The main landforms of the Earth. Table

The main elements of land relief are plains and mountains. These basic shapes form the macrorelief earth's surface.

A mountain is a hill with the presence of a peak point, slopes, a sole line that rises above the terrain by more than 200 m. If the hill does not exceed 200 m, it is called a hill. Landforms that are located in a single line and have a ridge and slopes are called mountain ranges. Between the mountain ranges there are usually mountain valleys that separate them. When mountain ranges join together, mountain ranges form. The complex of mountain ranges, individual ridges and valleys is a mountain, for example, the Urals, the Caucasus, the Carpathians, etc. The areas of the earth's surface occupying large area, with mountain ranges, high plains and valleys are called highlands. Examples of vast highlands are Iranian, Armenian, etc.

mountain systems

There are groups of mountain systems by origin: tectonic, blocky and folded-blocky, volcanic, erosional.

Education tectonic mountains happens when you move earth's crust. In their structure, one or many folds are noticeable, which are raised to great height. The highest mountains in the world are precisely folded. These are the Himalayas, the Pamirs, the Cordillera, etc. characteristic features skadchaty mountains are pointed peaks, gorges (narrow valleys), stretched ridges.

In the process of raising and lowering sections (blocks) of the earth's crust, blocky and folded-blocky mountains are formed along the fault planes. The relief of these mountain systems is characterized by flattened peaks, watersheds, vast valleys with a flat bottom. Represent this group Ural mountains, Altai, Appalachians, etc.

The formation of volcanic mountains occurs with the accumulation of products of volcanic activity. Erosion mountains are formed when high plains are separated under the influence of factors external environment, in particular flowing waters.

There is a classification of mountain systems by height: low(up to 1 km), high(from 2 to 5 km), highest(more than 5 km).

A large proportion of the land surface is occupied by plains with a flat or slightly hilly relief. Generally flat areas are slightly sloping.

The nature of the surface of the plains determines their division into flat, hilly and wavy. On large plains, for example, the West Siberian, there are areas with different forms relief.

In relation to sea level, the plains are divided into low-lying (up to 200 m), elevated (up to 500 m) and plateaus (more than 500 m). Lowlands are often flat, while high and high plains usually heavily indented water streams and are characterized by hilly terrain. A number of plains are below sea level. Sometimes there can be deep depressions on the plains, for example, in the Dead Sea the depression reaches 400 m below sea level.

If an elevated plain is delimited from the surrounding area by steep ledges, then it is called a plateau, for example, Putorana, Ustyurt, etc.

There are several types of plains by origin: primary (marine) plains, stratal, alluvial (alluvial), lava, erosion. The sea plains were formed due to marine regressions, these are the most large plains planets. Stratum plains are flattened sections of ancient platforms, which are characterized by almost horizontal occurrence of sedimentary rock layers. Relatively small alluvial plains are located in river valleys. They were formed as a result of the leveling of the surface by river sediments. Lava plains formed from solidified lava. The origin of erosion is explained by the gradual destruction of ancient mountains. They are usually hilly and elevated.

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Src="" alt="(!LANG:> mountains age"> горы возраст Преоблад. Максим. высота, м высоты, м Анды от 30 млн. лет до свыше 5000 м Аконкагуа, 6960 м настоящего времени Кордильеры от 160 млн. до 70 3000 -5000 м Мак-Кинли, 6194 м млн. лет Аппалачи от 460 до 230 млн. 500 -1000 м Митчелл, 2037 м лет Чем выше горы, тем они моложе!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The structure of the earth's crust Relief Minerals The area of ​​the new Coastal"> Строение земной коры Рельеф Полезные ископаемые Область новой Береговые хребты Полиметаллические, складчатости серебряные руды Область средней горы: Кордильеры, !} uranium ores, folding Rocky, Cascade, gold, molybdenum Coast ranges, ores, copper ores Sierra Nevada, Highlands: Mexican, Great Basin, Colorado Plateau N American Plains: Great, Oil, natural gas, platform Central; stony and brown lowlands: coal, iron ores, Atlantic, copper ores Mexican, Mississippi Region of ancient Appalachia Iron ore, folding coal Conclusion: On platforms - plains - dominated by sedimentary minerals, in folded areas - mountains - dominated by igneous minerals.

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Prepared by: Menailenko Inga Konstantinovna, geography teacher, email: [email protected]

Topic: The development of relief on the continents and oceans



  • show platforms, folded areas, seismic belts, areas of volcanism;
  • explain essential features the concepts of "platform", "relief", the formation and placement of large landforms of the Earth as a result of the interaction of internal and external forces.

Equipment: physical map of the world, drawings and photographs of landforms.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Examination homework. Oral survey on questions:

  1. The structure of the continental and oceanic crust.
  2. Plates of the lithosphere.
  3. Geological age of the Earth. The hypothesis of the origin of the continents.
  4. Suggested additional questions:
  1. The most common hypothesis
  2. What is it?
  3. The method of formation of gutters, mountain ranges.
  4. The reason for the formation of folded areas.
  5. Natural objects studied before this lesson (at the choice of the teacher).

III. Learning new material.

At the base of modern continents lie the oldest relatively stable and leveled sections of the earth's crust - platforms formed in the distant geological past of the Earth.

1) Work with the map "The structure of the earth's crust."

There are nine large ancient platforms on Earth, all of them are part of the continents, therefore they are their basis.

  • Name these platforms. (North American, East European, Siberian, South American, African-Arabian, Indian, Australian, Antarctic, Chinese takes an intermediate position.)
  • What is located between the platforms? (Regions of folding.)
  • What do they correspond to physical map platforms and folded areas.

Add links:

  • platforms - (plains),
  • area of ​​ancient folding - (medium-altitude mountains),
  • area of ​​new folding - (high mountains).

What do the zones of earthquakes and modern mountain building correspond to?

What areas correspond to epicenters and dates of catastrophic earthquakes?

Draw a conclusion: the causes of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

2) Working with tables and a physical map of the world.

Diagram on the board Largest eruptions volcanoes." Exercise. Specify the objects on the physical map. The largest volcanic eruptions

3) Continuation of work with the map "The structure of the earth's crust." One student works at the blackboard.

Exercise. Among the listed volcanoes, underline active volcanoes with one line, extinct volcanoes with two lines.

Chimboraso, Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Elbrus, Etna, Vesuvius, Krakatau, Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Fujiyama, Ruiz, Shiveluch, Kronotskaya Sopka.

4) The story of the teacher. During the teacher's story, the children fill out the table and diagram. landform

Patterns of placement of large landforms of the Earth

Factors affecting the formation of landforms

Tab. Interaction of internal and external processes.

Development of a lesson in geography on the topic: "Development of the relief on the continents and oceans"

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Checking homework: 1. Describe geographical location North America. 2. Explain the placement of large landforms on the mainland. 3. What effect did it have on the relief ancient glaciation? 4. What are the reasons for the diversity of the climate of North America. 5. What parts of the mainland are especially rich in water and why?

The first point of travel is the West Indies (a group of islands Atlantic Ocean and his caribbean) is located between the continents North and South America. Western (West) India, this name was given in 1492 by Columbus, who discovered these islands and believed that he was in India. The region includes the islands: the Bahamas, the Greater Antilles, consisting of four large islands (Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico), and the Lesser Antilles. (Mark on contour map this region and plot its islands.)

largest island region is Cuba. He takes key position at intersection sea ​​routes Western hemisphere. From the plane, the island looks like a green lizard. Cuba is called the "Pearl of Antilles" for the beauty of nature, wonderful climate, fertile soils.

Next item travel Yucatan Peninsula The Yucatan peninsula goes deep into Gulf of Mexico from South. It is divided between Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. The majority of the population of Yucatan are Mayan Indians. The Indians managed to keep their way of life, national culture, despite the brutal extermination of culture by the Spaniards over the course of 400 years of domination.

The northern part of the peninsula natural features the area is very interesting. This is a low plain, on the surface of which there is not a single river. After heavy tropical rains, water instantly seeps through the porous limestone, without lingering on the surface, so rivers and lakes are hidden underground and reserves groundwater are very significant here. To raise water to the surface, the inhabitants built many deep wells. In addition, there are wells and natural cenotes. Cenotes are formed when limestone collapses over underground rivers and lakes.

Further, the travel route passes through the Mexican Highlands. The Mexican highlands are the land of cacti. The cacti growing here are of various sizes and various shapes. Some are like balls 1.5 m high and 2.5 m in girth; other small prickly balls; the third ones are like multifaceted columns up to 15 m high, and they are all covered with thorns. locals various dishes are prepared from cacti, and are also used as a remedy. Planted in a row, cacti serve as a natural hedge.

The journey ends on the arid Colorado Plateau. Its surface is cut by deep canyons, of which the most famous is the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon of the Colorado River is the deepest in the world. The edges grand canyon not straight, but very curvy. From above, an abyss with a depth of m opens up. It seems that you are standing on a freely hanging ledge and there is no foundation under your feet. In the distance you can see the dark recess through which the Colorado flows, but it has cut so deep into the granite that it remains invisible.

Using the maps of the atlas and maps of the textbook on c, students fill out the table " natural areas North America» Natural areaClimateSoilsVegetationWildlife Economic activity Arctic deserts Tundra and forest-tundra Taiga Mixed and broad-leaved forests Forest-steppes and steppes Semi-deserts and deserts Savannahs and light forests Hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs Variable-humid forests

Homework check: 1. Describe the Rio Grande. 2. Describe the Cordillera according to the plan. 3. Name the objects of the World natural heritage located in the travel area. 4. Determine geographical coordinates the cities of Mexico City and Los Angeles.

For a long time The California valley, stretching for hundreds of kilometers from north to south, devoid of water, almost did not attract attention. But gradually dry and hot climate, fertile soils opened up opportunities for growing a wide variety of crops. The problem of water supply was solved by creating an extensive system of artificial irrigation. Now California is one of the main agricultural bases of the United States. Here they grow vegetables and fruits, crops, breed livestock, sheep, etc.

On the coast Pacific Ocean sprawled the city of San Francisco. It is located south of the Golden Gate Strait. One of the largest in the world is thrown across the strait suspension bridges. The length of the suspended span is 1.3 km with a height above the water's edge of 73.2 m. This allows the largest vessels to pass under the bridge. The length of the entire bridge is 2.8 km.

Way forward runs through the Great Basin. Not a single river flows into the ocean from this region, but there are many lakes, and almost all of them are salty. The largest of them is the Big Salt Lake. It remains from the evaporated huge water basin. The depth of the lake is about 15 m. The lake has a high concentration of salt, and therefore it is very easy to swim in it.

Flying over the Appalachians, students characterize the mountains according to the plan The Appalachians stretch for 2600 km in parallel ridges. The name of the mountains comes from the name of the once inhabited here Indian tribe. All major rivers, especially in the south of the Appalachians, do not flow along the longitudinal valleys, but across the mountains, sometimes cutting through them with extremely narrow and deep gorges.

A strip of cities stretches along the coast. Among them, the capital of the United States, the city of Washington and The largest city New York. Washington is located on the lower reaches of the Potomac River. Founded in 1791 as the capital and named after the first US President George Washington, the city developed as administrative center. This is where the president's residence is located. White House and the Capitol building of the US Congress. All buildings in the capital must not exceed the height of the Capitol. Washington major scientific and Cultural Center. The city has many universities, the National Gallery of Art, the largest library in the United States.

Getting acquainted with the system of the Great American Lakes Huron, Michigan, Erie, Ontario, Upper Their names are associated with the names of the Indian tribes who lived in these places before the arrival of Europeans. They are really great. The Upper is second in size only to the Caspian, and the smallest of them, Ontario, is larger than the largest in Europe. Lake Ladoga. All of them are interconnected.

1. In what part of the mainland are the Great Lakes? Show them on the map. 2. What are the features of these lakes and what is their economic importance? 3. What river connects Lakes Erie and Ontario? 4. What is remarkable about the Niagara River? 5. Which river drains the Great Lakes into the ocean?

Niagara Falls is located on the Niagara River, which connects the two lakes of Erie and Ontario. The level in Ontario is 99 m lower than in Lake Erie. Flowing out of Erie, the Niagara River flows calmly at first, then, meeting a cliff on its way, it falls with great noise down into Lake Ontario from a height of almost 50 m. Niagara Falls is one of the most powerful waterfalls on the globe. He possesses large reserves hydropower. A hydroelectric power station was built on it. And bypassing the waterfall, in order to get from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, a shipping channel was built.

Using the maps of the atlas and the maps of the textbook on p, fill in the table “Natural zones of North America” Natural zone Climate Soils Vegetation Animal life Economic activity Arctic deserts Tundra and forest tundra Taiga Mixed and broad-leaved forests Forest-steppes and steppes Semi-deserts and deserts Savannahs and woodlands Hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs Variable-humid forests

As we already know, the earth's crust is mobile.

And this movement is determined by the movement of the substance of the mantle. As a result of such movement, mountains appear in the most mobile parts of the earth's crust. ocean trenches, island arcs. Stable areas of the earth's crust are characterized by flat surfaces. All this we call the relief of the Earth.
Continents and oceans- the main, largest landforms of the Earth. Their formation is due to tectonic, cosmic and planetary processes.
The mainland (continent) is the largest massif of the earth's crust, which has a three-layer structure: a sedimentary layer, a "granite" layer and a "basalt" layer. Average power continental crust 35-45 km. Most of the surface of the mainland protrudes above the level of the oceans. In the modern geological era, there are six continents: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica.
The World Ocean is a continuous body of water surrounding the continents. The world ocean is divided by continents into four oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic. The share of land accounts for only 29% of the Earth's area. Everything else is the World Ocean.
Mountains and plains, as well as continents and oceans, are the main landforms of the Earth. Mountains are formed as a result tectonic processes in zones of active tectonic activity, and plains - in areas little affected by mountain-forming processes.
Plains- large areas with a flat or hilly surface. They vary in height. An example of a lowland is the Amazonian lowland - the largest on Earth. It happens that the lowlands are located below sea level - these are depressions. The Caspian lowland is located 28 m below sea level. At an altitude of 200-500 m above sea level, there are uplands, for example, Central Russian, and above 500 m - plateaus. An example of such a plain is the Central Siberian Plateau.
The mountains- areas of the earth's surface elevated above sea level to a height of more than 500 m. Mountains are considered low if their height is from 500 to 1000 m; medium - from 1000 to 2000 m and high - over 2000 m. high mountain on Earth - Chomolungma (Everest) has a height of 8848 m. You can determine the height of the mountains on a physical map using the height scale.
Mountains differ not only in height, but also in shape. A linearly elongated group of mountains is called a mountain range. The mountains of the Caucasus have this shape.
There are also mountain belts (Andean belt), mountain systems(system of mountains of Southern Siberia) and mountainous countries. Pamir is an example of a mountainous country.
Mountains and plains are located both on the continents and in the oceans. Mid-ocean ridges are an example of mountains in the ocean.
landform- the result of the struggle of internal and external forces. internal forces Lands form large landforms: continents and oceans, mountains and plains. They not only form them, but also change and destroy them. Outside forces work constantly and slowly. They also destroy mountain ranges, fill up deep depressions, form hills, valleys, gullies, ravines, form riverbeds, i.e., form smaller landforms.
Destruction and change rocks under the influence of fluctuations in air temperature, moisture and living organisms is called weathering.
Here are some examples of weathering. In the mountains, these are landslides, landslides, mudflows, rockfalls, deep gorges cut by mountain rivers, and moraine deposits of glaciers. For the plains typical examples weathering are ravines, river valleys.