What are karmic diseases. Karmic diseases, causes and methods of healing

In contact with


diseases, their karmic reasons and healing methods. Illness is a signal that a person has ceased to live in harmony with the Universe, violates its laws. The subconscious through the disease reports that we overreact to the events of life, we are not doing our own thing.

A person who was born with a disease or in a problematic family has the karma of past incarnations and his task is to understand his mistakes, be kind to people, and earn good karma.

If a person was born healthy, but fell ill, then he made some mistake, violated the law of nature, accumulated negative karma. Childhood illnesses are a reflection of the behavior and thoughts of parents.This is a signal to the whole family. Normalization of the atmosphere in the family leads to the recovery of the child.

As the saying goes, "all diseases are from the nerves."Calm, balanced people with an optimistic mindset are less likely to get sick and live longer. A person is surrounded by an energy shell and is saturated with energy. He constantly gives energy and receives it from everything that surrounds him and what his attention is focused on.

From positive emotions and feelings, the volume of energy increases, which is facilitated by joy, kindness, optimism, faith, hope, love.The amount of energy decreases if a person experiences anger, irritation, despondency, disbelief, envy, jealousy, fear.

The aura of a person depends on the amount of energy, which protects him from external influences like a cocoon. If the aura is depleted, then there are various diseases up to death.

Causes of some diseases:

Knowing the causes of diseases, reviewing and eliminating them, you will get rid of diseases.
Allergy is a denial of one's abilities.
The flu is a reaction to negative beliefs.

Cold - irritation, annoyance.
Obesity is a defense against something.
Problems with teeth - inability to make decisions.

Lungs - fear of being unheard, misunderstood, inner tightness.
Stomach - fear and envy of others (stinginess).
Large intestine - an excessive desire for stability, fear of change and a desire to live life without shocks (potato juice).

Pancreas (increased sugar, immunity) - excessive authority, the eternal desire to put everything under your control, resentment, discontent.

Heart - fear of manifestation of love, suppression of emotions, lack of joy. Listen to your heart.
Small intestine (noise, earache, blurred vision, contraction of the little finger of the hand) - fear of action (acts only at the behest of others).

Bladder (cystitis, infections) - a ban on the manifestation of sexual emotions.

Kidneys (nephritis, pyelonephritis) - back pain, epilepsy, convulsions - rejection of the world around, an obsessive desire to remake it according to one's own system, fear of shocks (do not move anywhere).

Meredian of the pericardium (chest pain) - fear of sexual intimacy.

Three cavities of the body (nervous system, psyche) - stubborn unwillingness to take lessons from the Universe (tongue, ring finger, shin, knee-joint, subclavian fossa).

Gallbladder (neck, face, vision) - the inability to forgive a loved one, to understand.

The liver is the confidence that it must retain in itself a noble feeling of anger (anger). The desire to justify one's actions and actions, "undeservedly offended" (muscles of the 1st toe, genitals).


Barley - anger at someone.
Blindness is the unwillingness to see something.
Conjunctivitis - avoiding conflict.

Colorblindness - realize the unity of all things and its diversity.
Cataract - find the light within yourself.
Glaucoma - confess your sadness, shed unshed tears.

Myopia - clinging to little things. Find space in yourself and expand the limits of the world around you.
Squint - be honest. Don't try to push out a piece of wholeness.
Farsightedness - you see the fullness of life, do not cling to trifles.

Nose - the desire to close. You need to take a break from people, problems, gather strength and resolve the conflict.
Ears - unwillingness to listen, stubbornness. listen to inner voice. Listen and learn.
Mouth - inability to accept new impressions and ideas.

Teeth and gums - suppression of aggression out of fear that you will lose the love and recognition of others. Be honest with yourself. Transform aggression into a positive creative force. Learn to love yourself and others.
Night gnashing of teeth is helpless aggression. Be aware of your aggression.

Dental stones are unresolved issues. Recognize them and decide.
Neck - fear, suppression of feelings, rejection of something. Be yourself. Don't force yourself.
Cough - the desire to get rid of something.

A heart attack is the sum of accumulated anger and annoyance.
Anemia - lack of joy, lack of strength and dynamics. Joy, strength and energy are in the Universe, accept them.
Hypertension - the inability to resolve the conflict. Learn to leave the past behind, accept and survive the problem.

Hypotomy - the desire to avoid problems and conflicts, an escape from sexual life. Accept yourself the way you are. Be sincere to yourself. Find strength in yourself.

Varicose veins - lack of flexibility and energy, inner rod. Become free inside - the blood will circulate freely.

Alcoholism, narcomania.

  1. Unable to deal with anything. Terrible fear. The desire to get away from everyone and everything. Reluctance to be here.
  2. Feelings of futility, inadequacy. Rejection self.


  1. Who can't you stand? Denial of one's own power.
  2. A protest against something that cannot be expressed.
  3. It often happens that the parents of an allergic person often argued and had completely different views for life.
Appendicitis. Fear. Fear of life. Blocking everything good.


  1. Fear. distrust of the life process. Guilt.
  2. Escape from life, unwillingness to recognize its shadow sides.

Vegetative dystonia.

Weight: problems.

Appetite is excessive. Fear. Self-defense. distrust of life. Feverish overflow and getting rid of feelings of self-hatred.


  1. Hypersensitivity. Often symbolizes fear and the need for protection. Fear can serve as a cover for hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive. Trust in yourself, in the very process of life, refraining from negative thoughts - these are the ways to lose weight.
  2. Obesity is a manifestation of a tendency to defend against something. Feeling inner emptiness often stimulates the appetite. Eating provides many people with a sense of acquisition. But mental deficiency cannot be filled with food. Lack of confidence in life and fear of life circumstances plunge a person into trying to fill spiritual emptiness external means.
Lack of appetite. Denial of personal life. Strong feeling fear of self-hatred and self-denial.
Thinness. Such people do not like themselves, they feel insignificant in comparison with others, they are afraid of being rejected. And so they try to be very kind.

Cellulitis (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue). Accumulated anger and self-punishment. Forces herself to believe that nothing bothers her.

inflammatory processes. Fear. Rage. Inflamed consciousness. The conditions that you have to see in life cause anger and frustration.

Hirsutism (excessive body hair in women). Hidden anger. A commonly used cover is fear. Trying to blame. Often: unwillingness to engage in self-education.

Eye diseases. Eyes symbolize the ability to clearly see the past, present, future. Perhaps you don't like what you see in your own life.

Astigmatism. Rejection of one's own "I". Fear of seeing yourself in the true light.

Myopia. Fear of the future.

Glaucoma. The most stubborn unwillingness to forgive. They press old grievances. Crushed by all this.

Farsightedness. Feeling out of this world.

Cataract. Inability to look ahead with joy. Foggy future.

Conjunctivitis. Some event happened in life that caused great anger, and this anger is intensified by the fear of experiencing this event again.

Blindness, retinal detachment, severe head trauma. A harsh assessment of the behavior of another person, jealousy, coupled with contempt, arrogance and rigidity.

Dryness in the eyes. Evil eyes. Unwillingness to look with love. I'd rather die than forgive. Sometimes a manifestation of malice.


  1. Occurs in very emotional person who can't get along with what he sees.
  2. And who feels anger and irritation when he realizes that other people see the world differently.
Head: diseases. Jealousy, envy, hatred and resentment.


  1. Self underestimation. Self-criticism. Fear. Headaches occur when we feel inferior, humiliated. Forgive yourself and your headache will disappear by itself.
  2. Headaches often come from low self-esteem, as well as low resistance to even minor stresses. A person complaining of constant headaches literally consists of psychological and physical clamps and tension. habitual state nervous system- always be at the limit of your capabilities. And the first symptom of future diseases is a headache. Therefore, doctors working with such patients first teach them to relax.
  3. Loss of contact with one's true self. The desire to justify the high expectations of others.
  4. Trying to avoid any mistakes.


  1. Hate coercion. Resistance to the course of life.
  2. Migraines are created by people who want to be perfect, as well as by those who have accumulated a lot of irritation in this life.
  3. Sexual fears.
  4. Hostile jealousy.
  5. A migraine develops in a person who does not give himself the right to be himself.

Throat: diseases.

  1. Inability to take care of oneself. Swallowed anger. Crisis of creativity. Unwillingness to change. Throat problems arise from the feeling that we "have no right" and from a sense of our own inferiority.
  2. The throat, in addition, is a part of the body where all our creative energy is concentrated. When we resist change, we most often develop throat problems.
  3. You need to give yourself the right to do what you want, without blaming yourself and without fear of disturbing others.
  4. A sore throat is always an annoyance. If he is accompanied by a cold, then, in addition to this, also confusion.
  1. You refrain from harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
  2. Feeling angry at not being able to handle a situation.
Laryngitis. Anger makes it difficult to speak. Fear makes it difficult to speak. They dominate me.
Tonsillitis. Fear. Suppressed emotions. Silent creativity. Belief in one's inability to speak for oneself and independently achieve the satisfaction of one's needs.
Hernia. Broken relationship. Tension, burden, incorrect creative self-expression.

Childhood diseases. Faith in calendars social concepts and contrived rules. Adults around behave like children.

Adenoids. A child who feels unwanted.

Asthma in children. Fear of life. Reluctance to be here.

Eye diseases. Unwillingness to see what is happening in the family.

Otitis(inflammation of the external auditory canal, middle ear, inner ear). Anger. Unwillingness to listen. Noise in the house. The parents are arguing.

Nail biting habit. Hopelessness. Samoyedism. Hatred for one of the parents.

Staphylococcus aureus in children. An irreconcilable attitude towards the world and towards people from parents or ancestors.

Rickets. Emotional hunger. The need for love and protection.

Childbirth: deviations. Karmic.


  1. Longing for the unfulfilled. Strong need for control. Deep grief. There is nothing pleasant left.
  2. Diabetes can be caused by a need to control, sadness, and an inability to receive and internalize love. The diabetic cannot bear affection and love, although he craves them. He unconsciously rejects love, despite the fact that on deep level has a strong need for it. Being in conflict with himself, in rejection of himself, he is not able to accept love from others. Finding inner peace of mind, openness to accepting love and the ability to love is the beginning of a way out of the disease.
  3. Attempts to control, unrealistic expectations of universal happiness and sadness to the point of hopelessness that this is not feasible. The inability to live one's own life, because it does not allow (does not know how) to rejoice and enjoy one's life events.

Respiratory tract: diseases.

  1. Fear or refusal to inhale life fully. You do not recognize your right to occupy space or exist at all.
  2. Fear. Resistance to change. Distrust in the process of change.
  1. Inability to breathe for own good. Feeling overwhelmed. Suppression of sobs. Fear of life. Reluctance to be here.
  2. A person with asthma seems to have no right to breathe on his own. Asthmatic children are, as a rule, children with a highly developed conscience. They take the blame for everything.
  3. Asthma occurs when there are repressed feelings of love in the family, repressed crying, the child is afraid of life and does not want to live anymore.
  4. Asthmatics express more negative emotions are more often angry, offended, harboring anger and a thirst for revenge compared to healthy people.
  5. Asthma, lung problems are caused by the inability (or unwillingness) to live independently, as well as a lack living space. Asthma, convulsively holding back incoming from outside world air currents, indicates a fear of frankness, sincerity, of the need to accept something new that every day brings. Gaining trust in people is an important psychological component that promotes recovery.
  6. Suppressed sexual desires.
  7. wants too much; takes more than it should and gives back with with great difficulty. He wants to seem stronger than he is and thereby arouse love for himself.


  1. Suppressed self-pity.
  2. A protracted “everyone is against me” situation and an inability to deal with it.
Runny nose. Request for help. Internal crying. You are a victim. Non-recognition of one's own value.

Nasopharyngeal secretions. baby crying, internal tears, the feeling of the victim.

Nosebleeds. The need for recognition, the desire for love.

Sinusitis. Irritation caused by one of the relatives.


  1. Bitterness. Heavy thoughts. Curses. Pride.
  2. They look for the bad and find it, scold someone.

Stomach diseases.

  1. Horror. Fear of the new. Inability to learn new things. We do not know how to assimilate a new life situation.
  2. The stomach is sensitive to our problems, fears, hatred of others and ourselves, dissatisfaction with ourselves and our fate. Suppression of these feelings, unwillingness to admit them to oneself, an attempt to ignore and "forget" them instead of understanding, understanding and resolving can cause various stomach disorders.
  3. Gastric functions are upset in people who bashfully react to their desire to receive help or a manifestation of love from another person, the desire to lean on someone. In other cases, the conflict is expressed in a sense of guilt because of the desire to take something by force from another. Reason to explain why gastric functions so vulnerable to such conflict is that food represents the first explicit satisfaction of a receptive-collective desire. In the mind of a child, the desire to be loved and the desire to be fed are deeply connected. When in more adulthood the desire to get help from another causes shame or shyness, which is often in society, main value considered independent, this desire finds its regressive satisfaction in an increased craving for food. This craving stimulates the secretion of the stomach, and a chronic increase in secretion in a predisposed individual can lead to the formation of an ulcer.


  1. Protracted uncertainty. Feeling of doom.
  2. Irritation.
  3. A strong outburst of anger in the near past.
  1. Fear. The grip of fear.
  2. Heartburn, excess gastric juice indicates repressed aggressiveness. The solution to the problem at the psychosomatic level is the transformation of the forces of repressed aggression into the action of an active attitude to life and circumstances.

Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

  1. Fear. Firm confidence that you are defective. We fear that we are not good enough for our parents, bosses, teachers, etc. We literally can't stomach what we are. We always try to please others. No matter what position you hold at work, you may have a complete lack of self-esteem.
  2. Almost all ulcer patients have a deep internal conflict between the desire for independence, which they highly value, and the need for protection, support and guardianship laid down from childhood.
  3. These are people who are trying to prove to everyone that they are needed and indispensable.
  4. Envy.
  5. People with peptic ulcer are characterized by anxiety, irritability, increased diligence and a heightened sense of duty. They are characterized by low self-esteem, accompanied by excessive vulnerability, shyness, resentment, self-doubt and, at the same time, increased demands on themselves, suspiciousness. It is noticed that these people strive to do much more than they can really do. For them, a tendency to actively overcome difficulties, combined with strong internal anxiety, is typical.
  6. Anxiety, hypochondria.
  7. Suppressed sense of dependency.
  8. Irritation, indignation and at the same time helplessness from attempts to change oneself, adjusting oneself to someone else's expectations.

Teeth: diseases.

  1. Prolonged indecision. Inability to recognize ideas for their subsequent analysis and decision making. Loss of the ability to confidently dive into life.
  2. Fear.
  3. Fear of failure, to the point of losing faith in yourself.
  4. Instability of desires, uncertainty in achieving the chosen goal, awareness of the insurmountability of life's difficulties.
  5. The problem with your teeth tells you that it's time to move on to action, concretize your desires and begin to implement them.
Gums: diseases. Failure to implement decisions. Lack clearly expressed attitude to life.

Bleeding gums. Lack of joy over decisions made in life.

Infectious diseases. Weakness of the immune system.

  1. Irritation, anger, annoyance. Lack of joy in life. Bitterness.
  2. The triggers are irritation, anger, annoyance. Any infection indicates an ongoing mental discord. The weak resistance of the body, on which the infection is superimposed, is associated with a violation of mental balance.
  3. Weak immune system is caused the following reasons:
    - Dislike for yourself;
    - Low self-esteem;
    - Self-deception, betrayal of oneself, therefore the absence peace of mind;
    - Hopelessness, despondency, lack of taste for life, suicidal tendencies;
    - Internal discord, contradictions between desires and deeds;
    - The immune system is connected with self-identity - our ability to distinguish ours from others, to separate "I" from "not I".

Stones. They can form in the gallbladder, kidneys, prostate. As a rule, they appear in people who for a long time harbor some kind of difficult thoughts and feelings associated with dissatisfaction, aggression, envy, jealousy, etc. The person is afraid that others will guess about these thoughts. A person is rigidly focused on his ego, will, desires, perfection, abilities and intellect.

Cyst. Constant scrolling in the head of previous grievances. Wrong development.

Intestines: problems.

  1. Fear of getting rid of everything obsolete and unnecessary.
  2. A person makes hasty conclusions about reality, rejecting all of it, if only part of it does not suit him.
  3. Irritability due to inability to integrate conflicting aspects of reality.
Anorectal bleeding (the presence of blood in the stool). Anger and disappointment. Apathy. Feeling resistance. Suppression of emotions. Fear.


  1. Fear of not meeting the allotted time.
  2. Anger in the past. Heavier feelings. Inability to get rid of accumulated problems, resentments and emotions. The joy of life is drowned in anger and sadness.
  3. Fear of separation.
  4. Suppressed fear. must do unloved job. Something urgently needs to be completed in order to receive certain material benefits.
  1. Unwillingness to part with outdated thoughts. Stuck in the past. Sometimes in acrimoniousness.
  2. Constipation indicates an excess of accumulated feelings, ideas and experiences that a person cannot or does not want to part with, cannot make room for new ones.
  3. The tendency to dramatize some event in one's past, the inability to resolve that situation (complete the gestalt)

Irritable bowel syndrome.

  1. Infantilism, low self-esteem, a tendency to doubt and self-accusation.
  2. Anxiety, hypochondria.

Colic. Irritation, impatience, dissatisfaction with the environment.

Colitis. Uncertainty. Symbolizes the ability to easily part with the past. Fear of letting go of something. Unreliability.


  1. Tightness.
  2. Fear of losing something meaningful or being in stalemate. Worry about the future.
  3. Unrealized ideas.

Indigestion. Animal fear, horror, restlessness. Grunts and complaints.

Belching. Fear. Too greedy attitude to life.

Diarrhea. Fear. Refusal. Runaway.

Colon mucosa. The stratification of outdated confused thoughts clog the channels for removing toxins. You are trampling in the viscous quagmire of the past.

Skin: diseases. Reflects what a person thinks about himself, the ability to value himself in the face of the world around him. Man is ashamed of himself, attaches too much great importance opinion of others. He rejects himself as others reject him.

  1. Anxiety. Fear. Old sediment in the soul. They threaten me. Fear of being offended.
  2. Loss of self-awareness. Refusing to take responsibility for one's own feelings.
Abscess (abscess). Disturbing thoughts of hurt, neglect, and revenge.
Herpes simple. The strongest desire to do everything badly. Unspoken bitterness.

Fungus. backward beliefs. Unwillingness to part with the past. Your past dominates your present.

Itching. Desires that run counter to character. Dissatisfaction. Repentance. The desire to get out of the situation.

Neurodermatitis. A patient with neurodermatitis has a pronounced desire for physical contact, suppressed by the restraint of his parents, so he has violations in the organs of contact.

Burns. Anger. Internal boil.


  1. Fear of being hurt, hurt.
  2. Mortification of feelings and oneself. Refusing to take responsibility for your own feelings.

Acne (pimples).

  1. Disagreement with yourself. Lack of self love
  2. A sign of a subconscious desire to push others away, not to let yourself be considered. (i.e. not enough self-respect and acceptance of yourself and your inner beauty)
Furuncle. Some specific situation poisons a person's life, causing intense feelings of anger, anxiety and fear.

Neck: diseases.

  1. Unwillingness to see other sides of the issue. Stubbornness. Lack of flexibility.
  2. He pretends that the disturbing situation does not bother him at all.
  1. irreconcilable antagonism. Mental breakdowns.
  2. Uncertainty about your future.

Bones, skeleton: problems. A person values ​​himself only for what turns out to be useful to others.

  1. The feeling that you are not loved. Criticism, resentment.
  2. They cannot say no and blame others for being exploited. For such people, it is important to learn how to say “no” if necessary.
  3. Arthritic - one who is always ready to attack, but suppresses this desire in himself. There is a significant emotional impact on the muscular expression of feelings, which at the same time is extremely strongly controlled.
  4. Desire for punishment, self-reproach. victim state.
  5. A person is too strict with himself, does not allow himself to relax, does not know how to express his desires and needs. The “inner critic” is too well developed.
Herniated intervertebral discs. The feeling that life has completely deprived you of support.
Rachiocampsis. Inability to go with the flow of life. Fear and attempts to hold on to outdated thoughts. distrust of life. Lack of integrity of nature. No boldness of conviction.

Lower back pain. Unrealized expectations in the field of interpersonal relationships.

Radiculitis. Hypocrisy. Fear for money and for the future.

Rheumatoid arthritis.

  1. Extremely critical attitude to the manifestation of power. The feeling that you are being burdened with too much.
  2. In childhood, in these patients, there is a certain style of education aimed at suppressing the expression of emotions with an emphasis on high moral principles, it can be assumed that the inhibition of aggressive and sexual impulses, constantly suppressed from childhood, as well as the presence of an overdeveloped Superego, forms a maladaptive protective mental mechanism- repression. This defense mechanism involves the conscious displacement of disturbing material (negative emotions, including anxiety, aggression) into the subconscious, which in turn contributes to the emergence and growth of anhedonia and depression. prevailing in psycho-emotional state become: anhedonia - a chronic lack of a sense of pleasure, depression - a whole complex of sensations and feelings, of which rheumatoid arthritis is most characteristic low self-esteem and guilt feelings constant voltage, because suppression mechanism prevents the free exit of psychic energy, the growth of internal, hidden aggressiveness or hostility. All these negative emotional states during prolonged existence can cause dysfunctions in the limbic system and other emotional zones of the hypothalamus, changes in activity in the serotonergic and dopaminergic non-transmitter systems, which in turn leads to certain shifts in immune system, and together with the emotionally dependent tension in the periarticular muscles found in these patients (due to constantly suppressed psychomotor agitation) can serve as mental component the whole mechanism of development of rheumatoid arthritis.

Back: diseases of the lower part.

  1. Fear of money. Lack of financial support.
  2. Fear of poverty, material disadvantage. Forced to do everything myself.
  3. Fear of being used and getting nothing in return.

Back: diseases of the middle part.

  1. Guilt. Attention is riveted to everything that is in the past. "Leave me alone".
  2. The belief that no one can be trusted.

Back: diseases of the upper part. Absence moral support. The feeling that you are not loved. Holding back feelings of love.

Blood, veins, arteries: diseases.

  1. Lack of joy. No movement of thought.
  2. Inability to listen to one's own needs.

Anemia. Lack of joy. Fear of life. Belief in one's own inferiority deprives one of the joys of life.

Arteries (problems). Problems with the arteries - the inability to enjoy life. He does not know how to listen to his heart and create situations associated with joy and fun.


  1. Resistance. Tension. Refusal to see the good.
  2. Frequent upset due to sharp criticism.


  1. Being in a situation you hate. Disapproval.
  2. Feeling overwhelmed and overwhelmed by work. Exaggeration of the seriousness of the problems.
  3. Inability to relax due to guilt when receiving pleasure.

Hypertension, or hypertension (high blood pressure).

  1. Self-confidence - in the sense that you are ready to take on too much. As much as you can't bear.
  2. There is a direct relationship between anxiety, impatience, suspicion and the risk of hypertension.
  3. Because of the self-confident desire to take on an unbearable load, to work without rest, the need to meet the expectations of the people around them, to remain significant and respected in their face, and in connection with this, the displacement of their deepest feelings and needs. All this creates a corresponding internal stress. It is desirable for hypertensive patients to leave the pursuit of the opinions of other people and learn to live and love people, first of all, in accordance with the deepest needs of their own heart.
  4. Emotion, reactively not expressed and deeply hidden, gradually destroys the body. Patients with high blood pressure suppress in themselves mainly such emotions as anger, hostility and rage.
  5. Situations that do not give a person the opportunity to successfully fight for the recognition of his own personality by others, excluding a sense of satisfaction in the process of self-affirmation, can lead to hypertension. A person who is suppressed, ignored, develops a feeling permanent discontent himself, finding no way out and forcing him to "swallow resentment" every day.
  6. Hypertension patients who are chronically ready to fight have dysfunction of the circulatory apparatus. They suppress the free expression of dislike towards other people because of the desire to be loved. Their hostile emotions seethe but have no outlet. In their youth, they can be bullies, but with age they notice that they push people away from themselves with their vindictiveness and begin to suppress their emotions.

Hypotension, or hypotension (low blood pressure).

  1. Despondency, insecurity.
  2. The ability to create your own life and influence the world has been killed in you.
  3. Lack of love in childhood. Defeatist mood: "It won't work anyway."

Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose). Overwhelmed by the hardships of life. "Who needs it?"

Traditional medicine has accumulated a large number of practical material explaining the causes of all types of diseases - from infectious to oncological.

Viruses, bacteria, stress, neglect of the rules healthy eating, abuse bad habits- all this by medical standards can cause illness.

Causes of karmic diseases

There is such a thing as "karma". It is believed that karma is a program with which a person came to this world from other lives and must work it out.

In the karma of each person there are imprints not only of his past lives, but also of the lives of members of his family, his ancestors.

Accumulation of "bad" karma leads to karmic illnesses. Illness is a lesson that the Universe teaches negligent students so that they correct disharmony at such a cost.

If a person acquired a disease during his life, although he was originally healthy, it means that he let destructive energy into his aura.

Fatal mistake, wrong line of behavior, negative actions - that's possible reasons karmic diseases in such cases. A child born with a congenital disease works out the karma of his parents or elder members of the family.

A healthy baby who suddenly begins to catch cold often may have karmic illnesses due to negative attitude family members to each other.

Our aura is a vessel with positive energy. As long as it is in this vessel, life goes on. Negative experiences and past experiences can lower its level. powerful emotions: anger, fear, envy, slander, apathy, irritation, jealousy.

And, conversely, the aura gets a second wind when the person to whom it belongs experiences positive emotions: joy, love, optimism, faith, hope, kindness, compassion for another person. These qualities do not depend on material security, level of education and other factors.

You can have access to great medical care, but not be able to eliminate the causes of karmic illnesses due to a negative attitude towards this world. And you can never take a single pill in your life, but live with with a pure heart and clear soul to a ripe old age.

How to work with the table of diseases?

So that you can correct your karma, a table of karmic diseases has been created. It consists of two columns:

  • Wounded organs and systems.
  • Possible karmic reason.

You need to select your problem in the first column and determine what could cause it, what qualities of character or actions caused the pathology. Examples of karmic causes of diseases:

  • Kidney diseases - the desire to remake the world "for themselves";
  • Obesity - the need to build protection from the world, vulnerability;
  • Dental problems - fear of making key decisions;
  • Diseases of the stomach - fear of the future, transferred envy, pettiness and stinginess;
  • Diseases of the large intestine - fear of change, the desire not to change anything in your life;
  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system- lack of positive emotions, joy, restraint of love and tenderness directed at another person.
Diseases and wounded organs/systems Possible karmic reason
allergic reactionsDenial of one's own abilities and strengths, loss of goals, and positioning oneself with weakness
FluNegative beliefs, points of view, principles
ObesityAcute anxiety, feeling vulnerable, needing protection from something
Colds, SARS, acute respiratory infectionsAnnoyance, anger, irritation for no good reason
Caries, pulpitis, other dental problemsInability or unwillingness to make key decisions in one's own life
gastritis, ulcerFear of the future, envy, avarice
Bronchitis and other lung diseasesAnxiety in relation to others, fear of being misunderstood and not heard, inner tightness
Colitis, enterocolitis, other diseases of the colonExcessive conservatism, fear of any changes, constant striving for strict stability, unwillingness to develop, desire to live a life without stress
Pathology of the small intestineInability to act independently, making decisions solely on the instructions of others
Diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders, pancreatic diseasesAssertiveness, constant desire to keep everything under control, resentment, discontent, thirst for comprehensive control, abnormal authority
cystitis; infections and other diseases of the genitourinary systemObservance of the ban on the manifestation of sexual and intimate experiences
Heart attacks, tachycardia, hypertension, hypotension, other cardiovascular pathologiesdeficit positive emotions in life, persistent fear of showing love and tenderness towards another person, lack of joy
Nephrites, nephrolithiasis, other renal pathologiesFear of moral upheavals, a manifestation of dislike for the world around, the desire to remake it in your own way
Cholelithiasis, gallstone disease, other diseases of the biliary tractdeeply hidden old grudge, the inability to forgive and understand a close and beloved person
Chest painFear of showing love, fear of intimacy
Mental and CNS disordersStubborn unwillingness to promote the laws of the universe and understand its obvious signs, permanent path“by the same rake”, inability and unwillingness to correct and work on mistakes, rejection of karmic lessons, the desire to do “out of spite”
Hepatitis, cirrhosis, other liver pathologiesPerception of one's own evil deeds as nobility, cruelty justified by "good intentions", a constant feeling of "undeserved" insults and insults in one's direction

Need to have high level self-control to accept the information that the table of karmic diseases offers. Its creators claim that after serious work on oneself, there will be no trace of the disease. Purification of karma from negative emotions, eradication destructive feelings will lead to healing, will avoid the return of the disease.

Understanding the relationship between physical and spiritual health gets deeper every year. All more people are interested in their past incarnations and the karmic causes of illness.

AT recent times the theory of the transmigration of souls is becoming more and more studied and popular: although many people do not believe in the existence of past lives and reincarnation, some things simply cannot be explained by something else. Practitioners and esotericists say that some diseases directly indicate the karmic working off of a past incarnation.

Oncology. According to practitioners, any cancer is the result of negative karma. The reason can be both working out of the past incarnation, and mistakes made in this life.

Of course, cancer must be treated first. traditional methods using all the possibilities of modern medicine. However, during medical practice Oncologists, it is not uncommon for a seriously ill patient to recover sharply, realizing his wrong path and firmly deciding to change his life.

Joint diseases. Anyone who has felt pain in the joints forever remembers how strong it is and how it interferes with a full life. chronic diseases joints - karmic "retribution" for inaction. A lot of deliberately missed chances to change your life, refusal to realize your talent - all this leads to limited mobility.

Practitioners call one way that makes it possible to work out negative karma: by the date of birth, you can find out your karmic task and make every effort to realize it in this life.

Nervous and mental disorders. Such diseases directly indicate past negative karma. Esotericists argue that congenital mental disorders are part of the conscious working off of mistakes made in a previous incarnation.

It should not be forgotten that the acquired mental illness may be the action of damage to death. If you are convinced that such a disease is not the fruit of someone malice, then it remains to be hoped that after working out the karmic task, the disease will come to naught.

Frequent injuries and injuries. Frequent dislocations, fractures or threats to a person's life are a consequence of past mistakes. If you or your close relative is injured at least once a year from an early age, then there are two reasons that explain this on a subtle level:

  • working off past mistakes;
  • an indication that in this life you are going the wrong way.

In the first case, the situation can be resolved with the help of protective rites or amulets, and in the second case, by realizing what exactly is being done wrong: maybe a talent is buried or some old dream is stubbornly pushed away? Once the answers are found, it will be possible to stand on the right way and stop permanent injuries.

In addition to karmic causes, there are at least 7 passions that lead to illness and disease. In any case, the key to recovery and happy life both doctors and practitioners consider the ability to understand oneself and the willingness to change one's life. We wish you good luck. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.03.2017 07:07

Any daily activities influence our destiny. By improving your karma, you can avoid failures, ...

Any person faces certain diseases or skin problems at least once in a lifetime.

One of the questions that the diagnosis of karma helps to solve is: “Why does the skin of the body itch: dermatitis, urticaria, ichthyosis, or is there no reason for alarm?” Perhaps the disease is not too serious, but the karmic factors of health deterioration always require consideration and careful work above oneself.

Karma, psychology and skin problems

The function of the skin in the human body is obvious - it covers the body, serves as protection and a tool for understanding the world around us. And there are no alternatives in this - without skin, contact with the outside world is impossible. on the metaphysical and psychological level the skin and its condition indicate the same questions, only related to spiritual and emotional sides life.

Skin reflects emotional condition person in relation to the environment. Her appearance and health symbolize what a person himself thinks about himself, how he sees himself in this complex and confusing world. In fact, everyone can be characterized by the condition of their skin: delicate, dry, soft, chapped, rough, etc.

Any disease and deterioration of the epidermis speaks of a person's modesty. Not for actions or thoughts, but simply for himself. Such a person shows a painful concern for the opinions of others. The need to constantly conform to some unreasonable framework plunges a person into constant tension.

A constant search for a minus will certainly lead to a result, and now thoughts about imperfection seem justified. There is a rejection of one's own personality, one's individuality. A person refuses to be himself. Already here there is a strong karmic mistake - without awareness of individuality in beliefs and actions, it is impossible to move along your own Path. The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is very easy to influence the emotional and spiritual state of such a person from the outside.

Karmic causes of skin diseases

Diseases in which pus forms in the skin symbolize a feeling of dislike for certain people or circumstances. Such a feeling, as a rule, is suppressed, arguing this with questions of morality. Therefore, discomfort and discomfort find a way out in a physiological form.

Difficult to treat and outwardly unpleasant skin diseases are a metaphysical consequence of the desire to retire. If a person does not have enough inner core to decide on isolation, circumstances and the frightening appearance of the skin will do it for him. Here the skin successfully performs inverse function- it serves not to establish contact, but to guarantee its absence.

skin disease, which is strongly expressed outwardly, it is also a way of justifying a person who is able to move away from people. With such a weighty reason, he convinces, first of all, himself, relieving himself of the feeling of shame for, as it seems to him, an unfair attitude towards others. Forced untouchability is more easily tolerated by people of this type. Moreover, they want to get into a new skin - to enter society once again, to be judged by different views, beliefs and actions.

The karmic problem of skin cancer is rejection. Most often, this is a person whose love impulses are not reflected. Due to personal uncertainty, failure in such a sensitive issue gives rise to annoyance and shame in the soul. Again, I want to get out of this skin, literally find the new kind and try your luck again.

Diseases that affect the upper layers of the skin are a sign of deep emotional experiences about separation, breakup or loss of a person.

A feeling of rejection boils inside, a person tries to save people, especially of the opposite sex.

For more exact definition karmic causes of illnesses, you need to look at where they arise. Sore skin on the face, for example, is almost always the fear of losing face. On the hands - the fear of losing control over something.

mental setting

Correction of painful karma is seriously related to issues of psychology. It is important for a person to understand that the skin is visible to him as well as to other people. Anxiety is akin to thinking, it gives rise to a lump of irrelevant prejudices about oneself. That's why this problem requires a rethinking of attitude.

You can act very simply - write a list on paper positive qualities. On the first day - all that come to mind, on each subsequent day - one additional one. it good practice karmic and psychological recovery.

This is mentioned when discussing the karmic causes of any illness, and yet. It is imperative to seek help from loved ones if there is a feeling that difficulties have arisen that cannot be overcome alone. Skin disease calls the individual to realize his own imperfection not as a mistake, but as a natural state of affairs or even a personal right. It is wrong to be afraid of the judgment of others for decisions that are made in order to bring good.

The highest value of a person lies in his individuality, will, ability to create, and has very little to do with values. physical world. Therefore, their suppression is a crime against karmic laws. As a result, it forms karmic debt. They create physiological and psychological disorders health and life difficulties.

Moreover, without working off in this life, heavy karma is transferred to a person in his next earthly incarnation or ancestors along the family tree.

Redness of the skin: karmic causes

Redness figuratively speaks of the tension associated with restraining oneself. A person, in an attempt to match a certain example, forcibly suppresses his true desires and deeds. coming after it emotional exhaustion often gives him the impression of a prisoner of this role, since it is impossible to achieve a standard that is not close in karmic purpose. Moreover, such ideals are often fictional and utopian.

Redness of the skin on the face and neck may indicate a sudden fear. Most often, this is a fear of not living up to other people's expectations, of being judged for one's actions. To correct the situation, you need to be aware of the same principles that were described - there is nothing more important and truer than individuality. In communicating with people, you need to trust sincerity - if you suspect dissatisfaction with yourself, just ask about it. Having found confirmation, find out the reasons for this, learn a lesson, but do not lock yourself in guilt.

Redness and a change in the condition of the skin occurs with urticaria. This disease is mainly due to allergic factors, so for its treatment it will be useful to study the karmic causes of allergies.

In short, urticaria is a sign of small fears that a person does not eliminate, but hides. It is only because of their fear that such individuals tend to make catastrophes out of petty problems. To solve the problem, you need to cultivate peace, peace, an objective approach to troubles.

Looking for metaphysical prerequisites for certain diseases, it should be understood that a full recovery requires both physiological and spiritual measures. Therefore, trying to figure out with the help of the diagnosis of karma why the skin of the body itches (dermatitis, itching, ichthyosis, urticaria, etc.), one should not neglect drug treatment.