversation is a purposeful discussion of something, an organized, prepared dialogue on a pre-selected topic.