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All people in their own way mental characteristics divided into introverts and extroverts. A person belonging to one type or another is distinguished by the peculiarities of behavior and the direction of internal energy. Who are these introverts? What are their characteristics and how can they get along with extroverts?

Introvert - who is it?

Most people in our world are extroverts. They are open to communication, easily come into contact with others, love noisy companies and new experiences. However, there are also people of a different mental warehouse, to which the concept of "introvert" is applicable. Who are they and how do they differ from extroverts?

Introverts are people whose energy is directed inward. They are not prone to open expression of emotions, are secretive, do not share their thoughts and experiences with others. Introverts can hardly tolerate society, feel uncomfortable in large companies, especially strangers. They are not the first to make contact, and even close friends do not always know them well.

In a world where most people are not like them, introverts have a hard time. Very often they experience strong mental anguish, experience and go in cycles in certain situations. At the same time, the anxiety of introverts is not noticeable to others, and, accordingly, no one seeks to help them psychological help and support.

Features of the behavior of introverts

Determining that you are an introvert is not always easy. Very often, such people try to "put on the mask of an extrovert." In appearance, they seem sociable and sociable. However, in a conversation, they in every possible way avoid stories about themselves, their opinions about certain things. Introverts will easily chat on distant topics, but as soon as it comes to their person, they will try in every possible way to avoid answering. Such people have very few friends, and for those who do, they rarely open up fully.

Features of introverts is that any society is tolerated by them with difficulty. Such people are most comfortable alone with themselves. They tend to engage in introspection, delve into their inner world deal with feelings and experiences.

On the surface, introverts are always calm. They are difficult to piss off, as well as to make them laugh. Introverts listen more than they talk. They will think several times before they say something, they will evaluate the consequences of their words before that. By appearance It is difficult for introverts to understand what mood they are in right now. All their emotions are hidden deep inside and inaccessible to the interlocutor.

Introverts are very punctual people. They are almost never late. Such people will approach any work with maximum responsibility, perform everything clearly and in accordance with the rules. An introvert's day is usually well-planned. They don't like spontaneous action and adventures. If something does not go according to plan, they begin to get nervous and worry.

The main types of introverts

All introverts can be divided into two large subgroups: sensory and intuitive. They have their own characteristics in behavior and attitude. Each of these two types of introverts also has its subspecies.

The sensory introvert loves accuracy everywhere and in everything. He is not satisfied with vague answers to questions and uncertainty. He lives in the present, rarely thinks about the future and remembers the past. At work, sensory introverts concentrate on only one thing and always bring it to the end. He needs clear instructions and guidance, only in this case he will cope with the task. People belonging to this type of introverts are very fond of order at home and at work. They want everything to be in its place. One more feature sensory introverts is the ability to clearly see individual details, but at the same time they do not perceive the full picture of what is happening.

Intuitive introverts, unlike sensory introverts, can do several things at the same time. They easily switch from one activity to another. Trying to find myself intuitive introvert can try many different professions. Such people do not like to understand small details, they consider it boring and uninteresting. They often think about the future, sometimes forgetting that they live here and now.

Ethical-sensory type of introverts

People of this type appreciate beauty and harmony. They subtly feel nature and other people. The world of emotions is extremely important for ethical-sensory introverts. They have good taste, always dress stylishly and unusually.

In a conversation, an ethical-sensory introvert can easily adapt to the interlocutor. Looks very sociable and nice person However, it can only be frank with close people. This type of introvert tries to avoid conflicts, cannot stand criticism, and has a hard time with jealousy and distrust. Such people do not aspire to be leaders.

In work, the ethical-sensory introvert loves logic and order. Does not accept confusing explanations and conflicting information. Such people do not like to be late, they try to be in time everywhere and always. They can work productively only in comfortable physical and emotional conditions.

Ethical-intuitive type of introverts

Ethical-intuitive introvert - who is he? The behavior of these people is always dominated by emotions. They make decisions based solely on their feelings, while sometimes completely forgetting about common sense. Such people have many hobbies, often switch from one thing to another. In work, they need clear control and regulation of the working day, as they cannot independently plan their time correctly.

Ethical-intuitive introverts always look good, know how to produce positive impression on those around you. These people are pleasant in communication and friendly, endowed with a sense of humor, but their mood can change dramatically, so they seem unpredictable. Ethical-intuitive introverts periodically need solitude. They like to reflect and deal with their emotions.

Sensory-logical introvert

A person belonging to this type of introvert is endowed with a strong logical thinking. He has a practical approach to everything. The sensory logical introvert loves power and seeks to occupy high positions. Career is very important for such people.

Sensory-logical introverts love order and keep it in everything. Every thing should be in its place. Such people appreciate home comfort and do their best to create it.

In relationships with people, sensory-logical introverts try to behave correctly and politely, even if they don’t like the person. At the same time, they are quite distrustful and suspicious, and therefore extremely cautious with strangers.

Logical-intuitive type of introverts

Logical-intuitive introvert - who is he? People of this type can be called theoreticians. They carefully analyze all the events that happen to them, like to develop and think about new ideas, but in practice they are not able to implement them. All the actions of these introverts have logical basis. They are accustomed to objectively assess both situations and people.

Logical-intuitive introverts are very trusting and friendly. They strive to help others, are ready to listen and support. However, in communication, such people practically do not show emotions; in this regard, they are often considered indifferent and callous.

The work must be necessarily interesting to the logical-intuitive introvert. Otherwise, he will not be able to perform it. People of this type value comfort very much, but they themselves cannot create it, therefore they need a caring life partner. They suit emotional people that can give them a charge of positive energy.

The most suitable professions for introverts

The choice of a profession is undoubtedly very important for a person. In the same field, an extrovert and an introvert can achieve completely different results. To prevent work from turning into hell, you need to understand yourself and determine what type of introvert you are. Right choice profession will determine how successful person you will become.

Basically, all introverts try to find a job where contact with people is minimized. However, someone chooses a creative profession, someone is interested in exact sciences. So, logical introverts will feel comfortable in the position of a programmer or accountant. Their personality traits will help to cope with such work perfectly well. Sensory and intuitive introverts are more suitable creative professions such as designer or florist.

Extreme manifestations of introversion

As a rule, each person has traits of both an introvert and an extrovert. Depending on situations and moods, we can be sociable and cheerful, or, conversely, withdraw into ourselves.

Even those people in whom the traits of introverts predominate, as a rule, exist without problems in society. They have friends, family, a job they love, go to parties, and are practically no different from extroverts. It’s just that sometimes they need solitude and are not revealed to everyone.

However, there are also people in whom introversion takes on extreme forms. They develop social phobia. Such introverts try to completely avoid communication with people. They stop attending parties, getting to know each other, going on dates, they are very afraid to change jobs.

A person suffering from social phobia has low self-esteem, believes that he has terrible appearance and character. Introvert with extreme form afraid of manifestation negative evaluation from those around you. It seems to him that in crowded places everyone looks at him with disapproval.

Social phobia is a disease that needs specialized treatment. A person cannot cope with it on his own.

Interactions between introverts and extroverts

As you know, in our world there are much more extroverts than introverts. Accordingly, the latter have to adapt to difficult conditions for them. This process is described in detail in the book The Invincible Introvert.

Everything starts at school years when introverts often get more low grades because they are afraid or do not want to answer the teacher's questions, although they know the answer. Parents, on the other hand, invade the personal space of their introverted child, preventing him from being alone and sending him outside to play with other children.

In adulthood introverts may have problems at work, especially when their position involves interacting with people. It is difficult for them to participate in discussions, attend corporate events, make phone calls and negotiate. It can be extremely difficult for introverts to adapt to extroverts, especially in cases where they are not wanted and do not try to understand.

How to approach introverts

Extroverts can also find it very difficult to build relationships with introverts. These two types of people think completely differently, so it is not easy for them to understand each other. Extroverts can read the book The Invincible Introvert to better understand what they are.

In order for your communication with introverts to be productive, you need to remember a few rules. First, the meeting must be arranged in advance. You can not suddenly invade an introvert, as he needs time to prepare. Secondly, in a conversation you should not rush the interlocutor. He cannot instantly formulate an answer and give it away. Pauses when talking with an introvert are normal phenomenon. Third, remember that introverts are very vulnerable. They react painfully to inattention.

If you still managed to win the trust of an introvert, he will open his unique inner world to you and become your best friend.

It seems that each of us is interested in knowing himself. In general, most people like to talk about themselves. Fortunately, classes in psychology, testing, and various classes are already being introduced in schools. Why this is needed is obvious. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses student or employee, a teacher or leader will be able to give him the tasks with which he will cope best, showing his merits.

And knowing himself, a person will not take on what is alien to him, will not break his personality for the sake of friends or family. He will be better able to cope with difficulties and problems if he is aware that they follow from his inherent qualities. One of the most important parameters, according to which people can conditionally be divided into two groups - this is the relationship with the outside world and others.

And extroverts? Psychologists (and before that philosophers, psychiatrists, writers) have long noticed that some people are open to communication, like to be in noisy companies, in the center of attention. They are talkative and do not like to hide their feelings and thoughts. But there are others: closed, uncommunicative. What are introverts in the understanding of psychologists? These are people who are focused primarily on their inner world, preferring solitude and reflection to intense communication. They don't have to be gloomy and gloomy.

What are introverts? How do they prefer to work? These are people who need living space, they do not like to waste energy, because there is so little of it. As a rule, they work and solve problems alone, on their own, without paying much attention to the opinions and assessments of others. They make excellent scientists, freelancers, programmers. However, there is no homogeneity among them; one can distinguish such types of introverts as sensory and intuitive. If the first is focused on specific figures, facts, phenomena, then the second prefers general, rather abstract ideas and concepts. A sensory introvert is a scientist, attentive to details and details, loving accuracy and order. Such a person, as a rule, relies only on himself, he has few friends, but if they are, then they are reliable, proven long time satellites.

What are intuitive introverts?

Dreamers, philosophers, poets... People who are primarily interested in dealing with images and ideas. These are excellent humanitarians, erudite, thinkers. They like to look into the future and analyze the past. It is more difficult for them to be specific and work out the details, but they are great at generating ideas and concepts.

Each of these two types can be divided into two more on the basis of what is the determining factor in their inner world - the mind (logical introvert) or state of mind, relationships, emotions (ethical). A more detailed classification is various materials in socionics.

A typical introvert feels comfortable alone with nature, books, music, his ideas and creative ideas. He doesn't need constant attention and company, and his communication rather tires than pleases. What is needed is for such a person that no one will interfere with him, and the ability to create.

Every person is unique personality, which is characterized by certain features of behavior and character. However modern psychology divides people into several types. There are several of these grades. Two are especially popular: by temperament (and then we are talking about sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic) and by character - an introvert and an extrovert. It is necessary to clearly understand how one systematization differs from another. Temperament is given to a person from birth, it cannot be changed, it can only be directed to right direction, but a person develops his character over the years. Thus, a person becomes an introvert or an extrovert due to some developmental features.

Extrovert and Introvert: Different Personality Types

All types of human characters are usually divided into two large groups: introverts and extroverts. It should be immediately noted that the latter is numerically much larger. According to what principle goes separation? By the way, for the first time this question was raised and substantiated by Carl Jung at the beginning of the 20th century.

The first part of the word "extrovert" speaks for itself: "extra" - external. Such individuals cannot imagine life without communication, all their actions are directed towards external environment, that's where they draw vital energy. If misfortune happens, they share it with others, and they immediately feel better. They are good speakers, organizers of events, public figures.

Then what is an introvert? This person, on the contrary, is directed inside himself, his life world (“intro” - inside). He is not interested in noisy companies, the lot of an introvert is reading a book or just being alone. This is his comfort zone.

Already after Jung, much later, Robert Macrae determined that 38% of people are in an intermediate state between these two entities, that is, they are ambiverts. The peculiarity of such a person is an average value: sometime he likes to be alone, and sometime he cannot do without communication.

In our article we will touch upon the phenomenon of introversion in its explicit manifestation.

Who is an introvert

Often in noisy companies on general background fun, a person stands out, as if immersed in himself. It seems that everything that happens around him is completely uninteresting, and he, to put it mildly, is bored. To the questions of the host of the holiday about what happened, he replies that everything is in order, and he has just as much fun as the others. So, using an example, you can briefly describe the nature of an introvert. And in fact, he is not bored, this person just has fun not like those around him. It is much more comfortable for him to immerse himself in himself and think about something of his own.

Moreover, any public speaking, whether it's an answer at the blackboard at school or a report at work in adulthood, cause a real panic in an introvert.

Thus, people of this temperament most often become writers or scientists, programmers or artists.

It is a mistake to put an equal sign between an introvert and an egoist. These two characteristics are absolutely different: the first simply makes decisions in private, with himself, at the same time listening to the opinions of others, which the egoist never does.

Character features

Thus, in order to understand who an introvert is, the following features of his character should be taken into account:

  1. Procrastination and forethought. He is never in a hurry to make a decision, he always does it consciously and carefully.
  2. Focus on yourself. It is quite difficult for him to merge with the surrounding society, to perceive it adequately.
  3. Lack of initiative. An introvert almost always listens to the decisions of the environment; he will never offer his own ideas.
  4. An introvert is a good strategist. He carefully considers his plans and actions.
  5. Since a person of this type of character is immersed in himself, he fully evaluates his capabilities, which excludes overestimated self-esteem.
  6. The introvert is kind, but at the same time vulnerable and touchy. It rarely comes into conflict.
  7. Indifference. Such a person is very closed in himself, he is not interested in what is happening around him.
  8. An introvert is very secretive, no one knows about his feelings and experiences, even very close people - parents, wife, children.

All these qualities will be revealed only if you personally communicate with a person, and not just once, but for a sufficient period of time. Find out who an introvert is by any outward signs impossible.

Personal life

The personal life of such people develops, though difficult, but quite successfully. Their concentration on their own inner world sometimes brings misunderstanding to the family. It is much more difficult for an introverted man, because, obeying the decisions of his wife, he often becomes a “henpecked”. This fact may be the cause of his sadness and even greater isolation. Knowing who an introvert is, a woman can properly build communication in the family.

A wife of a similar temperament is more fortunate: she will obey her husband, analyze and make informed decisions.

Psychologists note that ideal marriages are pairs in which each of the partners has a different temperament from the other: the husband is an extrovert, the wife is an introvert. However, these differences should not be extreme - in this case, they will complement each other. It is much worse when both spouses are introverts, and explicit ones: they simply will not be able to sincerely communicate with each other, each will live in his own little world.

Types of introversion

On the basis of Jung's teachings arose whole section science - socionics. She not only subdivides the characters into introverts and extroverts, but also identifies special subtypes in each of them. The classification is based on the work of the main mental functions: thinking, feeling, intuition and emotional component.

Thus, the main types of introverts identified by socionics are sensory and intuitive. In turn, each of them is also divided into subtypes that are more convenient for identification. This is necessary in order for a person to be classified as certain group without much question.

So, a sensory introvert is very accurate in his actions and judgments, he is focused on any one business or event and will not calm down until he brings it to the end. Of course, this type is the ideal employee for any leader. Such an introvert does not tolerate approximation: it requires clarity and certainty from everyone. In addition, they are also extraordinary tidies and adherents of order: such a person has a place for every thing, which he carefully monitors. The world they perceive it as a puzzle picture: each detail exists separately, but the completely surrounding as a whole sensory introvert very difficult to perceive.

Another thing is an intuitive introvert. It is not difficult for him to combine several types of activities and switch between them at the same time. Another difference from the previous type is the ability to try on various professions. They tend to perceive the environment as a whole object, they do not like to study in detail the constituent parts and small details. These people are dreamers whose eyes are fixed on the future, and sometimes they replace the real, real world with them.


As mentioned above, there is a more detailed division of the categories of people aspiring to themselves. So, logical introverts touch type(or logical-sensory) - owners analytical warehouse mind. As a rule, these are careerists who know their worth. They are very practical and thoughtful. All actions of such introverts lend themselves to a clear logical explanation.

As for the life and work environment, these people put order in the first place. They demand it in everything. Very scrupulously achieves comfort in the house and keeps it.

Logic-sensory introverts are quite difficult to converge with people. However, they remain polite, even if the person is unpleasant to them. They do not trust people, treat strangers with suspicion.


These introverts are creative, sublime natures. great attention they give their inner world of emotions and feelings. These people are very good at feeling and emotional background close, they are also very close to nature.

Ethical-sensory introverts have a great sense of seeing beauty, their artistic taste can be envied. They make good stylists and fashion designers.

These people, perfectly feeling the state of the interlocutor, are able to speak with him “on the same wavelength”, but they are in no hurry to open their souls: if they decide to have a frank conversation, most likely, a very close person will be the interlocutor.


As for this type of introvert in working environment, then they work with high productivity. The only thing to consider is that they need a clear explanation of the requirements and a logical construction of action steps. Psychologists also note the extreme punctuality of these people.


Another introvert, dependent on the emotional component. And for him, this is what plays the main role. All his actions are dictated by emotions, he makes decisions, also guided by what he feels in this moment. Completely devoid of prudence, the concept of " common sense' does not exist for him.

An ethical-intuitive introvert is a passionate nature, and the feeling of interest in any business quickly passes, and he switches to another. That is why such people need strict control both in work and in domestic issues, they must be clearly regulated in time. No matter how they try to plan their daily routine, it always ends in failure.

Unlike other types of introverts, these can communicate well in a company, are endowed with a sense of humor, but they are betrayed by a sharp change in mood. Here, it would seem, he only laughed in the circle of friends, and now he is sitting in solitude. This is the normal situation for people like that: they need solitude to deal with feelings, put them in order.

What to consider when communicating

The last type of introverts are theorists by nature. They are looking for a logical explanation for everything, but in practice they cannot translate their ideas.

By nature, they are friendly and trusting. Excellent interlocutors They will always listen and help solve a difficult problem. In the same time logical-intuitive introverts they do not show their feelings at all, for which they were known as dry, cynical people.

The most important thing in the business that this type is engaged in is interest. Without this, the task will not be completed qualitatively. They constantly need a person who will direct their theoretical warehouse into a practical channel.

What to consider when communicating

When communicating with an introvert, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of his character. We advise you to follow the following rules:

  1. Appreciate the relationship with this person, because he is not capable of hypocrisy. If he communicates with you, it means that he genuinely treats you well.
  2. You can’t rush this person to make a decision: he needs time to think.
  3. Do not require a sudden change of activity. For example, it is better to go to the cinema with him than to rush around the entertainment establishments during the evening.
  4. Do not be annoyed by long pauses in the conversation - in this way he weighs every word he is about to say, passes through himself.
  5. Be sure to read the book The Invincible Introvert, especially if you are planning a long-term relationship with such a person.
  6. People with a similar warehouse of character are devoted friends and wonderful spouses. The main thing is to find an approach to them.

How to determine the type of character

How to understand yourself and understand who you are - an introvert or an extrovert. The test will help you with this. The results of any study can be summarized in the following table.

Read the information in the table carefully, check the box next to the item with which you agree. Count the number of ticks scored. If there are more of them in the first column, you are an extrovert, in the second - an introvert. The test can also be taken online.

person to the outside world, in that the extrovert prefers social and practical aspects life immersion in the world of imagination and reflection. The introvert, on the other hand, prefers reflection and imagination to operations with real external objects.

Psychology knows two fundamentally different types personalities: extroverts and introverts.

Extroverts are a type of personality (or behavior) that is oriented in its manifestations outside, to others.

Introverts - a type of personality (or behavior), oriented inward or on oneself.

Extroverts are characterized by behavior in which a person seeks:

  • to communicate with people
  • attention from others,
  • participating in public speaking
  • participation in crowded events and parties.

An extrovert can be an excellent toastmaster, organizer (often on voluntary), an official who manages people, an artist or an entertainer.

Introverts are characterized by behavior that is more associated with comfortable loneliness, internal reflections and experiences, creativity or observation of the process. An introvert can be an excellent scientist, researcher, observer, writer, or individual entrepreneur. If an extrovert needs the presence of other people for comfort, then an introvert is comfortable working alone.

Over time, Jung significantly revised his views on extraversion-introversion. First, he singled out a number of independent factors ( psychological functions), which he previously included in the composition of extraversion-introversion: thinking, feeling (experience), sensation, intuition. Secondly, starting with his programmatic work Psychological Types (1920), he spoke not of extroverts and introverts, but of the extraversion or introversion of the dominant function. That is, he wrote that one of the functions can dominate in the psyche of an individual person - extraverted or introverted thinking, feeling, sensation, intuition, while in the psyche there was a place for other functions that played an auxiliary role or were forced out into the unconscious.

Eysenck, borrowing these concepts from Jung, fills them with a slightly different content - for Eysenck, these concepts are the poles of the superfactor - a complex of correlated personality traits that is genetically determined. A typical Eysenck extrovert is sociable, optimistic, impulsive, has wide circle dating and weak control over emotions and feelings. On the contrary, the typical introvert is calm, shy, withdrawn from everyone except close people, plans his actions in advance, loves order in everything and keeps his feelings under strict control.

In psychiatry, Leonhard's typology is widespread, who borrowed the earliest interpretation this term according to Jung and rethought it: according to Leonhard, an extrovert is a weak-willed person, subject to outside influence, an introvert is a strong-willed person. At the same time, Leonhard's typology is psychiatric, not psychological, and refers primarily to pathologies. If we are not talking about pathologies, then close to the interpretation of Leonhard (but not Jung) of this term are such terms of psychology as locus of control (internal and external), externalism and internalism (Akoff and Emery), etc.

The terms "extraversion" and "introversion" are also used in the Myers-Briggs typology, in socionics, in psychosophy, in the NEO-PI-R test and a number of others. modern questionnaires and diagnostic techniques where their interpretation has its own specifics.

At its core, introversion is a type of temperament. This is not at all like shyness or aloofness, it is not a pathology. In addition, this personality trait cannot be changed, even if you really want to. But you can teach to work with it, not against it.

Most important distinguishing feature introverts lies in the source of energy: introverts draw energy from their inner world of ideas, emotions and impressions. They conserve energy. The outside world quickly puts them into a state of overexcitement, and they develop unpleasant feeling when something is "too much". This can manifest itself in nervousness or, conversely, in apathy. In any case, they need to limit social contacts so as not to be completely devastated. However, introverts need to supplement their time alone with time out into the outside world, otherwise they may lose their sense of perspective and connection with other people. Introverts, who are able to balance energy needs, have resilience and perseverance, can look at things independently, focus deeply and work creatively.

What are the most characteristic qualities of extroverts? They are energized by outside world- from actions, people, places and things. They are energy wasters. Long periods inaction, inner contemplation, or loneliness, or communication with only one person deprives them of the sense of the meaning of life. However, extroverts need to supplement the time they spend in action with intervals of just being, otherwise they will get lost in the whirlwind of hectic activity. Extroverts have a lot to offer our society: they express themselves easily, focus on results, love crowds and action.

Introverts are like a rechargeable electric battery. They need to periodically stop, stop wasting energy and rest in order to recharge again. It is the opportunity to recharge that provides introverts with a less exciting environment. In it, they restore energy. This is their natural ecological niche.

Extroverts are like solar panels. For them, being alone or being inside is like being under heavy, dense clouds. solar batteries to recharge you need the sun - extroverts need to be in public for this. Like introversion, extroversion is a temperament with a constant pattern of action. It cannot be changed. You can work with her, but not against her.

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