Chronology of historical events in Russia of the XVIII century

10 major events in history Russia XVIII century. Completed by: Zhanuzakova Gulzhan, 10th grade student of the Granite Secondary School. year 2012.

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History grade 10

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1700–1721- The Northern War of Russia (as part of the Northern Alliance - Denmark, Poland and Saxony) with Sweden for access to the Baltic Sea.

1705–1706- Astrakhan uprising. Archers, soldiers, townspeople and workers took part. Caused by a sharp increase in taxes and duties, increased arbitrariness local authorities and officers of the garrison, a decrease in the monetary and grain salaries of the soldiers. Suppressed by the royal troops.

1705. - introduction of mandatory recruitment.

1707–1708- an uprising led by K. Bulavin. Covered the Don Army Region, the Russian Don region, part of the Volga region and partly the Zaporizhzhya Sich.

Reasons: the introduction of new heavy taxes, the attack of the state on the autonomy and self-government of the Don, the demand for the return of fugitive peasants. The main goal of the movement: the restoration of class privileges of the Cossacks. Suppressed by the royal troops.

1708–1710- reform administration(introduction of provincial administration).

1708., September 28- the defeat at the village. Forest Swedish troops under the command of General Lewenhaupt.

1709., 27th of June- Battle of Poltava. The defeat of the Swedes and the flight Charles XII to Turkey.

1711. - institution Governing Senate(directed the work of all state institutions, dealt with the recruitment of the army, the development of trade and industry, and controlled finances).

1711. Prut campaign Peter I. Russian troops led by Peter I are surrounded by superior Turkish forces on the river. Prut (Moldova). Under a peace treaty with Turkey, Russia was forced to abandon Azov.

1711–1765– years of life of M.V. Lomonosov. 1714. - Decree of Peter I on single inheritance (equalized estates and estates).

1714., July 27- the victory of the Russian fleet over the Swedish at Cape Gangut in the Baltic. Allowed to move fighting on Swedish territory, significantly strengthened the position of Russian troops in Finland.

1718–1721- Establishment instead of orders of collegiums. Holding judicial reform(deprivation of the governor of judicial powers). tax reform(introduction of a poll tax instead of a household tax).

1720., July 27- the victory of the Russian fleet near the island of Grengam in the Baltic. It made it possible for the Russian troops to fortify themselves in the region of the Aland Islands and accelerated the conclusion of the Nystadt peace.

1721., August 30- the conclusion of the Nystadt peace treaty between Russia and Sweden. Russia received Livonia with Riga, Estonia with Revel and Narva, part of Karelia with Kexholm, Ingermanland (Izhora land), the islands of Ezel, Dago and other lands from Vyborg to the Kurland border. She returned to Sweden Finland, occupied by Russian troops, and paid her 2 million efimki as compensation.

1721. - the establishment of the Spirit of the Sheep College (of the future Holy Synod). The abolition of the patriarchy.

1721. - the proclamation of Peter I the emperor, Russia - the empire.

1722. - publication of the "Table of Ranks" - legislative act which determined the procedure for the service of officials.

1722. - issuance of a decree on succession to the throne (the reigning emperor was given the right to arbitrarily appoint an heir).

1722–1723- Caspian campaign. The purpose of the trip: to provide trade relations Russia since Eastern countries, to assist the Transcaucasian peoples in liberation from Iranian domination and to prevent Turkish expansion in the Transcaucasus. It ended with the liberation of Dagestan and Azerbaijan and their annexation to Russia.

1724. – Adoption of the Customs Tariff (introduction of a 75% duty on the import of foreign goods).

1725–1762- the era of palace coups.

1725–1727- reign of Catherine I.

1726. - establishment of the Supreme Privy Council (the highest government agency Russia to solve the most important government issues). Disbanded by Empress Anna Ioannovna.

1727–1730- reign of Peter II.

1730–1740- the reign of Anna Ioannovna. "Bironovshchina".

1740–1741- the reign of Ivan Antonovich, the great-nephew of Anna Ioannov-na, under the regency, first Biron, then - the mother of Anna Leopoldovna.

1741–1761- the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna.

1754. - Establishment of the Noble and Merchant Loan Banks. 1756–1763Seven Years' War. Was conducted Prussian king Frederick II in alliance with Great Britain and Portugal against Austria, Russia, France, Sweden, Spain and Saxony. Causes of the war: the aggravation of the Anglo-French struggle for colonies in North America and the East Indies and the clash of Prussian policy with the interests of Austria, France and Russia. The Russian government sought to stop the expansion of Prussia in the Baltic states, to expand the territory towards Poland, to unite trade routes Baltic and Black Seas. The victories of the Russian army near Gross-Jegersdorf (1757), Kunersdorf (1759).

In 1761, Russian troops entered Berlin. It ended with the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty and the victory of Great Britain over France in the struggle for colonies and commercial superiority.

1761–1762- reign of Peter III Fedorovich, son of Anna Petrovna and Karl Friedrich.

1762. - Adoption Peter III"Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility" (liberation of the nobles from compulsory service state).

1762–1796- reign of Catherine II.

1764. - the abolition of the hetman's rule in Ukraine. Transfer of control Left-bank Ukraine Little Russian Collegium.

1764. - issuance of a decree on the secularization of church and monastery lands and the transfer of 2 million monastic peasants to the state category.

1767–1768- the activities of the Legislative Commission in order to develop a new set of laws. Disbanded by Catherine II after the start of the war with Turkey.

1768. - the creation of assignation banks, which began issuing paper money.

1768–1774- Russian-Turkish war. According to the Kyuchuk-Kainarji peace treaty Crimean Khanate passes under the protectorate of Russia. Russia receives the mouths of the Dnieper and the Southern Bug and part of the steppe between them, the cities of Azov, Kerch, Kinburn, the right to free navigation on the Black Sea and the passage of merchant ships through the Black Sea straits.

1772, 1793, 1795- partitions of Poland - the first between Russia, Prussia and Austria, the second - between Russia and Prussia, the third - Russia, Prussia and Austria. Moved to Russia Right-Bank Ukraine and Belarus, South Baltic.

1773–1775peasant war under the leadership of E. Pugachev. Participants: peasants, Cossacks, working people, national minorities. embraced Orenburg region, Urals, Urals, Western Siberia, Mean and Lower Volga. Causes of the war: the strengthening of serfdom and exploitation, the restriction of Cossack self-government, the introduction of army orders in the Cossack regiments. Has been defeated.

1775. - held by Catherine II provincial reform(abolition of provinces, separation of administrative, judicial and financial authorities at all levels). 1783. - the entry of Crimea into the Russian Empire.

1783. - Signing of the Treaty of St. George. The transition of Eastern Georgia under the protectorate of Russia.

1785. – edition letters of commendation nobility and cities (fixing the class rights and privileges of the nobility, class structure in cities, the creation of city governments).

1787–1791- Russian-Turkish war.

Reasons: exacerbation Eastern question in connection with the uprising of the Greeks against Turkish rule that broke out in 1821, Turkey's desire to return the Crimea and other territories that had ceded to Russia during Russian-Turkish war 1768–1774 It ended with the Peace of Yassy (confirmed the annexation of the Crimea and Kuban to Russia and established the Russian-Turkish border along the Dniester River).

1796–1801- reign of Paul I.

1797. - the abolition of the order of succession to the throne established by Peter I. Restoration of succession to the throne by birthright in the male line.

1797. - the publication by Paul I of a manifesto on a three-day corvee and a ban on landowners to force peasants to work on Sundays and church holidays.

1799., April-Augustitalian hike Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov during the war of the second coalition (Great Britain, Austria, Russia, Turkey, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies) against France. Liberation of Italy from French domination.

1799., September October- Swiss campaign of Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov during the war of the II coalition (Great Britain, Austria, Russia, Turkey, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies) against France. Russia's exit from the war, the conclusion of an alliance with Napoleon, the break in relations with England.