Preservation and development of linguistic culture: regulatory and legal aspect. Preservation of the Russian language (problems, positions)

The editors of the newspaper "Russian Language" were invited to a meeting of the Council for State Cultural Policy, which was held on October 16, 2009. S.M. Mironov, Chairman of the Federation Council. The topic of the meeting was "Preservation and development of linguistic culture: legal and regulatory aspect". A.Yu. Bolshakov (A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature) and V.I. Annushkin (A.S. Pushkin Russian Language Institute).

The purpose of the Council meeting is to discuss topical issues related to modern linguistic culture, to consider proposals for the implementation of the Federal Law "On state language Russian Federation". We invite our readers to get acquainted with fragments of some speeches.

Preservation and development of linguistic culture:
legal aspect

CM. Mironov, Chairman of the Federation Council:

<…>Dear colleagues, Dear friends! Gathered here today people who are not indifferent, professionals in the field of culture, in the field of science, in the field that we usually call the language field, and today we will talk about a very important aspect our Russian culture, we will talk about the Russian language.<…>

special role in the matter of preserving the language, of course, education plays a role. But here we have a special, difficult situation. Main blow in literacy today, in my opinion, is caused by the introduction of the Unified State Examination. It will inevitably creep into everyday practice. test form testing knowledge in the classroom. To be honest, I am simply discouraged by the joyful statement of our Rosobrnadzor that now ninth grade graduates will also take the exam. By the way, this egeization is going on like a creeping counter-revolution all over the country.<…>

It is very important that some beacons of speech culture illuminate our path: books, newspapers, television and radio programs. There should be specialists for whom competent, pure literary speech is an indicator of professionalism. First of all, these are teachers and lecturers.

Whole complex existing problems led to the fact that policy issues in the field of language, its legal support are at the center of public debate. As you know, in June of this year, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved a list of grammars, dictionaries and reference books containing the norms of the modern Russian literary language when it is used as the state language. Actually, a lot of work has been done. Very large in content and very complete guides are made. And right Of course, as you know, a heated debate has flared up regarding the very list of recommended grammars, dictionaries and reference books, and, of course, the norms contained in these dictionaries approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. Normative consolidation as acceptable, what was previously considered illiterate, is always perceived painfully. Probably, many of you remember the story that Chukovsky once told, when he, clutching his heart, violently rebelled against the fact that the word necessarily has come to be used in our language as a synonym certainly. Because in due time the word necessarily meant kindly.<…>

And it looks like we at least many people in this hall, and many with whom I have spoken on this subject recently, began to clutch at their hearts when it was announced to us that instead of contract "r, you can speak before"dialect and contract "r, when we heard the word coffee can be used in the middle gender. Moreover, it seemed to me very strange the explanation of the compilers of dictionaries that the majority began to speak like that.<…>

I think the reason for the sharp and, in my opinion, correct reaction is that the outrageous educated people overall decline culture of speech and culture of behavior in the country is already, alas, a fact of our life.<…>

Domestic legislation should be developed taking into account the issues of preservation and protection of languages.<…>

It should be noted that the current legislation does not provide for liability for violation of laws on languages.<…>

In our country, censorship has always been rejected by the public, but today many representatives of even that part of society that has always rebelled against censorship are standing up for it. First of all, I mean not political censorship, but at least, let's say, moral.<…>

In my opinion, the Government should be legally obligated to report annually on activities to protect the Russian language and the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia.<…>

Dear Colleagues Of course, language is not a frozen form, but a living tissue. Generations of people change, and, of course, certain new forms, new words are introduced, but this does not free us from constant and hard work to maintain the language culture at the highest level. Everyone who cares about our future should take part in this work.<…>

A.Yu. Bolshakov, Institute of World Literature. A.M. Gorky, member of the Council on State Cultural Policy under the Chairman of the Federation Council:

In this regard, I recall the words of Dostoevsky that the Russian people, despite their visible bestial image, in the depths of their souls bear a completely different image - the image of Christ, the image of Christ. Unfortunately, today this visible animal image is more and more brazenly baring its fangs. And now our youth (everyone who walks down the street hears it everywhere), alas, both girls and boys are building a phrase from some swear words. It would seem, well, what transitional age, all this can be forgiven. However, behind this external, at first glance, deep and very disturbing processes are guessed that have now engulfed our society. First of all, this is the impoverishment of his self-consciousness and the biologization of thinking, that is, the same social Darwinism, I do not get tired of shouting about it. This is perhaps the most terrible disease that has now engulfed our society.<…>

E.A. Bystritskaya, People's Artist of the USSR, State Academic Maly Theater of Russia:

<…>It seems to me that it is imperative to renew the dictionaries for television and radio announcers. It would be necessary to make a program for television, maybe for radio, on etiquette, on relationships. But to develop a culture of relationships simply by what we would like so much,<на словах>impossible. Some concrete action is needed.<…>

V.Ya. Kurbatov, board member of the Writers' Union of Russia:

<…>When the language lives natural life, they don’t talk about it, they just talk about it. And if it was necessary to compile a dictionary of the expansion of the Russian language, which was put together by Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, then things are bad, it means that the writer is cramped in the language of life and it is necessary to clean up the impoverished reality with obsolete attire and flowers, from which we immediately feel uncomfortable in his prose , as in a retrospective exhibition, where life seems to be ours, but no longer recognizable by us.

Alas, the language cannot be expanded by the will of even such a firm and authoritative person as Solzhenitsyn, just as it is impossible even to force them to be equally equivalent before"dialect and agreed "r, excited" and excited", extraction "cha and to "bull.<…>

And now we have to regulate it, our will and our truth, an inexhaustible treasure, by laws. Now we have it not just a living Great Russian language, like Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, but a state language. There is nothing to rise with your liveliness and Great Russianness. Meanwhile, one must be deaf and blind not to see that the world is growing rich not by unification, which we aspire to, but by God's diversity, that the garden of human speech is beautiful when it blooms with heavenly diversity, and not with the crampedness of a political or commercial newspaper. The French protect their language from foreign invasion, because they remember their genius Alphonse Daudet, who said that as long as the people, even enslaved, own their language, they own the key to their prison. And the German Heidegger defends his language, prompts the nation that language is the house of being. Being, not everyday life, God, not a political report.<…>

E.A. Shmeleva, Institute of the Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences. V.V. Vinogradov:

<…>There are so-called linguistic authorities in the language. We will all remember some person in our life who spoke very beautifully and whom we would like to imitate. And very often, even in disputes about language, and this is a very lively, emotional sphere, people talk about it ... “My teacher said so” or “My professor said so”, “My father said so” ... Someone who causes you respect.

Now there are many good teachers in the school and many young good teachers, but the prestige of the teacher is very low, and less and less children imitate teachers. And this is a problem that needs to be solved somehow. Also only enlightenment.<…>

V.N. Shaposhnikov

<…>I will touch on some language issues. First of all, it's coming foreign words, which are now a large volume, but this is the most obvious and uncomplicated problem. Theoretically, it was resolved long ago and unshakably resolved, I will not repeat it here. For example, fax machine- a necessary and inalienable word, absolutely inalienable. But current ones, for example, minimize, minimize, show their superficiality or even slovenliness in comparison with the more accurate and responsible native words of this conceptual nest, such as: reduce, curtail, stop and others. And it is no coincidence that the word minimize took root in official life, becoming a kind of euphemism, including in the banking sector. Minimizing risks... Translated into Russian, it means “stop cheating, stop cheating”. Even words like developer or remake, you can find a full match in Russian, and these found words would make the situation clearer. And a number of foreign words become euphemisms, some foreign borrowings is built into a series of language redundancies.<…>

A.N. Varlamov, writer, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov:

<…>You can talk endlessly about what a great, wonderful Russian language how we love him, how we fight, protect. But what's the point of these conversations? Sense, in my opinion, should be in making some specific decisions. And, I repeat, it is necessary to save not only the Russian language, it is necessary to save literature, including writings in schools, first of all, because this is a concrete subject matter that concerns us all.<…>As a result of the fact that literature ceased to be compulsory subject, for the first time, I don’t know, in the 200 years of Russia’s existence we will get a generation of children who will pass by Pushkin, by Lermontov, Dostoevsky and so on, and this is not only a matter of their general cultural level.<…>

I'll start with education. It seems to me that it is impossible to study the Russian language, it is impossible to save the Russian language in isolation from other, let's say, humanitarian spheres. No wonder we have teachers of the Russian language and literature. This is absolutely fair! The Russian language, in my opinion, exists in literature. I mean, first of all, classical literature, and not modern (with all my respect for it). And therefore, talking about the Russian language in the field of education at school means talking about literature and vice versa. We have had a tragic, it seems to me, separation of these things in connection with the introduction of the Unified State Examination, which Sergei Mikhailovich already spoke about today. The fact that literature has ceased to be an educational subject in our country, the fact that we have lost the essay as a form of reporting for schoolchildren, in my opinion, may not be a national catastrophe (loudly speaking), but this is a very serious thing, because it leads to a direct dehumanization of society. Here's the problem! And therefore, the opponents with whom I would like to talk would be, in my opinion, exactly those people who thought of this thing.<…>

<…>Tragic, sad speeches are heard that we no longer have a people, that we already have a population, that everything is lost. I beg to disagree with this. In recent years, I have been traveling quite a lot in Russia, I have been to the North, and to the West, and to Far East. I meet with different audiences: with schoolchildren, and with students, and with soldiers, and even with prisoners, it happens (this, of course, is a separate story), but nevertheless I want to say that when you see faces, when you hear questions, when you see the eyes - this is a people, this is a very good people, but this people requires a different attitude towards itself. Thank you.

M.V. Gorbanevsky, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Deputy Chairman of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, Chairman of the Guild of Expert Linguists:

<…>We need a state eye that will oversee, monitor, in a slang term, specialists, monitor violations of the law in the field related to the language. And this is not only the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the Russian Federation”, this is not only the Federal Law of 2005 on Russian as the state language, there are provisions of the Federal Law “On Advertising”, which also relate to the use of the language, and much more.

How else can good, effective laws be violated?

My colleagues and I wrote the 1997 law on street names. Article 9 of this law is written in black and white: a memorial street name can only be assigned in exceptional cases as a token of the merits of a person and only 10 years after the departure of this person from life. Together with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Moscow, Petrov, I presented the draft of this law at a meeting of the Moscow City Duma, it was adopted unanimously. What then happened? They killed Mr. Kadyrov Sr., and in violation of this law, the name of the street was given "Kadyrov street" in South Butovo, which caused a mixed reaction in society.

What happened a year ago Dear colleagues? A year ago, something extraordinary happened. Victory Avenue in the capital of one of our republics, named in honor of the Victory over fascism, was renamed in honor of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. This is Victory Avenue in Grozny. I think this is something out of the ordinary. But this is also applied linguistics. What does this indicate? About a lot. And, by the way, Vladimir Vladimirovich, if he wanted to, could pull Kadyrov Jr., and Pobedy Avenue would return to the map of the city of Grozny.

Therefore, I am entirely for the optimization of this law. I am all in favor of the philological community (there are very experienced linguists here who have experience working as legal drafting consultants) to take part in this. I am for the fact that after all the pies are baked by piemen, and the boots are sharpened by shoemakers.<…>

A.N. Kachalkin, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov:

Advice on state culture, policy for the sake of preservation and development of linguistic culture… It is very good that the regulatory and legal aspect is being considered. I am entirely for the approval by high authorities of the proposals that will come from professionals. Until now, the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation, prepared over four years in the 50s, are actually functioning, although there are a lot of discussions about the truth of these rules. Perhaps, at a certain stage, a revision of the rules is also needed, but with the preservation of the variance that will contribute to the development of the language.

Indeed, own the norm, but do not be its slave, rationally look for new suitable means for expressing this or that concept. It is this creativity that will be evaluated, especially if arguments are given in favor of precisely such forms, precisely such words, their use in precisely such a meaning. And here I am reminded of the words spoken two years before my death by the supervisor of my thesis, Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov. It was a great pleasure to work under his leadership. At that time (it was the turn of the 1950s and 1960s), he said: you know, we lack a “synthetic dictionary”. Now such a synthetic dictionary could be called a "universally erudite dictionary of the Russian language."

G.A. Bogatova, Institute of the Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after V.V. Vinogradov:

<…>It is necessary not only to talk about the spoken language, about the spoken element, it is necessary to fill the school with dictionaries so that the habit of using the dictionary begins right from the first grades of school.

But we must also remember something else, remember our historical experience. It was during the period of Catherine, when the power was being built by Catherine, that they began to make the first national vocabulary, "Dictionary of the Russian Academy" ...<…>

The dictionary was created by the elite of that time, even starting directly from the confessor of Catherine. Ekaterina herself created, and Dashkova wrote dictionary entries, and Derzhavin wrote dictionary entries. And Derzhavin at that time was not only a poet, but also a very busy statesman, he was the governor of Tambov and the Minister of Justice.

Therefore, I urge that we do not lower the bar.<…>

Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov, creating a plan for the development of vocabulary in the 50s, laid the foundation for fundamental lexicography, that is, it is also a dictionary of Russian folk dialects, the 37th edition of which is now out. Means, the words of the departed, we have not lost the village lost to us, they are there. It is also a dictionary of the Russian language of the XI-XVII centuries and other dictionaries. We must also think about the fact that the Russian language is one of the Slavic languages. Therefore, both the etymological dictionary of the Russian language and the etymological dictionary of all Slavic languages our culture is also... These three dictionaries are not finished, and this is a tragedy for the near future, which is why I am talking about this. We need to finish them ... and it's time for the people who are developing their language to have them in electronic form.

V.A. Nedziwiecki, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov:

<…>An example from a two-page dictation conducted recently for first-year students at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In it, a recent applicant with 100 points in Russian, obtained in the final exam in USE system, made 23 mistakes. The first-year student with 58 exam points made 41 mistakes. Another first-year student, who managed to get into the faculty, having only 22 points in Russian, made 47 mistakes in the dictation. And these are future journalists, that is, people for whom their native language is the means and essence of their future specialty.

Finally, another example, this time from writing government official, this case military commissioner. In the summons received by one of the young men to be mobilized, this young man read the following explanation of the duties of a citizen to be called up for military service: “In accordance with federal law o... (and so on) ...citizens, not pr and who are in the reserve are obliged to appear on the agenda to clarify the information of military registration or mandrels to the military unit for passage military service(direction to alternative civilian service)”, two words together, and so on. Here it is, the whole memo. It has 10 biggest mistakes.<…>It remains to add that this memo, mocking the Russian language, was printed in a typographical way and, of course, was replicated in tens of thousands of copies.<…>

In Russia, where literature has always been more than literature, because it was both sociology and Russian ontology, Russian morality and morality, Russian philosophy and eschatology, it is best to say about the creative possibilities young man maybe an essay on Russian literature. It should be made mandatory for all graduates, both for the ninth and eleventh grades.

A.S. Melkov, Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin, member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation:

<…>It is necessary not only to prohibit the use of unassimilated foreign borrowings, phonetically, orthographically or syntactically distorting the Russian language, incorrect variants of words in the media, advertising, office work, but it is still necessary to introduce legal liability for violations of the provisions of the law on the state language. The law should introduce restrictions on unreasonable use in public, official speech foreign words, mainly substitute words and words that distort the appearance of the Russian literary language, the so-called incorrect Russian words, that is, jargon, swearing, network slang, stress distortion, and so on. To protect the Russian language, it is necessary to create a special body under the Government of the Russian Federation, which should include scientists, philologists, university professors, as well as persons with generally recognized authority in the field of Russian philology: writers, poets and critics.<…>

R.N. Kleimenova, museum director. IN AND. Dalia, Scientific Secretary of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature:

<…>Dictionaries are a necessary component educational process, self-education of schoolchildren, students, specialists in different areas knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to publish dictionaries in mass circulation, to ensure that libraries at all levels are supplied with dictionaries, and with the help of the state, to put up a barrier to the publication of fake dictionaries, which I encounter. Now there are a lot of "Dal's dictionaries", Dal is everywhere, but to call them Dahl's dictionaries simply does not turn the tongue.<…>

The need to preserve the language in a state of communicative suitability has a two-sided focus. On the one hand, it is a source of resistance to any change in language, on the other hand, in some cases it causes a desire to compensate for the lost language tools. Compensation for lost funds can be seen as a special type of historical change.

In specialized linguistic literature, the definition of language as a historically changing phenomenon is quite common. Some linguists even consider it methodologically unacceptable to study a language in a purely synchronous way, while arguing that the language is always in a state of continuous change, and the results of this change cannot be discounted.

In fact, the language does not only change historically. At the same time, he resists any kind of change, strives to preserve what exists in this moment condition. This trend does not represent anything strange or unusual. It is generated by the very function of communication. A speaker in a particular language is interested in others understanding him. Any sudden and rapid change language carries the danger of turning it into an insufficiently convenient and suitable means of communication and, conversely, the desire to preserve the system of familiar and communicatively developed linguistic means of communication protects the language from this danger.

Therefore, in every language there is a tendency to maintain the existing state until some force overcomes this natural resistance. Every word and every form resists. Many different "inconveniences" can be found in different languages, and yet they are not eliminated.

During historical change language, individual elements of the language system that characterized its former state may be lost. Some elements after the loss are not renewed again or resumed after the expiration of quite significant periods of time. So, for example, the old word forms of the Slavic dualis were rethought in Russian as the forms of the genus. p. units numbers (step, brother) in attributive combinations.

The forms of the dual number that disappeared in many Uralic languages ​​in the verb conjugation system were not restored again. Lost in some Indo-European languages ​​\u200b\u200bdoes not resume grammatical category kind. In the Finno-Ugric languages, there is a reduction in a large number of suffixes of multiple action, which is typical for the Uralic stem language. Cases of restoration of these losses are not observed.

These facts obviously indicate that the lost linguistic elements are not sufficiently communicatively necessary. At the same time, the loss of linguistic elements of a different type is always associated with the emergence of new linguistic means that compensate for them.

From the history various languages there are cases when the forms of local cases were lost, expressing various local relations. In their place, either postpositional or prepositional constructions, or new inflectional cases appear. So, for example, the ablative -i that once existed in it disappeared in the Mari language. The meaning of moving away from the subject began to be expressed by a construction with the postposition gq and, for example, ola gq and `from the city`.

A similar phenomenon took place in Latin, in which the ancient ablative also disappeared, and its functions were taken over by prepositional constructions with the preposition de, for example, OE. populōd `from the people`, more late period- de populō. In ancient Turkic languages there was a special case instructive, which had the meaning of instrumental and joint cases. After his disappearance, these meanings began to be transmitted by special constructions.

The dative case, which differs in ancient Greek. Functions of the Disappeared dative case began to be expressed by a prepositional construction with the preposition s (from the ancient eis), cf. other Greek tш ўnfripJ `to a person`, n.-Greek. stXn ¤nfrwpo.

The Turkic languages ​​once had a special instrumental case on -up. After its loss, the relations expressed by it began to be expressed by analytical prepositional constructions. The loss in many Indo-European languages ​​of the ancient genitive caused the emergence of new language means that replace it.

Compensation indicates that the lost elements were communicatively necessary.

Serebrennikov B.A. General linguistics - M., 1970


The article touches upon the problem of the need to preserve the national Russian language as the most important object cultural heritage.

  • Historical stages of the development of the English language in terms of linguistic and extralinguistic factors

Preservation of one's own cultural heritage is one of the critical tasks any state, if it is interested in its further development. Moving forward is impossible without relying on the material and spiritual basis left by previous generations. Those historical periods when society is at the next key stage of development, when serious stakes are at stake, turning to the experience of ancestors helps to find the optimal vectors further way.

For our country, with its vast territories, where dozens of nationalities and nationalities belonging to different religious denominations, having different cultural traditions and enormous differences in the economy, live, the Russian language is becoming the most important object of cultural and historical heritage, uniting dissimilar regions into single state. According to Valery Ganichev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician, Chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia, Deputy Head of the World Russian People's Council, "... the Russian language was in the full sense a bridge language, a sacred holding principle, a language of gathering and mutual cultural enrichment" .

Throughout its history, the Russian language has repeatedly passed through difficult periods when it seemed to many: they are coming end times his existence. This is the Petrine era with its flow of borrowings from European languages, and the first third of the twentieth century, and, of course, our difficult time. And if the legacy of Peter's reforms and revolutionary changes finally overcome, the current linguistic situation is of great concern to both linguists and many members of the public, who are clearly aware of the damage that is causing and can still cause to the life of society low level native language proficiency.

Undoubtedly, the modern language situation has several serious differences from the period of almost hundred years ago and, moreover, from the situation early XVIII century. First, never before in the history of mankind on everyday life and the minds of people were not influenced by the media and electronic means of communication, which, unfortunately, for the most part ceased to be a source of normative Russian speech.

Accordingly, grammatical, lexical, orthoepic errors broadcast on the air imperceptibly blur the very understanding of the need for correct word usage. Secondly, the number of hours devoted to curricula high school for the study of the Russian language and literature (in grades 10-11 according to the standard for the study of the most complex works of Russian literature - "Fathers and Sons", "War and Peace", "Crime and Punishment", " Quiet Don”, “Master and Margarita”, etc. 3 hours a week are allotted). Also, schoolchildren and students (and this is supported by new education standards) are gradually reorienting the perception of information from reading to viewing (presentations, illustrations, videos). All this ultimately leads to the fact that young people do not absorb the wonderful samples of Russian speech, do not plunge into the element of the “great and powerful, truthful and free” Russian language, and do not even imagine those grandiose opportunities that one of the most developed, complex and beautiful languages ​​on the planet to express your thoughts and feelings.

As a result, in modern Russia not only is the level of proficiency in the national language declining, which is indirectly confirmed by the lowering of the threshold for the USE in the Russian language and literature, but the “connection of times” also threatens to break. The possibility of this gap was emphasized by Patriarch Kirill at constituent assembly Societies of Russian Literature: “A schoolchild who does not know his own language and does not join the national culture and, first of all, literature, breaks away from his roots. It is more difficult for him to realize and even more so to feel ownership of the same historical vertical with his people, with the great events of the past, to share moral, spiritual and cultural ideals with national heroes and prominent personalities". In confirmation of the words of the rector of the Russian Orthodox Church it can be said that many young people, reading the poems of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Fet, claim that they were not interested in these works, because it is not clear what in question, the words used by the classics of Russian literature are incomprehensible. Modern schoolchildren and students need a translation “from Russian into Russian”, and most often they simply do not bother to read - and even more so analyze - the works of the first half of XIX century, whose language, flexible and full-blooded, is very different from their usual simplified colloquial version.

As you know, the loud call to "throw Pushkin off the ship of modernity" is a harbinger of revolutionary changes- resounded in Russian history on December 18, 1912 in the manifesto of the futurists: “The past is crowded. The Academy and Pushkin are more incomprehensible than hieroglyphs. Throw Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and so on. and so on. from the Steamboat of Modernity". And this is not surprising: Pushkin is the brightest symbol of Russian national culture, the creator of the Russian literary language. Denial of his spiritual authority, oblivion of his crystal clear clear language gave unlimited opportunities for manipulations with the meanings and concepts contained in words, which, naturally, led to a distortion of the picture of the world and manipulation of public consciousness.

The danger lurking in the seemingly harmless search for new forms in art was quickly recognized. I. Bunin in 1915 writes short poem The “word”, which is often quoted today: “And we have no other property! / Know how to protect / Even to the best of your ability, in the days of anger and suffering, / Our immortal gift is speech”, in which the national language is understood as the only property of the people and countries.

A similar idea was expressed by V.V. Rozanov in the article “A.S. Pushkin”, published in Novoye Vremya in 1899: “Russia received a concentration outside classes, positions, outside the rough material facts of its history; there is a place where she is all gathered, where she listens all, this is - Russian word» .

Thus, for our country, one of the most important assets national culture is the Russian national language. Preservation of its purity and wealth is one of the main duties of both the state and every native speaker. And if such a duty does not seem necessary for an individual, then the state must be fully aware of the dangers that may arise in the life of society with the gradual degradation of the language. The introduction of a number of mandatory requirements for public figures and media representatives (for example, State exam on knowledge of the norms of the Russian language when applying for a job or taking office), as well as an increase in the number of hours of the school curriculum devoted to the course of Russian and literature, in our opinion, will stop the negative changes that currently threaten the Russian national language.


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This article highlights issues related to the state, preservation and development of the Chechen language in present stage. The problem of excessive use of words from Russian speech in the Chechen language is raised, which can lead to its extinction. The author comes to the conclusion that active switching from one language to another leads to the destruction and distortion of Chechen words, phrases, disruption of the functioning of the language, loss cultural property, oblivion historical traditions people. The problems associated with teaching and expanding the social functions of the Chechen language in Chechen Republic. The necessity of solving the language problem of this region at the state level is substantiated. AT this study typical mistakes were revealed on the examples of students' speech, and on their basis the ways of solving the problem were analyzed.





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3. Ovkhadov M.R. National-language policy in the country and the Chechen Republic. - Grozny, 2007. - S. 1.

4. Ovkhadov M.R. Sociolinguistic analysis of the development of Chechen-Russian bilingualism. - Grozny, 2007. - S. 12.

5. Language policy in the conditions of the formation of national statehood as a factor in the development of the Chechen language // Abstracts of the regional conference. - Grozny: Publishing house of ChSU, 1997.

“The main effective factor influencing the language situation in a country or region is the language policy as an integral part of the internal national policy of the state. The value of a balanced, scientifically based national language policy for the modern multinational Russian Federation is enormous. The factor of Russia's multinationality should become its huge advantage.

Also prof. Alpatov Vladimir Mikhailovich notes that "nowhere human consciousness not as mythologized as in the field of national, including national-linguistic problems.

The question of the development and preservation of the language of the indigenous nationality for a number of regions of Russia has indeed become one of the most acute in practical politics. On the one hand, uniqueness own history and originality of national culture require careful attitude to national languages. That is why the issue of developing, preserving and increasing the authority of the Chechen language in the Chechen Republic is so acute.

The purpose of this article is to reveal the role of political, economic and other factors influencing the functioning, development and preservation of the Chechen language, to analyze the language situation in Chechnya that has developed at the present stage.

The research method is based on sociological survey among students of the Chechen State University.

The main purpose of the Law of the Chechen Republic "On Languages ​​in the Chechen Republic" dated April 25, 2007 is the recognition of the Chechen language, which, according to the Constitution of the Chechen Republic, is the state language, the main cultural property the Chechen people, and its preservation and development is a national task. The Chechen language has over one and a half million speakers, according to UNESCO experts, it is included in the World Atlas of Endangered Languages. One of the reasons for the extinction of Chechen speech is the excessive use of words and entire structures from Russian, English and Arabic speakers of the Chechen language. This leads to the destruction and distortion of Chechen words, phrases, disruption of the functioning of the language, loss of cultural values, oblivion of historical traditions and centuries-old customs of the Chechen people. Unfortunately, the general decline in the culture of speech on the lips of the younger generation, the gross mixing of two languages ​​(Russian and Chechen), not knowing it at all, is already a fait accompli. The current picture cannot but excite the Chechen society. After analyzing the current state mother tongue at legislature- An interdepartmental state commission was created in the Parliament of the Chechen Republic, which prepared a document defining the language policy of the state. The commission is called upon to determine the direction of work on the development of the language and to control the implementation of each decision, every idea, initiative. Unfortunately, the practical intervention of the commission, aimed at the development and preservation of the language, has been reduced to zero. Anxiety about the deplorable state of the Chechen language in the media mass media, in schools, universities, the public of the republic beats at every event dedicated to this problem. The intelligentsia complains, they say, in the republic, where they were able to overcome the spiritual decline of youth, destroy terrorism, banditry, drunkenness, revelry, drug addiction, return the lost positions of the Chechen language - the problem turned out to be much more complicated. The indissoluble connection between language and people was briefly and succinctly formulated at the beginning of the 20th century. the famous French linguist Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), who wrote that the customs of a nation are reflected in its language, and on the other hand, it is the language that largely forms the nation. “If there is a language, there is a people; if there is no language, there is no people. With the loss of the language, the people cease to be aware of their originality, their culture, their identity. But, alas, the scope of the use of the Chechen language among representatives of the Chechen nationality is declining everywhere.

What to do, how to get out of the crisis? "First of all," Dr. philological sciences, Professor of the Chechen State University V.D. Timaev, - you just need to speak the Chechen language. This is one of the ways to save it. And the most important."

The Chechen language needs special protection. Much depends on the correct language policy in the country and region. As in nature, the strongest languages ​​win - English, Russian, Arabic, German, French. “They are spoken by 80% of the world's population. Their smaller counterparts disappear every two weeks. AT modern realities it is unlikely that the Chechen people will be able to avoid the loss of "their national wealth" - language, without the intervention of the leadership of the republic. Language needs support, and strong and urgent.

It is hard to imagine that “with the disappearance of the native language, only the human factor will live, but the Chechen nation will cease to exist as such.” Moreover, the Chechens will lose authority and respect in the eyes of all mankind. But this people put a lot of lives on the altar in order to survive, succeed, preserve their traditions, customs, language and finally merge into a civilized society.

The intelligentsia of Chechnya believes that there is a need to issue a tough law on the fact that in all spheres of life of the Chechen people they speak their native language. Exactly, they were talking about him, and not about him.

The Chechen Republic has developed a clear language policy, a concept, a targeted program aimed at preserving, developing and studying the Chechen language. Nevertheless, the process of putting into practice many of the ideas proposed by the participants of the annual language forums is overly politicized, including the process of transferring primary school education into the Chechen language, too. language problem. In the Chechen Republic, the status of the state language in this stage only declared, but not sufficiently supported practical action, which would ensure its widespread study and use. The language policy is liberal in nature, which is not suitable for this region. It does not mean any suppression of interests in relation to the language of its speakers. No. To put this idea into practice, the public of Chechnya lacks its own principles and a powerful impetus at the state level.

In the Chechen Republic great work it was not worth, contrary to the statements of a significant number of opponents, to introduce the Unified State Exam into schools, the Federal State educational standard and other innovations. A translation individual items primary education into the Chechen language - turned out to be an insurmountable problem. The fact is that the Chechen intelligentsia did not give a proper rebuff stereotypical thinking the main contingent of parents who believe that the study of the Russian language from childhood is much more important than the Chechen one - for the purposes of life and career development their children. This is one of the factors that keeps Chechen children from actively learning their native language.

Scientists linguists of the Chechen Republic consider relevant, theoretically substantiated and practically tested the idea of ​​the 19th century scientist Pyotr Karlovich Uslar, who argued that initial education should be carried out in the native language. “A child who comes to school for the first time should love school, and he will love it when he understands what is being said to him,” he said. - Only after the child learns to freely express his thoughts in his native language, you can start learning in a second language.

Today in Chechnya there is an active inclusion of elements of another language in the statement in the Chechen language. This happens because of a structural deficiency, which is filled by a stronger language. This leads to the degradation of the language and to its gradual displacement. Here are examples from a student speech at the Chechen State University:

  1. The dean of the faculty until the second day of the debt d1a tsa lah, tho expel diir du bohu from the university.
  2. Scholarships to deprive Din san yi of being late, yi skipping yu alla. Khin bahana-m dats, only this.

An alarming situation is developing with numerals, they are completely forgotten.

  1. What is your home address, please.
  2. State your number mobile phone, please.
  3. State your date of birth.
  4. Name the audiences in which your classes are held.

Unfortunately, neither among the students, nor even among many teachers from among the respondents, there was a person who in his answers would name numerals in the Chechen language. Conclusion: this part of speech has almost dropped out of the active use of native speakers of the Chechen language.

I will give examples from the speech of students Faculty of Philology CSU:

- Hyo, what course are you in?

- On the second y-kh.

One complains to the other:

1. Kh1intsalts pizza “one hundred and twenty rubles” and loi otsura, amma kh1intsa-m otsur yats “one hundred and fifty” dotsush. Niissa "thirty rubles" t1e - m tokhna for "two days". And this despite the fact that there is a marhiin butt.

2. Trinah a skha lur yu allla heta suna, deha-m four million dohu tsu apartments. Kopeck piece ben a ma yats isa, the only advantage is the center hilar.

Quite often errors like:

Tskhauzza - (correct tska)

Shiuzza - (correct shuzza)

Khuzza - (correct Khuzza)

Diuzza - (correct doazza), etc.

There is ignorance of the rules for the use of numerals.

Is it a tragedy? Yes. The way out of the situation is seen in regulation of linguistic behavior of subjects and objects of language policy. In this case, three groups of people act as objects of language policy in the republic: carriers of the language policy that was carried out in Soviet period. This language group represent people who experienced the Stalinist genocide, the oppression of the Soviet regime. This group is hard to adapt to change, painfully and acutely perceives any innovation. The second group is represented by young people born after 2000, for whom everything is new. In such language situation language policy will be effective if the emphasis is on translation primary schools to study in their native language.

Reassessment of values ​​is going on all over the world. Spiritual values ​​are put in the foreground, the main of which is the "basis of national culture" - language. In this region at the present stage, for the development of the Chechen language, it is necessary to increase the volume of information printed publications in the Chechen language. Take the necessary measures to improve the language skills of electronic media workers broadcasting in the Chechen language. Open a specialized television channel broadcasting in the state language. Develop a program for the development of the Chechen language in a long period and prepare conditions for the translation of primary classes into the Chechen language, develop and implement educational and educational programs in the native language in preschool institutions republics. And there is a basis for this: formed legal framework for successful implementation functional development languages, and new processes of language building find understanding and support in the Chechen society. Nevertheless, the reality is different: “out of 7 republican newspapers, only one newspaper, Daimokhk, is published in the Chechen language. Of the four magazines, only two are published in Chechen. On the channels of the republican television, 24 programs are broadcast in Russian, and only 12 in Chechen. Of the 6 TV news broadcasts that go on the air every day, only two are in the Chechen language. The same picture is on the radio. The result of the study showed that purely administrative methods aimed at the development and preservation of the language, not supported by additional incentive measures, are not effective enough. Development and conservation national language- the business of everyone and everyone, because it is impossible to educate complete person without teaching him to respect the language of his ancestors, the unique culture of the nation and the history of the country. Therefore, “the national-language policy pursued in the Chechen Republic in the 21st century should be built taking into account objective factors and, in the process of eliminating the consequences of the language and, in general, national policy of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods, be focused on human values» .


Navrazova Kh.B., Doctor of Philology, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philology of the Chechen State Pedagogical Institute, Grozny.

Timaev A.D., Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of the Chechen Language, Chechen State University, Grozny.

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