Good organization. organized

A person who possesses these virtues is doomed to receive high results in career, family, and other areas. Few people use them. These virtues are not taught at school, they are not taught at the university, they are only slightly reminded at work. They make up 25% of success. What are these virtues? What are their names? I'm talking about self-discipline and organization. No matter how vile it may sound, but this is what makes up a quarter of yours in any business. And here we will talk about what self-discipline and organization are, how to become a disciplined and organized person, and why this is so important.


Self-discipline has many definitions. I will name just a few. self-discipline It's the ability to get things done to the end. Self-discipline is a skill, regardless of your internal state. Self-discipline is when a person subjugates himself, he does it no matter what. A person with this quality achieves a lot in life and why this happens, I will tell you below.

But becoming a disciplined person is not so easy, because there are many things that distract a person. For example, instead of doing homework, a student plays a console. This is not discipline. Now, if Petya told himself that I would play the console only when the lessons were done, this is discipline. That is, Petya will never sit down at the game until he solves five problems in mathematics, and he also learns literature. In this case, a person controls himself, and not he is controlled by circumstances, personal desires and interests.

Unfortunately, in order to possess this quality, one has to sacrifice one's own personal interests. After all, a person throughout life is always faced with a choice, to do this or that. For example, an extra hour to work out or go home to rest, skip class and go for a walk or forcefully visit it, wash the floors or go drink beer with friends. Therefore, many people believe that discipline and self-discipline is difficult, vile and disgusting.

But in fact, this is not entirely true. If a person, if he sees, then discipline appears, or even is brought up by itself. For this you need, the achievement of which will inspire you. After all, when a person knows why he does it, moving towards the goal becomes much easier. In my case, I know perfectly well that if I write useful and unique articles every day, then the project's traffic will increase. Increase attendance - grow and revenues. And if you write every day, then in three years the site will add 1095 articles. Therefore, it is easy for me to make efforts and share with you. In order for the work to go smoothly every day, you need to not only become a self-disciplined person, but also organized.

Organization or self-organization- almost the same as discipline and self-discipline. But there is one difference. Organization is the ability to do your job and time, and follow the tasks set without being distracted by anything. Organization is the ability to competently distribute one's strength and time, it is punctuality and diligence. A person with this quality, as a rule, makes good career, as he knows how to solve problems in time, create a favorable image of the company. An organized person is able to concentrate on the main tasks. Nothing distracts an organized person. An organized person, unlike an unorganized one, knows how to manage his time. A disorganized person is always late, never gets things done, and wastes time.

For example, Petya graduated from high school and decided to enter a university. To do this, every day, as a disciplined person, he sits down at the table and prepares for the entrance exams. Organized, Petya turns off the phone, closes the door to the room, warning his family that he will be busy for a while and not to be distracted. An organized Petya knows that he will start with mathematics first, then with Russian, and then with history. In 120 minutes he needs to do the number of tasks. And so he does every day, until the onset of entrance exams. And I am sure that this Petya will do it, because it is such people who achieve everything.

And now let's look at Vanya, Petya's friend. He does the opposite. He thinks he should start studying for his exams. Sits down at the table, turns on the computer, opens the word with exam questions, is reading. Then he gets bored and opens social network VK.COM and starts chatting with all your friends online there. Only Peter is offline. After an hour of correspondence, he reads the ticket again and thinks, why not go and drink coffee for him. He goes to the kitchen, warms up the kettle, and sees how the TV series begins on TNT "Univer". He sits down at the kitchen table, sips coffee and watches uni. An hour later, it ends, evening comes, and Vanya goes for a walk. A day passed, and nothing was done to enter the university. Why? Because Vanya was distracted and did not focus on the main thing.

I hope these two examples have explained to you what organization is. Organization allows a person to do everything on time, without being distracted by anything. I already spoke about it. Self-discipline is self-management. Together, these two virtues lead a person to success.

For clarity, another example. In one book, I do not remember which one, it was said that success and failure obey the same laws. For example, if a person works as a sales manager and makes calls every day, then he can make them either more or less. For example, Petya makes 112 calls a day, and Vanya makes 78. Who has the advantage? I think it's obvious! But that's not all. Petya decided to make even more calls. And now he makes 122. Vanya got too lazy, and he thinks like, well, think, today I’ll make five calls less, because it’s not so big difference. Vanya is right, the difference is not big. And if he makes fewer and fewer calls throughout the year, then their number will reach a hundred! A difference of 100 is already a lot. So it turns out that Petya, by his actions, is going to success, and Vanya is not going to success.

How to become a disciplined and organized person?

As I said above, in order to become a disciplined and organized person - a long-term goal should be set that moves. When I studied at the institute, I noticed how most of the students are not organized and not disciplined people. They don't know what they are studying for. More precisely, they know - to get a diploma, but most, including me, do not know where they will go next with this diploma. There is no vision of the future, which means that discipline is not needed. That is, you can continue to skip classes, accumulate debts, then take them somehow and so until you fly out of the university.

Another example. A girl or a guy knows that if he gets a red diploma, then he will then be hired to work in a very prestigious place. His salary will be high, vacation twice a year and promising career. It ignites him or her, inspires, pleases, and the person begins to make every day specific actions towards achieving this goal. A promising and motivating goal is the most The best way become an organized and disciplined person!

self-discipline, organization, how to become disciplined, how to become organized


Everyone wants to be organized. We are sure that you want too. Often, if not every day, you evaluate your life, the chaos that reigns in it, and say to yourself: “Something definitely needs to be done about this!”. But in most cases, you are not able to organize yourself enough to make a difference. Remember this day. Today you will change your life, because we have prepared 20 ideas, putting them into practice, you will improve yourself and become more organized.

Organizations are not born, they are made.

What gives the ability to organize your life? First of all, you will save time. And, as you know, it is valued more than gold. Your activity will bring not only more “fruits”, but will also become better. Being organized will make you successful person who fully manages his life and practically does not depend on external factors. You will become the one about whom they usually say: “And how does he manage to do everything? He must be a wizard!"

There is good news Organized people are not born, they are made. Therefore, if you are mired in failures and are constantly in a state of stress because you do not have time to do anything, just exhale and read our article further.

Undoubtedly, there are people who manage to organize their lives without much diligence, but what about those who are not so lucky? We have compiled a list of the most effective and useful ideas to help you achieve what you want.

Focus on results

When the final result is clear, the incentive will appear. You yourself will want to streamline everything in your life for the sake of your goal. This is especially evident when you go towards your dream and clearly understand that in the end you will benefit. Therefore, at the beginning of the path to organization, it is worth cheating a little and setting yourself tasks that will bring you positive emotions.

Become an incorrigible optimist

Try everything, even failures see something positive. Take an approach to your life when everything seems possible. This is great motivation. In addition, optimists are always in good mood which helps in all matters.

Be conscientious

With a conscientious attitude to all your tasks, you will not allow yourself to miss deadlines, let partners down, or fail to achieve your goal. Realizing all the responsibility, you will prefer planning spontaneity.

Don't box yourself in

It is generally accepted that organized people are distinguished by super neatness. However, this is more of a myth than a reality. Live the way you want. In the event that you cannot imagine life without orderliness and your organization depends on it, keep everything around you in order. But if you creative person and under conditions utter purity If you feel constrained, then relax. Nothing bad will happen if things are out of place. But in comfortable conditions you can do a lot more.

Learn to make your own decisions

You will become more organized if you do not depend on the opinions of others. Independently determine the degree of importance of your affairs, calculate the options and choose one of the most suitable. So you will be engaged in the decision of tasks in view.

Don't strive for perfection

It often happens that a perfect result is not required. It's enough just to do your job well. But people who strive for perfectionism focus on details and small nuances. In the end, this only leads to wasted time, and sometimes to bad results. The secret of being organized: Do your tasks well and know how not to waste your energy on trifles that are not worth it.

Good and successful businessmen they say that many aspiring entrepreneurs can’t start their own business for a long time, because they are afraid to make a mistake on some little thing, so they polish their product to a shine even before launching. However, this does not bear any fruit and only delays the moment of launch and real problems and tasks to improve the product as a whole. Do it at “3k”, and then, if necessary, bring the case / task / product to “4k” - maximum! There is no limit to perfection.

Start a diary

Write down everything that comes to mind. This is one of the main features of organized people. They do not waste energy on remembering all their affairs. They write them down in a notebook, calendar, diary, mobile application. They make lists, systematize and organize information. It makes life easier. Try it, even if you don't intend to get organized.

Always keep a to-do list handy

It’s not enough just to streamline your tasks. They need to be fulfilled. Therefore, the list should always be with you. Today there are many special mobile applications that will save you from notepads and pieces of paper. For example, Wunderlist is a great service that allows you to create a list of tasks, highlight the most important ones, set deadlines, and mark completed. No less worthy and well-known application RememberTheMilk. It is very simple and understandable. It has many settings that you can choose individually and eventually get an indispensable assistant.

Don't put things off for tomorrow

A wise proverb keeps in itself deep meaning. By adhering to just this principle, you will not only become more organized, but you will also be able to do a lot more. Don't give in to laziness. It is much easier to do something and forget about it than to drag it along for a long time. Believe me, many of the tasks on your list will take no more than five minutes.

Be always prepared

Don't complete tasks long before their due date. Leave just a little time just in case. Suddenly, at the last crucial moment, some changes will appear or something will not go as planned.

Feel free to ask for help

Identify your strong strengths and weaknesses, and build on them to learn how to delegate responsibility for fulfilling certain responsibilities. You don't have to do everything yourself. Avoid overload and unnecessary stress. Ask for help when you need it. Your time is too valuable to waste on unnecessary efforts. Maybe perfectionists don't want to share their success with anyone else. But is it really that important? You decide.

Don't spray

Many people think that organized people get more done because they can multitask. This opinion is wrong. Spraying several tasks at the same time threatens to perform them poorly and often takes more time. Do as few things as possible at the same time. If you have a task to complete, eliminate any distractions and focus on it. And it does not matter at all whether you are finishing the annual report, meeting with partners or relaxing with your family.

Learn to manage your energy

It will be very useful to know when and under what conditions you are able to work most productively. You may be better at things in the morning or while listening calm music. Try to identify such patterns and then use them to work more efficiently.

One of good examples managing your energy and time is a tip from Ryan Chartrand Pro. In the article he talks about technology constant movement and work in the mode of short "impulses".

Learn to rest

Many work and live in the state constant stress. Determine for yourself the most effective ways get rid of tension. Feel free to let your things go. It does not matter whether you will relax as passively as possible, go in for sports or spend time with your family. The important thing is that you need to know how to deal with stress and fatigue without compromising your health and productivity.

Have 5 minutes to spare

But not more. Many go to the trick and translate their clocks so that they go ahead. It doesn't matter how you do it. The main thing is to always have some time. Come to meetings early, finish your business early and then you will have time for a little rest. However, do not get carried away too much, if you have more time left, then this is fraught with wasting it, which will lead to the opposite effect.

Get rid of fear

Often it takes several times more time to complete tasks. Why is this happening? Everything is simple. When you are not ready to start things, you are afraid to start them, then you resort to putting them off. This results in a big loss of time. Fight yourself. Get to work as soon as they appear. Overcoming fear, you will not only get a significant amount of time, but you will also be proud of your own achievements. And this is quite a big motivation.

One of the ways to deal with this fear is the 1 minute rule. It says that if you do not feel like or you are afraid to start a task, put aside doubts and fears for 1 minute and do it. When the time runs out, you will understand that in fact there was nothing terrible, most likely, and that it would be time to finish it!

Break down big tasks

Large and difficult tasks it is psychologically quite difficult to accept and immediately begin to implement them. Having received such a task, first study it well, and try to break it down into several smaller ones. So you step over psychological barrier and speed up the process.

Reward yourself

It often happens that the task does not appeal to you at all. It's boring and annoying. Of course, it can be delegated. But what to do when there is no such opportunity? The only thing left is to encourage yourself. Promise that when things are done, you will do something nice for yourself. Exercise in the morning, but promise yourself to buy a new outfit in a month. Work hard during the day, but watch your favorite movie when you get home. Focus not on completing the task, but on the future result.


Imagine what your life could be like if you were just a little more organized. Pay attention to all the nuances and little things that you would like to correct. What would you do with the saved time? We are sure you will like the new picture of life very much. Doesn't that inspire change?

Get rid of time wasters

Social networks, computer games, entertainment resources, long telephone conversations etc., take a lot of time, but do not bring much benefit. Give them up. Does not work? Install special applications that will block all your favorite entertainment. For example, Rescue Time .

Disorganized people almost never succeed. They spend a lot of time doing things that are not useful. They are constantly late, often forget about important tasks. They live in constant chaos. Of course, you will not become organized overnight. This is hard and long work. But he will bring success, orderliness and the opportunity to devote time to yourself in your life. Try at least a few of the ideas we have proposed in practice, and share the results in the comments.

Fedor Morozov

Organization is the ability of a person to effectively allocate time and energy. Organization allows a person to achieve the planned result for a certain period of time, to control and manage himself and his life, and therefore be independent of circumstances. Organization is a tool with which a person embodies his intentions and accumulates individual strength. And a set of individual strength occurs with a harmonious solution of situations and tasks. And not just due to the decision, but due to timely solutions.

Just imagine: a person has a certain number of questions and situations that require their solution, and has a certain amount of power. How does a disorganized person usually act? Slowly, imposingly delays the solution of these issues. At the same time, the amount of force that is already there is stretched in time. Its saturation (or concentration) becomes less and less every day. It looks like pouring the same amount of water into a glass or splashing it on the pavement.

In the first case, this water can be used, in the second it will not even be possible to collect it. So it is with strength. The more time has passed, the more difficult it is to gather and apply force intended to resolve an issue or situation. The more time has passed, the more difficult it is to use this power. In the end, there comes a time when a person simply will not have the strength to solve this situation. It needs to be developed anew. And when else and at what cost will it be possible to solve the situation, for the solution of which everything was necessary once already ...

Organization allows you to feel the strength and do everything on time, not squandering it in vain, but collecting it at every opportunity. With the help of organization, a person rebuilds own plans and transform reality.

Organization is Strength! Like any Force, each of us has a certain amount of organization. How more people organized, the more things he manages to do in a unit of time, the less dependent on circumstances and so-called accidents. By accumulating organization, a person increases his omnipotence, manifesting himself as the Creator and Creator.

How to become more organized?

1. One must really strive for organization, cultivating it in everything and everywhere.

2. Identify priorities for yourself and arrange things in order of their importance. This will help keep it from splattering.

3. Make and execute plans. Plan individual development, plan social work, work plan for the day.

4. Regularly check with your plan, analyze the reasons why certain changes occurred, what led to success, and what did not correspond to the planned. And yet, the plans must be realistic. You can’t make impossible plans just because you want to fit more things into a short period of time, you can’t.

5. Do not delay any business. Understand the causes of the congestion and try to approach the solution from the other side.

6. Taking up any business, do it quickly, easily, flawlessly.

Zakharova Ludmila, Ivanov Andrey, Ivanova Sandra


It's hard with three, and when you learn to organize three,
further number no longer matters.
(quote from the film "Moscow does not believe in tears")

organization - this is a state of internal and external order, this is discipline and self-discipline, this is responsibility and maximum focus on action, which in this moment is done, it is the ability to effectively distribute forces and time, it is the setting of priorities and control over the implementation of the planned.

Signs of organization:


If you calculate how much time during the year people spend searching for necessary documents at work, keys or other things at home, this will result in weeks. On the contrary, when every thing has its place, there are no problems. Order saves time, nerves and allows you to be efficient. An organized person does everything quickly. For the simple reason that he knows where he wrote desired number phone, and on the table are only those papers that are related to the current work. Hence the efficiency and good business reputation.


In order to be effective and organized, you need to know what and in what period of time you will do. That's why key value acquires planning, which allows you to rationally calculate the implementation of important matters, approaching the intended goal, taking into account the domestic interests of a person, etc. It is important to buy food home on time, go out of the house in appropriate weather clothes, and keep the family budget in an organized manner - this will allow you not to have debts and loans, as well as create a family reserve fund. In general, organization allows you to live without a headache. Life becomes orderly and rich, because thanks to organization, you yourself make it so. And even if something does not go according to plan, there is always an airbag or "Plan B".


At organized person there is no "work or play" dilemma. The ability to calculate and plan time allows you to harmoniously combine both. Such people rarely stay late at work, because they work at work, and do not spend hours chasing coffee or smoking. They almost never take work on weekends. At the same time, the results of their work are high, and rest relaxes and restores strength. In this case, the person does not continue to think about the unfinished work. An organized person finds time for both work and leisure, for communication with relatives, with friends, for repairs in an apartment, and for reading books ...


An organized person is calm. He is much less prone to stress than the rest for the simple reason that he is spared them thanks to his effective planning and implementation of the planned plan. In the morning, an organized person gets up on time, which allows him to have a normal breakfast and go to work on time. On the way to work, he is not nervous, because he is not late. The work is moving according to plan, which means there is no need to worry and freak out. No stress is the basis wellness, good health, prevention cardiovascular diseases. He's not at risk for the syndrome. emotional burnout because he always knows when to stop and rest. The pace of life of an organized person is not as crazy as everyone else's.


An organized person quickly and skillfully copes with the tasks set, does not scatter over trifles, knows how to analyze his abilities and maximum benefit applies them. Faith in luck and success, faith in oneself, as well as creativity in the most mundane matters is the key to his effective actions.

2. Description

a) Organized associations:
The physical body of a person, a file cabinet in the library, notes (an expression - as in notes), a snowflake, a ballroom dance ...

Organization is natural to humans. This is confirmed by our body - the physical body. All body systems complement and care for each other. The organism marks the passage of time with astronomical accuracy and coordinates all its actions with it. physiological processes, as well as activities internal organs and systems. The heart and lungs function rhythmically, muscles contract and relax, excitation and inhibition change in the central nervous system. Thanks to this rhythmic activity, the long-term performance of individual organs and the body as a whole is maintained. Most people work, rest and eat at the same hours. This forms a dynamic skill, thanks to which the usual things require less effort, and spent in the process labor activity forces are restored faster and more fully.

(Baranova S.V.)

Sound - Japanese drums, symphony orchestra with a conductor;
color - a rainbow (the flow of color gives rise to consonance);
smell - meadow forbs.

b) Setting:

We feel ourselves standing on an endless summer meadow. Predawn haze. There are many in the meadow various colors. Choose the most consonant, favorite flower. At the flower, before dawn, the calyx is closed, that is, the petals are closed. We begin to approach the flower with our attention, flow into it and become this flower ourselves. Now we feel the predawn silence, we feel how light-light breeze concerns us. We feel how the currents of energies begin to accelerate inside, we feel the approach of sunrise - and then the first thin, thin golden ray falls on the bud rising sun. We feel the intensifying radiation of the sun and feel how the petals of the bud are straightened: first one petal, then the second, the third ... We strive to grow, to stretch up as high as possible - towards the flow of golden sun rays. The energy of life fills us, fills every cell of our being, brings with it joy and happiness, lightness and renewal. We feed on powerful force - the power of organization!

c) How organized is shown:

AT intellectual sphere- the ability to plan, highlight the main thing, analyze and draw the right conclusions

AT emotional sphere- the ability to keep a positive life-affirming emotional condition in any, the most difficult and difficult situation

AT physical body- neatness, beauty, health, flexibility, endurance

When the mind is in harmony with the soul - everything goes well and the soul sings, and the body "flies", joy and society do not irritate the family.

d) Verse:
Organized can be seen by the gait,
Neat and in tune with the times.
He arrives on time for a date
With flowers and a tie to that.

3. Ways and methods of developing organization

3.1 How to get organized?

Get up at the first wake-up call. Yes, yes, you don’t need to wait for the second and third, and even more so let yourself sleep “5 minutes”. All this leads to delays and stress. Get up immediately - at the first call of the alarm clock.

Follow the daily routine. Of course, it is difficult to get up at 6 on weekdays, at 12 on weekends, and after the weekend get up again at 6. Do not drive yourself into such stress. Get up and go to bed at the same time every day. Also try to eat at the same hours. Daily routine is a great thing. The regime of each person must provide certain time for work, rest, eating, walking in the fresh air and sleeping.
It is desirable to distribute the day as follows: 8 hours of work, 8 hours of outdoor activities and 8 hours of sleep. Systematic lack of sleep leads to imbalance nervous system and psyche, decreased performance, increased fatigue, as well as increased susceptibility to various diseases. Speaking about the daily routine, do not bring the regime to a caricature with excessive pedantry. The daily routine is a kind of core on which weekdays and weekends are based; it is necessary to implement the planned and manage everything that needs to be done.

To plan. Plan your life carefully. To do this, get yourself a diary and write down everything you do at work and at home. This will allow you not to forget anything and make your every day successful.

Organization starts with appearance. Neatness and composure, posture and gait, attention to the smallest details of one’s appearance- the first sign of organization.

Analysis. The path to organization lies through control and structuring own actions during the day. Analyzing real action and the time it takes, set yourself a higher bar every day: by reducing the time spent on habitual actions, of course, not to the detriment of their quality, set yourself more complex tasks.

Keep a notebook of positive experiences. Positive experience- great thing! Collect your own and other people's victories and good luck and write them down. Reading gives you strength!

Identify your main dream for which you need organization. Write it down on a piece of paper and hang it where it will most often catch your eye. Thus, you will always remember the main thing!

Periodically organize training sessions stressful situations to model and predict your behavior in real life crisis situation. Analyzing your strengths and weak sides and drawing conclusions about your subconscious reactions, you can learn to control them.

3.2 What gets in the way of being organized?

Disorganization, looseness, laxity, lack of concentration, inability to say “no”.

If you want to plan your time, the ability to say no is essential. Otherwise, you will be surrounded by things that do not concern you at all. You will waste your energy on people who do not deserve it. This is a weakness of character. You need to learn to refuse actions that do not interest you, politely but firmly.

(Sophia Loren)

Organization is a tool with which a person embodies his ideas, increases his power, manifests himself as a Creator and Creator.

And most importantly - organization allows you to achieve any goals that a person sets for himself!