Pops formula in Russian. Pop formula: what is it and how is it used in the classroom

Prepared by: Kobozeva A.V.,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU secondary school No. 10

"POPS-formula as one of the methods for the development of written and oral speech in the lessons of the Russian language and literature."

Hello, Dear colleagues! My name is Kobozeva Alina Vasilievna. I have been working at school No. 10 in Dubna as a teacher of Russian language and literature for the third year.

At the beginning of my speech, I would like to point out such a problem modern society as the insufficiency of live communication, escape from reality in computer world, world of illusions, games. And this problem is far from childish.

Many even seek and find friends, life partners through the Internet, but when they meet in person, they give up, they don’t know how to express their feelings, formulate thoughts and opinions ... Communication does not add up, negativity, resentment and complexes grow.

The root of the whole problem is the lack of live communication, exchange of opinions, the ability to discuss, formulate and express one's thoughts, describe feelings, emotions. I try to HELP the guys, educating and instilling in them a love for reading, for a book, I tell them that the brain is the same muscle, and you need to train it by constant reading, thinking about what you read, loading the muscle with thought.

Today I will tell you about one technique that I use in the classroom and consider it effective, but I want you to guess which technique we will talk about. Has everyone watched the cartoon "Despicable Me"? So, imagine who the minions are (watch the video (8 seconds), call the technique).

Yes, absolutely right! This technique is called POPS!

So, the topic of my speech is “POPS-formula as one of the methods for developing written and oral speech in the lessons of the Russian language and literature”(slide number 1 title).

I believe that with the introduction of the oral part of the OGE and USE formula, which I use, becomes even more relevant.

(Slide #2) Working on the development of speech, we, teachers of the Russian language and literature, know that, firstly, we need an exemplary speech environment. This includes not only oral speech adults, but also including the texts of textbooks, radio and television programs, etc.), and secondly, the speech activity of the student himself is needed.

The use of the POPS-formula in Russian language lessons as one of the numerous techniques of the technology "Development critical thinking through reading and writing" allows both to give a sample of the language and to activate the student's activity(slide number 3).

Pops formula is amazing in its potential interactive reception aimed at student reflection.

This technique was created by law professor David McCoyd-Mason from South Africa. By- Englishhespellednextway: PRES-formula (Position-Reason-Explanation or Example-Summary)( slide № 4). It was translated into Russian by Arkady Gutnikov, vice-president of the association “For civic education”, First Vice-Rector of the St. Petersburg Institute of Law(slide number 5).

POPS - I use the formula when learning to write an essay. After all, an essay, like another kind creative work, requires an understanding of the topic, the problem of the text, requires the ability to analyze and summarize the acquired information.

So what does this acronym mean?(slide number 6):

P - position (I believe that ...);

O - justification (Because ...);

P - example (I can prove this with an example ...);

C - consequence / judgment (Thus, I conclude ...).

Mastering this technique prepares students of the basic and secondary levels of education to work on writing an essay in graduation classes, and also serves effective tool assimilation quality control educational material students.

This formula is an interactive feedback technique.

Now I would like to demonstrate a small fragment of my use of this formula in a speech development lesson. First, I give an example, and then the guys themselves work according to the formula. Now you will see everything for yourself.

(Watch the video, Slide 7)

(Slide 8) So you saw that this technique allows you to build your speech briefly, concisely, argued with the appropriate conclusions(Slide 9). Thank you for your attention!

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Ways of acquiring knowledge… “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn" Benjamin Franklin "Tell me and I'll forget. Teach me and I will remember. Involve me and I will teach.” Benjamin Franklin

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Interactive Methods Terms « interactive methods”, “interactive learning” came to us from of English language("interactive": "inter" means "between", "between"; "active" - ​​from "ast" - act, action).

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Reflection (from late Latin reflexio - reversal, reflection), form theoretical activity person, aimed at understanding their own actions and their laws; self-knowledge activity, revealing the specifics spiritual world person. The content of reflection is determined by object-sensory activity: reflection, in the final analysis, is the awareness of practice, the objective world of culture.

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The Pops Formula is a stunning interactive student reflection tool created by South African law professor David McCoyd-Mason. In English, it is written as follows: PRES-formula (Position-Reason-Explanation or Example-Summary). It was translated into Russian by Arkady Gutnikov, Vice-President of the Association "For Civic Education", First Vice-Rector of the St. Petersburg Institute of Law.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

POPS-formula P - POSITION (what is your point of view). O - JUSTIFICATION (explanation) (on what you base yourself, an argument in support of your position) P - EXAMPLE (facts illustrating your argument) C - CONSEQUENCE (conclusion of what needs to be done, a call to accept your position). I believe that ... Because ... I can prove this by the example of the fact that ... Based on this, I conclude that ...

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Using the "POPS-formula" technique in the classroom foreign language P - position / I think ..., I don "t think ..., I imagine ..., I believe ..., I strongly believe, I consider O - justification ... because ..., .. .as... P - example / for example..., for instance..., such as... C - consequence / So...

9 slide

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Lessons The USA: Political outlook" - I believe that the United States of America is a democratic country because without the support of people there can be no government. For instance, the congressmen and the President are elected by the US citizens according to the Constitution; that is why the power of people is to have such politicians that can represent the interests of the nation.

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Lesson "American food and drink" - I don't think that fast food restaurants are worth visiting as they don't serve healthy food. For example, most restaurants put a lot of fat and spicy food such as bacon, fried potatoes, eggs, grilled chicken, hamburgers on your plate, which is a bad habit. So, if you often go to fast food restaurants and eat a lot, you don't expect to be healthy afterwards.

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When evaluating the use of the POPS method, one can observe these points, noting which indicators (criteria) the performance of a particular student corresponds or does not correspond to. You can evaluate each of the proposed indicators on a five-point system. The same assessment sheet can also be used for student self-assessment. Possible variant test task: Make a poster or write an essay on a specific issue using the above criteria. P - Position The position is clearly stated. The position is briefly formulated. The position is formulated in an accessible way for the audience to understand. O - Explanation The explanation contains references to social values, legislation, the constitution, international documents on human rights. The explanation supports the stated position. The explanation is compelling. P - Example The example is of general interest. The example is of social significance. The example contains links to sources - newspapers, expert opinions, personal experience. The example gives sufficient, but not excessive, detail. C - Consequence The essence of the position is briefly repeated. The presentation was summed up. Suggested specific actions to solve the problem. Evaluation sheet for the use of the POPP method

POPS-formula technology in the preparation of high school students
to essay writing.

Experience in the lessons of social science and law has shown that the use of POPS-formula technology in teaching, which is Russian version technologies of law professor McCoyd-Mason. The criteria for evaluating an essay in social science largely coincide with the algorithm for working on this technology. The POPS formula is also used in organizing debates and discussions.

Assessment (USE criteria)

POPS formula

1. Disclosure of the meaning of the statement

2. Presentation and argumentation of one's position (based on theoretical positions and concepts of the course, facts of history and modern life society, own experience).

3. The level of judgments and arguments (based on knowledge, with generalizations and conclusions, with the specific use of social science concepts and terms) or the level of everyday consciousness (based on ideas formed in everyday life).

P - POSITION(what is your point of view).
(on what do you base yourself, an argument in support of your position)
P - EXAMPLE(data,
illustrating your argument)
C - CONSEQUENCE(conclusion of what needs to be done, a call to accept your position).

I think that…


…for example, …

… that's why…

Thus we see that the use this method POPS formulas when writing an essay are quite appropriate, as they correspond to the level of assessment of this work according to the USE codifier.

Essay Topics

“The minority often becomes the majority because they get out of bed and vote” (L. Peter)

“Freedom is the right to do everything that is permitted by the laws,” said the French educator C Montesquieu. Human rights include the right to participate in political life(to elect and be elected) - it is enshrined in international covenants and the Constitution. Therefore, analyzing the statement of L. Peter, we can say that citizens have the freedom to use or not use their active suffrage. But then the right to choose remains with those who used this right.
Argument 1. Absenteeism. At present, in our society it is common this phenomenon. People believe that if the voter did not go to the polls, then he is not a participant political events. However, it is not. As one saying goes: if we don't get involved in politics, then politics is about us. This means that others will choose politicians for us who will govern us, who will pass laws that we will have to comply with.
Argument 2. Choice. For example, now according to the law on elections of 2007. the lower voter turnout threshold has been abolished. If you want a minority to make decisions for you, don't go to the polls, give them this right to decide for you.
Argument 3 + output. Active life position. The exercise of power by the people through elected bodies is called "representative democracy". Real democracy is impossible without such a principle as universality - everyone can and, in my opinion, should elect. And if everyone remembers that, in addition to rights, he has duties, a moral and moral duty to society, then only then will we be able to build a truly democratic legal state, where everyone is responsible not only to himself, but also to future generations.

"Bad governments are elected by good citizens who don't vote"
(D. Nathan).

One of the greats said that every nation is worthy of its ruler. It seems to me that these two statements overlap. The constitution of the Russian Federation states that the only source of power in the Russian Federation is the people. A people who have been given active and passive suffrage.
Argument. The right to express your opinion. Non-participation in the elections of citizens leads to a disproportion in the true opinion of the population, because the decision for them is made by the minority, those who came to the polls. From these votes, a picture of the preference (choice) of certain candidates is formed, political parties, public associations . But if? population did not take part in the voting, then, accordingly, the error of such an expression of the will of the people is very, very large, which is what D. Nathan says in his statement.
Under a lying stone, as you know, water does not flow. In order to live in a good country with a fair government, at least something must be done. At least go to the polling station and choose.
Conclusion: a “good” person, not coming to the polls, thereby chooses a “bad” government.

“The true equality of citizens lies in the fact that they are all equally subject to the laws” (J. Dalamber)

Considering the quote by J. d'Alembert, one can recall a lot of similar statements. For example, "everyone must be equal before the law." Such concepts as equality, obligation, diligence are the basis for the existence of law as a tool for regulating social and civil relations.
1st argument. The law is the same for all. There are general legal principles: legality, humanism, democracy, social justice. From here we can draw the first conclusion - the equality of all before the law.! If every citizen obeys the law, only then can we speak of the triumph of the law. Any member of society, regardless of his social position, political predilections, religion and nationality must have the right that nothing infringes on his natural and inalienable human rights. And this is the central idea of ​​the theory rule of law.
2nd argument. To have rights means to have responsibilities. There is a well-known saying: ignorance of the law is no excuse. Therefore, in order to be equal, one must not only know, but also observe. Firstly, knowledge of the law makes it possible to protect one's rights in a civilized manner, and observance of the law is the duty of any person to society.
3rd argument. Democracy is not permissiveness. Wide spectrum rights and freedoms of citizens is only possible and gives us guarantees and protection when a legal culture has developed in society. legal culture is the key to democracy. It can be formulated as such a “law” that the rights of one person end where the rights of another begin.
Conclusion: J. d'Alembert is absolutely right in his thesis, as he speaks of the equality and fairness of the law for every member of society. This statement applicable to the concept of the rule of law, which is based on equality (of power, citizen, society) before the law.

For effective management educational process The teacher needs to regularly monitor the quality of assimilation of the material. One final works in this case, do not limit yourself, because you also need to check the implementation educational purpose lesson, as well as to trace the level of logical and analytical thinking schoolchildren. Among the most effective monitoring methods, the leading position is occupied by the preparation of responses according to the POPS formula.

The essence of taking POPS

The POPS-formula is a tool for individual quality control of the assimilation of knowledge in all humanities, which is aimed at the reflection of students. The technique was developed by David Myckoid-Mason, an expert in the field of jurisprudence from South Africa. AT English version the decoding of the abbreviation stands for Position-Reason-Explanation or Example-Summary (“position-reason-explanation or example-summary”), that is, PRES-formula. One of the vice-rectors of the St. Petersburg Institute of Law, Arkady Gutnikov, suggested the following translation of this title:

  • P - position;
  • O - explanation;
  • P - example;
  • C - consequence / judgment.

The significance of the technique lies in the fact that it allows children to express their thoughts on a particular topic in a concise form and do it very quickly. The last factor plays an important role for every teacher whose work is limited by the strict time frame of the lesson. Technology can be used in classes of any type: from introductory to control. It can be entered at the stage:

The POPS formula allows you to:

  • per a short time interview several students;
  • get information about the depth of the child's understanding of the topic;
  • find out which moral assessment the student gives to this or that event, phenomenon.

Such reflection, among other things, helps:

  • to form evaluative thinking in children;
  • teaches children to concisely express their thoughts;
  • structure ideas.

Moreover, schoolchildren learn to work independently, while feeling the freedom of creativity, which is important for the development of schoolchildren's creativity.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote: “A child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace their skill with ours.

Technology for compiling an oral answer or essay according to the formula

A. Gutnikov not only translated the formula into Russian, but also supplemented it somewhat. The peculiarity of children is such that, even having an idea about a particular question, in the process of answering they begin to “poke” or replace words with interjections. As a result, awkwardness and irritation arise: for the student due to difficulties in choosing words, and for the teacher due to the loss of precious time waiting for an answer. Therefore, for each level of formulating an utterance, speech clichés are offered to help formulate a thought faster:

  • I believe that…/ It seems to me that…/ I agree with…/ In my opinion… - these formulations help to express personal opinion on a given problem.
  • Because… / Since… - at this level of the POPS structure, children present all sorts of arguments to support the previous judgment. The main question that students answer in this block is: why do you think so?
  • For example ... / I can prove this by example ... - to confirm confidence in their words, students should give at least three examples, based on theoretical knowledge or from your own experience. It is important to be persuasive at this stage of the response.
  • Thus…/ Therefore…/ Based on the above… - these expressions help to organize thoughts for summing up, final conclusions.

The POPS formula can be used both when preparing an oral answer and for writing a short essay.

These cliches can be used not only when preparing an oral answer, but also when writing an essay on the POPS formula. AT last case written reasoning will differ only in the amount of information given on each point.

Examples of using the method in various lessons


The most useful POPS formula is for compiling an answer on subjects that require the disclosure of concepts and building reasoning. For example, in history

For the theme "Russia in recent decades XIX century "you can compose the answer according to the scheme as follows:

I think, serfdom to mid-nineteenth completely outlived itself.

Because serfdom hindered the development of all spheres of social, economic and political life of society.

I can prove it by the fact that Russia was a lagging power (in comparison with other European countries), the Crimean War was lost, and the discontent of the masses grew.

That's why important reform has become so significant event in history, predetermining great transformations at the end of the century.

This may be a statement on the topic "Peter I and his politics":

I think Peter's reign was the most productive in history.

Because Russia has made unprecedented progress.

For example, schools were opened, new products were imported, trade relations were established.

That is, the methods of the reign of Peter I were effective.

Social science

When considering a consumer loan in a social studies lesson, the POPS formula will help you make the following answer:

I think that you should not take a consumer loan.

Because it is difficult to call a loan a profitable investment.

They can prove this by the fact that a much larger amount has to be returned. Getting quick money does not bring satisfaction from the result of efforts to earn money, and a situation may also occur when there is nothing to pay for the loan.

Thus, instead of paying high interest, it is better to accumulate your own funds for the purchase.

Another example of the use of POPS in a social studies lesson, but on a different topic - "Unemployment - a way of regulating the labor market by the state":

It seems to me that unemployment really regulates the labor market.

Because unemployment accompanies the development of the labor market, the able-bodied population wants to find a job and agrees to the terms of the employer, dictated by economic situation in the country. Those who want to receive regular earnings are ready to retrain and master new professions.

Therefore, unemployment important element development of the labor market in the country.


For a literature lesson, the POPS formula is convenient at the stage of preparing for an essay. For example, the topic: “What makes up a person?” (based on the work of M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog").

You can't change if you resist change yourself.

Since, firstly, it is the result of a laboratory experiment, secondly, it violates the principle of the existence of an individual in society - the principle of respect for others, and thirdly, it strongly resists intellectual development.

Personality is formed on the basis of peaceful coexistence in a team and self-development.

English language

It is convenient to use the formula when answering in an English lesson, since it can be especially difficult for schoolchildren to immediately make a clear statement in a foreign language

POPS is effective technique and to compose an utterance in an English lesson, especially in high school, when topics become debatable. For example, "Parenthood - responsibility or natural issue?".

I think we should learn how to become good parents.

The more we learn, the more we realize.

Examples: we behave like our mothers and fathers, we need to see role models. Psychology is very important.

Parenthood is the most difficult task in life.

The POPS formula allows the student to learn how to correctly express their thoughts, express ideas and strive to learn new things, based on their own experience. And the teacher, having taught schoolchildren to correctly use the technology for compiling an answer according to such a scheme, gets the opportunity to use the lesson time more efficiently and better check the level of knowledge of children.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Topic: POAP Oral Response Formula Purpose: To introduce students to the POAP formula and teach how to use it. The POPS Formula This amazingly interactive student reflection tool was created by South African law professor David McCoyd-Mason. In English, it is written as follows: PRES-formula (Position-Reason-Explanation or Example-Summary). It was translated into Russian by Arkady Gutnikov, Vice-President of the Association "For Civic Education", First Vice-Rector of the St. Petersburg Institute of Law.

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P - position O - explanation (or justification) P - example C - consequence (or judgment) But this technique would not be technological, would not have completeness if we did not offer the beginning of sentences. Four moments of POPS - formulas:

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The first of the sentences (position) should begin with the words: "I believe that ...". П The second sentence (explanation, justification of one's position) begins with the words: "Because ...". О The third sentence (focused on the ability to prove the correctness of one’s position in practice) begins with the words: “I can prove this with an example ...”. And finally, the fourth sentence (consequence, judgment, conclusions) begins with the words: “Based on this, I conclude that…” FROM sample questions for each item

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Shchennikova Natalia. Grade 10. I believe that the abolition of serfdom in Russia was inevitable. P Because it hindered the development of all spheres of society. A I can prove by the example of the fact that Russia lagged far behind other countries in terms of living standards. Russia shamefully lost Crimean War. P Based on this, I conclude that this reform has played a role great value in the history of Russia and gave a powerful impetus to the great transformations of the 1860s. C Example. (on the topic "Russia in the second half of the 19th century")