The eternal problem: How to start losing weight? Examination before the procedure.

Most experts advise starting tuning the Opel Mokka by flashing the engine control unit. Further, based on the results of the operation performed, the owner can judge the need to refine one or another element of the machine. Let's try to figure out how to correctly perform chip tuning, as well as improve the appearance of a popular car model.

1 Chip tuning Opel - how to achieve high results

Among all known complete sets of Mokka, cars with an engine capacity of 1.8 liters and a power of 140 hp are in the highest demand among domestic buyers. With. Using this model as an example, we will consider the most affordable methods for upgrading the engine, interior and body of a car.

The Opel Mokka engine ECU is flashed to increase its power. In the process, the catalytic converter is switched off. As standard, Mokka 1, 8 is equipped with a Delphi ACDelco E83 or E78 ECU. To flash this block model, an adapter with an OBD II connector is used. Also for chip tuning we need:

  • screwdriver for removing the protective cover,
  • firmware version ACDelco E83.2, E83.5,
  • Windows XP laptop
  • Chiploader software,
  • K-line adapter.

Re-flashing the ECU of the Opel Mokka engine We recommend to read

  • simple methods external model upgrade
  • – simple steps on the way to perfection
  • - try not to overdo it!
  • best practices tuning a popular model
  • - excellent solutions for self-transformation of the model.
  • – we improve the exterior, not forgetting about cross-country ability

First, we dismantle the protective overlay of the engine ECU of the machine. It is under the steering wheel of the car. We unscrew the four fasteners and remove the protection. Next, we pull out the block and connect the K-Line adapter to it. Download the latest firmware for the unit and install the Chiploader program. After that, we connect the second end of the adapter to the laptop and start chip tuning our Opel Mokka.

The first step is to read the ECU with the Chiploader program. On average, this operation takes the computer at least an hour. Therefore, do not be nervous if you notice a stop of the running loading line at any of the reading stages. After the laptop has loaded all the data from the factory Mokka ECU, we proceed to install the firmware we downloaded. To do this, we calibrate the parameters available to us. Special attention it is worth paying attention to reducing the reaction time of the gas pedal, increasing engine power, increasing torque. Also do not forget to adjust the throttle response of the engine to initial speeds. next step do-it-yourself chip tuning will save the settings and start flashing. It takes approximately 30–40 minutes to install the new utility.

Chiploader program

Do not forget that chip tuning is performed only when the car's ignition is on. During the operation, it will turn off several times, and then start again. You don't have to worry about it - that's the way it should be.

When the loading line new firmware turns green, turn off the car ignition and disconnect the adapter from the computer. We install the block in place and fasten the protective pad. The next step is to test the car. With a well-executed chip tuning, you will immediately notice changes in the operation of the engine. First, the torque will increase. Secondly, the car will accelerate a few seconds faster. And thirdly, the operation of the checkpoint in the initial gears is stabilized.

2 Body kit on Mokka - what determines the choice of parts

The most efficient transformation method appearance the car will be installing body kits. A set of parts for the Opel Mokka model costs around 15–25 thousand rubles. Agree, the money is rather big, so in order not to overpay, you should approach the choice of body kits very carefully.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the material from which the tuning elements are made. There can be two options - plastic or metal. Plastic body kits are used if the driver does not leave the city and operates the car on flat road. If the owner of the Opel Mokka lives in a suburb where bad and good road surfaces alternate, then you should think about buying metal body kits. They are more durable, withstand significant loads under pressure and do not deform under mechanical stress.

Metal body kits for Opel Mokka Once you have decided on the material of the tuning parts for your Opel and have found a suitable kit, you can begin the installation. Anyone can do it, as the kit includes the necessary fasteners and instructions. Parts can be mounted either with the help of latches, or by cutting and grinding the lower part of the car body. The second method is more expensive and dangerous, because if you make a mistake, you will no longer be able to return the original appearance of your car.

The snap-on installation method is less dangerous and therefore best suited for beginners. To perform tuning, you do not need to make fasteners or cut off the Opel body. It is enough to take the body kit and connect it to the body. Throughout the top of the element there is a groove through which the part is connected to the threshold or front of the machine. To open the groove, carefully push its edges apart with your hands and apply it to the part of the car for which the part is intended. After we put on the body kit, it is worth checking the reliability of its fastening. The part should sit as clearly as possible on the Mokka body and not stagger on it.

3 Refinement of the interior of the people's foreign car

Opel Mokka is quite justifiably referred to as the favorites of the domestic buyer. This model, together with the Ford Fiesta, Ford Focus and Kia Ceed, ranks first among the most popular foreign cars in Russia. And there are many reasons for this, the main of which is a comfortable interior. The interior of Mocca consists of the most useful additions, there are practically no unnecessary elements and appliances in it. pleasant surprise for the domestic buyer will be powerful acoustic system inside the car, complemented by high-quality sound insulation. But there are also those elements that have to be finalized on their own. These include interior lighting.

A car with a comfortable interior The regular ceiling in the cockpit of the Opel Mokka is initially not able to shine with the required brightness. It's all about the light bulb and the wrong connection of its contacts. This problem can be solved by replacing the bulb and reconnecting the standard lighting to the cigarette lighter. After that, the plafond will shine much brighter. For tuning, we need pliers, with which we will disconnect the wiring of the ceiling; additional relay and new terminals. If you want to make interior lighting more spectacular, you can also connect blue or red LEDs.

Tuning a regular ceiling in the cockpit of a car So, for starters, turn off the standard light bulb and unscrew the cover. Next, we remove the standard light bulb, and instead install a new lighting fixture for the Opel Mokka. We connect the wires to the light bulb and leave everything in this position. You need to move part of the wiring to connect it to the cigarette lighter. To do this, take the pliers and carefully remove the wires from the front of the floor of the car (in some places it will be necessary to lift the trim). Next, we stretch the wires to the cigarette lighter and connect the relay with terminals to it. We connect the wiring to the terminals and check the connection. A new lamp may not light up immediately after being turned on. It depends on the device manufacturer. If after one minute the lamp still does not light up, it is worth checking the condition of the terminals and wiring. If necessary, clean the ends of the electrical channels and reconnect them to the terminals.

LED lamps are also placed inside the ceiling on the sides of the main lamp. They can be connected through a separate relay to the ignition switch or to the Opel Mokka wiper power supply.

Every person dreams of achieving something in life, so he strives to do everything necessary to get a chance. From the early childhood everyone is told that you need to study hard in order to get good marks and then get a job Good work. And many follow these instructions. At school, they study for one five and graduate with honors, then enter prestigious university and they spend everything free time to be the best and, as a result, get a red diploma. And after that they get a job in order to gradually organize their career growth.

After all, what else is needed? You have all the knowledge that could give you modern system education, you have a well-developed all-round thinking, your intelligence differs from the background of the majority. But the increase does not come, no one wants to increase the salary, and you can only follow in in social networks for how the threesomes and truants get the highest positions, earn huge money and live without any problems.

What's the matter? It turns out you don't think well enough to be successful. You need to act. How to get started? This is what will be discussed in this article. You will be able to find out exactly what steps you need to take in order to succeed. So if you want to know how to get started, then this article is for you!

Importance of Action

But what's the matter? Why are all these people who were no match for you at school and university, now achieving much more than you? As you already understood, the problem lies in the actions, or rather, the presence of actions in these people and the absence of them in you. That is why you need to figure out how to start acting, and not just think, plan, demonstrate the vastness of your knowledge and the improbability of intelligence.

The point is that in modern world, where all information is available on the Internet, each person can read a dozen books and show himself as a very smart interlocutor and valuable employee. But in reality, actions decide everything, and even if a person is not very erudite, but full of energy and ready to do decisive steps at any moment, he will be able to achieve more than the person who hesitates to do this, but at the same time is proud of his intellect. So it's time to learn how to get started.

Decision time

You should understand once and for all that you need to start acting right now, without any delay. It is your indecision, constant hesitation and thoughts about what will be better and what is worse that do not allow you to move on. Very often in such situations you spend too much time analyzing what is happening and choosing the right approach, but in the modern world everything changes very quickly, and there will always be someone who dares to do it faster than you. Or the task will simply cease to be relevant.

In general, one way or another, you need to do something about it, and the easiest method is to set some kind of deadline for making decisions. This should be a date after which there will be no room for reflection. You must make a decision without any hesitation. If you want to know how to start making changes in your life, then you should at least do this. However, it is safe to say that one step will not be enough for you, so it is better to stock up on several methods at once that will help you in this difficult endeavor.

small steps

If you have already realized that it is time for you to stop living the way you live, and really want to figure out how to stop thinking too much and start acting, then you should not try to solve the problem in one big step. This will only lead to stress and frustration.

Of course, you most likely want to immediately achieve incredible success, but it is worth judiciously assessing real situation affairs. Therefore, do not try to aim at something big, it is better to start with small ones, but important steps. Try every day to replace your thoughts about what great deeds you could do with some, at least small actions that will develop activity in you and gradually bring you closer to your goal. This is another point that will allow you to figure out how to stop thinking too much and start taking action. But there is still a lot of work ahead of you.


When you are trying to figure out how to stop thinking and start acting, it can be very stressful for you, because this takes you out of the so-called comfort zone. For each person, this comfort zone is individual, and if you are reading this article, then for you, most likely, it is peace and an opportunity to think and reflect. Accordingly, you will have to expose your body to stress when you act, and not think. So you need to relax and not let stress take over.

Naturally, getting started is a big step, so don't think it will be easy for you. But you should not give up in any case, so relaxing is very good advice, which will greatly facilitate your life and the transition from thinking to accomplishments.

Recording plans

When a person wants to take action, effective ways, which have been tested by many people, can be very useful to him. For example, keeping a diary is a popular way that will allow you to be much more efficient. How? All you need to do is write down the plans that you have made for a certain day, and then try to fulfill them.

When you write something down on paper, it ceases to be an abstract thought in your head. It becomes a real diary entry, and if it is a plan, then you have to follow it, otherwise it will remain a black spot on paper. Accordingly, keeping records allows you to significantly increase your efficiency in moving from thoughts to accomplishments. And so you can quickly figure out how to get started. The methods, of course, do not end there, and you can come up with many more ways that will allow you not to live with dreams in your head, but to realize these dreams in practice.


Many people who rely solely on their intelligence feel that they do not need training because brute force nothing to help them in their endeavors. However, this is a very big misconception, because in fact, sport is far from just a way to build muscle. You can start, in principle, with the muscles themselves, since their presence gives you much more possibilities in life, and also allows you to look more attractive.

But how exactly can training affect your ability to perform? The point is that the essence physical education It's not just about building muscle mass. Sport stimulates all processes in the body, it makes you healthier, more vigorous, your body has much more energy, which means that you will be motivated to do things.

Motivational books

Another point that you should pay attention to is specialized literature. Now the genre motivational books is very common, and many writers try to convey to people a variety of methods in a particular field of activity. Naturally, there are also books that will allow you to learn to think less and act more.

Many people think that this is a waste of time and money, and it really is, if you manage to achieve your goal without any problems. But if you are experiencing difficulties such as this case, the inability to move from thinking to action, then the advice of an experienced specialist can become decisive factor. You can gain knowledge that you can use to own development, you will learn techniques that will allow you to spend less time thinking and act faster and more efficiently.


Another aspect that you need to develop in yourself is spontaneity. All your decisions are usually very thoughtful, you spend thinking great amount time, you can’t get down to business if you haven’t planned it from start to finish. However, as you already understand, this will not allow you to go far in life, since there will always be those people who will not be as smart and educated as you, but at the same time will make decisions instantly, taking away all your chances. Therefore, it has already been said above that you need to set deadlines for important decisions and it is obligatory to accept them when the period of reflection expires.

But it will be much better to practice it in more extreme conditions and this is where spontaneity comes in handy. For such a practice, it is better to choose not too important goals that won't affect your life. The bottom line is to make spontaneous decisions as often as possible, over which you will not spend a single second thinking. Yes, the result will not always be positive, but it will help you develop your decision-making speed, which is very important. important parameter in any modern man and is often valued even more than quality decisions taken over which they meditate for days and weeks.

Heart to heart conversation

And finally, you should definitely find a person with whom you can talk heart to heart, that is, someone who will tell you about your behavior from the outside, help with advice and tell you exactly when you should more attention Focus on action, not thought. In any endeavor regarding changes in your life, it is worth having a friend with whom you can talk and discuss what is happening to you.


Well, now you understand that modern life It is very important to be able to act, not just think. High level intelligence is very good, but thinking will not do your job for you, which would allow you to move on. Actions produce results, so you need to pay much more attention to them.

Lose excess weight dreams of any person inclined to fullness. However, reluctance to develop complex, lengthy diets or excuses for not having enough time to visit gyms do not get rid of unnecessary fat on the sides. Many have no idea where to start losing weight at home in order to quickly, effectively part with life-spoiling fullness. The answer is simple - balanced diet and sports. These two components of the system healthy lifestyle life will help you easily tighten your figure and lose weight, without looking up from everyday affairs.

How to start losing weight at home

The first step on the way to the desired slim figure is the development of an action plan. Every man or woman who wants to lose weight needs to set themselves the task of how many centimeters and kilograms they need to lose. However, we should not forget that you should not approach the problem radically and completely refuse food. Lost weight can return in double the amount. In order to lose weight correctly, you should remember about sports activities. It must be gradually eliminated from the diet.

Weigh yourself in the morning. During the day, body weight changes: the lowest in the morning, increases in the evening. You will get an accurate result if you always weigh yourself at the same time (preferably after waking up). Remember that during the premenstrual period, the body accumulates water, which provokes swelling.

Keep your bowels in good shape. Those who follow a low-calorie diet often suffer from. To prevent the problem, drink a glass of still water or green tea before every meal. Eat more fruits, berries and vegetables.

Don't blame yourself for the weight you've gained. Every incident has a cause and effect. The main thing is not what happened before, but what you are doing now to fix the problem.

Without an integrated approach, even the most balanced diet will not bring you the desired result.

Proper weight loss = an integrated approach

It's hard to imagine yourself right without physical activity. The result in this case will be relative - just from one weight category you, in best case, you will smoothly move to another, because to give the forms a tone and relief and at the same time tighten the skin without playing sports, unfortunately, is unrealistic. But even if you obediently followed all the instructions of a nutritionist and fitness trainer, without working on your mental attitudes, it will be difficult (if not impossible) to maintain the perfection you have achieved.

Many psychologists say: the root of food addiction is in dislike for your body. Most of us are not interested: what is our body like, what does it really need? We only strive to make it the way we want, to fit our own (or someone else's) ideas about beauty. Meanwhile, to enjoy your body allows you to physical activity: favorite sport, long walks, etc. Do something that you have long wanted to try to do, but did not dare because of dissatisfaction with yourself. When you see what you can do your body listens - respect for him will increase.

The problem of getting rid of excess weight must be approached comprehensively. Work in three directions: adjusting the diet, physical exercise, positive internal installations. This approach is very effective, and the hated body fat will have absolutely no chance! Lost kilograms will go away and will not return - not five, not fifty.

And the confidence in own forces will remain forever, because work on oneself never goes unnoticed.

Effective weight loss starts in the head

Our body is controlled by the mind, and not vice versa. And until you put things in order in your own head, breakdowns in the diet are unlikely to be avoided. Psychologists identify such main causes of overeating.

sweet therapy.
Eating stress with cakes and chocolate, you may alleviate your condition. But not for long. Better fill your life with non-food positivity. A morning run in the park or a successful shopping trip will save you from gloomy disposition spirit

imposed stereotypes.
The weight loss industry is very profitable business. Here the mass media impose on us the image of an anemic young lady with an underdeveloped figure of a teenager. But what do you care about that? A few decades ago, the canons of beauty were radically different from today's, and even now, many cultures extol the cheerful plump. single standard does not exist! Do not strive to become like everyone else - appreciate your individuality!

Sometimes excess weight signals ... disbelief in one's own strength. Gaining pounds, we seem to expand the zone of our personal space. Pamper your body, for example, with massage and pedicure - taking care of the body, we begin to love it more, become more confident.

Body memory.
Proved: on genetic level our physical "I" carries the information of four generations. The sad experience of ancestors who suffered hunger and deprivation can affect us, forcing us to eat too much, even if in real life and did not go hungry.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

A healthy rate of weight loss is 0.5 to 1 kg per week. The process cannot be forced, otherwise you risk getting health problems. very important and right exit from the diet. Losing weight, you burn fat deposits, but the cells in which they accumulate remain. And if, after a course of weight loss, you return to the usual way of eating, then soon you will “acquire” your previous weight again. The body "does not like" to lose energy reserves and replenishes them at any opportunity. There is only one way to avoid this trap, called the yo-yo effect: do not go back to the previous size of portions, because during the diet your stomach has become accustomed to a smaller amount of food consumed. It is better to take care of its quality, eat slowly and chew more thoroughly.

Taming the Appetite

Forbidden fruit is sweet - diet addicts know this better than anyone else. How to overcome cravings for junk food?

As a rule, tasty, but harmful high-calorie foods cause appetite.

And weaning ourselves from them is not so easy. Efforts to re-educate appetite are somewhat similar to the struggle with alcohol or nicotine addiction. To begin with, try to leave the store without the desired product, but at the same time be sure to find a useful replacement for it (for example, if it is a muffin, replace it with bread with honey). Of course, at the first stage it will be difficult for you, there will certainly be breakdowns. But in a month you will lose interest in gastronomic temptations, and the taste of their healthy substitutes will become your favorite.

Another way to tame your appetite is to eat your favorite treat to the point of "I can't." The next day, observe moderation in food, and then go on a diet. It is advisable to do this after 24 hours (water and green tea with honey are allowed). Psychologists say that for the formation new habit 21 days are needed. And the excess that you allowed the day before will strengthen this habit in the best possible way.

Helpful Diet Tips

Stop beating yourself up for dieting or skipping sports training: most of the girls who have successfully lost weight admit that they achieved results through trial and error.

Avoid hard limits- do not exclude absolutely all your favorite goodies from your menu. Nutritionists believe that better times a week to treat yourself to a small piece of homemade cake (there will be no harm to the waist from this), than to gobble up a whole store-bought cake in an attack of “anti-diet” mood. Use our tips, and the diet process will go much more fun, and most importantly, it will delight you with excellent results.

clear the space! When chips, salty nuts and sweet cookies “look at you” from the shelves, it’s hard to resist the temptation. Get rid of all these harmful provocateurs, and put muesli, kefir, vegetables and cereals in a prominent place - from now on they will best friends your figure!

Find an incentive. Remember this anecdote: the condemned are seated on electric chair, but it doesn't fit. The execution is postponed, strictly ordering him to lose weight. However, a month later it turns out that he ... recovered. They give the poor fellow another month - and he stops going through the door. "Why haven't you lost weight?" they ask. - “There is not enough incentive ...” Of course, the execution does not threaten you, but if there are unresolved psychological problems, any cardinal changes in life are subconsciously associated with danger. That is why "obvious" incentives (beauty, health) do not always work. If this is your case, dig deeper. Perhaps an unfulfilled dream will help keep yourself in shape?

Start today! Believe me, you own all the days of the week, and Monday is no better than any of them. Whatever you have planned - a new anti-cellulite program, a diet, going to a fitness club - don't put it off until tomorrow, until Monday, until next life. You're losing weight for yourself, not for "that guy," and that's why you are responsible just in front of you. self-deception - main enemy any undertakings. Be objective!

Habit is second nature. Many people know about this because they experience it for themselves. In the matter of forming and nurturing a new, good habit, the most important thing is to start, because often all undertakings end on the same Monday that they began. Mark Twain famously said, “There is nothing easier than quitting smoking – I have done it dozens of times myself.” The same can be said about many who dream of throwing off a couple of extra kilos (or a couple of dozen, it doesn’t matter here). If your head with enviable regularity is visited by the thought “tomorrow I start to lose weight”, then this article is for you!

In general, when you answer yourself the question of when it is better to start losing weight, you need to forget about the words “Monday” and “tomorrow”.

This is all a big and advancing excuse with enviable regularity. You can start at any moment, even now, and all “breakfasts” lead to anecdotal situations: “In the evening, when I fall asleep, there is an inscription on my wall: “Tomorrow I will start running in the morning! In the morning I wake up and sigh with relief: “Well, it’s good that tomorrow, not today!”

So, where to start losing weight for a woman. The most logical thing to do in the first place is to decide on a goal. This means that it is better to set yourself specific deadlines and a specific number of "kege" that you want to get rid of. Do not make one of the main mistakes of many women who set themselves the goal of losing weight by the summer (New Year, corporate, etc.). This is fraught with disruptions, if not before the scheduled date, then certainly after.

Drawing up a plan is not a work for a minute, but by working on it, you will understand how to psychologically tune in to losing weight. You should not set a goal from the series: "minus 20 kg in 6 months", it is very vague. Make up specific plan actions for a day, a week, a month... Then its implementation will certainly lead to the intended result.

No motivation anywhere

When a woman decides to lose weight, very often it is the question “where to start?” confuses her. After she sets a goal and decides for herself the approximate time frame for achieving it, she needs to decide on motivation. Perhaps there is nothing more important in the psychology of losing weight, because losing weight without motivation is almost impossible.

Why would a chubby nibble on a carrot and cook spinach in a double boiler for three different ways if the husband is already looking at her with loving eyes? Why would a strong stocky girl, "blood with milk", begin torturing herself in the gym, if she sincerely loves herself for who she is? It is these ladies who often complain on various forums: “I’m starting to lose weight and I’m breaking down,” crying out: “help me start losing weight.” And no one will help if they do not decide for themselves that they REALLY need it.

Every woman who, it would seem, has firmly decided to pull herself together, should mentally put her real self, with all the folds and imperfections, on one scale, and her future self, slender and invariably prettier because of this (and it will be so, if you follow the rules). The more desirable mental image the greater the chance of a successful start. Visualization helps a lot of people to properly tune in to losing weight - creating a new one in their thoughts. Imagine everything: your updated wardrobe, admiration in the eyes of men, compliments from colleagues, and believe me: this is absolutely real!

Changing eating habits

In the ranking bad advice on the request "how to start losing weight for a woman" in the first place, you can put a sharp restriction of yourself in calories. Usually this is done by girls and women, to whom you give everything at once. They can rustle wrappers for months chocolates, and then they want to get rid of the appeared tummy and voluminous hips in a week. But miracles happen more often in fairy tales than in life, so it is best to approach the issue with scientific point vision. Do not make the daily caloric content below 1200 kcal, it is dangerous for health! Yes, you will get with such a diet quick result, but the body will recover after such a shake-up for a very long time. And yes, then he will more than compensate you for everything that you did not give him, in the form of fat deposits on the sides and hips.

Science answers the question of where to start losing weight like this: get yourself a food diary. This will be your first step. Let it be an ordinary notebook or a notebook specially bought for this purpose, the main thing is that you are not too lazy to write down when, what and how much you ate. Not missing an apple as a snack, a caramel latte from Coffee Like, and even more so a cutlet after midnight for the company of a cat.

Keeping a food diary is very important. psychological reception. Firstly, it will allow you to analyze what you eat and at what hours it is more difficult for you to fight hunger. And secondly, you will be simply ashamed to write down your dense four-course dinner there, not counting dessert.

So, we figured out how to tune in to losing weight: we define the goal, decide what we need all this for, figure out how our food diary will look like (by the way, these do not have to be entries - these may well be photos on the phone or recordings dictated into a voice recorder). The next step is to create your personalized menu. More precisely, not even a menu, but a list of products that are better to refuse for the time of losing weight, as well as those that can be consumed occasionally. If you do not set yourself strict prohibitions, your psyche will not suffer from deprivation and will not revolt you in the form of a breakdown.

The answer to the cherished question “how to start losing weight correctly” may sound like this: love water. if you make a habit of drinking a glass of clean water 20 minutes before each meal drinking water you will fill up much faster. Also from a glass warm water(and not with strong coffee at all) you need to start every day after waking up.

The main thing is support

Of course, it happens that despite all this knowledge, facts and incentives, determination is still not enough, and the diet ends the next day. Losing weight doesn't start from the moment you buy a gym membership or go to a nutritionist, it starts from the head. Therefore, it is most likely useless to advise the latest diet to a friend who endlessly repeats how she wants to lose weight and does not know where to start. If she can find true support in anyone, it is in herself.

To force yourself to start losing weight, you need to forbid yourself once and for all to seize resentment with donuts, you need to make it your motto "I eat in order to live, and I do not live in order to eat."

Of course, you need to talk separately about how to start losing weight after childbirth. The most important thing is that the young mother during this period should not be subject to the so-called post-natal depression, otherwise the diet will only aggravate her condition. As a rule, losing weight associated with pregnancy and childbirth is not so difficult. Nature here, as a rule, itself does not prevent a woman from losing weight.

Universal advice for all beginners to lose weight: enlist the support of loved ones. It would be nice if my mother didn’t start dissuading me from the diet, saying that “everything is fine anyway,” and my husband stopped ordering pizza at home.

Where to start losing weight? Opinions of nutritionists

What do experts say about this topic? Below we give advice from popular nutritionists, how can you still start losing weight correctly and without harm to the psyche and health?

Margarita Koroleva wrote the book “Lose Weight Forever”, where the author expressed confidence that, having only determined for herself clear objectives and having a strong incentive, you can successfully deal with overweight. She asks her readers to decide on the questions "to lose weight or not to lose weight" and "if to lose weight, then why."

To lose weight forever, according to Margarita Koroleva, is possible if you combine fractional diet food, regular, but not burdensome physical activity and physiotherapy procedures (wrap, massage, and so on). She advises beginners to lose weight in any case not to starve, not to be thirsty and not to succumb to stress.

Alexey Kovalkov is even more uncompromising about starvation diets. He is against a sharp restriction of the volume of food eaten, as he believes that this leads to irreversible psychological changes. The doctor is sure that in order to start losing weight, you need to understand the reason why overweight appeared just for you; realize your responsibility for the figure that the scales show below you and correctly and specifically formulate your goals, taking into account the long-term perspective.

Have a good start! Remember: every journey starts with the first step!