Immoral behavior: what is considered a violation of morality? Immoral behavior is a relative concept.

Everyone knows that there are morals and norms of behavior. But what that means, everyone has their own idea. Most likely, this is due to the fact that everyone has their own views on this. But we live in a civilized world, and we are surrounded by a society where we must observe certain rules both in behavior and communication. In order to understand how to live and how to communicate, it is necessary to understand what immorality is and how it manifests itself.

Immoral behavior is a set of various kinds of actions that are not considered normal for society as a whole. In other words, immorality is the presence of various immoral moral principles in a person, as well as a violation of aesthetics and all the rules of decency among people. There is no separate article in the law for immoral behavior, but often such acts accompany hooliganism, and this is already the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

To make it clearer, here is an example of such inappropriate behavior for society:

  • Drug addiction (even the most beginning stages);
  • Substance abuse;
  • Prostitution (even in its smallest manifestations);
  • Various kinds of crimes;
  • Alcoholism, drunkenness and so on.

Enough examples can be given, but these are the most common and most frequently encountered.

Basic terms of morality and amorli

Before discussing the issue of various misconduct, it is worth finding out the basic rules and norms of behavior in order to understand what is a deviation.

Social norms are certain norms of behavior that exist within society, which are considered universally recognized in society. And experts distinguish several types of deviations from these very norms:

  1. Positive. This is an immoral way of life, the meaning of which is to overcome all outdated norms and rules, but only those related to social society. The point is to change better side social system;
  2. Negative. Here we are talking about dysfunctional disorganization, which leads to the complete destruction of society.

It is worth noting two more important terms that will help to fully understand this situation:

  • Morality- This special rules human behavior, which, in fact, are considered correct and appropriate in society itself. But here, it is worth understanding that each person has his own concept of morality. Everyone for himself, comes to the conclusion how to behave correctly, and how not. For example, for one, alcoholism is a way to solve problems, forget about them, for another group of people, drinking for no reason is simply immoral, and such people need to be eliminated from society as a whole;
  • immorality represents a certain social choice person. There are times when a person resorts to immoral behavior in order to achieve one or another goal. Other individuals may behave inappropriately just because they want to stand out and society. There are many reasons to behave incorrectly, but in any case, it is not right and not clear for society.

Reasons for immoral behavior

In general, one can distinguish the following reasons occurrence of this behavior:

  • Often the cause of such improper eating can be the division of the population into unequal classes, into rich and poor. The fact that the lack of money can lead to the fact that a person will degrade is logical and so. The person will behave immorally, at the same time he will start using harmful substances and lead an obscene lifestyle, with all this, he can also decompose the society that is next to him;
  • Factors moral and aesthetic. Here we are talking about the low education of a person. Parents may not lay in a child necessary knowledge and understanding;
  • What surrounds a person. Since we are in society, we are greatly influenced by what happens in it. Family, school, university, company of friends, all this, one way or another, will leave an imprint on the character, views and personal qualities person. Unfortunately, scientists have proven that it is the close environment that leaves the biggest imprint on the formation of a person as a whole. Therefore, if a child was born in a drunk family, more than 85% of children will lead exactly the same lifestyle as his parents. He becomes for him a prime example how to spend time and day.

Scientists say that it is young people who are subjected to immoral behavior, and there are reasons and logical reasons for this:

  1. Unstable psyche;
  2. Possible different kind internal experiences and contradictions;
  3. Almost zero level of patience;
  4. The desire to stand out among the crowd, doing it in strange ways;
  5. A state in a sect, or a certain subculture.


From all of the above, we can conclude that immoral behavior is certain type behavior that is inconsistent generally accepted rules and norms. In fact, this is a deviation from the norm. It can be both the desire of the person himself, and psychological disorders. It's hard to deal with this on your own. Here you need the help of a specialist who will show the depth of the problem.

Deviant behavior may violate the norms of ethics and morality, which are enshrined in the concept of universal human values. By them is meant the voluntary refusal of a detachment of acts that could harm others. They are established by custom. Common to them is the commandment: "Do towards others as you would like them to do towards you."

immoral they call deviant behavior in the form of actions and activities, the results of which objectively contradict moral standards, regardless of the assessment by the person who performs them.

immoral command- this is immoral deviant behavior, which is assessed by a person as immoral.

The sins described as immoral behavior include: greed, pride, despondency, gluttony, adultery (lust), vanity, envy, etc. Moral laws are often soldered with spirituality and religiosity, but there are also confessional discrepancies in moral laws.

Unaesthetic behavior

The central point of this type of deviant behavior is the degree of orientation of personality values ​​on such parameters as beauty, harmony, taste. Unaesthetic behavior is not pathological, nor is immoral or immoral. However, it can lead to interpersonal conflicts and be considered as an essential component of the integrity of the individual. Unaesthetic behavior refers to the rejection of the rules and principles of aesthetics in various fields: food, clothing, statements, etc. The basis for assessing human behavior as unaesthetic are the principles: harmony, proportionality, symmetry, beauty, beauty and sublimity, perfection.

Described aesthetic ability individual, which is understood as a set of individual psychological characteristics

a person, thanks to which the opportunity opens up to carry out aesthetic activity - to aesthetically perceive and experience the phenomena of reality and art, evaluate them through the judgment of taste and correlate with the ideal, create various new aesthetic values.

With deviant behavior, a person can be intact in relation to the world of beauty and aesthetics. It may focus on the low as opposed to the high; ugly as opposed to beautiful; rough, not graceful; terrible and ugly, but not wonderful; sarcasm or irony instead of good-natured humor.

In the clinic, unaesthetic behavior is manifested, for example, by the sloppiness, untidiness or uncleanliness of a person, the lack of good manners in eating, communication or taste in clothes, and a lack of understanding of elevated feelings.

Programmed knowledge control:

Question 1. A system of actions or individual actions that contradict the norms accepted in society and manifest themselves in the form of an imbalance of mental processes, non-adaptation, a violation of the process of self-actualization, or in the form of evasion from moral and aesthetic control over one's own behavior is called:

a) criminal behavior

b) addictive behavior

c) delinquent behavior

d) pathological behavior

e) deviant behavior

Question 2. All the following types of violation of the interaction of the individual with reality are distinguished with the exception of:

a) fixture

b) confrontation

c) painful confrontation

e) ignoring

Question 3. Signs of mental pathology and psychopathological disorders are caused by next view violations of interaction with reality:

a) fixture

b) confrontation

c) painful confrontation

e) ignoring

Question 4. In people with hyperabilities, as a rule, the following type of violation of interaction with reality occurs:

a) fixture

b) confrontation

c) painful confrontation

e) ignoring

Question 5. All of the following types of deviant behavior are distinguished with the exception of:

a) criminal

b) delinquent

c) addictive

d) based on hyperabilities

e) psychopathological

Question 6. The basis for diagnosing delinquent behavior are:

a) aggravation

b) perversion

c) deviations

d) misdemeanors

e) crimes

Question 7. One of the forms of deviant (deviating) behavior with the formation of a desire to escape from reality by artificially changing one's mental state is called:

a) criminal

b) delinquent

c) addictive

d) pathocharacterological

e) psychopathological

Question 8. Reduced tolerance for the difficulties of everyday life, along with good tolerance for crisis situations, is a sign of:

a) criminal behavior

b) delinquent behavior

c) addictive behavior

Question 9. The psychological antipode of an addictive personality is:

a) harmonious person

b) layman

c) a person with hyperabilities

d) criminal

d) mentally ill

Question 10. The thrill-seeking phenomenon is typical of:

a) criminal behavior

b) addictive behavior

c) delinquent behavior

d) pathological behavior

e) psychopathological behavior

Question 11. According to E. Bern, a person has all the following types of "hunger" with the exception of:

a) hunger for sensory stimulation

b) hunger for recognition

c) sexual hunger

d) structural hunger

e) existential hunger

Question 12. According to N. Pezeshkian, there are all the following types of "escape from reality" with the exception of:

a) flight into the body

b) flight into fantasy

c) flight into contacts and loneliness

d) flight into sexuality

d) going to work

Question 13 The basis of deviant behavior in the pathocharacterological type are:

a) psychopathological symptoms

b) psychopathological syndromes

c) character deviations (accentuations and psychopathy)

d) character pathology associated with mental illness

e) personality pathology associated with mental illness

Question 14. Most often, aggressiveness of a significant degree of severity, which is not amenable to volitional correction, is included in the structure:

a) asthenic syndrome

b) explosive syndrome

c) psychasthenic syndrome

d) depressive syndrome

e) Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome

Question 15. Suicidal behavior associated with life crises and personal tragedies is called:

a) psychogenic

b) selfish

c) altruistic

d) dysthymic

e) anemic

Question 16. The aesthetic category of suicidal behavior includes:

a) place of suicide

b) suicide time

c) suicide

d) the duration of the suicide

e) the significance of suicide

Question 17. Addictive parasuicidal attempts are made to:

a) drawing attention to oneself

b) get yourself out of a state of emotionlessness and boredom

c) painlessly die

d) to die under secret circumstances

e) to die for the good of mankind

Question 18. Individuals with hysterical personality disorder are more likely to choose:

a) group ways of suicidal behavior

b) non-demonstrative ways of suicidal behavior

c) non-demonstrative ways of parasuicidal behavior

d) demonstrative ways of suicidal behavior

e) demonstrative ways of parasuicidal behavior

Question 19. The desire to use intoxicating substances in order to mitigate or eliminate the phenomena of emotional discomfort is called:

a) hedonistic motivation

b) ataractic motivation

c) pseudo-cultural motivation

d) submissive motivation

e) motivation with hyperactivation of behavior

Question 20. With ataractic motivation when using intoxicants, the following occurs:

a) mood alignment

b) mood boost

c) low mood

d) mood inversion

e) the appearance of a pathological affect

Question 21. Narcotic substances that have a euphoric effect and contribute to a rapid and sharp increase in mood, the appearance of laughter, complacency, joy, include all of the following except:

c) morphine

d) tranquilizers

e) marijuana

Question 22. Changes in mental activity, accompanied by a hallucinogenic effect and other pronounced psychopathological disorders, are observed when using all of the following drugs with the exception of:

b) codeine

c) marijuana

d) tranquilizers

e) cocaine

Question 23. The inability of a person to refuse the intake of alcohol or drugs offered by others reflects:

a) hedonic motivation

b) ataractic motivation

c) pseudo-cultural motivation

d) submissive motivation

e) motivation with hyperactivation of behavior

Question 24. The concept of partner sexual norm includes all of the following criteria except:

a) the number of simultaneously interacting partners

b) maturity of partners

c) the desire to achieve mutual agreement

d) heterosexual orientation of attraction

e) no damage to one's own health

Question 25. The sexual attraction of an adult to teenagers is called:

a) pedophilia

b) ephebophilia

c) juvenilophilia

d) gerontophilia

e) promiscuity

Question 26. Voyeurism is:

a) sexual attraction to blood relatives

b) sexual attraction and satisfaction from exposing one's own genitals in society

c) sexual attraction and satisfaction from spying on the nakedness of others

d) sexual attraction to animals

e) sexual attraction and satisfaction from contact with persons of a different race

Question 27. Inversion of gender (sexual) identification occurs when:

a) homosexuality

b) transsexualism

c) fetishism

d) exhibitionism

e) voyeurism

Question 28. Gambling is called:

a) workaholism

b) fetishism

c) karting

d) surfing

e) gambling

Question 29."Paranoy of health" is:

a) an overvalued passion for raw food

b) overvalued passion for starvation

c) an overvalued passion for wellness procedures

d) an overvalued passion for sports

e) all answers are correct

Question 30. A person with a heightened sense of justice, who wants to achieve the truth even in small things, but does not measure the really negative facts and the way to deal with them is called:

a) paranoid

b) querulant

c) dipsomaniac

d) a hypochondriac

Yu.M.Antonyan, S.V.Borodin. Crime and mental anomalies. M, 1987, 208 p.

Yu.M. Antonyan, V.V. Guldan. Criminal pathopsychology. M., 1991, 248 p.

L.M. Balabanova. Forensic pathopsychology. M., 1998, 432 p.

B. S. Bratus. personality anomalies. M., 1988, 301 p.

B.S. Bratus, P.I. Sidorov. Psychology, clinic and prevention of early alcoholism. M., 1984, 144 p.

V.A. Gurieva, V.Ya.Semke, V.Ya.Gindikin. Psychopathology of adolescence. Tomsk., 1994, 310 p.

K. Imelinsky. Sexology and sexopathology. M., 1986, 424 p.

M.V. Korkina, M.A. Tsivilko, V.V. Marilov. Anorexia nervosa. M., 1986, 176 p.

Ts.P.Korolenko, T.A.Donskikh. Seven paths to disaster. Novosibirsk, 1990, 224 p.

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K.Leonhard. Accentuated personalities. Kyiv, 1981, 392 p.

A.E.Lichko. Adolescent psychiatry. M., 1985, 416 p.

A.E. Lichko, V.S. Bitensky. Teenage drug abuse. L., 1991, 304s.

M.M.Maltseva, V.P.Kotov. Dangerous actions of the mentally ill. M, 1995, 256 p.

V.A. Petrovsky. Psychology of non-adaptive activity. M., 1992, 224 p.

K.K. Platonov. Structure and development of personality. M., 1986, 256 p.

L. Fire. Psychology of abnormal children and adolescents - pathopsychology. M.-Voronezh, 1996, 128 p.

A.A. Tkachenko. Abnormal sexual behavior. M., 1997, 426 p.

L.Z. Tregubov, Yu.R. Vagin. aesthetics of suicide. Perm, 1993, 268 p.

E.Fromm. Anatomy of human destructiveness. M, 1994, 447 p.

Increasingly in the means mass media you can hear the phrase "immoral act", followed by general condemnation. Everyone seems to understand the meaning of these words, but it is unlikely that they delved into the study of moral and immoral norms in detail. And not everyone considers themselves obligated to fulfill them. And meanwhile in modern society the boundary between good and bad deeds is gradually erased, from the point of view of morality. People do only what is written in state laws. An immoral act does not apply to such, which means that no one will punish him for it. An embittered society does not live by a single mechanism, but each for himself, armed with slogans that any means are good to achieve the goal, sometimes forgetting about selflessness, gratitude, respect.


Morality is unspoken rules behaviors shaped by many years of human experience. These are generally accepted principles and concepts of the moral perfection of a worthy and positive person. In simple words, morality is the separation of the concepts of good and evil, good and bad, right and wrong. The words “morality”, “honor”, ​​“ethics” can be considered as synonyms or close in meaning. Based on these rules, moral and immoral actions are distinguished. They may be different.

For example, moral standards may vary, in terms of personal relationships, family, religion, philosophy. They may differ slightly in different cells of society, groups of people with similar interests, labor collectives etc. How many people - so many opinions. But there are universally recognized norms of behavior, the violation of which causes general discontent.

State and morality

The role of the state as a guarantor of the fulfillment of the rights and freedoms of citizens is undoubtedly significant. However, despite the fact that law and morality are inextricably linked with each other in the overall provision of the evolution of civilization, not all norms of moral behavior are regulated by law. Law confirms the inalienability of the freedoms of citizens, the presumption of innocence, morality - the possibility of achieving personal happiness. It guarantees freedom of speech, thoughts, actions, realization of desires. But morality determines how moral these thoughts will be, actions - disinterested, and desires - noble. The law compels to repay the debt to the country, having acted on military service by paying taxes. Morality encourages to do charity, to help and give only out of a sense of internal duty.

morality man

The behavior of a highly moral person is his conscious choice. There are no laws that could enforce implementation good deeds. As well as it is not provided for their non-fulfillment and ignorance of punishments. Except, perhaps, public opinion, condemnation. But who cares what other people think these days? A man of morality also does not pay attention to the crowd. But he does what his upbringing, his own ideas about "white and black" tell him to do. a huge role in the formation of his personality, undoubtedly, the example of parents, teachers, friends, personal life experience. well-mannered man is hardly capable of committing such an immoral act as his moral principles do not allow.

Moral norms accepted by society

But what about moral and immoral? How to separate the actions that characterize a decent person and not? Take, for example, the case of a veterinarian and a dog owner. Animal long years served man, was his faithful comrade. AT recent times his health deteriorated, then the dog fell completely ill. The doctor, after conducting the necessary examinations, diagnosed cancer, advising the dog to be euthanized. Such a proposal deeply outraged the owner, offending his moral principles. Taking the dog home, he extended his life for another month. But was she happy? No. Every second of her was filled with unbearable pain, longing and suffering. So wouldn't it be better to put the dog to sleep, making his death quiet and painless? And wasn't it immoral, from the point of view of the owner of the dog, to doom the animal to torment?

Moral and immoral acts are not always recognizable. Sometimes it seems that a person has done something bad, but does he himself consider his behavior wrong? If not, then it turns out that he acted in accordance with his moral principles. Like the owner of the dog, confident that he is doing the right thing.

What is an immoral act?

Based on the previous story, you can try to classify acts that are immoral, causing condemnation in the majority adequate people. Better consider different situations from real life that anyone can encounter. But only those that regulate exclusively morality, not law.

Speaking of immoral acts, examples can be given as follows:

  • Let's start with the elderly. Seeing an old grandmother, who, with her last strength, is dragging a huge bag full of groceries, someone will pass by. This is wrong and bad.
  • It is immoral not to give up your seat on a crowded tram to a pregnant woman or an old man.
  • Having removed the ring from the ring finger, the man gets acquainted with the girl and calls her on a date. And he tells his wife that he has overtime work. This is an immoral act.
  • A teenager climbed a tree and destroyed a bird's nest with eggs. This is condemned.
  • A woman, returning from work in the pouring rain, noticing a chilled kitten in the entrance, threw him out into the street. That's not what good people do.
  • A neighbor, having a foreign car and a decent daily income in the store, of which he is the director, does not notice the lonely old woman. Meanwhile, she sells flowers grown at home, just to collect little things for bread. Another bad move.

Public opinion unequivocally condemns such people. However, once in their place, will everyone act differently, according to the principles of morality? Of course not. The immoral actions of a person are always more visible from the outside, from afar. But not always their presence can be realized in their behavior and lifestyle. Even if there are. By the way, judging others is also not entirely correct from the ethical side. But yourself, please. Act, think, draw conclusions, be aware: are all the actions in your life highly moral?

How are immoral acts punished?

Punishment for violation of moral standards is provided only in those cases that coincide with similar offenses prescribed in legislative acts. For example, it may be an administrative fine for verbal abuse, for cruelty to animals, a term for sexual abuse. Dismissal for an immoral act is also provided. But only people involved in raising children (teacher, nanny, teacher). It is unlikely that it will be possible to punish an accountant, driver or seller in this way. Because the state does not provide for liability for immoral acts, if they are not related to crimes.

Why instill moral values ​​in children?

Raising kids in accordance with the principles of morality is simply necessary. All actions performed by an adult are inevitably an echo of his childhood. The imprint left in the soul of a child by parents is never erased.

How to teach children morality?

Explaining the meaning of the concept of "immoral act" to a child is not so easy. But you can show by example how not to do it: pet the dog instead of pushing it away with your foot. Or give milk to a kitten instead of letting it starve to death in a landfill. Or help a young mother carry the stroller to the fourth floor. Naturally, regular positive examples, the presence in the lexicon of such words as "please", "thank you", "bless you", will soon sprout in children's heart. And, believe me, they will give the first good harvest in a few months.

Moral and immoral acts of children

Is it an immoral act bad behavior small child? It all depends on age. At 1–2 years old, a child is not yet able to understand what is good and what is bad. And even more so to distinguish between these concepts. But a child at the age of three is already well aware of what pain is, knows about punishments and rewards. Starting from this period, rules of conduct should be gradually laid down. If the little one is torturing the cat, tell him not to touch it - the animal is hurt. Words are unlikely to have an effect, but a scratch on the arm from an angry pet will certainly serve as a lesson.

After 7 years, children already perfectly understand when they act badly. If the parents do not direct them to the true path, then the child, under the pressure of the collective, may begin to commit immoral acts: fight, deceive, offend the weak, mock animals. Inattention to these actions will lead to the fact that the baby will understand all the impunity of violations. This will lose all the value of moral standards. And then legal. Theft, drug addiction, alcohol consumption, promiscuity will follow. In trying to raise a worthy and noble person, the main thing is not to lose the trust of the child. After all, it is precisely this that creates that intimacy between parents and children, which, from reasonable instructions, patient teaching, and life examples develops into a strong friendship between the old and the new generation.

The employer has the right to dismiss an employee who performs educational functions, for an immoral act inconsistent with the continuation of this work. Dismiss by this reason only a pregnant woman is not allowed (art. 261 Labor Code RF).
Thus, and this confirms paragraph 46 of the Decree of the Plenum Supreme Court RF dated March 17, 2004 N 2, on this basis, only those employees who are directly involved in educational activities. These are, for example, teachers educational institutions, masters industrial training, educators of children's institutions. In addition, it does not matter where the immoral act was committed: at the place of work or not.
An offense is considered immoral if it is contrary to generally accepted norms and rules (appearing in in public places drunk, foul language, fight, behavior, humiliating human dignity and etc.).
It is important to note that the dismissal of an employee on this basis is not allowed later than one year from the date the employer discovered the misconduct. This is stated in Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Note! If it is decided to fire a teacher for an immoral act educational institution must take into account the provisions of Art. 55 of the Law of July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 "On Education". It says that the investigation of violations in this case possible only upon admission written complaint to the actions of the teacher. In addition, it is indicated that a copy of the complaint should be sent to the teacher.
If an immoral act is committed by an employee at work, then for imposing disciplinary action in the form of dismissal, the procedure established by Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Namely, to request a written explanation from the employee, which he must submit within two working days. If an explanation is not provided, an act is drawn up. It is also necessary to comply with the terms for imposing a disciplinary sanction, provided for in Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Since dismissal in this case is a measure of disciplinary responsibility, an appropriate order is issued to apply a disciplinary sanction in the form of dismissal, which is drawn up in any form. Foundation - Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
The employee is introduced to the order against signature within three working days from the date of issuance of the order (not counting the time the employee was absent from work). If the employee refuses to read the order, an act is drawn up.
Termination itself employment contract issued on the basis of Art. 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation by order of dismissal in the form N T-8. There are no provisions in the legislation indicating that these two orders can be combined into one or replaced by each other. Therefore, two separate above orders should be drawn up. In the Letter of Rostrud dated June 1, 2011 N 1493-6-1, it is confirmed that in this situation the issuance of two orders is not a violation of labor legislation.
In the dismissal order, in the column "reason (document, number, date)" of the dismissal order, the details of the order to apply a disciplinary sanction in the form of dismissal are indicated. In the column "grounds for termination (termination) of the employment contract (dismissal)" indicate: "in connection with the commission by an employee performing educational functions of an immoral offense incompatible with the continuation of this work, on the grounds of clause 8, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation ". A similar entry is made in work book and employee ID card.

When accusing a person of immoral behavior, first of all, it is necessary to understand what the morality of the society in which this individual carries out his activities includes. So, for example, many modern norms behaviors that seem quite natural to us are regarded in a number of cultural and religious communities as highly immoral and immoral behavior.

According to theoretical definition immoral is behavior that violates the rules and norms existing in a particular society, and can also be regarded as a nihilistic attitude towards morality and order. The criteria for the latter are determined conditional provisions accepted in society and aimed at protecting its members from actions that may cause direct or indirect harm.

If we talk about modern society, then immoral behavior is often understood as actions of an offensive and destructive nature. (swearing, drinking alcohol, being drunk, physical abuse, intentional wrecking, committing crimes).

Quite a lot in common this concept with immoral behavior. However, in last case the harm caused to society can be expressed indirectly, since in general the individual does not commit illegal actions, but simply crosses the line of morality in relation to himself, demonstrating such qualities as greed, gluttony, vanity, vulgar behavior and lust.

Today, in a highly developed society, immoral behavior can be punishable by law. Most often, in the absence of a criminal offense, the punishment for immoral behavior is monetary fines or forced community service.

The term itself amoral behavior used in more in labor and family law. As an example, this factor can be taken into account when deciding whether to quit a job due to addictive behavior, deprive of any privileges, as well as in divorces, deciding on parental rights, etc. In turn, immoral behavior is subject to serious criticism and from religious and cultural communities, social and public organizations.

When assessing morality, with the absence of the fact of a criminal offense, quite a lot depends on the personal judgments of society, which means that morality can be interpreted in different ways and there are no clear definitions of its boundaries.