What period of a person's life is covered by secondary socialization. Socialization

After birth, absolutely every person begins his integration into social society. This is very important point becoming, which endows the personality necessary experience and knowledge to help him in the future. Also, socialization can be attributed to the practical and theoretical skills of a person received by him in the process of growing up. It's an integral part full life any person. Let's take a closer look at the types of socialization. How do they differ and what features do they have.

What is the socialization of the individual

This term usually means a process that involves the assimilation by a person of a certain social experience the society in which he resides. Thanks to this, thinking and the ability to logically build communication with the outside world develop.

During his formation as a person, a person not only assimilates all the information received, but also transforms it into his own. own concepts and different values. The socialization of an individual in society, in fact, is an adaptation, that is, an experience that gradually develops from a variety of components. This may include cultural values, communication positions and much more. Thus, socialization directly depends on the society in which a person was born. Accordingly, the norms of behavior can differ significantly in a given country.

Socialization of personality in psychology

Every person needs to belong in one way or another to the society in which he grew up. Accordingly, he identifies himself with his environment. In psychology, socialization is defined as the fulfillment of the requirements of the community, due to which one's own line of behavior is developed in a wide variety of situations. In this case, it all depends on the nature of the individual and its characteristics.

At the same time, it should be understood that socialization is bilateral process. In addition to the fact that the person himself forms his own norms, he also adapts them for himself. As a result of this, there minor changes and in the surrounding world. If we consider examples of socialization, it will become clearer. Suppose a person has basic knowledge in the field of physics. Having processed this information and received relevant education, he developed new formula which influenced the future of this science. it global example. There is a simpler analogy. Suppose a person was instilled with some norms of etiquette, but for one reason or another, he considered it inappropriate. As a result, he acquired his own moral values, which can influence his environment. These examples of socialization allow us to better understand the very process of becoming a person. It must be understood that in any case, each individual in one way or another interacts with a group of people around him, regardless of their status or other characteristics.

What contributes

Socialization and adaptation make it possible to form in the human brain required row values ​​and rules that he would later apply to the world. These processes begin from childhood, when the parents of a young child begin to lay the foundation for the first mental and physical skills. After that, a person is trained in a kindergarten, school and institute. During this period, he receives more knowledge from other people, continuing to explore the world. Thanks to this, a person learns to communicate with the people around him and understands that the form of interaction with them can be different.

In addition, the socialization of the child is very important, as it teaches him self-control. Gradually, a person begins to learn how to react to certain events in his life. Thanks to this, he learns to distinguish between the inner and the outer world.

Types of personality socialization

There are several variations of this process. They differ depending on many factors. However, these mechanisms are conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • primary socialization. This process begins from the moment the child begins to perceive society. At the same time, he focuses exclusively on his family. The child begins to perceive the adult world. Primary socialization directly depends on the parents of the child. More precisely, on how correctly they can show him the world around him.
  • secondary socialization. This process has no time limit and lasts until a person enters a particular social group. This mechanism starts when the child starts going to kindergarten. In a new atmosphere for himself, he can try on new roles and evaluate which one suits him best. He also has the opportunity to evaluate his actions from the outside. In the process of secondary socialization, a person often encounters certain inconsistencies. For example, at the moment when the child understands that the values ​​of his parents may not coincide with the interests and norms of other people. In this case, the child goes through the stage of self-identification and chooses one side or another based on their feelings and experiences.
  • Localized (directed) socialization. In this case we are talking about attaining certain values. Here, socialization is divided into a number of specific areas: early, gender, organizational and others. This is also milestone the formation of personality.

Early socialization

In this case, we are talking about a kind of "rehearsal" specific stage. good example this type of socialization is the beginning of the cohabitation of a man and a woman. Before marriage, partners must learn from each other and compare their life positions. In that situation, each of them takes over some of the values ​​from their soul mate.

Prolonged stay inside small group(in this case consisting of two people) there is a formation of more persistent behavioral and socio-cultural models.

Gender socialization

It is also often referred to as gender role. In this case, we are talking about a type of socialization, which involves the identification of personality differences between men and women. During this period, a person is identified according to a number of standards and generally accepted norms. At the same time, this type of socialization can last throughout life.

This mechanism implies the realization that the individual begins to realize the fact that in case of deviation from the norms, he will face censure from other members of society.


This phenomenon takes place in reverse order. In this case, we are talking about the fact that the person "falls out" of the generally accepted framework and begins to identify himself with a detached unit. It is not uncommon for people suffering from desocialization to deliberately break boundaries and try to oppose generally accepted values.

Most often, this phenomenon is observed in those whose families practiced violence. Alcoholics and drug addicts also fall into this category.

family socialization

In this case, the child observes the members of his family and learns from their experience. Such socialization of a child depends on several factors:

  • The composition and structure of the family.
  • The position the child occupies in the family hierarchy.
  • Chosen model of education. For example, parents and more distant relatives can impose their values ​​on the child.

Much also depends on the moral and creativity family members.

Occupational and labor socialization

Another adjustment of a person's values ​​occurs when he begins his career and gets to know colleagues. In this case, he is forced to adapt already to new environment. The fact is that at work he must adhere to business etiquette, without which the individual will not be able to move further along career ladder or, for example, to receive the necessary certification and advanced training.

In addition, a person must learn new labor skills for him.

Subcultural group socialization

In this case, we are talking about the environment in which the person stays during the holidays or in any other period of his life. The person can communicate with different people and have many friends, each of whom will contribute to the accumulation of experience.

At the same time, the person gets to know new cultural characteristics society, religious and cultural characteristics, etc. In addition, a person communicates with people different ages or status. All these factors allow the formation of new behavioral models that will adapt as they get to know new comrades.

Functions of socialization

This mechanism has great importance for the development of personality. Among the main functions are:

  • Normative-regulatory. This means that absolutely everything that surrounds a person can have one or another influence on him. In this case, we are talking about the family, the politics of the country, religion and much more.
  • Personally transformative. In the process of communicating with other people, a person begins to show his individual qualities and features. Thus, he is separated from the general mass.
  • Value orientation. This category reminiscent of regulation. However, in this case, a person adopts from everything around him not experience, but certain values.
  • Information and communication. In this case, the way of life of the individual forms his way of life on the basis of the experience of communication with various representatives society.
  • Creative. If a person is brought up in the right environment, this will help a person learn to improve the world around him.

Stages of socialization

The formation of personality does not happen immediately. Each person goes through several stages:

  • Childhood. According to numerous studies, experts have come to the conclusion that a child perceives his "I" 70% better at a young age. When the baby grows, he equates himself more with the environment.
  • Teenage years. At the age of 13, the child begins to take on more and more responsibility and a variety of obligations.
  • Youth. This is another stage of the type of socialization that begins at the age of 16. During that period, the teenager begins to take important and more serious decisions. This means that he begins to take responsibility for his life. In addition, during this period, he begins to equate himself with certain group society.

  • Adulthood. This period starts at the age of 18. At that time, all the internal instincts of the individual are aimed exclusively at the formation of personal life. During this period, a person truly falls in love for the first time and discovers new emotions.

The socialization of the individual is a process; personality formation in certain social conditions, the process of assimilation of social experience by a person, during which a person transforms social experience into his own values ​​and orientations, selectively introduces into his system of behavior those norms and patterns of behavior that are accepted in society or a group. The norms of behavior, norms of morality, beliefs of a person are determined by those norms that are accepted in a given society.

The term "socialization" corresponds to the concept according to which a person (child) is initially asocial or his sociality is reduced to the need for communication. In this case, sociality is the process of transforming an initially asocial subject into a social personality, owning socially accepted patterns of behavior, who have adopted social norms and roles. It is believed that such a view of the development of sociality is primarily characteristic of psychoanalysis.

The concept of "sociality" does not replace and does not replace the concepts of training and education known in pedagogy and pedagogical psychology. A. Vallon, a French psychologist, presented the child as doomed to socialization from birth. The child is forced to interact with other people. Already in infancy, the child is attracted by the personality of an adult - he called this stage up to 6 months emotional, impulsive. From the age of 10 months, the sensory stage, the child expresses his intentions with semi-gestures and words. Between 8 and 12 months, the child's attachments are clearly manifested. Stage 4 up to 3 years - the projective stage, when the child learns objects, manipulates various objects. From the age of 3 - a personalistic stage, when a child, when a child opposes himself to others. There is an initial self-assessment. From 4 to 5 years old, he begins to take care of himself. Learning to wash dishes. The child invents a hero and learns to play this role. From 6 to 14 years - the learning stage, the child participates in all forms of activity. Stage 8 - puberty (independence)

The following stages of socialization in domestic psychology are distinguished:

Primary socialization, or stage of adaptation (from birth to adolescence, the child learns social experience uncritically, adapts, adapts, imitates).

The stage of individualization (there is a desire to distinguish oneself from others, a critical attitude towards social norms behaviour). In adolescence, the stage of individualization, self-determination "the world and I" is characterized as an intermediate socialization, as it is still unstable in the outlook and character of a teenager. Adolescence (18-25 years) is characterized as a stable conceptual socialization, when stable personality traits are developed.

The stage of integration (there is a desire to find one's place in society, to "fit" into society). Integration goes well if the properties of a person are accepted by the group, society. If not accepted, the following outcomes are possible:

maintaining one's dissimilarity and the emergence of aggressive interactions (relationships) with people and society;

changing oneself, "to become like everyone else";

conformism, external conciliation, adaptation.

The labor stage of socialization covers the entire period of a person's maturity, the entire period of his labor activity, when a person not only assimilates social experience, but also reproduces it through the active influence of a person on the environment through his activity.

The post-labor stage of socialization considers old age as an age that makes a significant contribution to the reproduction of social experience, to the process of transferring it to new generations.

Socialization is part of growing up

Socialization and stages of human socialization are one of the most important categories of social science. After all, it is these processes that form the moral human form in the process of its development. However, before we begin to consider directly the stages of socialization, we will reveal the essence of the concept as a whole. Socialization is a set of processes that accompany the introduction of an individual to social norms, his involvement in collective ties, familiarity with generally accepted patterns of behavior, value orientations, social roles. This process is an integral element of the growing up of every child, necessary for his later life in society as a full member of it. Socialization occurs through family education, learning in preschools and schools, establishing relationships with peers outside these groups, and so on.

Stages of personality socialization

In the period of its formation, a person, especially in early years life, going through most active period familiarity with the environment and society. Consider the stages of socialization of external agents and the nature of the absorbed information. Agents in this process are called parents, relatives, educators, teachers, friends, various mentors and all those who, in fact, transmit the behavior model to the personality. Thus, the stages of socialization are most often divided into primary and secondary, but there are a number of classifications, which will be discussed below.

primary stage

During this period, the child first gets acquainted with the outside world. Now the decisive role is played by parents, who form the primary ideas about the proper structure of society and social roles. Many researchers see this stage as the most important, since it is here that the installations are laid, which will correct and imprint on all further human experience. The second stage of the same stage occurs during the period primary education when the child is introduced to their first groups outside the home. The small team of the family circle is being replaced by medium and large teams preschool and later schools. Perceived new social roles, mechanisms and options for interaction in groups. This stage is also extremely important: personal qualities continue to form, a value orientation is instilled, traits are born that subsequently determine a person’s place in older groups.

secondary stage

Into this area social relations a person gets into the second half of his life. Already in adulthood, he is faced with formal social institutions that are new to him: the state, the army, the media, the church, the court, labor collective and so on. These institutions change a person quite strongly already at his conscious age. The primary and secondary stages of socialization cover fairly large periods of time, but there are other classifications. For example, a purely chronological approach that divides this process into childhood, youth, maturity and old age. A separate category is sometimes noted so-called resocialization - when inappropriate previously learned attitudes are changed to new ones.

The significant question of the dominant influence on the development and formation of a person, either hereditary, genetic predisposition, or the environment, remains one of the most important and exciting minds of scientists - psychologists, sociologists and culturologists - throughout years. Despite the success of geneticists in deciphering the genetic codes, it is impossible to explain the appearance in humans of a certain personality trait or behavioral characteristics only by the influence of hereditary factors, as well as social environment. Virtually any behavior and the presence of certain personality traits the individual explains how genetic factors and the influence of the environment. Therefore, the paramount question is not about who plays the main and who plays a secondary role in the formation of personality - heredity or environment, but how they interact with each other. Our genetic code is one of the starting points of development, including physical and behavioral features inherited from ancestors, the surrounding social and cultural environment- this is another the starting point our development, a process that accompanies us throughout life and is called socialization.

Socialization is the development of various as well as the assimilation of ethical and norms, which begins in early childhood and continues until old age. Success depends on three main factors:

  1. Understanding what the environment expects from you in accordance with the rules of society.
  2. Behavioral changes in response to these expectations.
  3. Conformity, i.e. desires and aspirations to follow social norms and rules.

Stages of socialization

A long process of entry, adaptation and comprehension of various public roles has its own stages. The stages of socialization, or its periods, are divided into primary and secondary. Primary ones begin in childhood, when a person's personality is mainly formed. These are very important and significant periods, essential role in which the closest environment plays (parents, other relatives and friends), this is the formation and development interpersonal relationships. The primary periods of socialization are periods of comprehension and development; they contribute to the fact that a person becomes a full-fledged member of society.

Later stages of human socialization are usually called secondary. They refer to the second half of his life, when he is faced with various social institutions - the state, the army, the educational and production team, the influence of which on the formation and development of the individual is more significant and tangible already at a conscious age. The secondary stages of socialization are the stages that allow an already socialized person to comprehend new social roles, to enter unknown, but important areas of the objective world.

Where can we draw the line between primary and secondary periods of socialization? As a rule, it is considered that the stages succeed each other when it achieves political, economic and social independence, namely, obtaining a passport, profession and work, creating a family, etc.

The process of socialization is a complementary and two-way process. Entering and comprehending the system social connections, the individual acquires significant experience for himself, on the other hand, in the process of active assimilation, he does not passively accept the experience gained, but transforms it into his own attitudes, values ​​and orientations.

Socialization necessarily takes place with someone else's participation and help. The people and institutions that a person encounters when comprehending social experience are called agents of socialization. As well as the stages of socialization, agents are divided into primary (close significant environment) and secondary ( public institutions and institutions, their administration, representatives, etc.).

Socialization is not just a process of growing up, it is a consistent comprehension by a person of unfamiliar, but significant norms and roles for her, continuing throughout life. The stages of socialization coincide with the main ones, which denote the main events of his biography.

Socialization is a process in which an individual integrates into society, into society, into a system. In the process of socialization, a person acquires social norms, rules and patterns of behavior, acquires the knowledge and skills necessary for life.

Socialization is carried out through social institutions such as family, church, legal system, language, school (education), media, economic system, interest groups.

The main institution among all is the family, since it is in the family that primary socialization takes place. In this regard, there are several stages of socialization.

What are the stages of socialization?

First of all, a person enters the stage of primary socialization after birth. A child is born and in the family adopts the behavior of parents, learns to talk and communicate with people.

Then resocialization or secondary socialization begins. At this stage, old images are erased by new ones. That is, the new, as it were, replaces the old, updates the known.

Primary socialization takes a long time - from birth to the formation of personality. And resocialization takes place in adulthood.

During this time, a person acquires gender socialization (acquisition of knowledge about the field), group socialization (within a specific social group), organizational socialization (professional) and early socialization (when children play "daughters-mothers").