What will happen to the planet. What will happen to the Earth if the sun goes out

The earth is in a state of constant change. Whether as a result of human activity or solar disturbances, Earth's future is guaranteed to be more than interesting, but not without chaos. The following list presents ten major events that the Earth is predicted to experience over the next billion years.

1. New ocean
~10 million years
One of the hottest places on Earth, the Afar Basin - located between Ethiopia and Eritrea - is on average 100 meters below sea level. At this point, there is only 20 km between the surface and boiling hot magma, and the earth is slowly thinning due to tectonic movements. Comprised of murderous arrays of volcanoes, geysers, earthquakes, and toxic heated water, the depression is unlikely to become a resort; but in 10 million years, when this geological activity stops, leaving only a dry pool, this place will eventually fill with water, and a new ocean will form - an ideal place for water skiing in the summer.

2. Event with huge influence to the ground

~100 million years
Considering rich history Earth and relatively a large number of of random debris circulating through space threatening planets, scientists predict that in the next 100 million years the Earth will be impacted by some event comparable to the event that caused the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction 65 million years ago. This, of course, is bad news for any life on planet Earth. And while some species will undoubtedly survive, this impact will most likely spell the end of the age of mammals - the current cenozoic era– and instead the Earth will enter into new era complex shapes life. Who knows what kind of life will flourish on this newly cleansed Earth? Maybe one day we will share the universe with intelligent invertebrates or amphibians. On the this moment, we can only imagine what will happen.

3. Pangea Ultima
~250 million years
Over the next 50 million years, Africa, which has been migrating north over the last 40 million years, will eventually start to encounter southern Europe. This movement will seal the Mediterranean Sea for 100 million years, and create thousands of miles of new mountain ranges to the delight of climbers around the world. Australia and Antarctica also aspire to be part of this new supercontinent, and will continue to move north to merge with Asia. While all this is going on, America will continue its course west, away from Europe and Africa, towards Asia.
What happens next is still being discussed. It is believed that while the Atlantic Ocean is growing, western border a subduction zone is formed, which will stretch from the bottom Atlantic Ocean deep into the earth. This will effectively change the direction in which America is heading and, in the end, bring it to eastern border Eurasian supercontinent for about 250 million years. If this does not happen, we can expect both Americas to continue their journey west until they merge with Asia. In any case, we can hope for the formation of a new hypercontinent: Pangea Ultima - 500 million years after the creation of the previous continent, Pangea. After that, it will probably split again and start a new cycle of drift and merger.

4 Gamma Ray Burst
~600 million years
If an event with a huge impact on the Earth, repeating every few hundred million years, does not seem to you the most bad option, then know that the Earth constantly has to contend with rare gamma-ray bursts - streams of ultra-high energy radiation, usually emitted supernovae. Despite the fact that we experience faint gamma-ray bursts on a daily basis, an explosion occurring in the neighboring solar system - within 6500 light years from us - has enough potential to wreak havoc in its path.

Via more energy than the sun has produced in its entire life cycle, which will fall on the Earth in minutes and even seconds, gamma rays will burn most the Earth's ozone layer, causing drastic climate change and widespread environmental damage, including mass extinctions.
Some believe that such a burst of gamma rays triggered the second largest mass extinction in history: The Ordovician-Silurian extinction event 450 million years ago that wiped out 60% of all life on Earth.
Like all events in astronomy, exact time for a set of events that will provoke a gamma-ray burst aimed at the Earth, it is very difficult to predict, although typical estimates this period is 0.5-2 billion years. But this time can be reduced to a million years if the threat of the Eta Carina Nebula is realized.

5. Unfit for life
~1.5 billion years
As the Sun gets hotter as it grows in size, the Earth will eventually become uninhabitable due to its proximity to the hot sun. By this time, all, even the most stable forms of life on Earth, will perish. The oceans will dry up completely, leaving only deserts of burnt land. Time runs, and the temperature rises, the Earth may follow the path of Venus and become a toxic wasteland as it heats up to the boiling point of many poisonous metals. What remains of humanity will have to vacate this place in order to survive. Fortunately, by that time Mars will have entered habitable zone and can serve as a temporary shelter for the remaining people.

6. Disappearance magnetic field
~2.5 billion years
Some believe, based on today's ideas about the Earth's core, that within 2.5 billion years, the Earth's outer core will no longer be liquid, but will begin to freeze. As the core cools, the Earth's magnetic field will slowly decay until it ceases to exist altogether. In the absence of a magnetic field, there will be nothing to protect the Earth from solar winds, and earth atmosphere will gradually lose its light compounds - such as ozone - and gradually turn into a pitiful remnant of itself. Now with an atmosphere similar to that of Venus, the Earth will feel full force solar radiation, which will make an already inhospitable land even more insidious.

7. Internal catastrophe of the solar system
~3.5 billion years
In about 3 billion years, there is a small but significant chance that Mercury's orbit will stretch in such a way that it intersects the path of Venus. At the moment, we cannot predict exactly what will happen and when it will happen, but in best case Mercury will simply be swallowed up by the Sun or destroyed in a collision with its older sister Venus. And in worst case? Earth could collide with any of the other non-gaseous planets whose orbits would be radically destabilized by Mercury. If somehow the inner solar system remains intact and continues to function uninterruptedly, then within five billion years the orbit of Mars will intersect with the Earth, once again creating the possibility of catastrophe.

8. New painting night sky
~4 billion years
Years will pass, and any life on Earth will be pleased to observe the steady growth of the Andromeda galaxy in the picture of our starry sky. It will be a truly magnificent sight: to see the full majesty of a well-formed spiral galaxy glowing in the sky, but it won't last forever. Over time, it will begin to terribly distort and merge with milky way, throwing the stable star arena into chaos. Even though a direct collision celestial bodies unlikely, there is a small chance that our solar system could be extracted and thrown into the abyss of the universe. In any case, our night sky will be at least, temporarily, adorned with trillions of new stars

9. Garbage Ring
~5 billion years
Despite the Moon constantly receding by 4 cm per year, the Sun has entered a red giant phase and it is likely that the current trend will stop. The extra force acting on the Moon from the huge bloated star would be enough to bring the Moon down directly onto the Earth. When the moon reaches the Roche limit, it will begin to disintegrate as the force of gravity exceeds the force holding the moon together. After that, it is possible that a ring of debris will form around the Earth, giving any life on earth a beautiful view, until the debris falls to the ground after many millions of years.
If it doesn't, there is another way the Moon could fall back onto the parent planet. In the event that the Earth and Moon continue to exist in their current form with their unchanged orbits, then in about 50 billion years the Earth will become tidally locked with the Moon. Shortly after this event, the height of the Moon's orbit will begin to decay, while the rate of rotation of the Earth will increase rapidly. This process will continue until the Moon reaches the Roche limit and breaks apart, forming a ring around the Earth.

10. Destruction
The likelihood that the Earth will collapse within the next ten billion years is very high. Whether in the cold grip of an insidious planet, or suffocated in the arms of our dying Sun, this will no doubt be a sad moment for all human survivors - even if they don't remember which planet it is.

It has long been known that this is the end of the world is inevitable - sooner or later the planet can be overtaken natural disasters that will contribute to the destruction of the Earth.

It is worth remembering that excessive consumption natural resources and global warming are leading us relentlessly towards the end of the planet. Do not be upset, the next few thousand years the planet will be in relative safety, despite climate change and the gradual displacement of the continents. But still, the world population is already making predictions about the fate of the planet, thanks to which 10 doomsday predictions were formed. But today we're talking about 10 sad facts about the future of the Earth.

Fact number 10. New ice age in 50,000 years

Humanity will exist for another 50,000 years. It is unlikely that during this time humanity will die from a lack of resources or another world war. world population expects new glacial period . The last ice age ended about 15,000 years ago!

Fact number 9. Supervolcano will melt everyone in 100 thousand years

According to scientists, In 100 thousand years, the Earth will suffer from the eruption of a supervolcano. The volcanic eruption will be so powerful that it will cover 400 cubic kilometers of magma.

There are such volcanoes in the mountains of California, but since their last eruption over a million years have passed. It should be added that super-eruptions are very different from catastrophes like earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, floods and asteroid falls - such an eruption would cause colossal harm to the entire civilization.

Fact number 8. The fall of the meteorite after 500 thousand years

The biggest blow in modern history there was a fall Tunguska meteorite in Russia, which led to an explosion of energy about 1000 times greater than from atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The meteorite was up to 190 m in diameter. Scientists have calculated that 500 thousand years later The ground will fall piece of space debris about 1 kilometer in diameter. As a result, the Earth will be completely destroyed.

Fact number 7. Destruction of the Grand Canyon and Arizona Crater after 2 million years

If we assume that the Earth will not be touched by meteorites or supervolcano eruptions, nothing will happen during the ice age, then in two million years everything will still collapse on its own. For example, grand canyon appeared due to the erosive effect of water flowing into the Colorado River - in 2 million years there will be an increase in the level of snow and ice, which will lead to the complete destruction of the canyon. The same consideration can comprehend Arizona crater and the rocky badlands of the desert in South Dakota.

Fact number 6. Flood in East Africa in 10 million years

The tectonic plates of the East African Rift may continue to expand. Eventually both plates, the Somali and Nubian, will completely break away from each other, causing a new ocean basin divide Africa. Now the Earth is literally being torn apart - new continents and oceans are being created, which is just a cycle of the planet's development.

Fact number 5. Hawaii will be underwater in 80 million years

Our planet is constantly changing, and all the continents that exist today 300 million years ago were parts of a single supercontinent - Pangea. For 80 million years, changes on the planet will continue as a result of the splitting of Africa and the formation of a new ocean. Due to rising tides, volcanic activity and an ice age, Hawaii will be completely submerged.

The California coast will begin to sink into the ocean due to its location on the San Andreas Fault. The divided African continent will eventually collide with Europe and Asia, thus closing off the Mediterranean Basin, resulting in a mountain range similar to the Himalayas.

Fact number 4. Destruction of the ozone layer in 500 million years, mass extinction

In 500 million years, there will be a burst of gamma rays, which will cause damage to the ozone layer. Under the influence of global warming, volcanic activity, falling meteorites there will be a complete destruction of the ozone layer and life on Earth will come to an end.

Fact number 3. In 800 million years, all remaining life forms will die.

A mass extinction does not mean that absolutely everything will perish. From this point of view, after human race there will be other forms of life on Earth that will be able to adapt and develop, despite the endless changes in the surrounding world. If they manage to cope with the influence supernova, which will destroy almost all life on the surface the globe, then they can survive for at least another 300 million years. After that the level carbon dioxide will fall to those values ​​in which the processes of photosynthesis will become impossible.

In 800 million years, all volcanoes will go out. will disappear carbon dioxide is very important element necessary for both plant life and the atmosphere as a whole. Its disappearance will not only exclude the possibility of the further existence of any plants, but will also lead to the disappearance of oxygen and ozone from the atmosphere, which in turn will destroy all multicellular organisms on the planet. In 800 million Earth will be inhabited only by unicellular organisms .

Fact number 2. In 2.3 billion years, the Earth's core will turn into ice

In 2.3 billion years there will be no life on the planet - everything will be destroyed, covered with magma, craters, radiation will be everywhere. The outer crust of the planet will freeze and stop the magnetic field, and charged particles solar energy destroy all remnants of our atmosphere. By that time, the temperature in the sun will increase significantly, which will lead to the complete evaporation of water from the surface of the Earth.

Fact number 1. In 8 billion years, our planet will die when it collides with the Sun.

In 8 billion years, all life on the planet will burn up under the influence of rising temperatures on the Sun. Even unicellular organisms will perish, and the poles of the earth will reach an average temperature of 147 degrees Celsius. Freezing the core would throw the planet out of balance, and increasing the distance to the Moon would dangerously tilt the Earth.

The surface of the Earth will resemble the surface of Venus today. When the Sun turns red and expands 256 times, it will swallow the Earth.

All of the above referred to the distant future. But a person is a master of harming himself, and he is already able to provide local cataclysms around him even today. Are we too presumptuous, believing that we can change in environment everything and everyone? Scientists of the world worried.

The earth is in a state of constant change. This list contains ten major events that our planet is predicted to experience over the next billion years.

~10 million years

New satellite observations show that a new ocean is slowly forming on planet Earth, which originated in the fall of 2012 and gradually continues to grow. This ocean, apparently in the future, will divide Africa into 2 continents. It began to form after an earthquake in eastern Africa - an instantaneous crack appeared 8 meters wide and 60 kilometers long. It is estimated that it will take 10 million years for the geological activity in this region to stop, leaving behind only dry pools that will fill with water and form a new ocean.

~100 Ma

Given the large number of objects that circulate randomly in space, there is a possibility that in the next 100 million years, our planet will collide with such an object. This will be comparable to what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. No doubt some species will survive.
Who knows what kind of life would thrive on such a planet? Maybe one day we will share the Earth with intelligent invertebrates or amphibians.

~250 Ma

Pangea Ultima is a hypothetical supercontinent into which, according to forecasts, all existing continents in about 200-300 million years. In the future of planet Earth, to be more precise, in about 50 million years, Africa will migrate north and eventually collide with southern Europe. Australia and Antarctica will also become part of the new supercontinent, moving north until they collide with Asia.

~600 Ma

A gamma-ray burst is a massive cosmic pulse of explosive energy observed in distant parts of the galaxy that is capable of erasing much of the Earth's ozone layer, thereby causing drastic climate change and widespread environmental damage, including mass extinctions. In a few seconds, a gamma-ray burst can release as much energy as our Sun releases over 10 billion years.

~1.5 billion years

The Sun gradually gets hotter and slowly increases in size, which will eventually cause the Earth to be too close to the Sun. In this regard, the oceans will completely dry up, leaving behind only deserts with burning soil. But fortunately, Mars at this moment can serve as a temporary home for all the remaining people.

~2.5 billion years

Scientists believe, based on today's ideas about the Earth's core, that the Earth's outer core will no longer be liquid - it will solidify. The Earth's magnetic field will slowly disappear until it ceases to exist altogether. In the absence of a magnetic field that protects the planet from destructive solar radiation, the earth's atmosphere will gradually lose its light compound - such as ozone.

~3.5 billion years

There is a small chance that in the future Mercury's orbit will stretch out and cut off the path of Venus. Although we can't imagine exactly what will happen when it does. At best, Mercury will simply be swallowed up by the Sun or destroyed in a collision with Venus. At worst? Earth can collide with any other major gaseous planet- orbits that would be radically destabilized by Mercury.

~4 billion years

There is a possibility that new stars will appear in our night sky - the Andromeda galaxy. It will probably be a truly wonderful sight. But over time, these new stars will begin to distort terribly Milky Way, merging together they will create a chaotic picture of the night sky familiar to us. If anything, our night sky will be at least temporarily adorned with trillions of newest stars.

~5 billion years

The additional force acting on the Moon - the stars, will be enough for the Moon to slowly fall to the Earth. When the Moon reaches the Roche limit, it will begin to disintegrate. After that, it is possible that debris from the Moon will form a ring around the Earth, which will fall on our planet for many millions of years.

The likelihood that the Earth will collapse within the next ten billion years is high. Either it will become a rogue planet, or it will be swallowed up by the "embrace" of the dying Sun, or ... Let's just hope that the Earth does not overtake a sad fate.

The approximate age of mankind is 200 thousand years, and during this time it has encountered huge amount changes. Since its appearance on African continent we managed to colonize the whole world and even reached the moon. Beringia, which once connected Asia with North America long gone under water. What changes or developments could we expect if humanity lasts another billion years?

Well, let's start with the future in 10 thousand years. We will face the problem of the 10,000th year. Software, which encodes the AD calendar, will no longer be able to encode dates from now on. This will be a real problem, and besides, if modern tendencies globalization will continue, human genetic variation will by this point no longer be organized along regional lines. This means that all human genetic traits, such as skin and hair color, will be distributed evenly across the planet.

In 20,000 years, the languages ​​of the world will only contain one in a hundred dictionary words their modern analogues. In essence, everything modern languages lose their recognition.

In 50,000 years, the Earth will begin a second ice age, despite the current effects of global warming. Niagara Falls will be completely washed away by the Erie River and disappear. Due to glacial uplift and erosion, numerous lakes Canadian shield will also cease to exist. In addition, a day on Earth will increase by one second, which will add a leap second to each day.

In 100,000 years, the stars and constellations visible from Earth will be strikingly different from today. In addition, according to preliminary calculations, this is exactly how long it will take to completely transform Mars into habitable planet like the earth.

After 250 thousand years, the Loihi volcano will rise above the surface, forming new island in the Hawaiian Islands.

In 500 thousand years, an asteroid with a diameter of 1 km will very likely crash into the Earth if humanity does not somehow prevent this. BUT national park The Badlands in South Dakota will be completely gone by now.

After 950 thousand years meteorite crater in Arizona, believed to be the best-preserved meteorite impact crater on the planet, will be completely eroded.

In 1 million years, the Earth is likely to experience a monstrous volcanic eruption, which will throw out 3,200 cubic meters of ash. It will be reminiscent of the 70,000-year-old Toba super-eruption that nearly wiped out humanity. In addition, the star Betelgeuse will explode as a supernova, and this can be observed from Earth even in the daytime.


Russian service BBC 06.12.2016 In 2 million years, the Grand Canyon will collapse even more, deepen a little and expand to the size of a large valley. If humanity has colonized various planets by that time solar system and the Universe, and the population of each of them will develop separately from each other, humanity will probably evolve into different kinds. They adapt to the conditions of their planets and, perhaps, will not even know about the existence of other species of their own kind in the Universe.

After 10 million years, a significant part West Africa separated from the rest of the continent. A new ocean basin will form between them, and Africa will be divided into two separate pieces of land.

In 50 million years, Mars' moon Phobos will crash into its planet, causing widespread destruction. And on Earth, the rest of Africa will collide with Eurasia and “close” the Mediterranean Sea forever. Between the two joined layers, a new mountain range is formed, similar in size to the Himalayas, one of the peaks of which may be higher than Everest.

In 60 million years, the Canadian Rockies will be leveled to the ground, turning into a flat plain.

In 80 million years, everything will sink Hawaiian Islands, and in 100 million years, the Earth is likely to collide with an asteroid similar to the one that destroyed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago, unless, of course, the catastrophe is prevented artificially. By this time, among other things, the rings around Saturn will disappear.

In 240 million years, the Earth will finally complete full turn around the center of the galaxy from its current position.

In 250 million years, all the continents of our planet will merge into one, like Pangea. One of the variants of its name is Pangea Ultima, and it will look something like in the picture.

Then, after 400-500 million years, the supercontinent will again be divided into parts.

In 500-600 million years, a deadly gamma-ray burst will occur at a distance of 6,500 light-years from Earth. If the calculations are correct, this explosion could seriously damage ozone layer Earth, causing a mass extinction of species.

In 600 million years, the Moon will move away from the Sun at a sufficient distance to cancel once and for all such a phenomenon as a complete solar eclipse. In addition, the growing luminosity of the Sun will have serious consequences for our planet. movements tectonic plates stop, and the level of carbon dioxide will drop significantly. C3 photosynthesis will no longer occur, and 99% earth flora will die.

After 800 million years, CO2 levels will continue to fall until C4 photosynthesis stops. Free oxygen and ozone will disappear from the atmosphere, as a result of which all life on Earth will perish.

And finally, after 1 billion years, the luminosity of the Sun will increase by 10% compared to its own current state. The temperature of the Earth's surface will rise to an average of 47 degrees Celsius. The atmosphere will turn into a humid greenhouse, and the world's oceans will simply evaporate. "Pockets" of liquid water will still exist at the Earth's poles, which means that they are likely to become last stronghold life on our planet.

During this time, much will change, but much has changed over the past billion years. In addition to what we talked about in this video, who knows what can happen in such a long time?

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.

In our world, nothing can exist forever. Someday we will face some catastrophe on a planetary scale, which may well make our planet uninhabitable. AT various times the prophets predicted the fate of the Earth, and often their predictions were sad. In the past, our planet has experienced many times terrible disasters: bombardment by asteroids, meteorites, floods and droughts, climate change and so on. In this article, we will analyze several catastrophes that threatened us in the past, and try to find out what awaits us in the future.

Comet "Typhon", born in Tartarus

In 1972 (August-month) swept over the earth giant asteroid, whose approach could not be predicted. Huge space object almost hit the ground. If this happened, then the collision with him would not fit into the Richter scale. Prior to this, our planet has been subjected to cosmic bombardment many times. On its surface, there are at least 170 giant craters, for example, the Arizona Crater, whose diameter is equal to 1270 m, and the depth is not less than 180 m. At one time, the great astronomer Kepler noticed that asteroids and comets in the sky more than fish in the world's oceans. In the future, his words came true.

In 1972, as it turned out later, the Typhon comet swept over the Earth, the name of which was given by the Greeks. In addition, the Greeks called her "born in Tartarus (in the abyss, which is located under the kingdom of Hades)." Modern astronomers have found out that Typhon repeatedly flew into our planetary system. The Bible predicts that in the future the heavens will “roll up into a scroll,” and this will not be the first time this has happened. It can be assumed that the Bible described the capture and destruction of the atmosphere, which supposedly should “curl up” when the “old age of the world” comes, after which, as the biblical stories said, “the sky and air will become numb so that the birds will not be able to fly.”

Babylonian mythology testifies that during the last visit of "Typhon" to our planetary system, this comet took away a satellite from Jupiter, which supposedly happened 26,000 years ago. By the way, this satellite later became ours - the Moon. Thus, in Babylon it was believed that the earthly companion appeared in the sky for the first time 26,000 years ago. The people who lived on the planet up to this point, in Babylon began to be called "dolunniks", and to be more precise, then "praselinites" (the Moon in Greek is "Selena").

The modern Indian shaman, who is called "Elk Earring", believes in the above theory. He lives in the Sio-Sio tribe and has been predicting the future for many years. The shaman claims that thousands of years ago our companion was "dragged" from another place and "installed" in the current place in a special way to improve the climate on Earth after another disastrous cataclysm.

By the way, modern astronomers predict that in the near future the Typhon comet will again fly into our system. It is impossible to predict its current location and trajectory, since it was not tracked in 1972, when it was first noticed.

The sun used to rise from the opposite side...

Some planetary scientists suggest that in the distant past, the earth's poles shifted. This theory is confirmed by the works of Plato. He claimed that in ancient times the luminary "rose" from the side in which it is now "to go to bed."

The modern psychic R. Montgomery predicts that in the future "the luminary will one day rise with opposite side horizon”, and people will not immediately notice the changes. In science, such a process is considered and called it potentially possible. It even has an official name - the instantaneous precession of a gyroscope. The Earth's core also moves along a special trajectory, which is affected by the gravity of the Earth's satellite and the luminary. If the trajectory of the core is knocked down even a little, then it will move closer to the surface, which will end with its contact with the earth's mantle. After the shift of the center of gravity, the planet will make a “somersault”. By the way, mother Shipton (the Yorkshire witch) spoke about this at one time, about which there is separate story on this site.

During the reign of Emperor Yao, the Chinese observed unique phenomenon: the luminary did not move across the sky for several days (it stood motionless at one point). On the opposite side of the planet then there was a few-day night.

Herodotus once quoted ancient Egyptian priests who wrote that once the sun rose and never set again. The Egyptians then predicted that a new race would soon appear on the planet, which is still in " spiritual world". By the way, the epic also indicates that when the planet “tumbles”, they will start working ancient mechanisms that run on solar energy. Perhaps these mechanisms are the pyramids, which to this day can be observed in Egypt and beyond.

The whole planet will become an ocean

George Washington, it turns out, had a unique ability: periodically he predicted the future. Once in a dream he saw that our planet was covered giant waves. The same was seen by another predictor - a pirate by profession, Duguet-Trowen.

"The Flood" was predicted by many. To date, one can observe an increase in the level of the World Ocean, which already indicates its gradual onset. Global warming does its job - melts permafrost, which flows into the super-scale reservoirs of our planet. Scientists have already made sure that once upon a time our planet was already covered by a flood, and, perhaps, completely all over. On the coast Pacific Ocean (South America) not so long ago discovered traces left by huge tidal waves, the height of which reached 740 meters.

So far, no one has been able to accurately determine the future of our planet. Perhaps we will not live to see the moment when something catastrophic happens to her. We would like to hope that catastrophes on a planetary scale will bypass our Earth.