TV "Living Universe". Sky city floating in space

A few days ago, on the way to lunch in a cafe, my colleague noticed an interesting pattern that people with the first blood group cannot live without meat. Remembering my friends with l blood group, I thought that this is really so. And people with ll blood group are more fond of plant foods. And I am a person with blood type A, I never understood how you can fanatically consume meat, when, for example, I can easily live without it. I very rarely have the desire to eat meat.

It turns out, really! Eating habits are directly related to blood type. And as it turns out, not only food addiction, but even some character traits depend on the blood type. If we are asked in Russia: “What is your zodiac sign?” - then in Japan - "What is your blood type?" According to the Japanese, the blood in more determines the character and individual characteristics of a person than distant stars. Carrying out tests and recording blood types is called “ketsu-eki-gata” here and is taken very seriously. HR managers use "ketsu-eki-gata" when hiring employees,

O(l) blood type


The oldest and most common, appeared 40,000 years ago. Ancestors led a life of hunters and gatherers. They took what nature gave them today and did not care about the future. Defending their interests, they were able to crush anyone, regardless of who he was - friend or foe. The immune system is strong and resistant. This oldest blood group was common to all people at a time when people ate exclusively meat.

Qualities of character

Doctors called people with this blood type "HUNTERS".

In every person with blood type 0, strength, hardiness, independence, courage, intuition and inexhaustible optimism are genetically incorporated. The first "carriers" of this group were the embodiments of purposefulness, assertiveness and the owners of a pronounced instinct for self-preservation, focus on success and having pronounced qualities of a leader.

According to the site

Former US President Ronald Reagan is a typical representative of the "carriers" of blood type O. The period of his reign is characterized by certainty, poise and unflagging optimism when looking into the future. You never felt that Reagan was tormented by doubts. He persevered forward, for good or ill, and he also liked to take risks - such is the lot of all those with blood type 0. You probably know that Reagan was popularly nicknamed "Teflon President", because this audacity never harmed him.

Of course, he did not show harshness, uncompromisingness, bordering on brutality, which are characteristic of other leaders (according to at least publicly). But I am not horrified or surprised that, for example, various famous mafiosi had the blood of this particular group. She flowed in the veins of Al Capone? here's an example of extreme thirst to lead.

Speaking of risk lovers, one cannot help but recall the desperate gambler, gambler and swindler Jimmy the Greek - he had the blood of group 0. The same is with the former President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev - this is one of the most prominent people of our time who was not afraid to take risks.

The British Queen Elizabeth II has type 0 blood, as does her son Charles, Prince of Wales. I consider it interesting to note that in the families of representatives of the ruling in England since 1901 Windsor dynasty clotting disorders were common. It is possible that this fact has some connection with blood type 0 (I).

A (ll) blood type


This blood type appeared between 25,000 and 15,000 BC, after the number of animals decreased and people were forced to change their eating habits and the way they obtained food. The owners of this blood type are called "farmers", as well as "the first vegetarians". Each individual was required to be able to get along, get along, cooperate with others within a densely populated community.

Qualities of character

They are very sociable, easily adaptable to any environment, so events such as a change of place of residence or work are not stressful for them. But sometimes they show stubbornness and an inability to relax. Very vulnerable, hard to endure resentment and grief.

People with blood type A from the very beginning adapted to living in territories with high density population and the stresses inherent in urban life. In the organisms of these people, who had to put up with the demands of an overcrowded environment, peculiar physiological features and character traits.

Most bright qualities- this is the ability to live in society, in plain sight, accuracy, neatness, modesty, decency, discipline, law-abidingness and self-control.

From an online article...

The early "carriers" of A-type blood had to show intelligence and ingenuity, cunning and resourcefulness, passion and ardor, and also have a subtle instinct when meeting with problems, which were enough in a more complicated life. However, all these qualities were prescribed by fate to exist and develop within certain limits within a certain system. This is perhaps the reason why people with blood type A, even today, tend to be more interconnected, to more tightly "linked" structures. They hide their anxieties, worries and fears (and what else to do if you are trying to get along with others), but when will they break through? beware! The antidote to such terrible internal stresses, as already discussed, are hatha yoga and tai chi chuan calming, contemplative, relaxation exercises.

It may seem that A-people are ill-adapted to the turbulent, troublesome and stressful life of a leader, which is so easy to master for the "carrier" of blood type 0. But it cannot be argued that they cannot become leaders if they instinctively reject the principle modern leaders"man to man? wolf." Once at the very top, they tend to show patience and a desire to "unravel the knots" in search of the right (peaceful) way out of any unpleasant situation.
Former Presidents USALyndon Jackson, Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter? representatives of people with blood type A. Each brought undoubted brilliant abilities and enthusiasm to this position; but all three suffered from a fatal flaw: if the stress was too strong, they were seized by preoccupation, obsessions and the desire to take everything upon themselves, not considering it necessary to turn to anyone for advice. Ultimately, it was these typical A-people reactions to stress that caused the above men to not be able to stay in that position for a long time.

Probably, among all the other owners of A-type blood, Atsoyaf Hitler is best known to mankind. Most may associate him with type 0 blood due to his obsession and cruelty, but Hitler's overriding, overriding personality trait is an extraordinary hypersensitivity that ultimately drove him to insanity. He was an anomalous being, and the maniacal idea of ​​a genetically isolated society is nothing but the nightmarish ravings of an A-blooded mutant.

B (lll) blood type


This blood type is possessed by 10-20% of people. It presents the desire of nature to strike a balance between increased mental activity and demands of the immune system. The blood type appeared more than 10,000 years ago and was formed among people leading a nomadic lifestyle.

People with this blood type are called "nomads". They have a very stable digestive system, so their diet can be quite varied. People with blood type B (III) are recommended to consume dairy products.

Qualities of character

They are open and optimistic. Comfort does not appeal to them, and everything familiar and ordinary brings boredom. They are drawn to adventure, and therefore they will never miss an opportunity to change something in their lives. They prefer not to depend on anyone. They do not tolerate an unfair attitude towards themselves: if the boss yells, they will immediately leave work. writes the following about people with blood type B:

The first "carriers" of the blood of the group In the course of human history, he called for populating new lands, adapting to previously unfamiliar climatic features, to face the problems that arise when mixing different races, and therefore, for the sake of survival, these people had to show ingenuity (creative, creative abilities) and flexibility (cunning). To your distant B-ancestor in lesser degree than the sedentary owners of A-blood, required a penchant for social harmony, accommodating in society, a willingness to obey the established orders, but also to a lesser extent he needed the hunter's determination, characteristic of organisms with 0-blood.

All this is true to this day. In contrast to the "carriers" of blood types O, A or AB, purely biological people of the B-type are more flexible and less susceptible to many common diseases. The one of you who combines the right work, physical exercise and nutrition, is the color of humanity that has survived on the formidable face of the Earth.

People with blood type B often have all the best that is given to man. They are mentally active and hypersensitivity. B-type people are more tolerant, more contact in relations with any other individuals, because by their genetic nature they are better balanced and, therefore, less prone to defiant behavior, to confrontation, are able to understand a different point of view, they know how to sympathize, empathize.

Here is an interesting statistic: only 9% of the total US population have blood type B, but 30-40% of millionaires who have achieved success on their own!

The Chinese, Japanese and many other nations of Asia include a significant number of people with blood type B. Chinese medicine- ancient, natural, complex - Special attention gives the right combination of physiological and emotional status of the body. Boundless pleasure, unbridled joy, unbridled fun (in the West these are very common goals in everyday life) are considered by Chinese healers as dangerous to the balanced work of the heart. The balance and harmony of these words is the very place on the banner of medicine created by B-people.

In traditional Jewish populations, blood type B is dominant, regardless of where they live. The Jewish religion and culture are an amalgamation of rationality, sincerity and efficiency. AT Jewish traditions education, spirituality and peacefulness coexist side by side With a powerful will, physical force and readiness for battle, which often seems contradictory. It is actually the harmonic energy of the B-people in action.

AB (lV) blood type


Scientists have called this group "mystery" because it is the youngest blood group, and so far little is known about it. AB type people can boast that Jesus Christ had AB blood. The proof, they say, is a blood test found on the Shroud of Turin. The so-called Shroud of Turin, in which, according to legend, the body of Jesus Christ was wrapped, is an original dating back to the first century AD, and not a later fake. This is the main conclusion made by a group of forensic experts from the FSB as a result of a series of experiments. A report on these studies was presented to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II (the article can be read by clicking on the link

Qualities of character

People with the fourth blood group are quite rare. They have a soft and meek disposition. Always ready to listen and understand others. They can be called spiritualized natures and multifaceted personalities.

What writes about this type of people.

AB-type people appeared as a result of the merger of irritable, sensitive A-nature with more balanced, focused, stable B-characters. The result is a spiritualized, multifaceted, but sometimes scattered personality who strives to "embrace the immensity" (that is, to embrace, learn, try everything in life), without being particularly concerned about the consequences, never sweating over the details, not attaching importance to trifles and details .. This clearly indicates that a person belongs to the "carriers" of blood group AB.

The immune system of the AV organism is "the most best friend"almost any virus, almost any disease that exists on our planet. Figuratively speaking, if the immune system of 0-people is equipped with powerful gates with high-tech devices for monitoring, alerting and blocking, then on the flimsy doors of the immune system of AV-people there is not even the simplest heck .

Of course, every person likes to be greeted with open arms, when they do not hold any resentment or evil against him even in case of disappointment, when in any situation they talk to him in the most diplomatic tone. This makes people with the AB blood type attractive and popular. They easily win the sympathy of others. Is it any wonder that many healers and spirit guides have this blood?

But the medal has back side. Observing this promiscuity in relations with people (which is similar to the excessive tolerance of the immune system), one can suspect that in fact it is an immense indifference to external events, that in AV people it is futile to look for loyalty to some idea, party or conscience. It is rumored that Benedict Arnold also had the blood of the AB group (who remembers the history of the United States, he knows that this desperate hero of the Revolutionary War, the general, military commander of Philadelphia, became a traitor and traitor, offering the British the secrets of Fort West Point in 1780 for 20 thousand pounds sterling, escaped and went to England, where he died, despised by everyone, in 1801).

One of the undoubted positives is the fact that people with AV blood almost always fall into the number of the most charming and interesting personalities. Unfortunately, the charisma and talent bestowed on them by nature often turn into pain of the soul, leading to a dramatic (sometimes even tragic) ending. John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe had the blood of your group; although both have long been gone from the world, the universal love for them was so great that it is still subconsciously preserved in the mentality of every American. But for all the splendor of their fame and charm, they had to pay the highest price. Thus, if initially all people on earth had the first blood group and the blood group is a process of human evolution, then, say, after the next 15,000 years, the V blood group will appear on earth, called the Indigo type. And the owners of this blood type will be completely new people.

Blood consists of a liquid part - plasma and various cells blood (shaped elements). Plasma contains proteins minerals(main composition: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine) in the form of ions and other components. The formed elements of blood are erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets. The volume of blood is 6-8% of body weight - about 5 liters. Blood performs a series important functions: transports oxygen, carbon dioxide and nutrients; distributes heat throughout the body; provides water-salt exchange; delivers hormones and other regulatory substances to various bodies; maintains the constancy of the internal environment and has a protective (immune) function.

Differences between people in terms of blood types are differences in the composition of certain antigens and antibodies.

O, A, B, AB The international classification system for blood groups.
Corresponds to the old system I, II, III, IV

Blood groups are designated by the presence or absence of certain type"gluing" factor (agglutinogen):
0 (I) - 1st blood group.
A (II) - 2nd.
B (III) - 3rd
AB (IV) - 4th blood group.

The Rh factor is an antigen (protein) found in red blood cells. Approximately 80-85% of people have it and are accordingly Rh-positive. Those who do not have it are Rh-negative. It is also taken into account in blood transfusion.
Rh+- positive Rh factor
Rh-- negative Rh factor

Transfusion of whole blood, taking into account groups, is carried out only according to the principle of the group of the same name (for children, this rule is mandatory). The blood of a group 0 (I) donor can be transfused to a group 0 (I) recipient, and so on. AT emergency situations when there is no time or opportunity to do an analysis, it is permissible to transfuse blood of group I "negative" to recipients of other groups ("until clarification"), since 0 (I) blood type is universal. In this case, the portion of the injected blood is limited to a minimum volume. Taking into account the Rh factor, it is impossible to transfuse "positive" if the recipient is "negative" (this is fraught with a Rh conflict). It is the same with the conception of a child - if the mother is "negative", and the father is Rh-positive.

Those with this blood type are 20% more at risk than others cardiovascular diseases. Not only that, but they are three times more likely than the owners of other groups to have diseases. gastrointestinal tract- gastritis, ulcers, colitis, as well as some autoimmune diseases. In general, eat less salt more vegetables and fruits. But Australian scientists have found that people with group I are less likely to suffer from schizophrenia. So there is no bad without good.

The bodies of people with blood type II produce more adrenaline than others - hence their tendency to increase blood sugar levels and the risk of developing cardiovascular complications and diabetes. In addition, they are more likely to have “chronic fatigue syndrome”. Therefore, they should try to keep themselves in good shape and at the same time be able to relax. Nutritionists recommend eating more food containing tryptophan: bananas, turkey, dates.

It is believed that the III blood group flows in the veins of potential centenarians. Japanese scientists have found that among people who have lived for more than 100 years, there are twice as many owners of group III than the owners of other groups. True, it has been noticed that these same people have a higher risk of Parkinson's disease than the representatives of groups I and II. How to prevent it - consult a neurologist, but many scientists suggest eating more omega-3-containing foods: first of all, fish and nuts.

Finally, the owners of group IV, the rarest, are not prone to any serious illnesses. But it is easier for them to catch acute respiratory infections, they are more likely to have allergies, eczema and other minor (and not so) dirty tricks.

Blood type and risk of certain diseases

There is a pattern between blood type and the risk of developing certain diseases (predisposition). Australian scientists have found that people with blood type 0 (I) are much less likely to suffer from schizophrenia. People with type B (III) blood have a higher risk of severe disease than others nervous system- Parkinson's disease. Of course, the blood type itself does not mean that a person will necessarily suffer from a "characteristic" disease for her. There are many factors involved, and blood type is just one of them.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

People with the first blood group (it is the most common among Europeans) have a predisposition to gastric and duodenal ulcers. The presence of the first blood type increases the risk of developing gastric and duodenal ulcers by 35% compared with individuals with other blood types.

The second blood group is a predisposition to gastritis with low acidity. People with this blood type are also more vulnerable to the formation of stones in the bile ducts, they often develop chronic cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), but they rarely have ulcer disease.

The third blood type is a predisposition to colon tumors.

The fourth blood group is resistant to peptic ulcers.

Dental caries

It has been established that most often caries occurs in people with the second and third blood groups.

These people are carriers of genes associated with a predisposition to develop this disease.

Caries is rarely found in people with the first blood group. Resistant to caries are also people with AB fourth blood group, especially women. They have a minimal risk of caries and a more favorable course of this disease.

In persons with the second blood group, the development of the pathological process in the hard tissues of the tooth is acute (rapidly progressing). AT short term caries affects a large number of teeth.

In people with the third blood group, despite the high risk of developing caries, the course of the disease is more favorable (it develops slowly and can be treated).

Diseases of cardio-vascular system

People with the first blood group have the highest risk of developing hypertension.

The second blood group - predisposition to development coronary disease, acquired mitral heart disease, as well as congenital heart disease when all four heart valves are affected. Many heart diseases, including a defect, arise as a result of rheumatism. In persons with the second blood group, there is a tendency to rheumatism and myocardial infarction.

The third group is resistance to myocardial infarction.

People with the second and fourth blood groups have a high risk of high cholesterol levels, more likely to develop atherosclerosis and heart disease, obesity. In addition, people with the second and fourth blood groups have diseases associated with increased blood clotting ability: thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis of the lower extremities.


In people with the first blood group, cancer (tumor) of the large intestine is rare, and the prognosis of the disease is often favorable.

The second blood group causes a predisposition to the development of stomach cancer, acute leukemia ("leukemia", "blood cancer").

The third group is a predisposition to colon cancer.

Diseases of the blood system

The predisposition of people with the first blood group to hemophilia has been established.

The second blood group is a predisposition to acute leukemia.

Thyroid diseases

Thyroid diseases are more common in people with the second blood group.

mental illness, as well as states close to them

Among patients with schizophrenia, the smallest number of patients with the first blood group.
While among people with the third and fourth blood groups, patients suffering from neurosis and psychosis are relatively common.
Based on materials

Diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system

The most predisposed to the development of nephrolithiasis are people with the first and second blood groups. The first blood group is distinguished by nephrologists as the highest risk factor for the development of this disease.
Women with the third blood group are most susceptible to frequent urinary tract infections (especially if the infection is caused by Escherichia coli, since there is a similarity between the structure of the antigens of Escherichia coli and the third blood group). The most resistant to the development of kidney disease are people with the fourth blood group.

Skin diseases

Skin diseases are more likely to affect people with the first blood group, especially those with negative Rh.

less often skin diseases found in people with the fourth blood group.

infectious diseases

People with type I blood are more likely to get influenza A.

lung disease

Individuals with blood type 0 (I), especially those with a negative Rh, are most prone to the development of diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Leading among them are pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic allergic bronchitis, allergic conditions accompanied by pathology of the bronchial system, bronchial asthma.

The least susceptible to lung diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis) are people with the fourth blood group.

Of course, in order to get sick or not get sick with all of the above and not listed, it is not enough to have one or another blood type. In addition to blood type, many more factors must match. So don't worry, take care of yourself, listen to the doctors and be happy.

Artistic depiction of an interstellar planet

An orphan planet (other names can also be a planemo, a wanderer planet, an interstellar planet, a free-floating planet, a free-flying planet, a quasi-planet, or a single planet) is an object that has a mass comparable to a planetary one and is, in fact, but not gravitationally attached to any, and often even just another planet (although such a planet may have). If the planet is in , it revolves around the galactic core (the period of revolution is usually very long). Otherwise, we are talking about an intergalactic planet, and the planet does not revolve around anything.

Most astronomers do not believe in independent opportunity the formation of such a planet and believe that such planets can appear by leaving the orbit around their star as a result of some kind of cataclysm. Others believe that the concept of "planet" should only apply if it was formed from the remains of an emerging star (is by-product host star formation process), and such an object is not even a planet in the full sense. For example, with a mass less than a brown dwarf, which does not have a star around which it rotates, should be defined as a subbrown dwarf (this is a class of stars, not planets, although subbrown dwarfs do not leak thermonuclear reactions), since the mechanism of formation of such objects is similar to the formation of stars, therefore, this is not a planet in fact, although it is.

The International Astronomical Union has proposed classifying these planets as subbrown dwarfs. Other astronomers believe that such planets should be classified as planetar, as a subspecies of the planet.

Some astronomers talk about the discovery of such planets (for example, Chameleon 110913-773444), but such cases are not confirmed. The masses of PSO J318.5-22, CFBDSIR 2149-0403 and WISE 0855-0714 have been confirmed and may be considered orphan planets if not classified as subbrown dwarfs.

Conservation of heat in interstellar space

In 1998, Professor David Stevenson wrote a paper on "The Possible Existence of Life in Interstellar Space".

In this work, Stevenson believes that despite the cold of interstellar space, such giant planets will not cool to absolute zero, but will feed themselves with heat from internal sources. In this they will be helped by a thick hydrogen atmosphere, which will prevent the loss of heat from the planet (opaque in the infrared).

During the formation planetary system, including , some small bodies could leave it and "escape" into outer space.

As the body moves away from its star, the flow of heat from it, especially ultraviolet radiation, is continuously reduced, as a result of which the planet can easily retain light gases, even such a small planet would easily retain hydrogen and helium.

It was calculated that for an object with the mass of the Earth, a strong hydrogen pressure, which would be at least a thousand atmospheres, would create an almost ideal adiabatic process. Decay energies radioactive isotopes it would even be enough to maintain a positive temperature, and liquid water could exist. Therefore, the presence of oceans that would consist of liquid water is not excluded. It is also hypothesized that planets may have high geological activity for long periods of time, with underwater volcanoes and a protective magnetic field. It can serve as a source of energy for life.

The authors of the papers admit that it will be almost impossible to establish the presence of life on interstellar planets - the atmosphere of the planet will completely absorb everything infrared radiation coming from living organisms.

The simulations also showed that in the event of any cataclysm that ejects a planet outside its system, five percent of Earth-like systems would retain their satellite in the ejection. A large moon would serve as a source of strong tidal forces that could heat the system.


"There are innumerable suns, innumerable lands... It is impossible for a rational and living mind to imagine that all these innumerable worlds, which are as magnificent as ours, or even better than it, were deprived of inhabitants like ours, or even better."

So wrote Giordano Bruno. Three and a half centuries have passed since then, at the stake of the Inquisition, the one who first dared to say against the church: we are not alone in the universe perished!

Bruno is dead, but his ideas are alive. The stars are the same suns as ours, only very far from us, said Bruno. His satellites are the earths, he stressed, the planets. Modern science has proven that planet-like satellites revolve around some stars.

From the stars closest to us - Alpha Centauri and Proxima Centauri - the light has been coming for more than four years. Three hundred thousand kilometers per second, one billion eighty million kilometers per hour, per year... no, the astronomical numbers of distances in the universe are too great. Four light years sounds shorter and simpler.

If we could go on a journey into space at the speed of light, then in four years our Sun would turn into a small star for us. Would we then see his family of planets, these dark bodies shining only by reflected sunlight?

Yes, they will let us know about themselves. If we filmed the position of the Sun in the sky - not once or twice, but many times over many years - we would notice an amazing thing: it strays first in one direction, then in the other direction from the path assigned to it by law gravity. This would happen every few years. This is influenced by the movement of the Sun, its planetary satellites, in particular the largest of them - Jupiter.

It turns out that one can learn about the invisible satellites of a star just as reliably as if we flew to Alpha Centauri and were convinced of their existence with our own eyes.

And, even before making interstellar flights, we know that the planets are not alone in the universe. They are also found in other stars.

Almost half a century Pulkovo astronomers photographed the star "61" in the constellation Cygnus. It turned out that in five years it shifts by an angle of three hundredths of an arc second. In the picture it is only five ten-thousandths of a millimeter! Perhaps the invisible satellite is to blame for this, which makes a complete revolution around its sun in five years. At the farthest point of its path, it is about three times farther from the star than our Earth, moving away from the Sun. Its mass is twenty times greater than that of Jupiter - the most major planet solar system. It is possible that we are observing the combined disturbing influence of several planet-like satellites.

That's what astronomers were told by tiny deviations of tiny dots in photographs of the starry sky. You can imagine the accuracy of measurements in such pictures!

Recent years have brought new discoveries. An invisible satellite appeared at Proxima Centauri. Astronomers have studied the movement of the two hundred and forty stars closest to us. Approximately sixty of them have satellites. And meanwhile, says Pulkovo astronomer Professor A. Deutsch, "we are now only at the very beginning of a promising path, and there is no doubt that the coming years will bring us complete confirmation that many stars have their own planets."

As varied as the stars are, so varied are their planets. There is no doubt that among them there will be planets similar to ours. native land. Bruno spoke about lands three and a half centuries ago. Modern astronomers also talk about the lands.

Facts are stubborn things. And even the idealist Jeans - an English astronomer, an opponent of the plurality of inhabited worlds - finally admits under the pressure of facts: “On many planets there may be physical conditions not very different from our earthly ones and thus capable of supporting life similar to our earthly life. It's possible that life is much more common in the universe than we thought."

Life in the universe... So the planets of other star systems can be inhabited?

The works of Soviet scientists dealt a crushing blow to those who tried to present the emergence of our planet as Lucky case, exceptional and unique.

What happened in one corner of the universe could or could happen in another.

In the boundless expanses of the universe, divided huge spaces, worlds are born, live, die, and “matter in its eternal cycle moves according to laws that, at a certain stage, here and there, necessarily give rise to a thinking spirit in organic beings.”

The latest achievements of science strengthen faith in the validity of these remarkable words of Engels.

Life is not the privilege of only our planet. Only idealists who deny the materialist dialectic of nature are unable to understand this. Only those who cling to the ideas invented by religion about the divine creation of the world are afraid to admit the possibility of the existence of another earth besides ours, the possibility of another life besides earthly.

It is difficult to imagine what exactly the forms of life are in the worlds of distant suns. One thing is certain: in the course of development from the lowest to the highest, the “highest color of matter” inevitably arises - a thinking being. "... Once organic life is given, it must develop through the development of generations to the breed of thinking beings." In this statement of Engels lies the key to a materialistic understanding of the question of life in the universe.

What can be the appearance of thinking beings of other planets, if they exist? Some scientists answer: any other thinking being must necessarily resemble a person. This is the most convenient form for the "highest color of matter."

No, others argue. Why does it have to be human? The place of this small branch of the class of mammals, the detachment of apes, on other planets, under other conditions, may be taken by another group of animals. And perhaps there arose creatures that did not look like humans.

Let's not decide which of them is right. Another thing is important for us now - the question of the possibility of flying to the stars.

At one time, there was a whole discussion on the pages of the journal "Bulletin of Knowledge".

One reader argued this way. The inhabitants of other worlds did not visit the Earth. The earth is not the only cultural center of the universe. On other planets, there may be more high cultures. And since no one has flown to us from other worlds so far, then interplanetary travel in general is an impossible dream.

But this way of putting the question is wrong. Indeed, if somewhere in the universe, besides the Earth, there is still life, and, moreover, highly developed, what prevents our neighbors from visiting us?

If the machines of intelligent beings of other worlds have not visited the Earth, then it does not follow from this that they have not visited other planets, Tsiolkovsky said. Yes, and in the distant past, as well as in the distant future, a visit to our planet could or could take place.

Cosmic speeds of tens and hundreds of kilometers per second are still unattainable for modern technology. Hard to imagine light years separating the worlds of suns.

However, if we assume that our celestial neighbors have a very advanced technology, powerful sources of energy, we must also admit the possibility of their visiting the Earth in the past, present or future.

Of course, the arrival of a ship from the depths of the universe is an extraordinary, exceptional phenomenon.

Our Sun is an ordinary, ordinary star, and the universe is infinite both in space and in time. Therefore, speaking about the possibility of visiting the Earth by aliens from other star systems, we must not forget that this can happen extremely rarely. Such an event is much less likely than, for example, the fall of a large meteorite

Great are the difficulties of conquering the distance, which even the fastest messenger - light - travels for years. And for now, we can only fantasize about visiting our planet by the inhabitants of other stars or about flying to the stars.

Astronomy called flights to world space. In this word - the share of truth and at the same time a clear exaggeration. Yes, you can talk about swimming between the stars, but only in the vicinity of the closest star - the Sun. The road to other stars is a matter of a very distant time.

Carried away by thought far ahead, one can foresee that the future will bring confirmation - irrefutable, visual, visible - of the idea of ​​a plurality of inhabited worlds among the stars.

This confirmation will be given by interstellar ships traveling to other suns, to other planetary families. And then stargazing will find its true meaning.

It's been a long time since the ship left home planet and headed for a distant star

The usual concepts of "day" and "night" have long lost their meaning for travelers. "Night" - when the windows are closed or the lights are off. "Day" - all the rest of the time. You get used to it, and it seems that it has always been like that, as if many years have passed in small world bounded by the walls of the ship.

The starry sky, an unusual pattern of stars... The ship gradually picked up a monstrous speed in order to be transported to the star, to which the beam of light travels for years.

A few days - and the ship left the solar system. The sun turned into a bright star, and the ship rushed at a speed already comparable to the speed of light. And then the travelers saw the stars - not twinkling silver points, which are visible from the Earth, and not multi-colored carnations that dotted the sky, as they seem to be behind the atmosphere. The stars to which the heavenly ship flew towards and from which the heavenly ship was moving away changed color, shimmering with different lights, like a fabulous firework. Their radiance changed color, just as the tone of the whistle rushing towards us changes from high speed locomotive.

Weeks, months go by...

The telescope can already see a round dance of bright points around a small star. And now this is not a distant star, but a bright disk, similar to our Sun, whose light is painful to look at.

There are still millions of kilometers ahead, but it's time to start braking. Engines included. Like a tailed comet, an interstellar ship rushes through the sky. The islands of the universe, the family of another star, another sun, is close at hand.

New wonders are opening up before travelers. The planet, to which the ship is now approaching, turned out to have an atmosphere, it is all in a white shroud of clouds. There is, apparently, the atmosphere of another "oncoming" planet - it is covered with a bluish haze, like a veil hiding its surface.

It is difficult to see what is behind this veil - clouds are floating on it. Something dazzlingly bright flashed through the gap. What is it? The sea that reflects the rays of the sun? Or maybe snowy mountain peaks?

The ship circled the planet, gradually, circle after circle, descending more and more. It is visible now quite well - a huge plate, covered with clouds.

Instruments show that there is oxygen in the planet's atmosphere. Travelers noticed sparkles of the water surface. Oxygen and water? This means that even life on this unknown planet is possible!

With great speed the ship crashed into the planet's atmosphere. The ship's hull began to heat up. Even the cooling units were unable to deal with the heat, and the passenger cabin became unbearably hot. I had to start the brake motors on full power to slow down a bit.

Already much could be seen on the surface of the planet with a simple eye. Vlol edge big mainland- a long mountain range. Further - huge expanses of water, ice and water again ...

Peering into the relief map spreading below, the stargazers saw a yellow spot behind the mountain range. Desert! Sand! This is a great landing site.

The ship turned towards the surface of the planet and began to rapidly descend. The flight was coming to an end. It became stuffy again in the cockpit. The roar of a hurricane was heard through the walls - the ship, like a meteor, cut through the air of an alien planet.

The yellow spot was getting closer. It's time! Muffled explosions, then another and another... This is the engine running, convulsively choking in short bursts, scorching the "ground" under the ship with hot breath.

The ship struggled with the gravity of the planet. Fire jets roared from the engines. The last jump up - and the giant ship began to slowly descend, as if on a pillar of fire. The column is getting smaller and that's it closer place landing. Another moment - and the descent is over. The ship lies on the surface of the planet.

The silence seems oddly strange. The porthole shutters are open again, and the landscape of another world, in the sky of which multi-colored luminaries rise, appears before the eyes of travelers.

Their indefatigable thirst for knowledge has brought them here, under an alien sky, to an alien planet. With excitement they look at other people's skies, at the world of another Sun.

Behind are trillions of miles of travel starship competing in speed with light. Somewhere in the bottomless expanse of heaven there was a star whose name is the Sun, a planet whose name is Earth...

The hatch opens.

Interstellar travelers enter another world...

Back in 1960, Frank Drake founded the SETI Research Foundation

Distant giant exoplanet 51 Pegasi b through the eyes of an artist

The planetary system of the red dwarf Gliese 581 is one of the main "candidates for life"

Literally a year later, the Kepler orbital mission will take over the watch, which will search for extraterrestrial life.

The new ATA radio observatory in the Californian desert will also take part in this.

Something like this argues Dr. Seth Shostack, scientific director of the famous SETI project (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - “Search for extraterrestrial intelligence”). For Shostak and his colleagues, the impressive number of planets in the universe means one thing: it is extremely unlikely that we are alone. The huge number of stars with planetary systems makes it almost inevitable that somewhere in the depths of space there are other planets like ours - with an atmosphere, liquid oceans of water, a mild stable climate suitable for the origin of life. And if so, - Shostak argues, then the fact is inevitable that life appeared there and, according to the laws of evolution, after some time gave rise to highly developed creatures that created technological civilizations and managed to establish radio communications.

All this sounds quite logical - if not for one fact. For almost half a century of work of the SETI project, half a century of constant intense listening to space, scientists have not heard a single whisper from our potential brothers in mind.

However, until 1995, no one was completely sure that anywhere except our solar system planets exist. The first exoplanet discovered was a giant (about 0.5 Jupiter masses) orbiting star 51 in the constellation Pegasus (51 Pegasi b). The speed of the planet was amazing: it made a complete revolution around its star in just 4 Earth days. And based on the data on the brightness of the star and the minimum approach of the planet to it, scientists have shown that the temperature on its surface reaches 1000 °C. From then until today more than 260 exoplanets have been discovered, but none of them can be definitively called the "second Earth". The more astronomers learned about distant worlds, the more alone we felt.

But almost exactly a year ago, a group of Swiss astronomers made an amazing discovery - the third planet in the star system Gliese 581 turned out to be similar to the Earth, like no other. We wrote about their discovery just in April last year: "Neighbors". The planet was also the smallest (at that time) of the exoplanets known to us - 5.5 times the mass of the earth - and was located just at the right distance from its star, in the "habitable zone", conditions in which may well support life.

Astronomers have established some other circumstances of this planet - for example, that gravity on it is twice that of the earth; that it is unlikely to have, like ours, fairly high mountains, and the local landscape is rather extensive rolling plains. The star Gliese 581 itself is a red dwarf, that is, much colder and larger than the Sun (and, of course, red, not white-yellow) - but thanks to the Rayleigh scattering phenomenon, the sky above the planet will still be blue - however, the clouds will turn out to be rather pink . Although the star is colder than ours, the planet is closer to it than we are to the Sun, so the temperature conditions there are similar to those on Earth. So, almost in passing, it turned out that the high content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of a distant planet makes it too hot for normal life. Of course, there are extremely thermophilic organisms on Earth that live quite comfortably under such conditions - but scientists still assessed the likelihood of life on looking at Gliese 581c rather skeptically. And soon - in the summer of the same 2007 - the neighboring Gliese 581d came out as a "number one candidate" for the title of a habitable exoplanet. We wrote about this planet in the note "Wrong address".

Meanwhile, astronomers keep discovering more and more exoplanets. The most successful in this case was the group of Geoff Marcy from Berkeley, on account of which more than 100 of them. However, none of them even closely resembles the Earth. So scientists are hoping for a new assistant that will come into play in 2009.

This is the new orbital telescope Kepler, whose main task is to search for exoplanets. The mission is designed for 4 years of work, during which it must study more than 100 thousand stars - astronomers are confident that this data will be more than enough to finally understand how Earth-like planets are common within our galaxy. By the way, even according to the most pessimistic estimates, Kepler should detect at least 50 such planets: it will be a kind of "address book" for the search for alien intelligence.

But that's not all. In the desert, almost 500 km from San Francisco, another large-scale instrument is being built - the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) observatory, the creation of which was paid for by the fund of the famous billionaire, one of the founders of Microsoft, Paul Allen (Paul Allen). It is planned to be an array of 300 giant radio antennas working together, giving them unrivaled insight into the depths of the universe. And the ATA dishes will be directed exactly at those stars where life can potentially appear. Some of them have already been put into operation and have begun the search (we wrote about this project in detail: “Waiting for a signal”). It seems that it remains only to wait a little: if life outside the Earth exists, then it will be found.

By the way, there is one more likely habitat for the "little green men" - a double star system HD 113766. Actually, no planets have been found in it yet, but all the conditions for its formation exist - read: " A planet like ours". Meanwhile, other scientists decided not to wait until someone else's signal reaches our devices - and send their own into space ("