Who to apply after college. How to get into college on a budget and after college

Until 2015, many students entered colleges after 9 on a budget, since professional education considered as the first year of undergraduate studies. As a result, graduates of such institutions were admitted to the institute under a preferential program. However? the situation has changed. Since 2016, all graduates of vocational schools enter the first year of the university, but instead of the USE, they are interviewed or take a short test.

College admission after 9 classes for a budget place

In many schools, starting from the 9th grade, they conduct tests to determine the ability and choice of profession. If the student has decided on a profession, for example, to enter Construction College on the budget after the 9th grade, then most educational institutions of a certain level of accreditation announce the enrollment of students from March 1.

The passport;
USE results;
Original certificate of receipt incomplete education;
Application (written directly to the commission when submitting documents);
Insurance policy;
Six photographs of the standard 3x4;
Certificate No. 086 / y.

Enroll in college after grade 9 for banking budget can be based on the results of the exam. However, many institutions arrange for their applicants, if they want to enter on the budget, additional exams: control or dictation. Those students who do not have 3 in the certificate and good academic performance are enrolled in a budgetary place.

Exams for admission are taken at the school according to the following principle: Russian (mandatory), subject in the specialty.

Students in colleges for a hairdresser after grade 9 on a budget are accepted for a period of study of 2 years. In other specialties, the time frame of education can be up to 4 years.

College admission after grade 11 on a budget

Going to college after 11 on a budget can be quite simple. It is necessary to collect and submit to the selection committee, which starts working on June 20, a package of documents.

IMPORTANT! From March 1 all educational institutions announce the number of seats a certain specialty.

The documents for admission are as follows:
Application (written to the commission);
Copy of passport and identity documents;
original document about full completion schools;
Four photos of standard size 3x4.

Since vocational education is recognized as publicly available, it is not necessary to pass the USE. The college can enroll a student based on the results of school tests or arrange for state employees oral exam or an interview. A free place with the right to receive a scholarship is received by students whose certificate does not contain 3 and top marks.

IMPORTANT! We recommend that you pass the exam if you plan to enter an institute on a budget after college and get higher education. Some institutes require test scores, although they are not required for college graduates.

Moscow colleges after grade 9 with budget places

It should be noted that not all establishments have free places. Therefore, the number of allocated places for free education after 9 classes it is worth checking with a particular institution.

Among vocational institutions that annually accept graduates after 9 classes for free places, we highlight:
College of Architecture, Design No. 26;
College "Podmoskovye";
College of Architecture and Urban Planning;
Hospitality Industry College #23;
College of Communications No. 54;
Moscow regional college innovative technologies;
Construction College №30.

On the territory of other regions, the number of colleges is distinct, however, after the 9th grade, a student has a wide choice of educational institutions.

Colleges after 11 classes with budget places

Today, there are over 3,000 colleges in Russia that accept 11th grade graduates for free education. Of these, 170 colleges in Moscow and the region, 80 in St. Petersburg. The rest are distributed among other regions and major cities.

Is it possible to enter an institute on a budget after college

According to the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", all college graduates who studied at free of charge, have the right to receive higher education also free of charge. This means that you can graduate from college for free after college, but not vice versa. If you after a university or institute want to enter a technical school or college for a budget place, having previously received an education top level, the second training will be paid.

Perhaps you will be interested.

You can get a second education for various reasons. Someone wants to improve their skills and is engaged in the study of areas adjacent to their specialty. Someone is chasing prestige and a beautiful resume. And someone understands that they made a mistake in choosing after school, and decides to turn in a completely different direction.

In any case, before you run to the admissions office, look at another level. There are 3,500 secondary specialized educational institutions in Russia, absolute majority of which are government. There are approximately the same number of colleges and technical schools among them.

Many, like universities and academies, give a chance to get an education remotely. Almost every college or technical school has an evening department.

Why mean special education maybe better than the highest?


The time for which you will receive a specialty in college is 3-4 years. In college - 2-3 years. At the university - 4–6 years. When you are no longer 16, spending another couple of years studying subjects that will not be useful is pointless.

Specific specialty

If you decide to change your profession, vocational education gives more chances to get ready-made professional skills. University gives more general knowledge, college and technical school are specific.


If you went to university after high school, you can go to college for free.

AT Russian Federation guaranteed to be generally available and free of charge in accordance with federal government educational standards preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, secondary vocational education, as well as free higher education on a competitive basis, if education given level citizen receives for the first time.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Even if the budget options do not suit you (for example, there are very few evening and correspondence free departments), the cost of education will be lower than at a university.

Universities will cost 40-300 thousand rubles a year. Colleges - at 30-150. The specific price depends on the region, and on the specialty, and on the rating of the educational institution. But the price tag of the best college is about the level of an average university. But the choice of colleges that are ready to train you for 30-50 thousand is many times more.


The conditions for enrolling for a second education differ for each university and college. But entrance tests many colleges, especially evening departments, no effort required. Even the number of exams is less than in the university.

According to statistics, last year, out of ten applicants to universities, one entrant entered. In colleges, the ratio is five to one.


After work, you pick up the child from kindergarten, stand in traffic, go to the store, run to the gym or to a second job. But now you are learning! We need to cancel everything and hurry to the lecture. In history, if you study in the specialty "banking". Or physical education (and this subject is available in almost all federal programs education). It's not even funny.

So, in the college the program general subjects much easier. For the most part, you don't even have to attend, just bring your first diploma and write the appropriate application. At the same time, special subjects are taught at a high level.

Accelerated Learning

After college in your arms new profession. And the opportunity to grow in it, to get at least a third, at least a fourth degree, mastering accelerated university programs (undergraduate studies) in parallel with a new job.


Colleges train students for jobs. Quantity practical exercises will go off scale, after ssuza you will come to workplace and calmly start working.

Of course, talking about good college. But you won't go to the bad one, will you?


I already foresee a wave of comments: “All employers require higher education!”. In fact, an employer is more likely to hire a person with work experience, albeit in a different field, and a college diploma, than a graduate of an eminent university who has seen work only in rare practices. And well-known colleges are quoted no worse than many universities.

And now, for objectivity, let's talk about the cons.


Decide what you are looking for. If you want to scientific work and in-depth study of a particular area, go to university. If you want a certificate, go to the courses. If you need management skills, read books. From the college and technical school you need to expect very specific results, and not the ability to do everything at once. Secondary specialized education is still narrowly focused.


It's not about qualifications, experienced and knowledgeable people. But they are accustomed to dealing with children who often come after the ninth grade. It is more difficult for them to switch to adults, and this often leads to distortions. Evening students are either expected to have 200% attendance, or they are forced to draw posters and wall newspapers, or they threaten to give a lower score, not realizing that no one will scold you at home for a three or four. Sometimes it is annoying, but it helps to remember childhood.

Is secondary vocational education suitable for you as a second?

It has been far from the first year, as we all know, that 11th grade graduates take such an exam as "USE" - Unified State exam. These three letters from the first days of their existence immediately began to instill fear and horror in schoolchildren who fear for their future. Fortunately, at present, passing the exam has become business as usual. After all, everyone gives it up.

However, in life there are still cases when a school graduate still does not have USE results. Does this really mean that the child went to school for 11 years in vain? Of course not. Even in such cases, it is possible to carry out training in the secondary / higher educational institution. The main thing would be desire.

Next, questions arise: where can I go without the Unified State Exam, how to enter without the Unified State Examination for correspondence? It is possible to enter the institute without the exam! Just like how to go to college without the exam. Is it possible to enter in absentia without the exam? And then the answer is yes! Let's consider in more detail.

In what cases is it possible to continue education after school without USE results

At the end of grade 11, each graduate Russian school surrenders compulsory exam USE. As the teachers at school say, without him it is impossible to do anything after school. But is it? Not really. Yes, without the results of the Unified State Examination, the school cannot issue a certificate to the graduate, and he leaves the native walls of the school only with a certificate stating that he has attended the expected course of lectures for 11 classes. But this is not the end. There are several cases when a child can go to school further.

Get into college without an exam

Is it possible to go to college without the exam? Can't wait passing the exam after grade 11 and leave school at the end of 9 years of study. The option is good for those who are not going to study at a higher educational institution, but want to get a secondary vocational education. In such institutions, they accept for training on the basis of not only 11, but also 9 classes.

Enter the institute without the exam

With the institute, things are a little more complicated. It's not enough just to finish 9 classes. Something else is needed. And what exactly - now we will consider.

So, firstly, you can try to pass the exam on next year already with other graduates. On the one hand, this is the simplest option: you don’t need to invent something, look for some paths that lead to universities without USE results. There are at least 360 days left in order to have time to carefully prepare for the next passing of such a serious exam. On the other hand, what to do all this year? Spend days cramming biology and solving equations? No, this option will not suit anyone. Or go to work? In this case, if it turns up good job, you can generally "score" on further education. In general, there are some pluses, some minuses in this option, but still this option is there.

You can enter the institute without the Unified State Examination, if the graduate wins the All-Russian School Olympiad or the Olympiad held at the university itself, in which former student schools wants to enroll. Based on the victory in the All-Russian school olympiad there is an opportunity to enter absolutely any university without the results of the exam and any other exams. The University Olympiad, in turn, makes it possible to enter the corresponding university without hindrance. A great option for talented guys.

Thirdly, it should be noted that each graduate has the opportunity to choose not only between the educational institutions of his country, but also try to enter abroad, where it is absolutely not necessary to have USE results. It will be necessary to pass the "local" exams and then - welcome. Only now, in order to achieve a budget place, you will need to pass everything as "excellent". Which is not so simple, at first glance, although it is quite feasible for some. By the way, this option is suitable for both the "tower" and the college.

The fourth option for admission without the Unified State Examination may be graduating from college. If, as already mentioned, you entered college on the basis of 9 classes, then it is quite possible to enter a university without an exam after college, continue your studies and get a "tower" without the hated results of the exam. So, quite a good option.

And, of course, I want to talk about children with handicapped, as well as "beneficiaries" who have absolutely no hindrance to study at any university without passing the exam. In some cases, it will be necessary to pass only university exams. Nevertheless, whatever the results, the educational institution does not have the right to refuse a school graduate, but must "meet the graduate halfway."

Enter in absentia without the exam

How to enter a university without the exam in absentia? In general, we can say that in all educational institutions for evening and distance learning applicants are accepted without presenting the results of the exam. To enroll in distance learning without the Unified State Examination, you will only need to pass the entrance exams for the specialty of your choice at the appropriate educational institution. True, you should not count on a budget place - almost always such training takes place on a paid basis.

Where can I go without the exam

Despite all the listed ways of entering after school, without passing the exam, it will still not be so easy. What universities can I enter without the exam? You need to choose the right educational institution.

If you - creative person, who has a pronounced talent in any field (draw, sing, etc.), then it will not be difficult for you to enter the desired university. Basically, universities creative specialties do not pay attention to the presence of the exam, tk. for them, the talent of a potential student is much more important.

You can try to get into humanitarian university, even on a budget place. To do this, you will need to pass the entrance exams.

And if you have already graduated from college, won All-Russian Olympiad or you have the right to "preferential" admission - then it will not be difficult for you to enter a university, because in these cases many doors open for you.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Today, higher education is considered compulsory, even though most of university graduates go to work not in the acquired profession.

The college is an ideal basis for further admission to a university or institute. This is justified by the fact that a completed education will be an advantage and will give the student a choice: improve their skills or go to work.

Who can go to university

According to the results of entrance examinations conducted for a bachelor or a specialist, one can enter:

  • persons who graduated from secondary specialized educational institutions;
  • applicants who decide to enter, already having a diploma of higher education;
  • persons having citizenship of another state;
  • persons, residents or non-residents of the country who have passed final certification in educational institution, but not a single state exam, during the period of the entrance campaign, but no later than one year after passing the exams.

These categories of applicants for admission pass the entrance examination tests determined by the higher educational institution, the names of which correspond to the names of the entrance exams based on the results of the unified state exam.

Advantages of entering a university after graduating from a secondary specialized educational institution

Most employers require job seekers certain requirements, and the presence of a document on graduation from a higher educational institution will be an advantage. Especially if the applicant decided to choose the same specialty that was in college. A graduate with a higher education is open large quantity vacancies in the labor market.

Choice of the form of education

The acquisition of higher education after college gives the opportunity to choose the form and schedule of study. So, if a student prefers to devote all his time to knowledge, then he can choose face-to-face learning. If he prefers to combine study with work, he can choose correspondence form.

Daytime education:

  • assumes the presence of the student at all lectures and practical classes;
  • the student actively participates in the life of the educational institution;
  • on the daily form learning more budget places than part-time, so there is also the opportunity to receive a scholarship.

Extramural higher education after college:

  • lectures for students are usually organized separately from lectures of the full-time department, it happens that classes are held on weekends;
  • the student is in full control of his free time from study, i.e. can combine study with work;
  • there are significantly fewer budget places;
  • Distance learning is always cheaper.

USE or entrance exams?

After college, you can get a higher education without passing the exam. Graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions have the opportunity to enroll on the basis of the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university. If it is important, they may also take the state exam or prefer to take all the exams together. It depends on the choice of further specialty.

All this is done when the applicant submits an application for admission, indicating the subjects for which he passed the exam, and for which he will take the entrance exams.

An indulgence in acquiring higher education after college can be obtained if the applicant chooses the same specialty that he had in college. Often, for admission, it is enough to pass an internal entrance examination, and the exam will be taken only by school graduates entering the university. But if another specialty is chosen, different from the one obtained in college, all aspects of the entrance campaign will still have to be passed. For this reason, all the details and subtleties of entering a university must be learned from the employees of the admissions committee of the institution.

Submission of documents

How to get higher education after college? The introductory campaign begins with the submission of documents to the selection committee. Documents can be submitted in several ways:

  • personally to the selection committee;
  • through post offices;
  • through a local Internet network;
  • through a trustee.

But you need to pay attention that not all universities accept documents in one way or another. In order not to be mistaken, the nuances need to be clarified in the admission committee of the institution.

Documents for admission:

  • an application for admission to the selected university (written according to the model, each educational institution may have a form of compilation different from other universities, and somewhere you do not need to write an application by hand at all - just fill out an electronic form);
  • applicant's passport;
  • diploma of completed education or certificate;
  • four photos (on the back of each photo you need to write the full name of the applicant);
  • medical certificate and vaccination card.

Some universities provide a pre-registration program for applicants by filling out a special electronic form, in which the applicant independently enters all the necessary data. Further selection committee considers the submitted form and makes a decision on the admission of the applicant to the university.

Term of study in the period of higher education after college

The applicant has the right to choose the duration of training, but still it remains within certain limits. Undergraduate students study for four years, and for a specialist - five years on a full-time basis. If a student chooses part-time, then the term for higher education after college may be reduced. When drawing up a special personal training order, those subjects that the student has already completed in college will be taken into account.

If there are more than seven students with special education, a group will be formed. If there are fewer of them, then the group is not formed, but an individual schedule is drawn up for each student. Thus, each of them is trained according to his program, only in different groups.

The exception is the term for obtaining higher education after medical college. Thus, nurses and paramedics receive education in two and a half and three and a half years, respectively; dentists study for five years; other medical higher education can be obtained in six years. And one more difference medical school in that extramural produces only pharmaceutical specialties.