The origin of the names of Russian cities. Origin

Many names of parts of the human body have an interesting history. And to get acquainted with these stories will help us true friendetymological dictionary.

A heart

Let's start with the most important human organ - the heart. This word is often used in the sense of "soul"; a warm-hearted person - soft, kind, sincere. And by its origin, this word should rightfully be mentioned first: the heart is connected with the “middle”. That is, the heart is the “middle”, the center of a person, his essence, the most, most important thing in him.


There were, however, earlier and other ideas about the receptacle of the soul. For example, the liver. This word is derived from the verb "oven", which used to mean "cook, cook food." The liver is probably so named because of important role during the process of digestion. Although not everything is clear here: after all, from the same verb, though in a more complicated way, the name of another internal organ, the kidney, is formed. And the kidneys are not involved in digestion!


Another internal organ- lungs - so named because it is lighter than other organs of the body and does not sink in water. A person has two lungs; in singular this word sounds easy.

Previously, in Russian, the most common noun for designating this body was plyucha. It goes back to an ancient root meaning "to swim". This word reflected the same observation about the ability of the lung to float on water. It's interesting that Latin name lung - pulmo - is also associated with the ancient verb "to swim." Now we can see the Latin root in the name of the section of medicine that studies lung diseases - pulmonology.

Spine, cartilage, clavicle, shoulder blade

Of the words denoting different elements musculoskeletal system, interesting story have the words spine, cartilage, clavicle, shoulder blade. The spine is made up of individual vertebrae, like a chain of links. It is the word "link" that the name spine is related to.

The word cartilage in others Slavic languages looks like a crackle, a crackle, a crackle. In these names, a connection with the verb "crunch" is visible.

Weave your fingers together and bend them with a sharp effort - do you hear a crunch? Sit down - do your knees creak? This sound is produced by joints, junctions - the composition (hence the word joint) of bones with each other, in which there is a lot of cartilaginous tissue. In children, it is elastic, so it produces less sounds. With age cartilage tissue hardens, joints become less flexible, and often older people are asked: “How are you?” ironically answer: “Squeak!”

The word clavicle is related to both “key”, and “stick”, and “club”. All of them denote objects, one way or another curved. The clavicle is a bone that connects the shoulder and torso, resembles the Latin letter S. Interestingly, the stick in Old Russian they called not only a stick for support with a bent upper end, but also cunning, resourcefulness, deceit.

The shoulder blade is a wide, flat bone located in the upper back that looks like a small spade. The name of a plant with wide, flat leaves, burdock, is historically associated with this word.

Eyes, eyelid, eyelashes

Now let's talk about appearance. Eyes... Where did this word come from? In some Slavic languages, the word "eye" means ... a cobblestone, a boulder. In the Old Russian language, "eye" meant a ball. Scientists believe that originally the word "eye" meant a stone ball, a bead, or even a berry bone. Then it began to be used instead of the word "eye" in different kind colloquial terms. They sometimes say now: “Hey, why did you roll out the balls?”, Meaning that a person is staring at something. And the “balls” in Old Russian just turned out to be “eyes”. Then this word finally replaced the eye, the eyes, leaving them only the field of poetry.

The word "eyelid" in many Slavic languages ​​​​means a cover. The eyelids really close the eye, being its protection. Additionally protect the eye and "eyelashes", whose name is related to the word found in different dialects of the Russian language - "ryasny", which means "abundant, lush, frequent" (obviously, the density of growth of small hairs - eyelashes) is responsible for the formation of the word "guilty" .


The origin of the word skin is interesting. It turns out to be associated with the word "goat" and originally meant a goat's skin. Like this!


"Language" is an ambiguous word. In addition to the well-known organ of taste and speech, located in the mouth, this word denotes both speech and the ability to speak. "Which foreign language do you study?”, “How much does a jellied tongue cost?”, “Could you help me swing this heavy tongue of a bell?”, “Have you lost your tongue ?!” - in all these questions the word language appears in different meanings.

But this word used to have one more meaning, now completely forgotten: “language” was called the people, the community of people who speak the same language, understand each other. Hence the word "pagan" - "representative of a non-Christian people."

The etymological dictionary can tell the curious reader a lot more. For example, that the words foot and nail are historically related and come from common word, which once meant a hoof.

Or about the fact that the neck is so named because it “sews” the head and torso, and in the related word “sheath” (used only with the preposition for and as part of the adverb top-down), the meanings “sew, sew” and "twirl".

Or that the words “eyebrow” and “log” are historically close. In a word, do not forget to look into the dictionary at every opportunity - you will always find a lot of interesting things there!

Do you know that the words "fire" and "four" are relatives, that the word "old" used to be synonymous with the word "strong". We remembered the 20 most ancient words in the history of mankind, whose origin can tell a lot.


The personal pronoun "I" occupies the first line in the Swadesh list, this lexeme is the base for most languages ​​of the world. This word is a shifter, that is, its meaning depends on the speaker himself. Linguists believe that the word "I" is at least 40 thousand years old.

In Russian, the word "I" goes back to Praslav. azъ with prosthetic j.

By linguistic irony, despite the fact that it is customary to say that “I am the last letter in the alphabet”, in Cyrillic the first letter “az” also denoted the personal pronoun “I”.


The word "mother" is in all languages. In most of them, often even unrelated to each other, the sequences of sounds /ma/, /mama/ correspond to the word "mother". So, in Chinese, “mother” is māma (妈妈 / 媽媽), in Czech máma, in French and Persian maman, in the Dari language - maadar. However, sometimes such a sequence of sounds can have other meanings. Yes, in Georgian language"mother" - father, in Latin "mamma" - the breast of a woman feeding milk.

The male

In many languages, the same word means both a man and a person in general. Yes, in English language man, in French homme. The word "man" in Russian goes back to Praslav. *mǫžьščina - a derivative with the suffix -in- from the adjective *mǫžьskъjь, further from the noun *mǫžь. Borrowed into Russian, probably through Belarusian-Ukrainian intermediary, from Polish mężczyna.

The Russian “man” is related to the ancient Indo-European word mánuṣ (mánu-, mánuṣ-), which meant “man, husband”.

4 Ash

One of the most ancient words, common in all Indo-European languages, is the word "ash". This word is considered related to such words as "green" and "gold". Linguists also consider cognate"ash" is the Lithuanian word "žìlas" (gray-haired) and the Latvian "zils" (blue). The word "ash" is included in the list of 23 super stable lexemes that have not changed in 15 thousand years.

5 Fire

More than 15 thousand years and the word "fire". In Russian, it comes from Praslav. *ognis. English word“fire”, in turn, comes from the Proto-Germanic form *petwor-, from which, among other things, the Old English form of the word “feower” and the English “four” are derived. It goes back to the Proto-Indo-European form *qwetwor. That is, the word "fire" and the numeral "four" are distant relatives.

6 Old

Do not take it as a tautology, but the word "old" is old. In Russian, it comes from the Proto-Slavic form *starъ. Interestingly, the word “old” is related to the Lithuanian stóras “thick, voluminous” and the Old Norse word stórr “big, strong, important, courageous”, as well as the Old Indo-European word sthirás, which translates as “strong, strong”. That is, the word "old", used today in the sense of "lived, existed long time” originally also correlated with the meaning of strength, reliability and strength.


The Russian word "hand" comes from the Proto-Slavic form *rǫka. In all Slavic languages, this word is almost identical. Also, this word is related to Lithuanian rankà, Latvian roka, Old Prussian ransko. Etymologically, this word is also related by alternation with Lithuanian renkù, rinkaũ, riñkti meaning "to collect" and parankà "gathering, gathering".


The negative particle "no" also has ancient origin She is at least 20,000 years old. This particle is in all Indo-European languages, in Russian it is formed from the Old Russian no, negative particle not in English is derived from Old English *nōht, nāht ‎(“ nought, nothing ”).


The word "other" is historically related to the word "second", this applies to all Indo-European languages. In Russian, the word "other" comes from forms related to the Old Slavic droug and the ancient = Greek ἄλλος. In Czech, the word druhý is translated as "second", in Polish drugi is also "second". The English word "other" comes from the Old English "the second" (adj.), "one of the two, other.

One two Three...

Numerals one, two, three and five also have an ancient origin. They are at least forty thousand years old and were used before the emergence of all languages. Indo-European family. A recent study by linguists from English city Reading found that the numeral "one" (one) is somewhat younger than "two" and "three". The numeral "Four" (four) has undergone significant changes, so the version of this numeral currently used is much younger.


The Russian word "lai" comes from the Old Russian lati "to bark, scold", lai "quarrel, blasphemy". Akin to Lithuanian lóti, lóju “to bark”, Latvian lãt, lāju “to bark, scold, slander”, Old Indo-European rāуаti “barks”, Ossetian ræin “to bark”, Greek. λαίειν, Latin lātrāre "to bark", lāmentum "sobbing, wailing".


The word "gold" also has ancient roots. He is at least 20 thousand years old. Common Slavic zolto came from Indo-European language with the meaning "yellow" (Proto-Indo-European form *ghlo-).
This word is also related to the Eastern Lithuanian žеl̃tas "gold", "golden yellow", the Gothic word gulþ, the Old Indo-European híraṇyam "gold".

In addition, linguists also do not exclude the relationship of the root *ghel- with the root *ghlei-.


The Russian (and common Slavic) word "man", in contrast to its lexically simple equivalents in Romance and Germanic languages(homo, l "homme, hombre, uomo, man, der Mensch, etc.), is complex, dibasic, detachable, which increases its derivational capacity, the ability to enter into new morphological connections. It comes from the Praslav. * čelověkъ, from the cat. among other things, there were: the ancient Russian form of man čelověkъ, the old Slavic chlovѣk (other Greek ἄνθρωπος).


Linguists are unanimous that the word "apple" in the Slavic languages ​​is one of the most ancient. Exact time its origin is unknown, but it already existed in the period of the common Indo-European language. According to researchers, this word was borrowed from the Celtic languages. initial sound j (yot) arose on common Slavic soil. The word "apple" in the languages ​​of the Celtic group goes back to the protoform ablu. In modern Russian, "apple" in the original meaning of "ball" is not used, but denotes the fruit of an apple tree.


The Slavic word "people" originates from the common Slavic ljudje - "people". Etymologically it is related to other languages Indo-European group: Old German liut ("people") and Gothic liudan. In the Old Slavonic language, the word lyudin meant " free man". The same meaning can be traced in European languages. In it liute, in Burgundian leudis "free husband (man)", in Greek ἐλεύθερος "free (man)".



noun, with., use comp. often

Morphology: (no) what? origin, what? origin, (see) what? origin, how? origin, about what? about the origin; pl. what? origin, (no) what? origin, what? origin, (see) what? origin, how? origins, about what? about origins

1. Under origin something means its appearance, the emergence as a result of the influence of the forces of nature or human activity.

Researchers deduce the origin of the language from the first rock inscriptions. | Scientists are still struggling with the mystery of the origin of man.

2. Talking about origin, we mean belonging by birth to any nation, class, locality, etc.

It is proved that Rurik was a Varangian by origin, but the origin Prophetic Oleg is still unknown.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitrieva. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


See what "origin" is in other dictionaries:

    Beginning, origin, source, root, foundation, cause. He is of Jewish origin, Jewish blood flows in his veins. A man of low breed. He is from the Hohenzollern family. Lead your family from someone, build your family to a distant ancestor .. Wed ... Synonym dictionary

    ORIGIN, origin, pl. no, cf. 1. Belonging by birth to some estate, nation or class. proletarian origin. Russian by origin. 2. Emergence. The origin of the language. Origin of species (biol.).… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Origin- Origin ♦ Origine Not so much the beginning of something as what makes this beginning possible, precedes it or prepares it. For example, Big Bang, quite likely, served as the beginning of the formation of the universe. But he certainly isn't... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    ORIGIN, I, cf. 1. Belonging by birth to what n. nation, class, class. Social n. Russian by origin. 2. Emergence, appearance. P. tongue. P. life on Earth. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    English origin; German Herkunft. 1. Belonging to birth to k. l. nation, class, class. 2. Emergence, appearance. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    - (origin) 1. Country of origin of goods. The term direct delivery (shipment from origin) means that the shipment of goods was carried out directly from the country of origin. See also: certificate of origin. 2… Glossary of business terms

    - (origin) 1. Country of origin of goods. The term "shipment from origin" means that the goods are shipped directly from the country of origin. 2. The country of origin of a person, which is by no means ... ... Financial vocabulary

    origin- — Topics of biotechnology EN origin … Technical Translator's Handbook

    Origin is an ambiguous term, usually meaning the appearance of something; as well as wear, removal (Church Slavonic.) Used in following values: In religion, the Origin (wearing) of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross ... ... Wikipedia

    origin- ▲ circumstance formation (of which) origin circumstance formation (# of life on Earth. # of this spot). genesis. homeland (# inventions). historical (historically arise). pedigree. family tree. proto... (prototype). right…… … Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • Origin, Stone Irving. Long five years painstaking work took Irving Stone to create "Origin" - a massive biographical novel about Charles Darwin, the founder of the theory of evolution, which in its ...

You will need


Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write your last name and highlight all the morphemes in it: root, suffix, ending. This preparatory stage help you determine which family name your family belongs to.

Notice the suffix. Since in Russian more often than others foreign surnames meet, it could be following suffixes: "enko", "eyko", "ovsk / evsk", "ko", "point". That is, if your last name is Tkachenko, Shumeiko, Petrovsky or Gulevsky, Klitschko, Marochko, distant relatives should be sought on the territory of Ukraine.

Look at the root of the word if the suffix did not answer the question of what nationality your last name is. Often one or another, object, animal, becomes its basis. An example is the surname Gonchar, Ukrainian Gorobets (in translation - Sparrow), Jewish Rabin ("rabbi").

Count the number of roots in a word. Sometimes the surname consists of two words. For example, Ryabokon, Beloshtan, Krivonos. Similar names belong to Slavic peoples(Russians, Belarusians, Poles, etc.), but are also found in other languages.

Assess your surname in terms of belonging to the Jewish people. Common Jewish surnames have in the composition the roots "levi" and "cohen", found in the surnames Levitan, Levin, Kogan, Katz. Their owners descended from ancestors who were in the rank of clergy. There are also surnames that originated from male (Moses, Solomon) or female names (Rivkin, Beilis), or formed from a merger male name and suffix (Abrahams, Jacobson, Mandelstam).

Remember if Tatar blood flows in your veins? If your surname consists of a combination of words and suffixes "in", "ov" or "ev", then the answer is obvious - they were in your family. This is especially well seen in the example of such surnames as Bashirov, Turgenev, Yuldashev.

Determine which language the surname belongs to, based on the following clues:
- if it contains the prefix "de" or "le", look for roots in France;
- if the surname is heard English name territory (eg Welsh), quality of person (Sweet) or profession (Carver), relatives should be sought in the UK;
- the same rules apply to German surnames. They are formed from the profession (Schmidt), nickname (Klein), name (Peters);
- Polish surnames can be recognized based on the sound - Kowalczyk, Sienkiewicz.
Look in the dictionary of foreign words if you have difficulty assigning a surname to a particular language.

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If your last name is Jewish origin, it can be used to determine the territory of residence of the ancestors. So, Slavic Jews bear the names Davidovich, Berkovich, Rubinchik. In sound, they are very similar to Russian patronymics and diminutive names of objects. The surnames of Polish Jews are distinguished by suffixes. For example, Padva.

Helpful advice

To compose family tree or to find distant relatives, but at the same time not to make a mistake in interpreting the surname by nationality, one should rely not only on the root and suffix, but also on the environment. After all, the most common name Ivan has a Hebrew past, and the surnames formed from it are found among Russians, Maris, Mordvins, Chuvashs - Ivanaev, Vankin, Ivashkin, Ivakin, etc. Therefore, do not be too lazy to look into the etymological dictionary.


  • what is the nationality of the name
  • If your last name ends in ov / -ev, -in then I will

The word surname in translation means family (Latin familia - family). Last name is given name tribal community - united primary social cells connected by blood ties. How do the names of surnames arise, what is the principle of the formation of Russian surnames, in particular, surnames with "-ov".

The emergence of surnames

The emergence and spread of surnames in Russia was gradual. The first nicknames were acquired by citizens of Veliky Novgorod and its subordinate lands. Chronicle evidence draws our attention to this fact, talking about the Battle of the Neva in 1240.

Later, in the XIV - XV centuries, princes began to acquire generic names. Nicknamed after the name of the inheritance that they owned, having lost it, the princes began to leave for themselves and their descendants its name as a family name. So the Vyazemsky (Vyazma), Shuisky (Shuya) and other noble families appeared. At the same time, those derived from nicknames began to be fixed: Lykovs, Gagarins, Gorbatovs.

Boyarsky and then noble families, for lack of their inheritance status, were formed in more from nicknames. Also, the formation of a surname from the name of the ancestor has become widespread. Bright to the reigning family in Russia - the Romanovs.


The ancestors of this ancient boyar family there were ancestors who bore nicknames at different times: Mare, Koshka Kobylin, Koshkins. The son of Zakhary Ivanovich Koshkin, Yuri Zakharovich, was already called both by his father and by his nickname - Zakharyin-Koshkin. In turn, his son, Roman Yuryevich, bore the surname Zakhariev-Yuriev. The Zakharyins were also the children of Roman Yuryevich, but from the grandchildren (Fyodor Nikitich - Patriarch Filaret), the family continued under the name of the Romanovs. With the surname Romanov, Mikhail Fedorovich was elected to the royal throne.

Last name as identification

The establishment by Peter I in 1719 of passports for the convenience of collecting the poll tax and the implementation of the recruitment gave rise to the spread of surnames for men of all classes, including peasants. At first, along with the name, the patronymic and / or nickname were entered, which then became the owner's surname.

The formation of Russian surnames on -ov / -ev, -in

The most common Russian surnames are formed from personal names. As a rule, this is the name of the father, but more often the grandfather. That is, the surname was fixed in the third generation. At the same time, the personal name of the ancestor passed into the category of possessive adjectives formed from the name with the help of the suffixes -ov / -ev, -in and answering the question “whose?”
Whose Ivan? - Petrov.

In the same way in late XIX- at the beginning of the 20th century, Russian officials formed and recorded the names of the inhabitants of the Russian Transcaucasus and Central Asia.

Astrakhan - at different times it was called: Ajitarkhan, Ashtrarkhan, Tsitrakhan. According to one of the hypotheses explaining the origin of the name of the city, the descendants of the warlike Sarmatian tribes, the Ases, lived in these parts. For military merits, they received from Batu Khan a letter - tarkhan, exempting them from duties in favor of the state.

Barnaul - the first version of the origin of the name: "good camp" or "village of Barna" (from Kazakh), if we assume that "Barn" is the name of one of the nomads Siberian Khanate. The second version: from the name of the river Barnaulka - "wolf river" or "wolf lake" or "muddy river".

Bryansk - from old Russian word Dbryansk, formed from the word "dbr" - "mountain slope, gorge, ditch, valley or lowland, overgrown dense forest and shrubs"

Buzuluk - from the Tatar "bozau" - a calf, "bozaulyk" - a veal fence

Vladimir - named after Prince Vladimir Monomakh, the founder of the city

Vologda - from Ancient Veps - a river with white (clear, clean) water

Vorkuta - from the Nenets - a bearish area or an area abounding with bears.

Voronezh - there are several theories about the origin of the name. According to the 19th-century Slavic linguist I. I. Sreznevsky, the word "Voronezh" comes from the word "voron". The German linguist M. Vasmer suggested that the name "Voronezh" has a connection with the adjective "black" (black). The opinions of I. I. Sreznevsky and M. Fasmer were united by N. P. Milonov suggested that the name is associated with the color of the water in the river. According to the Voronezh local historian V.P. Zagorovsky, the name "Voronezh" could come from the possessive adjective "voronezh" of the possibly existing ancient Slavic name "Vorone?g".

Gelendzhik - (from Arabic) helendzh - poplar or from Turkish: gelin - bride + ?s?k - light

Grayvoron - from the Old Slavonic: “gray raven”, - that is, “play raven”, or “crow crow”, or “flock of crows”.

Derbent - from the Persian "narrow gate"

Yekaterinburg - named after Empress Catherine I

Yelets - from the name of the Elchik River (on old maps, the river was designated as Yelets - this is how a spruce forest or fish can be called)

Izhevsk - the name comes from the river Izh (udm. O?)

Irkutsk - the name of the city comes from the Irkut River, the hydronym has a multi-valued interpretation and is associated with the Mongol-Buryat words denoting strength, energy, spin, spin, turn.

Yoshkar-Ola - (from Mari) - "red city"

Kazan - from the name of the Kazanka River

Kamyzyak - from the Turks. ?amys?, Qamyzaq - reedy area

Kandalaksha - according to one version - "a dry place among the swamps near the bay", which comes from the Sami words "kant" and "luht". There is also a legend about two brothers - Kant and Lahti, after whom the settlement was named: Kantalahti.
There are interpretations of Sami origin: "kandas" in Sami - "pack" and "luht" - bay, lip, i.e. "pack lip" (a place where deer were loaded in the old days)
There is a variant of the origin of the name from the Karelian word "laksha" - bay and "kanda" - the name of the river flowing into this bay.
But in last years researcher A. A. Minkin unequivocally came to decipher the name as "Lip of the mother-nurse"

Kemerovo - probably from the Turkic "kemer" - mountain slope, coast, cliff, hill, mountain.

Kolomna - Scientific versions:
- from the surrounding of these places by the rivers Oka, Kolomenka and Moscow;
- from the Ryazan words kolomen, kolomenye - meaning the border, that is, Kolomna - a border town
- from the Finno-Ugric word kalma, meaning grave, cemetery
- from the ancient Finno-Ugric words "kol" - fish and "kolva" - a river, that is, a fish river.
- from Lithuanian kalmas "calamus", kalmyne "thickets of calamus" or "river with thickets of calamus"
Folk etymological versions:
- from the word quarry - a stone was mined (broken) near the city
- from the Kolomenka River, on the banks of which there was a market, in the old way - Menok, that is, "a river near the Mena" - Kolomenka
- from the peculiarity of the flow of the Oka River, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city, the Oka breaks (the Oka is broken), hence Kolomna, just like the Oka is wide in the city area
Kashira, Oka Lugovaya near the city of Kaluga
- from the Latin "columna" - a column, which corresponds to the historical and modern coat of arms cities

Kumertau - the name of the city comes from bashk. K?mertau - "coal mountain".

Magadan - the name came presumably from the Oroch "mongodan", meaning sea sediments.

Maykop - from the Adygs. Myekkuape (my - apple, kuape - valley, literal translation - valley of apples)

Makhachkala - bears this name since 1921 in honor of the revolutionary Makhach Dakhadaev. Previously, this area was called Anzhi-Kala - "pearl city" in the Kumyk language or "adobe fortress" in Dargin.

Mozdok - the name of the settlement comes from the Circassian "mez degu" - "deaf (dark) forest"

Moscow - the name of our capital comes from the name of the Moscow River, but the etymology of the origin of the hydronym has not yet been definitely established. One of the variants of the origin of this name is from the Old Slavic root "mosk" (wet, swampy place).

Murmansk - means "city on Murman". Russian people called "Murmans" or "Urmans" Norwegians, Normans. Later, "Murman" began to be called the coast Barents Sea, and then the entire Kola Peninsula.

Murom - the name of the city comes from the Finno-Ugric tribe Muroma ?, and the word "muroma", according to one version, comes from the Cheremis verb "muram" - "sing" ("muromo" - song), so "muroma" is a place singing, fun.

Mytishchi - the name comes from the so-called mytnaya duty (or "myta"), levied on merchants Nadym - translated from Nenets, there are several meanings of the name of the city:
- "Nyadey I" - this is a region rich in reindeer moss;
- "ngede ya" - a dry, elevated place on which meadow grass grows.

Nalchik - translated from Kabardian and Balkar means "horseshoe", since geographically the city is located in a semicircle of mountains resembling a horseshoe

Naryan-Mar - (from Nenets) - "red city"

Omsk - the name comes from the Om River

Penza - the name of the city is associated with the name of the Penza River, according to one version, its name is translated as "Fire River"

Perm - the name comes from the Vepsian word pera maa - "distant land"

Ryazan - the name of the city by origin is possessive adjective masculine R?zan (with the suffix -jь-) from the male name R?zan. The very name "R?zan" is short form passive communion from “cut” and the verb “cut”, thus, “R?zan” - “Rezanov city”.

Salekhard - from not. Sale Harad - "City on the Cape"

Samara - there is no consensus on the origin of the name of the river and the city of Samara. There are several theories:
- from the word Samur (Iran.) "beaver, otter";
- from Tatar, Chuvash. "Samar", Kalmyk. Samr, Chagatai. "Samar" - bag, Kyrgyz. "Sardar" - basin, jug.
- from the Mongolian words "Samar" - "nut, nutty" or "samura, samaura" - mix, stir up
- from a combination of the Iranian root "sam" or "sham" or the Hungarian "semar" (desert, steppe) and the Hungarian root "ar" - that is, the steppe river
- on behalf of the son of Noah Sim (Herself)
- from the name of the city of Samarkand, which, according to legend, was founded by the ruler Shamar (Samar)
- from Biblical Samaria
- from the Arabic "surra min raa" - "he who sees will be delighted"
- from a combination of the Russian word "sama" and the ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian name of the Volga river "Ra" - "full-flowing, like Ra itself"
- from the old Russian "samara", "samarka"

St. Petersburg - Tsar Peter I named the city in honor of his heavenly patron - the Apostle Peter

Saransk - from the muzzle. "sara" - a large sedge swamp, swampy floodplain

Saratov - there is no generally accepted theory about the origin of the name of the city, there are several versions:
- by the name of Sokolovaya Mountain, in Tatar "sary tau" - "yellow mountain";
- from the words "sar atav" - "low-lying island" or "saryk atov" - "hawk island";
- from the Scythian-Iranian hydronym "sarat"

Serpukhov - there is no unequivocal explanation of the origin of the city's name, there are only versions:
- from the hypothetical name "Serpokh" (derived from "Sickle");
- from the name of the river Serpeika;
- from the sickle plant;
- from the fact that the Serpeika river curved around the Cathedral (Red) mountain in a sickle shape;
- from the fact that sickles were forged in the vicinity of the city;
- from the canonical name Serapion.

Smolensk - there are several versions of the origin of the city's name:
- from the name of the river Smolnya (Old Slavic "smol" - black earth);
- from the ethnonym Smolensk;
- from the verb "tar"

Sortavala - the origin of the name has not been thoroughly clarified. Versions say that, perhaps, “sortavala” is translated as “the power of the devil” - supposedly, the evil spirit expelled from Valaam moored to this shore.
According to another version, the name comes from the Finnish "sorttawa" (dissecting), which could refer to the bay dividing the city into two halves.

Sochi - translated from the Ubykh language - a country belonging to Sidi Ahmet Pasha

Suzdal - according to one version, the name comes from the Old Slavonic verb "sjdati" - "to mold from clay"

Surgut - translated from the Khanty language - "fish place"

Syktyvkar - from Komi Syktyv - Sysola; kar - city, which means - "city on Sysol"

Taganrog - the name of the city, most likely, is a combination of the words "tagan" and "horn" (meaning "cape"). Another option is from the Turks. to?an - falcon

Tambov - from the Moksha "tomba" - a whirlpool

Temryuk - the city is named after its founder - Prince Temryuk, one of whose daughters was the wife of Ivan the Terrible

Togliatti - from the Greek. ??????????? - letters. "City of the Cross"

Tomsk - located on the banks of the Tom River and got its name from it

Tuapse from the Adyghe "tuapse" - "two rivers", "the area lying below the confluence of two rivers" - the Tuapse River, formed by the confluence of two mountain rivers - Chilipsi (Chylepsy) and Pshenakho (Psynef)

Tula - Dal gives such an explanation of the name: “Tula is a secretive, inaccessible place, a corner, a corner for protection, shelter, or for imprisonment. The name of the city may be related to this.
Some researchers see the similarity of the hydronym "Tula" with the Turkic names: Tuv. tulaa "swamp", "bog", hak. tul "fish", hack. Tula "swamp tussock", Shorsk. tula "to dam the water", there is the Tula River (a tributary of the Ob), which has swamps as its source

Tyumen is a word of Turkic-Mongolian origin and means ten thousand, ten thousandth army (compare: the Russian word "darkness")

Ufa - from the Bashkir - "dark water"

Khabarovsk is named after explorer XVII century Yerofey Khabarov

Chelyabinsk - perhaps the name of the fortress "Chelya? Ba" goes back to the Bashkir word "Sil? Be", that is, "depression; large, shallow hole. There are other versions:
- The Chelyabinsk fortress was named after the village of Selyaba, which stood on the river. Selyabka;
- on the site of Chelyabinsk was the Bashkir village of Selyaba;
- the village was founded by the legendary Turkic hero Selyambey;
- the village of the Bashkir Tarkhan Taimas Shaimov, who had honorary title"chelyaby";
- on the site of modern Chelyabinsk there were patrimonial lands of the Turkic hero Selyabi-Chelebi;
- the name comes from the Turkic root "chelabi" ("selyabi"), that is, "noble"

Chita -accurate translation from Sanskrit - "to comprehend, understand, observe, know" (compare: the Russian word "read")

Yaroslavl - the city is named after the founder, Prince Yaroslav the Wise.