Anna Aleksandrovna Vyrubova: biography, career and personal life. Anna Vyrubova: what was the girlfriend of Rasputin and the last Russian Empress & nbsp

At the beginning of the 20th century, Anna Taneeva-Vyrubova, like Grigory Rasputin, found herself at the very center of the Masonic slanderous campaign to discredit the Russian monarchy, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna and Tsar Nicholas II. And after the revolution of 1917, the haters of the Tsarist power finally formed the slanderous myth about the “rotten monarchy”, “the debauchery of Rasputin” and his “selfish and loving girlfriend” Vyrubova, who allegedly also had a passion for power.

Writer Igor Evsin about the fate of the righteous nun Anna (Anna Alexandrovna Taneeva-Vyrubova).

However, today it is documented that several official medical examinations of Taneeva-Vyrubova were carried out by special commissions, which stated the same thing: Anna Aleksandrovna is a virgin. And already during her lifetime it became clear that the statement about her intimate relations with Rasputin was slander.

As for greed and imaginary millions accumulated by Vyrubova, the following must be said. Having fled from the Soviet authorities to Finland, she was refused the issuance of Finnish citizenship due to lack of sufficient means of subsistence. And having received citizenship, she lived in Finland very modestly, almost begging.

She did not have any accumulated millions allegedly received for her petitions for certain people before Tsar Nicholas II. This means that she did not have any influence driven by self-interest on Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna.

This is how Anna Alexandrovna was described by Comrade Ober-Procurator of the Holy Synod, Prince N.D. Zhevakhov: “Having entered the bosom of Orthodoxy, the Empress was imbued not only with the letter, but also with its spirit, and, being a believing Protestant, accustomed to respecting religion, she fulfilled her requirements differently from the people around her who loved only “to talk about God ”, but did not recognize any obligations imposed by religion. The only exception was Anna Aleksandrovna Vyrubova, whose unfortunate personal life early introduced her to those inhuman sufferings that forced her to seek help only from God.

We note that Zhevakhov here speaks of the suffering that Taneeva-Vyrubova endured after the terrible railway accident. This catastrophe practically killed her, and only the prayers of the elder Grigory Rasputin resurrected Anna Alexandrovna to life. Elder Gregory then performed a miracle that shocked all the eyewitnesses. However, Vyrubova forever remained an invalid and was forced to endure severe pain.

“The life of A. A. Vyrubova,” Prince Zhevakhov writes further, “was truly the life of a martyr, and you need to know at least one page of this life in order to understand the psychology of her deep faith in God and why only in communion with God A. A Vyrubova found the meaning and content of her deeply unhappy life. And when I hear the condemnation of A. A. Vyrubova from those who, not knowing her, repeat the vile slander created not even by her personal enemies, but by the enemies of Russia and Christianity, the best representative of which was A. A. Vyrubova, then I am surprised not so much to human malice, but to human thoughtlessness...

The Empress got acquainted with the spiritual image of A. A. Vyrubova when she found out with what courage she endured her sufferings, hiding them even from her parents. When I saw her lonely struggle with human malice and vice, then between Her and A. A. Vyrubova there arose that spiritual connection, which became the greater, the more A. A. Vyrubova stood out for general background self-satisfied, prim, unbelieving nobility.

Infinitely kind, childishly trusting, pure, knowing neither cunning nor cunning, striking with her extreme sincerity, meekness and humility, suspecting intent nowhere and of nothing, considering herself obliged to meet every request, A. A. Vyrubova, like the Empress , divided her time between the Church and the exploits of love for her neighbor, far from the thought that she could become a victim of deceit and malice of bad people.

In fact, Prince Zhevakhov told us about the life of a righteous woman, a servant of God.

At one time, Investigator Nikolai Rudnev headed one of the departments of the Extraordinary Commission established by the Provisional Government of Kerensky. The department was called "Investigation of the activities of dark forces" and investigated, among others, the cases of Grigory Rasputin and Anna Vyrubova. Rudnev conducted the investigation honestly and without prejudice and came to the conclusion that the materials against Rasputin were slander. And about Anna Vyrubova, he wrote the following:

“Having heard a lot about the exceptional influence of Vyrubova at the Court and about her relations with Rasputin, information about which was placed in our press and circulated in society, I went to Vyrubova for interrogation in the Peter and Paul Fortress, frankly, hostile to her. This unfriendly feeling did not leave me in the office Peter and Paul Fortress, until the appearance of Vyrubova under the escort of two soldiers. When Mrs. Vyrubova entered, I was immediately struck by the special expression in her eyes: this expression was full of unearthly meekness. This is the first favorable impression in my subsequent conversations with her, this was fully confirmed.

My assumptions about moral character Mrs. Vyrubova, taken out of lengthy conversations with her in the Peter and Paul Fortress, in the detention center, and finally in the Winter Palace, where she appeared at my calls, were fully confirmed by her manifestation of purely Christian forgiveness in relation to those from whom she had to endure a lot within the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress. And here it should be noted that I learned about these abuses of Mrs. Vyrubova by the fortress guards not from her, but from Mrs. Taneeva.

Only after that did Mrs. Vyrubova confirm everything her mother had said, declaring with surprising calmness and gentleness: "They are not to blame, they don't know what they're doing." To tell the truth, these sad episodes of mockery of the personality of Vyrubova prison guards, expressed in the form of SPITTING IN THE FACE, REMOVING HER CLOTHES AND UNDERWEAR, ACCOMPANIED BY BEATING THE FACE AND OTHER PARTS OF THE BODY OF THE SICK WOMAN WHO BARBLY MOVED ON CRUTCHES, AND THE THREATS TO LIFE THE CONCUBE OF THE SOVEREIGN AND GRIGORY" prompted the commission of inquiry to transfer Mrs. Vyrubova to the detention facility at the former Provincial Gendarmerie Directorate."

Here we see the real Christian feat of the martyr Anna. A feat that repeats the feat of Christ Himself.

However, until now, Anna Taneeva-Vyrubova is judged according to her alleged book of memoirs "Her Majesty's maid of honor Anna Vyrubova." However, while it does contain most of the original text, the editorial has cut it in half! Moreover, it includes fictional paragraphs that Anna Aleksandrovna never wrote. Thus, in a Jesuit subtly, the work of discrediting the righteous martyr continues. The publishers tried their best to distort moral character Vyrubova, to give the reader the impression of her as a person of a narrow-minded mind.

The forged diary "Anna Vyrubova's Diary" placed in the book is especially aimed at this. In fact, this is a continuation of the diabolical work to discredit both Anna Alexandrovna herself, and Grigory Rasputin and the holy Royal Family.

Wrote this vile fake known Soviet writer A.N. Tolstoy and historian P. E. Shchegolev, former member emergency commission of inquiry Provisional government. Alas, alas and alas - the texts of the book "Her Majesty's maid of honor Anna Vyrubova" and the fake diary placed in it are still reprinted in various reputable publications and passed off as originals.

However, archival documentary evidence about Vyrubova-Taneeva creates a true image of the righteous. Based on them, the modern historian Oleg Platonov writes: “One of the closest admirers of Rasputin, a friend of the Empress Anna Vyrubova, was a model of the most strict life.

She devoted her life to serving the royal family and Rasputin. She did not have a personal life. healthy, beautiful woman completely obeyed the most stringent monastic requirements. In fact, she turned her life into a monastery ministry, while the slanderers in the leftist press published the most vile details about her supposedly depraved intimate life.

The last Russian empress called her lady-in-waiting "my big baby" and "dear martyr." Anna Vyrubova was Alexandra Feodorovna's main friend in life.

courtly simplicity

Anna Vyrubova (maiden name Taneeva) was the great-great-great-granddaughter of Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov. Her father for 20 years held the responsible post of Secretary of State and Chief Executive Officer of His Imperial Majesty Office. The same post was held by his father and grandfather under Alexander I, Nicholas I, Alexander II and Alexander III.
At the same time, the opinion about Anna Vyrubova was fixed in the public mind that she was a commoner. This is at least not true. Even ceasing to be a lady-in-waiting due to her marriage, Anna Vyrubova remained, in fact, the main friend of the Empress. Alexandra Fedorovna called her "big baby". The "little baby" was the Empress's son - Tsarevich Alexei.

Thrice resurrected

Alexandra Fedorovna, having arrived in Russia, converted to Orthodoxy and treated this with all responsibility. However, the people around her were not so zealous in the ministry and rather loved to talk about God than to lead a God-pleasing life. Everyone except Anna Vyrubova is the Empress's lady-in-waiting, and then her faithful friend.

The Empress called Anna "my dear martyr." And this was not an exaggeration. The whole life of Anna Vyrubova is a series of trials that she accepted with truly Christian humility.

At 18, she contracted typhus. She was saved from death, as she herself believed, by the spiritual intercession of John of Kronstadt.

After 11 years, Anna Vyrubova got into a railway accident and Grigory Rasputin “revived” her, lying unconscious, with multiple fractures. Finally, in 1918, when a Red Army soldier led her to be shot, Anna saw a woman in the crowd, with whom she often prayed in the monastery on Karpovka, where the relics of St. John of Kronstadt are buried. “Do not fall into the hands of enemies,” she said. - Go, I pray. Father John will save you.” Anna Vyrubova managed to get lost in the crowd. And then another acquaintance I met, whom Vyrubova once helped, gave her 500 rubles.

"Bo don't know what they're doing"

There was, perhaps, no woman in Russian history, on whose name so many forces would be thrown to slander. Rumors about the vicious life of Anna Vyrubova circulated among the people even before the revolution. They said about her that it was she who introduced Tsar Rasputin into the environment, that she and Rasputin himself participated in various atrocities, that she allegedly seduced the Empress herself.

Vyrubova in her book told how such rumors appeared in pre-revolutionary Russia.

She wrote from the words of her sister: “In the morning, Mrs. Derfelden flew in to me with the words: “Today we are spreading rumors in the factories that the Empress is getting the Sovereign drunk, and everyone believes it.”

And everyone really believed it. Everyone who did not know Vyrubova personally. Meeting her changed people. Investigator Rudnev recalled how he went to interrogate Vyrubova and had a negative attitude towards her - having heard a lot of everything that was told about her. He writes: “When Mrs. Vyrubova entered, I was immediately struck by the special expression of her eyes: this expression was full of unearthly meekness, this first favorable impression was fully confirmed in my further conversations with her.”

Vyrubova was imprisoned five times. Both under Kerensky and under the Bolsheviks. She was tortured. Once in prison, a pockmarked soldier, one of Anna's most malicious persecutors, suddenly changed dramatically. While visiting his brother, he saw a photo of Anna on the wall. He said: " whole year in the hospital she was like a mother to me.” Since then, the soldier did his best to help the best Vyrubova.

The already mentioned investigator Rudnev recalled that he learned not from Vyrubova herself, but from her mother, that Anna was subjected to bullying in prison. During the interrogation, Anna only meekly confirmed this and said: "They are not to blame, they do not know what they are doing."


In 1915, as compensation from the railway for the injuries received during the accident, Anna received huge money for those times - 80 thousand rubles. Anna was bedridden for six months. All this time, the Empress visited the maid of honor every day. Then Anna Alexandrovna moved around in a wheelchair, and later on crutches or with a stick. The former maid of honor spent all the money on the creation of a hospital for war invalids, where they would be taught a trade so that they could feed themselves in the future. Another 20 thousand rubles were added by Nicholas II. Up to 100 people were in the hospital at the same time. Anna Vyrubova, together with the Empress and her daughters, served there and in other hospitals as sisters of mercy.

Elder and Anna

Contrary to common misconception, it was not Anna Vyrubova who brought Rasputin into the house of the Empress, but Alexandra Feodorovna introduced her lady-in-waiting to the “Siberian elder”. At the very first meeting, the elder promised that Anna’s desire “to devote her whole life to the service of Their Majesty” would come true. Later, he predicts that the maid of honor will marry, but will not be happy.

And so it happened. In 1907, Anna Taneeva married, but divorced a year later.

Rasputin played in the life of Vyrubova huge role. It was he, as she believed, who saved her after a railway accident in 1915, but it was the rumors about their relationship that made Vyrubova "handshake" with a significant part of the emigrants.

All talk about alleged atrocities in which she participated with Rasputin is refuted by one simple fact: A medical examination in 1918 established that Vyrubova was a virgin.

"Vyrubova's Diary"

In December 1920, together with her mother, Vyrubova fled from Petrograd across the ice. Gulf of Finland abroad.

In 1923, on Valaam in the Smolensk Skete, Anna took monastic vows with the name Maria, but for health reasons she did not enter any monastery and remained a secret nun in the world.
Under her maiden name, she lived in Finland for more than four decades. She died in 1964 at the age of 80.

In exile, Anna Taneeva wrote autobiographical book"Pages of my life". In 1922 it was published in Paris. In the Soviet Union, apparently, they decided that such an idea of ​​the royal family could ideologically harm and published the so-called "Vyrubova's Diary", a hoax, where the entire royal entourage and the tsar himself are presented in the worst possible light.

Despite the fact that today the falsity of the "Diary" has already been proven, it is still in scientific environment you can find excerpts from it. The most likely authors of Vyrubova's Diary are the Soviet writer Alexei Tolstoy and a professor of history, an expert on late XIX century Pavel Shchegolev.

Anna Alexandrovna Taneeva is better known as Anna Vyrubova, after her husband's last name. However, she was buried under the maiden name of Taneeva.

Interest in Anna Taneeva is caused by a number of reasons. Firstly, the time period of her life fell on a special period of Russian and world history. Anna Alexandrovna was at the epicenter of events related to the reign of Nicholas II. She was not just a witness and eyewitness, but one of the main participants in these events. Therefore, her testimony deserves special attention.

Secondly, the attention to this woman is also caused by the fact that an amazing fate was prepared for her by God, amazing with her turns, miraculous events.

Thirdly, the personality of Anna Taneeva is interesting in itself. She possessed wonderful qualities of the soul, which in her life were manifested by specific actions and deeds.

Finally, fourthly, she, as a historical figure, was the maid of honor of the Empress Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

But she was not just a lady-in-waiting, she was personal friend Queens. All members of the Royal Family perceived her as their own, loved one almost a family member. In turn, Anna Taneeva (Vyrubova) passionately loved the Empress, like all Royal Family and remained her maid of honor all her life. In some publications dedicated to Anna Vyrubova, there is an opinion that until the end of her days her hair was tied with a black ribbon precisely as a sign that she never stopped her maid of honor. One can only partly agree with this, since there were other no less good reasons, which prompted her not to part with the black mark. Namely, having taken monastic vows, Anna Alexandrovna continued to live in the world, and the black ribbon in her hair was the only item of her dress that served as a visible symbol of monasticism. Perhaps the black ribbon was a sign of constant mourning and grief for his Crowned friends.

Anna Aleksandrovna Taneeva (Vyrubova), both on her father's side and on her mother's side, traced her family tree from noble noble families. But, above all, Anna Alexandrovna is a Russian woman. Russian and in origin, and in education, and in character, and in spirit. In her fate, as well as in her character, in the dispensation of the soul, in an unusual way, all those qualities that distinguished and adorned the Russian person for centuries, and which were largely lost by representatives of the class to which Anna Alexandrovna belonged, appeared in an unusual way.

Why did the Empress fall in love with her and bring her closer to her? Many traits can be pointed out that could contribute to such a rapprochement: this is belonging to the circle of Russian aristocrats, and secular education, and remarkable musical abilities, and finally, her simplicity, sincerity and cheerfulness of temper. All this could be the reason for the rapprochement. But, as it seems to us, the reason for friendship was much deeper. The Empress found in Anna Taneeva your soul mate. Yes, they turned out to be exactly kindred in spirit, relatives in spirit. That was the main thing. Anna Taneeva turned out to be not just of the same blood, but of the same spirit with the Empress and the Sovereign, and, we note right away, with Grigory Rasputin. And this spirit is the true spirit of the Russian People. Spiritual kinship is a true kinship, the closest, the most solid foundation for the vital union of people. Such a union is inseparable, since it is sealed with bonds of true love, unity of faith, unity of service, unity of life ideals and goals.

Throughout the life of Anna Taneeva, special, significant events happened, which, firstly, testified to her deep religiosity, and, secondly, to the special providence of God in the fate of this woman, her predestination from above.

At the age of 17, a miracle happened on her through the prayers of the righteous, Archpriest John of Kronstadt. The Lord, through her illness, showed her the path of her ministry: the royal service, and also that on this path she would be accompanied by a miracle and God's help. Indeed, there were so many wonderful things in her life.

In 1907, another significant event took place that determined her fate. The young lady-in-waiting Anna Taneeva met Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-Nov. Thus, fate connected Anna Alexandrovna firmly with both the Royal Family and Grigory Efimovich. Although she far outlived them all, this union was never terminated until her death. She paid dearly for the honor of being a member of this union, all her life enduring reproach and reproach from her contemporaries, which did not stop even after her death. Envy, insulting accusations, and then outright slander haunted Anna Alexandrovna. The main flurry of accusations fell upon her, starting in 1914, leaving a heavy, tragic imprint on her entire subsequent life.

The war marked the beginning of a terrible persecution of the Russian Crowned couple, as well as Their closest friends. The power of the Anointed One of God held back the centrifugal, destructive forces, pushing the world to the abyss, leading humanity into the kingdom of Antichrist. The Russian Autocrat, the Tsar, the Anointed of God stood in the way of their plans.

Unfortunately, in Russia at that time, few of the upper classes perceived the idea of ​​royal power as a life principle, as a guide to action, few people put these thoughts into their hearts, who subordinated their will to them, who set the goal of their lives to protect these vital, truly Russian ideals. The idea of ​​tsarist autocratic power, as a rule, was perceived only speculatively, abstractly, only as a way of thinking, but not as a way of action, a way of life and service. The Russian intelligentsia preferred to follow the broad path of retreat and dragged along a significant part of the Russian common people, seducing, seducing, dishonoring them, depriving them of spiritual strength.

But the defenders of the original Russian ideals were still among every Russian class. And this, first of all and first of all, is the Russian Tsar himself, Sovereign Emperor of All Russia Nicholas II, autocrat and sovereign master of the Russian Land, God's Anointed One, the first defender of the faith and the Church, the intercessor before God for the Russian People.

In the spirit of the truth about the Anointed One of God, the great prayer book for the Tsar, the elder Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-New, also stood. This man, whose spiritual power was experienced by many of his contemporaries, was a true messenger of God, an earthly angel for the Royal Family, as well as for the entire Russian People.

Anna Alexandrovna Taneeva (Vyrubova) also stood in the spirit of the truth about the Anointed One of God. A significant place in the relationship of the Royal Family with the elder Gregory was assigned by fate to her. She was confidant and the Queen, and Grigory Efimovich, and often served for them as a reliable, connecting link.

Often it was Anna Vyrubova who received telegrams from Pokrovsky, where members of the Royal Family met with Elder Grigory in her house. She herself revered Father Gregory as a spiritualized, perspicacious elder and prayer book.

The daughter of Grigory Efimovich Matryona in her memoirs indicates that her father always singled out Anna Vyrubova from the circle of his admirers, and greatly appreciated, respected and loved her. He appreciated in her, first of all, her kindness, simplicity and faith, of course, devotion to the Royal Family, sincere love for them, as well as devotion and love for himself, Grigory Rasputin. On the part of Elder Gregory, she enjoyed perfect disposition and trust.

This is how this circle of close like-minded people, devoted to Russian ideals, developed: the Tsar is God's Anointed One, the faithful Queen inseparable from him, God's messenger Gregory, the faithful noblewoman Anna. It was the nucleus, the center, the backbone, around which the healthy in the spiritual, moral and politically strength. The efforts of both the Sovereign and the Empress were directed towards the formation of such a state backbone. In accordance with these aspirations, people were selected, appointments were made, deeds were performed. The spiritual union that took shape at the very pinnacle of Russian statehood served as a guarantee for the salvation of the Orthodox State.

That is why this group of Russian people caused a storm of hatred on the part of the spiritual and ideological opponents of the Tsar and the Tsarist autocratic power.

The campaign of harassment of the Anointed of God also affected the good name of Anna Vyrubova to the full extent. It is not enough to say that it was mixed with mud. She was insulted as a woman. She was considered an insidious intriguer, an all-powerful favorite of the court, they did not hesitate to call her a “dirty harlot”, “royal bedding”, they accused her of spying for Germany, they considered her a “poisoner of the Heir”. There was no more terrible and insulting accusation for her. All this had to be endured, endured.

Everything was turned upside down. White became black and black became white. In accordance with this, "society" treated them only as "dark forces." Yes, they were a force, but not dark, but light. These were light forces: The Tsar and the Tsarina, their faithful peasant and faithful noblewoman will forever remain the image and symbol of the holy Russian People.

What about Anna Alexandrovna? She fully shared all the hardships of her dear Fatherland. Even before the February coup, she had to endure a terrible train accident. The Lord saved her life through the prayers of the righteous Gregory, although she remained a cripple. She found solace only next to the Queen, as well as in her own infirmary for crippled warriors. Anna Aleksandrovna organized this infirmary with the money paid to her by the railway for the injuries she suffered. Then the February coup, a serious illness with measles, from which the new authorities did not allow her to recover. She was arrested sick, raised from her bed, separated from the Royal Family, taken to the Peter and Paul Fortress, imprisoned in solitary confinement in the sinister Trubetskoy Bastion. She endured moral and physical abuse, but remained alive, and her spirit was not broken. Miraculously was saved from being shot. Wanderings through the distraught, revolutionary Petrograd. Further flight with his mother across the ice of the Gulf of Finland to Finland, life in exile.

Having settled in the ancient Russian city of Vyborg, she met good people- a Russian family who sheltered her with her mother in their house. Mom was nearby. But the main thing is the relative proximity of the Valaam Monastery. After everything she had experienced, she strove for monasticism with all her heart and, apparently, had been thinking about it for a long time. In her memoirs, she writes that, while in prison and praying to God for release, she promised to devote the rest of her days to serving God and others. Once free, when many hardships were left behind, she was not slow to fulfill her promise. The tonsure took place in 1923 on Valaam in the Smolensk skete. Her monastic name is Mary. Her first spiritual father was a resident, more precisely, the head of the skete of the Smolensk Skete, Elder Hieroschemamonk Ephraim (Khrobostov). After his death in 1944, another Valaam Elder- Schiegumen John (Alekseev). His letters to the nun Maria have been preserved. The letters testify to how deeply nun Maria was imbued with the spirit of monastic piety. She asks the elder's advice on fasting, prayer rule, Jesus Prayer. Since the nun Maria was not accepted into the convent, she had to be a secret nun in the world, and for all outsiders she still remained Anna Alexandrovna Taneeva (Vyrubova).

In the circumstance that she was not accepted into the nunnery, one can catch the effect of God's providence. Being within the walls of a monastic monastery, she would hardly have been able to fulfill the obedience, undoubtedly entrusted to her by God, and also to complete the main work of her life - the service to Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra. They were not alive, but their service continued. Who knows, perhaps it was for this cause that the Lord God saved the life of his chosen one. We are talking about the writing of the book of memoirs "Pages of my life" by Anna Alexandrovna Taneeva.

The testimony of Anna Taneeva is special. Her memoirs depict the true picture of events, recreate the true appearance of the members of the Royal Family. At the same time, she calls a spade a spade, gives an assessment to everyone actors, pays attention to the role of everyone, correctly places accents, puts an end to the "i". So in the light of her memoirs, many figures from the royal environment fade. The treacherous role of imaginary guardians of the good of Russia, who are inclined to consider themselves the rescuers of the fatherland, is highlighted. She tells the truth and hides nothing.

It is necessary to note one more important circumstance that distinguishes the true memoirs of Anna Taneeva (Vyrubova) from a number of many memoirs about the Royal Family. The word of truth about the Russian Tsar and Tsarina sounded in full force along with the word of truth about Their Friend, Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-New. That is why her memories are the spiritual weapon that destroys, leaving no stone unturned, the myth of the "dark forces".

Who stood up for the honor of the Tsar and the Royal Family? Army? Generals? Or officers, strong brave, brave people? Perhaps relatives, yet they retained their position in this world, some means of livelihood, the remnants of their former power. But no. It was not a hero, not a brave knight, not strong of the world this, but a lonely, weak, crippled, besides, a woman without rights and despised by everyone, strong only in her faith and love! She, although, of course, felt fear, but could not be silent. And this speaks of the strength of her spirit, of the strength of her love for the Royal Family and for her people. Only perfect love overcomes the fear of death. It was a real feat, a feat, no doubt, spiritual, prayerful. The feat of a Russian man, a Russian woman who stood up for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland, who, moreover, raised her voice in defense of the truth about a simple Russian man. Thus, she signed her own verdict. For the world, earthly well-being, she was lost, the world cruelly took revenge on her.

Despite the general misfortune and suffering in exile, there was no rapprochement between Anna Alexandrovna and the society of Russian emigrants. Not her fault. She continued to bear the cross of slander and slander outside her homeland. She continued to be considered guilty of the troubles that befell Russia - terrible accusations, the gravest injustice. Because of this, her way of life was closed, almost reclusive. There were few friends among Russian emigrants. They even tried to visit the bathhouse with their mother on those days and hours when there could not be representatives of the Russian emigre community there, so as not to arouse hostility.

She had to seek help from the head of the Finnish government, the former tsarist general, Baron Gustav Mannerheim. This was quite humiliating, because the baron, although he was noble man, nevertheless, he fully shared the general opinion regarding Anna Vyrubova and her connection with the peasant Rasputin. It was impossible to avoid questions on this topic when meeting. And what is surprising, so much time has passed, Anna Alexandrovna has experienced so much, endured, she could think everything over, weigh, evaluate her mistakes, because time heals, and despite everything, in the office of Marshal Mannerheim, she continued to defend Grigory Efimovich, knowing that this could affect on Mannerheim's decisions regarding material assistance.

Mannerheim refused financial assistance. However, wrote letter of recommendation, in which he assured everyone to whom Anna Alexandrovna turned to that they had before them a noble, worthy of respect person, and it was not shameful to deal with her. This letter helped to solve the housing problem.

During the war, she had to leave Vyborg and hide in Sweden for fear of falling into the zone of occupation of the Soviet Army. Of course, she was not afraid of the Russian soldiers themselves, with them she developed great relationship. She was afraid to fall into the clutches of those forces who still wanted to hide the truth from the Russian people and sought to cover up the traces of a terrible crime. And she was not only a witness, but also a victim of this crime. She was adopted in Sweden swedish queen Louise, a relative of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Queen Louise gave her a small cash pension, which she received for the rest of her life. Then Anna Alexandrovna (nun Maria) returned to Finland again and settled in Helsinki. After the end of the war, she, along with her friend Vera Zapevalova, had to literally live in poverty, having neither a piece of bread, nor money, nor a permanent shelter. No one wanted to contact Vyrubova and help her.

Nevertheless, the Lord God, through the prayers of the Holy Royal Martyrs and Martyr Gregory, preserved the nun Maria and gave her everything that was necessary in this life. Last days Anna Aleksandrovna spent it relatively calmly. She managed to purchase or secure a dacha, where she and her friend spent the summer.

And the last. Until the end of her days, she kept in force the ban imposed by her in her will on the publication of any materials belonging to her relating to the life of the Royal Family. This is the final touch to her earthly feat. The fact is that by some miracle she managed to transport her entire personal photo archive (hundreds of photos) to Finland. There were publishers who, back in 1939, offered Anna Alexandrovna to publish her photographic materials with accompanying text. She wrote the text, and the materials were being prepared for publication. However, something happened that caused this work to be stopped. What happened remains unknown. The publication of photographic materials about the Royal Family promised some fees to the feeble woman who did not get out of need. But the work stopped. Moreover, Anna Alexandrovna imposes a ban on any publication of materials belonging to her. The only thing that could happen was that she was offered a deal. That is, in the proposed publication, for the sake of the now living, who retained their ambitions and some political weight of figures, those places where an impartial assessment of these political figures from the royal environment were given should have been smoothed out. The disclosure of the topic by Grigory Rasputin in a frankly favorable light could be especially annoying.

To this Anna Alexandrovna, faithful to her Royal Friends and historical truth didn't go. It can be assumed that serious pressure was put on her and she had to resort to available methods. legal protection. In order to stop any attempts to manipulate her memories and photographic materials, which were supposed to serve the truth, and not to please the political players who compromised themselves, she wrote an official will-prohibition.

Having fulfilled her life duty, Anna Alexandrovna Taneeva, the secret nun Maria, after a short illness, reposed in the Lord in 1964 at the age of 80. She is buried in the Orthodox cemetery in Helsinki.

Anna Alexandrovna Taneeva (Vyrubova), nun Maria, can be called a happy person, because a woman who suffered so much from human malice, persecuted by everyone, already during her lifetime received an invaluable reward in the form of a manifestation of sincere friendship and love both from her Crowned Friends and from Their extraordinary Friend - Grigory Rasputin-New, and from the side of ordinary Russian people who had the good fortune to get close to her in life and appreciate her extraordinary soul. We believe that in the heavenly abodes, the Lord united the faithful Anna with the holy Royal Family and Their faithful Friend.

The topic of the "false diary" and the so-called "unpublished memoirs", artificially associated with the name of Anna Vyrubova, has gone beyond the scope of this article. Separate chapters of the book “Faithful to God, the Tsar and the Fatherland. Anna Alexandrovna Taneeva (Vyrubova) - nun Maria", which was published in Russia, in the homeland of Anna Alexandrovna, in the St. Petersburg publishing house "Tsarskoye Delo" in 2005.

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Comments 29


29. Elena L. : Reply to 24., Rodelena:
2012-12-25 at 07:04

Let me end the conversation.

What kind of teachings did you see here, Elena? You express your opinion, we express ours. And the fact that I advise you to read spiritual literature, there is nothing offensive here. Then you won't make so many mistakes. It is noticeable to others.

28. Yuri Rassulin : Answer to 26., Pravdich:
2012-12-25 at 00:39

To be honest, I have not seen exactly such formulations in the memoirs of A. A. Taneeva (Vyrubova) "Pages of my life". Most likely, you used the text of the so-called. "Unpublished Memoirs" or something close to them. I would not like to seriously consider these texts. I hope RLN will publish an article where I explained in detail my position on the issue of "unpublished memories".
Did Anna Taneyev consider Father Gregory a saint? That's what she called him, despite the fact that he was a worldly person. And this highest degree expression and recognition of spiritual heights for the layman. Further - judge for yourself.
There you are psychological key to understanding her official position in relation to Grigory Rasputin, voiced by her during interrogations and stated by her in her memoirs. Tell me, if they constantly drip on your head in the same place, will you try to somehow tilt your head to the side or not? The same thing happened with Anna Vyrubova. They constantly dripped on her brains in the same place and annoyed her with the same stupid questions about Rasputin, in which the most disgusting and insulting allusions were contained. If you were in her place, would you provoke additional stupid questions? Or would you try to answer somehow in a veiled way, so as not to tease the bulls with a red rag? For this reason, she could not say everything.
To understand how A. A. Taneeva (Vyrubova) actually treated Grigory Rasputin, read carefully the book "Faithful to God, the Tsar and the Fatherland", as well as the book "The Great Righteous Elder Passion-Bearer Grigory". It will become clear to you how she treated him.

“He (Rasputin) was neither a saint nor a devil. For Nika and Alex, he remained who he really was, a peasant with a strong faith in God and the gift of healing. I have not found any reliable evidence. The Sovereign, judging by the fact that he asked the Empress not to interfere with "our Friend" (Rasputin), did not adhere to this menia in state affairs.

27. Yuri Rassulin : Answer to 25., Pravdich:
2012-12-25 at 00:12

"Yuri, who is Kobylin, you didn't mix anything up?

You are right, I was wrong. He meant the head of the Tsarskoye Selo garrison, then the head of the guards of the Royal Family in Tobolsk, Colonel Evgeny Stepanovich Kobylinsky. I apologize and thank you for your comment.

26. Pravdich : Re: Anna Alexandrovna Taneeva (Vyrubova) - a feat of royal service
2012-12-24 at 22:24

“Later, and especially during the war, those who wanted to denigrate the Throne went to G. Rasputin. There were always journalists and officers around him who took him to taverns and got him drunk or had drinking parties in his small apartment - in other words, they did everything possible to put G. Rasputin in a bad light to everyone's attention and, in this way, indirectly harm the Sovereign and the Empress. Soon the name of G. Rasputin was blackened.
“The Sovereign knew well that almost all close relatives were opposed to Him and were plotting to overthrow Him from the Throne in order to name Kirill Vladimirovich Sovereign”
(From the memoirs of Anna Taneeva)
“He (Rasputin) was neither a saint nor a devil. For Nika and Alex, he remained who he really was, a peasant with a strong faith in God and the gift of healing ”(V.K. Olga Alexandrovna)
I wonder if Anna Taneyev considered Grigory Rasputin a saint? I have not found any reliable evidence. The Sovereign, judging by the fact that he asked the Empress not to interfere with "our Friend" (Rasputin), did not adhere to this menia in state affairs.

25. Pravdich : Answer to 18., Yuri Rassulin:
2012-12-24 at 21:42

I looked through your link: "If the Russians wanted to kill the Sovereign, they would have killed him already in Tobolsk. But from the memoirs of the chief of security Kobylin, it follows that the soldiers subordinate to him warmly treated the Sovereign and the Family, not to mention the population. And this sympathy grew more and more "Kobylin had to be removed, and his subordinates dismissed. Why was it necessary to transport the Royal Family from Tobolsk to Yekaterinburg?"
Yuri, and who is Kobylin, did you mix anything up?

24. Rodelena : Ratnik and Elena L.
2012-12-24 at 18:54

There are many tips on what to do, but there is only one - what not to do - no need to be smart.
Am I suggesting anything to you? I do not and will not advise you at all.
Your ancestors, Elena, have learned to read for a century. They were serfs and they couldn’t read, and they knew better than you: the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is forgivable or not.
Let me end the conversation.

23. Warrior : 7. Rodelena
2012-12-24 at 17:00

I agree with you Elena.
The rite of "People's Repentance" was a disgusting provocation. Another spit in the Russian soul.
At the same time, I, as a representative of the Russian people, feel guilty - both for indifference to the murder of the Sovereign, and for indifference to the destruction of our great Motherland.
If the Lord punishes our people for anything, it is for our drowsiness, lukewarmness, indifference to our own destiny.
Need to be corrected. Otherwise - the end.

22. Elena L. : Reply to 19., Rodelena:
2012-12-24 at 14:42

In general, the organizers of the rite of repentance in Taininsky was Fr. Peter Kucher from the Bogolyubsky Monastery Vladimir region. Obviously, this Chin was compiled by them, and not by the Jews.

21. Elena L. : Answer to 7., Rodelena:
2012-12-24 at 14:06

That's just the point, Elena, that there is a huge difference between the heavenly and the earthly.
If a criminal is not caught in an earthly court, if his guilt is not proved, or he does not come with a confession (repentance), no one will condemn him. And if he comes and declares himself, then he can be condemned.
Not so with God. If a person does not go to repentance, then he will not be forgiven, he is already condemned. Or, if he comes to repentance, but does not declare himself (hides a certain sin), then his guilt DOUBLES. If at confession he says too much about himself, those sins that he did not commit, it will never be imputed to him as a sin, this is even commendable, as many saints did. They often attributed the sins of other people to themselves, slandered too much on themselves. They could ascribe to themselves any terrible sins, except for heresy and schism.
Besides, how, having repented of sin, can one take it upon oneself? On the contrary, in the sacrament of repentance, sins are FORGIVENED, and not SUPERIMPOSITIONED. Need to study more Orthodox faith, read more spiritual literature, especially the Lives of the Saints, then you will not be mistaken in many ways.

20. Elena L. : Answer to 12., Pravdich:
2012-12-24 at 09:54

finally: “... the sin of regicide, which occurred with the indifference of the citizens of Russia, is not repented by our people” (Message of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church MP on the 75th anniversary of the assassination of Emperor Nicholas II). After 5 years, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II and the Holy Synod: “... we again testify that“ the sin of regicide, which occurred with the indifference of the citizens of Russia, is not repented by our people. We call to repentance all our people…”

Indeed, back in 1998, Patriarch Alexy II called on all the people to repent of the sin of regicide. Twice called, with a break of 5 years. Did the Russian people repent of it? Of course, many went through the rite of repentance in Taininsky and in other cities of Russia. But in Chin, except for the sin of regicide, what was not intended. People went mainly to repent of their sins against the Tsar, and there was a TIN, and there was just nothing. Much is in question, but Chin's organizers forbade removing other wordings.
This was not how the Rite of Repentance passed in February 1607. Representatives from all the people gathered, and Patriarch Job himself absolved the then sin of apostasy from the Tsar to all the Russian people. And soon the confusion stopped.

19. Rodelena : Pravdich
2012-12-23 at 23:33

The whole point is that the text of the "Order of Repentance" is composed extremely competently. But unfortunately - the Jews.
Pravdich, there are no naive now. We have been deceived. their own hierarchies.
As for the comments in the quotes you cited, this is a big conversation. Of course I have an opinion. But you can't say it in three words. If you try, it will be something like this:
It is necessary to correctly qualify the crime, to determine the event, time, object, subject of the crime, objective side and the subjective side.
Combining perjury, regicide, Christ's crucifixion, heresy and blaming everything on the Russian people is the same as bringing the accused to court, presenting him with all the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in full.
If prosecutors are taught not to do this, then aren't priests taught in seminaries?
And most importantly: the subject of crimes is the Russian people. First, decide what kind of subject it is. Nothing about him this moment it is not said either in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which the ROC also lives, or in the documents of the ROC, or in the documents of other confessions.
Who, what historical figure guilty today? Phantom? And in what?
And if the one that would be true to the Tsar, then it is no longer in the Constitution of its own state.
And there is no judgment.
Pravdich, while the Russian people are not legally, there is no conversation.
But in fact, of course, we are alive, healthy and even cheerful.

18. Yuri Rassulin : Answer to 12., Pravdich:
2012-12-23 at 23:08

Ask me to intervene. But paragraph 6 just contains links to comments on the quotes you cited. If you're interested, of course...

17. Yuri Rassulin : Answer to 9., Elena Sergeeva:
2012-12-23 at 22:58

Save me, God! I suspect that this is your comment #7 (Rodelena). Whether so or not, but I completely agree with Rodelena. All the absurdity of the call to false repentance for someone else's fanatical wickedness is very keenly felt.

16. Yuri Rassulin : The King favors, but the kennel does not favor
2012-12-23 at 22:50

Well, we know better, of course. Yes, we will be smarter than them, the Tsars, and, of course, we will not become victims of intrigues. Poor Kings. Poor Grigory Efimovich. So the friendship is royal! As they say, "the King favors, but the dog-keeper does not favor." I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about those who launched the mechanism of dirty, vile, treacherous slander. Of course, you have nothing to do with them. You just admit a little that they are right. Very interesting for this is your reasoning about repentance for the murder of the Tsar.

15. Pravdich : Reply to 14., Rodelena:
2012-12-23 at 21:55

In your answer to me, you copied my comment to the pensioner and did not write anything from yourself. What does it mean?

Only that, dear Elena, that the answer flew away once again, or rather your text, which was supposed to be followed by an answer. Michael

13. Pravdich : Answer to 11., Yuri Rassulin:
2012-12-23 at 19:04

I wish you to understand everything and not become a victim of a "damaged phone".
Yuri Rassulin

Dear Yuri! I also wish you to understand this issue to the end and not become a victim of the blind, even if sincere love to the King and Queen. After all, they were living people and, due to their gullibility, often became victims of all kinds of intrigues. A number of facts testify to this. In addition, how not to understand the feelings of the Mother, who firmly believed in healing power Rasputin, who alleviated the suffering of the Heir. But after all, Rasputin did not heal the Tsarevich, and holy people even resurrected from the dead. The outstanding Russian doctor Botkin objectively did not find the usefulness of Rasputin's treatment, explaining his successes with ordinary coincidences. By the way, this is not uncommon in medicine.
Rasputin was, of course, slandered, because in this way a shadow was cast on the Royal Family.
He sincerely loved the King and the Queen. I will stop there. Time will judge.

12. Pravdich : Answer to 7., Rodelena:
2012-12-23 at 18:42

Dear Elena! The question is actually much more complicated than it seems. The idea of ​​repentance was simply grossly compromised by an illiterately composed rite of repentance. Further, everything was done so that the repentance of the Russian people did not take place.
But repentance is Foundation stone in Orthodox teaching. The Russian people were called to repentance: St. John Maksimovich (he used the words precisely: “in the sin of regicide”), Seraphim Rose, St. Seraphim Sobolev (“in the grave sin of rebellion against the autocratic Tsar-anointed”), skhomonakh Nikodim (Karulsky) (“They rejected the Tsar’s power, gave them to kill the Tsar ... and fell under satanic power”), St. Averky Taushev (“Weak consolation for us is that the direct murder of the Royal Family was not committed by Russian hands ... The entire Russian people bear the blame for this grave sin that took place on Russian soil"), Ep. Nektariy (Kontsevich): “The mortal sin of regicide weighs on the entire Russian people, and, therefore, to one degree or another on each of us”;
“Willingly or involuntarily, consciously or unconsciously, the whole people participates in regicide, if only by allowing it, not seeking to make amends. terrible sin repentance and correction of God (Metropolitan John (Snychev); finally: "... the sin of regicide, which occurred with the indifference of the citizens of Russia, our people do not repent" (Message of the Holy Synod of the ROC MP on the 75th anniversary of the assassination of Emperor Nicholas II). After 5 years, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II and the Holy Synod: "... we again testify that "the sin of regicide, which occurred with the indifference of the citizens of Russia, has not been repented by our people. We call all our people to repentance ..."
Please comment on these statements.

11. Yuri Rassulin : Answer to 8., Pravdich:
2012-12-23 at 18:11

Dear Mikhail!
You have listed many people who left their opinion about Grigory Rasputin. I dare say that in the list of those who spoke about Rasputin, the listed persons are secondary figures. But for some reason you forgot to mention the main witnesses, those who not only personally knew Elder Gregory or heard something about him by hearsay, but those who were his friends, who shared with him his faith, his hope, his love. Namely, you, after many, forgot to mention - Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, Empress Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Anna Alexandrovna Taneeva (Vyrubova). It was the Tsar, the Tsaritsa, the nun Maria (Taneeva-Vyrubova) who gave a worthy rebuke, including to Bishop Theophan of Poltava. It is strange to declare one's love for the Royal Family, exalt their spiritual and spiritual virtues and not believe them in critical issues, in those in which they are the main witnesses and experts.
I set forth these thoughts in more detail in the book The Great Righteous Elder Passion-Bearer Gregory. In the same place, an analysis of many testimonies was carried out and the price of these testimonies was indicated. And the price of many turned out to be very low. You may not agree, but, let's say, the opinion of Vel. Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna cannot be considered any weighty for one simple reason - she was never personally acquainted with Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-Novym, and she formed her idea of ​​​​him under the influence of the information provided to her by "well-wishers" who insinuated herself into her confidence . In particular, members of the Yusupov family, one of whose offspring became the murderer of the elder Grigory.
As for your telephone informants, none of them can be taken at their word without conducting critical analysis telephone information. I wish you to understand everything and not become a victim of a "damaged phone".
Yuri Rassulin

10. Pravdich : Answer to 7., Rodelena:
2012-12-23 at 18:10

A simple test of the heavenly earthly: if you come to court and take the guilt of a Satanist - a maniac, the court will not justify you, but will sentence you to death or life imprisonment without any gifts.

Are we out of our minds?

8. Pravdich : Answer to 5., Yuri Rassulin:
2012-12-23 at 11:28

Dear Yuri Rassulin!
The topic is very serious, so as not to respond to it, given that for about 30 years I myself have been substantively and in depth dealing with the Orthodox monarchy, as well as its most worthy representatives (regardless of estates and state ranks).
Of course, authorities-beacons in such research activities are needed. But nowadays, unfortunately, the principle of induction has a very powerful influence, when one by one the writing authors repeat the conclusions of the previous authority, only slightly embellishing, in their own style, the conclusions already made by their predecessors. It is impossible to embrace the immensity, and work in the archives takes not hours, but whole years of life. I know it myself. You brought a whole galaxy of modern historians. I am well acquainted with their works (with the exception, it seems, of the works of the Smirnovs). However, their opinion is opposed not only by Radzinsky, Smyslov and Miller, but also by Pierre Gilliard, V.K. Olga Alexandrovna, Lily Dehn, Baroness Buxgevden, Archbishop Theophan of Poltava (Bystrov), Dr. Botkin E.S., Gen. Mosolov, Sergei Bekhteev and many, many other people. I no longer take into account such authors as Purishkevich, F. Yusupov, Rodzianko and the like.
Most of the above personally knew Rasputin, visited him at home, had the opportunity to personally draw conclusions regarding his "holiness".
I really appreciate the works of the historians you listed, but almost every one of them had serious inaccuracies, subjective views, political bias, for example, Stalinism, to which I, as you must know, have a negative attitude.
Unfortunately, very often a number of historians initially set themselves a certain task, and then only bring the results of their researchers to the desired result, corresponding to their faith and political preferences. In telephone conversations with the descendants of people who were close to the Tsar, I repeatedly asked questions related to Grigory Rasputin. Some of them had parents or grandmothers who personally knew Grigory Rasputin, but, unfortunately, the impressions from meetings with the elder were also very negative. I understand that this is not a reason for scientific findings, but nonetheless…
It seems to me that the Empress's friends wrote about Rasputin most objectively: Lily Den, Baroness Sophia Buxgevden, Archbishop Feofan (Poltava) and VK Olga Alexandrovna. In general, to be honest, it is not entirely clear to me whether it will be possible (on the basis of new research!) to refute their view of Rasputin. After all, their memoirs were written in different places, but they all agree so much with each other in the main. The truth, as always, lies in the middle!
I will try to read your new book about Rasputin.
I hope I have answered your questions clearly.
Wish you success.
Mikhail Pravdich

7. Rodelena : grandfather pensioner
2012-12-23 at 10:20

You once advocated the prohibition of literature, and write poetry yourself. You call the people to repentance, you say that the Russians have committed a sin worse than the Jews.
When you go to confession, do you confess your own sins or at the same time all the neighbors in the porch? Why do you think that when you come to court and say to the Judge: "I killed!" - The judge won't believe you? Believe and appoint the death penalty.

Taininskoye is a hidden place in Russia, where M. Nagaya recognized False Dmitry as her son, where the camp of False Dmitry II was located, where the Russian people's militia of Minin and Pozharsky was also located. There is now being shifted the blame for the bloody, blasphemous, satanic crimes perpetrated by the Jews in Holy Russia onto the soul of the Russian people.
“His blood is on us and on our children!” - the Jews shouted, demanding to kill God, knowing that they would suffer punishment and not fearing it, embittered, they took the blame of the Roman murderers upon themselves and thereby saved the Roman murderers from responsibility. The Russian people repeat the same phrase, but at the same time they expect forgiveness, mercy and the gift of the Anointed One from God.
Does the Russian people understand what punishment and instead of whom they take on themselves and their children? Does he know that those mortal sins for which he voluntarily repents instead of the Jews are not subject to forgiveness
A simple test of the heavenly earthly: if you come to court and take the guilt of a Satanist - a maniac, the court will not justify you, but will sentence you to death or life imprisonment without any gifts.
According to the Order of Repentance, the Russian people have been repenting for many years church schism 17th century / p. 2 /, in the ritual satanic murder of the Anointed of God Tsar Nicholas 2 and His Holy Family, in the murder of 22 thousand best sons and daughters of the Fatherland / p. 9 /, for participating in collectivization, in the destruction of the peasantry, Cossacks, officers, clergy, for the artificial creation of famine /p.10/, for participating in the coup of 1825 /p.5/, for participating in spiritualism /p.8/, for staying in Masonic lodges/item 11/. He repents and takes upon himself the guilt of all his ancestors indiscriminately - those very starved peasants, the executed clergy, the Cossacks who fought against the Satanists, the white officers loyal to the Tsar. He takes and blackens their memory, staining them, himself, his children and grandchildren with Jewish guilt. Friendly and most importantly - regularly! - the Russian people cries out in Tainink: "Their blood is on us and on our children!" This diabolical act of slaughter is led by the priests of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Shouldn't they then add to the 34 points of the "Order of Repentance" the collapse of the country, the shooting of the Parliament, the plunder of Russia, the genocide of the Russian people? It remains to force the people to repent of the fact that they are destroying themselves, not to forget to wash the blood of all those killed in the process of implementing the Dulles plan and the Golden Billion plan, to take the blame of the members of the current government and parliament of Russia for their participation in Masonic lodges, to wash off the deeds gays and pedophiles, to answer before the Lord for all the explosions of houses, Act of terrorism, for all the boy soldiers betrayed and abandoned by the generals, for the children of Beslan, for the destruction of every Russian family by planning, for the highly paid bloody abortion clinic called Russia ...
In Taininsky, the Russian people say a terrible thing: the blood of all our Tsars is on us and on our children, we will answer. The blood of those ritually killed and sacrificed by the Jews to Satan is on us and on our children, we will answer. The blood of all those martyred for the sake of the prince of this world is on us and on our children, the blood of the Anointed One of God and his Holy Family, the blood of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, faithful to the Anointed One is on us and on our children! We will answer! We are to blame for everything! Forgive us, Lord! Grant us a King!
Are we out of our minds?
Having cleansed the Jews spiritually, having accepted their sins before God as scapegoats, dressed up in their bloody dresses, we will now be forced to fulfill the role assigned to the Russian people by the devil - to help the Jews put their Moshiach.
You can make mistakes, but you can't be silent. Another cunning chess move was made on the prepared field. The game is played neatly and without unnecessary talk. You need a national dictator from among a spiritual person - you will have a spiritual dictator. We need a war for this - there will be a war. If you are waiting for the Russian Tsar, we will call him Russian for you, but you should only expect Russian executions and a decisive battle with Orthodoxy from within from this “Russian” Tsar.

5. Yuri Rassulin : Answer to 4., Pravdich:
2012-12-23 at 01:52

Dear Mikhail Pravdich!
Judging by the fact that you left your comment, this topic affected you. In this case, you must be consistent to the end. First of all, give an answer to yourself, whether it is interesting to you or not, and how interesting it is. Perhaps your interest is superficial. Is it worth it then to "download the air". If the interest is still serious enough, but not so much as to go to the archives or plunge headlong into memoirs, then it would be logical to trust an authoritative person in this matter. However, in choosing an authority, again, one should be honest with oneself and with people. It is our Christian conscience that prompts us to do this. And if we are honest, we will give preference to the one who spent more writings, intellectual and spiritual talents to understand this topic. If we are honest, then we will not pay attention to other motives and other priorities of our sympathies. Only conscientious work, conscientious research should be in our field of vision. In this regard, attention is drawn to the works of those people who, firstly, have established themselves as an honest, principled person, and secondly, indeed, devoted part of their earthly life to a conscientious (namely, conscientious) study of materials about Grigory Rasputin. Experts in this matter today are professional historians: Oleg Platonov, Sergey Fomin, Alexander Bokhanov, Tatyana Mironova, local historians and fellow countrymen of Grigory Rasputin - Vladimir and Marina Smirnov, writer Igor Evsin. These researchers are united by the similarity of conclusions and positive evaluation Grigory Rasputin. They are opposed by a number of other authors whose conclusions are opposite, in particular: E. Radzinsky, I. Smyslov, L. Miller. Everyone is free to choose those who he likes in accordance with his principles, with his understanding of decency, honesty, and spiritual priorities.
The third option is to do all this work yourself, even if you are not a professional, but are eager to find out the truth. If you go this way: get the blessing of spiritually experienced Orthodox elders, work in the archives, collect the testimonies of contemporaries, analyze the texts of memoirs, raise all the correspondence of members of the Royal Family, look closely at that era, slowly, after a long thought, weigh everything and come to a clear , certain, clear and understandable, first of all, for you, conclusions - then your position will have weight and price. I, a sinner, also went this way. The result of my efforts was the book - "The Great Righteous Elder Passion-Bearer Gregory." Actually there, in this book, there is a thoughtful, balanced, one might say, hard-won and fully formulated answer to all your and other questions.

4. Pravdich : Answer to 3., Rodelena:
2012-12-22 at 17:17

Dear Elena!
Unfortunately, I personally did not study Rasputin, in the sense that I did not work on this subject in the archives, did not thoroughly investigate the entire body of information and testimonies about this outstanding person.
Nevertheless, I have heard the testimonies of children and grandchildren, those who met with Rasputin or were close to the Royal Family. I was passed not quite flattering reviews, along with positive ones. Honestly, for myself, I still have not fully understood everything and I can be wrong. But today, the idealized image of Grigory Rasputin still seems to me hasty and erroneous.
I think that his daughter, Matrona, would write about her father differently if she were sure of his holiness. Here, a lot of unflattering things were said about Svetlana Alliluyeva, I think only because, in general, she told the truth about her father.
You are talking about the "written output of the brain". Unfortunately, what is attributed to Rasputin not only did not inspire me, but also did not make any particular impression.
But besides the "written products", there are other witnesses, for example, the face-face of a person - his mirror of the soul. In the guise of Rasputin, in my opinion, it is very difficult to see holiness, except perhaps with a particularly elevated perception.
The words of the Tsar and Tsarina testify that they fell in love with Rasputin; loved as a person from the people who were so sought after, and even who had the gift of alleviating the suffering of the Heir.
Was this not enough for unhappy parents? Nevertheless, the Royal Family had its own confessor, and in matters of politics, according to people close to the Tsar, Rasputin's influence was very doubtful.
Once upon a time I too was ready to believe in St. Gregory. I think that there is no need to rush in this matter, and here, apparently, our patriarchs are absolutely right: now alive and deceased.
I repeat that I can be wrong and I will even be glad if my opinion turned out to be erroneous.
Sincerely, Mikhail Pravdich

3. Rodelena : Pravdich
2012-12-22 at 15:34

Dear Pravdich!
I never argued with you, because I always agreed.
But on the question of Rasputin - and his murder, oddly enough, is the root of betrayal of the Tsar and the beginning of the end - I will not agree with you.
The personality of a person, his soul is revealed in the "written products of the brain" (as criminologists, experts, psyators rudely put it when conducting psychological, handwriting, graphological and other examinations) For many years, as a writer, I have been receiving books by other writers and poets as a gift. It is enough to read a couple of pages to either send the book to the trash, or put it on the back shelf, or on the shelf next to the classics.
Rasputin is recognizable from his books. Read. Your heart will rejoice. Yours is correct. But not everyone.
As for Vyrubova's testimony, there are many questions. The main one is that the investigator usually writes in the protocol in his own words, and the person being interrogated usually does not argue with the investigator.
Main witness's testimonies in this difficult matter - the words of the King and Queen. Their attitude to Rasputin.
After all, you do not dispute the Apostle Peter, who betrayed Christ three times, do you doubt Paul? And in all those who fled without looking back from the Cross, when the Lord was still alive on it? Do not doubt the holiness of those who were afraid and abandoned God, knowing that He would inevitably die. They ran away. And you have no doubt.
But Rasputin did not run away. And he was not afraid of assassination attempts, dirty gossip, or fabricated abominations. He was faithful to the end LIKE NOBODY and NEVER in the history of mankind, including the apostles of Christ.

Only two Marys remained with the Lord until the end.

2. grandfather : regicide.
2012-12-22 at 14:05

Thank God that there were and are people like Anna Alexandrovna. But the sin for the murder of the tsar is still on us. The repentance of the people is necessary for the salvation of Russia. I want to put my poem on the site.


We were born at different times.
We are separated by months, years, centuries,
But in the murder of the Tsar Passion-Bearer
Everyone is guilty for sure.

Who was the same age as Nicholas
Heard about him, maybe even knew in person,
He did not say against his death: "I object" -
He knew the truth, but still remained silent.

They believed the word of evil libel
And they didn't even think
That the participants of the god of the covenant-
Where they shouted "Jesus crucify."

Who was small and did not think at that time,
But he studied, he knew the history,
Took the untruth of murder he burden
And he justified the murderers.

I was born during the war years -
Pioneer, Komsomol member, party member,
Although all the hardships lay on the shoulders,
I'm the King anyway because the killer.

A veil covered our eyes -
Communism, we have seen the distance.
Bell towers and temples were destroyed -
Collected sins and sadness.

There is no forgiveness - we killed the Tsar.
He is the anointed of the Russian land,
And we ruined the King and ourselves
And they came to unbelief in God.

Killed the priesthood everywhere
And they were led by stage to the camps,
Outdid even Judas
The earth soaked up the blood of the innocent.

A stormy time has passed,
There are no more tips at all.
Man, drop the burden of disbelief
And go to repentance now.

Repent with tears of blood
Sweat to roll with tears,
From the cradle in sins you confess
To forgive you the sin of murder.

Temples are open everywhere
Souls stretched monasteries,
After all, we are not Jesuits -
Have time to repent, look.

Only repentance
We will raise our native Russia from our knees
And only confession of sins
Let's save her sick.

Let Holy Russia become
As it was in the old days.
Let's all stand up for prayer
Let's save the country this way.

1. Pravdich : The feat of Anna Taneva
2012-12-22 at 11:34

"In the spirit of the truth about the Anointed of God, the great prayer book for the Tsar also stood - the elder Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-New. This man, whose spiritual power was tested by many of his contemporaries, was a true messenger of God, an earthly angel for the Royal Family, as well as for the entire Russian People ".
It's too loud. This assertion cannot be objectively verified to date. But the recollections of eyewitnesses (including those close to the Royal Family and those who knew Rasputin well), as well as archival data, testify otherwise. Although Rasputin was slandered, he was in fact neither an old man, nor a saint, nor a great prayer book for the Tsar of Russia. Olga Alexandrovna, the sister of Tsar Nicholas II, wrote about this. The article repeats obvious searches, from one extreme ("holy devil" Pikul) rushed to another ("slandered old man"). Probably, St. Theophan of Poltava (Bystrov) was close to the truth in his definition of Rasputin. And Vyrubova herself, during the interrogation about Rasputin, already speaks in a completely different tone without a hint of esaltation, to which, unfortunately, she was prone. Nevertheless, Anna Taneeva (it’s more correct to call her that way) really deserves the greatest respect, love and reverence and can serve as an example of sacrifice, loyalty to the Tsar and Russia. The personality is absolutely unique and wonderful, there is no reason to doubt it!

Name: Anna Vyrubova (Anna Taneeva)

Age: 80 years old

Activity: maid of honor and friend of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, memoirist

Family status: was divorced

Anna Vyrubova: biography

Anna Alexandrovna Vyrubova was not only the favorite maid of honor of the Empress, but also the closest friend of the august person. She knew many secrets of the court and was initiated into the details of the life of the royal family. This was the cause of envy, gossip and incredible rumors that poisoned her life and trailed even after death.

Childhood and youth

Anna Vyrubova was born into a noble family, where many ancestors became famous for their faithful service to the tsar and the fatherland. The maid of honor of the maid of honor is Taneeva. She was born in St. Petersburg in the summer of 1884. Anna's father, Alexander Sergeevich Taneyev, was a prominent official and for 20 years held the responsible post of Secretary of State and Chief Executive of the Imperial Chancellery.

It is noteworthy that the same post under the tsars, and was occupied by the grandfather and great-grandfather of Taneeva.

Anna Vyrubova's mother, Nadezhda Illarionovna Tolstaya, was the great-great-granddaughter of the field marshal himself. Her father, Illarion Tolstoy, was a participant in the Russian-Turkish war, and her grandfather, General Nikolai Tolstoy, managed the Nikolaev Chesme almshouse.

Anna Vyrubova spent her childhood in a family estate near Moscow, which was called Rozhdestveno. From a young age, the girl was instilled with good manners and a love of reading. In 1902, she passed the exam at the St. Petersburg educational district and received the right to work as a home teacher.

For six months the Taneyev family lived in St. Petersburg, and for six months in Rozhdestveno. Their neighbors were noble: the princes Golitsyn, with whom the Taneyevs were related, and Grand Duke Sergey Aleksandrovich. His wife, Elizaveta Feodorovna, was the sister of the Tsar's wife, Alexandra Feodorovna.

Family estate "Rozhdestveno"

One day, when the Taneyevs came to Rozhdestveno again, Elizaveta Fyodorovna invited them to tea. There Anna Alexandrovna Vyrubova, then still Taneeva, met Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, who came to visit her older sister.

maid of honor of the empress

In 1903, when Anna was 19 years old, she received the so-called cipher: she was entrusted with the duties of a city maid of honor under the empress, temporarily replacing the ill Sophia Dzhambakur-Orbeliani. From that moment on, Anna Alexandrovna Vyrubova was among those chosen who wrote the history of Russia. The girl was obliged to be on duty at balls and other appearances in the light of the empress.

Soon the royal family went on vacation and took Taneeva with them. Together with Alexandra Fedorovna and the children, Anna picked mushrooms and berries, walked through the forest, and performed small tasks. They became attached to a pleasant and sensible girl. Later, in her memoirs, she writes that she also fell in love with the sovereign's family with all her heart.

The empress liked the smart, modest and well-mannered girl, who stood out sharply against the background of the conceited and self-serving nobility. But her good relations to the new maid of honor immediately aroused the envy of the rest of the courtiers.

Envious and ill-wishers, of whom there were a great many around the queen, expressed open discontent, blaming the empress for her ignorance of etiquette. They said that only bearers of chosen surnames could approach the royal family, and the Taneevs were not included in this circle.

But Alexandra Feodorovna was in no hurry to give in, answering that she now knew that at least one person in her entourage served her disinterestedly, without demanding remuneration.

In 1907, Anna married naval lieutenant Alexander Vyrubov. The queen favored this marriage. It was she who found her beloved maid of honor, as it seemed to her, a worthy party. But a year later the marriage broke up.

After the divorce, Anna Vyrubova could no longer be an official maid of honor - only unmarried girls had the right to perform these duties. But the queen did not want to part with almost only friend who she trusted. Therefore, Vyrubova remained with her as an unofficial lady-in-waiting.

It often happened that the empress escorted her to her office through the servants' rooms in order to avoid meetings with full-time ladies-in-waiting. Women whiled away the time for needlework, reading and spiritual conversation. But this secrecy of meetings gave rise to malicious rumors and dirty gossip.

A failed marriage and malicious whispering behind her back pushed the religious Anna Vyrubova to even closer communion with the church. Pierre Gilliard, the tutor of the Tsarevich, wrote about this in his memoirs. He said that the girl was very religious, prone to mysticism and sentimental, but sincerely devoted to the imperial family.

Prince N. D. Zhevakhov, a close friend of the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod, agrees with him. In his memoirs, he wrote that the lady-in-waiting Anna Vyrubova turned out to be the only truly believing person in the empress's entourage.

The web of gossip began to weave even more actively when in life imperial family an old man appeared. Rumor attributed his acquaintance with the tsarina to the mediation of Vyrubova. But the memoirs of Anna Vyrubova refute this. In them, the woman writes that she met Grigory Efimovich thanks to Grand Duke Militsa Nikolaevna. And the appearance of a Siberian wanderer in the royal chambers is the merit of the Grand Dukes and their wives who heard about miraculous properties amazing old man.

When the pendulum of the story swayed and the king renounced the throne, the former Romanov’s close associates, for the sake of the new authorities, defiantly turned away from Nicholas II and his family. Now they openly slandered the family and the elder, in front of which they bowed yesterday. Anna Vyrubova and Grigory Rasputin were linked together by rumor. Accusations of a vicious relationship rained down on them.

In the memoirs of Anna Vyrubova, it was said that the Grand Dukes and the aristocracy slandered the louder, spreading rumors about the “rotten monarchy”, imaginary vices of the imperial family, the depraved Rasputin and the cunning maid of honor.

After the February Revolution of 1917, the Provisional Government arrested Anna Vyrubova. Even her disability did not become an obstacle. After the terrible railway disaster, which Freilyin got into 1915, she survived a miracle. A woman could only move in a wheelchair or with crutches.

Anna Vyrubova was accused of espionage and betrayal and threw in the Peter and Paul Fortress for several months. Investigator Nikolai Rudnev, who at that time was in charge of one of the departments of the Cheka (an emergency commission created by the Provisional Government of Alexander Kerensky), was assigned to investigate the cases of Rasputin and Vyrubova.

For this purpose, Rudnev arrived at the Peter and Paul Fortress to meet with Anna Alexandrovna. What he saw shocked the battered investigator. The emaciated woman was subjected to torture and incredible humiliation. She barely moved.

Rudnev demanded to replace the attending physician Serebrennikov, who encouraged bullying of the patient. Ivan Manukhin, who replaced him, having examined the former maid of honor of the Empress, was amazed: there was no living place on her body from constant beatings.

The woman was hardly fed and was not allowed to walk. From the cold and dampness, she developed pneumonia. But the main thing is that several medical examinations carried out debunked the main and dirtiest myth about Anna Vyrubova: it turned out that she was a virgin. The intimate ties attributed to her with Rasputin, the tsar and the tsarina turned out to be slander.

Due to the lack of corpus delicti, the sick and barely alive woman was released. But she was too dangerous witness. Therefore, the threat of a new arrest constantly hung over her. Anna Alexandrovna had to hide in the apartments and basements of the people she had once helped.

In 1920, she managed to illegally move to Finland with her mother. There, the former maid of honor Anna Vyrubova, accused of greed and allegedly received millions from the royal family, led an almost beggarly lifestyle. She had difficulty obtaining citizenship due to her lack of means of subsistence.

In exile, Taneeva-Vyrubova wrote a memoir entitled "Pages of My Life". In them, she told the truth about the royal family, Grigory Rasputin and herself.

Unfortunately, this woman is still being judged by another book - "Her Majesty's maid of honor Anna Vyrubova" or "Vyrubova's Diary". This essay appeared in 1920. Its authenticity has already been called into question. Publicly refuted the authenticity of the "Diary" and Anna Alexandrovna Vyrubova herself.

In all likelihood, this vulgar libel was written to order new government Soviet writer and professor of history P. E. Shchegolev. In the same period, their joint play with a similar plot called "The Conspiracy of the Empress" was released.

Personal life

The 22-year-old maid of honor, the favorite of the Empress, was deeply unhappy in her personal life. Naval officer Alexander Vyrubov, whose wedding took place in Tsarskoye Selo, turned out to be a mentally ill person. Perhaps this happened because of the tragedy experienced. The battleship "Petropavlovsk", on which he served, was flooded during a breakthrough in the harbor of Port Arthur. Of the 750 crew members, only 83 survived. Vyrubov was among them.

It seemed to the Empress that with such a person her maid of honor would be happy. But the personal life of Anna Vyrubova cracked immediately after the marriage. Probably because of the shock experienced, the husband suffered from sexual impotence. In addition, according to Gilliard, he turned out to be a scoundrel and a drunkard.

Soon, Alexander showed signs of severe mental illness. Once, in a fit of rage, a drunken husband severely beat his wife. Vyrubov was declared mentally deranged and placed in a Swiss hospital. The marriage was annulled after a year.


Anna Vyrubova lived in Finland for another 40 years. She took the tonsure and took the name Maria. Nun Maria spent the last years of her life in the Smolensk Skete of the Valaam Monastery.

Anna Alexandrovna Vyrubova died in the summer of 1964 at the age of 80. She was buried in an Orthodox cemetery in the Lapinlahti district of Helsinki.

The slandered admirer of the slandered old man. Writer Igor Evsin about the fate of the righteous nun Maria (Anna Alexandrovna Taneeva-Vyrubova).

At the beginning of the 20th century, Anna Taneeva-Vyrubova, like Grigory Rasputin, found herself at the very center of the Masonic slanderous campaign to discredit the Russian monarchy, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna and Tsar Nicholas II.

And after the revolution of 1917, the haters of the Tsarist power finally formed the slanderous myth about the “rotten monarchy”, “the debauchery of Rasputin” and his “selfish and loving girlfriend” Vyrubova, who allegedly also had a passion for power.

However, today it is documented that several official medical examinations of Taneeva-Vyrubova were carried out by special commissions, which stated the same thing: Anna Aleksandrovna is a virgin.

And already during her lifetime, it became clear that the statement about her intimate relations with Rasputin was slander.

As for greed and imaginary millions accumulated by Vyrubova, the following must be said.

Having fled from the Soviet authorities to Finland, she was refused the issuance of Finnish citizenship due to lack of sufficient means of subsistence. And having received citizenship, she lived in Finland very modestly, almost begging.

She did not have any accumulated millions allegedly received for her petitions for certain people before Tsar Nicholas II.

This means that she did not have any influence driven by self-interest on Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna.

This is how Anna Alexandrovna was described by Comrade Ober-Procurator of the Holy Synod, Prince N.D. Zhevakhov: “Having entered the bosom of Orthodoxy, the Empress was imbued not only with the letter, but also with its spirit, and, being a believing Protestant, accustomed to respecting religion, she fulfilled her requirements differently from the people around her who loved only “to talk about God ”, but did not recognize any obligations imposed by religion.

The only exception was Anna Aleksandrovna Vyrubova, whose unfortunate personal life early introduced her to those inhuman sufferings that forced her to seek help only from God.

Note that Zhevakhov here speaks of the suffering that Taneeva-Vyrubova endured after a terrible railway accident.

This catastrophe practically killed her, and only the prayers of the elder Grigory Rasputin resurrected Anna Alexandrovna to life.

Elder Gregory then performed a miracle that shocked all the eyewitnesses.

However, Vyrubova forever remained an invalid and was forced to endure severe pain.

“The life of A. A. Vyrubova,” Prince Zhevakhov writes further, “was truly the life of a martyr, and you need to know at least one page of this life in order to understand the psychology of her deep faith in God and why only in communion with God A. A Vyrubova found the meaning and content of her deeply unhappy life. And when I hear the condemnation of A. A. Vyrubova from those who, not knowing her, repeat the vile slander created not even by her personal enemies, but by the enemies of Russia and Christianity, the best representative of which was A. A. Vyrubova, then I am surprised not so much to human malice, but to human thoughtlessness...

The Empress got acquainted with the spiritual image of A. A. Vyrubova when she found out with what courage she endured her sufferings, hiding them even from her parents. When I saw her lonely struggle with human malice and vice, then between Her and A. A. Vyrubova there arose that spiritual connection, which became the greater, the more A. A. Vyrubova stood out against the general background of a self-satisfied, prim, unbelieving know. Infinitely kind, childishly trusting, pure, knowing neither cunning nor cunning, striking with her extreme sincerity, meekness and humility, suspecting intent nowhere and of nothing, considering herself obliged to meet every request, A. A. Vyrubova, like the Empress , divided her time between the Church and the exploits of love for her neighbor, far from the thought that she could become a victim of deceit and malice of bad people.

In fact, Prince Zhevakhov told us about the life of a righteous woman, a servant of God.

At one time, Investigator Nikolai Rudnev headed one of the departments of the Extraordinary Commission established by the Provisional Government of Kerensky.

The department was called "Investigation of the activities of dark forces" and investigated, among others, the cases of Grigory Rasputin and Anna Vyrubova. Rudnev conducted the investigation honestly and without prejudice and came to the conclusion that the materials against Rasputin were slander.

And about Anna Vyrubova, he wrote the following:

“Having heard a lot about the exceptional influence of Vyrubova at the Court and about her relations with Rasputin, information about which was placed in our press and circulated in society, I went to Vyrubova for interrogation in the Peter and Paul Fortress, frankly, hostile to her.

This unfriendly feeling did not leave me in the office of the Peter and Paul Fortress, right up to the appearance of Vyrubova under the escort of two soldiers.

When Mrs. Vyrubova entered, I was immediately struck by the special expression in her eyes: this expression was full of unearthly meekness.

This first favorable impression was fully confirmed in my subsequent conversations with her.

My assumptions about the moral qualities of Mrs. Vyrubova, taken from lengthy conversations with her in the Peter and Paul Fortress, in the detention center, and, finally, in the Winter Palace, where she appeared on my calls, were fully confirmed by her manifestation of purely Christian forgiveness in relation to those from whom she had to endure a lot in the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

And here it should be noted that I learned about these abuses of Mrs. Vyrubova by the fortress guards not from her, but from Mrs. Taneeva.

Only after that did Mrs. Vyrubova confirm everything her mother had said, declaring with surprising calmness and gentleness: "They are not to blame, they don't know what they're doing."

To tell the truth, these sad episodes of mockery of the personality of Vyrubova prison guards, expressed in the form of SPITTING IN THE FACE, REMOVING HER CLOTHES AND UNDERWEAR, ACCOMPANIED BY BEATING THE FACE AND OTHER PARTS OF THE BODY OF THE SICK WOMAN WHO BARBLY MOVED ON CRUTCHES, AND THE THREATS TO LIFE THE CONCUBE OF THE SOVEREIGN AND GRIGORY" prompted the commission of inquiry to transfer Mrs. Vyrubova to the detention facility at the former Provincial Gendarmerie Directorate."

Here we see the real Christian feat of the martyr Anna. A feat that repeats the feat of Christ Himself.

"The maid of honor of Her Majesty Anna Vyrubova".

However, while it does contain most of the original text, the editorial has cut it in half!

Moreover, it includes fictional paragraphs that Anna Aleksandrovna never wrote. Thus, in a Jesuit subtly, the work of discrediting the righteous martyr continues.

The publishers did their best to distort the moral image of Vyrubova, to give the reader the impression of her as a person of a narrow-minded mind.

The forged diary "Anna Vyrubova's Diary" placed in the book is especially aimed at this.

In fact, this is a continuation of the diabolical work to discredit both Anna Alexandrovna herself, and Grigory Rasputin and the holy Royal Family.

This vile fake was written by the famous Soviet writer A.N. Tolstoy and historian P. E. Shchegolev, a former member of the Extraordinary Investigative Commission of the Provisional Government.

Alas, alas and alas, the texts of the book "Her Majesty's maid of honor Anna Vyrubova" and the fake diary placed in it are still reprinted in various reputable publications and passed off as originals.

However, archival documentary evidence about Vyrubova-Taneeva creates a true image of the righteous.

Based on them, the modern historian Oleg Platonov writes:

“An example of the most rigorous life was one of the closest admirers of Rasputin, a friend of the Empress Anna Vyrubova. She devoted her life to serving the royal family and Rasputin. She did not have a personal life. A healthy, beautiful woman completely obeyed the most stringent monastic requirements. In fact, she turned her life into a monastic ministry, while the slanderers in the leftist press published the most vile details about her supposedly depraved intimate life. How great was the disappointment of these vulgars when medical commission Provisional Government established that Vyrubova had never been to intimate relationships not with any man. But she was credited with ... dozens of love affairs, including with the Tsar. And with Rasputin. After a happy escape from Russia, where she was threatened certain death, Vyrubova took the veil as a nun, observing the strictest charter and leading a lonely life. She died as a nun in Finland in 1964.”

The ascetic was buried at the Ilyinsky cemetery in Helsinki. The parishioners of the Intercession Church in Helsinki consider her a righteous woman and say: “Come to the Orthodox Ilyinsky cemetery to her grave, stand and pray. And you will feel how easy it is to pray here, how quiet and peaceful it becomes in the soul.

Here in Russia, the nun Anna (Taneeva-Vyrubova) is also considered a righteous martyr. Some priests even bless in every need to prayerfully turn to her for help.

Let us also cry out in simplicity of heart - Lord, Jesus Christ, with prayers royal martyrs Martyr Gregory and Martyr Anna, save and have mercy on us sinners.