How many tasks do you need to solve. Mathematics exam profile level

As you know, the USE in mathematics 2016 is compulsory exam which is required for all graduates. Since 2015, the mathematical state exam has been divided into basic and profile level. The basic level is designed for applicants to universities where there is no need to pass mathematics, and the profile level is for applicants to technical universities.

In 2016, the Ministry of Education will conduct an experiment to pass the exam ahead of schedule. Early USE of the basic level, students will be able to pass a year earlier, that is, at the end of the tenth grade. Based on the results of the approbation, it will become known whether the system of early USE in mathematics will be introduced in the future.

What is the difference between the basic and profile level of the Unified State Examination in mathematics

  • A basic level of. Within 3 hours, students will have to solve 20 tasks. Questions must be answered as a single number. For some tasks, the answers will consist of several numbers.
  • Profile level. The exam in mathematics is divided into two parts, the first of which contains 9 tasks of medium difficulty with a short answer, the second - 12 questions - 5 with a short answer and 7 with a detailed answer.

One of the innovations in the USE 2016 will be oral decision multiple tasks. Although, this issue is still being considered by the Ministry of Education. In any case, you need to be prepared for such changes, since already in 2015 they touched the Russian language.

USE scores and grades in mathematics 2016

Of course, everyone is primarily interested in how many points you need to score to receive a certificate or admission to a university. Let's say right away that the passing score in mathematics is increasing every year and it is difficult to say what it will be in 2016.

In any case, more than 1-2 points will not rise. If we take 2015, then the passing score in mathematics was:

  • Profile level - minimum 27 points (accepted in universities)
  • Base level - minimum 3 points (the right to receive a certificate, not accepted in universities)

The passing score in mathematics consists of the sum of the points scored during the exam, which are recalculated according to a 100-point system using a special conversion scale. The result is determined by taking into account the number and complexity of questions that the student answered correctly. Moreover, the criteria for evaluating questions are as follows: the most difficult of them are those that could not be answered correctly. the largest number graduates.

Since 2009, criteria USE assessment in mathematics have become different from the transfer to marks on a five-point system. However, it is difficult for many to give up the usual equivalent of marks, so we wrote the correspondence of scores to the standard school mark, thanks to which you can find out how many tasks you need to do in order to pass the exam in mathematics 2016 for 3, 4 or 5:

  • Two - from 0 to 23 points.
  • Three - from 24 to 46 points.
  • Four - from 47 to 64 points.
  • Five - from 65 points.

Preparation for the regular and early exam in mathematics

As stated above, a basic level of Mathematics exam can be taken after 10th grade. The tasks are already presented on the official website of FIPI in the form of demos. "Earliers" can download files in PDF format to get acquainted with the content and structure of tasks. In addition, you can find out the requirements for the design of answers, the level of difficulty and how many points you need to score.

Preparation for the exam in mathematics 2016 is carried out according to school textbooks approved for use by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. If necessary, the children will be able to get advice from tutors or teachers. self-training to early USE it is possible according to control and measuring materials or special assignments In chapter " open bank assignments in mathematics" on the FIPI website. You can check your readiness for the exam with the help of online tests.

Frequently asked Questions

Currently, there are a lot of resources dedicated to the USE in mathematics in 2016, the most significant of which is the FIPI website. Preparation for the exam is carried out through interactive materials and online courses with a teacher. Also on online tests you can find answers to questions:

  • What is the minimum passing grade in math?

In order to get a certificate, you need to score only 3 points. However, such an assessment is not accepted for admission to universities. Admission to entrance exams in higher educational institutions is carried out from 27 points.

  • How many tasks do you need to do to pass the exam in mathematics 2016 for 3, 4 or 5?

Of the 20 proposed tasks, you must correctly answer 7 to get a passing score. For the four, you need to correctly complete at least 14 tasks, and the five - at least 20

  • Evaluation criteria or how points and grades are assigned?

The sum of points for the exam (primary scores) is recalculated according to a special 100-point results scale into test scores. 7 primary points equals 27 test. Maximum amount primary points - 30, which corresponds to 100 test points

  • How many points do you need to score in the basic and profile level?

Basic and profile levels differ in complexity and number of questions. Therefore, on each of them you need to score at least 27 points, which are passing for passing the exam in higher educational institutions

USE in mathematics 2016. Profile level

Mathematics continues to be a mandatory USE exam. Therefore, all changes in the procedure for passing this subject are of concern to thousands of graduates throughout Russia. Starting this year, the discipline is divided into two levels: basic and specialized. Students who do not link their future with exact science or just want to get a certificate, it is enough to choose a basic level by scoring from 3 to 27 points. Well, future applicants for places in technical universities are waiting for the USE in mathematics 2016 profile level. Let's talk about this form in detail.

How the exam will be conducted

The knowledge test, as in this year, will consist of two parts, differing in complexity. First, students have to decide USE assignments in mathematics 2016 profile level of medium complexity. These are nine questions that require short answers. Then comes the turn of the complicated part, consisting of 12 tasks. Seven of them will require a detailed answer, and five - a short one. The answers must be given orally and in writing.

Evaluation criteria. Points and grades

Here we are waiting for the already familiar 100-point system. In this case, those options will be considered the most difficult USE questions in mathematics 2016 at the profile level, which the majority of examinees did not master.

"Losers" will be considered guys who have earned an amount within 23 points. To become a "three" student, you will have to try to collect at least 24 points. "Good students" should show the result in the range of 47 - 64 points. Accordingly, the “excellent student” will be the one who scores 65 or more points.

Changes in the exam in mathematics 2016 profile level

Strictly speaking, there is no need to talk about any global changes in the exam of this subject. Rather speech there is a slight increase passing score and a minor change in the form of delivery. Of the global innovations that may concern, including this subject, it is worth noting the possibility of a three-time re-examination and early delivery. The latest innovation will be available to 10th grade students.

When are the exams

The test of knowledge of this discipline will take place on June 6, 2016. However, you can test your strength on March 28. This opportunity will be available not only to graduates of previous years, but also to schoolchildren who have not completed grade 11 yet. But for this, such children need to have satisfactory performance for the penultimate year of study.

What to use to prepare for the exam

Students can use any available literature or use the services of tutors. However, there is already a demo version of the 2016 profile level exam in mathematics. Tasks can be found in the document of varying complexity, detailed criteria by which the assessment is made, as well as a list of requirements for the test subject.

The document is distributed as a pdf-file, you can download itlink .

The demo is preliminary. FIPI makes corrections to the document - Federal Institute pedagogical measurements, who is responsible for the development of the demo.

Grading system in the exam. Converting primary scores to test scores.

In the Unified State Examination in mathematics, starting from 2015, significant changes. The exam is divided into two separate ones: the basic level and the profile level.

A five-point grading system has been retained in the basic level. For successful delivery examination and obtaining a certificate requires an assessment of at least the usual three. How many tasks do you need to solve for the top three in 2016? This minimum is usually set closer to the exams. Therefore, while we focus on USE of the past of the year. In 2015, the triple was set for 7 - 11 correctly solved tasks. 12 - 16 tasks were rated at 4, 17 - 20, respectively - at 5.

The system is saved in the profile level USE scores previous years. This system is quite complex. But you can tentatively assess your capabilities and the expected result. For rate USE results two scales are used. Scale primary points and scale test scores . First you collect initial points, and then converting primary scores into test scores .

Scale primary scores of the Unified State Examination 2016 known from the CMM specification draft for conducting the exam in mathematics (profile level). It looks like this:

Any task with a short answer ( former part"B") weighs one primary score. There will be 12 such tasks. Therefore, in ideal, on these tasks you can score twelve primary points.

Tasks with a detailed solution 13, 14 and 15 weigh two primary scores each. Tasks 16 and 17 - three points each. Tasks 18 and 19 - as much as four points each. The maximum number of primary points for completing the entire work is 32.

I note that a partially or incorrectly completed task with a detailed solution is also evaluated! You can get not 4, so at least 3, 2 or 1 point. And you may not get anything. Let me remind you that this primary points.

Converting primary scores to test scores is already underway after exam. Test scores , from 0 to 100 - these are exactly the points that go to the certificate and are taken into account by the selection committees of various educational institutions. The very method of converting primary scores into test scores is quite complicated. The calculation takes into account real results passing the exam countrywide. It takes 6-8 days to process the results of the exam.

For these reasons, say exactly how much you will receive test scores not possible in advance. However, it is quite possible to focus on the rating scheme from past years. Practical results converting primary scores into test scores didn't change that much.

Translation of primary points (for completed tasks) into the usual grades and test scale 100 points looks about So:

0 - 6 primary points - mark "2"; 0-26 test scores;

7 - 12 - mark "3"; 27-50 points;

12 - 20 - mark "4"; 50-75 points;

20 - 32 - mark "5"; 75-100 points.

The minimum threshold (from the official website is 27 test points. Minimal amount primary points are not given. Therefore, you have to focus on an approximate scale and work with a margin.)

In order to get a passing score (read grade "3"), you need to correctly solve at least seven tasks. For a grade of "4" you will have to do from 14 to 19 tasks. If the number of your correct answers "exceeds" twenty, you can be proud of yourself - your knowledge is rated as "excellent".

It must also be borne in mind that the math exam is divided into two levels - basic and specialized. The profile is much more difficult - it is taken by graduates who plan to enter technical universities after school.

The number of tasks in both levels is the same - 27. The difference lies in the level of difficulty.

To obtain a certificate of secondary education, it is enough to score 3 points in the basic level, but universities with such an indicator cannot ...

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Today, a lot of reforms are being carried out in our country. One of the most important is education reform. New schools are being built classrooms equipped modern technology. The level of teaching is also changing, new training programs are being introduced, teachers are undergoing advanced training courses. How will this reform affect the students themselves? Will there be innovations in the USE 2017 and why you should not be afraid of this exam.

Fear of students and their parents

Today, many parents, and even schoolchildren themselves, believe that the system state attestation too complicated. Children are simply afraid of exams and by any means try to bring forbidden cheat sheets, cell phones, etc. to certification.

However, according to the Minister of Education, this is the only way to adequately assess the level of knowledge of school graduates. Also, this certification shows the level of professionalism of teachers, because, in fact, the student's assessment on the exam is the result of the teacher's work.


0 0

Find the value of the expression (6.7 - 3.2) x 2.4

Your ability to perform actions is tested decimals. First, we perform the action that is in brackets - subtraction.

Then multiply the result by 2.4

3.5 x 2.4 = 8.4

8.4 Calculate

The example is also done in two steps: first, the action in brackets, and then multiplication by 6. Everyone knows that the number that is written above the line is called the numerator, and below the line - the denominator. You can only add fractions with same denominators, like 1/3 + 1/3 = 2/3. But what to do in our case?
The first step is to bring the fractions to a common denominator. To find a common denominator, you need to multiply the denominators 3 x 5 \u003d 15. So 15 will be common denominator. Now you need to multiply the numerator and denominator of each fraction by such a number that the denominator turns out to be 15. The first fraction must be multiplied by 5, and the second by 3.
In brackets...

0 0

Purple points are allocated, which are not enough to pass the exam.
The minimum scores confirming the passing of the exam are highlighted in red.

To obtain a certificate, you must obtain a minimum of 27 test scores for the profile level of mathematics or 7 points for the basic level (see table below). In the Russian language, you need to score 24 test scores, and for admission to universities - at least 36.

The maximum number of primary points (USE 2016):
Russian language - 57 (0);
Mathematics - 32 (0);
Social science - 62 (0);
Physics - 50 (0);
Biology - 59 (-2);
History - 55 (+2);
Chemistry - 60 (-4);
Foreign languages – 100 (0);
Informatics and ICT - 35 (0);
Literature - 42 (0);
Geography - 47 (0).
Changes in primary scores compared to 2016 are indicated in parentheses. If there are no changes, then the scale on next year does not change.

The scale for converting points into grades in mathematics (basic level) is presented ...

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Traditionally USE exam in mathematics among high school students is considered the most difficult. Not only is the subject rather difficult to study, more important is the fact that not all students need results in mathematics to enter a university - for example, if you enter the faculty of animation graphics. As a result a large number of students spend time and effort preparing for an exam, the results of which do not affect their chances of entering a university. Many regretted that instead of special examinations in acting skills or drawing were forced to devote a lot of time to mathematics.

Therefore, in 2015, FIPI went to meet graduates and gave them a choice by dividing the mathematics exam into basic and specialized. What is the difference between preparing for the exam in mathematics at the basic and profile levels?

Profile exam

If you would like to go on to technical university and for you math is important subject, then you need to choose to pass the USE exam ...

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Information for those who pass the exam.

It will be useful to all those who pass the exam in order to find out how many tasks you need to solve in order to get a certain score. Presented here latest version scales for transferring USE scores in all subjects (assessment). The scale for the next year is set after passing the exam.

Approximate translation of USE scores into grades

In 2016, the following minimum scores were set (information from the official website):

Below is information on test scores.
For admission to universities:
Russian language - 36
Mathematics - 27
Informatics - 40
Biology - 36
History - 32
Chemistry - 36
Foreign languages ​​- 22
Physics - 36
Social studies - 42
Literature - 32
Geography - 37

To get a certificate:
Russian language - 24
Mathematics - 27
Mathematics basic level - 3 (assessment)

Correspondence of primary and test scores will be useful for graduates of 2017.