End of the earth's axis. Offset of the earth's axis

After what happened on February 27 in Chile powerful earthquake(8.8 magnitudes) there were reports in the press that such strong shocks deflected the Earth's axis of rotation in a few minutes. But scholars are divided on this point. The Pravda.Ru correspondent was told more about the axis shift in Russian Institute radio navigation and time (RIRIV).

Indeed, the recent earthquake in Chile was very powerful - it had a magnitude of 8.8! Only the fact that its epicenter was located far from the populated area and, moreover, quite deep, saved the world from many human casualties. A few days after the “violence of the elements,” some scientists made statements that such a strong shaking could change the tilt of the axis of our entire planet.

NASA geophysicist Richard Gross says: "If our calculations are correct, the Earth's own axis has shifted by about 8 centimeters." Here it is important to pay attention to the fact that we are not talking about the tilt of the axis of rotation. "The own axis characterizes not how much the Earth is tilted," adds Gross, "but how it is balanced."

It can be explained like this. Our planet, as you know, is not an ideal sphere. Firstly, the globe is slightly flattened from the poles - its exact geometric model should be established by the GOCE mission sent into space a few years ago.

Secondly, the distribution of mass across the planet is not uniform, if only because part of its surface is oceans, and part is continents. In the northern hemisphere, there is noticeably more land than in the southern, and in the western - less than in the east. The proper axis of the Earth is the axis on which this inhomogeneous ball of the planet is "balanced", and the true axis of rotation oscillates around it.

This is what, it turns out, meant Richard Gross and his colleagues. The Chilean earthquake was so powerful that it caused the movement of colossal volumes of matter. This, in turn, changed the distribution of mass over the surface of the planet - not too noticeable, but quite enough for the "balancing axis" the globe deviated slightly.

However, this "shift" is not the first and not the last. The Earth's own axis is slightly shifted by itself, without any catastrophic events, as a result of slow geological processes. For example, the last ice age ended about 11 thousand years ago, and huge masses of ice disappeared from the surface of the continents and oceans. This not only led to a redistribution of mass, but also "unloaded" the earth's mantle, allowing it to assume a shape close to spherical. This process has not yet been completed, and as a result of it, the axis on which our planet "balances" naturally shifts by about 10 centimeters per year.

But it is worth saying that if Gross's calculations are correct, then as a result of that earthquake, the axis shifted in just a few minutes by an amount almost the same as in a year. Impressive!

However, so far these are only theoretical assumptions and, as they say, speculation. Nobody carried out practical measurements, although the group of Richard Gross intends to deal with this issue in the near future. And the key measurement tool should be ... a system global positioning GPS.

GPS has been used by scientists for years to track seasonal and annual changes in the Earth's rotation. Thanks to these precise observations, it is shown that it is influenced by tides and winds, currents in the oceans and in the molten bowels of the planet.

These factors have a periodic effect, on different time scales - weekly, annual, and seasonal. For example, the average day in January is about 1 millisecond longer than in June.

Against this regular background, the Chilean quake should look like a sharp jump - and Richard Gross and colleagues are very hopeful to detect this jump in the monitoring system data. The scientist says: "We take the GPS data on the rotation of the Earth, subtract the characteristic periodic influences of tides, winds, currents, and so on, and then we have the data caused by the earthquake."

By the way, shortly after the catastrophe - simultaneously with the screaming headlines about the "shift of the earth's axis" - some media noted that the duration of the day as a result of this event was reduced by 1.26 microseconds. This is true, but this value does not represent anything dangerous or sensational. It is negligible compared to the normal variation in the length of the day caused by tides or ocean currents. Their influence is a thousand times stronger.

In a word, we have to wait for the final results of the work of the group of Richard Gross. The displacement of the Earth's own axis as a result of earthquakes has not yet been investigated by anyone. Gross himself first tried to do this in 2004 after a magnitude 9.1 earthquake in Sumatra, but then did not get any significant results.

According to the scientist, the location of the epicenter of the earthquake is to blame for this: despite its impressive power, its location near the equator did not allow it to exert sufficient influence on the rotation of the planet. But now the situation is different - most likely, the effect of the Chilean earthquake will be more noticeable.

Is it possible to make such calculations using radio navigation? Pravda.Ru was told at the Russian Institute of Radio Navigation and Time (RIRT):

"Of course, such studies using radio navigation are possible. Specifically, such calculations are not carried out in our institution, but some foreign colleagues have been practicing them for quite a long time.

The use of a GPS network throughout the planet allows monitoring of the Earth's rotation with high accuracy. Changes in characteristics also affect the phase of signals coming from satellites and the time it takes them to get from orbit.

Perhaps it is these data that will allow American specialists to achieve results in their research. That is, to make calculations, how balanced the earth's axis is, or whether its imbalance is noted.

Article by Ikonnikov V.A. very big. Essentially this Scientific research"Secret Doctrine" for facts about the displacement of the earth's axis. Since no more reliable sources of Truth have yet been found, this study is of interest to me.

I moved the afterword to the preface, as I believe that these reflections affect the aspect of perception of the rest of the information.

Foreword: What, then, could not be said more in The Secret Doctrine?

A careful study and comparison of the astronomical facts scattered across the pages of The Secret Doctrine revealed an amazing picture of the mechanism of displacements of the earth's axis. Revealed common features this mechanism. Perhaps there are some of its features. In huge cycles, there are other cycles, and in those smaller ones, and their superposition on each other can create these features. One thing can be said - this mechanism exists.

Yes, in the astronomical aspect, enough has been said in the book. What has been a mystery for many centuries is given in this book almost in open form. And to say more would mean to give a ready-made answer, which would also be casually and arrogantly discarded by official science.

It is impossible to invent this intentionally, and from a set of "astronomical fables" and "absurdities" it is impossible to create even the semblance of any scheme.

In defense of this priceless book, only one thing can be said - it contains real, true knowledge. ancient history Earth and Mankind

In the Conclusion to the first part of the second volume of The Secret Doctrine, H.P. Blavatsky writes:

“Do the Masters have a complete and consistent history of our Race from its very inception to our times; whether they have an uninterrupted record of man, beginning with his development into a complete physical being, whereby he became king over animals and lord on this earth, it is not for the author to say. Undoubtedly, they have them and this is our personal conviction. But if this is so, then this knowledge is reserved only for the highest Initiates, who do not confide it to their disciples. Therefore, the author can only give what he was taught and no more, and even this will seem to the uninitiated reader more like a wild and fantastic dream than a possible reality.

This is only natural, and this is how it should be, for for several years this was the impression made on the modest writer of these pages. Born and raised in European materialistic and considered civilized countries, she the greatest work learned the above. But there are known kind proofs which in the course of time become irrefutable and undeniable to every serious and unprejudiced mind. For a number of years such proofs have been offered to her, and now she is quite convinced that our real Planet and her human races had to be born, grow and develop, precisely, in this way and no other. (Vol. 2, p.547)

120 years have passed since then, but little has changed in the human mind. Brought up in a super-materialistic world, modern readers of The Secret Doctrine also seem to be "rather a wild and fantastic dream than a possible reality." And if the author of The Secret Doctrine "assimilated" the knowledge offered to her with great difficulty, then our contemporaries, including representatives of science, do not bother to seriously study the book in which this knowledge is reflected. And this knowledge is incomprehensible. A real scientist, free from prejudice, need only take one of the statements of The Secret Doctrine as the beginning of his research, and he may have enough work for the rest of his life. Moreover, its research will certainly be successful and useful to society, because. they will rely on a true foundation. The time will surely come when the attitude to this work will be just that.

In the meantime, it is proposed to consider some of the facts presented in the book and lying, one might say, almost on the surface.

So, at the end of the 2nd volume of The Secret Doctrine, after a description of one ancient astronomical position of the luminaries, there are these words: “Let the student exercise his intuition by comparing these facts; no more can be said” (Vol. 2, p. 993).

An intriguing statement. Why not? In this famous book not in all cases ready-made answers are given. Blavatsky noted that there are no direct answers to some questions in this book, but there are hints in the form of separate facts scattered across the pages in no apparent sequence. This was done so that science itself would go to the answers, taking into account these hints in its research. Science, meanwhile, ignores this grandiose work, preferring to stay in a sea of ​​conflicting hypotheses.

Let's try to compare the astronomical facts scattered across the pages of this book and, arguing logically, we may get some kind of picture, and, consequently, an answer, about which more could not be said.

Let's start with the following passages from The Secret Doctrine:

“In fact, science does not seem to be sure about axis shifts at all. And, being unable to explain them, it is rather ready to deny the phenomena of axis shift altogether than to admit the wise hand of the Karmic Law, which alone can rationally explain these sudden changes and their attendant results. Science has tried to explain them by various and more or less fantastic theories; one of which ... would be a sudden collision of our Earth with a Comet, a collision that would be the cause of all geological perturbations. But we prefer to stick to our Esoteric explanations, in view of the fact that Fohat is worth any Comet and in addition has the Universal Mind as its Guide. (Volume 2 p.412)

It is stated that in the history of the Earth there have been sudden displacements of the earth's axis and that the force producing such displacements is Fohat.

"While the Egyptian Zodiac preserves irrefutable evidence records spanning more than three and a half sidereal years - or about 87,000 years - ... ". (Volume 2, p.415)

“Occult data show that even from the time of the correct establishment of the Zodiac calculations in Egypt, the poles were moved three times"(Volume 2, p.443)

It is claimed that there have been three pole shifts in 87,000 years.

"Since the three inversions of the Poles have undoubtedly changed the face of the Zodiac, a new one must be built each time." (Vol. 2, p.545)

It is argued that the three pole movements mentioned above are three inversions, i.e. swapping poles.

“Since Meru is the high abode of the Gods, it was said that the Gods ascended and descended periodically; astronomically, these gods meant the Gods of the Zodiac, or the transition of the original north pole of the Earth to the south pole of Heaven. (Volume 2, p.448)

It is argued that the transitions of the north pole of the Earth to the south pole of Heaven, i.e. the permutations mentioned above occurred periodically.

From these fragments, we see that in the history of the Earth there have been sudden displacements of the earth's axis and that such displacements have occurred periodically. And that over a period of about 87 thousand years there were three of them and not just displacements, but “inversions”, i.e. permutations of the poles, when the north pole of the Earth passes to the south pole of the sky.

Let's imagine a scheme of a complete permutation of the poles (Fig. 1), where α is the angle between the Earth's axis and the axis of the ecliptic (or the axis of precession, which coincide in this position).


Here we see that the poles are reversed. But this movement is complex and for ease of understanding it can be represented as the sum of two simple movements: 1st is the rotation of the axis along the generatrix of the cone by half a circle and the 2nd is the rotation by 180 0 relative to the plane of the ecliptic.

We do not yet know at one time or in stages such shifts occurred, and also what period of time this process took.

Let us assume that such revolutions took place at all. Let's just try to imagine what would change in the event of such a complete upheaval.

The inclination of the planet's axis of rotation to the plane of the ecliptic will remain the same, because only the geographic poles of the Earth have changed places. The appearance of the starry sky will change, i.e. instead of the northern constellations, an observer of the northern latitudes will appear southern constellations. The rotation of the Earth will remain the same, but the direction of rotation, relative to the visible star sphere, will be reversed and, therefore, the sunrise will occur from the west. All the rising constellations and the Moon will rise from the west.

In general, west and east are relative concepts, i.e. It is believed that the east is in the direction from which the sun rises. And in this book it is written that: “Even the terms “East” and “West” are simply conditional, necessary only as an aid to our human knowledge. For although the Earth has its two fixed points at the poles of North and South, yet East and West change according to our own position on the surface of the Earth and due to its rotation from west to east. (Vol. 1, p. 756)

Therefore, it is more correct to say that the Sun will rise where it previously set.

And we find confirmation of this in the following fragments of The Secret Doctrine:

“As Mr. Gerald Massey says, “.... The priests informed the Greek explorer that they had been counting time for so long that the sun had already risen twice where it then set, and twice set where it rose. This ... can be brought about, as a fact in Nature, by means of two cycles of Precessions, or a period of 51,736 years." (In the "Secret Doctrine" the precessional cycle is taken to be 25868 years - V.I.)(Vol. 1, p.537)

"It reminds me of unscientific now…". (Vol. 2, p.671)

What else will change? The annual movement of the Sun in the zodiac constellations will remain the same, because. the direction of the earth's revolution around the sun remains the same. The view of the equatorial and zodiac constellations will become inverted with respect to the observer and the order of the zodiac constellations along the ecliptic will be reversed with respect to their current location. For example, if now in the summer we observe Scorpio in the south, and Libra to the right, then in the case of a rearrangement of the poles, we will see Scorpio also in the south, but in winter and upside down, Libra will be to his left and also upside down.

It is interesting to note that the change of seasons of the year after the reversal of the poles will go to reverse direction. It's like the northern and southern hemispheres suddenly changed places and, where they were preparing for winter, they would have to live another summer again, and another winter in the other hemisphere.

If the change of seasons went in the opposite direction, then this is evidence of a reverse movement of the equinoxes. In this case, the movement of the “top of the top” should also change to the opposite, i.e. the cone-shaped movement of the Earth's axis around the axis of precession, and, consequently, the movement of the points of the celestial poles relative to the starry sky. In other words, the celestial poles and equinox points ran over half the precessional circle. The spring equinox in this case will turn into autumn and go in the opposite direction, fulfilling the will of the law on the conservation of momentum, i.e. with its delay, restoring the half-lap run. Thus, the sun will annually not advance its arrival at the equinox by some fraction of the time (20 m 24 s at the present time), but lag by the same amount. And the term "precession", meaning anticipation, will lose its meaning, since in this case there will be a delay.

Here, at first glance, are the main visible spatial changes that should occur as a result of such a revolution.

Physical changes on the surface of the planet as a result of such a revolution should be catastrophic in the form of a global flood due to the displacement of sea and ocean water masses.

And we find confirmation of this in the pages of The Secret Doctrine:

“According to Seneca, Beroz taught to prophesy about every future event and cataclysm in the Zodiac; and the times set by him for the destruction of the World by fire - Pralaya - and for the flood, correspond to the times given in one ancient Egyptian papyrus. A similar catastrophe occurs at each resumption of the cycle of the Star Year, calculated in 25,868 years. (Vol. 1, p. 814)

It is argued that catastrophes alternate every 25,868 years.

“The student should keep in mind that there were many Floods like the one in Genesis and three more, much more significant, which will be mentioned and described in the Section of the third part…”. (Vol. 2, p.384)

It is claimed that there were many floods.

And further: “This “Sea of ​​Knowledge” or learning remained for centuries where the Shamo or Gobi Desert now stretches. It existed until the last, great, ice age, when a local cataclysm, which carried the waters to the South and to the West, thus formed the current barren desert, leaving only one definite oasis with a lake and one island in the middle, like a relic or a Ring of the Zodiac on Earth. ". (Volume 2, p.631)

It is argued that the sea, which was previously in the Gobi desert, ceased to exist as a result of a cataclysm followed by the onset of the last ice age.

Very interesting in this regard is the information that can be found in the book "The Teaching of the Temple". This book (as the annotation says) is a continuation of the work begun by H. P. Blavatsky, and is the Instructions of the Masters of Wisdom. The instructions deal mainly with spiritual development, but there are also those related to space and physical phenomena. So, in Instruction 38 (from Teacher M.) it says:

“In the Temple I mentioned, on one of the engraved tablets there is a record of the last movement of the earth's axis; and if its main cause was, in fact, the unworthily low mental energy generated by the races inhabiting the Earth at that time, then the very overthrow of the forces is due to the action of the beings of the higher race inhabiting the Sun. There, as elsewhere in the Universe, there is an eternal battle between Good and Evil, and at the time in question, there was a great battle between the Devas of the right and left paths for the right to possess and use certain powers and positions, allowing a significant degree of control solar system. Thanks to the huge armies of elemental forces released as a result of the imbalance on the Sun, significant changes occurred in the outlines of its surface (comparable to those that could occur with the earth's crust if a powerful explosion happened in its depths). This sudden release of uncontrollable elemental forces, in turn, upset the balance on the Earth, deviating its axis from its original position. There is a sphere or circuit of energy connecting the Sun to all the planets in the solar system, like sound or light waves can connect two electrical communication nodes. It is through these means of communication that the conscious elemental force can reach and influence any planet in our system. Due to the deviation of the true pole, huge masses of water overflowed their banks and flooded the continents inhabited at that time. The imbalance in such a huge area of ​​​​the Sun also affected thermal balance, lowering the thermal vibrations of the Earth, and shortly after the Great Flood, the period known to us as the Ice Age began. ("The Teaching of the Temple". ICR. Master Bank. M. 2001. Vol. 1, p. 132 - 133)

In this Manual, the causes and forces that produced the last shift in the Earth's axis are given. It talks about the Flood as a consequence of the displacement and, very importantly, it talks about the Ice Age, which began shortly after the Flood. Above, we have already considered a fragment that speaks of the Gobi desert and the sea that existed "before the last, great, ice age."

The following fragment from The Secret Doctrine is very interesting on the same subject:

“The sub-races are just as subject to similar purifying processes as are the side branches or racial families of them. Let him who is well acquainted with astronomy and mathematics look back at the twilight and shadows of the Past. Let him observe and note what he knows about the history of peoples and nations, and compare their respective rises and falls with what is known as astronomical cycles - especially with the Sidereal (Sideral) Year, equal to our 25,868 solar years. Then, if the observer is endowed with even the faintest intuition, he will see how the happiness and misfortune of the peoples are closely connected with the beginning and end of this Sidereal Cycle. It is true that the non-occultist will be at a disadvantage, for he will not have data so remote in time to base on. He knows nothing, and exact science does not tell him what happened about 10,000 years ago; but still, he can take comfort in knowing some data or - if he prefers - in conjectures about the fate of each of the modern nations known to him - about 16,000 years ago. (or rather - after the lapse, see below - V.A.). The meaning of what we say is clear. Each Sidereal Year, the tropics recede from the pole by four degrees at each revolution, starting from the equinoxes as the equator rotates through the constellations of the Zodiac. So every astronomer knows that at present the tropic lies only twenty-three degrees plus (less than half a degree) from the equator. Therefore, he must run another two and a half degrees before the end of the Sidereal Year. This gives humanity in general, and our civilized races in particular, a delay of about 16,000 years." (Volume 2, pp. 413 - 414)

Here we see the statement that global catastrophic events take place every Star Year, and that the last such event occurred about 10,000 years ago. From all this we can deduce that this was the last shift of the axis with a permutation of the poles and that after it came the last glacial period. The next similar shift will occur in about 16,000 years (which adds up to a Star Year). You can specify the time of the last offset: 25868-16000 = about 9868 years ago.

But the same fragment speaks of a gradual displacement of the Earth's axis at a speed of 4 degrees per Sidereal Year. Maybe this is the only way to change the poles? Then it will take 180 0: 4 0 = 45 cycles, or 25868 x 45 = 1,164,060 years. Quite a long period. One could agree with this, if not for the following fragment:

We will divide this fragment into three astronomical facts:

1) “Aldebaran was in conjunction with the Sun, as it was 40,000 years ago at a great festival in memory of this Annus Magnus about which Plutarch speaks.

2) From this Year - 40,000 years ago - the reverse movement of the equator began

3) about 31,000 years ago, Aldebaran was in combination with the vernal equinox. (Vol. 2, p.992)

Let's consider the second one first. It is said unequivocally that 40,000 years ago the reverse movement of the equator began. Taking into account the above statement about the gradual displacement of the Earth's axis at a speed of 4 degrees per sidereal year, we will come to the conclusion that the movement of the equator should be understood as a change in the angle of inclination of the equatorial plane to the ecliptic plane with such a displacement. Therefore, until 40,000 years ago, this angle increased, and then began to decrease for some reason, which is happening now.

If you try to imagine the reason, then an analogy with a top arises, the axis of which, with a decrease in the speed of rotation, begins to sway more and more until it collapses on its side. But if the spinning top is added in time to the speed of rotation, it will level out, and its axis will again assume a vertical position.

We will not discuss what forces gave the planet an impulse to accelerate rotation, since this is a separate and, probably, an extensive topic, especially since there is very little information about this in this book. So on its pages it is written: “It seems to me that the Comte de Maistre was right in solving this problem, following his own theological ideas. He cuts the Gordian knot, saying: “Planets turn because they are made to turn…. and the current physical system of the universe is a physical impossibility.” Didn't Herschel say the same thing, noting that a Will is needed to communicate a circular motion and another Will to delay it.

And here: "Starting from Newton, who finds that this world is very often in need of repair, to Reynaud, everyone says the same thing," etc. (Vol. 1, p.626)

It is given to understand that there are higher power, supporting the planets in their movement, i.e. it is Fohat, mentioned above, who has the Universal Mind as its Guide.

The fact that the Earth previously rotated more slowly is confirmed by the following fragment:

"A man of great erudition, French scientist Mr. De Sacy finds in the book of Enoch some very strange claims “worthy of the most serious investigation,” he says. For example:

“The author [Enoch] states in solar year 364 days, and seems to know periods of three, five, and eight years, followed by four extra days; apparently the latter in his system refer to the equinoxes and solstices”

He further adds:

“I see only one way to explain them [these 'absurdities']; namely, to assume that the author is expounding some fantastic system that could exist until the time when global flood changed the order of nature

Exactly; and the Secret Doctrine teaches that "this order of Nature" has been so altered, as have the successive earthly humanity". (Vol. 2, p.670)

It seems that our Earth in the remote period has gradually reduced the speed of its rotation to some critical and possibly dangerous value. But then, having received an impulse to accelerate rotation, it began to gain momentum. And 40,000 years ago, the Earth's axis moved in Return trip, towards the ecliptic axis.

The question may arise, was the tilt of the axis dangerous or could the Earth gradually roll, calmly “lie on its side” and rotate, having its axis in the plane of the ecliptic?

On this account, the Secret Doctrine contains the following lines: “This confirms the occult teaching, which says that what is now the polar regions were originally the earliest cradles of the seven cradles of Humanity and the tomb of the majority of Humanity in this region during the Third Race, when the giant Continent of Lemuria began to dissect into smaller continents. According to the explanation in the Commentaries, this happened due to a decrease in the speed of the earth's rotation; ” When the Wheel rotates at normal speed, its extreme points (poles) are consistent with its middle Circle (Equator), but when it rotates more slowly and oscillates in all directions, great upheavals occur on the surface of the Earth."…" etc. (Volume 2, p.406)

It can be seen that such periods are accompanied by catastrophes and are dangerous in the life of the planet. Hence the great feast in memory of this Annus Magnus when the equator moved to reverse side.

This movement is called a cycle: "The returns of the great catastrophes were determined by the period Annus Magnus or a great year, a cycle consisting of the revolution of the sun, moon and planets, and ending when they all return to the same sign from which they are supposed to have come out at a very distant epoch ... ". (Vol. 2, p. 991) therefore, it is periodic and the permutations of the poles as a result of a gradual 4-degree shift of the earth's axis in the Star Year could not be carried out. In fact, this is a swing of the planet's axis from the axis of the ecliptic, or rather, from the axis of precession, within 0 0 - 30 0 - 0 0 for full period over 400,000 years old.

And this movement (shaking of the axis) is confirmed in the book by the following statement: “Nevertheless, 70,000 years have passed since the Pole of the Earth began to point to the far end of the tail of Ursa Minor;... "(Volume 2, p. 970).

That is, it is argued that 70,000 years ago, the end of the earth's axis pointed to the alpha of Ursa Minor. But if we start counting back this period in the generally accepted way, making the construction of the pole on the star map (taking into account the 4-degree axis shift), then such a statement will look like astronomical absurdity, because. we won't find it anywhere near. But if we take into account the reverse movement of the equator mentioned above, then we can make sure that the trajectory of the pole point 70,000 years ago could well pass near the alpha of Ursa Minor. This is an important confirmation of the reverse movement of the equator.

Thus, the spiral described by the pole point in the starry sky, which had previously been expanding, having reached its maximum position 40,000 years ago, began to narrow, and this narrowing continues in our time.

All this suggests that there may be another mechanism for the reversal of the poles. After all, there were rearrangements, and this is said on the pages of The Secret Doctrine.

Let's go back to an event that took place about 10,000 years ago and determine in which zodiac constellation the precessional point of the vernal equinox was at that moment. This is easy to determine, starting from the first degree of Aquarius, where she is now and given that she passes each sign of the Zodiac in 2155.6 years. Simple arithmetic calculations give us the middle of Cancer. This means that on the diameter of Cancer - Capricorn, at the opposite ends of which the spring and autumn equinoxes are located, periodically, every 25,868 years, the earth's axis should shift with a rearrangement of the poles. We have already noted above that in the event of such a reversal, the equinox point will go in the opposite direction. Is it so?

Let us fully consider the fragment, divided by us into three astronomical facts, i.e. Let's look at the other two. They state that - 1) "Aldebaran was in combination with the Sun, as it was 40,000 years ago ....", i.e. was at the equinox or at the solstice.

And after 9000 years, he - 3) "... about 31,000 years ago, Aldebaran was in combination with the vernal equinox." How can it be? For the vernal equinox point, the period of 9000 years to return to the previous position is clearly small (a full circle of 25868 years is needed). For the solstice point, it is clearly large (a quarter of a circle is needed in 6467 years). For the opposite point of the autumn equinox, this period will be half a circle of 12,934 years. All these terms are given without taking into account the axis shift.

Let's take into account the revolution of the planet. Having made simple calculations, we will find that it was the autumn equinox that went from Aldebaran (Taurus) to the middle of Cancer and spent about 4500 years on it. Then, after the coup about 35,736 (9868+25868=35736) years ago, becoming a spring point, it moved in the opposite direction and was on its way to Aldebaran for the same amount of time. In total, 9000 years were spent on the whole journey. This is the only way to explain these 9000 years. This is an important argument in confirming the reversal of the poles and the fact that in this case the equinox will go in the opposite direction.

Thus, the equinox did not cross Cancer, but, having reached approximately the middle, after the axis shift, it went in the opposite direction again to Gemini and from that moment became precessional, i.e. the preceding, and not the lagging point of the equinox, as it was before. It turns out that Cancer never crosses this point, because. the inversion occurs every Sidereal Year and therefore the beginning and end of this cycle lies in the middle of Cancer. And then it becomes clear hidden meaning(in the astronomical aspect) of the astrological symbol of Cancer (Fig. 2). It can be called a sign in which a permutation of the poles occurs and in which a reverse occurs, i.e. backtracking points of equinox on the Zodiac Circle.

Rice. 2 Astrological symbol of Cancer

The very symbol of the zodiac animal Cancer also speaks eloquently for itself - "cancer moves back." The Egyptian analogue of Cancer - the Scarab - emphasizes this feature even more clearly - it, moving backwards, rolls a ball of dung. An amazingly accurate symbol in an astronomical aspect, you can’t think of more precisely!

“When was it? History does not answer this question. Fortunately, we have the Dendera Zodiac, a planisphere on the ceiling of one of the oldest Egyptian temples, which depicts this fact. This Zodiac, with its mysterious three Virgos between the constellations Leo and Libra, found its Oedipus in order to decipher its signs and justify the veracity of those priests who conveyed to Herodotus what the Initiates taught, (a) that the poles of the Earth and the Ecliptic previously coincided and (b) that, even since the beginning of their first records of the Zodiac, the poles have already been three times in the plane of the ecliptic. (Volume 2, p.462)

Item (a) it is clear that this was once the case (the axis of the ecliptic and the axis of the Earth were parallel) and will be again in the distant future when the middle of the cycle is reached Annus Magnus. And here is the point (b) arouses some interest. It says that the axis of the Earth was three times in the plane of the ecliptic during the period of the existence of the Egyptian Zodiac (about 87,000 recent years). It did not pass through the plane of the ecliptic during the displacements, but was located in it.

It is also said in another place that: “This reminds unscientific the statement made by the Egyptian priests to Herodotus, namely, that the Sun did not always rise where it rises now and that in former ages the ecliptic crossed the equator at right angles. (Vol. 2, p. 671) where the expression "... the ecliptic crossed the equator at right angles" means the same, i.e. the axis of the Earth was in the plane of the ecliptic i.e. silt on this ka equinox and in the way of the period of power.

This position of the earth's axis is described in the following fragments of The Secret Doctrine:

“For in that age when the Gods left the Earth and, as it is said, ascended into Heaven, the ecliptic became parallel with the meridian, and part of the Zodiac, as it were, descended from the North Pole to the northern horizon.”

And further: “Now when Leo is in the “Abyss” or under the South Pole, then Virgo, as the next constellation, follows him and when her head, to the very waist, is under the Southern horizon, she is overturned. On the other hand, Hyades is the constellation of rain or the Flood; and Aldebaran is one who follows or inherits daughters of Atlas or Pleiades, looks down from the eye of Taurus. It was from this point of the Ecliptic that the calculations of the new cycle began. The student must remember that when Ganymede-Aquarius is raised to Heaven-or above the horizon of the North Pole, Virgo or Astrea, which is Venus-Lucifer, descends head down below the horizon of the South Pole or Abyss. This abyss or Pole also depicts the Great Dragon or the Flood. Let the student exercise his intuition by putting these facts together; can't say more ( I emphasized - V.I. These words are taken from the beginning of the article.)". (Vol. 2, pp. 992-993)

This position is possible on the day of the equinox, when the Earth's axis is located in the plane of the ecliptic. With this arrangement of the axis, the entire belt of the Zodiac should run from north to south. And if the precession point of the equinox is in combination with Aldebaran, then indeed the point of the north pole will be in Aquarius, and the south - in Leo. The constellation Virgo (head down) will be half hidden behind the southern horizon for an observer of mid-latitudes northern hemisphere(about 30 0 N).

These statements suggest that the displacement of the axis with the rearrangement of the poles did not occur at one time, but in stages. Let us follow this step-by-step shift with the help of constructions. So, we see the position before the displacement in the figure (Fig. 3).

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Here α is the angle between the Earth's axis and the axis of the ecliptic (or the axis of the precessional cone, which is the same, since they coincide in this position) before the displacement.

Since the precession cone must be preserved for any displacement, it is easier for us to imagine the displacement of the axis of this cone, or, in other words, the axis of precession. Then the first stage of the shift can be represented as a shift of the precession axis to its position in the ecliptic plane, i.e. rotate it 90 0 . (Fig. 4).

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Why exactly at 90 0? We now know that the reversal of the poles occurs when the vernal equinox reaches the middle of Cancer. And from the middle of Cancer to Aldebaran, as we have already calculated, it takes about 4500 years. Consequently, only after this time the earth's axis will be located in the plane of the ecliptic. Here we see that the earth's axis has yet to undergo a precessional shift to the plane of the ecliptic, and the point of the celestial pole must move from point "a" to point "b". So it turns out that the precession axis should be approximately in the plane of the ecliptic, and this is 90 0 .

The amazing position of the Earth, when the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the ecliptic was about 25 0 (instead of today's 63.5 0), and it constantly decreased over 4500 years to 0 0 . This situation was supposed to lead to cardinal climate change. There is an excerpt in this book:

“Cosmically and astronomically, this Hyperborean God is the personified Sun, which, during the sidereal Year of 25868 years, changes climates by earth's surface, turning freezing areas into tropical and back". (Vol. 2, p. 972)

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And now the Earth's axis is in the plane of the ecliptic (Fig. 5). This means that there were periods in these displacement processes when the Earth really “lay on its side”. The scheme of this position refers to the above fragment, which says: “... and Aldebaran is the one who follows or inherits daughters of Atlas or Pleiades, looks down from the eye of Taurus. In other words, the vernal equinox came in conjunction with Aldebaran Taurus. And in time, this position refers to the period after the next shift of the axis with a rearrangement of the poles, which occurred about 35,736 years ago (i.e., 9868 years ago, as we specified, the last shift of the axis occurred, plus one more Star Year, which gives date of previous offset). To find out when the Earth's axis reached a position in the ecliptic plane, we subtract 4500 years from 35,736 years ago and get this date, i.e. about 31,236 years ago. But here in one fragment from the first volume of the book it says:

“So we are told that the majestic Pyramids were built under their direct supervision, “when Dhruva (then the pole star) was at its lowest climax, Krittika (Pleiades) looked over her head (were on the same meridian, only above) and observed behind the work of the Giants. Thus, if the first pyramids were erected at the beginning of the Star Year under Dhruva (Alpha Polaris), then, therefore, it must have been more than 31,000 (31,105) ago” (Vol. 1, p. 537).

We will not find out when the first pyramids of Egypt were built, but the meaning of this statement is that they were erected earlier by a whole sidereal year or more.

For our study, it is important to note exact date the beginning of the Star Year is 31,105 years ago from the year the book was written (1888). "It was from this point on the Ecliptic that the calculations of the new cycle began" was said in the earlier fragment describing the position when the Earth's axis was still in the plane of the ecliptic. This is close to the date we obtained for the location of the Earth's axis in the plane of the ecliptic - about 31,236 years ago. But here we are already talking about the polar star Dhruva. Dhruva is the alpha of Ursa Minor and a reference to this can be found in the book:

“... The fact is that the rays of the four stars “in the circle of constant appearance” - Agni, Mahendra, Kasheyapa and Dhruva, placed in the tail of Ursa Minor (Shisumara) ... "etc. (Volume 2, p.770.

Then the date 31,105 ago can be taken as the year the Earth's axis left the plane of the ecliptic. So, the second stage of the displacement ended with another rotation of the precession axis again by 90 0, as a result of which the point of the south pole from the middle of Leo (the point of the north pole was in Aquarius) traveled to the alpha of Ursa Minor and this ended the permutation of the poles (Fig. 6). The whole rearrangement process took approximately: 35736 - 31105 = 4631 years.

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That Alpha Ursa Minor became at this time the polar star of the south pole should be clear from the order of permutations of the poles described above. That is, in the period from 9868 years ago to 35,736 years ago, Alpha Ursa Minor was the star of the southern sky, and from 35,736 years ago to 61,736 years ago, it was the star of the northern sky, etc. every stellar year. The concepts of the southern and northern sky are relative here and become so depending on which Pole of the Earth faces this sky.

It is possible that this process ended again with the flood, because it is said: "... On the other hand, the Hyades are the constellation of rain or the Flood." The Hyades is the central group of stars in the constellation Taurus.

But if the first catastrophic stage of the displacement occurred in Cancer, why is the beginning of the cycle of the Star Year taken from Taurus? There are words on this subject in the book about putting the house in order:

“Such selection and displacement does not occur between sunrise and sunset, as one might think, but it takes several millennia until new house will not be put in order." (Vol. 2, p. 413) And this “putting the house in order” continued from the first stage of the displacement until its end, i.e. around 4631.

So, the beginning of a new cycle is taken as the position that ends the permutation of the poles. This is what the era of Taurus is marked in the traditions of many peoples!

"The role ascribed to the constellation Taurus is too well known even in Christian mysticism to need repetition" (Vol. 2, p. 992) - a remark is made in the book.

During this time (about 4631 years), " while the new house is being put in order”, many changes were to take place on the surface of the planet and with the humanity inhabiting this planet.

The Secret Doctrine says: "Sub-races are just as subject to similar purifying processes, as are side branches or racial families of them." (Volume 2, p.413)

And further: “... each kindred race has an average existence of about 30,000 years and, thus, the European “kindred race” has enough millennia ahead, although peoples or countless needles on it (in the diagram in the form of a cactus tree - V.I.) change with each successive "season" of three or four thousand years. It is very curious to note the comparative approximation in duration between the lives of a "racial family" and Star Year". (Vol. 2, p. 544)

As we can see, the European “kindred race”, i.e. our White race, has enough millennia ahead, i.e. about 16,000 years before the next catastrophe associated with a shift in the axis with a rearrangement of the poles. Consequently, it originated about 10,000 (9868) years ago after the first stage of the earth's axis displacement during the Ice Age.

The Ice Age and the simultaneous position of the Earth, when its axis was close to the plane of the ecliptic, look somehow unexpected. But it turns out that this is exactly what happened during the last displacement of the earth's axis. Whether there were such cold snaps during previous pole shifts is unknown and nothing is said about this in the book. But the last Great Ice Age is mentioned in The Secret Doctrine as an event about 10,000 years ago. The above-mentioned Instruction from the Teachings of the Temple also says: “... The imbalance in such a huge area of ​​​​the Sun also affected the thermal balance, lowering the thermal vibrations of the Earth, and soon after the Great Flood, the period known to us as the Ice Age began.” It is impossible to fully imagine what happened on the Sun. One can only assume that his disk was almost completely covered with spots. And the legends of some peoples about the Flood become clear when they say that "the sky changed and the sun darkened." The fact that the sky had changed could be understood, because. completely unfamiliar constellations appeared before the eyes of people. Now it becomes clear that the sun has darkened. It darkened into literally words, and not from the ashes of volcanoes and the smoke of conflagrations, as some hypotheses seem to suggest. Obviously, the conditions of glaciation in this case differ sharply from the conditions if glaciation occurred in the current position of the earth's axis or close to it. It's interesting, of course, but separate topic for experts in this field.

How long the Ice Age lasted and when it ended is not stated in the book. It is possible that the ice melted even before the position of the axis in the plane of the ecliptic. One thing is clear that the climate on Earth during this time has been transformed in the most fundamental way.

Arises next question, in what direction, immediately after the end of the last upheaval (which began about 9868 years ago), did the northern end of the earth's axis begin to point? Now this can be determined with certainty. We already know that the process of reversing the poles takes about 4631 years. So, it ended 9868 - 4631=5237 years ago. Counting back from the alpha of Ursa Minor, where the point of the northern celestial pole is now located, the distance corresponding to this date, we will find that the northern end of the earth's axis immediately after leaving the plane of the ecliptic began to point towards the alpha of the Dragon.

That's when Egyptian priests were able to mark the position of the North Pole in alpha Draconis! And, of course, it was the age of Taurus.

So, the mechanism of displacements of the earth's axis with permutations of the poles is quite clearly revealed. But there remains some discrepancy with the movement of the precessional equinox point. What is it expressed in?

The fact is that after the rearrangement of the poles, the equinox point must go in the opposite direction. We have established that about 10,000 (9868) years ago last coup in the middle of Cancer, and the equinox is currently in the first degrees of Aquarius, therefore, after the reversal, it went towards Gemini, Taurus, etc. (on the eve of the coup, she walked from Gemini towards Cancer). But above, we analyzed the fragment, when 40,000 years ago the point was in Aldebaran and after 9000 years it was again in Aldebaran, therefore, it also went from Cancer towards Taurus. But this was a previous coup, when, following the logic, the point in Cancer before the coup should have come from the side of Leo, and not from Aldebaran, i.e. Taurus?! And on the way back, she should have gone towards Leo, so that after 25,868 years she would enter Cancer from the side of Gemini. But it wasn't. 31105 years ago she was in Taurus. Does it go in the same direction every 25868 years after the next revolution - towards Taurus!? Unclear. It seems that some link is missing in this mechanism.

But in the book, a seemingly unremarkable (in the sense of “astronomical absurdity” or strangeness) fragment is found, where the coordinates of the last dead island of Atlantis are discussed and that the ancient Indians knew this island even before its death. The given astronomical fragment was given to help determine the coordinates. On a superficial reading, the reader, carried away by the proposed task, quite easily determines that this is the area of ​​today's canary islands and, satisfied, goes further through the pages of the book. But the main meaning of this fragment remains hidden and not understood.

Here is the snippet:

“So, we will consider the latitude and longitude of the lost island and the remaining Mount Asburj. He was in the seventh degree of the world, that is, in the seventh climate [which is between 240 and 280 northern latitude]….. This island, the daughter of the ocean, is often described as lying in the West; and the Sun is depicted as setting at the foot of his mountain [Asbourg, Atlas, Tenerife or Nile, the name does not matter] and fighting the White Devil from the "White Isle"...... Let us return again to the astronomical evidence, which fully explains this issue, if we agree with the mentioned Adept that:

"In an epoch when the summer 'kolurium' of the tropics passed through the Pleiades, when the Heart of the Lion was at the equator, and when the Leo at sunset was in a vertical position with respect to Ceylon, then Taurus stood vertically over the island of Atlantis at noon."….. But, as proven in McKay's Sphinxiad, astronomically this must have happened about 23,000 years ago; in an era when the slope of the ecliptic should have been over 27 0 and, therefore, the constellation Taurus should have passed over Atlantis or Shankha-Dvipa. (Vol. 2, pp. 510-511)

Here the latitude of the location of the lost island of Atlantis is clearly indicated ( between 24 0 and 28 0 north latitude) and Mount Tenerife (an extinct volcano on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands) is mentioned. It remains to find out the longitude, which can be determined, knowing that the angle between Leo and Taurus is 90 0. Therefore, counting 90 degrees west of Ceylon, we determine this longitude, which is the longitude of the Canary Islands.

But if you make the construction of the indicated constellations (on the indicated date 23,000 years ago, when the vernal equinox was in Capricorn) so that the gamma of Leo is on the equator, then, to put it mildly, this will not correspond to the above statements. (Fig.7)

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The fact is that the island of Ceylon lies entirely in the northern hemisphere (middle and his company is 7 0 s.sh.) and Leo cannot be upright in relation to Ceylon, because it is all located south of the celestial equator, and only its head will be north. It can also be seen that Taurus (Aldebaran with the Hyades) is also located much further south than required in this fragment. This suggests that the constellations were inverted at that time, i.e. the poles were reversed from today's position. We have already established above that in the period from 35,736 years ago to about 10,000 (9868) years ago, the poles were in the opposite position, and it is this fragment that confirms this position of the earth's axis, and affirms it in a purely astronomical way. Let's bring the diagram in line with the position of the earth's axis at that time. It will look like this: (Fig.8)

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Yes, now Leo can be at its zenith over Ceylon! But Taurus ended up on the other side of the celestial equator next to the winter tropic, and not the summer tropic, as the fragment suggests.

And here it is necessary to pay attention to the words that " astronomically it must have happened about 23,000 years ago.” And what should have happened when it was about the coordinates of the island and nothing more? So something happened and astronomically. Note also that Leo "at sunset" was in a vertical position in relation to Ceylon, and Taurus "at noon" stood vertically above the island of Atlantis. This is nothing but two positions of the luminaries, separated by some event. This event happened about 23,000 years ago. Whether to read literally "at sunset" and "at noon" or to assume a longer period between them - in principle, does not change the matter. In these four lines of the "mentioned Adept" an event of a planetary scale is hidden, namely: another displacement of the earth's axis, but without rearranging the poles and maintaining the same angle of inclination of the axis. This is a circular displacement of the end of the earth's axis along the generatrix of the precessional cone by 180 0 . In this case, the celestial plus point will move from position “1” to position “2” (Fig. 9).

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Why exactly at 180 0 ? Because in this case, spring will definitely change into autumn. Consequently, the spring equinox will turn into autumn and go in the opposite direction, fulfilling the will of the law on the conservation of momentum, i.e. with its delay, restoring the half-lap run. And now it will not precede the moment of the spring equinox, but annually delay the moment of the autumn equinox for some fraction of the time. As you can see, the same thing happens in the displacement of the axis with the permutation of the poles. But there it is part of the displacement process - here it is limited to this.


1. Blavatsky E.P. Secret Doctrine. Minsk "Lotats", 1997. Vol. 1-2.

2. "The Teaching of the Temple." ICR. Master Bank. M. 2001. Vol. 1

3. Blavatsky E.P.. "Isis Unveiled", M. EKSMO, 2002. p.102

Instead of an afterword.

This study was carried out after another study on the ancient Zodiac of Ak-Baur / *, and then on the Zodiac in Roerich's painting, unanswered questions arose without involving the hypothesis of the displacement of the earth's axis.

For now, I address this article simply to my like-minded people and friends studying " The Secret Doctrine» H. P. Blavatsky.

Here is the Sphinx looking at the rising sun.
Ancient astronomers focused on zodiac constellation, which determined the astrological "age", rising at dawn on the day of the vernal equinox just before sunrise. The constellation that rose directly in front of the Sun (heliacal) marked the "resting place" of the Sun. He was called the "Carrier of the Sun", as well as the main "pillar" of the sky.
The position of the Sun on this day among the constellations was considered an indicator of the "hours" of the precession (swing) of the earth's axis, affecting the height of the stars and constellations, the position of which slowly and steadily changes relative to the point of sunrise on the horizon on the day of the vernal equinox.
As a result of precession, this point gradually moves from one constellation (zodiac sign) to another, and so on through all twelve constellations.
The change of zodiac signs in the Great Peaceful Circle, 25920 years long, occurs counterclockwise. Therefore, if we observe the situation rising sun on the days of the vernal equinoxes against the background of the constellations, it appears that the constellations move in order along the line of the ecliptic counterclockwise, rolling over the horizon.28

Judging by the above ancient text, and the corresponding images on the Dendera Zodiac, 13659 years ago in the year of the catastrophe, the Sun rose on the day of the vernal equinox in the first minute of the "Head of Cancer". This means that the catastrophe occurred at a time when the Sun was between Leo and Cancer.
Taking into account that the text of the miraculously preserved warning30 about the impending catastrophe was received by the priests of Atlantis, the date indicated in the warning was naturally tied to the horizon, according to which the Atlantean priests set their “clocks” while observing the sunrise from Atlantis. Most likely from the island where their main pyramid was located. Therefore, restoring the picture of what happened, we will take into account this factor and the fact that the North Pole was located there,. Accordingly, the direction to the east will be shifted due to the shift of the coordinate grid by 15° to the south along the ancient prime meridian.

View of the eastern sky from the area where the pyramid of Atlantis is located. Reconstruction.

The image, like a monitor screen, takes us in time and space to a height of several tens of kilometers above the Earth to the area south of the main archipelago of Atlantis. Before us is the island on which their main communications center is located - great pyramid Atlanteans. Let's draw an arrow from the pyramid in the direction to the east, to the point of sunrise on the day of the spring equinox and, further, project it onto the sky. This arrow points to "the first minute of the first degree of the head of Cancer." This is how the sky and the stars looked on it on the day of the disaster. Now imagine how on the left of us from the side of northern Siberia over the north of Europe, and then south of the British Isles, which were then still part of the mainland, a giant asteroid. A minute passes, another, and the planet is shaken by a terrible blow. Next comes chaos.

Instead of the usual and natural counter-clockwise movement relative to the Sun rising on the horizon, the constellations began to roll out of the horizon in a clockwise direction! See above excerpts from ancient texts.

The arrow drawn to the horizon, indicating the “resting place of the Sun” before the fall of the asteroid in the first minute of the head of Cancer, began to slowly shift back (down) along with the horizon towards the constellation Leo. The countdown of precessional (zodiacal) time has begun.

View of the eastern sky from the area of ​​the pyramids of Giza. Reconstruction.

Some time after the catastrophe happened what was said in the warning received by the priests. Astronomically, starting from the sunrise in the year of the catastrophe in the first minute of the head of Cancer, the point of subsequent sunrises began to shift along the line of the ecliptic in the opposite direction, entering the “heart of Leo”. Zodiac - moving counterclockwise, "the first minute of the head of Cancer entered the heart of Leo." The fact that the movement was such is also confirmed by the Dendera Zodiac, on which Cancer changed its location on the line of the ecliptic, moving back to Leo.
Described in ancient papyrus the zodiac event did not happen immediately. "Zodiac time countdown" lasted as long as the forces of inertia and " external interference” did not lead to the fact that the rotation of the Earth accelerated, and the precession mechanism began to work in the usual mode. The period of failure of the precessional mechanism and the first, most critical phase of the instability of the Earth's parameters that followed, lasted several hundred years. During this time, the deviation of the Earth's axis of rotation, which amounted to 20 ° from the initial value shortly after the asteroid impact, gradually decreased, but did not return to its previous position,as a result, the geographic North Pole of the Earth was shifted by 15 °.
Only 1153 years after the terrible catastrophe, when the planet had been in a relatively stable state for several hundred years, the descendants of the priests who left Atlantis as part of the Neef-Tun flotilla and settled in the Mediterranean region completed hard work on the recalculation of basic data on cyclicity and precessional rhythms. Judging by the time scale of the Dendera Zodiac, the work was completed sometime between 10512 - 10500 BC. In the beginning, using the knowledge once received from the Nefers, the priests erected a system of obelisks with temple structures adjacent to them, at a certain distance from each other. Then, observing the passage of stars over the obelisks at night, and studying the shadow they cast during the day,

the priests made the necessary astronomical calculations. With this simple but very effective system the priests received data on the duration of the new precessional cycle, which, after the asteroid impact and the Earth's axis deviated, was approximately 25,920 years. Before the catastrophe, the angle of inclination of the rotation axis was about 9°, as a result of which the precessional cycle was shorter.
The knowledge of the cycle of precession was vital for the priests. It made it possible to make the appropriate calculations to calculate the calendar and create a system of measures that would later become the basis of the ancient Egyptian Canon, on the basis of which generations of priests would plan and build structures tuned to the main energy rhythms of the Earth and Space.

Similar work of revisiting the cycles was carried out not only in Egypt, but also in China, where, according to an ancient text, the emperor sent messengers to the four corners of the darkened world to redefine North, East, West and South and draw up a new calendar.
Despite the fact that 12,506 years ago, the priests of Atlantis synchronized the earthly and astronomical clocks, leaving appropriate records about this, modern astrologers to this day ignore the amendments made then, continuing to rely in their calculations on the cosmic planetary cyclicity, which has critically changed due to the fateful impact of the asteroid in 13664 back (counting from 2011).
In order to shed light on those events, simultaneously comparing them with astrological clocks, let us turn to the Dendera Zodiacs, of which there were several in the ancient Egyptian temple IUN-TA-NECHET (in Dendera).

calendar system in ancient egypt thanks to well-developed astronomy, it was developed brilliantly. The calendar and time scale of the Dendera Zodiacs were built on the basis of older texts and long-term astronomical observations. For correct understanding records of prehistoric events consider the time scale of the round Dendera Zodiac

The scale of the outer circle of the zodiac is made up of figures - Decans, symbolizing the passage of time. Deans go in a counter-clockwise direction. This suggests that they are not annual decans, but Decans of the Great Peaceful Circle, the duration of which is not constant on the Dendera Zodiac. This is natural, since before the asteroid impact and the Earth's axial tilt change, the precessional cycle was one, and after the asteroid impact it became different. Therefore, the density of walking Deans up to arrow A (in Cancer) is one, and after the catastrophe in the sector from arrow B to arrow C - another.
Before considering the features of the time scale on the Dendera Zodiac, let us specify that after the catastrophe one Great Peaceful Circle (precession cycle) became equal to 25920 years. The Zodiacal Epoch (the duration of the Sun in one constellation is 25920:12) is equal to 2160 years and consists of three Decans of 720 years each (which, judging by the records on the Dendera zodiac, is not an indisputable fact, but it is commonly considered so).
The presence of the Sun in our days on the dial of the clock of the Dendera zodiac is shown by the arrow. This is Decan 18. The time of the catastrophe is shown by arrow A, which marks the zone on the ecliptic line where the first minute of the first degree of the head of Cancer was located at the time of the catastrophe (Sun in Cancer). The event and its sequence are reflected on the Zodiac as follows.
Moving counterclockwise through the constellations along the line of the ecliptic, the sunrise on the day of the vernal equinox in the year of the catastrophe fell on the first minute of the first degree of the head of Cancer. Arrow A, indicating this date on the zodiacal clock, touches the first minute of the first degree of the circle of the zone where the head of Cancer should be on the ecliptic line. At this moment, a catastrophe occurred, as a result of which Cancer makes an unnatural movement back and up, taking a place above the head of Leo. The asteroid impact, which broke the precessional mechanism, led to the fact that the zodiacal time "turned back". The arrow of our zodiacal clock moved two decans back to point B and stopped when “the heart of Leo entered the first minute of the head of Cancer”, more precisely, the first minute of the head of Cancer entered the heart of Leo (in right ascension). From that moment on, the usual direction of the precession clock (counterclockwise) is restored.

In order to get an idea of ​​the duration of the formed “fold in time”, during which the Sun passed twice through the territory of the constellation Leo and Cancer, let us turn to the linear Dendera zodiac, a fragment of which is shown in this figure.

The symbolism of the linear Zodiac is somewhat different from the symbolism of the round one, because the round Zodiac reflects the situation in astrological time, and the linear one - in the physical, always moving forward.
In the left and right halves of the linear Zodiac, the Decans (time) sail in boats along the body of the sky goddess Nut, symbolizing space. Each boat should have one Dean if they reflect the normal course of events. Let's start with the left half. The direction of movement of the Decans from top to bottom along the left half, then - the transition to the right, reflects the course counterclockwise, as well as on the round Zodiac.
Decans 1 and 2 are depicted under the constellation Leo - each in his own boat. Everything is going well, as usual. Then Nut gives birth to the Scarab (Cancer). Time shifts to the right half. The two halves are a symbolic division of the time scale ( historical eras) into two parts: the left - before the flood, the right - after it (the birth of a new time).
In the second half of the Zodiac, in the sector of the born Scarab (Cancer), at the very beginning, along the body of Nut, a small boat floats with a Decan-Cobra standing on a lotus 3, and behind it, in one boat, three Decans 4 are depicted at once. Here it is - an overlay. This area is circled in the figure.
Three Deans in one boat - this is an indication of an unusual event, when in a period of time for one Dean, three fit. Three Decans ended up in one boat because the Sun after the catastrophe made a zodiacal rollback back two Decans, and then resumed its normal movement along the line of the ecliptic along Deccan 1 - a total of three. In other words, during the time allotted for one Decan, the Sun passed three Decans across the sky, which corresponds to the record on the round Dendera Zodiac.
Combining the records of both Zodiacs, we can confidently assert that the entire zodiacal sequence of the event was as follows: the Earth passed through the Age of Leo, entered the Age of Cancer, having spent the first minute of the first degree there, that is, one shortened Deccan (therefore, the boat in which Cobra sits is small ). And then disaster strikes. Zodiacally, the Earth makes a "jump in time", rolling back into the Age of Leo. And then, having passed the same zone “according to the era of Leo” from his heart to Cancer twice, the Earth returns to the same place where it was already at the time of the catastrophe. In other words, part of the Age of Leo and the initial Decan of the Age of Cancer was passed by the Earth twice.
Small Decan 3 and boat 4 following it with three Decans say that the period from the moment of the catastrophe and the “breakdown of the precessional mechanism”, “rollback of the zodiacal time back” to the restoration of the precession mechanism was quite short compared to the normal course of the zodiacal time, when three A decan of 720 years is equal to an Epoch of 2160 years. Within the framework of physical time, everything happened during one Deccan.
Let's return to the Round Dendera Zodiac. From moment B, when, after the restoration of the precessional mechanism, the Sun began its normal movement along the line of the ecliptic, counting the "new time" on the Dendera Zodiac, it has passed a little more than 18 complete decans. If the number of years that have passed since the catastrophe (13659 years) is divided by the duration of one Deccan (720 years), then the result will be equal to 18.9 Decans. The difference between the time scale on the Dendera Zodiac and the simple arithmetic calculation is 0.9 dean. If we translate this value into years, then it will be equal to 648 years. This means that the "fold in time" (the reverse movement of the zodiacal time) was a little over 600 years.
All these oddities with the Decans (when comparing the Zodiacs, taking into account the error associated with a gradual, barely noticeable change in the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis) give the "discrepancy" of 608 years that exists between modern astronomy and astrology.

Not believing in the depth of ancient knowledge, neither astronomers nor astrologers even thought of looking for an answer from the Egyptians to this obvious discrepancy. Well, Egyptologists, archaeologists, historians are not savvy enough in fundamental sciences to at least correctly formulate the question.

In practice, as a result of the events described above, the world zodiacal clock shows the time incorrectly today - everything has changed a long time ago. And neither in any publication, nor in conversations with professional astrologers, you will be able to find out the reason why it is astrologically considered that the Earth has already entered the Age of Aquarius. The day of the vernal equinox, at the location of which in a particular sign of the zodiac the name of the Epoch is given, in 2006 fell on March 18. On this day, the sky showed that about 3/5 of the way through the territory of the constellation Pisces, and the transition of the vernal equinox to the constellation Aquarius will come in some 608 years. The International Astronomical Union has designated the date of transition to the Age of Aquarius: this is 2614. To be convinced of this, it is enough to carefully look at the sky. Therefore, following the ocean of life, people who trusted astrologers and astrological charts found themselves and will find themselves in the same position as Christopher Columbus, who tried to find America using a copy of an antediluvian map. As you remember, he missed his destination by almost 1000 miles. The same thing awaits people who are trying to navigate the intricate currents of life in the old way. astrological chart. In practice, this means that the astrological rhythms of horoscopes are in no way consistent with the real rhythm of cosmic-energetic and cosmo-social cycles, which means that astrology lives in abstract time, therefore, to this day it is not considered a science, existing in isolation from reality.
Concluding this part, it is worth emphasizing that the main motive for the above conclusion is, of course, not the question of ethics in astrology. There are things incomparably more important. Astronomers and astrophysicists who study the problems of asteroid safety claim that every hundred years the Earth collides with cosmic bodies less than a hundred meters in size. More than a hundred meters - every 5000 years. Impacts of asteroids with a diameter of one kilometer are possible once every 300 thousand years. Once in a million years, collisions with bodies with a diameter of more than five kilometers are not ruled out.

The surviving ancient historical chronicles and the conducted research show that the reality is not so optimistic. During the last 16,000 years large asteroids, whose dimensions exceeded tens of kilometers in diameter, hit the Earth twice: 13659 years ago and 2500 years before. (c)

According to daaria.info

From the book of Simonov V.A. "The Prophecies of the Book of the Sibyls". From "Ves", 2012

According to the predictions of Nostradamus, the shift of the Earth's axis of rotation should be expected in the month of October: "Before this happens solar eclipse, the most dark and gloomy from the creation of the world to the death and passion of Jesus Christ and from that moment to the present. And in the month of October, it will happen that some great movement will happen - such that they will think that the colossus of the Earth has lost its natural direction and plunged into eternal darkness ”(“ Message to Henry II »).

Prophecy Sibyl of Eritrea about the displacement of the Earth's axis of rotation relative to the plane of the ecliptic:

Do not be arrogant, Indians and the brave people of the Ethiopians!

For when the wheel of the celestial axis, Capricorn

The stars, Taurus, will run around the center in the constellation of Brothers -

Virgo, ascending into the sky, and the Sun, spinning continuously,

Their round dance will be led throughout the firmament of heaven -

There will be a terrible fire that will cover the whole earth,

In the battle of the heavenly bodies, nature will be renewed, perish,

We cry the world announcing, the country of Ethiopians is on fire!

Canto 5, 206-213.

Celestial Axis Wheel - the ancient Greeks had the concept of the existence of an invisible axis that permeates our planet like the axis of a wheel. On the rim of this wheel are 12 zodiac constellations.

Constellation Brothers - the constellation Gemini. The current geographic north pole ( wheel axle) is directed to the North Star, which is located in the constellation Ursa Minor. The Sibyl predicts that as a result of a terrible cataclysm, the earth's axis will shift into the constellation Gemini, that is, approximately 60 degrees from its current position. The consequences of such a displacement, if it happens quickly enough, will be the most catastrophic.

Leonardo da Vinci warned of a shift in the axis of rotation of the Earth, which will occur in the future:
866. It will be seen how they turn the earth upside down and look at the opposite hemispheres and open the holes of the most ferocious animals (displacement of the Earth's axis of rotation andactivation of volcanoes).

1004. At each point on the earth it is possible to draw the boundary of two hemispheres. All people will immediately exchange hemispheres ( planetary pole shift 180 degrees?).

Edgar Cayce(1877 - 1945) - famous American clairvoyant and healer about the displacement of the Earth's axis of rotation:“The following changes in the physical appearance of the planet will take place: the territory of the western part of America will be split; most of Japan will go under water; in the twinkling of an eye the northern part of Europe will change; at east coast America will land.

In the Arctic and Antarctic there will be shifts in the earth's crust, which will lead to volcanic eruptions in the tropical zone. Then the shift [position] of the poles will follow, and as a result, the polar or subtropical zones can become tropics ... ".

Ruth Montgomery- former journalist, nowa spiritualist who predicts the future with the help of "spiritual guides" writes about the upcoming shift of the planet's poles:“At the beginning of the next century, the poles of the Earth will change their position. Furious and incredible in strength, hurricanes will sweep away everything in their path. New York will disappear. Florida will hardly survive. southern states facing the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, including Texas, will change beyond recognition. To the west, the remnants of California will disappear into the boiling sea."
“Because of the tidal waves caused by the displacement of the earth's axis, almost no area sea ​​coasts cannot be considered safe; the low-lying regions of Europe are at risk, but the larger inland land masses such as Canada, Russia, Africa and China will be comparatively safe.”

“It is, of course, impossible to determine the exact angle of displacement, but, as we have already stated, one pole will be in pacific ocean, and the other is somewhere in the southern part of South America…. Many people will not survive this displacement, although there will be enough of those who survive. This will happen for the reason that after a period of foaming sea and terrifying hurricane winds, the disorderly rampage will cease. Those who used to live in the tropics will find themselves in the north, and vice versa - the inhabitants of cold countries will find themselves in the south.

Shortly before the actual movement of the poles, two special events will occur. Ancient volcanic eruptions in the Mediterranean islands, South America and California will cause epidemics, and shortly thereafter, powerful aftershocks affecting northern Europe, Asia and South America, giant tsunamis of a hitherto unknown scale are formed.

2. Movement of the earth's axis

Despite the seriousness of the arguments given by opponents movement of the earth's axis, under certain circumstances, it can still take place. This is evidenced by the close to horizontal position of the axis of rotation of Uranus, which assumed such a position, most likely, after a collision with the planet of some large cosmic body. This is also evidenced by the calculated by astronomers from the Carnegie Institute of the Moon and Planets and University of California in Santa Cruz, under the leadership of Isamu Matsuyama, the rotation of the axis of rotation of the moon of Jupiter, Europa, by about 80 °. Finally, this is confirmed by the calculations of Jafar Arkani-Hamed from Canadian university McGill, according to which the axis of rotation of Mars after the catastrophe shifted by more than 30 °.
Such a change in the position of the axis of rotation of the planets is called true displacement, in contrast to the imaginary displacement of the poles caused by tectonics. lithospheric plates. True movements also took place on Saturn's moon Enceladus and, as shown above, on Earth.

"Chain reaction catastrophes"

Today, changes in the position of the geographic poles are observed from satellites of the GPS system. The data is sent to the International Earth Rotation Service (USGS). According to long-term observations, earthquakes do have some effect on the displacement of the earth's axis or poles. However, in turn, the displacement of the earth's axis (or poles) is trigger mechanism for earthquakes.

Read news" Earthquake in Japan shifted the Earth's axis"

So the circle is closed. The catastrophe caused by the collision with the Earth of an asteroid, an exchange nuclear strikes, or anything else, will cause the earth's axis to shift, the formation of faults and earthquakes throughout the planet, and these, in turn, will contribute to the further displacement of the earth's axis. And it is not so important whether it will change its orientation in space (according to the given legends and calculations by I. Matsuyama and D. Arkani-Khamed), or whether the geographical poles will shift, and the position of the axis will not change (as, for example, P. Schultz and A. .Sklyarov), disastrous consequences from this will be comparable.

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© A.V. Koltypin, 2009

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