Poems dedicated to subject teachers. Congratulations to the chemistry teacher

Last call- it's both happy and sad. Joyful for what's behind school days, painstaking study, ninth or eleventh grade, but still sad at heart from parting with teachers and friends. Exams are ahead, which largely depend on which path you will follow in your life. Experiences ahead, admission to educational establishments. But while the last bell rings, it drives away all troubles and hardships. Teachers also root for you, as do your parents, and relatives and close people. Let's congratulate them in prose from the bottom of our hearts on this solemn day - the last call, and express our gratitude to the subject teachers, make an identical and sincere thanksgiving speech for them. If you cannot express your gratitude in your own words, we will help you with this.

Congratulations to the teacher of Russian language and literature

The last call is not only a farewell to the school. Despite the fact that exams and graduation are ahead of us, today's holiday is an excellent occasion to thank our beloved teachers, as well as refresh all the knowledge that, thanks to their professionalism and sensitivity, will help to pass the most important school test and become a springboard to a new life. One of these teachers is undoubtedly a teacher of the Russian language and literature. Thank you so much for teaching us how to love native language be proud of its beauty and wide variety. You helped us feel the depth immortal works and really enjoy them. deep meaning and vitality. You taught us to express our thoughts correctly and to navigate freely in literary world. Thank you very much, because without this knowledge we now simply cannot imagine our lives.

Words of gratitude to the teacher of algebra and geometry

One of the most important disciplines for every student is algebra and geometry. Thanks to them, we learn not only to perform various operations with numbers, to navigate in the construction geometric shapes and their corners, but we also begin to better understand the space around us, learn to think logically and increase our IQ. Today, under the farewell bell of the last bell, we are beginning to fully realize the invaluable work that you have invested in us, our dear teacher, the importance of the knowledge gained and huge role exact sciences in the life of every person who strives to achieve success in this life. Thank you for your patience, kindness and sincere love to the subject. We will try to please you at the upcoming final exams and promise not to lose the knowledge gained from you in the upcoming new life.

Congratulations to the English teacher

The modern world is hard to imagine without constant communication and interaction different peoples. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of English language who helps people different nationalities communicate fully. This became possible for us thanks to high professionalism our esteemed English teacher. The last bell, which precedes the farewell to the school, gives us a great opportunity to express our deep gratitude to our teacher. You helped us expand the horizons of communication, knowledge and increase the level of cultural enrichment. Thank you very much for your invaluable work and desire to convey your wide knowledges. We are confident that we will pass the final exams with honors, largely thanks to your high professionalism.

Congratulations to the chemistry teacher

Today's holiday, the Last Bell, gives us a great opportunity to thank the teacher who helped us master one of the most important items, revealing the essence of things - chemistry. Thank you very much for revealing to us the amazing secrets of the structure. various substances and their compounds, for unforgettable experiments during which we were able to feel like magicians, for helping us understand how a small test tube can fit the whole world from molecules and atoms. We are immensely grateful to you for your patience, huge love to the discipline taught and incredible professionalism. On the eve of the upcoming final exams, we want to promise you to show the maximum of our knowledge and try very hard not to let you down.

Wishes for the last call to the physics teacher

The last bell has come, which means that soon we will have not only exams, but also a graduation party, symbolizing parting with the school and our beloved teachers, so today we want to express our deep gratitude to our dear teachers and, in particular, the teacher of physics. Thanks to those invaluable knowledge that you put into our heads, we know why we stand firmly on our feet, we understand that the creation of electricity is no less exciting process than the birth of a new life and that atomic Energy created not to destroy people, but to serve for the benefit of man. These and other discoveries have become some of the most amazing in our lives. The knowledge that you were able to convey to us will help not only to successfully pass the examination tests, but also simplify the solution of the tasks that life will set before us.

Thanksgiving speech for geography teacher

Our beloved parents, when they brought us to the first grade, showed us how to navigate the school, but the geography huge planet, called Earth helped us master our dear geography teacher. Thank you for opening before us not only various cities and countries, but also the mysterious depth of the oceans and the vast breadth of the continents. There is no place on our planet to which we would not make an imaginary journey under your sensitive guidance. We will try very hard to please you with our results in the upcoming exams and carry through life all the invaluable knowledge that we have received thanks to you.

Congratulations to the history teacher

There is not a single person who would imagine his future and the future of his country without knowledge of history. We try to learn from the mistakes and achievements of our ancestors, which we learn about thanks to our dear history teacher. Today, on the day of the Last Bell, we sincerely want to thank you not only for being perfectly oriented in what happened many years ago, but also for the opportunity to be proud of the history of our country, its numerous heroic victories, unsurpassed minds and people, like you, selflessly devoted to their country. We know that we also participate in the creation of history, so we will try to leave only a bright mark in it and start small - we will pass the exams with excellent marks.

Thank You Speech to a Biology Teacher

The last call opens the door to a new life for us, future graduates. After passing the exams, we will dive into unknown world new acquaintances, fresh knowledge and stone jungle. It will all be bright and amazing, just like our biology lessons. Thank you so much to our dear biology teacher for making the world of wildlife and plants around us more understandable, close and dear, for helping us, our students, feel like part of an incredible and amazing community of living beings and delve into the intricacies of their existence . We will try to put all these feelings and knowledge into practice during the exams and always remember you with respect.

Wishes to the teacher of labor

Today, thanks to the Last Call, we are provided with great opportunity express my deep gratitude to our esteemed labor teachers. This subject is undoubtedly one of the most important, because on it we learned that with our own hands you can create things necessary in everyday life, learned how to cook deliciously and sew beautifully. Thank you very much, our dear teachers for golden hands and bright heads who were able to convey important knowledge to us and taught the trowels to use various household tools. We are sure that these skills will be useful to us in the future and we will always remember you with gratitude and love.

Teacher of social studies and sociology

The last call is not only saying goodbye to school, waiting for exams and High school prom, it is also an opportunity to evaluate your knowledge, to realize how much teachers have invested in us. One of these teachers, of course, is a teacher of social studies. This subject and your competent attitude to teaching it helped us to correctly place life priorities, taught to navigate the ornate nooks and crannies of the law and developed the ability to stand up for themselves. We are very grateful to you for your sensitivity, attention and deep knowledge in the subject being taught. We are confident that this knowledge will serve us well not only in exams, but in later life.

Appreciation speech for physical education teacher

We all know that the full development of a person includes not only deep knowledge, but also physical health, therefore, today, under the melodic ringing of the last bell, I especially want to thank our esteemed physical education teacher. Without your professionalism and love for the subject taught, we would not be able to grow up physically developed people. You instilled in us a love for sports, told us about the importance of thinking ahead and showed us how important it is to strive to achieve top results. We promise you that the desire to win will burn brightly in us not only at the final exams, but also in a new, so exciting, life.

Words of gratitude to the teacher OBZH

Today, on the day of the last call, we can say with confidence that we are ready to leave our native school walls and plunge into the sometimes dangerous adult world. We do it easily and boldly, because we are perfectly able to take care of ourselves and know how to act correctly in any, even the most difficult situation. This became possible thanks to the invaluable knowledge that we received in the lessons of life safety. Thanks to our dear teacher for understanding that there is a way out of any difficult situation, for the ability to stand up for yourself and help others in emergency for the ability to quickly navigate in a changing environment. We know that we can take care of ourselves and keep the presence of mind, including at such a serious test as final exams.

The profession of a teacher deserves the greatest respect. Like a doctor preventing the destruction of the body, the teacher prevents the destruction of individuality, intellect and inner world child. FROM ancient Russia and to this day teachers in primary school, class teachers and subject teachers carried with them a persistent collective image of a teacher: at the same time strict and patient, smart and tolerant, experienced in his subject and objective in relation to children, with a sense of humor, the ability to interest and find individual approach to every student. In Soviet films, in good old songs and in short poetry famous poets young or experienced teachers are always beautifully outlined with the kindest and most bright side. Even modern children's poems about teachers express only deep respect and low bow to all reasonable teachers.

Read some beautiful, comic or tear-jerking poems from our selection - remember your distant childhood and your beloved first teacher!

Short and beautiful poems about favorite teachers

Experienced, wise and solid teachers do not become immediately. Everyone starts insecure, timid and young. Just think how much beautiful poems about beloved young teachers is captured in the treasuries of Russian classical and modern poetry. And short funny quatrains, and long lyrical laudatory odes. All of them in the brightest colors describe hard way young graduate of a pedagogical university to the honorary title of "professor". Having plunged into reading short and beautiful poems about your favorite teachers, you can learn a lot of new and previously unknown things for yourself, on the other hand look at the respected ancient profession, learn to respect the complex everyday work of all teachers.

The most beautiful poems about favorite teachers for children and adults

Reach out to every heart
Those whom you choose to teach
And the secret door will open
To the souls of those whom I could love!

And some overslept boy
Late for the first lesson
And a naughty girl in the past
Invite to the last call!

And many more years will pass
Maybe someone's fate
And the pain and hardships will disappear,
Stop shooting everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be weekdays of study
And the answers are at the blackboard,
Peace without violence and without malice,
And donated rose petals!

Teacher! What a wonderful word.
It is our life and light and basis.
Shines for us as a guiding star
And leads into the world of new knowledge.

Teacher! What a lofty word!
We repeat it over and over.
Our senior comrade, our sincere friend.
He is the key that opens the fount of science!

You can learn everything in life
Implement many new ideas
But a teacher must be born,
To live on earth for children.

Smoothly red leaves fly

In the blue squares of school frames.

First-graders again leaf through the primer -

There is no time for teachers to grow old.

The sun's ray jumps across our desks,

Cheerfully winking at us.

We are growing fast, which means -

There is no time for teachers to grow old.

Pulls us from the school threshold

To new construction sites, to starships.

We need to know so much more

There is no time for teachers to grow old.

The vast world has become our legacy,

The road ahead is wide and straight...

Next to endless childhood -

There is no time for teachers to grow old.

Simple poems about primary school teachers for children

Work and contribution of teachers primary school in the development of the child is difficult to overestimate. Kind and smart specialists work daily with the fragile souls of children, share their knowledge with the kids, educate them as worthy citizens of our country, germinate a real grain of truth in each of them. With such a profound statement, everyone who has long or recently graduated from school and received his first, but very long life lesson. Simple poems about primary school teachers for children - a colorful visualization of all the subtleties and nuances pedagogical activity. They explicitly or indirectly depict the first meeting of children with a mentor, the first lessons, praises and comments, emotions experienced by both schoolchildren and teachers. To remember the moments of joy or sadness lived in childhood, read simple nursery rhymes about primary school teachers. Most best examples we have compiled below.

Beautiful poems about a primary school teacher for the little ones

What is important for seniors

For little ones, no.

We didn't think

How old are you,

What kind of husband do you have and what kind of pay,

And you have a daughter, and maybe a granddaughter.

Easily and willingly you entered the class,

They loved the work, and therefore us.

And we forgot about dad and mom

During school hours.

The teacher came to class

She's a little older than us.

And I took a lesson

That we forgot about the call.

We wanted to know more

And become adults faster

And choose the right path in life

And look into the future.

Perhaps one of us

Will enter the same way in the school class

And teach such a lesson

That everyone will forget about the call.

Teacher - three syllables.
Not so much,
And how many skills it contains!
Ability to dream!
Ability to hold on!
The ability to give yourself to work!
Ability to teach!
Ability to create!
The ability to love children selflessly!
Teacher - three syllables.
But what a lot!
And this calling is given to you by God!

Touching poems about the very first teacher

What should be the child's first teacher? Asking a lot of questions and being able to listen? Or temperamental, cheerful and with a sharp sense of humor? Or maybe the teacher should be strict, smart and serious? Look for answers in popular touching verses about the very first teacher. In them, the character of the school mentor always acts honest, noble, wise, patient, comprehensively developed and always interesting for the children.

Touching poems about the very first teacher are excellent reading for future schoolchildren. And if they can't handle the funny stanzas on their own, kindly give the little smarties your help!

Examples of the best poems about the very first teacher

Only the morning shines

Only eight breaks

The students are going to class.

Meet the guys there

Someone's sincere look -

Our teacher greets us.

Sparing no work

He is ready to help us.

Get smarter and grow every year.

As a caring friend

He is in the field of science

Opens the way for us.

Pony tail, tousled bangs

And excitement is an outstanding look -

Trainee, young girl

You entered the class forty years ago ...

The tail was replaced by a strict styling,

Became a serious look over the glasses -

Eternal doodles in notebooks

Your dear mischievous...

At the temples, gray strands shine,

And the pressure jumps sometimes ...

But the eyes are shining - everything is in order!

And hurry up to class again.

Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From warm mother's hands
The teacher took your hand.
He put you in first grade
Solemn and respectful.
Your hand and now
In the hand of your teacher.
The pages of books turn yellow
Change the name of the river
But you are his student:
Then, now and forever.

Funny poems about subject teachers

The profession of a teacher is incredibly multifaceted. After all, the presentation of each a separate subject requires special knowledge and a unique approach. Often the personalities of subject teachers are as different as their subject areas. Physical education teachers are active and mobile, mathematicians are pedantic and punctual, literary critics are romantic and thoughtful, chemists are curious and purposeful, Trudoviks are cheerful and hardworking. This means that each teacher deserves individual funny poems about subject teachers as holiday greetings. For Teacher's Day, for graduation, for March 8 or Birthday. All these celebrations can be an excellent occasion to present a beautiful or funny rhyme to your favorite subject teacher.

Examples of poems about subject teachers for middle school students

Here Bach's fugues reverberate,
Here the sun of life, the smells of the sea
Mozart's sonatas speak to me.
I am glad that the school has a teacher,
Whom I love the most.
For my music, born of the piano,
I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for your kindness and kindness
For a bright moment of luck
And the cry of false notes,
Behind the contests is an exciting tale.
May the Music lesson last forever!

All Russian writers, poets
And the critics, straining their talent,
Wrote text for your subject -
So that we can then write a dictation;
And let writing poetry is not fashionable now,
But we are not in a hurry to succumb to fashion:
After all, we want to congratulate you today
Not under dictation - only from the heart!

Oh Russian language! You are beautiful to us
Like marvelous music, you pour.
You will forever remain in our hearts,
You are called wonderful and pure.

You teach us these basics,
We are grateful to you for this
And we say thank you very much!
Always grateful, children.

Comic poems about a Trudovik and a physical education teacher

Most often, it is the Trudoviks and physical education students who enlist the greatest love of schoolchildren. Firstly, their subjects are not too heavy, and quite dynamic. Secondly, it is these members teaching staff Schools are mostly fun, active and cheerful. Explicitly confirmation - comic poems about a Trudovik and a physical education teacher for children. They easily and harmlessly emphasize all specific features character, and the most frequent curiosities are kindly ridiculed.

Read in our section short comic poems about teachers of labor and physical education, recharge with positive energy with us.

Examples of comic rhymes about physical education and labor teachers

Without physical education
It's hard to live in the world!
develop muscles
Adults and children must!
You are in a wonderful business -
The perfect sample!
Relief muscles in our body
You are the creator and creator!
We say "thank you" to you
And we hasten to congratulate you!

Cheerful, athletic - physical education teacher,
You are the owner of long legs and a slim figure.
Ready to run all day under your sensitive gaze,
To become like you, without laziness and reproaches.
Today we wish you success and good luck,
So that everyone new life the start was clear for you.
And let the habit of winning all your life not leave you.
Health, happiness and love, talented discoveries.

Tell the truth, do not lie:
Everyone's favorite lesson is work.
You taught us how to work
In life, not to be lazy.

We will not forget this skill
We will be hardworking.
And we wish you now
To please you every class.

Poems about teachers of mathematics, physics, chemistry

It is difficult to imagine a complete school education without teachers of the exact sciences - mathematicians, physicists, chemists. It is these teachers who teach children with early years love examples and formulas, skillfully juggle numbers and operate with figures. After all, such knowledge and skills daily accompany a person in adulthood, even if at first glance they seem completely useless. It is not surprising that poems about teachers of mathematics, physics, chemistry are just as popular and numerous as poetic lines about a class teacher or school principal. And the most successful poems about chemist, physics and mathematics are collected in our section.

Cool poems about teachers of physics, chemistry, mathematics

Leading the numbers in a row,
Knowing the exact formula
Mathematician, you are a fairy,
She counted us like chickens.

Circle from flat oval
You asked to distinguish.
Congratulations mathematician,
Numbers correct fanatic!

Electrons, neutrons, protons
Cause long groans
How can we not be mistaken in the answer,
Where are the particles flying?
What about a voltmeter? What about diffusion? God,
How can we remember all this too?
To you, teacher, we would really wish
So that everyone around knows physics!

All elements, molecules, atoms,
Formulas of complex acids -
We've all known this before,
Calcium, nitrogen, oxygen.
We are grateful to you for this knowledge.
And we want to wish you
So that you have everything and in advance
Only one positive

Poems of the classics about teachers, touching to tears

Every adult can easily name a couple of popular traditions that he remembers from school bench. For example, not wearing new things for the exam, bypassing all the hatches on the way to the test, or sleeping with a textbook under the pillow on the eve control work. And some people, even decades after graduation from school, continue to maintain their habits: they listen " school waltz”on the day of the Last Bell, they read poems of the classics touching to tears about teachers to their children and grandchildren every September 1.

Do you have a good school tradition? Be sure to go to the alumni meeting this year and present your favorite class teacher with classic poems about teachers, touching to tears. Such a sign of attention will not go unnoticed.

The most beautiful and touching to tears poems of Russian classics about teachers

Good luck, rural and urban
respected teachers,
Good, bad and none
captains on the ship's bridge!
Good luck to you, debutants and aces, good luck!
Especially in the morning
when you enter the classrooms,
Some are like in a cage, others are like in a temple.
Good luck to you, busy things,
which can not be completed anyway,
Tightly shackled
Instructions and shouts from the city government.
Good luck to you, different looking,
with tricks and without any tricks,
loving or hating
these - be they three times ... - children.
You know I still believe
that if the earth remains alive,
the highest dignity of mankind
will someday be teachers!
Not in words, but in things of tradition,
which tomorrow's life to match.
The teacher must be born
and only after that - to become.
There will be talented-daring wisdom in him,
He will carry the sun on his wing.
Teaching is a long-range profession
Home on Earth!

The cold hands crumpled the apron,
All turned pale, the darling trembles.
Grandma will be sad: granddaughter
Suddenly - a unit!

The teacher looks, as if not believing
These tears in the lowered gaze.
Ah, the unit is a big loss!
First grief!

Tear after tear fell, sparkling,
A page floats in white circles...
Does the teacher know what
Is pain a unit?

In a great life you opened the doors for us,
You taught us not only the alphabet.
Teacher! We love you, we believe in you!
We have received lessons of kindness!
Our journey through life has just begun
Thank you - it started the way it should.
We wish you health and good luck,
Students - good and obedient!

The most sincere poems about teachers of famous poets

With the most sincere poems of famous poets about teachers, you can congratulate your favorite teachers on the upcoming holidays and great dates. Happy International Women's Day March 8, Happy Birthday, Teacher's Day, September 1 or Last Bell ... Even in acceptance speeches at the graduation ball, the most sincere poems about teachers of famous poets will be relevant and appropriate. Especially if you add them with a bright bouquet of beautiful flowers, a memorable letter or diploma, a special gift from students.

Don't you dare forget the teachers.

They care about us and remember.

And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

Waiting for our return and news.

They miss these infrequent meetings.

And no matter how many years have passed

Teacher Happiness Happens

From our student victories.

And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:

Under New Year I do not send them congratulations.

And in the bustle or simply out of laziness

We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.

They are waiting for us.

They are watching us

And rejoice every time for those

Who again passed the exam somewhere

For courage, for honesty, for success.

Don't you dare forget the teachers!

The task is not easy - to become a master,
To embellish the face of the Earth.
Much harder to convey to others
Your skills and knowledge.

For centuries, craftsmen have carried their experience
As a gift to other generations,
And people always walked with gratitude
To mentors and masters,

The teacher is picky and strict
And often you "gets"
But every teacher is a little bit God,
who creates you.

Beautiful poems about subject teachers class teachers, primary school teachers and the first teacher - a completely unusual branch of the poetry of Russian classics and modern famous poets. Short and comic or funny to tears, they are always interesting for both children and adults. After all, no one has yet managed to get around the difficult, but very entertaining school years.

We have grown, our way is far - the last bell rang.
Thank you, teachers, you tried not in vain.
Thanks to each of you, you covered us more than once,
Granite of science with us together you gnawed and coped with honor.
In ten years we will come, we will bring our children to you,
So that you also educate them and give them a start in life.
Bow to you low to the ground for what you were able to give us,
For justice, for patience, for wonderful moments of childhood.

Our invaluable teachers
Giving us knowledge and experience,
You taught me to strive for a dream,
Go to the goal and be on top!

Let honor and gifts await you
For loyalty to the profession, strength, work,
Let this evening be beautiful
The path of everyone is bright, kind, happy!

We are worried now:
We all congratulate
We will no longer enter the classroom,
Heart freezes...
With teachers now
We part, knowing
That by closing this door,
We will lose our childhood.

Thank you teachers
Strong nerves, patience.
For being crazy
You were able to convey the teaching.

For being like a tracker
You read strange handwriting,
And in every impudent fool
A special talent was revealed.

Words of gratitude to teachers from graduates of grade 11 in prose

Mentors, our "second parents", please accept these sincere and warm words from all graduates! You gave us the basics of knowledge, you helped everyone find their own path, you taught humanity, friendship and community. Thank you, our dear assistants, for all the years of rich and interesting school life. Thanks to you, we have accumulated priceless baggage that we will proudly carry through life! All the best to you, desired accomplishments, bright, joyful and unforgettable moments! Thank you!

Well, here we are behind school years— they were the best, we know that for sure! Thanks to the teachers for their wisdom and ability to sensitively guide their students who aspired to master the sciences. I'm sorry if we caused you a lot of trouble and sometimes upset you with our own negligence. I would like to express my boundless gratitude to you and wish you health for a hundred years to come!

Our dear teachers, it is so sad to say goodbye to you. After all, each of you has long become a friend, assistant, family person. Thank you for your invaluable, everyday work, thank you for us as we have become. Forgive me for the damaged nerves, disrupted lessons, painted textbooks and broken windows. We will always remember your wise advice and miss our friendly school family.

Words of gratitude to subject teachers from graduates for the last call, graduation


Mix acid with water, don't undermine anyone,
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Conduct all experiments, do not smash anything,
And don't hurt yourself any more.
This is a chemistry lesson: it has a sense and it has a use,
We are grateful for this knowledge.
Calculate everything as a percentage in order to become successful in life
Your advice will help us.


We all learned a little something and somehow,
Well, as for native literature, you have opened a bright path for us.
We are grateful to you for this, and we all say thank you.
We quote poets to the fullest and radiate creativity.
A bouquet of mimosa or oil that Annushka has already spilled ...
Everything is priceless, any phrase that comes to mind.
We can support small talk always and everywhere,
And that means you only kind word we will remember in life.

How not to love literature
The subject of the development of the soul?
She gave us a culture
We are accustomed to reading in silence ...
And we are grateful for that
To the teacher whose long labor
And the most fruitful method
They will go down in history for us.


You told us about the secrets of the Earth,
You gave us the knowledge we need,
And all the countries of the world are now interesting,
Any routes became known to us!

Teacher, our graduation is so grateful to you!
May your path always be radiant,
Good, positive and bright events,
A busy life and new discoveries!

We loved geography
She revealed a lot to us.
And look at the photo
We are touched with the teacher.
We will continue to live and remember how
We dismantled the map of the world,
How they twisted the globe on their hands
With boundless distances.

Physical training

Physical education raised our tone,
Helped muscles develop
Improved blood circulation
Allows you to make quick decisions!

And thank you teacher
We now look worthy and beautiful!
We wish you good luck and success,
Joy of victories and bright sensations!


We know how to keep count,
In life we ​​will not be lost
Happiness - only increase
Troubles - we will break into fractions.

Learned to see the numbers
Charm and romance
After all, the teacher is first-class
Taught us math.


Hammer a nail, make a birdhouse
Every graduate can.
File? Good deed!
The worker taught us.

Thank you for your knowledge
We know how to hold a jigsaw.
You are the basics of man's work
Everyone was able to show us.