Awards, prizes, titles. Potemkin Jews: Gablitz, Stieglitz, Notkin, Zeitlin, Peretz

Owls. astronomer, acad. (since 1939). In 1919 he graduated from Perm. un-t. In 1921-25 he worked for Pulkovo observatory, in 1925-45 - in the Simeiz department of the Pulkovo Observatory (since 1945 - the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR), in 1945-1952 - its director. Main W. work related to stellar spectroscopy and the physics of gaseous nebulae. Joint from owls. astronomer V. A. Albitsky determined the radial velocities of approx. 800 stars. Investigated changes in the long-period spectra. variable stars and pointed out the presence of radiation of a special nature in them, which causes processes of an unstable nature (similar to the phenomena of prominences and chromospheric flares on the Sun). Sh. belongs to the discovery (publ. 1929) of the rapid rotation of stars of early spectral classes, made by him jointly. from Amer. astronomer O. Struve. In 1931 he discovered the phenomenon of anomalous behavior of the intensity of lines in the spectra of stars. Having studied the content of carbon isotopes in the atmospheres of cold stars, he discovered for the first time that the content of C13 in some of the stars he studied was about a hundred times greater than its content on Earth. Sh.'s work connected with the study of gaseous nebulae is widely known. He discovered about 150 new nebulae, discovered a special class of nebulae with a concentration of matter along the periphery, as well as a class of very elongated nebulae with a fibrous structure. Studying the features of their structure, Sh. came to important conclusions about the expansion of nebulae, the presence of interstellar magnetic field, about the existence of a system of nebulae, which should decay in a short time(about a million years). Sh. also studied double stars, minor planets, meteor showers, solar corona; opened new comet and several dozen spectroscopic binary stars. He was elected an honorary member of a number of foreign scientific institutions. Cit.: Shajn G., Results of observations of the double stars and their relation to the giants and dwarfs theory, Izvestia of the Main astronomical observatory", 1925, v. 10, issue 2, No. 95, pp. 276-302; Radial velocities, of 343 stars, L., 1933 (jointly with V. A. Albitzky "m), [Proceedings of the Main Astronomical. observatory in Pulkovo, ser. 2, v. 43]; The nature of the emission spectrum of long-period variable stars, "Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Physical Series", 1945. vol. 9, no. 3; Isotopes in the atmospheres of stars, in the book: In memory of Sergei Ivanovich Vavilov, M., 1952 (with V. F. Gaze); Atlas of diffuse gaseous nebulae, Moscow, 1952.

Lit .: Grigory Abramovich Shine (Obituary), Astronomical Journal, 1956, vol. 33, No. 4.

Shine, Grigory Abramovich

(19.IV.1892-4.VIII.1956) - Soviet astronomer, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (since 1939). Educated at Yuryev (Derpt) University, scientific work started at Perm University in 1919. From 1921 to 1925 he worked at the Pulkovo Observatory, from 1925 to 1945 - in its Simeiz branch, where a reflector with a meter mirror was installed under his leadership. From 1944, he led the organization of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, of which he was director until 1952. For the last four years of his life, he headed the department of physics of stars and nebulae of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.

The main field of research is astrophysics, in particular stellar spectroscopy and the physics of gaseous nebulae. Together with V. A. Albitsky determined the radial velocities of about 800 stars and compiled a catalog that is considered one of the best in this area. At the same time and partially together with the American astronomer O. Struve, he proved that the stars of the early spectral classes rotate tens of times faster than the Sun, and emphasized evolutionary significance this fact (1929). He studied the content of carbon isotopes in stars of spectral classes N and R and found that the amount of C13 in the stars he studied is different and only 2-3 times less than the amount of C12, while on Earth the amount of C13 is about 100 times lower than C12. Shine's work on the study of gaseous nebulae is widely known. He discovered about 150 new nebulae, discovered a special class of nebulae in which a significant part of the matter is concentrated on the periphery, and a class of very elongated nebulae with a fibrous structure. The elongated nebulae have been interpreted as the result of expansion under the control of an external magnetic field. Comparison with data on the polarization of light and the results of studies carried out by other methods confirmed the hypothesis of the presence of a regular magnetic field in the Galaxy and turned it into a firmly established fact. Shine's research showed that stars and nebulae form in single process, and there are systems of nebulae that should decay in a short time (on the order of millions of years). In 1952 he published together with W. F. Gaza"Atlas of diffuse gaseous nebulae", which has gained worldwide fame. Shine also studied binary stars, minor planets, the solar corona, and other objects. He discovered a new comet (1925 VI, Shine-Comas Sola) and several dozen spectroscopic binary stars, rediscovered the comet Brooks 2 (1925 X).

Honorary Member a number of foreign scientific institutions. Laureate State Prize USSR (1950).

Lit .: Shine Grigory Abramovich. (Obituary). - AJ, 1956, v. 33, no. 4. - The development of astronomy in the USSR. - M., "Nauka", 1967. - Astronomy in the USSR for forty years (1917-1957). - M., Fizmatgiz, 1960.

Shine, Grigory Abramovich

Genus. 1892, mind. 1956. Astronomer, specialist in stellar spectroscopy and physics of gaseous nebulae. He discovered the rapid rotation of stars of early spectral classes (1929), new gaseous nebulae, etc. Since 1939 he has been a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1950).

  • - Halatiants - Professor of Armenian Literature at the Lazarev Institute Oriental languages, born in 1858, graduated from the course at the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University ...

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  • - doctor legal sciences, Professor of the National law academy Ukraine. Region scientific research- the nature of forensic science, the methodology for investigating crimes ...

    Forensic Encyclopedia

  • - first a Bundist, then, after the merger of the Bund with the RSDLP, a right-wing Menshevik, a social pacifist and a defencist. - Genus. in 1879 in Dvinsk, in a petty-bourgeois family. Graduated from the Riga Polytechnic Institute...
  • - genus. Dec 19 1902 in Odessa. Composer. In 1913-1923 he studied at the Odessa cons. according to class violins F. Ya. Stupka and P. I. Merenblyum, in 1927 - for conducting with G. A. Stolyarov...

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  • - Head of the laboratory of methods for processing technogenic raw materials of the Institute of Problems integrated development bowels of the Russian Academy of Sciences; born September 13, 1932; doctor technical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ...

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  • - Genus. 1901, mind. 1975. Metallurgist, specialist in creating the foundations of powder metallurgy and developing technology for the production of tantalum and tantalonium-obium alloys...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - - Titular adviser, official of the office of the St. Petersburg Governor-General. Evangelical Lutheran. Father - the famous farmer Abram Izrailevich Peretz...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - owls. astronomer, acad. ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - Grigory Abramovich, astronomer, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Organizer and director of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. He established the rapid rotation of stars of early spectral classes and measured its speed...

    Russian encyclopedia

  • - Mikhail Vladimirovich - owl. oil geology scientist, acad. AH Azerbaijan. CCP. Graduated from St. Petersburg. bugle in-t. Worked in oil. industry of Azerbaijan, headed the sector of geology of Azerbaijan...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - lawyer; genus. in 1866; He was educated at the Pavlovsk Military School and the Alexander Military Law Academy, where he is now a professor; teaches jurisprudence in St. Petersburg. Junkers...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Soviet literary critic. He graduated from Leningrad University in 1925. Professor Leningrad University. B.'s books are dedicated to the work of V. M. Garshin, I. S. Turgenev ...
  • - Grigory Abramovich, Soviet astrophysicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Graduated from Yuriev University...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Russian astronomer, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Proceedings on stellar spectroscopy and physics of gaseous nebulae. He established the rapid rotation of stars of early spectral classes and measured its speed ...
  • - cm....

    Large encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - German composer. Since 1616 cantor Thomaskirche in Leipzig. Along with G. Schutz and S. Scheidt, the largest German composer of the 17th century. ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

"Shine, Grigory Abramovich" in books

4. Gregory makes peace with Agilulf. - Foka takes the throne in Byzantium. - Gregory sends him his greetings. - Phocas Column in the Roman Forum

author Gregorovius Ferdinand

4. Gregory makes peace with Agilulf. - Foka takes the throne in Byzantium. - Gregory sends him his greetings. - Phocas column in the Roman forum In fact, Gregory enjoyed almost all the power of the sovereign, since the thread political management by themselves

2. Gregory X goes to Lyon. - Guelphs and Ghibellines in Florence. - Cathedral in Lyon. - Gregory X issues a law on the conclave. - Rudolph's letter of commendation in favor of the church. - View of Gregory X on the relationship of the church to the empire. - Letter given to Lausanne. - Gregory X in Florence. - His death. - Innocent V.

From the book History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages author Gregorovius Ferdinand

2. Gregory X goes to Lyon. - Guelphs and Ghibellines in Florence. - Cathedral in Lyon. - Gregory X issues a law on the conclave. - Letter of Complaint Rudolf in favor of the church. - View of Gregory X on the relationship of the church to the empire. - Letter given to Lausanne. - Gregory X in Florence. - His

66. An old legend claims that Pope Gregory VII "was Faust" But Gregory VII is really a reflection of Andronicus-Christ

From the author's book

66. old legend claims that the father Gregory VII“was Faust” But after all, Gregory VII is really a reflection of Andronicus-Christ. As shown in the book of A.T. Fomenko Antiquity is the Middle Ages, ch. 4, famous Pope Gregory VII Hildebrand allegedly from the 11th century

Alexander Menshikov - Grigory Potemkin - Alexei Arakcheev - Konstantin Pobedonostsev - Grigory Rasputin

From the book of 100 great Russians author Ryzhov Konstantin Vladislavovich

Alexander Menshikov - Grigory Potemkin - Alexei Arakcheev - Konstantin Pobedonostsev - Grigory Rasputin Favoritism is the other side of any monarchy. World history past centuries is replete with the names of famous temporary workers and favorites who a huge impact

Byaly Grigory Abramovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BYA) of the author TSB

Shine Grigory Abramovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (ShA) of the author TSB

Shain Grigory Abramovich Shain Grigory Abramovich, Soviet astrophysicist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939). Graduated from Yuriev (Derpt) University (1919). In 1921-25 he worked at the Pulkovo Observatory, where he studied

Vinokur Nikolai Abramovich Interview - Grigory Koifman

author Drabkin Artem Vladimirovich

Vinokur Nikolai Abramovich Interview - Grigory Koifman - Born on 7/12/1922 in Novaya Chartoria, Lyubarsky district, Zhytomyr region. Most the population of Novaya Chartoriya were Ukrainians, there were only fifty families of Jews in the town. The town was located on

Lesin Grigory Isaakovich, military doctor Interview - Grigory Koifman

From the book Elbow in blood [Red Cross of the Red Army] author Drabkin Artem Vladimirovich

Lesin Grigory Isaakovich, military doctor Interview - Grigory Koifman - Born on 8/8/1920 in Belarus, in the city of Vitebsk. and after it was not rich

From the book Results No. 48 (2011) author Results Magazine

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and economy / Around Russia

From the book Results No. 53 (2011) author Results Magazine

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and Economy / Around Russia Who doesn't try to write the chronicle of the "dashing 90s" today. But perhaps the most full story the formation of the newest Russian capitalism is being written today in the High Court of London. There

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and economy / Around Russia

From the book Results No. 51 (2011) author Results Magazine

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and Economy / Around Russia Who doesn't try to write the chronicle of the "dashing 90s" today. But, perhaps, the most complete history of the formation of the newest Russian capitalism is being written today in the High Court of London. There

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and economy / Around Russia

From the book Results No. 46 (2011) author Results Magazine

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and Economy / Around Russia Who doesn't try to write the chronicle of the "dashing 90s" today. But, perhaps, the most complete history of the formation of the newest Russian capitalism is being written today in the High Court of London. There with a full house

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and economy / Around Russia

From the book Results No. 47 (2011) author Results Magazine

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and Economy / Around Russia Who doesn't try to write the chronicle of the "dashing 90s" today. But, perhaps, the most complete history of the formation of the newest Russian capitalism is being written today in the High Court of London. There

Favorite shrine Protodeacon Gregory (Grigory Lavrentievich Mikheev) (1889–1958)

From the book At the Trinity Inspired author Tikhon (Agrikov)

Beloved shrine Protodeacon Gregory (Grigory Lavrentievich Mikheev) (1889-1958) Rejoice, pure and undefiled dwelling of the shrines. (Akathist to St. Sergius) In the life of every person there are things to which he shows Special attention, It has special love. Even as a child

V. Church Fathers: St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian, St. Gregory of Nyssa (4th century)

From the book Non-Evening Light. Contemplation and speculation author Bulgakov Sergey Nikolaevich

(b. 1789 or 1790). - Titular adviser, official of the office of the St. Petersburg Governor-General.

Evangelical Lutheran. Father - the famous farmer Abram Izrailevich Peretz (1771-1833). He was brought up first in the Mogilev province. in the village with his grandfather, and from 1803 in St. Petersburg in his father's house, in 1810-1811 he attended a course political economy M. A. Balugyansky (see) in Pedagogical Institute. Enrolled in the service at the office. state treasurer clerk - 20.8.1801, Senate registrar - 31.12.1804, lips. secretary - 31.12. 1806, tit. owls. - 12/27/1808, transferred to the Expedition about the state. income - 27.12. 1809 (at this time, apparently, he really entered the service), seconded to the office. A. B. Kurakina, created to stop the plague in the Novorossiysk Territory - 1/28/1813, was with her until 30.5, dismissed "to determine other matters" - June 1813. In July 1817 he returned to St. Petersburg "after 5 years of absence" and through for some time he entered the service in the office. Petersburg gene.-lips. M. A. Miloradovich, where he met F. N. Glinka (see).

A member of the Welfare Union, together with F. N. Glinka created a secret society in 1819 or 1820. Member northern society, apparently, was not, but knew about its existence and plans. On the eve of the uprising, he asked for action. secrets. owls. Guryev to warn gr. M. A. Miloradovich about the possibility of indignation on the day of the oath to Nicholas I.

Arrest order - 18.2.1826; 21.2 delivered to Peter and Paul Fortress("Peretz sent to be imprisoned at his discretion and kept strictly") in No. 4 of the Nikolskaya Curtain.

Vysoch. ordered (6/15/1826), after keeping another two months in the fortress, to send him to live in Perm, where to have vigilant supervision over him and monthly report on his behavior.

Arrived in Perm - 25.8.1826, transferred to Ustsysolsk - 13.8.1827, to Vologda - 3.7.1839, allowed to enter the service in the Vologda province. - 3.2.1840, appointed to the number of office. officials of the Vologda order public charity, it is allowed to live everywhere, with the exception of the capital provinces, under the guarantee of the husband of the sister pom. Secretary of State of the State council bar. Alexandra Grevenitsa - 11.4.1841, official special assignments at the Vologda lips. - 1843, owls. Vologda province. board - 1844, dismissed from service - 25.6.1845, count. ac. - 1846, lived in Odessa (1850).

Wife (Jan. 1822) - Maria NN (d. 1830). Children: Gregory (1823-1883) and two more sons. Brothers: Gregory; Alexander, served in the mining department; Nikolay, director Institute of Technology; Egor (1833-1899), state. secretary in 1878-1883, member of the State. advice. Sister - Alexandra (1812-1892).

TsGAOR, f. 48, op. 1, d. 66; f. 109, 1 exp., 1826, file 61, part 175.

  • - Khalatyants - professor of Armenian literature at the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages, born in 1858, graduated from the course at the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University ...

    Biographical Dictionary

  • - ...

    Literary Encyclopedia

  • - Doctor of Law, Professor of the National Law Academy of Ukraine. The field of scientific research is the nature of forensic science, the methodology for investigating crimes ...

    Forensic Encyclopedia

  • - Varvara Pavlovna - owls. historian other Russian. liters. Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences of the USSR and Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Honored. activity Sciences...
  • - Egor Abramovich - Russian. state activist, author of memoirs. The son of a ransomware. Graduated from Petersburg. un-t. Since 1855 he served in the Second Department of the property. his imp. majesty's office. From 1872 - State Secretary of the State. advice...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - Genus. 1901, mind. 1975. Metallurgist, specialist in creating the foundations of powder metallurgy and developing technology for the production of tantalum and tantalonium-obium alloys...
  • - mining engineer, member of the Mining Council and the Mining Scientific Committee. Born in 1812, died on September 6, 1872 in St. Petersburg...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - writer; was born on November 11, 1823;

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - owls. astronomer, acad. ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - Varvara Pavlovna, Russian Soviet literary critic, corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of the USSR and Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR ...
  • - Soviet literary critic. He graduated from Leningrad University in 1925. Professor at Leningrad University. B.'s books are dedicated to the work of V. M. Garshin, I. S. Turgenev ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - I Peretz Vladimir Nikolaevich, Soviet literary critic, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Graduated from Petersburg University...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Russian statesman, a representative of the liberal bureaucracy. In 1871 he was appointed secretary of state State Council, in 1878‒1882 Secretary of State, from 1883 member of the State Council ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Soviet astrophysicist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Graduated from Yuriev University...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Russian statesman. In 1878-82 Secretary of State, since 1883 member of the State Council. Author of the "Diary" for 1880-83 ...
  • - Russian astronomer, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Proceedings on stellar spectroscopy and physics of gaseous nebulae. He established the rapid rotation of stars of early spectral classes and measured its speed ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

"Peretz, Grigory Abramovich" in books


From the book March 1, 1881. Execution of Emperor Alexander II author Kelner Viktor Efimovich

E. A. Peretz FROM THE DIARY March 1 At two o’clock the Secretary of State of the State Council N. M. Rembelinsky came to me, completely alarmed, and informed me that he had reached him from two various parties a rumor about a new, and, moreover, terrible, attempt on the life of the Sovereign. I immediately

Potemkin Jews: Gablitz, Stieglitz, Notkin, Zeitlin, Peretz

the author Rebel Alina

Potemkin Jews: Gablitz, Stieglitz, Notkin, Zeitlin, Peretz Potemkin, like no one else, understands the benefits of the Jews for the state and brings several serious scientists and businessmen closer to him at once Jewish origin. Karl Ludwig becomes his closest associate

Abram Peretz: cross for love

From the book Jews in Russia: the most influential and rich the author Rebel Alina

Abram Peretz: cross for love Future famous financier (like our previous heroes) had every chance of becoming a great scientist, Talmudist, writing more than one philosophical treatise. His education and origins predisposed precisely to this. Abram Peretz was born in 1770 (or 1771)

Essay 21 Restrictive Laws after 1812. Kingdom of Poland. Member of a secret society Grigory Peretz

From the book Jews of Russia. times and events. History of the Jews Russian Empire author Kandel Felix Solomonovich

Essay 21 Restrictive Laws after 1812. Kingdom of Poland. Participant secret society Grigory Peretz At the suggestion of Peretz symbol secret group of Decembrists adopted the word “herut” (in Hebrew - “freedom”)‚ “and in case of need for recognition

Adrianov-Peretz Varvara Pavlovna

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AD) of the author TSB

Perets Vladimir Nikolaevich


Peretz Egor Abramovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PE) of the author TSB

Byaly Grigory Abramovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BYA) of the author TSB

Shine Grigory Abramovich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (ShA) of the author TSB

Shain Grigory Abramovich Shain Grigory Abramovich, Soviet astrophysicist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939). Graduated from Yuriev (Derpt) University (1919). In 1921-25 he worked at the Pulkovo Observatory, where he studied

Vinokur Nikolai Abramovich Interview - Grigory Koifman

From the book Elbow in blood [Red Cross of the Red Army] author Drabkin Artem Vladimirovich

Vinokur Nikolai Abramovich Interview - Grigory Koifman - Born on 7/12/1922 in Novaya Chartoria, Lyubarsky district, Zhytomyr region. Most of the population of Novaya Chartoriya were Ukrainians, there were only fifty families of Jews in the town.

From the book Results No. 48 (2011) author Results Magazine

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and economy / Around Russia

From the book Results No. 53 (2011) author Results Magazine

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and Economy / Around Russia Who doesn't try to write the chronicle of the "dashing 90s" today. But, perhaps, the most complete history of the formation of the newest Russian capitalism is being written today in the High Court of London. There

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and economy / Around Russia

From the book Results No. 51 (2011) author Results Magazine

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and Economy / Around Russia Who doesn't try to write the chronicle of the "dashing 90s" today. But, perhaps, the most complete history of the formation of the newest Russian capitalism is being written today in the High Court of London. There

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and economy / Around Russia

From the book Results No. 46 (2011) author Results Magazine

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and Economy / Around Russia Who doesn't try to write the chronicle of the "dashing 90s" today. But, perhaps, the most complete history of the formation of the newest Russian capitalism is being written today in the High Court of London. There with a full house

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and economy / Around Russia

From the book Results No. 47 (2011) author Results Magazine

Abramovich vs Abramovich / Politics and Economy / Around Russia Who doesn't try to write the chronicle of the "dashing 90s" today. But, perhaps, the most complete history of the formation of the newest Russian capitalism is being written today in the High Court of London. There

The life of Grigory Abramovich Shain (1892-1956) - an outstanding Soviet scientist, one of the greatest astrophysicists of our era - clearest example tireless creative scientific work crowned with important and fruitful achievements.

G. A. Shine was born and raised in Odessa. He was the son of a poor craftsman. With early years wondering various areas science and art, Grigory Abramovich with great difficulty made his way to education. The financial insecurity of the family deprived the future scientist of the opportunity to study at the gymnasium, and he studied independently. At the age of 19, Shine passed an external exam for full course gymnasium. But even before that, Grigory Abramovich began to successfully engage in his favorite astronomy. In an effort to master this science more deeply, he studied mathematics and physics with exceptional perseverance. Even then, with special enthusiasm, he observed the sky from the roof of the house with the help of the simplest astronomical instruments. He met the astronomers of the Odessa University Observatory, and was admitted by them to work at the observatory. By the time of the exams for high school Grigory Abramovich had already published a work - a study of the orbit of one of the meteor showers.

Since 1912, G. A. Shain studied at Yuriev University (now the city of Tartu in the Estonian SSR). Then, having finally specialized in astronomy, he worked as an assistant to professors of astronomy at Perm and Tomsk universities. Since 1921, Grigory Abramovich became an astronomer at the Pulkovo Observatory, and since 1923 he worked in its southern - Simeiz - department.

During these years, the main direction of the subsequent works of G. A. Shain was determined.

Grigory Abramovich set the task of his life to study physical nature stars, nebulae and the structure of stellar systems. He mastered the techniques spectral analysis and photos celestial bodies; was his teacher.

In 1924, a reflector with a mirror of 102 cm was installed at the Simeiz Observatory, long time remains one of the largest in Europe. Grigory Abramovich supervised the installation of this reflector and received it at his disposal. He used this powerful tool for spectral studies of stars. Together with another Simeiz astronomer, V. A. Albitsky (1891-1952), Shine determined the radial velocities of a large number of stars.

At one time, Galileo, observing the movement of spots on the solar disk through a miniature telescope, made correct conclusion that the Sun rotates around its axis, which explains the phenomenon of moving spots. But the Sun is one of countless stars. Therefore, the stars must also rotate. But even in the largest modern telescopes, stars appear glowing dots. There was nothing to think about the possibility of seeing on the stars any details like sunspots, according to the movements of which it would be possible to establish the rotation of stars. It could be established only by the finest spectral studies based on the application of the Doppler principle. Such studies were carried out by Grigory Abramovich simultaneously and in contact with the outstanding astronomer O. L. Struve (great-grandson of V. Ya. Struve), who works in the USA. It was not only established that the stars rotate, but also the speed of this rotation was measured. At the same time, it turned out that the hottest stars rotate at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second at their equators, while the speed of rotation of the Sun at its equator is only 2 km/sec.

The discovery of the rotation of stars and the study of their radial velocities, along with other works carried out in the same years, created Grigory Abramovich wide popularity among astronomers of all countries. In 1939 he was elected an academician and then a member of the world's oldest London Astronomical Society.

The work of G. A. Shain in Simeiz was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 Having occupied the Crimea, Nazi German invaders destroyed the Simeiz observatory. Her 102-cm reflector could not be evacuated, and it fell into the hands of enemies, who took the reflector to Germany and made it completely unusable.

AT terrible years war, despite all the difficulties, Grigory Abramovich continued his research in Abastumani, at the observatory of the Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR. Immediately after the liberation of Crimea, G.A. Shine and other astronomers returned to Simeiz.

The Soviet government and the USSR Academy of Sciences decided not only to restore the Simeiz observatory, but also to build a new powerful observatory nearby, in the village of Partizanskoye, so that both observatories would form one scientific institution - the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the largest in the country and one of the largest in the world. Academician G. A. Shain was appointed director new observatory, and he had the most difficult task of supervising the construction of the observatory and equipping it with first-class instruments and instruments. Grigory Abramovich solved this problem with exceptional energy.

In the same post-war years As soon as the first instruments were installed at the observatory, Grigory Abramovich continued his research work.

Before Soviet and world science stood up the most important task- find out the question of the origin and development of stars and star systems.

In the first half of the XX century. the study of the stars revealed the great diversity of the stellar world. It was discovered that the stars are divided into giants and dwarfs according to their size and strength of light; astronomers clarified the differences between stars by the features of their spectra, collected a lot of data on the masses and temperatures of stars, on their movements and on their distribution in space. All this has led astronomers to the conclusion that the stars that exist today are of different ages: they did not arise at the same time. Star formation continues to this day.

But where do stars come from? Obviously, from other forms of matter that are present in our and other star systems, and, moreover, in such quantity as to be the material for the formation of stars. This form of matter can be gas and gas-dust nebulae. In our Galaxy (as in others) they are found in large numbers. Their density is negligible, but their size is huge compared to the size of the stars, and their total mass is comparable to the mass of all the stars in the Galaxy. Consequently, a thorough study of gaseous nebulae is necessary to solve the problem of the origin of stars and the nebulae themselves. Huge contribution in the study of nebulae was made by G. A. Shine.

Grigory Abramovich did not limit himself to the study of already known gaseous nebulae. He discovered many new gaseous nebulae in our and other galaxies, consisting of rarefied hydrogen, not visible to the eye through a telescope and captured only by photographing them in special ways. Shine and his collaborators discovered over 300 such nebulae. It turned out that some of the nebulae are not shapeless masses of gas, but have a pronounced fibrous structure and various physical (in particular, magnetic) phenomena occur in them. It turned out that many of the nebulae have huge masses - thousands of times more mass Sun. Grigory Abramovich carried out many of his studies on nebulae together with his collaborator, the talented astronomer Vera Fedorovna Gaze (1899-1954).

Other studies by G. A. Shain are also of outstanding importance. Especially important are his works on the study of stars with abundant carbon content. He also dealt extensively and successfully with the study of spectroscopic binary stars and other questions.

Grigory Abramovich did not have good health. In 1952, he was forced to ask to be relieved of his work as director of the observatory. His request was granted. But his scientific energy remained inexhaustible until last days life.

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Russian empire , USSR USSR Scientific area: Academic title: Awards and prizes:

Grigory Abramovich Shine(-) - Soviet astronomer, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences ().


Scientific activity

Scientific works

  • On the rotation of stars (with O. Struve), Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical society, 1929, v. 89, no. 3.
  • The radial velocities of 343 stars. (with V. Albitzky), ibid., 1932, v. 92, no. 8.
  • Carbon isotopes in the spectra of N-class stars, Dokl. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. New series”, 1942, v. 35, No. 4, p. 99-102.
  • Atlas of diffuse gaseous nebulae, Moscow, 1952 (with V. F. Gaze).
  • Catalog emission nebulae, "Izv. Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, 1955, v. 15.

Awards, prizes, titles

  • Honorary Doctorate from the University of Copenhagen.
  • Honorary Member of the American Academy of Sciences and Arts.
  • Stalin Prize of the first degree () - for spectral studies of stellar atmospheres, culminating in the discovery of the anomalous content of the heavy carbon isotope in them, set out in a series of articles published in the journals Izvestia of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1948-1949).
  • two orders of Lenin (including 06/10/1945)


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  • Kolchinsky I.G., Korsun A.A., Rodriguez M.G. Astronomers: A Biographical Guide. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional .. - Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1986. - 512 p.
  • Pikelner S. B. G. A. Shine (1892-1956) // Historical and astronomical research, c. 3, M., 1957. S. 551-607.


  • on the official website of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • // Astronomy and laws of space.
  • Shine, Grigory Abramovich- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

An excerpt characterizing Shine, Grigory Abramovich

The beautiful Vera, who produced such an irritating, unpleasant effect on everyone, smiled and, apparently not affected by what she was told, went to the mirror and straightened her scarf and her hair. Looking at your Beautiful face, she became, apparently, even colder and calmer.

The conversation continued in the living room.
- Ah! chere, - said the countess, - and in my life tout n "est pas rose. Don't I see that du train, que nous allons, [not all roses. - with our way of life,] our condition we will not last long! And all this is a club, and its kindness. We live in the village, do we rest? Theaters, hunting and God knows what. What can I say about me! Well, how did you arrange all this? I often wonder at you, Annette, how you, at your age, ride alone in a cart, to Moscow, to St. Petersburg, to all the ministers, to all the nobility, you know how to get along with everyone, I'm surprised! Well, how did it work out? Here I can't do any of that.
- Ah, my soul! - answered Princess Anna Mikhailovna. “God forbid you find out how hard it is to be a widow without support and with a son whom you love to adoration. You will learn everything,” she continued with a certain pride. “My process taught me. If I need to see one of these aces, I write a note: “princesse une telle [princess such and such] wants to see such and such” and I myself go in a cab at least two, at least three times, at least four, until I achieve what I need. I don't care what they think of me.
- Well, what about, whom did you ask about Borenka? the countess asked. - After all, here is your officer of the guard, and Nikolushka is a cadet. Someone to bother. Whom did you ask?
- Prince Vasily. He was very nice. Now I agreed to everything, I reported to the sovereign, - said Princess Anna Mikhailovna with delight, completely forgetting all the humiliation through which she went through to achieve her goal.
- Why is he getting old, Prince Vasily? the countess asked. - I didn’t see him from our theaters at the Rumyantsevs. And I think he forgot about me. Il me faisait la cour, [He dragged after me,] - the countess remembered with a smile.
- Still the same, - answered Anna Mikhailovna, - amiable, crumbling. Les grandeurs ne lui ont pas touriene la tete du tout. [ high position did not turn his head at all.] “I regret that I can do too little for you, dear princess,” he tells me, “order.” No he nice person and native beautiful. But you know, Nathalieie, my love for my son. I don't know what I wouldn't do to make him happy. And my circumstances are so bad,” continued Anna Mikhailovna sadly and lowering her voice, “so bad that I am now in the most terrible position. My unfortunate process eats up everything I have and does not move. I don't have, you can imagine, a la lettre [literally] no dime of money, and I don't know what to equip Boris with. She took out her handkerchief and wept. - I need five hundred rubles, and I have one twenty-five-ruble note. I am in such a position ... One of my hopes is now on Count Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhov. If he does not want to support his godson - after all, he baptized Borya - and assign him something to support, then all my troubles will be lost: I will have nothing to equip him with.
The Countess shed a tear and silently pondered something.
“I often think, maybe this is a sin,” said the princess, “but I often think: Count Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhoy lives alone ... this is a huge fortune ... and what does he live for? Life is a burden for him, and Borya is just starting to live.
“He will probably leave something for Boris,” said the countess.
“God knows, chere amie!” [dear friend!] These rich people and nobles are so selfish. But all the same, I’ll go to him now with Boris and tell him straight out what’s the matter. Let them think what they want about me, it really doesn't matter to me when the fate of my son depends on it. The princess got up. “Now it’s two o’clock, and at four o’clock you have dinner.” I can go.
And with the manners of a Petersburg business lady who knows how to make use of time, Anna Mikhailovna sent for her son and went out with him into the hall.
“Farewell, my soul,” she said to the countess, who accompanied her to the door, “wish me success,” she added in a whisper from her son.
- Are you visiting Count Kirill Vladimirovich, ma chere? said the count from the dining-room, also going out into the hall. - If he is better, call Pierre to dine with me. After all, he visited me, danced with the children. Call by all means, ma chere. Well, let's see how Taras excels today. He says that Count Orlov never had such a dinner as we will have.

- Mon cher Boris, [Dear Boris,] - said Princess Anna Mikhailovna to her son, when the carriage of Countess Rostova, in which they were sitting, drove along a straw-covered street and drove into the wide courtyard of Count Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhoy. “Mon cher Boris,” said the mother, pulling her hand out from under the old coat and placing it on her son’s hand with a timid and affectionate movement, “be kind, be attentive.” Count Kirill Vladimirovich is still for you Godfather and your future destiny depends on it. Remember this, mon cher, be nice, as you know how to be ...
“If only I knew that anything other than humiliation would come of this,” the son replied coldly. “But I promised you and I do it for you.
Despite the fact that someone's carriage was standing at the entrance, the porter, looking at the mother and son (who, without ordering to report about themselves, went straight into the glass passage between two rows of statues in niches), looking significantly at the old coat, asked whom they whatever, princes or count, and, having learned that it was a count, he said that their excellency is now worse and their excellency does not receive anyone.
“We can leave,” the son said in French.
– Mon ami! [My friend!] - said the mother in an imploring voice, again touching her son's hand, as if this touch could calm or excite him.
Boris fell silent and, without taking off his overcoat, looked inquiringly at his mother.
“My dear,” Anna Mikhailovna said in a gentle voice, turning to the porter, “I know that Count Kirill Vladimirovich is very ill ... that’s why I came ... I’m a relative ... I won’t bother, my dear ... But I just need to see Prince Vasily Sergeyevich: because he is standing here. Report it, please.
The porter sullenly pulled the string up and turned away.
“Princess Drubetskaya to Prince Vasily Sergeevich,” he shouted to a waiter in stockings, shoes and a tailcoat who had run down and peered out from under the ledge of the stairs.
Mother smoothed out the folds of her dyed silk dress, looked into the one-piece Venetian mirror in the wall, and cheerfully in her worn-out shoes went up the carpet of the stairs.
- Mon cher, voue m "avez promis, [My friend, you promised me,]" she turned again to the Son, arousing him with the touch of her hand.
The son, lowering his eyes, calmly followed her.
They entered the hall, from which one door led to the chambers allotted to Prince Vasily.
While the mother and son, going out into the middle of the room, intended to ask for directions from the old waiter who jumped up at their entrance, a bronze handle turned at one of the doors and Prince Vasily in a velvet coat, with one star, at home, went out, seeing off the handsome black-haired man. This man was the famous St. Petersburg doctor Lorrain.
- C "est donc positif? [So, is that right?] - said the prince.
- Mon prince, "errare humanum est", mais ... [Prince, it is human nature to err.] - the doctor answered, grasping and pronouncing the Latin words in a French accent.
- C "est bien, c" est bien ... [Good, good ...]
Noticing Anna Mikhailovna with her son, Prince Vasily dismissed the doctor with a bow and silently, but with an inquiring air, approached them. The son noticed how suddenly deep sorrow was expressed in the eyes of his mother, and he smiled slightly.
- Yes, in what sad circumstances we had to see each other, prince ... Well, what about our dear patient? she said, as if not noticing the cold, insulting look fixed on her.
Prince Vasily looked inquiringly, to the point of bewilderment, at her, then at Boris. Boris bowed politely. Prince Vasily, not answering the bow, turned to Anna Mikhailovna and answered her question with a movement of his head and lips, which meant the worst hope for the patient.

Owls. astronomer, acad. (since 1939). In 1919 he graduated from Perm. un-t. In 1921-25 he worked at the Pulkovo Observatory, in 1925-45 - in the Simeiz Department of the Pulkovo Observatory (since 1945 - the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR), in 1945-1952 - its director. Main W. work related to stellar spectroscopy and the physics of gaseous nebulae.

Joint from owls. astronomer V. A. Albitsky determined the radial velocities of approx. 800 stars. Investigated changes in the long-period spectra. variable stars and pointed to the presence of radiation of a special nature in them, which causes processes of an unstable nature (similar to the phenomena of prominences and chromospheric flares on the Sun).

Sh. belongs to the discovery (publ. 1929) of the rapid rotation of stars of early spectral classes, made by him jointly. from Amer. astronomer O. Struve.

In 1931 he discovered the phenomenon of anomalous behavior of the intensity of lines in the spectra of stars. Having studied the content of carbon isotopes in the atmospheres of cold stars, he discovered for the first time that the content of C13 in some of the stars he studied was about a hundred times greater than its content on Earth. Sh.'s work connected with the study of gaseous nebulae is widely known.

He discovered about 150 new nebulae, discovered a special class of nebulae with a concentration of matter along the periphery, as well as a class of very elongated nebulae with a fibrous structure.

Studying the features of their structure, Sh. came to important conclusions about the expansion of nebulae, the presence of an interstellar magnetic field, the existence of a system of nebulae, to-rye should decay in a short time (about a million years). W. also studied double stars, minor planets, meteor showers, the solar corona; discovered a new comet and several dozen spectroscopic double stars. He was elected an honorary member of a number of foreign scientific institutions.

Cit.: Shajn G., Results of observations of the double stars and their relation to the giants and dwarfs theory, "Proceedings of the Main Astronomical Observatory", 1925, vol. 10, no. 2, No. 95, pp. 276-302; Radial velocities, of 343 stars, L., 1933 (jointly with V. A. Albitzky "" m), [Proceedings of the Main Astronomical. observatory in Pulkovo, ser. 2, v. 43]; The nature of the emission spectrum of long-period variable stars, "Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Physical Series", 1945. vol. 9, no. 3; Isotopes in the atmospheres of stars, in the book: In memory of Sergei Ivanovich Vavilov, M., 1952 (with V. F. Gaze); Atlas of diffuse gaseous nebulae, M., 1952. Lit .: Grigory Abramovich Shain (Obituary), Astronomical Journal, 1956, v. 33, No. 4. Shine, Grigory Abramovich (19.IV.1892-4.VIII.1956 ) - Soviet astronomer, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1939). Educated at Yuriev (Derpt) University, he began his scientific work at Perm University in 1919. From 1921 to 1925 he worked at the Pulkovo Observatory, from 1925 to 1945 - in its Simeiz branch, where under his leadership a reflector with a meter mirror was installed.

From 1944, he led the organization of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, of which he was director until 1952. For the last four years of his life, he headed the department of physics of stars and nebulae of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.

The main field of research is astrophysics, in particular stellar spectroscopy and the physics of gaseous nebulae.

Together with V. A. Albitsky, he determined the radial velocities of about 800 stars and compiled a catalog that is considered one of the best in this area.

Simultaneously and partially jointly with the American astronomer O. Struve, he proved that stars of the early spectral classes rotate tens of times faster than the Sun, and emphasized the evolutionary significance of this fact (1929). He studied the content of carbon isotopes in stars of spectral classes N and R and found that the amount of C13 in the stars he studied is different and only 2-3 times less than the amount of C12, while on Earth the amount of C13 is about 100 times lower than C12. Shine's work on the study of gaseous nebulae is widely known.

He discovered about 150 new nebulae, discovered a special class of nebulae in which a significant part of the matter is concentrated on the periphery, and a class of very elongated nebulae with a fibrous structure.

The elongated nebulae have been interpreted as the result of expansion under the control of an external magnetic field. Comparison with data on the polarization of light and the results of studies carried out by other methods confirmed the hypothesis of the presence of a regular magnetic field in the Galaxy and turned it into a firmly established fact. Shine's research showed that stars and nebulae are formed in a single process, and there are systems of nebulae that should decay in a short time (on the order of millions of years). In 1952, together with VF Gaze, he published the Atlas of Diffuse Gaseous Nebulae, which became world famous.

Shine also studied binary stars, minor planets, the solar corona, and other objects.

He discovered a new comet (1925 VI, Shine-Comas Sola) and several dozen spectroscopic binary stars, rediscovered the comet Brooks 2 (1925 X). Honorary member of a number of foreign scientific institutions.

Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1950). Lit .: Shine Grigory Abramovich. (Obituary). - AJ, 1956, v. 33, no. 4. - The development of astronomy in the USSR. - M., "Nauka", 1967. - Astronomy in the USSR for forty years (1917-1957). - M., Fizmatgiz, 1960. Shine, Grigory Abramovich Rod. 1892, mind. 1956. Astronomer, specialist in stellar spectroscopy and physics of gaseous nebulae.

He discovered the rapid rotation of stars of early spectral classes (1929), new gaseous nebulae, etc. Since 1939 he has been a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1950).