Sample map of a child's readiness for schooling. Presentation "A map of a child's readiness for schooling as a psychological and pedagogical tool for continuity between preschool and primary school"

Child Readiness Card schooling

Goals of completing the child's school readiness map

The main purpose of compiling a map of a child's readiness for schooling is to develop continuity in the work of state teachers. educational institutions: Kindergarten and school. At present, the task of psychological and pedagogical preparation of the child for school has become very acute. A large number of children attend school preparation courses. But who can give a complete picture of the development of the child, no matter how the teacher who leads the child from a young age. It is very important to further teamwork on child development in school. The card gives primary knowledge about the child to school specialists: head teachers, teachers, speech therapists, psychologists.

^ The main content of the Card readiness of the child for schooling.

The Map reflects the most significant lines of child development, significant in terms of the child's readiness for schooling.

Motivational readiness is the primary indicator of a child's readiness for school and indicates a desire to learn.

Emotional background child development is also a significant indicator in the development of the child. Positive emotional background indicates the successful assimilation of knowledge and comfort in learning.

social development shows the child's ability to communicate. socially developed child feels his place in the society of other people, controls his behavior and ways of communication.

Indicators development of speech and speech communication characterize the child's ability to use language to interact with others. The indicators provide primary knowledge about the development of a child's speech.

cognitive development informs the child about the formation of his knowledge about the environment, about the ability to work according to the rules, at the same pace with others, about the formation of mathematical knowledge, about the level of formation of arbitrariness, the ability to generalize and classify.

An important indicator of a child's readiness for schooling is to determine the level of formation motor skills.

Vasomotor activity shows correlation visual perception and motor skill, spatial coordination.


^ Readiness indicators

to schooling

Child Achievements

1. Motivational readiness

Underline level:

high, medium, low


^ 2. Emotional background

Underline whatever applicable

  1. Balance, lack of mood swings, friendliness, optimism, the predominance of a positive mood background, crying rarely.

  2. There are no sharp fluctuations in mood, capable of natural fun, sometimes excited or crying, but quickly calms down.

  3. Capriciousness, hysteria, often cries, screams; may be embittered, or have a long-term low mood background; there are strong mood swings.


^ 3. Social development

  1. Able to interact with adults
a) with a familiar adult

B) with an unfamiliar adult

  1. Selectively and sustainably interacts with children (included in various associations of children of interest)

  2. Feels the mood of close adults and peers

  3. Can provide emotional support and assistance in times of difficulty

  4. Regulates his behavior by learned norms and rules

  5. Has an idea of ​​himself and his abilities

Underline whatever applicable

1a. Yes, not always, no.

1b. Yes, not always, no.

2. Yes, not always, no.

3. Yes, not always, no.

4. Yes, not always, no.

5. Yes, not always, no.

6. Yes, not always, no.


^ 4. Development of speech and verbal communication

  1. Correctly pronounces all the sounds of the Russian language

  2. Ability to identify sounds in a word

  3. Forms complex sentences grammatically correctly

  4. Builds a coherent story based on a plot picture

  5. In dialogue, he speaks proactively. Able to grab attention with his words

  6. Uses generalizing words, antonyms, comparisons

Underline whatever applicable

  1. Well no.
2. Yes, not enough, no

3. Yes, no

4. Yes, not enough, no.

  1. Yes, not enough, no.

6. Yes, not enough, no


^ 5. Development fine motor skills


Underline (level)

High, medium, low


^ 6. Vasomotor activity

Underline (level)

High, medium, low


^ 7. Cognitive development

  1. Formation of knowledge about the environment

  2. Activity according to patterns and rules (didactic game)

  3. Mathematical representations

    1. * Correlation of the number of items with the figure

    2. * Unfolding in size 10 objects of the same shape

    3. *Solution simple tasks based on visibility

    4. *Knowledge geometric shapes

    5. * Ability to navigate in space

  1. Graphic pattern

  2. Generalizations

Underline (level)

High, medium, low

High, medium, low.

High, medium, low.

High, medium, low.

High, medium, low.

High, medium, low.

High, medium, low.

High, medium, low.

High, medium, low.

High, medium, low.


The first examination of children is carried out in October and based on its results, a program is drawn up corrective work with baby.

The second (final) examination is carried out in March.

By April 1st all Cards must be executed and signed (the manager checks the execution of the Card, signs and stamps the institution) and is issued to the parent against signature.

Diagnostic materials that determine the readiness of children to study at school (The authors M.I. Kuznetsova, E.E. Kochurov, ed. L.E. Zhurova)

Survey Form

MBOU "Inzhavinskaya secondary school" Karavainsky branch 2012-2013 year.




Month, year of birth











Notes 
















Stage I - frontal examination
Exercise 1

Target. Reveal the ability to convey the shape of a figure (draw an equal or a similar figure, respecting the proportions between the elements of the figure). In addition, the task allows you to judge the hardness of the child's hand, the ability to draw straight line segments, draw angles without rounding them.

Task text. Look here (the picture for the task is indicated). Here you will complete the task. Inside the little frame you see a figure. Consider it on your sheets. Take a pencil. Draw a similar figure in a large frame (the teacher circles the large frame with a pointer).

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points - a similar or equal figure, the proportions between the elements of the figure are mostly preserved;

2 points - a similar or equal figure is depicted, the proportions are slightly changed, but not all angles are right, parallel lines are not everywhere observed. The same score is given if the total figure shape well captured, but the proportions between the elements of the figure are significantly changed, however, all angles are straight and parallelism is observed;

1 point - the proportions between the elements of the figure are significantly changed; general form the figures are poorly captured;

0 points - the general shape of the figure is not captured, but some kind of closed line is depicted.

If the figure is depicted with an unsteady hand, the “–” sign is put in addition to the score.
Task 2

Target. Identification of the ability to navigate on the plane (left, right, up, down). At the same time, the ability to count cells is checked.

Task text. The task will be performed on checkered paper(indicate the place to complete the task).

1. Take a red pencil, count four cells to the right from the black cell and paint over the fifth with a red pencil.

2. Take a blue pencil. From the red cell, step back down through two cells and paint over the third with a blue pencil.

3. Take a green pencil and a cell located to the left of the blue one and one cell from it, paint over with a green pencil.

4. Take a yellow pencil. Count five cells up from the green cell and paint over the sixth with a yellow pencil.

Assessment of the assignment:

1 point - only 1 item of the task was completed correctly (errors were made in the direction, counting, starting point);

If the cells are poorly colored, in addition to the score, "-" is put.
Task 3

Target. Revealing the ability to select and perform the operation of addition and subtraction; respectively correct understanding task text, go from the number to the corresponding finite set of objects (circles, squares).

Task text. Here you will perform the third task (the place for completing the task is indicated).

Look at your sheets. Listen to the task.

1. 3 girls and 2 boys are playing in the clearing. How many children are playing in the meadow? Draw as many circles as there are children playing in the clearing. (The text of the task can be repeated.)

2. There were 6 people in the car. Two people got out of the car. Next to the circles, draw as many squares as there are people left in the car. (The text of the task can be repeated.)

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points - both tasks are completed correctly;

2 points - one task is completed correctly, there is an attempt to solve the second task, but the number of circles or squares is incorrect;

1 point - only one task is completed correctly, there are no attempts to complete the second task;

0 points - there is an attempt to solve one problem, but the number of circles or squares is incorrect.
Task 4

Goals. Identification of intuitive topological representations, understanding of the terms "inside", "outside"; identifying the ability to correctly understand the statement, for example: "Mark a point inside the square, but outside the circle."

Task text. Look at the blackboard (the teacher draws a triangle on the blackboard). I have drawn a triangle (marks a point inside the triangle). I marked a point inside the triangle (marks a point outside the triangle). I marked a point outside the triangle. Now look at this drawing (the drawing for the task is indicated). Find a circle on your sheets, find a square.

1. Take a blue pencil and mark a point inside the circle but outside the square.

2. Take a red pencil and mark a point inside the square but outside the circle.

3. Take a green pencil and mark a point that would be located both inside the circle and inside the square.

4. Take a simple pencil and mark a point that is located both outside the circle and outside the square.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points - everything is done correctly;

2 points - 2-3 points of the task were completed correctly;

1 point - only 1 item of the task was completed correctly;

0 points - the task was not completed.

Task 5

Goals. Revealing the ability to compare sets by the number of elements; identifying a way to compare two sets by the number of elements (regardless of counting skill).

Task text. Find on your sheets a picture that shows circles and triangles (the picture for the task is indicated). Which is more: circles or triangles? If there are more circles, then draw another circle next to it. If there are more triangles, then draw another triangle.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points - the comparison was carried out correctly;

0 points - the comparison is incorrect.

Task 6

Target. Identification of the ability to classify, the ability to find the signs by which the classification was made.

Task text. Consider these two drawings (the drawings for the task are indicated). On one of these drawings you need to draw a squirrel. Think about what picture you would draw it on. From the squirrel to this drawing, draw a line with a pencil.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points - the line is drawn correctly (to the animals);
2 points - the line is drawn to the birds;
0 points - the task was not completed.
Task 7

Target. Check Status phonemic hearing, phonemic perception.

Task text. Look at the pictures on the sheet, you see, there are small circles under them. You will need to name each picture yourself. If there is a sound [s] in the name of the picture, then you need to cross out the circle under it. The first picture is “sun”, in the word “sun” there is a sound [s], which means you need to cross out the circle. Now start doing the task yourself.

Assessment of the assignment:

2 points - the sound is selected only from the position of the beginning of the word; there is no erroneous selection of other sounds;

1 point - the presence of errors (there is no differentiation of sounds [s] - [s]);

0 points - no differentiation of sounds [s] - [s], [s] - [ts], [s] - [sh] or complete rejection of the task.

Task 8

Target. Identification of the degree of mastery sound analysis at the level of determining the number of sounds in a word.

Task text. You see a "house" with three windows and pictures next to it. Each box is a sound in a word. Name all the pictures quietly and think which word has three sounds. Connect this picture with a line to the house.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points - correct performance of the task;

2 points - the presence of errors in one sound;

0 points - non-acceptance of the task, complete lack of correspondence between the number of sounds in the word and the number of "windows".
Stage II - individual examination
An individual examination is carried out using the sheet on which the child performed tasks during the group examination. The child's answers are written on this sheet next to the task.
Task 5-II

If the child made a mistake in completing task 5 in group work, he needs to repeat the task and ask: “Why do you think that there are more circles (triangles?”)

If the explanation is correct: “One circle is superfluous”, “There is a triangle in each circle, but this one does not”, apparently, the error is due to insufficient attention to the wording of the task, and you immediately change the assessment obtained during the group survey, put 2 points.

In case of an incorrect answer or its absence, it is necessary to give the child a simpler similar task (5 circles, 6 triangles) and ask: “What is more?”

If the child completed the task and gave the correct explanation, then instead of the initial assessment, you give him 2 points. If the task is completed correctly, but no explanation is given, put 1 point, if the task is not completed and not explained, the score does not change.
Task 6-II

If the child made a mistake in performing task 6 in the frontal examination, it is necessary to find out the cause of the error. This is done by asking: “Why did you draw a line from the squirrel to this drawing?” If the student says: “I made a mistake! It was necessary to draw a line from the squirrel to the animals,” you ask again: “Why do you think that it is necessary to draw a line from the squirrel to the animals?” If the answer is: "The squirrel is not a bird" (or another answer associated with an essential feature of the classification) - change the assessment obtained during the group survey (put 2 points).

If the explanation is given based on external signs (“To have 5 objects in each picture” or “Birds and squirrels live in trees”), you change the assessment received during the group survey, put 1 point. If the child cannot explain his actions, the score does not change - 0 points.
Task 7-II

If, in the course of group work, the child made mistakes in identifying pictures whose names contain the sound [s], you should give him simpler tasks.

1. Independently name a word with a given sound: "Say a word with a sound [s]."

2. Return to task 7 of group work and show pictures whose names contain sound [s]: “Name each picture. If there is a [s] sound in the title, show this picture.”

If the child selected only pictures in the names of which the sound [s] is in starting position, the teacher tells him: “You chose these pictures correctly, but you missed some. Now listen, I will name the pictures again, and you will say whether there is a sound [s] or not. The teacher should slightly accentuate the sound [s] when pronouncing words.

If, at the first independent attempt, the child showed, along with the pictures, the names of which contain the sound [s], the pictures, the names of which contain the sound [h] or [w], you need to tell him: “You tried, but among the pictures that you chose, there are superfluous; now I will name all the pictures you have marked, and you will say whether there is a sound [s] or not, you can repeat the words after me. When pronouncing words, the sounds [s], [z], [sh] are distinguished intonation.

If the child independently singled out the sound at the beginning of the word, and from the position of the middle and end of the word singled out the sound after the teacher pronounced this word with intonational emphasis on the given sound, then the assessment of the group examination changes, 2 points are given.

If the child selects the desired sound with the help of the teacher only at the beginning of the word and does not distinguish between the sounds [w] - [g], [w] - [s] in their own pronunciation, but only when perceiving the teacher's sample, 1 point is given. For the lack of differentiation of sounds [w] - [g], [w] - [s] even when perceiving the teacher's sample; 0 points are given for not accepting the task.

Task 8-II

Children who did not cope with task 8 during group work are invited to additional task. There are three sounds in the word poppy. Look, I will say the word and show where each sound lives. The teacher slowly pronounces the word "poppy", leading the pointer along the diagram sound composition the words.

Then the teacher invites the child to name each picture for task 8 (beetle, wolf, duck) and say which of the words lives in this house.

If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher together with the child pronounces each word and leads with a pointer according to the scheme of the sound composition of the word. Then he asks: “What word lives in this house?”

If the child copes with the task on his own, then the assessment of the group survey changes, 2 points are given.

If the child copes with the task only with the help of the teacher, 1 point is given, if he does not cope with the task, the mark does not change, 0 points.

Pedagogical diagnostics data will allow you to realize from the first days of meeting your child individual approach in teaching, to determine the features of communication with each student, to outline the content of correctional and developmental work, to determine the tactics and strategy of working with the class even before the start of systematic training.

Diagnostic program by definition psychological readiness children to school 
Despite the diversity existing methods determining the readiness of children for schooling, psychologists continue to search for more advanced diagnostic programs. The need for new developments is explained by the following reasons:

The survey should not be too long to meet the time frame for enrolling children in school (April-May);

Functional readiness and test batteries do not provide information about children's motivational readiness for school;

The examination program should contain the necessary and sufficient components to conclude that the child is ready for school.

The selection of these necessary and sufficient methods of examination, which make it possible to make a “diagnosis of readiness for school,” according to the just remark of J. Sõerd, “depends to a large extent on theoretical concept, which is the starting point for deciphering the essence of readiness for school.  

This program consists of games and game tasks with rules that allow you to determine the level of development of affective-need (motivational), arbitrary, intellectual and speech spheres, which is used to judge the psychological readiness of the child for schooling.

Affective-need sphere:

Methodology for determining the dominance of a cognitive or play motive in the affective-need sphere of a child
The child is invited to a room where ordinary, not very attractive toys are displayed on the tables, and they are asked to examine them for a minute. Then the experimenter calls him to him and offers to listen to a fairy tale. The child is read an interesting fairy tale for his age, which he had not heard before. At the most exciting place, the reading is interrupted, and the experimenter asks the subject what he wants more at the moment, to play with the toys on the tables or to listen to the story to the end.

Children with pronounced cognitive interest usually choose a fairy tale. Children with a weak cognitive need prefer to play. But their game, as a rule, is manipulative in nature: children clutch at one thing, then another.

An experimental conversation to identify the "internal position of the student", which is understood as a new attitude of the child to the environment, arising from the fusion of cognitive needs and the need to communicate with adults at a new level. In special experimental studies studying this neoplasm of the crisis for 7 years, it was found that in the game "to school" children, characterized by the presence of the "internal position of the schoolchild", prefer the role of a student rather than a teacher and want the entire content of the game to be reduced to real learning activities (writing, reading , solving examples, etc.).

In the case of unformed education, children, on the contrary, playing “to school”, choose the role of a teacher, and instead of a specific educational activity, play “in change”, acting out coming to school and leaving it, etc.

Thus, the "internal position of the student" can be revealed in the game, but this path takes too much time. However, in the same study it was shown that some experiments can be replaced by a special experimental conversation, which gives a result similar to the experiment. In particular, this applies to the experimental game, which allows you to determine the "internal position of the student."

In connection with the foregoing, a conversation aimed at determining the "internal position of the student" includes questions that indirectly help determine the presence of cognitive and educational motivations in the child, as well as the cultural level of the environment in which he grows up. The latter is essential for the development of cognitive needs, as well as personal characteristics that contribute to or, conversely, hinder successful learning at school.

Custom sphere:

Methodology "House"

The technique is a task for drawing a picture depicting a house, the individual details of which are made up of elements of capital letters. The task helps to detect the child's ability to focus on the model in his work, to accurately copy it, reveals developmental features voluntary attention, spatial perception, sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills of the hand.

The technique is designed for children aged 5.5–10 years, is clinical in nature and does not imply obtaining normative indicators.

In the course of the child's work, it is necessary to fix:

1) with which hand the child draws (right or left);
2) how he works with the sample: whether he often looks at it, whether he draws air lines over the sample drawing, repeating the contours of the picture, whether he compares what he has done with the sample or, after glancing at it, draws from memory;

3) draw lines quickly or slowly;

4) is distracted during work;

5) what he says and what he asks while drawing;

6) whether the subject checks his drawing with the sample after finishing work.

When the child reports the end of work, he should be asked to check whether everything is correct with him. If he sees inaccuracies in his drawing, he can correct them, but this must be recorded by the experimenter.

Treatment experimental material is carried out by counting points awarded for errors. Errors are:

a) the absence of any detail of the drawing;

b) an increase in individual details of the drawing by more than 2 times while maintaining the relatively correct size of the entire drawing;

c) an incorrectly depicted element of the drawing;

d) incorrect image of details in the space of the drawing;

e) deviation of straight lines by more than 30° from the given direction;

f) gaps between lines where they should be connected;

g) climbing lines one after another.

When interpreting the results of the experiment, it is necessary to take into account the age of the subject. Thus, children aged 5.5–6 years, due to the insufficient maturity of the brain structures responsible for sensorimotor coordination, rarely cope with the task perfectly. If the subject makes more than 1 mistake for 10 years, then this indicates a trouble in the development of one or more psychological spheres studied by the method.
Method "Yes and no"

The technique is used to study the ability to act according to the rule. It is a modification of the famous children's game "Yes" and "no" do not say, do not wear black and white. For this technique, only the first part of the rules of the game was taken, namely: children are forbidden to answer questions with the words “yes” and “no”. After the subject confirms that he understands the rules of the game, the experimenter begins to ask him questions that provoke answers “yes” and “no”.

Errors are only the words "yes" and "no". The words "aha", "nope" and the like are not considered as errors. Also, a meaningless answer is not considered an error if it satisfies the formal rule of the game. It is quite acceptable if the child answers with an affirmative or negative nod of the head instead of a verbal answer.
Intellectual and speech spheres:

When studying a child's intellect from the point of view of readiness for schooling, the characteristics necessary and sufficient for starting schooling should come to the fore. The most striking such characteristic is learning, which includes two stages of intellectual operations. The first is the assimilation of a new rule of work (problem solving, etc.); the second is the transfer of the learned rule for completing the task to similar ones, but not identical to it. The second stage is possible only if this process of generalization is carried out.

The level of development of generalization, which manifests itself in determining learning ability, is desirable to be further investigated by other methods, since this intellectual operation is considered by domestic researchers of school readiness as a fundamental characteristic. intellectual readiness for school.

To diagnose school readiness, an original methodology has been developed that meets the conditions in which the examination of children is carried out, namely: the study should take as little time as possible; at the same time, the created methodology meets the basic principles of constructing methods for diagnosing learning ability.

Method "Boots"

The technique allows you to explore the learning ability of the child, i.e. see how he uses a rule that he has never encountered before to solve problems. The difficulty of the proposed tasks gradually increases due to the introduction of objects into them, in relation to which the learned rule can be applied only after the necessary process of communication has been carried out. The tasks used in the methodology are constructed in such a way that their solution requires an empirical or theoretical generalization. Empirical generalization is understood as the ability to classify objects according to their essential features or to bring them under general concept. Under theoretical generalization is understood as a generalization based on meaningful abstraction, when the reference point is not a specific distinguishing feature, but the fact of the presence or absence of hallmark regardless of its form.

Thus, the Boots method helps to analyze the learning ability of children, as well as the developmental features of the generalization process. The technique is designed for children aged 5.5–10 years, is clinical in nature and does not imply obtaining normative indicators.

As an experimental task, the subject is taught to digitally code color pictures (a horse, a girl, a stork) by the presence or absence of one sign - boots on their feet. There are boots - the picture is indicated by "1" (one), no boots - "0" (zero). Color pictures are offered to the subject in the form of a table containing: 1) the coding rule; 2) the stage of fixing the rule; 3) the so-called riddles that the subject must solve by coding. In addition to the table of color pictures, the experiment uses a white sheet of paper with the image of geometric shapes, which are two more riddles.

Methodology "Sequence of events"

The method "Sequence of events" was proposed by A.N. Bernstein, but the instruction and the procedure for its implementation are somewhat changed. It is intended to study the development of logical thinking, speech and the ability to generalize.

Three plot pictures presented to the subject in the wrong sequence are used as experimental material. The child must understand the plot, build the correct sequence of events and make up a story from the pictures, which cannot be done without sufficient development of logical thinking and the ability to generalize. The oral story shows the level of speech development of the future first grader: how he builds phrases, whether he is fluent in the language, what is his vocabulary, etc.
Technique "Sound Hide and Seek"

The "Sound Hide and Seek" technique is designed to test phonemic hearing. The child is offered to play hide-and-seek with sounds.

The conditions of the game are as follows: each time they agree on what sound to look for, after which the experimenter calls the subject various words, and he must say whether or not the desired sound is in the word. It is proposed to alternately look for the sounds "o", "a", "sh", "s". All words must be pronounced very clearly, highlighting each sound, and even pull vowel sounds (the vowel sound to be found must be stressed). It is necessary to offer the subject that he himself, following the experimenter, utter the word and listen to him. You can repeat the word several times.

The described diagnostic program is valid, reliable and has prognostic value. The program can be used when examining children in kindergartens, preschool groups, elementary school. The program is designed for children aged 5 years and 6 months. It is unacceptable to use it for an earlier age.

Additional tests to determine the level of readiness of the child

to schooling
orientation test school maturity

Target. Determination of the general level of readiness of the child for schooling, including the level of formation of the ability to act according to the proposed model or rely on it mentally, from memory.

Material. Form of the test of school maturity.

The test consists of three tasks (subtests).

1. Drawing of a man

Instructions for carrying out. The psychologist addresses the child: “Try to draw a little man. Just the way you want. The one you can." The child may ask: "Draw a girl or a boy?" or "Can I draw a doll?" etc. Should answer: "Draw whoever you want."

2. Copying written words

Instructions for carrying out. The psychologist offers the child to complete the task: “Two words are written in front of you. Try to copy them exactly, write off. Can't you write yet? It's okay, then just copy them. Try to draw (write off) so that it looks like,

3. Copying a pattern from dots

Instructions for carrying out. The psychologist says to the child: “Look, here is a pattern of dots. Try to draw exactly the same, copy. (You can add: “Imagine that you photographed them. What would you have done then?”)

Data processing. During the survey, the features of the tasks are recorded. The result of each is evaluated according to a five-point system (1 - the highest score, 5 - the lowest score), then the total result for all three tasks is calculated.

Exercise 1

1 point The drawn figure has a head, torso and limbs. The head is no larger than the body and is connected With neck. On the head there is hair (perhaps they are covered with some kind of headdress) and ears, on the face - eyes, nose and mouth. The hand has a five-fingered hand. The legs are bent at the bottom. The man is wearing something. His figure is drawn in the so-called synthetic (contour) way, when it is all (head, neck, torso, arms, legs) drawn immediately as a single whole, and not made up of separate completed elements. With this method of drawing, the entire figure can be outlined in one contour without lifting the pencil from the paper. In contrast to the synthetic method, in the analytical one, for example, the torso is first drawn, then the arms and legs are “attached” to it.

2 points. Same but missing synthetic way drawing. The absence of three details (neck, hair, one finger) can be ignored if the figure is drawn in a synthetic way.

3 points. The figure has a head, torso and limbs. Arms or legs are drawn with two lines (3D). The absence of neck, hair, ears, clothes, fingers and feet is allowed.

4 points. Primitive drawing with head and torso. The limbs (one pair is enough) are shown with one line each.

5 points. Missing sharp image trunk (cephalopod or cephalopod predominance) or both pairs of limbs. Scribble.

Task 2

1 point The given sample is well and completely legible copied. The letters exceed the size of the sample no more than twice. The first letter is capitalized in height. The letters are clearly connected in two words. The copied phrase deviates from the horizontal line by no more than 30 degrees.

2 points. The sample is copied legibly. The size of the letters and the observance of the horizontal line are not taken into account.

3 points. A clear division of the inscription into two parts. You can understand at least four letters of the sample.

4 points. At least two letters match the pattern. The reproduced pattern still creates the label line.

5 points. Scribble.

Task 3

1 point Exact copy of the sample. A slight deviation of one point from a line or column is allowed. Reducing the sample is acceptable, and the increase should not be more than two times. The drawing should be parallel to the sample.

2 points. The number and arrangement of points correspond to the sample. You can ignore the deviation of no more than three points per half the width of the gap between the row and column.

3 points. The drawing as a whole corresponds to the sample, not exceeding its width and height by more than twice. The number of points may not correspond to the sample, but they should not be more than twenty and less than seven. Any turn is allowed, even 180 degrees.

4 points. The outline of the drawing does not match the pattern, but still consists of dots. Sample dimensions and number of points are not taken into account. Other shapes (such as lines) are not allowed.

5 points. Scribble.

The described test is convenient for initial acquaintance with children. It gives a general picture of development and can be applied in a group, which is very important when enrolling them in a school. After reviewing the results of the test, you can call for an individual examination of individual children. Because the psychological tests do not reveal the causes of developmental delay, but give quantitative characteristic, then in special occasions an individual mental examination of the child in a clinical setting is required.

If the subject scored 3-6 points in all tasks of the Kern-Jirasek test, then, as a rule, there is no need to additionally talk with him to clarify the picture of his intellectual development. Children who score 7-9 points (if these points are evenly distributed among all tasks) have an average level of development. If the total score includes very low grades (for example, a score of 9 consists of grades 2 for the first task, 3 for the second and 4 for the third), then it is better to conduct an individual examination in order to more accurately imagine the characteristics of the child's development. And, of course, it is necessary to additionally examine children who received 10-15 points (10-11 points - bottom line average development, 12 - 15 points - development below the norm).

              1. Verbal test by Jaroslav Jirasek

Target. Identification of the level of verbal-logical thinking, social qualities associated with general awareness, the development of mental operations.

1. Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog?

Horse - 0 points, wrong answer -5 points.

2. In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon ...?

We have lunch. We eat soup, meat - 0 points. Dinner, sleep and other erroneous answers - 3 points.

3. It's light during the day, but at night...?

Dark - 0 points, wrong answer - 4 points.

4. The sky is blue, but the grass...?

Green - 0 points, wrong answer - 4 points.

5. Cherries, pears, plums, apples ... - what's that?

Fruit - 1 point, wrong answer - 1 point.

6. Why is the barrier lowered along the track before the train passes?

To prevent the train from colliding with the car. So that no one gets hit by a train (etc.) - 0 points, wrong answer - 1 point.

7. What is Moscow, Rostov, Kyiv?

Cities - 1 point, stations - 0 points. Wrong answer - 1 point.

8. What time does the clock show (the indicator on the clock)?

Well shown - 4 points. Only a quarter, a whole hour, a quarter and an hour are shown correctly - 3 points. Does not know the clock - 0 points.

9. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is ..., a small sheep is ...?

Puppy, lamb - 4 points, only one answer out of two - 0 points. Wrong answer - 1 point.

10. Is the dog more like a chicken or a cat? How similar, what do they have in common, the same?

For a cat, because they have 4 legs, hair, tail, claws (one similarity is enough) - 0 points. For a cat (without bringing signs of similarity) - 1 point. For chicken - 3 points.

11. Why do all cars have brakes?

Two reasons (to brake downhill, to brake on a turn, to stop after the end of the ride) - 1 point. 1 reason - 0 points, incorrect answer (for example, he would not drive no brakes) - 1 point

12. How are hammer and ax similar to each other?

Two common signs - 3 points (one of wood and iron, they have handles, these are tools, you can hammer nails with them) 1 similarity - 2 points, wrong answer - 0 points

13. How are a squirrel and a cat similar to each other?

Determining that these are animals or bringing two common features (they have 4 paws, tails, wool, they can climb trees) - 3 points. One similarity - 2 points. Wrong answer - 0 points

14. What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were lying here in front of you?

They have different signs: the screw has a thread, a thread, such a twisted line, around the notch - 3 points. The screw is twisted, and the nail is hammered, or the screw has a nut - 2 points. Wrong answer - 0 points

15. Football, high jump, tennis, swimming... is that?

Sports, physical education - 3 points. Games (exercises), gymnastics, competitions - 2 points Wrong answer - 0 points.

16. What do you know vehicles?

Three ground vehicles, aircraft or ship - 4 points. Only three land vehicles or a complete list, with an aircraft or with a ship, but only after explaining that vehicles are something that can be used to move somewhere - 2 points incorrect answer - 0 points.

17. What is the difference between an old person and a young one? What is the difference between them?

3 signs (gray hair, no hair, wrinkles, poor vision, poor hearing, more sick, more likely to die than young) - 4 points, 1 or 2 differences - 2 points, wrong answer (he has a stick, he smokes, etc.) - 0 points.

18. Why do people play sports?

2 reasons (to be healthy, fit, strong, to be more mobile, not to be fat, etc.) - 4 points, 1 reason - 2 points, wrong answer - 0 points.

19. Why is it bad when people shy away from work?

The rest should work for it (or some other expression). He's lazy. Earns little and cannot buy anything - 2 points Incorrect answer - 0 points.

20. Why do you need to stick a stamp on the envelope?

So they pay for the forwarding, transportation of the letter - 5 points. The other one would have to pay a fine - 2 points. Wrong answer - 0 points.

After the survey, the results are calculated according to the number of points achieved in specific issues. Quantitative results given task divided into five groups:

1 group - plus 24 or more

2 group - plus 14 to 23

3 group - from 0 to 13

4 group - from minus 1 to minus 10

Group 5 - less than minus 11.

According to the classification, the first three groups are considered positive. Children who score from plus 24 to plus 13 are considered ready for school.

Vasomotor Activity Test

Equipment: three cardboard with figures printed or drawn in ink, half a sheet of white paper, pencil, stopwatch.

Instructions: Take this pencil. Draw on this paper a figure similar to this one (figure 1). Very well. Now draw another one just like this one (shape 2). Now the last one (figure 3)."

The maximum time for each figure is 1 minute.

Result: a true square, or with two slightly larger sides, with all right angles; rhombus with well-drawn corners; and the third figure is quite recognizable - 3 points.

A square with 2 right angles, and the rest of the figures are recognizable - 2 points.

All 3 figures are imperfect, but differ from each other - 1 point.

All 3 figures (attempts) are the same or one figure is invented - 0 points.

Visual memory test
Material: 40 x 60 or 50 x 80 cm, showing: cup, car, cat, hand, key, shoe and pear. The size of the figures is from 10 to 20 maximum, without respecting the proportions. Items should be recognizable, but not be a series. Glue or draw shapes in a mess, without symmetry, not in a line.

Instructions: “On the other side of this cardboard there are interesting pictures. I will turn the cardboard and you will look at the picture without telling me anything. Then I'll hide the picture, and you'll tell me what you saw."

Show the cardboard for 30 seconds and, turning the white side, hide. "What have you seen?" If the child is shy, add “Tell me what did you see? What else?"


If all 7 figures are named - 3 points.

If 4 to 6 figures are named - 2 points.

If 2 or 3 figures are named - 1 point.

If 1 figure is named or none - 0 points.

Test to check motor coordination and resistance to displacement when copying figures
Material: half a sheet of white paper.

Instructions: the experimenter sits to the right of the child, draws in the air index finger 1st figure and says: “Look carefully what my finger will do (reproduces figure 1 in the air). Now do the same with your finger. Now do this. (Reproduces figure 2 in the air). And now this (figure 3). Very well. Now take a pencil and draw on paper each of these figures that you drew in the air with your finger. If the child is timid and makes long pauses, then he should be encouraged with the words: “Very good. Now do this one."


Good reproduction of all 3 figures - 3 points.

Good reproduction of 2 figures and mediocre one or mediocre reproduction of all 3 figures - 2 points.

Poor reproduction of all figures, but with the ability to distinguish them from each other, or mediocre reproduction 2 and a displaced 1 figure - 1 point.

Moving 3 or 2 figures or the same, indistinguishable reproduction of all 3 - 0 points.

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Explanatory note

This diagnostic is addressed to speech therapists, psychologists, specialists working in the field of defectology, students of defectology and psychological faculties.

Diagnostics is designed to work with children 6-7 years old and takes into account the age and psychophysiological characteristics of the child. The examination is primary and is carried out with the written consent of the parents or persons replacing them.

The purpose of cooperation between a speech therapist and a teacher-psychologist is: to create a model of interaction in the process of diagnostic and correctional-developing educational activities that stimulate the speech, cognitive and personal development of the child. The psychologist and speech therapist work in their area of ​​competence, but the generalization of the results provides the amount of information that allows you to assess the deviations in the child's condition, build a hierarchy of identified violations in cognitive, speech, personal sphere, make a general conclusion and determine the directions, ways and methods of psychological and speech therapy assistance. Based on the results of the diagnostic examination, specialists plan correctional and developmental classes within the framework of work programs.

Advantages of complex diagnostics in comparison with individual consultations of specialists:

  • methods are chosen in such a way as to give maximum useful information. They complement each other and do not contain repeating elements;
  • during the examination by one specialist, the second one observes the process and notes the features of the child's performance of tasks (speed, reactions to criticism, acceptance of help, accessibility to the contact, etc.).

All this complements the diagnostic results and allows you to present the most complete picture.

Before the start of the examination, a teacher-psychologist and a speech therapist teacher speak at a meeting of parents of future first-graders in order to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of the child's speech development, as well as, developmental psychology. During the meeting, parents are offered a questionnaire aimed at identifying the features family education and the degree of readiness of parents to participate in the diagnostic and corrective process Application No. 1.doc

At the end of the meeting, parents are given a memo.

Purpose of diagnosis: identification of the level of readiness of children aged 6-7 years to study at school.


  • creation effective system interactions in the work of specialists (psychologist / speech therapist) for synchronous diagnosis and correction of the cognitive, speech and personal development of children, allowing them to successfully master the role of a student;
  • promoting the development of skills and abilities necessary for successful education in primary school;
  • creation of a list of recommendations for parents based on the results of the survey.

Expected results

  • Personal: identification of the level of development of emotional-volitional and cognitive spheres, mental functions, communication skills, ability to follow instructions.
  • Metasubject: identifying the level of development of skills and abilities necessary for successful education in primary school.
  • subject: diagnosing the level of school maturity and providing advisory assistance parents and teachers.
Used techniques and exercises Goals Conduct form
1. Method "Ladder".

2. Fairy tale “School for animals”.

3.Development exercises language analysis at the level of words and sentences.


Personal UUD;

Motivation for learning;

The ability to determine the number of syllables in a word and words in a sentence.


(8 - 10 children)


1. Kern-Jirasik school maturity test (“Drawing a person”, copying a phrase, drawing dots).

2. Exercises to develop language analysis at the word level.

- Determining the level of school maturity;

Identification of the level of development of fine motor skills;

The ability to determine the place of sound in a word;

Ability to determine the number of sounds in a word;


(3 - 5 children)


1. The degree of psychosocial maturity (outlook) test conversation, S. A. Banks.

2. "The fourth extra."

3. Test Method express diagnostics oral speech junior schoolchildren T. A. Fotekova.

- Identification of the level of psychosocial maturity.

Identification of children's abilities to distinguish in objects their essential features and make the necessary generalizations on this basis.

Identification of features of speech development in preschoolers.


Conducted simultaneously by both specialists.


Logopedic examination in a group (Appendix No. 4)

Study of language analysis skills at the word and sentence level.

Instruction 1: Determine how many parts are in the word and draw lines under the picture.

Sample: ____ , ____ ____ , ____ ____ ____

Instruction 2: Determine the number of words in the sentence, and draw lines under the picture.

Friendly children made a snowman. Vanya made a snowman.

Sample: ____ ____ ____ .

Logopedic examination in the subgroup.Annex №4.doc

Study of language analysis skills at the word level.

Instruction 1: Determine the place of the sound [K] and paint over the rectangle with a blue pencil (beginning, middle, end of the word). One word is sorted out collectively, and they work independently on cards.

Instruction 2: Determine the place of the sound [A] and paint over the rectangle with a red pencil (beginning, middle, end of the word).

One word is sorted out collectively, and they work independently on cards.

Instruction 3: Draw as many circles with a simple pencil as there are sounds in the names of the pictures.

One word is sorted out collectively, and they work independently on cards.

Individual speech therapy examination.

Test method for express diagnostics of oral speech of younger schoolchildren T. A. Fotekova. The technique uses speech tests proposed by R.I. Lalayeva (1988) and E.V. Maltseva (1991).

The technique includes four series.

Series 1– Study of the sensorimotor level of speech – includes four groups of tasks:

Checking phonemic perception;

Studies of the state of articulatory motility (Slide No. 4).

The study of sound pronunciation (Slide No. 5 - 14).

Checking the formation of the sound - syllabic structure of the word (Slide No. 15).

Series 2- Study of vocabulary and word-formation skills (Slide No. 16 - 19).

Series 3- Study of the grammatical structure of speech (Slide No. 20 - 21).

Series 4- The study of coherent speech (Slide 22).

The study of connected speech.

Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures “Bobik” (five pictures) or another series of 4-5 pictures.

Instruction: look at these pictures, try to put them in order and make up a story.

Retelling of the listened text.

Instruction: now I will read you a short story, listen carefully, memorize and get ready to retell it.


There were peas in one pod. Week later. The pod opened up. Peas merrily rolled into the boy's palm. The boy loaded a gun with peas and fired. Three peas flew onto the roof. Pigeons pecked them there. One pea rolled into the ditch. One sprouted. Soon it turned green and became a curly bush of peas.

results three classes are recorded in the examination protocol Appendix No. 5.doc An individual examination is carried out using a Power Point presentation. The presentation contains a hidden file with a table for filling in the results of the oral speech examination.

Psychological examination in the group.

1. Study of motivation for learning. Fairy tale "School for animals".

Held in group form. Each child has examination protocol No. 1 on the table, a set of colored pencils (blue, brown, yellow, pink, black). Appendix No. 6.doc

Instruction 1: Now I will read you a fairy tale, listen carefully.

At the end of listening, the guys should determine which animal they are more like. Appendix No. 7.doc

Instruction 2: Choose which of these students you like best. Each student has his own color: the horse is blue, the teddy bear is brown, the squirrel is yellow, the kitten is pink, the bunny is black.

Now take a pencil of the color that matches the hero you have chosen on the piece of paper and paint over the circle in the lower left corner of the sheet.

2. Self-esteem research. Method "Ladder".

Each participant has a form with a drawn ladder, a pen or pencil. A ladder is drawn on the chalkboard.

Instruction: Guys, take a red pencil and listen to the task. Here is the ladder. If all the guys are placed on it, then here (show the first step without naming its number) the best guys will stand, here (show the second and third) - good, here (show the fourth) - neither good nor bad guys, here ( show the fifth and sixth steps) are bad, and here (show the seventh step) are the worst. What step would you put yourself on? Draw a circle on it."

Then repeat the instruction again.

Results processing and interpretation

When analyzing the data obtained, proceed from the following: step 1 - inflated self-esteem. Steps 2, 3 - adequate self-esteem. The child has formed positive attitude to himself, he knows how to evaluate himself and his activities. Step 4 - low self-esteem Children who put themselves on the fourth step have a slightly low self-esteem. As a rule, this is due to a certain psychological problem of the student. In a conversation, the child can talk about it. Steps 5, 6 - low self-esteem.

Psychological examination in the subgroup.

1. Orientation test of school maturity Kern - Jirasik.

Reveals general level mental development, the level of development of thinking, the ability to listen, to perform tasks according to the model, the arbitrariness of mental activity.

The test consists of 4 parts:

1. Test “Drawing of a person”

3. Drawing points.

4. Questionnaire.

We propose to include the questionnaire into an individual survey.

1. Test “Drawing of a person”.

Instruction: Here (it is shown where) draw some uncle, as you can.

While drawing, it is unacceptable to correct the child “You forgot to draw the ears”, the adult silently watches.

2. Copying a phrase from written letters.

Instruction: Look, something is written here. Try to rewrite it the same way here (show below the written phrase) as best you can.

On the sheet, write the phrase in capital letters, the first letter is capital:

He ate soup

3. Drawing points.

Instruction: Dots are drawn here. Try to draw the same side by side.

In the sample, 10 points are evenly spaced vertically and horizontally from each other.

Individual psychological examination.

1. The degree of psychosocial maturity (outlook) test conversation proposed by S.A. Banking.

The child must answer the following questions:

1. Give your last name, first name and patronymic.

2. Name the last name, first name, patronymic of dad, mom.

3. Are you a girl or a boy? What will you be when you grow up - an aunt or an uncle?

4. Do you have a brother, sister? Who is older?

5. How old are you? How much will it be in a year? In two years?

6. Is it morning or evening (afternoon or morning)?

7. When do you have breakfast - in the evening or in the morning? When do you have lunch - in the morning or in the afternoon?

8. What comes first - lunch or dinner?

9. Where do you live? State your home address.

10. What does your dad, your mom do?

11. Do you like to draw? What color is this ribbon (dress, pencil)

12. What season is it now - winter, spring, summer or autumn? Why do you think so?

13. When can I go sledding - in winter or summer?

14. Why does it snow in winter and not in summer?

15. What does a postman, a doctor, a teacher do?

16. Why does school need a desk, a bell?

17. Do you want to go to school?

18. Show your right eye, left ear. What are eyes and ears for?

19. What animals do you know?

20. What birds do you know?

21. Who is bigger - a cow or a goat? Bird or bee? Who has more paws: a rooster or a dog?

22. Which is more: 8 or 5; 7 or 3? Count from three to six, nine to two.

23. What should you do if you accidentally break someone else's thing?

2. “The fourth extra” (Didactic cards). Presentation.ppt

Target: revealing the abilities of children to highlight their essential features in objects and make the necessary generalizations on this basis, the level of development of categorical thinking, the ability of speech generalization of the selected features.

Instruction: Look at the picture. It has four items. Three of them are similar. They can be called in one word. The fourth item does not fit them. Name (show) an inappropriate object.

The child is offered 4 cards. If the choice is correct, ask the child to justify his choice. If the child incorrectly substantiated his choice, then he is offered an additional card.

Research results three lessons recorded in the summary protocol. Appendix No. 8.doc An individual examination is carried out using a PowerPoint presentation.


  1. T.A. Fotekova, T.V. Akhutina Diagnosis of speech disorders in schoolchildren using neuropsychological methods: A manual for speech therapists and psychologists - M.; ARKTI, 2002.- 136 p.
  2. V.I.Ekimova, A.G.Demidova.- Is everything going well? A set of diagnostic methods for a comprehensive examination of younger students. - 2nd ed., Spanish. and additional – M.: ARKTI, 2009. – 88 p. (School education).
  3. V.L. Sharokhina. - Psychological preparation children to school: Summaries of classes. – M.: Knigolyub, 2008. – 48 p. (Psychological service)

Name: School readiness map
Year: 2011
Publisher: Department of Education of the City of Moscow
Pages: 23
Format: doc. (rar archive)
Size: 3.33 Mb
Quality: normal

AT child's school readiness map reflects the main lines of development of the child, significant in terms of readiness for schooling.
Guidelines are attached for filling out the card of the psychological and pedagogical examination of a child in a preparatory group for school.

The proposed material is mandatory for the work of employees of preschool educational institutions: teachers-psychologists, educators of preparatory groups for school, senior educators.

The map of a child's readiness for schooling is a key moment in the implementation of continuity in the work of preschool educational institutions and elementary school. The map of the child's readiness for schooling was developed by the team educational psychologists, methodologists of the UMC SZOUO for preschool and primary school education, specialists from the education department, head teachers for primary school.
The card was tested in 10 preschool educational institutions of the North-Western District Department of Education.

Guidelines for filling out a psychological and pedagogical examination card

The main goal of compiling a map of a child's readiness for schooling is to develop continuity in the work of teachers in state educational institutions: kindergarten and school.

At present, the task of psychological and pedagogical preparation of the child for school has become very acute. A large number of children attend school preparation courses. But who can give a complete picture of the development of the child, no matter how the teacher who leads the child from a young age. Further joint work on the development of the child at school is very important. The card gives primary knowledge about the child to school specialists: head teachers, teachers, speech therapists, psychologists.

The new map is a modified version of the child development map preschool age, developed by the Childhood Center in 2000 and the Development Map of the Educational and Methodological Office of the North-Western Educational District of 1995. Teachers-psychologists of children's preschool institutions, educational institutions, directors of studies, methodologists of SZOU. The main thing in compiling the Map is its awareness of the child and its usefulness in the work of school specialists.

The main content of the Card readiness of the child for schooling.

The Map reflects the most significant lines of child development, significant in terms of the child's readiness for schooling.
Motivational readiness is the primary indicator of a child's readiness for school and indicates a desire to learn.
background child development is also a significant indicator in the development of the child.
A positive emotional background indicates the successful assimilation of knowledge and comfort in learning.
social development shows the child's ability to communicate. A socially developed child feels his place in the society of other people, controls his behavior and ways of communication.
Indicators of the development of speech and speech communication characterize the child's ability to use language to interact with others. The indicators provide primary knowledge about the development of a child's speech.
Cognitive development of the child informs about the formation of his knowledge about the environment, the ability to work according to the rules, at the same pace with others, the formation of mathematical knowledge, the level of formation of arbitrariness, the ability to generalize and classify.
An important indicator of a child's readiness for schooling is determination of the level of formation of motor skills.
Vasomotor activity shows the correlation of visual perception and motor skills, spatial coordination.

Work with the Card of readiness of the child for schooling.

The senior educator is responsible for issuing the card. The teacher-psychologist controls the work of teachers on the map and conducts an examination of the child to determine motivational readiness, emotional development, fine motor skills, vasomotor activity, generalization; graphic dictation. A teacher-speech therapist conducts a survey on speech development (if there is no speech therapist, a teacher-psychologist, a senior educator). Social development - social teacher (if not, a teacher-psychologist, senior educator). The examination of the child on cognitive development is carried out by the educator, the senior educator.

The first examination of children is carried out in October and, based on its results, a program of corrective work with the child is drawn up. Psychologists (head teacher) come to the PMPK with a report and bring the child’s working materials: “path”, “drawing figures”, “graphic dictation”, a table with marks for all tasks, GPA by garden and number of children by levels.
Materials must be signed and rated (score).

It can be said without exaggeration that the issue of children's readiness for school is one of the most discussed issues in psychological, pedagogical, medical and parental circles today. “Is your child ready for school?”, “School screening and selection tests”, “Tips for preparing children for school”, etc There is a lot of literature on these issues now. And this is quite understandable - after all, in order for the beginning of schooling to become the starting point of a new stage in the development of children, it must be based on knowledge of the level of readiness for learning of each future student. Most schools have psychologists who are engaged in the admission of children to the 1st grade.

All indicators of children's readiness for school can be conditionally divided into three interrelated parts: physical, intellectual and personal readiness. Physicians evaluate physical readiness and enter the necessary information into an individual medical record. Intellectual and personal readiness assessed by psychologists.

The psychologist must give the teacher necessary information about the formation of the student's position in each child, the level of activity and independence, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, the level of thinking.

Does the teacher need to conduct any additional school readiness checks? Yes, it's a must. But let's just make a reservation right away that by it we do not mean testing the subject knowledge, skills and abilities provided for studying in the 1st grade. Their absence has little effect on the success of training - much more important to the teacher know about such parameters as the formation of the prerequisites for mastering literacy and mathematics - what is the basis for the assimilation of these subjects.

The teacher must carry out such a check (pedagogical diagnostics) and use the data collected in the process of conducting it to implement an individually differentiated approach to teaching.

In the process of learning, you must take into account various levels the readiness of their students for the systematic mastery of written language and mathematics. By not providing children with a low level of readiness for learning with the conditions necessary for a successful school start, the main of which is special system tasks that help to overcome these shortcomings, we inevitably doom these children to further school failure. Unfortunately, as a rule, work to eliminate underachievement begins when this underachievement has already acquired a clearly expressed and stable form, leaving an imprint on the entire personality of the student - self-esteem, academic motivation, the system of relations with the teacher, classmates and parents.

Readiness for literacy and math

Let's for a moment divide the single concept of readiness for learning into readiness to master literacy and readiness to master mathematics. This will help us to highlight the components of one and the other readiness, to see both their general and specific components.

Primary school poses a very difficult task for the child - mastering written speech, which arises on the basis of oral speech and represents a higher stage of speech development. Written speech, unlike oral speech, is formed only in conditions of purposeful learning, that is, mechanisms writing begin to take shape during the period of literacy and improve in the course of further education. In the future, the child will learn through reading and writing; in the very first year of his school life, he learns writing and reading proper, their most general and elementary foundations.

Writing and reading serve as basic skills, that is, skills on which practically all further education is built, which means that a child who has not mastered these skills on time and with high quality will certainly fall behind in school, and not only in the subject "Russian language". The success of his further education at school depends on how well the student masters reading and writing, since reading and writing disorders usually become the main reasons for the failure of younger students.

Successful mastery of reading and writing is impossible without a relatively high level of oral speech, the development of auditory-speech memory, the formation of prerequisites for mastering sound analysis, the development of a number of non-speech functions (visual and spatial perception, visual-motor coordination, general and fine motor skills), visual-figurative thinking, the beginnings of logical thinking, as well as a certain level of general (activity, personal) development of the child.

To successfully master the program in mathematics, a sufficiently high level of development of visual and spatial perception is required, visual-figurative thinking, the basics of logical thinking (including the operation of classification, finding the attribute by which the classification is made), visual-motor coordination, a certain level of pre-numerical representations.

You see how much in common there is in children's readiness to master language and mathematics!

Can be distinguished four main groups of readiness indicators to the successful mastering of language and mathematical literacy:

a) the level of general development corresponding to the age norm;
b) a sufficient degree of development of the series non-speech functions;
in) age-appropriate level of development of oral speech;
G) the child has intuitive pre-numeric representations.

In this article, we want to justify the parameters by which it is necessary to check future first-graders, draw your attention to the most significant moments in communicating with children, specify several conditions that must be met in order for the diagnostic results to be reliable. Especially for the teacher, the authors of the "Primary School of the XXI century" set developed a set of methods of pedagogical diagnostics. The techniques are simple in terms of the procedure for conducting and evaluating the results of implementation and do not require significant time costs.

Organization of pedagogical diagnostics

The proposed practical recommendations for the teacher to determine the readiness of children for school involve two interrelated stages. First stage - group survey, during which children work on the diagnostic forms offered to them. Second phase - individual examination when the teacher directly observes the activities of one child and writes down his oral answers. The advantage of a group (frontal) survey is not only a significant time saving, but also that you have the opportunity to observe children who find themselves in an unusual environment for them - in a new children's team in the absence of parents.

A mandatory and very difficult condition for the teacher to conduct pedagogical diagnostics is the teacher's refusal at this time from the position of the teacher and a temporary transition to the position of a person observing the work of children. This is perhaps the most great difficulty for the teacher - because you really want to intervene, help a little, hint at a different, right way to complete the task! But your task at the time of group diagnostics is to obtain reliable data on what and how the child can do on his own.

At the same time, one cannot limit oneself only to group work, since some parameters of readiness for learning are clarified only in a personal conversation with the child. An individual examination is best done the day after the group one.

Warn parents in advance about the upcoming individual interview so that they do not attribute this to the child's failure during group work. In no case do not tell the children about the mistakes made in the work, so as not to frighten them, reassure them by saying that they did a good job. Before conducting an individual examination, you should analyze the results of the group examination of the child, familiarize yourself with his medical record.

If you work without an assistant, the number of children in the group should not exceed 10-12 people.

    Lay out in advance on each desk the sheets with tasks necessary for examining children. Invite the children to sit at their desks one at a time. Prepare each child a set of crayons: red, blue, green, yellow, and plain.

    Before each task, make the necessary explanations in strict accordance with the instructions. No words "on my own", except for the text of the task set out in the instructions, do not need to be added, as this may violate the equality of conditions, the possibility of comparing the results of surveys. Read the assignment aloud, at an even and calm pace. You can repeat the text of the assignment if necessary, but do not deviate from the text.

    start work brief explanation: “Children, prepare sheets, pencils. I will read the tasks to you in order. If someone did not have time to complete the task, and I started reading another one, do not be discouraged, put it aside and calmly start working on a new task. Be careful. Listen to the first task.

    Move on to the next task only when you are sure that the majority of children (more than 75%) have completed the previous one. On average, no more than 3 minutes are given to complete each task. When moving on to reading the next task, warn about this with the words: "Listen to the next task." The total duration of the group survey should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Be sure to maintain confidentiality during work, friendly atmosphere don't express your dissatisfaction wrong actions children, do not point out mistakes, do not make value judgments, often say the words: “Very good”; "You are great"; "I see you're doing great."

    When conducting an individual examination, try to familiarize yourself with the child's medical record in advance. If the child has errors in performing group survey tasks, refer to these tasks again to find out the reasons for the errors.

    Arrange the materials necessary for the examination (task cards, sets of figures, objects, etc.) on your table in advance in a certain order.
    Before starting the conversation, give the child the opportunity to get used to the new environment and try to determine his condition (anxiety, lethargy, etc.).

    Observation data and the results of the child's tasks are immediately recorded on the sheet with tasks and in the survey form.

The total duration of an individual examination should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

The proposed survey includes the following sections:

- examination of the state of spatial perception;
- identification of the level of visual perception (the ability to convey the shape of an object);
- checking the level of mastery of the ideas underlying the account, the account itself (within 6), ideas about the operations of addition and subtraction;
– identifying a way to compare two sets by the number of elements;
- identifying the ability to classify and highlight the features by which the classification was made;
– examination of phonemic hearing and perception;
- examination of the formation of prerequisites for the successful mastery of sound analysis and synthesis;
– examination of the state of motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

You conduct pedagogical diagnostics not only in order to identify the level of development of the above skills in your future students, but also in order to outline a preliminary plan for overcoming each violation detected during the survey. In contrast to group diagnostics, tasks for individual diagnostics include special types of assistance to the child and some teaching methods. This makes it possible to see not only the level at which the child is at the moment, but, and this is the main thing, "the zone of his proximal development", that is, what the child can do with the help of an adult. Let us dwell on the content of the survey and on the criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks.

The content of instructions and tasks proposed for group work

Exercise 1

Target. Reveal the ability to convey the shape of a figure (draw an equal or similar figure, observing the proportions between the elements of the figure). In addition, the task allows you to judge the hardness of the child's hand, the ability to draw angles without rounding them, and straight line segments.

Task text."Look here ( the drawing for the task is indicated). Here you will complete the task. Inside the little frame you see a figure. Consider it on your sheets. Take a pencil. Draw a similar figure in a large frame "( the teacher draws a large box with a pointer).

Assessment of the assignment:

0 points- the general shape of the figure is not captured, but any closed line is depicted;
1 point– the proportions between the elements of the figure have been significantly changed; the general shape of the figure is poorly grasped;
2 points- a similar or equal figure is depicted, the proportions are slightly changed, but not all angles are straight, parallel lines are not everywhere observed. The same score is given if the general shape of the figure is well grasped, but the proportions between the elements of the figure are significantly changed, however, all angles are straight and parallelism is observed;
3 points- a similar or equal figure is depicted, the proportions between the elements of the figure are basically preserved.

If the figure is depicted with an unsteady hand, a minus sign is added to the score.

Task 2

Target. To identify the ability to navigate the plane (left, right, up, down). The ability to count cells is also checked.

Task text.“You will complete the task on the checkered part of your sheet ( indicates the place to complete the task). Find a black cell on the checkered field.

1. Take a red pencil, count four cells to the right from the black cell and paint over the fifth with a red pencil.

2. Take a blue pencil. From the red cell, step back down two cells and paint over the third with a blue pencil.

3. Take a green pencil and a cell located to the left of the blue one, one cell from it, paint over with a green pencil.

4. Take a yellow pencil. Count five cells up from the green cell and paint over the sixth with a yellow pencil.

Assessment of the assignment:

0 points- the student did not start the task; several cells are shaded, but their location does not correspond to the instructions;
1 point- only one item of the task was completed correctly, mistakes were made in the direction, recalculation of cells, and the beginning of the countdown;
2 points- 2-3 points of the task were completed correctly;
3 points- all tasks are completed correctly.

If the cells are poorly colored, a minus sign is added to the score.

Task 3

Target. Reveal the ability to select and perform the operation of addition and subtraction, correctly understand the text of the problem and move from a given number to the corresponding finite set of objects (circles, squares).

Task text."Here you will perform the third task ( indicate the place to complete task 3). Look at your sheets. Listen to the task.

1. There are 3 girls and 2 boys in the class (group) today. How many children are on duty in the classroom today? Draw as many circles as there are children in the classroom today. ( .)

2. There were 6 people in a passenger car. Two people got out of the car. Draw as many squares as there are people left in the car. ( Task text can be repeated)».

Assessment of the assignment:

0 points- there is an attempt to solve one problem, but the number of circles or squares is incorrect;
1 point- only one task is completed correctly, there are no attempts to complete the second task;
2 points- one task is completed correctly, there is an attempt to solve the second task, but the number of circles or squares is incorrect;
3 points Both tasks were completed correctly.

Task 4

Target. Reveal the ability to compare sets by the number of elements (regardless of counting skill).

Task text.“Find a drawing on your sheets that shows circles and triangles ( the figure for task 4 is indicated). Which is more: circles or triangles? If there are more circles, then draw another circle next to it. If a more triangles, then draw another triangle."

Assessment of the assignment:

0 points- the comparison was made incorrectly (one triangle is drawn);
3 points- the comparison is correct (one circle is drawn).

Task 5

Target. Reveal the ability to classify, find the signs by which the classification is made.

Task text."Consider these two drawings ( drawings for task 5 are indicated). On one of these drawings you need to draw a squirrel. Think about what picture you would draw it on. From the squirrel to this drawing, draw a line with a pencil.

Assessment of the assignment:

0 points- the task was not accepted, the line was not drawn;
1 point- the line is drawn incorrectly;
3 points- the line is drawn correctly.

Task 6

Target. Check the state of phonemic hearing, phonemic perception in the process of selecting pictures with a given sound in their names.

Task text.“Look at these pictures. You see, under them there are small circles. You need to name each picture yourself and, if there is a sound [s] in the name of the picture, cross out the circle under it. The first picture is the sun. In the word sun there is a sound [s], so you need to cross out the circle. Now get on with your assignment."

Completion score:

0 points- lack of differentiation of sounds [s] - [h], [s] - [c], [s] - [w] or complete rejection of the task;
1 point- the presence of errors (there is no differentiation of sounds [s] - [s]);
2 points- the sound is selected only from the position of the beginning of the word, there is no erroneous selection of other sounds;
3 points

Task 7

Target. Reveal the degree of mastery of sound analysis at the level of determining the number of sounds in a word.

Task text.“You see a house with three windows and pictures next to it. Each box is a sound in a word. Name all the pictures quietly and think which word has three sounds. Connect this picture with an arrow with a house.

Completion score:

0 points- complete lack of correspondence between the number of sounds in the word and the number of "windows";
2 points- the presence of errors in one sound (the word is marked wolf);
3 points- the correct execution of the task.

After conducting group work, the teacher will receive data on the level of formation of each child:

– spatial perception ( task 2);
- visual perception exercise 1);
- representations underlying the account, representations of addition and subtraction operations ( task 3);
– the ability to compare two sets by the number of elements ( task 4);
- the ability to classify objects, highlight the attribute by which the classification was carried out ( task 5);
- phonemic hearing and perception ( task 6);
- prerequisites for the successful mastery of sound analysis ( tasks 6, 7);
– fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination ( tasks 1, 2).

As you understand, the data of a group examination cannot be absolutely reliable, especially in the case of a low result (due to personality characteristics, the child may be confused in a new environment, he may have a headache that very day, he may be upset about something, etc.). P.). In addition, as you can see, in the process of conducting group work, you can only get minimum information about the state of speech development of children. Therefore, we suggest that you hold an individual meeting the next day to determine the level of speech development and clarify information about the readiness for school of those children who showed average and low levels according to the selected parameters.

The content of instructions and tasks for individual work

Identification of the state of phonemic hearing and perception

If, during task 6 of group work, the child made mistakes in identifying pictures whose names contain the sound [s], you must first offer him a series of more simple tasks, representing the early stages of the development of phonemic hearing and perception:

1) independently come up with a word with a given sound: “Come up with a word with the sound [s]”;

2) return to task 6 of the frontal examination and select pictures whose names contain the given sound.

Repeated performance of the task will determine the degree of learning for this parameter. First ask the child to name the picture. This will allow you to clarify whether the errors are related to the characteristics of perception or to the state of vocabulary child. If, when performing group work, the child marked only pictures in the names of which the sound [s] is in the initial position, tell him: “You chose these pictures correctly, but you missed some. Now listen - I will name the pictures again, and you will say whether there is a sound [s] in these words or not. Thus, we go down a “step” lower, offering the child to determine the presence of a sound, based not on his own pronunciation, but on the perception of the word by ear.

If, when performing group work, the child noted, along with the pictures, the names of which contain the sound [s], the pictures, the names of which contain the sounds [h], [w], also refer to the teaching moment: “You tried, but among the pictures that you chose , there are extra; now I will name all the pictures marked by you, and you will say whether there is a sound [s] in these words or not; you can repeat the words after me. When pronouncing words, intonationally highlight the sounds [s], [z], [w], thereby testing the child’s ability to differentiate sounds, based not only on their own pronunciation, but also on listening to the teacher’s intonation selection of sounds.

Be sure to mark on the examination form ( see at the end of the article) in the corresponding column, how the child coped with the task in the course of individual work. These data will help in teaching literacy.

Identification of the formation of prerequisites for the successful mastery of sound analysis and synthesis (clarification to task 7)

Determining the sequence of sounds in a word is one of the most complex forms of sound analysis, which appears only in the process of special training. Offering the child to cope with this task during the diagnostic examination, we check his maximum capabilities, facilitating the task by indicating the number of sounds.

Task: "In the word poppy- three sounds. Please name them in order.

If the child successfully copes with this task (hence, his mistakes in group work are associated with poor health on the day of the examination or with difficulties in understanding the instructions), you can not offer other tasks.

If the child is not doing well, offer extra help– enter graphic diagram words () and pronounce the word with a consistent intonation selection of sounds ( m-m-mac, ma-a-ak, poppy-to-to).

After each pronunciation, ask the child to name this sound and put a cross in the appropriate box. It is important to see the possibilities of the child in the learning situation.

If he is able to name a sound in isolation after intonational emphasis by his teacher, then we can expect a good learning ability of this student; if for the isolated pronunciation of a sound it is necessary for the teacher to pronounce the word three times with intonational sound isolation, then this is a signal of future difficulties in teaching this child, and if even after that the child is not able to name the sound in isolation, then the situation can be considered alarming, requiring you special attention and related corrective action.

Identification of the degree of mastery of reading skills

This task should be done with all the children, as usually children are taught to read in the family, and it is necessary to check the level at which the child is. Found out knowledge of letters, way of reading (letter by letter, syllabic, etc.), reading comprehension. For reading, offer the children simple texts from any "Primer".

Revealing the ability to compare sets by the number of elements

If the child made a mistake in performing task 4 in the frontal examination, ask him questions on the task he completed: “How did you know that there are more circles (triangles?”)

If the explanation is correct, the error may have been accidental and you can change the score by 2 points.

In case of an incorrect or no answer, give the child a simpler similar task (5 circles, 6 triangles) and ask: “What is more?” If the child completed the task and gave the correct explanation, he receives 1 point, which you enter on the survey form instead of the previous assessment.

Revealing the ability to classify

If the child made a mistake in performing task 5 in the frontal examination, it is necessary to find out why this happened. Ask the question: “Why did you draw a line from the squirrel to this drawing?” If the explanation is given by outward signs(“To have 5 in each picture” or “Birds and squirrels live on trees”) - this means that the child cannot yet classify based on essential features.

Analysis of results

During the survey, after completing each task, a quantitative score is assigned in accordance with the proposed grading system.

The result of the frontal and individual examination of children is the completion of the examination form ( attached at the end of the article). With the help of the data entered into it, it is easy to see the strengths and weak sides the readiness of each child. Of course, on the basis of such a diagnostic examination, it is impossible to make a long-term forecast, to solve once and for all the question of the language, mathematical and general abilities of the child, without taking into account the impact on his development of a specially thought-out system of education. At the same time, we believe that such a diagnosis has a prognostic value, allowing us to make a close prediction about the further course of the child's development, about those correctional and pedagogical means that need to be applied.

Let us analyze some options for performing tasks of group (frontal) and individual diagnostics and consider how this or that level of readiness for school can affect the success of education if the necessary adjustments are not made to the training program.

3 points set at a high level of development of this parameter. Such an assessment for most parameters indicates high level readiness children for learning. If a child has 3 points in most parameters, then his readiness can be considered high - in this case, it is necessary to offer an in-depth training program, to provide a system of more complex differentiated tasks. You will find such tasks on the pages of the textbook "Diploma" and in all other textbooks of the "Primary School of the XXI century" set.

2 points indicate an average level of development of the parameter, and the presence of 2 points for most indicators indicates average readiness level child for learning. Children who receive such marks are able to cope with most tasks on their own or with little help from you.

1 point put at low level development of any parameter, and such an assessment for most parameters indicates a low level of readiness for learning. Our many years of experience in examining and working with children with learning difficulties allows us to conclude that in practice there is a complex low readiness (that is, low readiness in a number of indicators) for mastering literacy and mathematics.

In children with a complex low readiness to master literacy, the following features can be noted: reduced phonetic hearing (1 point), low formation of prerequisites for mastering sound analysis and synthesis, which manifests itself in the fact that children not only do not know how to isolate a vowel sound when isolating a sequence of sounds in three-syllable words, but they cannot name it after the intonational emphasis of this sound by the teacher against the background of the whole word (1 point); these children have a lower vocabulary age norm, there are errors in the grammatical design of speech statements, orientation in space is reduced, the level of visual-motor coordination is low.

This picture allows us to conclude that these children are at high risk of difficulties in reading and writing (substitution of letters in reading and writing, calligraphic difficulties, errors at the sentence level), which requires significant adjustments to the teaching methodology. In the “Primary School of the XXI century” set, special tasks have been prepared for such students in the notebooks “I am learning to write and read” and “I am learning to count”.

A low level on certain parameters, such as impaired fine motor skills of the hand, also requires attention. If during the examination you revealed a violation of visual and spatial perception, then there is a high probability of letter substitutions when reading and writing. Therefore, in the course of training, it is necessary to offer this child special exercises.

Very rare, but it happens, for example, that a child good level general intellectual and speech development and only one parameter - the development of phonemic hearing - is noted low level. If this is not taken into account in the process of teaching literacy, this child may experience errors in replacing letters in reading and writing, which will subsequently lead to persistent violations of these processes.

We would like to say a few more words about the additional information that you can get in the process of completing all the tasks by the child. What is this information?

About the degree of independence of the child

Pay attention to how he will part with his parents at the door of the class, how he will behave alone with you, whether he performs tasks confidently or is always waiting for help, approval from you or from his parents.

About the level of activity, initiative

Is it easy for the child to start completing tasks, does he show interest in the environment, does he ask questions that are not related to the explanation of the task.

Communication with children and adults

A decrease in the level of sociability is manifested in the fact that the child looks away in a conversation, tries to stay as inconspicuous as possible, stands on the sidelines. See how children communicate with each other.

On the formation of the student's position

This will help determine the questions: “Do you want to go to school?”; “What do you think will be interesting at school?”; “Which is better to study - at home with mom or at school with a teacher?”

Additional information about children can be obtained by having a conversation with parents, during which you should get answers to questions about what the child is interested in, whether he wants to go to school, what games (activities) he prefers, whether he is independent, whether he can occupy himself while at home , or all the time looking for the company of adults, etc.

This information will help you from the first days of training to implement an individual approach to children, to determine the characteristics of your communication with each. For example, if a child has not yet formed the position of a schoolboy, it is not worth making demands on him from the first days to comply with school rules, build your communication within a strictly formal approach.

Do not expect that after the phrase you uttered: “Children, open notebooks,” this child will fulfill the requirement - he most likely will not perceive it in relation to himself. Therefore, it is advisable for you to add: “Everyone opens notebooks - both Kolya and Marinochka ...”

If, during the preliminary acquaintance, you notice that one of the children needs emotional support, do not wait until such children develop a "helplessness syndrome" - support them more often, instill in them confidence in their abilities, gradually accustoming them to independence. Of course, the initial observations will only serve as the beginning of your discovery of the "secrets" of the relationship with each student - they will be replenished with subsequent observations, but it is very important not to miss anything from the first school days.

We hope that all of the above has convinced you of the need to conduct pedagogical diagnostics before starting systematic training. Its results will help you in choosing a strategy and tactics for each child, in carrying out corrective and developmental work if necessary.

Survey Form

School ____________ class _______

Last name First name

Month, year of birth


* If, after an individual examination, the score is changed, in the "Notes" column you note, for example: "For task 4, the score was changed from 0 to 1."