Balance wheel template. "Wheel of Life" - a technique for analyzing and planning life

When the boss or mom decides what time we wake up, how many hours a day we work, and when to go to the toilet, there will never be a balance. We just fill the day with other people's goals. We live by other people's values ​​and try to satisfy not our own desires, but other people's expectations. This is survival.

Balance in life is possible if you manage your present and future, manage your time. When you determine what to pay attention to, then it is easy for you to bring your life activity into balance.

Life balance is interesting, active life by your own rules rather than a comfortable stay. To live exciting, you need to develop, try new things. Every day, be passionate about at least one or two activities that bring you joy. For me, a reliable source of joy is meaningful work.

You need to make a decision - gradually regain control of your destiny. Learn to ride on your own foreign aid on the wheel of spheres of your life.

The darkness of people does not control their time, so the path to balance is closed to them. When they decide to take responsibility for their present and future, for their past decisions, then the road to happy life.

The Wheel of Life Method

To achieve balance in life, you need to put in order all sectors of your life. To assess the state of the important parts of your life, use this exercise.

The Wheel of Life is a life analysis and planning technique..

Exercise can be done every 1-3 months to see progress.

"Wheel of Life Balance" online

Orbs of the wheel of life

To understand how to balance life, let's consider satisfaction by spheres.

  • Health and sports

    A person without health and energy is a vegetable. Exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep are a must.

  • Personal relationships, family, children

    Family and/or relationship with a loved one. Relationships with loved ones. It is difficult to live happily when there is no love.

  • Personal growth

    Development of oneself as a person: mind, skills, knowledge, habits, character, reading books, learning languages ​​and new things.

  • Career, business, finance, self-realization

    First of all, this is financial prosperity, if it is not there, it is difficult to talk about life balance. If finances are in order - think about self-realization and purpose, go to a big goal.

  • Environment and friends

    The environment shapes us - a person is equal to the arithmetic mean of his friends.
    The formula for starting your circle is: ⅓ friends below you, ⅓ your level, ⅓ above.

  • Rest, impressions, brightness of life

    You need to rest well, just like you need to work. Travels, new experience, entertainment - all this gives energy and roundness to the wheel of life.

  • Creativity and hobby

    Often brilliant ideas and breakthrough discoveries lie at the junction of two areas.
    Develop in what you love very much, while constantly trying new things.
    I love getting into new things. An example is tap dance, where I was a complete zero.

  • Spirituality

    Everyone perceives this part of life at their own level. The search for something greater than the person himself: the meaning of life, God, ideas, purpose, principle, moksha. The study of religion, philosophy. An often overlooked area of ​​the wheel of life.

    The spiritual is everything that can resist everything social, bodily and even mental in a person. V. Frankl

The dangers of misinterpretation is important

The wheel of life is just an exercise.
The power is in visibility when compared to a physical wheel, but that same comparison is misleading.

No need to deceive yourself:

    Wheel of expectations is a more accurate name for this technique.

    Some feel disappointed at the sight of their crooked wheel and think: - “You won’t get far on such a wheel!”. The name "wheel of life" suggests that you are rolling through life on this wheel, that this is your life.

    But it's not. Filling the wheel of the balance of life, you take as an ideal - how, in your opinion, your life should look like, not what she is there is.

    Remove the expectations and idealization of your life, and your wheel will be perfectly aligned.- it is on it that you roll.

    Our life is great. We are so accustomed to the good that we no longer appreciate it. And we pay attention to what we do not have.

    The trap of idealizing the wheel. The word "wheel", automatically and imperceptibly, attributes the properties of the physical wheel to the flow of our life.

    In fact, a person understands that life is beautiful and he loves to develop, set new goals and achieve them. In this case, scores from 1 to 10 will reflect his approach to the goals in all areas.

    Important difference, a person already feels like a ten! But he wants more, so he can put a mark of 6, where it would have been worth putting 16 long ago.

    Man has seen in his own experience all these dangers of interpreting the size of a wheel. He understands that the circle has grown a long time ago, but his requests have grown along with him. This must come to pass.

How to work with the wheel

Bringing life into balance, prioritization is the main step to a happy, controlled life. You cannot improve those aspects of your life that you do not remove your conscious attention from.

As a rule, life skews due to the fact that we ourselves tilt it to the weak side every day. Reinforcing without it strengths or paying attention to things that do not bring satisfaction and growth.

The purpose of the exercise is to highlight in your mind the priority aspects of life for study. To streamline your life, you need to start with one area. If you learn to increase your contentment in one area of ​​your life, it will be easy for you to transfer positive experiences to other areas.

Next step after selection priority area- to understand what exactly does not satisfy you. Then

"It is good to have money and to possess things that money can buy. But at the same time, it’s also good to check yourself from time to time and make sure that you haven’t lost those things that money can’t buy.."

George Horace Lorimer

Have you ever caught yourself thinking that you are running through life, trying to do everything, fulfill yourself, achieve material independence and stability, and seem to be even successful, but do not feel joyful at the same time? Dissatisfaction with your own successes may be due to the fact that you are developing yourself one-sidedly, letting other areas of life take their course. And that's where you fail. Let's learn to find weak spots using the wheel life balance", because as practice shows, this is an excellent tool for understanding yourself and improving your life, it is not for nothing that various coaches and business trainers resort to it at seminars and public conferences.

Defining areas of life

Human life is multifaceted - it consists of many factors: communication, well-being, career, self-development, etc. Everyone, of course, has their own priorities, but practicing psychologists and business coaches distinguish the following as the main ones:

  • family and relationships (parents, children, relatives, loved one, friends);
  • health (this is not just the medical status of "sick" or "healthy" - this additionally includes physical activity, nutrition, appearance care, absence of bad habits);
  • home (living conditions, comfort, coziness, safety, order);
  • finance (material security);
  • Work ( professional growth, recognition, working conditions);
  • rest (passive and active rest, sleep long enough to restore the body);
  • self-realization (hobby, creativity);
  • spiritual development (moral state, actions).

Formulate 8-10 areas of life that are significant to you in this moment. Write them down on a piece of paper in any order.

Advice: the wheel of balance is built not only by spheres of life, but also by social role: "I am the son", "I am the Mother", "I am the hostess", "I am the head of the department".

Building the Wheel of Life Balance

  1. Draw a circle on a piece of paper (a handy wheel template is attached below in the article).
  2. Then, for each area of ​​life, select a separate sector - draw several straight lines through the center of the circle:
    - 4, if there are 8 areas of life on your priority list;
    - 5 if there were 10 spheres.
  3. Sign the resulting sectors.
  4. Put a zero in the center of the circle.
  5. Divide each of the constructed axes-radii into 10 segments. Draw circles through them. Number the intersections of the radii and small circles in order from zero from the center of the circle to 10.

Or, if you don't have time, from a blog site (just click on the link, then save the image that opens).

Drawing life wheel ready. It's time to fill it up. You have to paint over as many divisions as your life in certain area implemented. Zero in the figure is complete dissatisfaction with the situation, an undoubted failure, and 10 is unconditional satisfaction.

Dialogue with yourself

Answer yourself the question: "Am I satisfied?"

For example, money. Even if your last name is still not on the Forbes list, do not rush to put yourself low score. The main criterion is whether there is enough money to satisfy reasonable needs. Perhaps you manage to maintain a balance of income and expenses without infringing on yourself and your loved ones in nutrition, medical care, rest, and the real need has not touched you? Then feel free to rate yourself above zero.

When assessing the quality of life, be guided solely by own feelings rather than the expectations of others. For example, if the work does not yet bring the income that former classmates have achieved, but you see prospects for yourself career development and doing what you love in a great team, maybe it's not so bad.

At the same time, focus not on the ideal, but on your own efforts, in this case inappropriate and will not give a fully honest picture of what is happening. Chronic diseases are not going anywhere, but learning how to live with them as efficiently as possible is already a success. Therefore, 10 points is exactly your maximum here and now. Your real goal and move towards it.

Extremes are extremely rare. Set yourself 0 if life situation really critical (for example, in the "Work" sector, if you are unemployed, including the absence of any paid employment, for example, freelancing or owning a business).

Assessing the balance of life

See what wheel you got? Small or big? Straight or with gaps?

  • With complete harmony, you get a perfectly even wheel with the most complete sectors.
  • A small wheel or deep depressions are a sign of dissatisfaction.

Don't be intimidated by the imperfect shape. The wheel of life balance is not a state of real life, but the degree of your expectations. She lives up to her dreams so much.

Psychologists believe that life balance is maintained if the sectors are painted over evenly, and their level is above the seven. Obviously, a crooked wheel will not give a comfortable ride, and it needs to be "balanced".

Bringing balance back to life

  1. Answer the question: "Why did some areas of my life sink?"
  2. Can you make a difference? What do you want to achieve? What assessment will be satisfactory in a month, quarter, year?
  3. What needs to be done to achieve this? Write down each step and set realistic deadlines.

Wisdom: while the thought is kept in the head - it is in " random access memory". To solve such problems, the "processor" allocates only 3-5% of its capacity. As soon as a thought is fixed on paper, it is transferred by the brain to long-term memory. This is a signal that the information is important.

Therefore, at any stage it is important to record your thoughts in writing. After a while, you will be able to return to the notes and analyze how effective the life balance plan was.

For example, I am worried that I don't spend enough time with my family. At the same time, a lot of time is spent on the road, and the work does not please me at all. But financial question nevertheless important. Therefore, in the near future, I plan to change jobs and devote myself to blogging and creating information products. To increase my value as a specialist, I will constantly improve my programming skills by studying specialized programs for video editing, audio and image editing, investing knowledge in SEO brand promotion, while keeping constant analytical statistics of my actions.

If, nevertheless, paper and pen are not your way of keeping records, you can use special programs. For example, the paid versions of Wheel of Life, Goalscape will not only draw the wheel, but also save the goals and action plan.

Remember, the main thing in life is balance. Only by devoting time and effort to each area, you can achieve success and become a truly happy person.

Be happy and see you soon! 😉

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How important is it to keep balance in your life? How often do we think about it? However, a bias in any direction can lead to the collapse of the entire system. When lame financial side life, it's very hard to move in spiritual development. If a person devotes himself to the family, to the detriment of his interests, this leads to quarrels and misunderstandings as a result. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to all areas of life, maintaining balance. This method will help you balance wheels.

Make your life harmonious

To understand how a particular area affects the movement in life as a whole, you need to evaluate all areas using "Wheels of Balance". This tool allows you to see the distribution of energy that a person spends on a solution. life tasks, conduct introspection and look critically at weaknesses. The more harmoniously attention is paid to all spheres, the more smoothly a person moves through life, like a wheel along the road. Hence the name. If the wheel is crooked, then it will shake, as if on bumps.

Take advantage online application below to evaluate the quality of your balance wheels and visually observe how you “roll” through life, or perhaps simply stand still.

Balance wheel constructor

Instructions: Drag the slider with the mouse, setting a score from 1 to 10 for each area. At the end, press the "start" button and observe the efficiency of the wheel movement.

A smoother wheel rolls far, while a crooked one will get stuck at the beginning of the path. So people with unbalanced life spheres become clumsy and cannot move. If the wheel is small, but the energies are evenly distributed in it, then the path will be much longer. A person with such a balance wheel will move, even in small steps.

You can also build your own balance wheel using the template below.

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Roll or crawl? How best to move through life, strive for dreams and goals? Of course, it is better to move at a good speed, which means that rolling is better than crawling. Hence today's topic - the wheel of life balance.

The wheel of life balance is a time management and coaching technique. But everyone can deal with the peculiarities of technology.

Why do we need balance in life?

Our life is subject to various third-party requirements. And if you follow them without hesitation and, most importantly, without correcting, you can exist long years in automatic mode. And then look back at the past time and be horrified by the missed opportunities. In the past, you can easily see:

  • independently growing children;
  • husband without affection and attention;
  • unnoticed development opportunities;
  • imperfect travel;
  • incomplete education;
  • unread books;
  • unrealized projects.

A huge number of different "NOT" ...

And at this moment we understand that many areas of life were simply not covered. The days passed in the rhythm of "home-work-home" or in another similar format, and everything else went by.

It is possible to avoid the pain of such disappointment. And it is necessary. To do this, you only need to do the wheel of life balance exercise and understand why life still does not play with all the shades of the rainbow.

Orbs of the Wheel of Life Balance

The wheel of life balance is a circle divided into segments, in which each zone corresponds to some area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

The traditional life balance wheel template suggests using 8 areas of life for analysis, but this number can be increased or decreased at the request of the person.

How to make a wheel of life balance?

The spheres of life of the wheel of balance

If the test of the wheel of life balance is done for the first time, it is worth using the canonical variants of the spheres. And later, adjust the methodology for yourself. Eight areas of life balance:

Where to make the wheel of life balance? To draw the spheres of life of the wheel of life balance, excel, a standard diary, an A4 sheet, a drawing paper are suitable. Any convenient option.

What to evaluate? The roundness of the resulting diagram. The clearer the resulting circle, the more confidently it rolls through life. The brighter everyday life and more interesting weekdays. It’s bad when one of the areas has especially low rates. This slows down the overall pace of life and takes a lot of energy.

Life balance analysis technique wheel of life

The wheel of life balance technique, when the circle is already drawn and marked with grades in each area, allows you to see the sagging areas. Frequent cases of imbalance - overweight:

  • business to the detriment of family and health;
  • spiritual to the detriment of income and career;
  • friends to the detriment of work, development and relatives.

All of these options are equally bad.

The wheel of life balance shows what has slipped at the current time and suggests directions for work.

After compiling and analyzing the wheel of the balance of life, it will be right to prescribe steps and actions to normalize the situation right in the zone of each sphere.

If a low scores a family is recruiting, you can schedule joint vacation or introduce some pleasant tradition. If your career is in the red, consider ways professional development. If the wheel is slowed down by the spiritual sphere, consider options for the development of this direction.

Do not write global plans. Real ones are better - for a week, a maximum of a month. And not one option, but two, three, four. To do something every few days to improve the state of a particular area of ​​life.

A month later active work, it is worth re-making the wheel of life balance and evaluating the changes. See new results and think further plan covering new areas or improving existing ones.

Or Mandala of Life. Or Chamomile. As someone likes and fits into the "map".

A wonderful model based on the "Balance Wheel" Coaching technique, which has been expanded and improved in the course of my practice. So - Wheel of Life Balance. The technique is light, elegant and multifaceted.

Probably, you will agree with me that it is more harmonious and pleasant to develop in all spheres of life. And in self-development, and in personal, and in public life, both in career and in financial plan, and in the richness and variety of communication with outside world. What about health? What is all of the above without it? All these areas of life are equally important and necessary to us. And, of course, for each of us significant areas will be slightly different.

But one thing will remain unchanged - desire for harmony in life.

After all, sometimes it happens that we devote a lot of time to some areas, and our satisfaction with this sector is quite small, and it happens that we are especially successful in something, although we spend quite a few resources for success.

And the Wheel of Life Balance will allow us to visually see what our whole Life is about. Where does the time go? How do we manage our life?

And, of course, then we will be able to find both blind spots and failure points, as well as resource islands and much more, and direct all our potential to achieve our Deep Goals!

How often do you ask yourself the question: what I am doing right now is leading me Toward or Away from the Goals of my Life? Leads me Toward From Balance and Harmony?

So, harmony in all spheres of life is, of course, great. But not VAK-criteria.

And to translate this abstract concept into real life, we have a wonderful tool.

So - the Wheel of Life Balance:

  1. Identify and write down areas of your life that are significant to you. There can be from 6 to 12 of them. And for each of us, they can vary. For example, these can be: Health, Family, Self-development and Personal growth, Recreation, Finance, Love, Relationships, Sports, Career, Spirituality, etc. Keep your individuality, draw exactly your Life!
  2. Determine how much time each area takes up in your life(all together = 100%).
  3. Draw a circle and divide it into as many sectors as significant areas in your life. The size of the sector should approximately correspond to the time spent on it.
  4. Rate your satisfaction with each area. On a scale from 1 to 10 points. Or from 1 to 100. As you like. In the center of the circle - at the intersection of all lines - 1, and on outside circle — 10 or 100. Shade each sector responsible for a particular area, in accordance with your level of satisfaction with this area. Color the sectors if you like. different colors. Show your imagination and Creative skills. After all, this is about your life! Evaluate truthfully and honestly - this is your life! And the Wheel is your assistant to make your life even better!
  5. How is the Wheel of Your Life rolling? Doesn't roll at all? Or does it roll over according to the principle "in some areas it is empty, in others it is dense"? What does your life consist of? What is important to you? Does it suit you? On the resulting "Wheel of balance" of your life, you can clearly see how your life is balanced, harmonious and what else needs to be worked on. Write down which sectors of your wheel require reinforcement. What needs to be done to acquire harmony? What steps do you intend to take in this direction? How much time do you need for this? To bring life to complete harmony, you need to make sure that all its important areas for you are sufficiently realized and please with their presence in your life. It's completely — absolutely real! You just need to act! The seeker will find! Going - comes! No one will make you happy against your will, so choose. In any case, your life is the result of your actions, decisions and continuous choices.
  6. Determine Strategic Objectives for each area. In each of the areas that are significant to you, write a strategic (global) Goal. It can be non-specific, and be just a Request to the Universe. We remember that the Universe is Friendly, don't we? Already the presence of these rather general and non-specific goals sets the right vector and direction for life. further development. When making a decision, it is easy to understand whether it fits into general direction life.
  7. Define Tactical Objectives for each area. For each area we draw up a plan with goals for a year, three months, a month. You can choose any level of breakdown/detail. The main thing is that it is convenient and joyful to use this "plan". Goals are written according to the HSR.
  8. Define Tactical Objectives for the most significant areas. Select 1-3 areas that are most in need of change. Write Goals to increase your score from low to medium to high. Align the Wheel so that it rolls easily and freely through life.
  9. Select milestones to track/summary changes that occur. Redraw the Wheel of Balance every 2-4 months. From the "as if" position, you have not yet drawn it at all. Like the first time. You can print and hang your Balance Wheel in a prominent place. This is additional motivation. You can simply ask yourself every morning: "What am I going to do today to make my Wheel run smoother?"

You can also come up with your own options.

What exactly are you going to do to get closer to Harmony and Balance?

I am sure that every person creates his own world and his reality for himself at every moment of time, and that each of us can change our world for the better at any moment of time!

Joy to you on the way to creating your own harmonious and happy World!