Scenarios for the student's day. Methodological development (grade 11) on the topic: Scenario of the event "Student's Day"

Student's Day, which is celebrated on November 17, was established in 1946 in Prague, in memory of a Czech patriot student. The origin of this holiday is as follows. In 1939, in Prague, Czechoslovakia, students and their teachers demonstrated on October 28 in honor of the anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state. But the demonstration was dispersed by the invaders, and one student, Jan Opletal, was shot dead. The funeral, which took place on November 15, turned into a protest. As a result, many students were arrested and imprisoned in a concentration camp. And by order of Hitler, all educational institutions of Czechoslovakia were closed until the end of the war.

In our country, student's day is usually celebrated on January 25th. The history of this holiday is completely different ... Firstly, on this day the church celebrates the day of Tatiana, the Roman consul. Tatiana (now Tatiana) was persecuted for her Christian faith. She was subjected cruel torture to renounce her faith. But Tatyana was steadfast, and many admired the strength of her character. Later she was sentenced to death, and the girl's name was canonized. The question is, what does the student's day have to do with it? The point is that history Russian state developed in such a way that it was on this day, January 25, 1755, that Elizabeth Petrovna signed a decree on the opening of the first Russian university. And since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of all students. Since the same 1755, this holiday began to be celebrated - to arrange celebrations on the occasion of the holiday: solemn speeches, divine services, and then illumination, fireworks, treats, theatrical performances. So students' day is celebrated on January 25th.

student day congratulations

AT student day congratulations usually occur in words, because this holiday is an ordinary school day. You can also send short SMS messages to your fellow students on the student's day and, no doubt, they will be pleased. Of course, concerts and discos are organized on this day to add solemnity to this day. You can approach the organization of this holiday creatively, and prepare scenarios for the students' day. A good screenplay will be written by a professional screenwriter, which you can easily find on our website. As for gifts for a student's day, it is not customary to give them, but there are many others. interesting traditions for this day. For example, the so-called "cat concerts" used to be arranged. Today, students walk until night, have fun and celebrate this holiday with all their hearts.


No description.

If you want to be creative and organize a student's day, then you are very lucky - on our top-artist portal, you will find everything you need to organize this wonderful holiday, which is associated with youth, romance and beauty.

Happy Student Years Student Day Scenario - Vocational Education World

This is the most fun time in every person. A smile will appear on the face of any person who recalls this period of his life. Is always student years distinguished by their unforgettability and a certain spontaneity, which is not necessarily associated with naivety.

Between the ages of 17 and 22, we are still kids trying to do everything "like adults." But, fortunately, students do not try to have fun "like adults", so they have fun

Answer: 8209; really - childishly. It is especially great for students whose parents stayed in other cities or villages, sending their beloved child to a “foreign land”. - (hover over)

students like known - people happy. They have a number of holidays, but among them there is one that is recognized by everyone - Tatyana's day. This day is usually celebrated by students on a grand scale. We have no doubt that it will always and for a long time remain in the memory of those who vigorously celebrated it.

For this holiday, we offer you all kinds of student jokes, toasts and humorous games.

So let's start with a few toasts.

Student Academy of Economics lies drunk in the corridor, a teacher passes by and asks:


What course?

Twenty-eight rubles thirty kopecks...

So let's drink to the fact that each course of our studies lasts no more than one year!

Two teachers near the dean's office are having a conversation:

Now, if I put at least one "four" on the exam, then the whole group will carry me in their arms!

And if I put at least one “three” on the exam, then the whole group will carry me in their arms!

The dean comes out the door and says:

And if I fire you both now, then the whole faculty will carry me in their arms.

So let's drink to those times when the entire faculty will carry the dean in their arms!

Association of High School Teachers All&

Answer: 8209; still achieved an increase in its wages twice - from this day on, students will take the session four times a year. So let's drink to pass the session on our own! - (hover over)

If a student does not want to study, it means that the military registration and enlistment office is not working well!

Let's drink to the fact that no improvements are planned in his work in the coming years!

We decided to test for intellectual development students, approached students one by one

Answer: 8209; 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years and asked: "What is twice two?" - (hover over)

Answer: 8209;th course (quickly): "4!" - (hover over)

Answer: 8209;th course (quickly looking into the spur): "4!" - (hover over)

Answer: 8209;th course (pulling out a calculator, quickly): "4!" - (hover over)

Answer: 8209;th course (in a hurry, leafing through the reference book): "4!" - (hover over)

Answer: 8209;th course (with indignation!): "What am I supposed to remember all the constants?" - (hover over)

So let's drink to the fact that we always have a reference book with us or, at worst, a calculator.

There is an exam. A rather drunk student bursts into the audience:

Professor, please take an exam from an almost sober student.

Okay, get a ticket.

Answer: 8209;e?e, not for me. Guys, bring Vasya. - (hover over)

So let's drink to the fact that our assessments do not depend on the degree of intoxication.

A cool student takes an exam, invests in examination paper 500 dollars and writes: "A hundred bucks a point!". After the exam, he opens the notebook and sees $ 300 and the inscription: "Surrender!".

So let's drink to the honest passing of exams with the help of cheat sheets!

In order to distinguish a visiting student from a native, it is not necessary to communicate with him or peer into his face, you just need to look at his behavior.

Answer: 8209; riddle. Restore text. Moreover, each proposal is a sign or sign indicating the prohibition of actions, or vice versa. - (hover over)

1. N_T B_ _O_ _!

2. O_ _O_O_ _O, Z_ _ I C_ _ _K_!

3. P_ T_ _B_ H_ X _ _ _ _b!

4. N _ K_R_ _ _!

5. O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!

6. R _ _O_ _ _ T L _ _I!

7. O _ _ _ST _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D _ _ _ _H_ _!

8. W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B _ _ _D!

9. V _ _ _ P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N!

10. O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A A _ _ _ _ _ _ A!

1. There is no way out!

2. Beware, angry dog!

3. Do not walk on the grass!

4. Don't smoke!

5. Beware!

6. People work!

7. One way traffic!

8. Emergency exit!

9. No outsiders allowed!

10. Bus stop!

For the next one you will need two chairs. Attach a “Correct” sign to one of them, and “False” to the other. All players are divided into two teams. The moderator asks a question. If the team believes that the statement is correct, then one of its members should take the chair with the “Correct” sign, and if you think that this statement is wrong, then you need to take the chair with the “False” sign.

We offer you the following statements:

1. Etymology - the science of insects - is false (about the origin of words).

Answer: 8209; Latin means "nothing" - correct. - (hover over)

4. Rio de Janeiro is in Argentina - falsely - in Brazil.

5. Autism is a kidney disease - a false - mental illness.

6. A rhombus is an equilateral parallelogram - right.

7. In the word "protocol". 9 letters - false - 8.

8. Goalkeeper is a right-back in hockey - falsely - a goalkeeper.

9. Holland is the same as the Netherlands - right.

10. Purim is a Muslim holiday - false, Jewish.

11. The Euphrates flows through Iraq and flows into the Persian Gulf - right.

12. Van Gogh died in 1890 - correct.

13. Lieutenant is the rank between captain and sergeant - correct.

As you know, there is no limit to the ingenuity of students in writing cheat sheets. Therefore, you can play the game "Cribs". Choose two participants and give them a roll toilet paper. Their main task is to tear the paper into small pieces as quickly as possible and hide it in such a way that the paper is not visible. You can hide cheat sheets in socks, in pants, in shorts - anywhere. The first person to complete this task wins.

Add to this party a large number of various games, which can be taken from other chapters, and then you can celebrate the student's day even more fun than usual. Good luck!

Scenarios student's day

Holiday for the first year in college

Exit leading with different parties fun music scenes

Vedas. 1. Good afternoon, Dear friends!

Vedas. 2. We are glad to see you, dear freshmen, highly experienced graduates and parents!

Vedas. 1. Guests, teachers and masters of industrial training!

Vedas. 2. After all, today in this beautiful hall there will be major event this year.


Sounds like Murmansk

To the song "top-top, stomp baby" a freshman comes out

Vedas. 1. Baby, are you lost?

Freshman (sadly): Yes… I can’t find mine…

Vedas. 2. You will become your own when you pass the initiation into students!

The freshman stays in the middle of the stage.

The leaders leave. Pioneers come out to the music.

Read the speech in turn

1st pioneer: Everyone, everyone,

Scenarios of evenings dedicated to the student's day and Tatyana's day (page 1) - scenarios - cultural forum

SCENARIO "Oh, this Tatyana!"

1. METEL (Struk)

HERO. Frost and sun! I don't care,

After all, I, as the main character of the novel

Waiting for my first and main love!

Come, come quickly, my Tatiana!..

Chu, I hear a rustle, it seems that she is coming ...

BABKA. (from prompter booth) Vitalik, come here!

HERO. Sh-sh-sh!

BABKA. Why are you hissing, Serpent Gorynych! Come here!

HERO. Baba Luda, don't interfere, leave me alone!

BABKA. What is it, wait, I'll get out now!

HERO. Baba Lyuda, you're disrupting our event! So much preparation for this vaudeville, so much rehearsal.

BABKA. (gets out) Yeah, I'm ripping off. No, you just look, good people, I rip off a vaudeville for them. It’s not enough that I’m my stage for them, for that I’m sitting in this prompter’s booth, I’m suggesting words to these ignoramuses. So I'm still in the disruption of the performance ..

HERO. ... Vaudeville!

Yes, your vaudeville is accused. What is my fault?

HERO. How in what!? Now, according to the script, Tatyana should go on stage and sing a song. And then you got out. What for?

BABKA. What do you mean why? I showed you from the hole. (gestures)

HERO. And what does that mean? I did not understand anything! Can you understand, dear viewers?

BABKA. What's wrong with that?!?! I told you: DO NOT WAIT, FOOL, TANKA WILL NOT COME! FOOL, FALL IN LOVE AND LEFT TO MOSCOW!!! What is not clear here? Okay, figure it out yourself. I went. (leaves)

HERO. How did you leave? Two months of rehearsals! Producer!!! Producer!!!

PRODUCER. (leaves slowly) Why are you yelling?

HERO. So this…

PRODUCER. I know, so what now? Well, she left, well, she fell in love. What nerve cells spend? Here's a lamb, eat ... Uh, honey, wait. What is that shirt you have on?

HERO. Yes, I took it in the dressing room, it hung there ...

PRODUCER. This is, my dear, my shirt! And no one should wear my shirts except me. I'm the director here! Or what do you think - I'm stealing bagels here ?! Eat some more lamb. Eat a lamb and take off your jacket!

HERO. Yes, I will not undress on stage. This is vaudeville, not an erotic program!

PRODUCER. Oh, we're not going to take off our jacket?! Well, no need, I'll take it off! My shirt is closer to my body! (takes off his shirt) Here, my golden one, eat the lamb! I went!

HERO. And what about me?

PRODUCER. I don't know, my diamond, I don't know. (leaves)

HERO. Here is the number. Unlucky, so unlucky.

2. UNLUCKY (Jr.) (Roma)

STUDENT. Young man, what happened to you? You are so sad.

HERO. What happened. The vodeville partner left. The prompter, she is the usher, left. The director took off my shirt and left me alone on stage and also left!

STUDENT. Now I see that you are in trouble. They even took off their last shirt. Probably this director of yours is the ataman of robbers.

HERO. No, he normal person. Oh, who are you?

STUDENT. I am Jean eternal student. I have trouble too. Once I refused to help my friend in an exam and...

HERO. What, did not write off?!

STUDENT. That's it. And great spirit students cursed me and said: “UNLESS YOU HELP 1,000 STUDENTS IN A DIFFICULT SITUATION, YOU WILL NOT BE FORGIVENESS. BUT THE SITUATIONS HAVE TO BE REALLY DIFFICULT! I GIVE YOU 1,000 YEARS FOR EVERYTHING!” I have helped 999 students, but today, January 25, 2006 at 12 o'clock at night, my term expires. And I need to help another student. And where will I find a student in the middle of frosty snowy Russia, and even at 7 pm. There seems to be no end to my curse!

HERO. Jean, you are lucky, because I am also a student, I have a difficult situation. I need to have a STUDENT HOLIDAY! Will you help me?

STUDENT. Of course!

HERO. Tell me, are you really over 1,000 years old?


HERO. Where did you study?

STUDENT. Far away, in medieval France. Come on, I'll tell you.


4. WHITE SNOW (Art.)

HERO. Yes, you had a hard time. You drank for 1000 years.

STUDENT. Okay, now we need to help you! What do we do?

HERO. We need to play with the audience.

STUDENT. Okay, but which one?

HERO. I don’t know, the director should have explained the meaning of the game. Here he is, by the way.

PRODUCER. I see you are not wasting your time. And who is this?

HERO. This is my assistant. He helps me play.

PRODUCER. Well, come on, come on. And I'll stand on the sidelines. I'll see how you get on.

HERO. You know what to do?

STUDENT. Call 5 people.

HERO. And what will they do?

STUDENT. Call, you'll see!

HERO. We ask 5 people to come on stage, preferably students. Former, present, future. Maybe even eternal. It can be boys, it can be girls.

COMPETITION (The smartest student)

5. ANY (or GIRL) (Art.)

6. ASSOL (Jr.)

7. SUN (st.) (winter forest)

HERO. Here we come to the next game.

STUDENT. Well, it's wonderful, it's good that the gypsies are with us, they are my friends.

gypsies. Hey Jean!

STUDENT. Hello Free Tribe!

HERO. And how do you know them?

STUDENT. They are the same wanderers as I am. Over the years I have met them many times and we have become friends.

BABKA. So, what is this camp? Who allowed? Why is there fire on the stage. Who will clean up? Police!!!

HERO. These are our assistants, they will help us to play the game.

BABKA. What game with gypsies? Who will lead the horse faster or steal the wallet?

STUDENT. Do not offend people, it's better to see what game they came up with.

COMPETITION (tickets) (winter forest)

PRODUCER. Tickets have been collected, so the hall will be clean!

BABKA. Oh, good gypsies, you could not guess what awaits me in the future.

8. FORTUNE (Art.) (winter forest)

HERO. Eh, gypsies, how I envy them, these are the most free people in the world.

STUDENT. Now, if I help you today, I will be free too! How I dream about it!

9. FREEDOM (Jr.)

10. I LOVE YOU (Art.)

HERO. You know, Jean, everything is fine, everything is fine, but something confuses me.

STUDENT. What exactly?

HERO. I will be able to explain this only when 2 people come on stage. (leave) Guys, we have vaudeville on the poster, and since we all dispersed, dispersed, there is no one to sing with us. We must correct the situation. And then my hat will fly in, and Jean will be in trouble.

Gotta sing. Can you sing?.. Well, nothing.

We are not going to teach you to sing, we will now try to hold such a competition as in the program “ Good jokes". Each of you represents your half of the room. A representative from another part of the hall will sing a song to him. We reverse the song, you listen to the result and try to sing what you hear. Then we turn your singing over and you have to guess what song you have guessed. It's clear?

COMPETITION (Hero - songs)

11. BROKEN LOVE (v.)

12. WHERE ARE YOU? (ml.)

PRODUCER. Well, students? How is it going?

HERO. Fine.

PRODUCER. Were there?.. And the games?.. And the dances?.. And Tatyana?

HERO. What?

PRODUCER. In the sense that we have Tatyana's Day. And we always congratulate all Tatyana. Did you call Tatyana on stage?


PRODUCER. Well, let's invite. And I'll see what you can do.

HERO. Dear Tatiana, we congratulate you on your name day, Happy St. Tatiana's Day!

We wish you success in everything, health, love! And welcome to the stage!

COMPETITION (Tatiana - Dancing)

13. MR. DJ(Sr.)

14. PUM-PAM (junior)

PRODUCER. Once again, we congratulate all Tatiana and students on Tatiana's Day!

BABKA, Learn for yourself, do not wait for a hint.

  • Unusual
  • Holidays
    • Birthday
    • National
    • Love
    • International
    • religious
    • Professional
    • Other
  • Holiday scenarios
  • Calendar
  • Life of our Center

    A fragment of an open lecture on socionics, which we held in June in the regional scientific library Kaliningrad. Our intern Vladimir (IEE "Huxley/Counselor") talks about his experience of applying socionics in life.

    GBPOU "Chebarkulsky professional technical school»


    Developed by teachers: Belov S.A., Presnyakova O.A.








    International Students Day is a day of international student solidarity. It was established in 1941 in London at an international meeting of students who fought against fascism, and was installed in memory of students of Czechoslovakia - heroes of the Resistance.

    The extracurricular event “November 17 - International Students' Day” is intended for all students of various educational institutions and provides for performances by presenters, viewing presentations and concert numbers.

    The scenario of the extracurricular event corresponds to the organization extracurricular activities, stimulate cognitive processes, development of communication skills, creation of a communication environment. The preparation and holding of the event is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    familiarization of students with the traditions of the celebration international day students, the history of the holiday;

    nurture attentive and respectful attitude to classmates, mutual assistance, ability to work in a team;

    development of speech, thinking, imagination of students;

    formation of a personality capable of creative activity.

    The event is designed to form adaptive, socially active features of students, feelings of mutual understanding and cooperation, self-confidence, generation of creative ideas and participation in creative activities.


    Purpose of the event: familiarization of students with the traditions of celebrating the International Day of Students, the history of the holiday; fostering an attentive and respectful attitude towards classmates, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team; development of speech, thinking, imagination of students; formation of a personality capable of creative activity.

    Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation Student's day. ppt (Appendix).


    Teacher activity

    Student activities

    1. Dive into the problem

    Formulates the theme of the event, goals and objectives of the upcoming work

    Carry out personal assignment of the problem, acceptance, clarification and specification of goals and objectives

    2. Organization and preparation of activities.

    It proposes to plan activities in preparation for an extracurricular event, distribute roles and concert numbers, select students who will prepare a presentation and video, determine their content:

      On the role of leadersfourstudent

      TrainingcopyrightvideoCHPT student. mp 4 – 3 student

      Concert numbers -songs, dances, humorous stories.

    Forms of presentation of results: performance, presentation, video demonstration, concert performances.

    Carry out the planning of work, the choice of the form and method of presenting activities and information

    3. Implementation of activities

    Does not participate, but:

      advises students

      controlsorients students in the fieldnecessaryinformation

    advises on the preparation and content of presentations

    Work actively, independently perform tasks:

    Search, collection and structuring necessary information preparation of presentations

    4. Presentation, introspection and self-assessment of results

    Conducts the conference, acts as a participant and coordinator.

    Accepts the final report:

    Summarizes and summarizes speeches;


      understandingproblems, goals andtasks;

      ability to plan and fulfill


    Teacher activity

    Student activities

      sums up extracurricular activities.


      depth of penetration into problem;

      bringing knowledge fromother areas;

      ability to arguetheir conclusionsconclusions;

      member activity inAccording tohisindividual opportunities;

      design aestheticsevent

    preparatory stage, preceding the event;

      ability to work well with software onpreparingpresentations and videos and on stage, the ability to present your performance, competently conductevent;

      results of their work

    5. Stage of reflection

    Final word:

    Summing up our extracurricular activities, I would like to say that the work we have done has proved the importance and significance of holding interesting, educational and entertaining events

    They answer the question what they liked and what was remembered, it was the most interesting and informative.


    Presenter 1. Good afternoon everyone!

    Presenter 2. We are glad to see you on the program "Student's Day - all year round»

    Presenter 3. I think that you were different. If Student's Day lasted all year round, it would no longer be a holiday, but a disaster. It would be more correct to say: Student's Day - every year!

    Presenter 4. - Yes, it is on this Intercity day that students can walk all night until morning.

    Presenter 1. The main thing, without serious consequences. Rest rest, and study the next morning on November 18, no one canceled.

    Presenter 2. It's time to start. Meet. Charming soloists of the pop song studio with their musical composition.

    Host 3. Yes ... great time- Student years. This is labor, knowledge and carelessness of vacations, exams, lectures and more exams.

    Moderator 4. Everyone who becomes a student voluntarily or involuntarily encounters student folklore. It is passed down from generation to generation. Folklore comes to us from written sources

    Presenter 1. And the desks are the material for the notes.

    This is a real testing ground for identifying musical and psycho-emotional inclinations.

    Presenter 2. Judging by the entries, the topic remains very relevant educational process. You can read this: Teaching is light. In his cases, more than one student withered away.

    Presenter 3. Studying, studying and studying, because you still won’t find a job. Presentation on the topic "November 17 - International Students' Day"

    Presenter 4. We will continue the topic of student folklore after musical break.

    Presenter 1. The theme of student folklore is varied. As before, one of the first places in the rating table is occupied by the topic of strong drinks.

    Presenter 2. You can read such pearls: “today I am not the same as yesterday, but yesterday I was“ finally ”not what”

    Presenter 3. “You may not know everything, but are you obliged to drink on the day of the student?”

    Presenter 4. The weak half pours out their suffering in poetic couplets: “Oh, the viburnum blooms in the field by the stream,

    I drove the guy away, and now it's a draw.

    Presenter 1. Or like this: “The daisies hid, the buttercups drooped. And I, unfortunate, wander around the boutiques.”

    Presenter 2. So our soloists are looking for their happiness in the song:

    Presenter 3. It often happens that on the eve of the student's day former students will pinch the heart from the sudden flood of memories of that wonderful time when short term memory could contain three volumes of an encyclopedia in three days, and luck was called “a freebie and flew in through the window, having heard desperate cries.

    Presenter 4. But real students are now full of something, because the old student sign says: no matter where the student’s day begins, you will still end the same way as in last time

    Lead 1. sociological research show that a student is a representative of biological life on earth. There are two subspecies: a reasonable student and a skillful student.

    Presenter 2. Thus. we can conclude that a student is a part of humanity, and the most fun. A student is not a title, not a profession, but a state of mind.

    Presenter 3. Students have a special day - Students' Day - and this is the point: An opportunity to take a break from work, And take a break from study.

    Presenter 4. Well, teachers, I'm sorry -

    This happens once a year. Walk, student people, Discarding records and books!

    Lead 1. Fun obeying the call,

    But without losing your head

    After all, tomorrow, tomorrow - then, alas, They will be needed again ...

    Host 2. But let's not talk about tomorrow Because today...

    Together: Today is a holiday!

    Lead 3. And you need to live it like this:

    So that it would not be excruciatingly painful ... Host 4. What would not be sad from memories and

    About the aimlessly lost day, now you will see and hear another musical composition.

    Presenter 1. Today three generations have gathered in our hall - students - first-year students who have just passed their initiation - initiation into students. And those who were students in the past. Today is your holiday. And we welcome everyone!

    Presenter 1. The most difficult test is for the first-year students. It would be naive to believe that receiving a student card automatically enrolls them in the ranks of the world student fraternity.

    Presenter 2. They already know from undergraduates that being a student is a title to be earned.

    Presenter 3. First: pass the first session. Presenter 4. Celebrate the student's day in the circle of brothers.

    Presenter 1. The main rule that students must adhere to on this holiday is: “Don't mix it up! And it happens, then you will be surprised!”

    Presenter 2. Student's Day is exactly the day when your undiscovered talents will be seen not only by others, but even by yourself.

    Presenter 3. Only those teachers who are absent from the concert will still consider you an incompetent lazy person.

    Presenter 4. But who will listen to them! 'Cause today it's like this student fraternity.

    Presenter 1. You can successfully celebrate the student's day anywhere! For example, in a restaurant: girls in evening dresses, boys in suits...

    Presenter 2. No - no, this is too official. And not everyone can afford

    Presenter 3. The most real day of a student is in a hostel. The darkness of the people is crowding into the tiny room.

    Presenter 4. Tables and chairs are borrowed, food - drink is brought with you, the party lasts until dispersed.

    Presenter 1. It is not for nothing that the student's day is International. It is celebrated by all and sundry. Presenter 2. Each of us dreams of drops of the sun and a sea of ​​warmth.

    Presenter 3. However, student life requires more: believe in luck! Lead 4. Live in harmony with nature.

    Presenter 1. Soberly assess your abilities. Presenter 2. The main thing is to believe in success.

    Lead 3. But don't let success go to your head. Lead 4. A will push you to new results. All together: Happy Student's Day!


      Video clip Igor Ivanov. From the vagants. In French side. [Electronic resource]. Access modehttp :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = fAHWvUANVCg , free.

    Smiling faces!
    We really want smiles to burn on your faces not only today, but every day.
    -Give your smile to each other and to the whole world. After all, today is our holiday!
    -International Students Day.
    - And we sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday!
    - Happy Students Day! Students of the world!
    Should we be sad?
    Surely the muses did not welcome us,
    Wasn't the world in our hands?!
    Let us forget our sciences
    But lectures soporific sounds
    Able, if necessary, to come to life!
    We will endure all hardships steadfastly,
    Let us rise cheerfully and answer steadfastly:
    For those who were students, it's easier to live!

    International Students' Day was established on November 17, 1946 at the World Student Congress held in Prague in memory of Czech patriotic students.
    -Of course, this holiday is associated with youth, romance and fun, but its history, which began in Czechoslovakia during the Second World War, is associated with tragic events.
    On October 28, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, Prague students and their teachers demonstrated to mark the anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state (October 28, 1918).
    -Invader units dispersed the demonstration, while a student was shot dead Faculty of Medicine Jan Opletal. The funeral of Jan Opletal on November 15, 1939 again turned into a protest action. Dozens of demonstrators were arrested. On November 17, the Gestapo and SS surrounded student hostels.
    -More than 1200 students were arrested and imprisoned in a concentration camp. Nine students and student activists were executed without trial in a prison in the Ruzyne district of Prague. By order of Hitler, all Czech higher educational institutions were closed.

    Happy students day, young people!
    You are the hope of all Russia,
    tomorrow you solve problems
    unresolved yesterday.

    So seek and keep
    open treasures of knowledge
    comprehend everything in the world
    for happiness and goodness.
    So, students! Most best time life! New life, already quite independent, frightening with its novelty and responsibility.
    - Childhood is over, no one will pull you out on control tests, demand a diary and the arrival of parents at school. Now everything is in your hands, only in yours.
    - In Russia, until 1920, students were called young professionals who had just graduated higher institution, because it was believed that they still did not have enough experience.
    -Student translated from Latin - hard working, studying, interested. AT Ancient Rome so called all those who were engaged in the process of cognition.
    (7 people come out with the letters "STUDENT")
    - And translated from Russian STUDENT means Sleepy Theoretically Smart Child Naturally Unwilling to Work.
    - So, students - who are they?

    STUDENT 1: And I can cook dumplings in a kettle!

    STUDENT 2: And I'm soup

    STUDENT 3: And I can make foie gras in a teapot… (two others look at him questioningly)… probably… I haven't tried it yet!

    STUDENT 4: I can not go to a single lecture and pass the test!

    STUDENT 5: And I can not go to a single lecture and pass the exam!

    STUDENT 6: And I can even not come to the exam with a credit and pass them!

    STUDENT 7: Yes, we understand! You are cool, you are cool!

    STUDENT 6: (offended) Well, show up here. And I'll go (leaves).

    STUDENT 2: I can do it alone tea bag brew 15 times!

    STUDENT 3: And I can brew one doshirak 15 times!

    STUDENT 5: (shakes hands) I sympathize!... And I can treat three girls I like in the club with a cocktail for 100 rubles!

    STUDENT 7: Yes, this is your trademark: “Only each, mind you, take a sip” is known to everyone!

    STUDENT 1: I student ticket Lost 100 times. For me, already in the educational part, they consistently order new forms.

    STUDENT 2: Yes, a book has already been written about my adventures in the hostel.

    STUDENT 3: Yeah, plaintive! But according to my adventures, 4 films have already been shot.

    STUDENT 6 comes out, takes the letters, leaves.

    STUDENT 4: Uh-uh! Where? We're not done yet! ( run after him)

    -Students are first-year students! student time. It's already gone for you. And it depends only on you what your student years will be like.

    Of course, you need to get to know the college, its customs and traditions.
    - See what's what, and show yourself.

    And to be in time everywhere and everywhere is very difficult.

    But probably!

    How? With our help, of course.
    - In the meantime, a question for you, or rather not a question, but a riddle, or rather, a student riddle:
    Sitting in a big room
    Man under fifty.
    Take a look - everyone's doing:

    Eight are cut into a "goat",
    Nine draw blueprints
    Five laugh heartily

    The six converged naval battles
    Three draw on the tables,
    two people eating plums

    Seven read detectives
    four magazine looking
    Well, three of them are just sleeping!

    And one (some strange)
    dead hour already standing
    And about something in full voice
    He speaks to himself.

    What are your options?

    That's right, lecture.
    - Yes, students live happily from session to session.

    We once again congratulate freshmen on joining our ranks of students, but we remind you that a freshman is considered a real student only after the first session.
    - On the night before the exams, students become suspicious and wind up a lot of things for themselves.

    (Student thrashes about nervously.)
    Voice-over: Think, Sanya, think! Work your head! Turn on your brains! There is an exit! It cannot be. You know exactly what to do. Time is working against you, it's time to make a decision. Let's! Do this!
    (The student opens the window. The others run out shouting: "No! Don't do it!")

    Student: - It's too late ... (shouting out the window "Freebies come!")


    Friends, as we just understood, a simple exam for a student is already extreme situation especially if it's only one night away.
    - By the way, people are wondering if the examiners allow the use of notes?

    Of course, just don't show it.
    - It still turns out that better session do not fill up - it's more expensive for yourself! Probably, there are some rules, following which, you will definitely pass the session successfully?

    Of course, there are: do not sleep at lectures, do not wrap sausage in notes, know teachers by sight,

    know what subject the exam is in, know the subject of the exam itself, be able to quickly respond to your last name, be able to find an audience without a navigator ... Well, and much more!
    - And let's remember all the signsproviding successful delivery exams!
    - Do not wash your hair during the entire session,
    - Scolding the person taking the exam, but not calling him a fool,
    - Sleep with a textbook under the pillow.
    - That's the kind of students we are.

    (Scene with grandma)
    - Guys, where were you?

    In club.

    Where does the money come from?

    Max did.

    Used to life for free.

    As if you were not students and did not have fun.

    Yes, we haven't had much fun yet. We danced, drank compote, solved crossword puzzles and tapped the tap. What do you have? (dancing) I don't understand you students. Here you are shouting “Come Freebie” through the window, but you yourself do not study. It does not matter. What to shout "Slim the body" and at the same time not run. How do you talk? "Hi Bear!" " How are you?" Yes, you will soon have one word left "Tin!" . I met a girl yesterday. Well, how is she? Tin! Went to the cinema. And How? Tin! What do you think, after the concert, Irina Anatolyevna should stand up and say: “The concert was tough?”
    I.A. - More tin!
    - In general, guys, I envy you. Because student years are best years our life.



    - And of course, every self-respecting student should know the Students' Law.

    1. I woke up myself - wake up my comrades. fresh flow foul language will help you get rid of sleep and give a good charge of vivacity.

    2. After waking up your comrades, you need to be the first: grab a shower and toilet, use the public supply of sandwiches for breakfast, put on the best shoes. As a result, you will receive an additional charge of vivacity.

    3. In college, in the corridors, say hello to everyone who is over thirty. What if this is your teacher? - Do not remember the same all, in fact!

    4. Bursting into a lecture with a solid delay, do not distract the teacher by knocking on the door and asking a stupid question: "Can I come in?". If it is impossible, they will throw you out, and so, if possible, they will pretend that they did not notice.

    6. If, suddenly, they were allowed to attend a lecture, do not talk, do not play around and do not make noise. Lie down on your desk and sleep peacefully. You will talk, play and make noise at the next lecture when you get enough sleep.

    7. Ask in class as much as you can more questions with or without. There is a chance that the teacher will remember you.

    8. After class, your conscience pushes you to the library, and your soul pulls you to the dining room. Act according to the dictates of the soul: what is served in the dining room is easier to digest than what is served in the library.
    - 9. Conscience offers to work out. Tell her that it's not the end of the semester yet and go to football.

    10. After dinner, take a little nap and go to the club.

    11. Going to bed, wake up your comrades. Do not deprive them of the opportunity to rejoice that you have finally appeared alive and healthy.

    12. Start the next day from point number 1.
    - Yeah, the Students' Law is more like bad advice.

    Of course, this is a joke. After all, our students already know how to behave.
    - Well, now imagine that all the exams are over and here they are - holidays! Since freedom is very dizzy and deprives the mind, before the holidays you need to draw up an action plan:
    - 1) go to your parents in the village, 2) bring meat and potatoes, 3) meet school friends ... 4) catch the train, and well, these potatoes!
    - Indeed, a student does not live by potatoes alone, especially since the spirit of mutual assistance and mutual assistance reigns in the hostel! And this means that
    Your trouble is our trouble
    - your dumplings are our dumplings!
    Your clothes are our clothes!
    Your abstract is our abstract!
    - And it's great, because it's a hostel because it's a hostel, because everything is in common! And that means that the chances of each student for successful study and happy life multiply a hundred times!
    STAGE "STUDENTS IN THE dormitory"

    Students are the most resourceful

    - the funniest

    -: the most cool army in the world!

    How much more is waiting for us incredible adventures in classrooms,

    Practice, exams.

    By enrolling in our college, you have made the right choice in life.

    All your heights are yet to come.

    We wish you that the chosen profession becomes your favorite and brings you a sense of pride and joy from the awareness of your own need for people!

    Young specialist: Hello!
    foreman: And you do not get sick. What do you want?
    Young specialist: I am a young professional. Arrived to you by distribution. Here is my diploma.
    Foreman:(looking at the diploma) So! Your degree is good. Come on, shout something!
    Young specialist: How is it, shout...?
    Foreman: How do you scream in the forest
    Young specialist:(quietly) Ah-ah-ah
    Foreman: Don't be shy, shout louder
    Young specialist:(slightly louder) ah-ah-ah
    Foreman: Yes, your voice is weak. Well, swear.
    Young specialist: How? Right here?
    Foreman: Why be ashamed! All are here. Here you go straight at me and swear.
    Young specialist:... cheeky
    Foreman: Not! Can you do something like a man?
    Young specialist:... shameless impudent!
    Foreman:(sighs) How will you work with people? For example, the workers did not go to the morning shift. What will you tell them?
    Young specialist: Well, let me tell you, it's not good. What...
    Foreman: And tomorrow you will carry the bricks yourself. But, for example, an urgent object, and the solution was brought only half of the amount of work. What are you going to say?!
    Young specialist: Well... let it be in last time!
    Foreman: Yeees! Your diploma is, of course, good, but I can't hire you.
    Young specialist: How so?!
    Foreman: But like this! I can't do everything!
    Young specialist: What are you! What does it turn out?! I studied for nothing for five years?! Was the state spending money on me in vain?! (starts) What are you doing?! He sits here, wipes his pants, and even mocks people, the unfortunate bureaucrat !!!
    Foreman: Well well. go on
    Young specialist: Do you think I'm scared of you?! Do you know what I'll do to you now?!
    Foreman: Everyone, stop! Excellent! Back to work tomorrow!

    -During student days
    we do not bypass the mountains
    we are looking for the top,
    the shortest way

    And the engine of course
    strive to make eternal,
    and at the same time from lectures
    slip away with the girl.

    During student time
    we are obedient to a lot,
    we draw and count
    we are looking for the essence of everything.

    We create projects
    and all the innovations of the host
    usually disturb
    all of our being.

    During student time
    we love controversy
    and we strive zealously into the world,
    and we believe in ourselves.

    Probably it should
    and of course we are happy
    that they believe in our strength
    relatives and friends.

    Our holiday is coming to an end!
    -Happy students' day, dear friends!

    (SONG "Hymn of the Year of Youth - "Who, if not us?"

    Student years are best period in the life of every person. Especially if you can feel it away from home, in a simple hostel, surrounded by friends and buddies. You need to do everything: gain knowledge, fall in love, have a few parties, find true friends.

    November 17 is the international day of students - a holiday, unfortunately, associated with tragic events. The history of its origin touches even the most callous hearts ...

    Excursion into history

    A lot of blood of innocent people was shed during the Second World War. Back in 1939, a demonstration was organized in Prague on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Czechoslovak state. Most of the people were students best universities countries. Young brave guys and girls took to the streets of the city with banners and posters, they were not afraid that the country was occupied by the Germans. Enemy troops began to disperse the demonstrators by force - one of the students was shot dead on the spot. A commotion ensued and many were arrested. Within a few days, boys, girls, teachers were arrested. Some were taken to be shot, while others were sent to a concentration camp.

    World peace

    Hitler ordered the immediate closure of all educational institutions in the country, although there was no one to come to classes ... Universities resumed their work only after the end of the war.

    In 1942, in London, the International Student Congress decided that November 17 would be a day of remembrance for Czech students. The holiday is not at all cheerful, it is celebrated in every locality peace in memory of the victims of fascism. Youth of all nationalities and religions protest against wars and conflicts. November 17 is the date when the people commemorate the innocent victims of young and talented people.

    In our memory

    In almost every higher educational institution country passes student holiday. concerts, interesting events, master classes and, of course, solemn flower laying at memorials.

    Teachers and students receive congratulations on Student's Day (November 17) all over the world. It's so nice to hear warm regards and feel the support of loved ones.

    Sometimes couples drag on like years!

    But I ask you not to be bored today!

    After all, in the evening we are all honest people,

    Let's go celebrate our holiday!

    Strive for knowledge and kindness,

    There are a lot of them on Earth.

    Carry the title of student with pride,

    Granite of science you gnaw at breakneck speed.

    On the day of the student of the world

    Be beautiful, groovy,

    Celebrate the holiday brightly

    But don't be late for the hostel!

    Concert program

    Many universities host fun concerts. Students show their talents, put on small skits.

    You need to prepare in advance - take care of the decor of the hall, decorating it yourself with balls, paper flowers and garlands. The main thing is to create a solemn atmosphere that will cheer up those invited. After all, November 17 is International Students' Day, and, therefore, everything must be done at the highest level.

    In many educational institutions there are students. For example, several Russians fly abroad and live and study there for a year. And we are visited by foreigners who are very interested in our culture and mentality. They study the language, try to understand traditions and laws. Present them with congratulations on Student's Day in prose on their mother tongue and be sure to ask to speak on holiday concert! Invited spectators will be happy to immerse themselves in unfamiliar creativity.

    There is no need to write an overly complicated script for Student's Day. A simple program: several musical numbers, reading poems of your own composition, a funny scene - this will be quite enough.

    Good wishes

    Every school has its activists. And some universities send their representatives to schools, where they hold conversations with high school students, explain to them how important it is to get a good education and how wonderful the years spent at the institute or academy. Of course, it is also mentioned that November 17 - International touches schoolchildren to tears. Applicants are invited to festive events on the occasion of this holiday. They enjoy spending time in the company of older comrades and look forward to entering the university.

    Think over the scenarios for the Student's Day in advance, choose leaders with good diction. At the end of the holiday, you can launch a large number of balloons in memory of the fallen Czech students. Nothing that the holiday will end on such a sad note. Each of those present will have a reassessment of values. After all, we often do not appreciate the good that we have.


    Be sure to give proper attention to teachers. Give them flowers and good wishes. They give students not only knowledge, but also love them like their own children! November 17 (International Students Day) is a holiday that directly concerns the teaching staff!

    It's never too late to learn - this is the truth that everyone should remember!