Geography quiz game “Life on different continents. Quiz "Entertaining journey through the continents of the Earth


by geography

for grade 7

"Continents and Oceans"

geography teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 23", Abakan

Savina Daria Alexandrovna

The purpose of the quiz: generalization of knowledge on the course "Continents and Oceans"
Quiz rules. From 2 to 4 teams of students take part in the game. Teams, in order of priority, choose a category and question number. For each correct answer, the team earns one point. In the event of an incorrect answer or lack of it, the right to respond to this question goes to the opposing teams. After the quiz is over, points are calculated and the winner is announced.
Category questions


    Where is the border between Europe and Asia? Ural mountains) Where is the Pole of Cold located in the Northern Hemisphere (Oymyakon) Most numerous people both in the world and in Eurasia (Chinese) What is the Mekong (river in Asia) Most high mountains in Eurasia (Tibet and the Himalayas)
    Why the fauna of this continent consists mainly of predators (no plants) Is there a permanent population in Antarctica 9no) What is the thickness of the ice cover of Antarctica (2 - 4 km) Are there minerals on Antarctica (yes, but they are not being developed) How can the ice of Antarctica be used (to supply the population of the world with fresh water)
South America
    How SA connects to North America (Isthmus of Panama) Name the most big river SA (Amazon) What is the longest mountain range on Earth, located in South Africa (Andes) What is selva? (jungle, a tropical forest) Which domestic rodent is native to the Andes? (chinchilla)
    What is the area of ​​Africa among other continents (2) name the largest desert in Africa (Sahara) The name is very ancient country on the banks of the Nile (Egypt) Most big Island off the coast of Africa (Madagascar) What is savannah

North America

    Off the coast of SA is the most large island in the world is ... (Greenland) What part of the SA belonged to Russia (Alaska) Name the main mountain system mainland (Cordillera) What river is Niagara Falls located on? Which leaf is located on the flag of Canada (maple)
    Which country declared Australia its colony in the 18th century (Britain) Why in Australia there are never earthquakes and there is not a single volcano) What is Kosciuszko (mountain, highest point) What is a cry (drying river) How many countries on this mainland (1)
    Name the largest and most small oceans(Quiet and Slo) Where is the deepest trench in the World Ocean located (In the Pacific Ocean) What is a shelf (ocean shallow water) Which ocean do scientists want to consider the fifth ocean (Southern) North Atlantic current warm or cold (warm)


    Akimushkin I.I. Whims of nature. Moscow "Rusich", 1999 Domogatskikh E.M.,. Alekseevskiy N.I. Geography: continents and oceans. Moscow " Russian word, 2009 Small atlas of the world. Main Directorate of Geodesy and Cartography of the USSR. Moscow, 1986 Tomilin A.A. How people inhabit the oceans of the earth. Leningrad "Children's Literature", 1985

geographic game

"On the continents and countries"

For 7th graders

Geography teacher development

Kumpin Elena Georgievna

Game on the stations "Across the continents and oceans"

Game Goals:

Formation of students' interest in geography

Expanding horizons

Developing and strengthening the ability to work in a team

Consolidation of common geographical knowledge

Development of observation, attention and other skills

Game time 40-45 minutes

Form of organization - game by stations (4 stations)

Assistance in the game is provided by high school students

Stages of the game:

Stage 1 . General line. (Teams receive route sheets. See Appendix 1)

Stage 2 Station game.

Stage 3. Final line. (Summing up and awarding the winners.)

Station "Island of the Scholars"

At this station, the team must answer the proposed questions.

(Sahara, in Africa)

2. The largest monkeys in the world and where are they found?

(gorillas, in Africa)

3. What prevents navigation on the rivers of Africa?


4. The strongest wind in the Sahara desert, carrying clouds of sand.



6. The shortest inhabitants on the planet?


7. What is the largest island?


8. The largest relative of the pig?


9. Thickets of evergreen dry shrubs in Australia?


10. Animal with the longest neck?


11. What is the largest ocean in the world?


12. The river on which Victoria Falls is located?


13. Herself deep river in Africa?


14. The southernmost continent on Earth?


15.Most large tree in Africa?


16. An African country where the main export crop is coffee?


17. The driest continent?



19. What is the name of a tree without a shadow and on what continent does it grow?

(eucalyptus, Australia)

20. What trees are called "dinosaurs of the plant world", where do they grow?

(sequoias, in North America)

21. What is the longest lake in Africa?


22. What is the name of the most powerful current in the ocean?

(the course of the West winds)

Station "In the Club of Captain Vrungel"

The attention of the children is offered a story in which geographical errors are intentionally made. The task of the team is not only to find these errors, but also to give the correct answer.

Captain Vrungel's story.

“... After a long wandering across the ocean, we were carried out during a storm to the shores of some island or mainland at 20 east longitude. and 35.S. Apparently it was Africa.

Our ships, made of a giant velvichia tree, were wrecked. At dawn, we decided to go deep into the mainland in search of water and food. The area was a savannah, which was teeming with various animals ... A herd of antelopes could be seen in the distance, long necks of giraffes flashed by.. Once, when thick-skinned hippos crossed our path, a tiger roar was heard. From the vegetation, we met umbrella acacias with lush crowns and massive baobabs, striking in their size.

At the end of the third day of the journey, we reached the river, which carried its muddy waters. locals the Arabs helped us cross this river in kayaks. Having said goodbye to them, we continued on our way. Soon the savanna gradually turned into dense equatorial forest. And we met a new tribe - pygmies. This tribe consisted of hardy and strong people and engaged in hunting and gathering.

It got hot and we wanted to swim in the river. The pygmies forbade us to do this. "Evil spirit piranha! You can't!" they said. And the elder of the tribe explained that this giant-sized fish is distinguished by extraordinary bloodthirstiness. She pounces on anyone creature that fell into the river and gnaws it to the bone.

In the evening we sat for a long time by the fire and talked for a long time with good-natured pygmies. Suddenly it became stuffy and the sky, sparkling with stars, suddenly darkened, the air temperature rose noticeably. “This is a simum,” the natives shouted and began to take cover in their huts. An evil and dry wind was advancing, which so often happens in this natural area. We had to wait out the bad weather.”


1. velvichia is not a giant tree, but a small plant

2. there are no tigers in Africa

3. Arabs are desert dwellers, not savannah dwellers

4.kayaks - boats northern peoples

5.pygmies - undersized

6.piranha is not found in African rivers

7. piranha - small fish.

8. Samum-wind in the desert, not in the equatorial forest.

Station "Country of Geographical Mysteries"

Each correct answer is worth 5 points.

1 riddle

“This river is full of water all year round. It crosses the equator twice. It flows along ledges and plateaus and has many rapids and waterfalls. In contrast to the Nile, it does not form a delta, but its muddy and fresh water wide stream into the Atlantic Ocean.

About what river in question And what continent is it on?

(Congo River in Africa)

2nd riddle

“This tree is one of the sacred symbols. It lives up to 4-5 thousand years. This is almost the fattest tree on the planet. There are specimens of fantastic stature. Some specimens reach 20 and 40 meters in diameter. In cool weather, the tree turns green, and in warm weather it sheds foliage to keep more moisture in a well-fed body. This tree does not burn in fire, and its fruits are called "monkey bread" .What is this tree and on what continent does it grow?

(baobab in Africa)

3rd riddle

She is below us.

They obviously go upside down

There's an inside-out year.

The gardens bloom there in October.

It's summer in December, not July.

There are rivers flowing without water.

They are in the desert somewhere.

There are traces of wingless birds in the thickets,

The cats eat snakes there.

Animals are born from eggs.

And the dogs don't know how to bark.

What continent are we talking about in the poem by Galina Usova?


4th riddle

They are eaten raw, fried and dried. Animals also eat them willingly. In many remote areas, they replace money. In many tribes, their affectionate name is awarded to beloved girls. Fish in oases are sometimes caught on them. Cut in one day from a tree, they can be stored in limbo for years.

What kind of tree are we talking about and what kind of fruits?

(dates and date palm)

5th riddle

This traveler devoted his whole life to the study of Africa. Neither before nor after him did anyone make so many geographical discoveries on this continent. For one of them - the opening of the Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River Royal geographical society awarded him gold medal. Who is this traveller?

(David Livingston)

Station "Labyrinth of Numbers"

The guys are offered cards with various numbers at this station, they must choose the ones they know and explain to which geographical feature they relate.

1620 6 54

4 17 -89

11022 8848 1492

1620 - depth of Lake Baikal

6 - continents

54 million square meters km - Eurasia area

4- ocean

17 million square meters km - area of ​​Russia

11022 - depth of the Mariana Trench

8848 - height of Chomolungma

1492 - the year of the discovery of America

Attachment 1

Route sheet


Sum of points

Best Answers


The game is for 7th grade students. It can be used in generalizing lessons at the conclusion of the course "Continents and Oceans".

Target: generalization of knowledge on the course; development cognitive interest to the subject.

Host: Dear children! Today we will go with you to an amusing trip across continents and oceans, where we will discover the secrets of distant lands.

Two brave teams of 5 people each, led by fearless captains, have already gathered on the road.

Captains competition.

Portraits of travelers appear on the screen:

Marco Polo; Christopher Columbus; Ferdinand Magellan; Afanasy Nikitin; Vasco da Gama; Dezhnev; James Cook; Bering; Heyerdahl; Przhevalsky; Amundsen; Vavilov.

The task of the captains is to write their names. The first one to accurately and quickly determine everyone gets a team in the piggy bank gold coin(chocolate).

Competition 1. “Ships entered our harbor”

In turn, each team member points out the proposed geographical features on the map.

1-team: Mariana Trench, Coral Sea, Sunda Trench, Red Sea, South Trade Wind Current, Somali Current, Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea.

2-team: Bering Sea, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Western wind current, Mediterranean Sea, Gulf Stream current, Caribbean Sea, Tasman Sea.

The team that completed the task completely receives a gold coin.

Competition 2. "Regatta"

The team has two minutes to answer maximum amount questions. The team that responded large quantity questions, gets gold.

1. Most big mainland Earth. (Eurasia)

3. What is located between the platforms? (areas of folding)

4. natural complex created by human activity. (anthropogenic)

6. ancient homeland person. (Africa)

7. What single continent were the southern continents? (Gondwana)

8. Which continent does not have volcanoes? (Australia)

9. The highest volcano in Africa. (Kilimanjaro)

11. What lies at the base of all the plains? (platforms)

12. Most small mainland. (Australia)

13. The greatest depth of the oceans. (Marian Trench)

15. Average salinity in the oceans. (35 ppm)

16. Isoline of equal temperatures. (Isotherm)

17. Winds blowing always in the same direction, depending on the belts of high and low pressure. (constant winds)

18. Occupation country whole continent. (Australia)

19. The deepest depression of the Indian Ocean. (Zonda Trench)

20. Young mountains of Africa. (Atlas)

21. Which ocean has no connection with the Arctic Ocean? ( Indian Ocean)

22. Famous scientist who singled out 13 on Earth climatic zones. (Alisov)

23. Winds that change direction twice a year. (monsoons)

24. Who first committed circumnavigation? (Magellan)

25. Constant winds blowing from tropical latitudes to the equator. (trade winds)

Competition 3. "In search of treasures"

Designate on contour map objects at the given coordinates. The first team to complete the challenge gets a gold medal.

15 degrees northern latitude and 62 degrees west

(Angel Falls)

2. 3 degrees south latitude and 37 degrees east longitude

(Mount Kilimanjaro)

3. 15 degrees south latitude and 47 degrees west longitude

(city of Brasilia)

4. 27 degrees north latitude and 86 degrees east longitude

(Mount Everest)

5. 28 degrees north latitude and 77 degrees east longitude

(Delhi city)

Competition 4. "Native home"

In this competition, it is necessary to distribute plants and animals (endemics) on the continents of habitat.

1. Hippo a) Africa

2. Panda b) Australia

3. Marabu c) North America

4. Koala d) South America

5. Sequoia e) Eurasia

6. Battleships

7. Okapi

8. Baobab

9. Dingo

10 Grizzly Bear

11. Sloths

12. Ussuri tiger

13. Kangaroo

The team that completed the task correctly receives a gold medal.

And now our teams have passed all the tests and are returning home with dignity, with which we congratulate them.

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Slides captions:

Continents and oceans

Geographic discoveries oceans southern continents northern continents Islands Countries 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 3 4

Christopher Columbus who discovered New World? Geographical discoveries 1 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Pacific Ocean The largest in area, the deepest and most ancient of the oceans? Oceans 1 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Africa This continent is crossed by the equator almost in the middle? Southern continents 1 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Eurasia The largest and most complex continent of the Earth? Northern continents 1 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Madagascar Africa's largest island? Islands 1 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Mexico Name Gulf of Mexico associated with this state? Countries 1 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Ferdinand Magellan Who made the first trip around the world? Geographical discoveries 2 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Indian Ocean Which ocean basin does the most saline sea - the Red Sea belong to? Oceans 2 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Antarctica This continent is almost entirely located within the South polar circle? Southern continents 2 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

North America The indigenous inhabitants of this continent - Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts? Northern continents 2 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Cuba The name of this island, which is located in the Caribbean, is the same as the name of the country? Islands 2 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Australia A country covering an entire continent? Countries 2 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Marco Polo What The Merchant of Venice made a long journey to Asian lands? Geographical discoveries 3 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Northern Arctic Ocean The smallest and shallowest of the oceans? About oceans 3 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

South America On this continent is the highest waterfall in the world, Angel? Southern continents 3 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Eurasia On this continent is the deepest lake in the world? Northern continents 3 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Greenland The largest island in the world? Islands 3 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Egypt On the territory of this country is the canal connecting the Mediterranean and Red Seas? Countries 3 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Vasco da Gama Did the ships of the Portuguese expedition led by this traveler reach India, circumnavigating Africa? Geographical discoveries 4 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Atlantic Ocean In which ocean is the Gulf Stream located? Oceans 4 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Africa On this mainland is Lake Tanganyika, the longest of all freshwater lakes in the world? Southern continents 4 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Eurasia Does this continent include two parts of the world? Northern continents 4 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Hawaiian Islands These islands Pacific Ocean Are they part of the US as a separate state? Islands 4 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Vatican City Country within a country within Italy? Countries 4 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

James Cook Famous English navigator who reached the Antarctic Circle on his ships? Geographical discoveries 5 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Southern Ocean Conventional name for the waters of the three oceans surrounding Antarctica? Oceans 5 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Australia Only on this continent live echidna and platypus? Southern continents 5 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

North America Do tornadoes often occur on this continent? Northern continents 5 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Iceland On this island there is a country of ice with by the same name? Islands 5 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

Finland This country is on Scandinavian Peninsula, the inhabitants call it the "Country of swamps" Countries 5 0 30 6 0 start Correct answer

2-3 teams can take part in the game. By selecting the category and the price of the question, you get to the slide with the task. Immediately press the "start" button to turn on the timer, according to which you can time the thinking time (30-60 seconds). After 60 seconds, the correct answer appears automatically. If the answer is given by the team, you can check the correctness of the answer earlier by clicking on the "correct answer" button. Returning to the main menu, type the number of points earned from the keyboard into the box corresponding to the team number. Don't forget to do this every time (summarize and type). How to play

Extra-curricular event "Traveling the continents and oceans"

Target: Expanding the horizons of students and developing a cognitive interest in the study of geography.

Preparing for the quiz: in the class 2 teams (numbering 5-6 people). Each team prepares its own greeting (name, motto) and chooses a team captain.

Equipment:*presentation, paper, pens, pencils

Event progress

I. Organizational moment.

We are accustomed to studying geography with you in strict school textbooks, atlases, encyclopedias. Is it always possible to talk about geography only in geography lessons? No. This will be my goal today - to prove to you that geography is an all-pervading science, and of course we will check how extensive your knowledge of geography is.

II. Holding an event.

So we start...

    Today we have 2 teams of 7 "A" class competing, let's greet each other.

    Greeting teams (name, motto, team captain)

* Each team is evaluated by the jury - each correct answer - 1 point.

1st competition "Krokosh"(warm-up)

One representative from the teams draws out a card with a hidden word and will have to show it with a gesture, facial expressions, using the body, arms, legs. You can't speak or move your lips!

Words: river, ship, hurricane, rain, map, globe, ocean, wind

2nd competition "In the country of Wisdom"

1st team

    A geologist, tourist, driver, archaeologist takes it with him (map);

    You can’t see its roots, the top is higher than the poplars, it goes up and up, but does not grow (mountain);

    Not sure where am I now? The steppes are called "prairie" here. Here they call any shepherd "cowboy" (America).

    Instead of oaks, birches and lindens, you will see eucalyptus trees, you look out the window in the morning - kangaroos are jumping across the field (Australia);

    In geography, a drawing looks like a big carpet. And on it my country is visible from end to end (map);

2nd team

    The cards in it are sewn one to one in the printing house. He is now always with you - a guide to geography (atlas);

    He is in summer and winter - between heaven and earth, even if you go to him all your life - he will always be ahead (horizon);

    He grabbed the dust from the road, and then, gaining strength, spun, spun, and soared up to the sky in a column (tornado);

    Well, half the planet lives in this part of the world, and, of course, here, without a dispute, the most big mountains(Asia);

    Everyone bypasses this place: here the earth is like dough, here there are sedges, hummocks, mosses ... There is no foothold (swamp);

2) Geographic charades:

To solve charades, you need to know geography.

For example:

First can be made from snow
A piece of dirt can be one too.
Well and second- ball transfer,
This is an important task in football.
Whole People take hikes
After all, without it they will not find the way, (com + pass - compass).

1st team:

Start words are pronouns
That upstarts scream without delay
What's in end- the child puts on
The clothes are sleeveless.
Together - this island is very hot,
The sun is shining brightly in the sky. (Me + jersey = Jamaica).

2nd team:

The last letter of the alphabet
Open word and closed.
BUT between them bareback
There is a horse that is small.
You must know this word:
It is the name of the country. (Me + pony = Japan).

General charade (who is the first):

Part one - the bridge,
But without the final letter.
Second- sounds carelessly in the swamp.
BUT whole- terrain.
beloved fiery,
Which people call Belokamennaya. (Mos + kva = Moscow).

3) Geology:

Guess from the given definitions geographical term or concept. Whoever gives the correct answer according to the least number of definitions is considered the winner:

    Warm, cold, starry, acidic, blind, fungal, frequent, lingering, torrential... (rain)

    Terrestrial, underwater, dormant, extinct, menacing, fire-breathing, erupting... (volcano),

    Golden, sugar, coarse, fine, sea, river ... (sand),

    Living, dead, fiery, hard, soft, cloudy, transparent, flowing, fresh, salty ... (water),

    Lush, curly, wadded, cirrus, layered, cumulus, rain, thunderstorms ... (clouds),

    Starry, cheerful, cold, warm, strong, weak, gusty, south, northwest ... (wind),

    Sound, light, air, explosive, shock, magnetic, long, short, seismic, marine, tidal ... (wave),

    Warm, friendly, laid-back, tense, healthy, polluted, earthy, sunny... (atmosphere).

4) Look for the answer in the question:

Try to answer our simple joke questions, and look for geographic answers in in the words of the questions themselves. Be careful! (for example - In which river did Tanya drop the ball? (in the Nile, in Africa - uro Nile a)).

    What city did you call from? Rome yora? (from Rome - make-up artist).

    Where are you south but doesn't howl? (In the south - a blizzard).

    Who spoiled the wine at night hail Nick? (Grad - vineyard).

3rd competition "Merry geography"

1) Comic geography quiz:

    A green handkerchief was dropped into the Yellow Sea. How was it pulled out of the water? (wet)

    Name the thinnest and sharpest cape (Cape Agulhas),

    Which lake is admired in the theater (Swan Lake),

    What is the name of the island in the ocean in which the coconut does not grow and the crocodile is not caught (Island of Bad Luck),

    In which country do all animals run with bags (Australia),

    Which city of R. F. is the most angry (Grozny),

    Which island calls itself sportswear (Jamaica),

    Which chain can not be lifted (Mountain chain),

    Which state can be worn on the head (Panama),

    What forest grows in school classes in those lessons for which the guys were well prepared (Forest of hands),

    Which of the two mountains is higher: Everest or Chomolungma? (It different names the same mountain)

2) Funny poems for attention.

In Russia, the language is Russian,
In France, French
In Germany, German
And in Greece - walnut, (not walnut, but Greek)

The sun gets tired during the day
It goes to sleep at night
To the clearing, to the woods,
Exactly, exactly to the east, (not to the east, but to the west)

Six oceans on the planet, do all children agree with this? (no, there are four)

The land of snow, frost, blizzard They call the word south. (not south, but north)

Every captain knows
The Volga is an ocean. (Not an ocean, but a river)

The sun and the sky are purple.
The night begins after dawn, (not after dawn, but after sunset)

I hear the hint of Viti-friend,
That Everest is a big river, (not a river, but a mountain)

III. Summing up, awarding.