Set realistic goals for yourself. Management as a science is

For selection right purpose purposefulness is needed - this is an important quality. However, it often happens that we do not put our efforts where it is really required. How to determine those goals that will lead to achievement and success?

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato said: “Will is purposefulness, which is connected with right judgment". The face of the world has changed considerably since Plato's time; but his conclusions have not lost their relevance today. It is extremely important to know the point of application of your efforts, because otherwise there is a risk of losing precious time, effort and opportunities.

The key to success: the right choice

How often do we see people who are ready to sell mother, just to pick the desired stars from the sky. But no one asks the question: do they really need these stars? Some strive for prestige, while deep down they dream of a peaceful village life. Others run from their calling, trying to drown out the voice of conscience in a whirlwind of everyday worries. - this is not the persistent achievement of a goal chosen "at random"; rather, it is the implementation of pre-planned actions, the ability to determine which one of them will bring the greatest benefit. Purposefulness involves a rational assessment of obstacles, the development of ways to overcome them.

Anything but a calling

Creative, goal-oriented person in no way represents a fanatic who, for the sake of an illusory goal, is ready to break himself into a cake. Effort for the sake of effort is a waste of energy. It will never bring a sense of satisfaction. Therefore, if a goal is set, but work on it brings only fatigue and irritation, then in most cases there is violence against human nature. For example, this often happens when a person does not work according to his calling. A doctor who fries cutlets; a teacher trying to write books - this state of affairs not only harms the person himself, but also deprives society of a valuable professional. Everyone wants to take their place under the sun as soon as possible, but is their ticket paid?

How to define those goals that will be close and understandable? Let's look at a few criteria.

  1. The task at hand should motivate. If the result is not of particular value, or you feel indifference in this regard, the chances of realizing this intention are very small. Set goals for yourself that will have a significant impact on your life. Without this type of goal setting, you will most likely have several disparate goals, and little time will be devoted to each of them.
    A word of advice: to determine the value of a task, try to mentally imagine that you have to prove to friends or family why it is important to you. Ask yourself: what arguments do I need to make in her favor? How can I justify that this goal really solves a lot in my life?
  2. Another way to determine your true goals is. Think about goals that really inspire you. For a more relaxing environment, turn on your favorite music. Allow yourself to dream without limiting your imagination. Also, forget about common sense. Imagine for a while that you have become a child again, free from mortgages, traffic jams, showdowns with relatives. Don't worry - soon you will return to this familiar state. In the meantime, remember what exactly things can make you smile on your face? Don't think about ways to achieve your goals. Ask yourself the question: “What inspires me?”. After you write down a few new ideas, after a while it will be possible to choose the most suitable ones.
  3. Successful progress towards results, even if the right goal is set, can be hindered by such factors as the condition of the person. And it is often depressing. Such a state has distinguishing feature. Being in it, a person is not aware of this, just as a fish is not aware that it is in water. Therefore, another condition for success is the appropriate state of the human psyche. If depression cannot be dealt with alone, it makes sense to seek the help of a psychotherapist.
  4. Often the process itself is not as important as the process of achieving it. In psychology, there is the concept of "shift of motive to the goal", when a person's motivation changes in the process of working on a task. The simplest example is Tom Sawyer, who had to paint the fence. At first, the lesson seemed very boring to him. However, over time, he got so carried away that he was able to barter a lot of useful items from other guys for giving them the opportunity to paint this fence.
    If working on the result does not bring pleasure, reconsider your goals. Approaching a venerable age, many begin to look forward to retirement. This is a sure sign of something wrong. professional choice. Review your desires again: do you really like your job? Bill Gates loves computers and Coco Chanel loves fashion. What business would you like? Another piece of evidence with which you can identify your true purpose- is the need to engage in one or another type of activity. In other words, you can't stop doing it, and the very thought of spending today on something else drives you to despair.

Try to choose goals that could turn your life into an exciting journey.

To do this, ask yourself the following questions:

  • what exactly do I want;
  • what activity could make me jump out of bed every day to immediately begin it;
  • what I would like to study;
  • Who would I like to communicate with? Share ideas? Cooperate.

Many people have desires, but not everyone can fulfill them. There are many reasons for this, and setting the wrong goals is one of the main ones. When there is inner confidence that the goal is correct, then the achievement of the result will not be long in coming.

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

The weekend was rich in joyful meetings. As if by agreement on the timing, my friends made themselves nice gifts - one bought a heaped laptop, the other bought a car at a profit. It's great when we get what we want, isn't it? I propose to talk about important point in achieving success as goal definition, more precisely about the correct determining the target level. The fact is that an incorrect definition of the level of the goal can lead to falling into the trap of demotivation, the achievement of the goal can be difficult.

A correctly chosen goal, on the contrary, mobilizes the available resources, the goal is achieved as if effortlessly ...

Targets are traps

Trap #1: "Above the roof!". If the chosen goal is too big, or there is not enough time to achieve it, then the brain starts to panic, it screams: “Aaaaa! Do not have time! It won't work! I can not!". Emotions cause a stream of thoughts directed not at a solution specific tasks, but on feelings about tasks. Anxiety, anxiety, this is the emotional background that too high goals create. Under such conditions, the following happens - the mind can simply refuse to complete the task, because it seems unrealistic to it, it tries to solve the task (it is necessary), but emotional noise interferes with concentration, drowns out thoughts on the matter, the process of achievement is inhibited.

In the trap "Above the roof!" often fall into the definition of the goals of an organization or enterprise. The management needs profits, volumes, grandiose results and unrealistic plans come down “from the top”, which the staff must fulfill “blood from the nose”. More often than not, with such strategic planning, only “blood” is received. Although when setting personal life goals, with too much ambition, you can drive yourself into a stupor.

Trap #2: "Boredom!" This is the second trap you can easily fall into when setting goals. In such a situation, we are quite sure that we can realize the goal, but somehow we are too lazy to take it on. Its achievement proceeds sluggishly, a state of boredom arises, small things stretch out in time. In a word - boring!

It is important to set the achievement bar correctly

Motivation is the main fuel in achieving high productivity. Enthusiasm is one of critical factors success in almost everything. The method of setting the optimal level of goals is quite simple, you can “set the height” using deadlines, crushing, or, on the contrary, aggregating tasks. If you feel that the goal is too big, then you can split it into smaller tasks, or even lower the bar to a more comfortable level, you can revise the deadlines upwards. If the task is too simple or there are many small ones, then by reducing the deadlines, or combining them into one project (for example, under the code name "Operation - Y"), raise the level of motivation and do everything quickly and fun.

Are your goals set correctly?

Feeling of comfort and light excitation, the most reliable guides in determining the level of goals. In no case do not oppress and not cause boredom, the goals should pleasantly excite and capture! Who needs uninteresting goals?

Ask yourself if the level of your goals is right? Are you motivated to achieve them? Where can I lower and where can I increase the achievement scarf?

Set realistic goals

Remember, in the 90s on TV, there was a cycle of social videos called "Russian Project"? Have you remembered the video with Yevgeny Stychkin and the white mouse Sklifosovsky? There was also this sentence: “Pop, pop, Sklifosovsky. Deserved". Found this video online. In a word, look and set before you real goals.)))

So, check if the level of your goals is correctly defined? If many questions arise with the definition of life goals, then you can clearly define them by completing the distance training program. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Dmitry Poslavsky.


a conscious image of the anticipated, desired result, the achievement of which is directed by the action of a person; in advance conceivable result conscious activity. This refers to the conscious image of the result: it is held in consciousness all the time while the action is being performed. The goal is always conscious. In psychology, the concept of goal is also used in other meanings:

1) a formal description of the end situations that any self-regulating functioning system strives to achieve;

2) an anticipated useful result that determines the integrity and direction of the organism's behavior. The idea of ​​a goal as an anticipated useful result is used in the analysis of the biological background of the emergence of a perceived goal and in the study of the psychophysiological mechanisms of regulation of purposeful behavioral acts. The concept of a goal as a conscious image of an anticipated result is used in the study of arbitrary deliberate action, representing a specific feature of human activity (=> goal setting). The more complex the goal, the longer the path you need to go to achieve it. Therefore, achieving big goals involves forecasting and planning activities. Planning involves the promotion of both final and intermediate goals. The developed system of goals and means provides for a directed change in objects and the activity itself.

The goal sets the action, the action ensures the achievement of the goal. Describing the goal, you can characterize the action. Goals are very diverse, and most importantly, they are of different scales. Large targets are divided into smaller ones, which can be split further. Accordingly, a major action is a sequence of actions of a lower order with transitions to different levels of the hierarchical system of actions. To understand what motivates a person to set goals and achieve their implementation, one must turn to the concepts of needs and motives.


1. An internally presented mental goal or task set by an individual and guiding his behavior and guiding him. 2. Hypothetical determinant of behavior, which can be judged by the behavior of the organism, which is directed, stable and focused on achieving some goal. The value 2 was introduced by E.Ch. Tolman so that behaviorists can talk about the goal in the meaning of 1, without recognizing it. See target psychology.


1. The goal towards which the behavior is oriented. This use presupposes an effort of will; the goal may be the successful completion of a piece of work, one might even call it the goal of getting the rat to eat at the end of the maze. But involuntary reflexive actions, even if they lead to the achievement of some goal, are not considered as the embodiment of goals. 2. A symbolic thought, image, or idea that represents the destination of directed behavior. In this meaning, the goal is a concept associated with thinking and, in contrast to meaning 1, is used to describe internal state body, not external conditions. 3. In psychoanalysis, the end result of behavior. In this case, the external goal is distinguished: a specific person, object, event or behavior that is " end result"located in outside world, to which the individual aspires, and the internal goal: satisfied mental condition organism, experienced when an external goal is achieved.


the orientation of a person's thinking and behavior towards achieving the object of his inclinations, desires, fantasies.

In classical psychoanalysis, the goal was primarily related to sexual attraction person and was considered in terms of one of its components, along with the source, force and object. In the work Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905), Z. Freud introduced the concept of "sexual purpose", understanding by it the action to which a person's sexual desire pushes. Special attention he paid attention to the disclosure of the specifics of the sexual goal of the inverted, characterized by deviations in relation to the normal sexual goal, and infantile sexuality, which has its own specifics. At the same time, the sexual goal was defined by him as follows: “It is important to replace the projected sensations on erogenous zones with such an external irritation that stops the sensation of irritation, causing a feeling of satisfaction.”

Focusing on revealing the specifics of the sexual goal of inverts and children, the founder of psychoanalysis proceeded from the fact that the primary goal of a person is to receive pleasure. In his opinion, "a nursing infant performs actions that have no other purpose than obtaining pleasure." At first, the child experiences pleasure when eating, but soon learns to receive it from the excitation of the erogenous zones of the mouth and lips, that is, it receives sexual pleasure when sucking on the mother's breast. The sexual aims of children from three to eight years of age are closely related to the sexual exploration of the child himself, and the perverse nature of some of these aims depends on the constitutional immaturity of the child, who "has not yet discovered the aims of the act of copulation."

Later, the concept of goal was used by Z. Freud both in terms of clarifying the direction of infantile sexuality to various erogenous zones, and in terms of considering the tasks facing the upbringing of children, culture in general, and also the goal of life. In particular, in Lectures on Introduction to Psychoanalysis (1916/17), he noted that the goal of traditional education is to make the sexual will of the new generation obedient, and its ideal target“make a child’s life asexual.” In his work “Beyond the Pleasure Principle” (1920), he expressed the idea that, if we accept as a non-exclusive fact that due to internal causes everything living dies, returns to an inorganic state, then the conclusion suggests itself: "the goal of all life is death." In The Dissatisfaction with Culture (1930), the founder of psychoanalysis wrote that in order to establish strong identifications between members of the community, to strengthen social connections culture uses all means, in every possible way limits and suppresses sex life of a person and mobilizes all the forces of the “libido inhibited by purpose”.

From the point of view of Z. Freud, the program of the pleasure principle in individual development adheres to main goal- the achievement of happiness. The process of cultural development is carried out as another goal is achieved - the creation of unity from many individuals. Although at cultural development the goal of "make happy" the individual still remains, however, "it is pushed into the background." Ultimately, the goal of culture is to curb the sexual and aggressive drives of man. Another thing is that, despite all the efforts on the part of modern culture, the achievement of this goal turns, according to the founder of psychoanalysis, into the neuroticization of a person. Hence the relevance of psychoanalytic therapy, the purpose of which is to soften the commandments and prohibitions of the individual Superego, reflecting the corresponding severe commandments and prohibitions of the Superego of culture. Both the individual Superego and the cultural Superego take little account of the actual mental constitution of man. Proceeding from this, Z. Freud emphasized that "for therapeutic purposes, we therefore have to fight with the Super-I, lower the level of its claims."


a conscious idea of ​​the result that should be achieved through the directed efforts of the individual in the course of his interaction and communication. “In psychology, the concept of “goal” is also used in the following meanings: a formal description of the end situations that any self-regulating functioning system strives to achieve; an anticipated useful result (the image of a “required” future according to N. A. Bernshtein), which determines the integrity and direction of the organism’s behavior” (A. G. Asmolov). In the logic of human activity, the concept of "goal", acting as a desired model of conscious actions, a kind of anticipating image of the subject's intentional efforts, involves the preliminary building of a plan of specific behavioral acts and their consistent analysis and correlation with the goal. Within the framework of the social psychology of personality development and management psychology (primarily when we are talking about the organization), the goal is often revealed as a kind of temporarily distant image, a kind of social “beacon”, which is guided by when planning some kind of purposeful action, and with which the correctness and adequacy of the chosen course, development vector are checked. As a rule, such a "horizontal" image is denoted by special term- "vision". So, putting forward, substantiating and accepting a certain “vision”, for example, if it concerns a particular company, its owners, management staff together with organizational consultants, planning and analyzing how they accept and implement strategic decisions development of the company, as well as everyday, completely ordinary decisions, must quite strictly correlate their consequences with the image that they have built as a specific goal tied to a very specific time for the execution. By the way, personal "vision" requires the subject to equally rigorous comparisons of specific behavioral actions and the ultimate goal. If it turns out that the decisions being made and the actions being carried out do not "work" for the "vision", then it is necessary either to rebuild the image of the future, or to radically change the content and direction of the current behavioral activity. Almost the same situation develops when it comes specifically to the field of education. So, if theoretical pedagogy, answering the question “how should it be?”, practically builds a model of the desired (a kind of “vision”), psychology, answering the question “what is really?”, allows us to judge whether the given concrete effort models. And if a discrepancy is revealed, the solution of the issue again lies in the logic: either the target model must change, or other appropriate ways to achieve it must be selected.

Almost all modern specialists in the field of psychology of management and organizational development, they agree that the formation of a qualitative vision of the desired result of the desired result is one of the absolutely necessary conditions for the success of the organization and the most important leadership function. At the same time, the vision of the result in modern conditions is increasingly considered as a complex phenomenon, including cognitive, behavioral and emotional aspects both at the individual and group levels. So, for example, according to P. Weil, “... a vision is not just a description of what an organization exists for and what goods and services it intends to bring to the market. A vision is a mapping of the actions an organization intends to take and the attributes it seeks to acquire. The latter reflect the meaning of all these actions for employees. At the same time, “in the formulation of the vision, motivational aspects are expressed no less strongly than descriptive ones. It expresses the feeling that the visionaries have towards the organization and its functioning. In an organizational context, “the vision is the cementing bond that binds people together who work together and share common values”1.

In fairness, it should be noted that, from the point of view of P. Weil, in the proper socio-psychological sense, “the concepts of vision and common goal are closely related and at the same time differ. Both of these expressions imply that the group ascribes to something a positive meaning that can activate this group and its members. The concept of “vision” emphasizes the presence of a clear idea of ​​what exactly is imbued with this positive sense, is something tangible, like a building or a new product, or an event that is expected to occur. ... The purpose, or purpose, is the reason why this "something" seems to us desirable and meaningful. ... The vision and purpose of “joining efforts” bring clarity and agreement to the members of the organization and strengthen their dedication”1.

And yet, from a practical point of view, in most cases it seems perfectly justified to consider purpose and vision as not just related, but in many ways synonymous concepts. In this regard, of greatest interest are the schemes developed to date for the formation of a common vision in groups operating within various organizations, especially since this process is one of basic components purposeful team building activities.

P. Weil and his colleagues, based on the results of longitudinal research in this area, identified eight factors that are most significant for the formation of an effective group vision: the creation of a productive interpersonal interaction in a group; developing a sense of team; consideration key issues organizations from an "external" position; openness and accessibility of the official leader; work to resolve conflicts and integrate alternative points of view; work on the disclosure of feelings; work on a scheme for communicating the vision to the personnel of the organization; systematization further work for the implementation of the vision, and, if necessary, its transformation.

Creating a productive interpersonal interaction in a group involves ensuring conditions for maximum openness and social security, not only allowing, but also in in a certain sense provoking members of the group to a meaningful discussion of problems that are fully or partially taboo in the conditions of everyday professional activity, and in the most informal, confidential manner. According to P. Weil, “this includes conversations that take place between employees of the organization, who, in normal conditions have no reason to communicate. Conversations on topics that, under normal conditions, as a rule, are not affected. Conversations on a more personal level than usual ... ones that the participants are unlikely to have under normal circumstances.

The development of a sense of team in this context primarily implies an increase in group cohesion and awareness by group members of the importance of interpersonal cooperation and the contribution of each participant to the realization of both group and individual goals. As P. Weil rightly remarks, “too often the members of an organization need to strengthen the feeling of the team even before they can start talking about developing a common vision. The sense of command is strengthened by doing various tasks, sometimes in a competitive environment that creates closer relationships between people”3. Note that for these purposes other methods and techniques can be used to enhance the effect of factors that increase group cohesion.

Considering the key problems of the organization from an "external" position involves the rejection of both cognitive and emotional stereotypes associated with professional activity members of the group, and the opportunity to assess the strengths, weaknesses and prospects of the organization in a broad context related to the changes taking place in the industry and society as a whole. According to P. Weil, “the formulation of a vision presupposes the need to take a more “remote” point of observation. Using special exercises, members of the organization can better assess in which direction the world processes are developing and what specific roles the organization should play in the current conditions. ... Often, members of an organization learn about it and the environment in which it exists, a lot of interesting things that they have never heard about before: for example, about the opportunities that the organization has or about the existence of threats. Such an experience explains a lot and can serve as a powerful impetus to the formation of a clearer vision.

The work of resolving conflicts and integrating alternative points of view, first of all, implies a resolute rejection of attempts to “freeze” and “shimmer” conflicts that arise in the process of forming a vision, as well as ignoring any, even the most absurd, at first glance, points of view . This is all the more important because "any discussion of such important issues, as an organizational vision, can reveal (and, moreover, almost always reveals - V.I., M.K.) the existence of different opinions and points of view on the issue, and often quite obvious conflicts. If these disagreements are not acknowledged and resolved, they will show up in the interpretation of the vision by employees, thereby failing to achieve the necessary commitment to the common cause.

Work on the disclosure of feelings is necessary, since a full-fledged vision, as noted above, necessarily contains a clearly expressed emotional component - “... a vision is not just an abstract idea of ​​​​an organization. It is a deeply felt vision of the organization as it can become, its human values, and the role that everyone can play in realizing the vision.” In addition, the ability to openly express not only the content of long-term goals, but also the emotions associated with it significantly increase the effectiveness group work to form a vision. Moreover, according to P. Weil and his colleagues, without this, the work is doomed to failure: “Enthusiasm, passion, commitment, optimism, a sense of urgent need - these are the most important feelings. If they don’t come up in a vision workshop, it means that what was being discussed didn’t generate interest among the participants.”1

The work on the scheme of transferring the vision to the personnel of the organization, in contrast to the previous factors, is of a distinctly convergent nature. It involves the creation of well-functioning channels for communicating the formulated vision in an accessible and emotionally attractive form to all employees of the organization. This is all the more important because “in the excitement that accompanies the formation of a vision, it is easy to forget that success depends on what meeting participants can bring to the workplace, what they will tell employees who were not at the meeting, what steps they will take to start implementing vision, etc. If these issues are not raised at the seminar, practical success less likely. If the vision does not provide great influence on the organization, then, most likely, too little attention was paid to the daily work that will be carried out after its completion.

The systematization of further work on the implementation of the vision, and, if necessary, its transformation is most closely related to the previous factor. Its necessity is due to the need to constantly check the trajectory of the organization's movement towards the intended goal, assess intermediate results, as well as, if necessary, making adjustments both to the vision itself and to the scheme for its transmission to the organization's personnel. Based on the analysis of the results of research and practical work, P. Weil and his colleagues note that participants in seminars and other forms of group work on the formation of a vision quite often independently come to the conclusion that it is necessary to continue work in this format until the vision is fully realized.

It is easy to see that all of these factors are closely interconnected with each other. Therefore, P. Weil comes to a completely justified conclusion that “in effective seminars on the formation of vision, all eight factors are necessarily paid attention to. On the less successful ones, they will definitely ignore some of them”3. As practice shows, the involvement of a social psychologist to organize and optimize the work on the formation of a vision is the most effective tool avoid these and other omissions. It is quite clear that in this case, providing the conditions for the formation of a qualitative group vision in an organizational context, tracking this process and managing it is the immediate objective task of a social psychologist-practitioner, to which his efforts are directed. However, even when solving applied socio-psychological problems that are not directly related to the formation of a vision, the question of real goals and ways to achieve them, both for the group as a whole and for its individual members, as a rule, is highly significant. Therefore, practical social psychologist, working with a particular community, must have comprehensive information about the target intentions of its members and its as a whole as a collective subject, since otherwise it turns out to be unable to correlate its professional goals with individual and group goals in the community entrusted to his care.

1. Combined lesson.

2. A lesson in learning new knowledge.

3. Lesson to consolidate the studied material.

4. Lesson of repetition and generalization of the studied material.

10. Systematize the listed stages of the lesson with a system-activity approach(Choose the correct answer):

A. actualization and fixation of individual difficulties in trial action;

B. identifying the place and cause of the difficulty;

G. reflection of educational activity;

E. construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty;

E. independent work with self-test according to the standard;

G. implementation of the constructed project;

Z. primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech:

I. inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.

1. H, A, D, D, C, F, I, B, F;

2. C, B, A, D, Z, F, I, F, D;

3. C, A, B, D, G, Z, E, I, D.

11. Indicate the correct definition of the term "learning task":

1. learning task is the message of the topic of the lesson.

2. A learning task is a specific task for a student to complete in a lesson.

3. A learning task is a goal that is personally significant for the student, which motivates the study of new material.

4. The learning problem is the solution mathematical problem different ways.

12. Choose the correct definition of the purpose of the Olympiad in the subject:

1. Organization of extracurricular educational work.

2. The development of interest in the subject, the identification of students' inclinations to this subject and development of their abilities.

3. Development of students' interest in the subject and testing knowledge.

4. Checking students' knowledge.

13. Indicate the correct order when plotting quadratic functions y = ax + bx + c(Choose the correct answer):

A.axis of symmetry;

b.points of intersection with the axes;

C.vertex coordinates;

D.branch direction;

E.plotting a function graph.

1.A; C; D; B; E.

3.C; A; B; D; E.

14. Determine the correct algorithm for solving the following logarithmic equation:

log (x - 5) + log (x + 5) = 3 log 5 (2 - down, base of the logarithm)

1) transform the left side of the equation;

2) present the right side as a logarithm;

3) find the ODZ equation;

4) compare the obtained roots with the ODZ;

5) solve the equation.

1. correct algorithm - 1; 2; 3; 4; 5.

2. correct algorithm - 3; one; 2; 5; 4.

3. correct algorithm - 2; 4; 3; 5; one.

15. Complete the requirements for the arrangement of furniture in the math's office:

The distance between the rows of desks must be at least

16. The principles of learning are

1. methods of work on the organization of the learning process;

2. theses of the theory and practice of teaching and education, reflecting key points in the disclosure of processes, phenomena, events;

3. basic ideas of learning theory;

4. means of folk pedagogy and modern pedagogical process.

17. Pedagogical technology is:

1. a set of operations for the design, formation and control of knowledge, skills and attitudes in accordance with the goals;

2. tools for achieving the learning goal;

3. a set of provisions that reveal the content of any theory, concept or category in the system of science;

4. the stability of the results obtained during repeated control, as well as similar results when it was carried out by different teachers.

18. Monitoring learning outcomes is:

1. verification of the results of mastering knowledge, skills, as well as the development of certain competencies;

2. leading view feedback teacher with a student in the learning process;

4. Law on education.

3. In a comprehensive assessment of the state of health, the following indicators are used (delete the extra answer):

1. Presence or absence at the time of examination of chronic diseases.

2. The level of achieved physical and neuropsychic development and the degree of its harmony;

3. The development of muscles, the condition and color of the skin.

4. The degree of resistance of the body to adverse effects.

4. Indicate the direction of activity, which is designated as a priority in the educational initiative "Our new school»:

(choose the correct answer)

1. Transition to normative per capita financing of educational institutions;

2. organization of a system for searching and supporting talented children;

4. expanding public participation in education management

5. Local acts OS, which without fail should contain provisions on the rights and obligations of a teacher - these are:

(select multiple correct answers)

1. internal labor regulations;

2. the charter of the institution;

3. regulation on the remuneration of employees of the educational institution;

6. Indicate what goals the study of mathematics is aimed at in the primary school in accordance with the federal state educational standard of the second generation:

(select multiple answers)

1. formation of the qualities of thinking necessary for adaptation in the modern information society

2. creation of a foundation for mathematical development, the formation of thinking mechanisms characteristic of mathematical activity

3. development of logical and critical thinking, culture of speech, ability to mental experiment

3. mastering the mathematical knowledge and skills necessary to continue in high school or other educational institutions, study of related disciplines, application in everyday life

7. Indicate the programs that the teacher uses when planning and organizing educational process:

(choose the correct answer)

1. Sample Programs general education;

2. Work programs developed by teachers on the basis of exemplary or author's programs;

(choose the correct answer)

1. M. I Bashmakov;

9. Specify the method of teaching the subject, more than others aimed at achieving meta-subject results:

(choose the correct answer)

1. Explanatory and illustrative.

2. Research.

3. Partially search.

10. Choose a learning tool whose didactic properties are the most effective:

(choose the correct answer)

1. Textbook.

2. Visual aid.

3. Interactive digital educational resource.

4. Video film.

11. Define an element that is not included in the control structure - measuring materials USE:

(choose the correct answer)

1. the purpose of studying the subject;

2. codifier of content elements in the subject for the preparation of control and measuring materials for the exam;

3. specification examination work for graduates of the 11th grade of a secondary (complete) general education school.

12. Specify the wrong method for solving trigonometric equations:

(choose the correct answer)

1. gaze

2. according to the known algorithm

3. division into subtasks

4. grouping

13. Indicate the correct sequence of the main activities of students when studying the topic "Dependencies between quantities":

a) recognize linear and quadratic inequalities;

b) simulate real dependencies using formulas and graphs;

c) recognize direct and reverse proportional dependencies;

d) solve text problems for direct and inverse proportionality (including context from related disciplines, from real life);

d) draw up formulas expressing relationships between quantities, calculate using formulas.

(choose the correct answer); G; b; a

14. If the graph of the functiony = f(x), xX, is symmetrical with respect to the origin, then the specified function:

(choose the correct answer)

1. increasing


4. odd

15. Specify what means are not necessary to ensure the equipment of the modern process of teaching mathematics:

(choose the correct answer)

1. screen-sound aids

2. technical

3. information and communication

5. printed manuals

16. From the proposed groups of forms, methods and teaching methods, select the group that allows you to intensify the activity of students in the lesson:

(choose the correct answer)

1. story, frontal work, illustrative and explanatory method;

2. heuristic conversation, brainstorming, solution problem situations, work in groups and pairs, organization of research activities;

3. explanation of the teacher, conversation, actions according to the model.

17. A sign of pedagogical technology that distinguishes it from teaching methods is:

(choose the correct answer)

1. the presence of stages, each of which has its own task;

2. consistency;

3.providing a guaranteed result;

4. providing a comfortable microclimate during application;

18. The essence of personality-oriented technologies is to focus on:

(choose the correct answer)

1. personal development in accordance with natural abilities;

22. Indicate the age at which educational activity is leading:

(choose the correct answer)

1. primary school age;

3. FTP file transfer

4. Teleconferences usenet

30. Select an address from the list Federal Portal"Russian education":

(choose the correct answer)

1. http://window. *****/

3. http://www. school. *****/

4. http://www. *****/


Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Score 96 out of 100,9 and 15 questions are not correct

    Benefits of using a computer in teaching:

Choose one or more answers :

1. interactivity (interaction with the student, simulating natural communication)

2. accountability individual work students during extracurricular time

3. adaptability educational material

4. Facilitate the work of the teacher

5. saving money on the purchase of teaching aids

    Choose the correct definition of the purpose of the Olympiad in the subject:

Choose one answer:

1. Checking students' knowledge

2. Organization of extracurricular educational work

3. Developing students' interest in the subject and testing knowledge

4. The development of interest in the subject, the identification of students' inclinations to this subject and the development of their abilities

    The definition of which device is given ... is universal electronic computing machines(computer) used for the accumulation, processing and transmission of information.

Choose one answer:

1. monitor

2. printer

3. computer

4. system block

5. manipulator

    The data in the spreadsheet can be:

1. operator

2. by text

3. formula

4. number

    As a teacher's workplace as a user of information educational environment may act (choose more than one answer)

Choose one or more answers:

1. One or more computers at workplaces in the teacher's room

2. A separate computer anywhere in the school for parents to access the information space of the school

3. Separate computer with multimedia projector and other connected equipment

4. Computer class with 10-15 workstations for students and a teacher's PC

5. Separate workplace in information center, library, media library, etc. .

    A separate computer at the workplaces of administration employees

The Internet connection service must be provided in the mode

Choose one answer:

1. 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, excluding traffic volumes

2. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding traffic volumes

3. 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, excluding traffic volumes

    Action federal law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" does not apply to relations arising from:

Choose one answer:

1. Processing of personal data by individuals solely for personal and family needs, unless the rights of personal data subjects associated with them are violated family relationships

2. Processing of personal data by individuals solely for personal and family needs

3. Processing of personal data by individuals solely for personal and family needs, if the rights of personal data subjects are not violated


Choose one answer:

1. becomes available if it is contained on material carrier

2. characterized by all listed properties

3. does not disappear when consumed

4. is only subject to obsolescence

    Study load, mode of study of the student in educational institution determined

Choose one answer:

1. Decision of the Council educational institution

2. The charter of the educational institution based on the recommendations agreed with the health authorities

3. SanPinami

4. Schedule training sessions

    ICT literacy is

Choose one answer:

1. correct spelling of terms from the field of computer science

2. skills and abilities necessary to work on a computer

3. special kind competencies required for successful work programmer

4. use of digital technologies, communication tools and/or networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information for functioning in modern society

    Indicate what goals the study of computer science at school is aimed at in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard:

Choose one answer:

1. Possession of basic information about databases, their structure, creation tools and work with them

2. Mastering the knowledge that forms the basis of scientific ideas about information, information processes, systems, technologies and models

3. Possession of knowledge about the most important discoveries and achievements that influenced the development of engineering and technology

    Specify alphanumeric input devices

Choose one answer:

1. microphone

2. port

4. keyboard

    The status bar of the Microsoft Word application displays:

(multiple answers allowed)

Choose one or more answers:

1. Information about the typing language and the state of spelling in the document

2. Information about the number of pages, sections, current page number

3. Windows open documents applications

4. Information about the properties of the active document

Choose one answer:

1. When saving a file to a hard drive

2. To save the file for the first time with a new generated name or to a new location

3. To write a file with drawings

4. To write files to RAM

    Specify the type of lesson according to the presented structure: 1) the stage of preparing students for the active and conscious mastering of new material; 2) the stage of assimilation of new knowledge; 3) the stage of consolidation of new knowledge; 4) the stage of information of students about homework, briefing on its implementation: (choose the correct answer)

Choose one answer:

1. Lesson of repetition and generalization of the studied material

2. Lesson to consolidate the studied material

3. Lesson in learning new knowledge

4. Combined lesson

    Modern traditional education, as a technology, relies on

Choose one answer:

1. Pedagogy of cooperation

2. school of creativity I.P. Volkova

3. Pedagogy requirements

4. Orthodox pedagogy

    The main provisions on the rights of the child are enshrined in (in)

Choose one answer:

1. Convention on the Rights of the Child

2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

3. Constitution of the Russian Federation

4. International Covenant on civil rights

    In a text editor necessary condition performing a copy operation, formatting is ...

Choose one answer:

1. setting the cursor to a certain position

2. file printout

3. file saving

4. selection of a fragment of text

    Which key is used to delete an incorrectly entered character located to the left of the cursor?

Choose one answer:

1. DEL



    Input devices are (select more than one answer)

Choose one or more answers:

1. printer

2. keyboard

3. scanner

4. monitor

    The principle of organizing the educational process as a dialogue between a teacher and students and students among themselves is called the principle

Choose one answer:

1. individualization

2. personalization

3. Dialogization

4. problematization

    In a text editor, copying becomes possible after

Choose one answer:

1. save the file

2. printout file

3. set the cursor to certain place

4. highlighting a piece of text

    Main elements spreadsheet are:

Choose one answer:

1. data

3. Functions

4. cells

    Where information about an educational institution should be placed (according to the "Law on Education"):

Choose one answer:

1. on the administration computer in an educational institution

2. in emails from an educational institution

3. on the official website of the educational institution on the Internet

    To text editors include the following programs:

(multiple answers allowed)

Choose one or more answers:

1. Notebook

2. ApplicationsMicrosoft office

3.MS Word

4.Internet Explorer

    Specify the mode in which the document is presented on the screen in the form in which it will subsequently be printed

Choose one answer:

1. regular

2. reading mode

3. page layout

4. Web Document

5. structure

    Informatization of education is

Choose one answer:

1. development of user skills to receive information using a computer

2. use of computers in the education system

3. a set of measures to transform pedagogical processes based on the introduction of information products, tools, technologies into education

4. teaching a teacher to work on a computer

    Search engines include:

Choose one answer:



    Indicate in which direction the windows should face in the computer science room:

Choose one answer:

1. west

2. north

3. east

    Specify media devices

Choose one or more answers:

1. monitor

2. keyboard

3. columns

4. webcam

5. mouse

    Specify what is different natural language from formal:

Choose one answer:

1. Uniqueness of correspondence between groups of signs

2. physical nature signs

3. Availability strict rules grammar and syntax

    When you start Microsoft Word, by default it creates new document with title:

Choose one answer:

1. Book1

2. New Document1

3. Document1

4. Document

    Information recorded on a material carrier, with details that allow it to be identified, is called

Choose one answer:

1. trade secret

2. credible

3. documented

4. confidential

    Systematize the listed stages of the lesson with a system-activity approach:

A. actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial action;

B. identifying the place and cause of the difficulty;

B. motivation for learning activities;

G. reflection of educational activity;

E. construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty;

E. independent work with self-checking according to the standard;

G. implementation of the constructed project;

Z. primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech;

I. inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.

Choose one answer:

1. C, B, A, D, Z, F, I, F, G

2. C, A, B, D, F, H, F, I, D

3. Z, A, D, D, C, F, I, B, F

    The site is:

Choose one answer:

1. list of files available for download

2. set of hypertext documents

3. file opened with Internet Explorer

4. collection of web pages

    Monitoring learning outcomes is

Choose one answer:

1. the leading form of teacher-student feedback in the learning process

2. a system of evaluation and evaluation activities aimed at forming an adequate idea of ​​the objectively occurring processes in the social continuum

3. verification of the results of mastering knowledge, skills, as well as the development of certain competencies

4. mechanism for checking only students' knowledge

    What is a browser?

Choose one answer:

1. Antivirus software

2. This is Internet Explorer

3. A program for searching and viewing information on a computer screen from computer network

    To the methods of conducting social studies relate

Choose one answer:

1. survey

2. testing

3. all of the above

4. survey

    Email allows you to send

Choose one answer:

1. video images

2. messages only

3. messages and attachments

    The "Format" command allows you to:

Choose one answer:

1. picture insert

2. saving the document in a folder

3. choose paragraph and font options

4. insert table

    The internal criteria for the formation of a skill include

Choose one answer:

1. lack of focus of consciousness on the form of the task

2. reduction in the number of errors in the execution of the task

3. increased independence in the performance of the task

4. increase the speed of the task

    The main directions of the development of general education in accordance with the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation "Our new school" does NOT include

Choose one answer:

1. Expanding school autonomy

2. Maintaining and strengthening the health of schoolchildren

3. Additional monetary reward for performing the functions of a class teacher

4. Improvement of the teaching corps

5. Transition to new educational standards

    Information and telecommunications network using installed software and hardware for students and teaching staff at speeds below:

Choose one answer:

1. 30Mbps

2. 512 kbps

3. 500 kbps

    A legal act regulating social and labor relations in an organization and concluded by employees and an employer is called

Choose one answer:

1. Collective agreement

2. Labor agreement

3. employment contract

4. Bilateral agreement

    Personal socialization is

Choose one answer:

1. development moral values society

2. autonomy

3. adaptability, activity

4. all of the above

    Check the Internet - resources that are social networks?

Choose one or more answers:

1. Wikipedia

3. VKontakte

4. Odnoklassniki

    Internet services do not include:

(choose the correct answer)

Choose one answer:

1. FTP file transfer

2. Electronic e-mail

3. Standard Microsoft Windows Applications

4. Usenet newsgroups

    From the point of view of psychology, the process of education is

Choose one answer:

1. the process of development of the motivational-need sphere of the child

2. development process intellectual sphere child

3. leading professional function of teachers

4. an integral part of the learning process

    The .zip file is:

Choose one answer:

1. systemic

2. text

3. archival

4. Microsoft Office application file

    Searching for information on the Internet using keywords

Choose one answer:

2. Entering a word (phrase) in the address bar

3. entering a word (phrase) into search string

    What is an IP address?

Choose one answer:

1. Provider address

2. Address of your registration in the passport

3. Unique network address of a node in a computer network

    The principles of learning are

Choose one answer:

1. methods of work on the organization of the learning process

2. means of folk pedagogy and the modern pedagogical process

3. basic ideas of learning theory

4. theses of the theory and practice of training and education, reflecting the key points in the disclosure of processes, phenomena, events

    The official publication of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is

Choose one answer:

1. "Bulletin of normative acts federal bodies executive power»

2. Bulletin of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Higher and secondary professional education»

3. "Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation"

4. Education Bulletin

    Pedagogical technology is

Choose one answer:

1. a set of provisions that reveal the content of any theory, concept or category in the system of science

2. tools for achieving the learning goal

3. a set of operations for the construction, formation and control of knowledge, skills and attitudes in accordance with the goals

4. stability of the results obtained during repeated control, as well as close results when it is carried out by different teachers

    Select from the list the address of the Federal Portal "Russian Education":

(choose the correct answer)

Choose one answer:




    Instruments remote student support

Choose one or more answers:

1. network form learning

2. electronic modules in the remote control system learning Moodle

3. subject websites of teachers

4. official website of the educational institution

5. electronic resources of the Internet

    Indicate the correct definition of the term "learning task"

Choose one answer:

1. The learning task is the message of the topic of the lesson

2. A learning task is a goal that is personally significant for the student, which motivates the study of new material

3. A learning task is a solution of a mathematical problem in different ways

4. A learning task is a specific task for a student to complete in a lesson.

    ICT competence is

Choose one answer:

1. the user's confident possession of all the components of ICT literacy skills to solve emerging issues in educational and other activities

2. the ability to type texts with high speed printing

3. use of digital technologies, communication tools to gain access to information

4. knowledge of various computer programs and using them to process information

    According to L.S. Vygotsky, the leading role in the development of the psyche of the schoolchild belongs

Choose one answer:

1. communication

2. teaching

3. nurturing

4. game

    Processing and formatting information in MS Excel word processor. Information formatting options include:

Choose one answer:

1. font change

2. changing the height of the cells

3. creating table borders

4. all of the above