Educational and methodical set "promising elementary school" alphabet.

Lesson 1. INTRODUCTION LESSON. ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE FIRST EDUCATIONAL BOOK - "ALPHABET" Subject: can: listen to the text of a fairy tale; make sentences on the topic of illustrations, correlate specific proposals with a graphic model of the text, title the story given by the illustration, answer the teacher's questions on the text he has read, work with template elements of block letters;has an ideaabout a sentence as a statement containing a message about something and designed for auditory or visual perception.

Personal: formation positive attitude to school and learning activities, the internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude towards the school; development of interest in educational work; knowledge, acceptance, observance and evaluation of the basic moral norms of behavior and the following basic values: "kindness", "tolerance

nie”, “homeland”, “nature”, “family”.

Meta-subject (criteria for the formation / evaluation of the components of universal learning activities- UUD):

Regulatory: will learn accept and save the learning task; evaluate the result of their actions; adequately perceive the assessment of their work by the teacher, comrades, organize their workplace under the guidance of a teacher.

Cognitive: will learn understand question asked, in accordance with it, build the answer in oral, search necessary information in different sources understand signs, symbols;will have the opportunity to learn focus on the possible variety of solutions learning task, bring the analyzed objects under the concepts different levels generalizations, to draw analogies between the studied material and own experience, navigate in the textbook, determine the skills that will be formed on the basis of the study this section.

The end of the table.

use the rules of courtesy in communication; will have the opportunity to learnbuild clear statements for the partner, participate in class discussions and life situations

Forms and methods of teaching

Frontal, individual; verbal, visual, practical

The main content of the topic, concepts and terms

Textbook "ABC". The role and importance of books in the life of people and society.

Offer model


Story pictures, magnetic board, flannelgraph, paper strips for building a sentence model

Organizational structure lesson


Teacher activity

Student activities

form of control

carried out


I. Organizational moment.

Lesson topic message

Frontal conversation. Checking the readiness of the class and equipment. Creating a positive emotional

Where are you now?

In this first school week we get to know each other school rules that is, we will learn to be disciples.

I wish you all success! Let's start our lesson
and meet the first educational book

know how to accept

Continuation of the table.

mood for the perception of educational material


I. Organizational moment.

Lesson topic message

Frontal conversation. Checking the readiness of the class and equipment. Creating a positive emotional mood on the perception of educational material

Where are you now?

Why did your parents bring you to class today?

Congratulations on your start school life!
In this first school week, we will get to know each other, learn the school rules, that is, we will learn to be students. I wish you all success! Let's start our lesson and get acquainted with the first educational book - "ABC"

Welcome teachers. They answer questions. Organize the workplace, check the availability of individual training supplies.

Examine the textbook "ABC"

May be emotionally responsive to funny questions that awaken curiosity.

know how to accept
and save learning goal and task

Frontal. Teacher observation

II. Discovery of new knowledge

Conversation on il-


ki". Work
with content, cover, table of contents, symbols of the textbook

Look at the cover of the textbook. What season did the artist paint?

Why do you think so?

Yes, it's the end of summer. Autumn will come soon. What signs of autumn did the artist depict?

What is the boy doing?

Describe appearance puppy.

Which of you will read the title of this textbook?

What does the word "alphabet" mean?

Looking at the cover of a textbook
"ABC", title page and content; read the title of the textbook (author's name and title); get acquainted with the orientation device
in the textbook.

know how to work
with a textbook, determine the educational task of studying this section; to search and highlight the necessary information; put into practice the methods of informa-

Frontal. Oral survey.

Continuation of the table.

In the old days, the first letter of the alphabet was called not “a”, but “az”, the second - not “be”, but “beeches”. Let's combine the names of the first letters (az + beeches) - we get the word "alphabet", that is, the name of the book by which children learn to read.

In it, you will get acquainted with all the sounds of the Russian language, learn how to distinguish them from words and pronounce them correctly, designate sounds with letters and read syllables, words, sentences and entire texts.

Summer. Beginning of autumn.

Grass and bushes are green, flowers are blooming. There is a rainbow in the sky. The cranes are flying. The girl is holding a book, she will go to school soon. Walks with a dog.

search, listen and engage in dialogue, participate
in a group discussion.

Discussion on the illustration of the title page. Frontal illustration work.

Look who's pictured here.

Give names to children and nicknames to animals.

Write a story about them.

Title this illustration.

Consider the illustration of the title page in the textbook, answer the questions of the teacher.

Know how to consciously
and arbitrarily build a speech statement in oral form, use an illustration to solve a learning problem, accept and maintain a learning goal.

Frontal. Oral answers to questions.


The stork spreads its wings

The stork opens the book.

The book contains letters and words.

The stork sees the letter "A".

And, putting glasses on his nose,

It reads: Ab-ri-kos.(G. Sapgir)

Starting position - feet shoulder width apart. Recite the poem, performing the movements.

Ready to take care
about maintaining the active working capacity of your body and to prevent fatigue.

Frontal. Teacher observation.

Continuation of the table.

with models of units of the Russian language and their symbols. Heuristic conversation, game moment. Practical work
with models of units of the Russian language and their symbols

Everything we say is speech. Guess what is the name of the speech that we are using now?

Such speech is called oral, because we use the mouth (mouths), pronounce everything with the help of voice apparatus when we talk, listen, ask. Oral speech we hear and pronounce. But apart from oral speech there is speech, which in books, newspapers is indicated by letters. it written language. Consider conventional signs on page 2 of the textbook. This is a stripe. We will designate with it any of your thoughts about someone or something, spoken by you aloud (oral statement). Take in right hand strip and show me. Put her in her place. Below is a house in which our thoughts “live” - statements (sentences). Here is the roof, on the left is the “wall” as the beginning of the house, below is the “floor”, and on the right is the end of the house where the “lock” (dot) is located.

Express your opinion about our book "ABC".

Take a strip and put it in the house-offer.

When we learn to write, we will write down our thoughts in letters, starting the first word with capital letter and end the whole sentence with a dot.

Answer the teacher's questions, consider the symbols on page 2 of the textbook.

"ABC" is our first book.

Perform actions with a conventional sign-stripe.

Can consciously
and arbitrarily build a speech statement in oral form, work with an educational book - consider the cover, title page and content, read the title of the textbook (author's name and title
vie); know the apparatus of orientation in the textbook and are able to search
and selection of the necessary information, apply in practice the methods of information retrieval.

Frontal. Oral responses.

Practical work

Continuation of the table.

In the upper left corner, a house is drawn in which sentences “live and make friends”, for example, the text of a fairy tale, story, poem. All sentences in the text express some one common thought that “lives”
in the topmost sentence "under the roof". There is no full stop around this sentence. This is the title of the entire text. Show it.

The rectangles are meaningful words, they mean something, for example, objects(tree, table, desk) , signs of objects(tall tree, low tree) , actions (walks, runs, flies).

Helper words are marked with triangles. who serve t to link words in offer.

Here is the proposal model.

Consider whether the sentence “Children play in the park” fits this pattern. Check.

Now tell me whether the sentence “Children play in the park” fits this model or not? Why?

Lay out this proposal on the desk using the templates.

Consider the proposal scheme, find a point in the scheme
and show it.

Consider the scheme of the proposal, correlate the proposal with this scheme.

Lay out an offer on a desk using templates
"Do children play in the park?"

can model various language units(letters, word, sentence)
use at an affordable level logical tricks thinking (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization).

Continuation of the table.

We will get acquainted with other models of the Russian language later.

Physical education minute

Here we spread our hands

As if they were surprised.

And each other to the ground

They bowed to the belt!

Bent over, straighten up

Bent over, straightened up.

Down, down, don't be lazy

Bow and smile

Starting position-
nie - feet shoulder width apart. reciting a poem,
performing movements

Show willingness to care
about maintaining the active working capacity of your body and to prevent fatigue

Frontal. Teacher observation

III. Primary fastening

Game moment. Practical work with models of units of the Russian language and their symbols

Reads riddles.

small bird

dives with its nose,

Tail will wag -

Will lead the way.(Needle.)

Grandma sews with a needle.

Two ends, two rings

And in the middle is a carnation.(Scissors.)

Mom has sharp scissors.

As they collide - knock and knock!

Silence is scared around.

Solve riddles. Make up a sentence with a guess word

Able to use at an accessible level logical methods of thinking (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization), understand the meaning of the riddle; able to accept and maintain the learning goal
and task, consciously
and arbitrarily build a speech statement in oral form, model
various language units (letters,

Frontal. Individual. Practical work

The end of the table.

The fat one will beat the thin one -

Thin something will beat.

(Hammer and nail.)

Nails are driven in with a hammer.

Bowing, bowing

When he comes home, he stretches out.(Axe.)

Grandpa has a new axe.

Eats quickly, chews finely,

She does not eat herself, she does not give to others.(Saw.)

We took the saw.

A new vessel, but all in holes.(Colander.)

What unites all the riddle words?

These are the tools

word, sentence)

IV. Summarizing

Analysis and evaluation of the success of achieving the goal and prospects for further work. Summarizing conversation

What new did you learn in the lesson?

How did the word "alphabet" come about?

Name the tools you know

Formulate complete answers to questions.

Make assumptions

Capable of formulating personal opinion, adequately perceive quality assessment his work

Frontal. Extended oral answers to questions

Educational kit
Primary School»

The purpose of the course is to teach children the basic
reading and writing skills based on
familiarization with the general patterns
devices graphics system Russian
(The training is based on the analytical-synthetic principle in
its modern interpretation)

Specific features:

1. The order of learning sounds and letters:
At the first stage, vowel letters are entered,
denoting one vowel phoneme
(ah, oh, uh, i, s, y)
Then the consonant letters denoting
unpaired deafness-voiced phonemes
(m, l, n, p, d) - sonorous (the term is not
is entered.

Specific features:

- paired by deafness-voiced consonants;
- b and b signs;
- letters e, e, u, i capable of having different
phonemic correspondence in different positions.

Specific features:

2. When learning new letters in the lesson
selected maximum number
words with the studied letter.
Assignment - p.55 count how many times the letter Z occurs in
words (non-repeating words):

Specific features:

Specific features:

3. Included works of oral folk
4. Formation and improvement
phonemic hearing and graphic technique

Specific features:

Reception of building - gradual increase
sound chain and the creation of new syllables and
With. 55

Work methods:

First, reading at the syllable level
in a singsong voice:
lantern, ze-rno.
Further orthoepic reading - reading
one-piece word with staging
This is the technology of mastery
initial reading skills.

Specific features:

Reception of reconstruction of words - comparison
words in minimal pairs that differ from each other
from each other with one phoneme (letter).

Specific features

5. Formation of initial representations
about basic units language (sound, word,
phrase, sentence, text).

Models of units of the Russian language

oral statement
Meaningful word
Helper Word
Word sound pattern
word scheme
The words that make up

Models of units of the Russian language

Specific features

First, a graphic designation is introduced
sound, and only then phoneticographic schemes are introduced:

Sound-letter schemes:

1. Say a word;
2. Name the sounds of it
words (first level
3. Read the word by
syllables (second level
4. Read with emphasis
5. Compare the soundform
words with a letter (than
similar than different?).

Task: choose a diagram and compose a fragment of the lesson

Pay attention to the syllables!

Specific features

Word: formed figurative representation that
sentence is made up of words that represent
objects (p.8-9), actions (p.10) and signs of objects

Specific features

Specific features

Suggestion - p.7 familiarity with the scheme.
It is necessary to form the concept in children that
an oral offer can be placed in a house offer, i.e. write it down.
The vertical line is symbolized with the wall,
lock point.
The triangular roof completes the look of the house.


Specific features

Text - (p.8-12) - the formation of a figurative
notions of the text as a "house" in which
live and make friends offers.
Learn to extract from a short text,
reproduced aloud by the teacher, separate
sentences without breaking the sequence, and
correlate them with the text model.

Specific features

Specific features

Non-traditional syllable division - according to the law of ascending
sonority and at the same time the syllable tends to be open:
noisy + noisy
noisy + sonorous
sonorous + sonorous
both sounds go to the next syllable.
hat, s. 75 p-shka, p-shka;
ve-sleep, p. 71 cases; wave,
p.98 colloquial.
For example:

Primary Reading Teaching Technology

Activities of the four components:
- auditory (phonemic);
- articulatory;
- visual;
- motor.

Three periods: preparatory, main and final

Preparation period
introductory lesson. Introduction to the textbook.
Spoken and written speech. Listening to the fairy tale "Zayushkina
hut, conversation.
Fairy tale "Kolobok". Text. Sentence. Word.
How did the bread come to the table? text, sentence,
word. How did the bread come to the table? text, sentence,
word. Intonation.
"Good deed". "Good deed". Words are things.
Living and non-living things.
"Parrot". Text. Living and non-living things.
"Unsuccessful walk" Words-actions. speech sounds and
"Smart Frog". Sign words.
"Winter fun" "Our guests" Helper words.
Speech and non-speech sounds.

Preparation period

Preparation period

Preparation period

Main period

The main tasks of this period:
teach children to hear, accented
pronounce in a given
sequences of sounds in a word;
differentiate them on two grounds
(hardness-softness, sonority-deafness);
convert them to letters and vice versa
translate (when reading) letter entry
words into sound form.

Stage 1 - the study of vowel sounds

It is necessary to convey to children:
- the sound of speech is understood as the smallest structural
and functional unit language, with the help
in which words and word forms are distinguished;
- syllable - the minimum indivisible pronunciation
unit, i.e. is it one sound or a combination of sounds,
pronounced with one breath of exhalation

Work on the study of vowel sounds (p.13-23)
1. Determining the topic of the lesson
2. Sound-letter analysis the words.
3. Definition of lexical
word meanings.
4. Isolation of the studied sound in
word and its definition
places in a word.
5. Intonation of each sound and
association of sounds with
graphic scheme
6. Correlation of sound with a letter.
7. Designing a letter (you can
use the trick
I-A-U reconstruction).
8. Sound designation [a] s
using square
brackets and lower case a.

Acquaintance with the syllabic structure of words, stressed syllable

Stage 2 study of consonants

The structure of the reading lessons of the main period (acquaintance with
new consonant sound-letter):
1. Determination of the topic of the lesson by children. (Initial skills
work with a book - paging) A funny little man helps
in the top left corner.
2. Further work with subject pictures: pronunciation
words, determining their lexical meaning.
3. Work with the scheme: reading the scheme of these words, highlighting
the voice of the first sounds (for example, from 53 an umbrella, grains).
Determination of the difference in hardness-softness against the background
the same property (voicing in this case).
Drawing up a schematic diagram of sounds. (consonant
voiced, consonant voiced, soft).

4. The rule of the ratio of sounds and letters. Sounds (z), (z") on
letter are denoted by the letter Z. Acquaintance with the letter:
work with an envelope - designing printed letters Z, Z.
Draw the attention of children that it is convenient to designate sounds
using lowercase printed letter in square
5. Work on two-level schemes (when studying
6. Reading syllables three types to prepare for reading
words: closed syllable with a hard end open syllable With
hard at the beginning, open syllable with soft at the beginning. (az, for,

7. Exercise in reading columns of words selected on
reception of building up sounds in them, converted into
other words or changed in form. (p.54)
8. Exercise in reading exercises and texts, as much as possible
saturated with learned sounds.
9. Tasks magic wand a few words can
to disassemble in the lesson, the rest for the lesson is to consolidate.

Assignment: write a summary of the lesson

Final period

Level 1 - reading in a singsong voice, in slow motion.
Level 2 - orthoepic fluent reading with
accentuation of the stressed syllable in the whole word.
Level 3 - fluent reading of the whole sentence with
focusing on punctuation marks as inside it
(comma, dash), and at the end (period, interrogative and
exclamation points).
Level 4 - correct, fluent, accelerated and expressive
reading coherent texts of prose and poetry


Components of the formation of a graphic action:

auditory component.
articulation component.
motor component.
Driving component.

Principles of teaching initial writing:

Elemental study.
Single variant style.
Logical grouping of letters.

Element-by-element study of written letters

visual elements:
Motor elements

Single-variant lettering

All letters that contain:
- oval a,b, d, o, o, f, f, u, u;
- a straight line with a quarter oval b, b, s;
- a line with a loop turning into a lowercase oval in;
have only one version of the outline, in which
the lower repetition technique is used
semi-oval line.

Logical grouping of letters

Group 1 - a line with a rounding on one side.
Group 2 - smooth line.
Group 3 - semi-oval.
4 group - a line with a loop.
Group 5 - a line with a rounding on both sides.
6th group - oval.
Group 7 - straight line.
8 group - a straight line with a loop and rounded with
opposite side (4 letters - e, e, Z, H).
Group 9 - 3 letters based on a straight line with a quarter
oval: b, s, b.

Basic tricks
1. Analytical perception (analysis of letter elements):

Element-wise holistic method of writing writing

Practical construction of the studied letters:

Element-wise holistic method of writing writing

Primary copying of elements, letters and their connections with
using algorithms:

Element-wise holistic method of writing writing

Clocking reception: from top to bottom (voltage) count
one two Three; bottom up (relaxation) additional
account i.

Notebook №1

Page structure

Logic tasks

- underlining the size or spatial position;
- element selection parentheses if the element is not
belongs to this group;
- a dash indicates a comparison operation: difference in size,
spatial orientation.

The structure and content of writing notebooks

Notebook 1,2,3. the second half of notebook No. 1 (from p. 13), 2.3
intended for the main period.

The structure and content of writing notebooks

1. Acquaintance with the studied letter:
- correlation of printed and written letters;
- determination by children of the letter that they will study (in blue
- examination of the visual elements of the studied letter (on
first line);
- consideration of motor elements on the bar;

The structure and content of writing notebooks

2. Formation of ideas about phoneme sounds as
structural units of the sounding word.
- working with sounds square brackets- cast
examples with this sound, the intonation of each sound, their

The structure and content of writing notebooks

3. Shaping visual image written letter:
What elements does a letter consist of?
- in what spatial and quantitative relations they
are in it;
- letter design;
- connect only those elements that are suitable for
studied letter (fan) (independently).

The structure and content of writing notebooks

4. Teacher explanation on the sequence board
letter outlines (Children repeat in the air on the second
5. Exercise in writing letters under the account:
- the teacher explains on the blackboard;
- training in writing according to the self-instruction table (at the end
each notebook).
6. Assimilation of the technology of drawing a letter according to the algorithm.
- blunt end of a pen or pointer tracing elements
letters in the pattern.
7. Graphic exercise in writing motor
elements of the letter and their complexes according to the algorithm, and then -
whole letters.

The structure and content of writing notebooks

8. Exercise in making connections with this letter and
an exercise in writing a connection.
9. Exercises for the speech and language development of students:
- work on subject or plot illustrations.
10. Fulfillment logical tasks with letters.
11. Making patterns-borders.

Lesson 1.
Introductory lesson. Acquaintance with the first educational book - "ABC".
Purpose: to determine what knowledge and actions will help to become schoolchildren; to promote the formation of elementary ideas about the word, sentence and text; acquaintance with the heroes of the book (schoolchildren Masha and Misha); formation of educational and cognitive interest in the new learning material(models of units of the Russian language, conventions); develop attention, coherent speech, memory.
Equipment: symbols in the textbook.
During the classes:
Organizing time.
- The long-awaited call is given,
The lesson starts!
- Well, check it out, buddy.
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Everything is in place
Is everything all right?
Pen, book and notebook?
Is everyone seated correctly?
Is everyone watching?
Everyone wants to receive
Only the mark "5".
Acquaintance with the textbook "ABC".
- You have an important and the right book- ABC. It is very necessary for everyone - even those who already know how to read. Its first pages will be “read” by those who do not yet know the letters.
- Review the textbook. What did you like about it? Are there many pictures? different stories?
- There was a time when no one had heard of letters, but people still knew how to transmit information to each other. They used what is on pages 2 and 3 of our textbook. Look and tell me what people used to transmit information?
3. Conversation on the illustration of the cover of the "ABC".
- Look at the cover of the ABC. What season do you think the artist painted?
- Why do you think so?
Yes, it's the end of summer. Autumn will come soon. What signs of autumn do you notice?
- What is the boy doing? Describe his puppy?
What do you think the title of your first book means?
- in the old days, the first letter of the alphabet was called not “a”, but “az”, the second - not “be”, but “beeches”. Let's combine the names of the first letters (az + beech) - we get the word "alphabet", that is, the name of the book by which we will learn to read. In it, you will get acquainted with all the sounds of the Russian language, learn how to distinguish them from words and pronounce them correctly, designate sounds with letters and read syllables, words, sentences and entire texts.
4. Physical education.
5. Conversation on the illustration of the title page.
- Look who's drawn. Give names to children and nicknames to animals. Write a story about them. Title this illustration.
6. Physical education.
7. Work with the textbook. Consideration of conventional signs on p.2-3.
- Open your textbook on pages 2 and 3. Look at the signs. What do you think they mean?
- We see a lot of signs on these pages. We will call some of them "models" and use them in the second class. Even those who can read do not yet know these signs and do not know how to use them. In order to study at school, you need not only to know the letters, to be able to read and write words. You also need to know well what models mean in our language. The conventions will also help us to use the textbook. We will gradually remember them.
8. Reading the poem "Finch".
- Determine if the boy had a goal and how he managed to achieve it.
I wanted to have a bird
And saved up money.
And here in the bird market
I bought a finch.
The guys came
Look at the finch
And everyone wanted
Have the same.
S. Mikhalkov.
9. The result of the lesson.
What do you think our goal is today? What have we achieved? What did you learn, understand?

Attached files

This lesson fully complies with the requirements of the FGOS IEO. Conducted in 1 B class UMK Promising Elementary School. The traditional format is the study of new material, using ICT in the form of a multimedia presentation. The objectives of the lesson, its plan were open to the students, specific and motivating for them. Content, methods, means and forms of organization cognitive activity in the classroom are subordinated to the implementation of the goals and objectives, the development and education of students. Tasks were used to expand the horizons of students, the problematic nature of the presentation of educational material. Conditions were created to update the experience of students, their personal communication.



MOU "Rakityanskaya secondary comprehensive school№1"

Trunova A.I.

primary school teacher

1 lesson Literacy (reading) PNSh

Topic: Introductory lesson. Acquaintance with the first educational book - "ABC"

Target: to determine what knowledge and actions will help to become schoolchildren, to promoteformation elementary representations about the word, sentence and text; create conditions for the formation of UUD

Personal oud: The formation of the internal position of the student on the basis of a positive attitude towards school, the adoption of the image of " good student"(acquaintance with the heroes of intrigue, schoolchildren Masha and Misha). Formation of educational and cognitive interest in new educational material (models of units of the Russian language, symbols).

Cognitive oud:Ability to use sign-symbolic means (symbols, models of units of the Russian language). Independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal (a poster depicting a target with an arrow in the center; an excerpt from a poem by E. Ilyin; a poem "Chaffinch").

Regulatory wud:Formulate and maintain a learning objective.

Communicative wud:Ability to listen and engage in dialogue. Continue to get to know your teacher and classmates.

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, symbols in the textbook, projector, screen

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The long-awaited call is given,
The lesson starts!
- Well, check it out, buddy.
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Everything is in place
Is everything all right?
Pen, book and notebook?
Is everyone seated correctly?
Is everyone watching?
Everyone wants to receive
Only the mark "5".

Children in pairs, holding hands, say the words in unison aloud

We are smart!

We are friendly!

We are careful!

We are diligent!

We are great at learning!

Everything will work out for us!

I join all the wishes, I believe in you and I know that you will succeed!

2. Acquaintance with the textbook "ABC"

You have an important and necessary book on your desks - the ABC. It is very necessary for everyone - even those who already know how to read. Its first pages will be "read" by those who do not yet know the letters.

Review the textbook. What did you like about it?

Are there many pictures? different stories?

There was a time when no one had heard of letters, but people still knew how to transmit information to each other. They used what is on pages 2 and 3 of our textbook. Look and tell me what people used to transmit information?

3. Work with the presentation.

These are drawings. These are the drawings that were discovered by scientists on the stones. Ancient artists told about their travels on boats, about how they hunted. Gradually, writing moved from drawings to picture signs. A similar script is used today. For example, on a pole you see such a picture sign. He informs you that the airport is near. There are signs on the box with the TV. They mean that there is a fragile, breakable object inside and that he is afraid of water.

And what do these signs tell you, can you guess?

4. Physical education.

5. Work with the textbook. Consideration of conventional signs on p.2-3

Consider the signs. What do you think they mean?

We see many signs on these pages. We will call some of them "models" and use them in the second class. Even those who can read do not yet know these signs and do not know how to use them. In order to study at school, you need not only to know the letters, to be able to read and write words. You also need to know well what models mean in our language. The conventions will also help us to use the textbook. We will gradually remember them.

6. Physical education.

7. Work on the development of the ability to independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal

To become schoolchildren and do well in school, we need, like adults, to set goals for ourselves in the classroom and evaluate our work. Models and symbols will also help us with this. This sign will remind us of the purpose of the lesson and the evaluation of our work. This is a target with an arrow in the center.

Why do you think this sign will remind us of the purpose of the lesson?

When shooting at a target, they say: “To hit the target!”

8. Listening to a poem that talks about the goal of the runners. What is this goal?

Let him come to Olympia

Who is brave and strong.

For peaceful battles

"battlefield" stadium.

So the wisest decided