What does the word synthesis mean? Dictionary of medical terms

from the Greek synthesis - connection, combination) - connection (mental or real) various elements object into a single whole (system); method scientific research, consisting in the combination of various phenomena, things, qualities, opposites or a contradictory set into unity, into a whole, in which contradictions are smoothed out or removed. The opposite concept and scientific method is analysis.

Great Definition

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connection of various elements, sides of an object into a single whole (system), which is carried out both in practical activities as well as in the process of learning. In this sense, synthesis is opposed to analysis (the decomposition of an object into its components), with which it is inextricably linked. in philosophy and various sciences the term "synthesis" is also used in some special meanings. Thus, synthesis is sometimes understood as the process of reasoning, the successive derivation of what is to be proved from previously proven statements (as opposed to analysis as a process of reasoning from what has been proved to what has already been proven). A similar understanding of analysis and synthesis, dating back to ancient geometry (Plato, Euclid, Pappus of Alexandria), adheres, for example, to J. Hintikka. Another meaning of the term "synthesis" is associated with t, n. synthetic judgments that unite and generalize factual (empirical) information about objects. In its very general meaning analysis and synthesis are not only the basis human activity, but also determine the behavior of higher animals, and in technical implementations used in computer programs, in artificial self-organizing systems, etc. The physiological basis of human behavior is the analytical and synthetic activity of the brain. Synthesis as mental operation It is produced from the substantive connection of parts of objects into a whole and is historically formed in the process of social and industrial activity of people. The laws of transformation (interiorization) of objective synthetic actions into mental operations of synthesis are studied in psychology. Synthesis as a cognitive operation has many various forms. Any process of concept formation is based on the unity of the processes of analysis and synthesis. Empirical data from the study of a particular object are synthesized when they are theoretical generalization. In theoretical scientific knowledge, synthesis appears in the form of an interconnection of theories related to the same subject area; as a union of competing, in certain aspects, opposite theories (for example, the synthesis of corpuscular and wave representations in modern physics); in the form of constructing deductive (axiomatic, hypothetical-deductive, etc.) theories, etc.

For modern science not only the processes of synthesis within individual scientific disciplines, but also between different disciplines - an interdisciplinary synthesis - as well as between natural science, social and technical sciences. In the 20th century a number of so-called. integrative sciences (e.g., cybernetics, semiotics, systems theory), which synthesize data about structural properties objects of various disciplines. Study of synthesis procedures scientific knowledge plays essential role when solving the problem of the unity of science, in the interpretation of which they proceed from the diversity of forms of scientific and technical knowledge, combined on the basis of a synthesis of methodological tools, concepts and principles various areas knowledge.

Lit .: Mamardashvili M.K. Processes of analysis and synthesis. - "VF", 1958, No. 2; Gorsky D.P. Problems of the general methodology of sciences and dialectical logic. M., 1966; Synthesis of modern scientific knowledge. M., 1973; Shvyrev V. S. Theoretical and empirical in scientific knowledge. M., 1978; Bunge, M. Scientific Research, v. 1-2. Hdlb.-N.Y., 1967; HiMikkaJ. RemesU. The Method from Analysis. DordrechtBoston, 1974.

The trend of expanding mutual influence of cultures is especially relevant for the 20th century, which was expressed, in particular, in the popularization of the teachings of Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism in the West, in the saturation of European. African American culture. motives, in the blurring of the distinctions between "one's own" and "them".

A huge role in this process belongs to the means mass communication. The mass media products themselves with a cultural perspective. integrative in nature. Today, we can rightfully speak of the existence of a world culture, which, in contrast to world culture as a set of decomp. cultural formations, is a single integrated system of universal human. culture.

In cultural studies in theory. In terms of the problem of S. arts, it is most clearly developed in art history. Especially "mobile" turning points in the history of art. cultures are marked by activation of integrative processes. Such are, for example, theor. and creative. searches of the Jena romantics, artist. the search for R. Wagner, the style of modernity, the theory and practice of symbolism, etc.

Modern S. theory of arts reveals the principles of classification of numerous. types of connections diff. artistic elements, scientifically substantiates the patterns of these compounds. The fundamental principle of the interaction of arts in S. is the presence of two or more artistically independent systems, among which one acts as a dominant integrator of a qualitatively new synthetic art. whole. At the same time, the centuries-old and modern artistic practice give examples of the limitless variety of synthetic. connections diff. types of artists activities.

With enormous force, the attraction to mutual enrichment decomp. cultures affected in Russia. Specificity cultural development Russia is largely due to its openness to the West and East. In this manifestation of the "highly synthetic. ability of reconciliation, all-humanity" (Dostoevsky) they saw Russian. philosophers (Berdyaev, Vl. Solovyov, Dostoevsky and others) istor. Russian mission.

These ideas are reflected in Russian. aesthetics and art. 20th century the most important direction To-rogo was the desire to implement universal S. arts, to turn art into a kind of universal conciliar action, into life-creation, designed to change the world (A. Bely, A. Skryabin, Vyach. Ivanov, Vl. Solovyov). In their concepts, the art of art is presented not as an enrichment of some types of art. creativity will express, by means of other types, but as an ideological problem, as an expression of the universal nature of man. creativity.

In def. sense culture is synthetic as complete system, which includes diff. spheres of spiritual life.

Lit .: Konrad N.I. Zapadi Vostok: Articles. M.. 1972; Interaction and synthesis of arts. L., 1978; Bibler B.C. Culture. Dialogue of cultures (Experience of definition) // VF, 1989, No. 6; Berdyaev N.A. Rus. idea. Main prob. Russian thought of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century // About Russia and Rus. philosophy culture: Russian philosophers. post-October abroad. M., 1990; West and East. Tradition and modernity. M., 1993; Bely A. Symbolism as a world outlook. M., 1994; Munro Th. The Arts and their Interrelations. Cleveland, 1967 Levinson J. Hybrid Art Forms // The Journal of Aesthetic Education. V. 18. 1984. No. 4.

Great Definition

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the movement of thought from more particular concepts to more general ones; the mental connection of the parts of an object, a phenomenon, dissected in the process of analysis, the establishment of the interaction and connections of parts and the knowledge of this object, a phenomenon as a whole. (one)

Great Definition

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from the Greek synthesis - combination, compilation), connection of elements, properties (sides). the object under study into a single whole (system), carried out both in practice. activity, and in the process of cognition C - one of the main mental operations. Integrity - salient feature perception, the concept is formed by synthesizing separate essential features objects and phenomena, C is included in creative activity thinking and imagination to create a new image (idea), on the basis of C, the components are combined in the process of forming a motor skill. S. is inextricably linked with analysis and does not exist separately from it; synthetic knowledge about an object is based on its selection constituent parts or private features C is closely related to generalization, systematization, comparison, together with to-rymi is logical. apparatus of thought.

During mental development child C in the form of abstract concepts precedes C at the level of practical. and game action in the form of real transformations of objects Disassembling and assembling toy pyramids, composing mosaic elements certain figure and so on, the child practically performs a visual-effective C From C in the plan of action, the child goes to C in the plan specific images and representations, to-ry develops in the process of depicting. productive activity Formed first in practice. activities, C then becomes an operation or party conceptual thinking and their mediation of new actions. All these forms of C are the necessary basis for the systematic. assimilation of knowledge in the learning process and improve in this process

Combined with analysis into a single analytic-synthetic structure, C on different stages solutions to -l mental task may occupy a different place It may precede analysis C gives a general guiding idea for analytical work on the material, allows you to deepen and comprehend it For example, in order to write an essay, the student must have a certain swarm general idea, the main idea, in accordance with which he selects factual material. In other cases, C can take place after analysis as its result. For example, by highlighting all the letters in a word, combining them into syllables, students perceive the whole word Role of C here consists in obtaining a new object from separate elements

C, however, is not an automatic consequence of the analysis and may lag behind it. Inconsistency in analysis C was noted in ml of schoolchildren After analyzing a task or highlighting letters in a word, students often find it difficult to combine the elements they themselves received. For example, highlighting the task data, the student cannot link them right relationship to answer the question posed in the problem. Therefore, there is a special the problem of finding a ped. methods of managing the process of S. and the formation of certain actions in students to identify intrasubject connections. Its solution cannot be given in general view and depends on the specific material. In particular, when solving arithmetic (etc.). tasks important role plays drawing up a scheme synthesizing essential conditions tasks. In addition, it is important that all stages of solving the problem (reading the conditions, drawing up a diagram, solving, checking). united in the minds of students into a coherent program (plan). actions required to solve any problem. An effective remedy S.'s control is a simulation, i.e. reproduction in subject, graphic. or sign models of essential connections of the objects under study. The selection by the teacher of generalizing questions in connection with the passage of a particular topic also contributes to the synthesis of knowledge into a single whole. Ultimately, the management of analytic-synthetic. activities of students associated with the tasks of building an account. subjects and organization uch. activities through complex requirements for the process of teaching logic, psychology, didactics, methodology.



1. Research method - establishing a connection and bringing together individual elements obtained in the process of analysis (scientific, philosophical). Synthesis of phenomena.

|| Conclusion, complex generalization, the result obtained from this information (scientific). correct synthesis.

2. The highest stage in the development of a phenomenon, uniting in itself, as in a higher unity, the progressive elements of the previous stages of development (philosophical). From thesis through antithesis to synthesis.

3. Receipt chemical compound from the constituent parts by chemical reaction elements (chem.). Synthesis of organic substances.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what "SYNTHESIS" is in other dictionaries:

    - (from the Greek connection, combination, composition), the connection of various elements, sides of an object into a single whole (system), which is carried out both in practice. activities and in the learning process. In this sense, S. is opposite ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Synthesis- Synthesis ♦ Synthèse In Greek, the word synthesis means union, composition, connection. To synthesize means to put together (tithenai) together (sun). Thus, synthesis resists analysis, that is, dismemberment, decomposition. Synthesis goes from simple to ... Philosophical Dictionary Sponville

    synthesis- a, m. synthese f. gr. synthesis connection, compilation. 1. The method of scientific study of the phenomena of reality in their integrity, in the interaction of their parts. ALS 1. First, the human mind breaks up the object, considers, so to speak, monads ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (Greek syn together, tithemi I put) the method of thinking, consisting in ascending from the simple to the complex, from parts to the whole, from causes to phenomena, from beginning to consequences, is the opposite of analysis. Vocabulary foreign words included in the Russian ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    synthesis- (from Greek synthesis connection, combination, composition) included in the acts of interaction of the organism with the environment, the process of practical or mental reunification of the whole from parts or the combination of various elements, sides of the object into a single whole, ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    - (Greek connection, combination, composition) the connection of various elements into a single whole, qualitatively different from their simple sum. The concept of S. in cultural studies is characterized by ambiguity and semantic openness. It… … Encyclopedia of cultural studies

    Unity, unity, replication, integrity, generalization, connection, synthesis. Ant. analysis, analysis, analysis Dictionary of Russian synonyms. synthesis, see generalization 2 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language ... Synonym dictionary

    synthesis- - synthesis 1. research method, in in a certain sense inverse to analysis, i.e. which aims to combine the individual parts of the system under study, its elements, into single system. Purpose… … Technical Translator's Handbook

    - (from the Greek synthesis connection), the connection (mental or real) of various elements of an object into a single whole (system). Synthesis is inextricably linked with analysis (dismemberment of an object into elements) ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (from Greek synthesis connection) connection (mental or real) of various elements of an object into a single whole (system); synthesis is inextricably linked with analysis (dismemberment of an object into elements) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Synthesis, Slyusarenko Sergey Sergeevich. Centrum. central world universe, surrounded by the petals of other worlds, among which is our Earth. Once the Centrum was great and strong, but the catastrophe threw it into the past. Here on…

Dictionary Ushakov


synthesis[te], synthesis, pl. No, husband. (Greek synthesis - connection).

1. Research method - establishing a connection and bringing together individual elements obtained in the process of analysis ( scientific, philosophy). Synthesis of phenomena.

| Conclusion, complex generalization, the result obtained from this information ( scientific). correct synthesis.

2. HIGH STAGE in the development of a phenomenon, uniting in itself, as in a higher unity, the progressive elements of the previous stages of development ( philosophy). From thesis through antithesis to synthesis.

3. Obtaining a chemical compound from its constituent parts by a chemical reaction of elements ( chem.). Synthesis of organic substances.

Beginnings of Modern Natural Science. Thesaurus


(from Greek synthesis - connection, combination) - connection (mental or real) of various elements of an object into a single whole (system); method of scientific research, consisting in the combination of various phenomena, things, qualities, opposites or contradictory multitude into unity, into a whole, in which contradictions are smoothed out or removed. The opposite concept and scientific method is analysis.

Culturology. Dictionary-reference


Greek synthesis - connection, combination, compilation.

☼ connection of various elements into a single whole, qualitatively different from their simple sum.

The concept of S. in cultural studies is characterized by ambiguity and semantic openness. It corresponds with such terms as "dialogue of cultures", "communication of cultures" (V. Bibler), "concert of cultures" (G. Pomerants) and others, and, therefore, implies the interaction of cultures different regions, countries, nations, their mutual enrichment. This kind of mutual influence was discovered, for example, in the course of the Arab. mediation in the succession app. civilization in relation to the ancient one; in the east influence in the knightly Middle Ages in Europe; in the symbolism of Dante's images, borrowed from the famous Muslim esoteric philosopher Mukhiddin ibn Arabi; in the classical motifs widely used in the Renaissance. Iran. and Arab. poetry (including the very concept of humanism); in the use of Byzantium. canons in architecture Zap. Europe; in the island subjects of Gauguin's paintings, etc.

The trend of expanding mutual influence of cultures is especially relevant for the 20th century, which was expressed, in particular, in the popularization of the teachings of Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism in the West, in the saturation of European. African American culture. motives, in the blurring of the distinctions between "one's own" and "them".

Mass media play an important role in this process. The mass media products themselves with a cultural perspective. integrative in nature. Today, we can rightfully speak of the existence of a world culture, which, in contrast to world culture as a set of decomp. cultural formations, is a single integrated system of universal human. culture.

In cultural studies in theory. In terms of the problem of S. arts, it is most clearly developed in art history. Especially "mobile", turning points in the history of art. cultures are marked by activation of integrative processes. Such are, for example, theor. and creative. searches of the Jena romantics, artist. R. Wagner's searches, modern style, theory and practice, etc.

Modern S. theory of arts reveals the principles of classification of numerous. types of connections diff. artistic elements, scientifically substantiates the patterns of these compounds. The fundamental principle of the interaction of arts in S. is the presence of two or more artistically independent systems, among which one acts as a dominant integrator of a qualitatively new synthetic art. whole. At the same time, the centuries-old and modern artistic practice give examples of the limitless variety of synthetic. connections diff. types of artists activities.

With enormous force, the attraction to mutual enrichment decomp. cultures affected in Russia. The specificity of Russia's cultural development is largely due to its openness to the West and East. In this manifestation of the "highly synthetic. ability of reconciliation, all-humanity" (Dostoevsky) they saw Russian. philosophers (, Vl. Solovyov, Dostoevsky, etc.) istor. Russian mission.

These ideas are reflected in Russian. aesthetics and art. In the 20th century, the most important direction of which was the desire to implement universal S. arts, to turn art into a kind of universal conciliar action, into life-creation, designed to change the world (A., A. Skryabin, Vyach., Vl. Solovyov). In their concepts, the art of art is presented not as an enrichment of some types of art. expresses creativity. by means of other species, but as an ideological problem, as an expression of the universal nature of man. creativity.

In def. sense culture is synthetic as an integral system, which includes dec. spheres of spiritual life.

Lit.: Konrad N.I. Zapadi Vostok: Articles. M.. 1972; Interaction and synthesis of arts. L., 1978; Bibler B.C. Culture. Dialogue of cultures (Experience of definition) // VF, 1989, No. 6; Berdyaev N.A. Rus. idea. Main prob. Russian thought of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century // About Russia and Rus. philosophy culture: Russian philosophers. post-October abroad. M., 1990; West and East. Tradition and modernity. M., 1993; Bely A. Symbolism as a world outlook. M., 1994; Munro Th. The Arts and their Interrelations. Cleveland, 1967 Levinson J. Hybrid Art Forms // The Journal of Aesthetic Education. V. 18. 1984. No. 4.

N.D. Irza.

Cultural studies of the twentieth century. Encyclopedia. M.1996

Pedagogical terminological dictionary


(from Greek synthesis - combination, compilation)

connection of elements, properties (sides) of the object under study into a single whole (system). S. - one of the main. mental operations. Integrity is a characteristic feature of perception; the concept is formed by synthesizing individual essential features of objects and phenomena; S. is included in the creative activity of thinking and imagination to create a new image (idea); on the basis of S., the components are combined in the process of forming a motor skill. S. is inextricably linked with analysis and does not exist separately from it, as well as with generalization, systematization, comparison, together with which it constitutes the logical apparatus of thinking.

(Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 2002. S. 259)

Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism


(from Greek synthesis - connection) - a connection (mental or real) of various elements of an object into a single whole (system).

Republic of Belarus: literature and science

Corr: analysis

* "... The integrity of the work cannot be conveyed in the study with the help of that direct indivisibility, which remains both an advantage and a disadvantage of the reader's perception. Science goes to its comprehension through preliminary analysis and subsequent synthesis" (Yu.M. Lotman). *

Terms of Cinematic Semiotics

Glossary of Nuclear Power Terms


more education heavy core of two lighter ones (usually hydrogen isotopes) with concomitant emission a large number energy.

Philosophical Dictionary (Comte-Sponville)



♦ Synthese

Greek word synthesis means union, composition, connection. To synthesize means to put together (tithenai) together (sun). Thus, synthesis resists analysis, that is, dismemberment, decomposition.

Synthesis goes from simple to complex, teaches Leibniz. According to the part of the existing elements, it constitutes (or restores) the whole. Analysis in progress from complex to simple. It divides the whole into elements. An example of this would be chemical processes. By combining oxygen and hydrogen atoms, water can be synthesized. Conversely, by subjecting it to analysis, one can obtain oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

However, in philosophy, the word "synthesis" is used mainly to refer to a mental process consisting only of ideas. This is how Descartes understands synthesis. Synthesis is the third, after evidence and analysis, rule of his method: “Arrange your thoughts in a certain order, starting with the simplest and easily cognizable objects, and ascend little by little, as if by steps, to the knowledge of the most complex” (“Reasoning about the method” , part II). It follows from this that analysis is the first (the simple is not given from the outset; it still needs to be conquered) and the closest of true ways, thanks to which every thing was methodically invented (see "Objections ..."). Synthesis basically serves to prove what is already known. It is enough to compare, for example, "Reflections on the First Philosophy" of the same Descartes, written in an analytical vein, and his "Principles of Philosophy", built on the principle of synthesis.

But synthesis is not only order or method. For Hegel and Marx, this is also one of the aspects of dialectics. Two opposites are combined, forming a third, superior term (that is, destroying and simultaneously preserving both), - this is synthesis. Such is becoming as a synthesis of being and nothingness (Hegel, Science of Logic, Section I, Chapter 1). Such is the fruit as a synthesis of seed and plant (Engels, Anti-Dühring, Section I, Chapter 13). Or communism as a synthesis of the class struggle (the proletariat “wins this struggle only by destroying itself and its opposite,” that is, private property; Marx and Engels, The Holy Family, IV; see also Capital, I, section 8, chapter 32). The negation of negation is a new affirmation. This is " good side» denial, it is peace in motion and fertility. Too pretty to be true, you say? Many people actually think so. In any case, many of our students understand synthesis in this way, reducing it in their works to an apology for the golden mean, and as a result they get listlessness and indecision. Suffice it to recall the infamous scheme - "thesis, antithesis, synthesis", according to which such works are written. Of course, this is a scheme as a scheme, and no one is forbidden to use it. But it still needs to be understood dialectically. "Thesis, antithesis, synthesis" does not mean "black - white - grey". Or yes, no, maybe. Because this is no longer a synthesis, but an evasion from making a decision and a compromise. Not dialectics, but chewing gum.

Synthesis[Greek synthesis - connection, combination, composition] - the process of practical or mental reunification of the whole from parts or the connection of various elements, sides of the object into a single whole, a necessary stage of knowledge, included in the acts of interaction of the organism with the environment. S. is inextricably linked with analysis, they complement each other. With how human mental operation, as well as analysis, is historically formed in the process of their materially transforming activity.

OK. Tikhomirov

Definitions, meanings of the word in other dictionaries:

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(Greek synthesis - connection) - the unification of scientific, philosophical and religious knowledge to achieve a complete understanding of reality. Neoplatonism provided such a synthesis in ancient philosophy. In the Middle Ages, scholasticism created Sums. Beginning, however, with the Renaissance, none of the eras ...

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(from the Greek synthesis - connection, combination, composition) - mental operation -. Consists of connecting various signs object or process identified at the previous stage of analysis - into a certain system with reproduction - hierarchical relationships inherent ...

Psychological Encyclopedia

(from the Greek synthesis - connection, combination, composition) - mental operation. It consists in combining various features of an object or process, identified at the previous stage of analysis, into a certain system with the reproduction of hierarchical relationships inherent in real ...

Psychological Encyclopedia

(from the Greek synthesis - connection, combination) - the connection of various elements, aspects of an object into a single whole (system), which is carried out both in practical activities and in the process of cognition. In this sense, the term "C" is opposed to the analysis with which it ...