When the zombie apocalypse arrives. When is the zombie apocalypse? What do zombies look like? Zombies in real life

The theme of the transformation of most of the world's population into hordes of zombies roaming the streets, hunting for a handful of survivors, has been haunting minds for more than a decade. Interest in zombies either subsides or resumes with new force. Interestingly, the United States is the main supplier of films, games and books about the undead. Moreover, it is there that they are preparing for the zombie apocalypse seriously and with all responsibility. So, for example, we recently wrote about the upcoming exercises in Kansas, simulating the end of the world with the living dead, and in the spring of this year it became known that there is an action plan in case of such a cataclysm. And this is not counting the numerous "survivors" who stock up in their bunkers with canned food and crowbars to break the skulls of revived corpses. So why is the topic of zombie invasion so exciting for Americans? Let's try to figure it out.

We will not touch on the mythological origins of the term “zombie”, since more or less everyone knows about voodoo, and Haitian zombies are very different from those half-rotten herd cadavers that we are used to seeing on movie screens. For the same reasons, we will skip the film "White Zombie", referring directly to the great and terrible George Romero, who gave us the film "Night of the Living Dead" in 1968, setting the clichés and boundaries of a new genre - zombie horror. True, the director did not use the term "zombie", replacing it with the word "ghoul", which can be roughly translated as "ghoul", but journalists already "zombified" Romero's walking dead.

True, Romero himself has repeatedly stated that the zombies in his films are nothing more than a symbol of the layman who does not want to think, is subject to herd instinct and is ready to kill those who are not like him. However, Romero later revised his view of the living dead, making them in the "Land of the Dead" almost Nietzsche superhumans, raising a rebellion against the thoroughly rotten world order. But in general, zombies for the director remained a metaphorical image of the silent, but aggressive majority.

Despite the rather transparent hints with which Romero literally hit the viewer in the forehead, the layman did not recognize himself in this “zombie mirror”, but began to be afraid external form- the real living dead.

It took a little time and the zombies flooded popular culture, appearing not only on movie screens, but also on the pages of comics and books, and later video games. Family tree the walking dead branched out, providing for the public to judge both completely creepy running (“28 days later”, a remake of “Dawn of the Dead”) and even thinking (“Land of the Dead”) zombies, as well as comical (“The Living Dead”), touching (“Zombies named Fido") and even romantic ("The Warmth of Our Bodies") cadavers.

Nevertheless, the fear of the hordes of the undead, who are hungry for living flesh, is deeply imprinted in the subcortex of a simple American man in the street. Anti-zombie kits, which, however, included far from toy machetes, knives and shotguns, began to be produced in gun shops as a joke. The son of the famous comedian Mel Brooks, Max, also added fuel to the fire, releasing his famous Zombie Survival Guide, which formed the basis of the really scary and realistic (unlike the film adaptation) World War Z.

The generation that grew up on the films of Romero and his imitators now occupies key positions in the American government, and the fear of prominences reanimated dead is breaking through into the activities of serious state structures. As mentioned above, the Pentagon has at its disposal plan CONOP 8888, which provides for actions to repel an attack by a horde of the walking dead and maintain public order among the survivors. True, the military claims that the image of zombies was chosen in order to avoid any political innuendo, but it is difficult to imagine that Chinese paratroopers or Islamist sabotage groups will act like herds of the walking dead, mindlessly rushing under machine gun fire, filling up fire points with their bodies.

Approximately the same reasons for conducting exercises in Kansas are called by the state governor Sam Brownback, arguing that "if you are ready for a zombie apocalypse, you are ready for anything," and the theme of the living dead is used solely to create additional excitement around ordinary exercises to work out actions in conditions emergency.

Don't avoid zombie themes and tools mass media, periodically giving out news, which, even if they are ducks, involuntarily make the heart beat faster, in the depths of the soul, bypassing the rational arguments of common sense, causing doubt: “What if?”

In 2002, for example, a “zombie” was reported washed ashore on the island of St. Thomas, which is part of the American Virgin Islands. According to local newspaper reports, later circulated around the world, the body of a man "with severely skinned skin" washed up on the shore. When a police squad arrived on the beach, the drowned man jumped to his feet and attacked the law enforcement officers. At the same time, several shots fired at the hull by the confused policemen had no effect, and the policemen were forced to make a tactical retreat, abandoning their service weapons. However, among the onlookers who gathered to stare at the dead man, there was one brave guy who picked up a pistol and shot the walker three times in the head, laying him on the ground. The body was later taken by military medics, and further fate"Zombie from the Virgin Islands" is unknown.

In 2012, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, known, however, for her eccentric behavior, started talking about the zombie apocalypse. Before significant date On December 21, 2012, when the world was supposed to end according to the Mayan calendar, she announced that she would protect Australians from any threat, including "bloodthirsty zombies."

All this, of course, is ridiculous, but in reality there are cases of zombie behavior. In the same 2012, a man was shot and killed on the streets of Miami by police officers who attacked a tramp and literally chewed his face. According to police, the victim had no skin on his forehead, lips and nose. At the same time, in order to kill the cannibal, it took six shots - why not the same invulnerability of zombies? Later, several more similar cases, and everywhere the attackers were under the influence synthetic drug, more commonly known as bath salts.

Drugs are drugs, but all these cases show that there are areas in the human brain, the activation or deactivation of which, chemically or in some other way, makes him hunt and literally eat his own kind alive, while raising the pain threshold and, probably, increasing muscle strength and reflexes. According to Tim Verstinen and Bradley Woytek's Zombie Diagnosis: Brain and Behavior, this region of the brain is the amygdala. In general, a good scope for imagination and research of chemical weapons developers.

This also includes wasps that lay eggs in the body of spiders, forcing them to weave protective cocoons for wasp offspring instead of a web.

You can’t even talk about rabies, or rather, its second stage: aggressiveness and “superhuman” strength are one of the symptoms of the disease in humans. But even the influenza virus can control a person. Binghamton University of New York noted that the participants in the experimental group, who were vaccinated with the flu virus, instead of a quiet and measured life, suddenly developed social activity by attending crowded parties and bars where it was easier for the virus to spread.

It turns out that by genetically modifying the same cordyceps or the causative agents of rabies and toxoplasmosis, scientists may well get a zombie virus. And if he breaks free, then we won’t have to hope for a successful outcome: according to the research of University of Ottawa professor Robert Smith, humanity will have very few chances with such an outcome. For example, a city with a population of 500,000 can turn into a horde of the living dead in just three days if there is only one infected in it. It is possible to neutralize the threat only thanks to well-defined and well-organized massive attacks on walkers and a serious complex. preventive measures, which is difficult to implement in the conditions of the chaos that has set in in this case.

It turns out that the danger of a zombie apocalypse, albeit not very high, still exists, and, perhaps, one should not ridicule those “survivors” who dig bunkers, stock up on provisions and demolish the heads of growth targets on the shooting ranges.

We live in a changing and unpredictable world. Ahead of humanity can expect any turn. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare for the most incredible events. For example, do you know how to survive a zombie apocalypse? Can't imagine what it is? Then you are lucky. Most of of the population has already heard about the likely infections that turn ordinary people into a mindless evil spirit that has only one passion - to infect everyone around. Let's try to figure out how to survive in a zombie apocalypse, and whether there is, in principle, such a possibility.

What event are you talking about

Let's say right away that no one has scientifically described the situation when most of the world's population falls under the influence of a now unknown virus. Such horrors are found in films and books. But the zombie apocalypse real life no less likely than nuclear war. It can happen even more suddenly, without preparation. For example, the reason for the transformation of people into zombies will be one of the viruses unknown to science, resting in the thickness of glaciers. And the fact that they are melting at an ever-increasing rate is regularly reported by the media, and experts do not predict a stop to this process. That is, to assume the onset of such a phenomenon as a zombie apocalypse in real life means to prepare for danger. And the one who is warned has a chance to stay in normal condition more.

Who is a zombie?

Science cannot answer this question with certainty. Probably, such developments are underway, but hidden, without announcing the results to society. We will use the information that is operated in Hollywood. Zombies are people who have been attacked by viruses, in fact, the dead have come to life. Their main characteristics:

  • they feed on human flesh, and cakes do not attract them;
  • move slowly but steadily;
  • prefer to hunt in large groups;
  • die with physical destruction of the brain;
  • respond to sounds, light, smell.

What are zombies afraid of?

Let's reason. We proceed from the fact that zombies are bodies that have retained the ability to somehow move in search of food, but have lost all other human qualities including feelings. Fear is one of them. He, as found out in Ancient Greece, is one of the basic instincts of a living being. That is, there is nothing to find out for a long time - zombies have no emotions, these creatures are incapable of being scared a priori. It is impossible to influence them through threats. Will have to fight back. You can destroy zombies the only way- by destroying the brain, commanding dead body. That is, you need to think in advance about having a weapon against zombies. There are many options here, especially since humanity has been improving the methods of murder throughout its history. But more on that later.

How to survive the zombie apocalypse?

Despite the absence reliable information about such a disaster, instructions have long been written. Enthusiasts successfully spread tips on how to survive the zombie apocalypse. In general, the methods can be divided into several options, which should be considered separately. There are tips for families and single citizens, those whom the disaster found in an apartment, house and at work. It is clear that the rescue algorithm depends on starting conditions. For example, if a sudden epidemic occurs while you are riding in a crowded subway car or bus, there is simply no escape. People will instantly transmit the virus along the chain with breath or saliva, the first infected will bite the rest. As a result, the gang of the dead is ready. Weapons against zombies in this situation are useless, they will crush them with a mass. In fact, when organizing a rescue, it is important to avoid contact with the infected for as long as possible, to hide, forgetting about courage. Heroism has no place here. Only the owner of an atomic weapon can kill everyone, since more than seven billion people already live on the planet. In the event of an epidemic, most of them will join the hordes of the living dead.

Loner's rescue plan

Let's start looking at recommendations on how to survive in a zombie apocalypse, with non-family citizens, gender does not matter. First of all, it is necessary to barricade windows and doors, that is, to fence off from outside world. Then start counting and sorting stocks. The real zombie apocalypse in the city is Armageddon, especially at the very beginning. The dead will begin to scour in search of prey. They will organize in packs and attack anything that moves, so it's best to wait it out. It will last, according to calculations, about two weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately stock up on water and food. You should take only products that are not subject to quick spoilage: canned food, biscuits and the like. Do not exchange for cereals, it will be impossible to cook them in the city. Employees of energy supply enterprises will be eaten very quickly.

How to choose clothes

An important point of the plan called: "how to survive in a zombie apocalypse" is the ability to equip yourself appropriately. It should be understood that the world has completely changed, which means that there is no time for fashion. Clothing and footwear should be durable, as comfortable and wearable as possible. Sports style is exactly what you need. Also, prepare a backpack or bag that will fit a knife, food, water, ropes, matches or a lighter, a flashlight, a gas mask, medicines, a change of clothes. You don't have to take a lot. Throw out everything you don't need. Instead of documents, put a lock pick or a screwdriver. In general, you need to focus on the tools, they will be very useful when it comes time to hit the road. And there is no chance to survive in the city.

Plan for family citizens

Let's not repeat ourselves. We describe only the features of behavior. Children need to be instructed and equipped especially carefully. They can become easy prey even for a lone zombie. These creatures smell, therefore, it is necessary to get rid of it. Anything that is at hand will do: cologne, perfume, food flavorings, gasoline or kerosene. Be sure to give your children a good drink of any of the above liquids when you hit the road. Toddlers are best placed in a backpack to make it easier to move. You will have to travel in dashes from one apartment to another, stopping for rest. Each room should be well barricaded, all security measures should be taken.

Where to get food, water and weapons?

One of critical factors Survival in such a situation is the availability of protective equipment. Firearms you will have to look in specialized stores or other people's apartments. This is no longer looting, but necessary measure. Try to act carefully so as not to attract the dead with noise. Don't go hunting alone. It is advisable to immediately gather in groups, so it is easier to defend. You should not go to huge supermarkets immediately after the start of the apocalypse. There are many unfortunate people caught by the epidemic while shopping. They will leave the buildings only after certain time. Postpone hunting for a week or two. It is better to look for food in small shops closer to the outskirts. But they will quickly become empty, then you will go to hypermarkets. The real zombies are looking for people and animals, so they will leave the city when there are no inhabitants left. Therefore, if it is possible to wait a month in an apartment, then it is worth using it.

Zombie Encounter

No one can completely bypass the dead. Therefore, it is necessary to know in advance how to deal with zombies. The technique is simple: destroy their brains. The first time will be scary, because human form creatures do not lose immediately. But the choice is small: either join the hordes of the living dead, or kill. To destroy the brain, any weapon from a knife to a rifle will do. Hit straight to the head. Melee weapons are best reinforced with a lever. It is recommended to make a spear by tying a good knife to a mop handle. This way you protect yourself from contact with zombie secretions, which can be infectious. It's also good to look for a crossbow. Learn to shoot as the battle progresses. And it is convenient in that the ammunition can be reused. By the way, do not forget to pick up thick rubber gloves. This tool is useful for extracting arrows from zombie heads. Get a heavy ax from the hardware store. It's perfect for dealing with the dead.

Where to go?

So far, nothing is known about how to defeat the zombies. People will have to figure it out as the situation develops. It is important to get out of the cities and save the population. This will require transport, preferably a car. You can load many useful tool which will later save lives. Move to the outlying suburbs. Choose any empty house protected by a moat or a strong fence. All this will have to be strengthened. Use rebar and other iron pins by sticking them into the ground. The most real zombies do not shine with their minds, respectively, they will stumble upon obstacles and delay the entire flock. Make stretch marks from cans and ropes. They will warn you in time of danger. Housing should be selected near a water source, but not far from the city. It will take a long time to grow food, so you will sometimes have to go to the shops for prey.

The best places to organize a base

The time of the apocalypse will equalize everyone, sweep away the conventions between the living. The only goal left is not to replenish the gangs of the dead. Therefore, it will be possible to apply for any unoccupied premises. The best for survival, apparently, will be:

  • government suburban bases;
  • military units;
  • prisons;
  • floating, protected objects.

You need to unite with other people and look for such a place. It is much easier to organize defense there. While all the gasoline has not yet been used up, it is recommended to find an excavator and enclose the building with a wide moat. It will be great if you can fill it with water from a river or lake.

distant plans

As a rule, in times of crisis, people are only concerned with survival. Those who succeed will face another problem: what to do in the new, scary world. They will have to clean up the planet and try not to ruin the human race. And this will require a lot of effort and work. Gradually, the supplies will run out, even if there are few survivors. In addition, part of the population will loot, trying to satisfy own desires without caring about the future. We'll have to fight off dead and living bandits. This requires a lot of weapons. Your community will have to constantly replenish the arsenal. In addition, we need to collect more normal people. It's easier to defend together. But it is dangerous to accept everyone you meet into the community. People will have to be tested. A year later, if you manage to save the community, you will have to learn how to conduct subsistence farming, grow food in the garden.

This is how it starts new era humanity, if the apocalypse does happen. And it will be completely different, not the same as now. Most of the technology will be rapidly and irretrievably lost during the lifetime of the first generation of survivors. And how society will develop is unknown. Perhaps the zombies will be defeated, and people will discover other, more advanced abilities in themselves, if they manage to save the population, of course.

Behind past years, in our culture, the theme of zombies has developed and taken a strong position. Especially in last years the idea of ​​a zombie apocalypse is popular, in which the remnants of humanity are fighting for their place on the planet along with the walking dead, as in the TV series The Walking Dead.

Most often, the appearance of the first revived corpse is not mentioned anywhere and the secret of how it all began is not revealed. In some scenarios of disaster films, the beginning of the apocalypse is an infectious disease.

The organism's mutation is due to a pathogen being transmitted from one person to another by a virus (as in "Resident Evil") via a bite.

Often, the scenario for the beginning of the “end of the world” is an accident at secret facility or in secret scientific laboratory, from where a deadly virus breaks out, turning people into the eternally hungry cannibalistic dead ("28 days Later").

The appearance of aggressive zombies is also associated with magic, especially voodoo magic, because of which the zombie obeys someone's orders (as in the 1932 film “White Zombie”), either a demon is infused into a dead body or evil spirit. Also, one of the options for the appearance of zombies is recognized as "punishment of the Lord", a kind of variant of burning out the brain, where there is only one goal - to eat.

Long proven cannot exist in the real world, even though the idea of ​​a zombie apocalypse is fascinating; extreme survival in terrible conditions of the fight against a supernaturally strong enemy, almost indestructible.

Despite the romanticism of such a combination of circumstances - one on one with your own "I" and with small group people (if you're lucky), where you can find a connection with another person. 'Cause now it's harder for people to find mutual language, get out of the Internet space and make contact with someone live, it's another matter when everyone has no choice - romance!

Name a few good reasons, according to which zombies cannot exist and be part of real world basically. And only the power of magic can explain the existence of zombies.

1) First, often in movies, literature and games, the zombie brain is completely dead, driven solely by the endless hunger reflex. But the body cannot function without the brain! A dead body retains only some functions after death:

- hair and nails continue to grow;
- the growth rate of skin cells gradually decreases and stops with the loss of blood circulation within a few days;

- urination may occur due to muscle weakness;
- after the cessation of the heartbeat, the blood collects in the lowest place, depending on the position in which the person died, this can cause an erection, and during post-mortem relaxation and muscle contraction, ejaculation can also occur;

- defecation occurs due to weakening of the muscles and due to the gases released in the body;
- reflex movement of muscles associated with areas nervous system, which for some time after death can still remain active and send electrical signals to the muscles; at the same time, strong movement is impossible, slight muscle spasms are noted;

- during decay and activity of bacteria destroying the body, the amount of mucus and gases inside increases, and in combination with rigor mortis can sometimes lead to unpleasant and eerie sounds coming from the dead body, as if the dead man "speaks";

- gases accumulating inside the body can also serve as an unpleasant and extremely rare phenomenon of childbirth in female corpse. This happens if a woman was pregnant during her lifetime, but after death the child’s corpse was not removed from the mother’s womb and was buried with her (they might not know about pregnancy, an autopsy was not performed or due to religious beliefs they were buried together). The gases accumulated in the decaying corpse lead to the posthumous expulsion of the fetus;

- brain activity persists after cardiac arrest, time brain activity can range from a few minutes to several days with certain medications and under certain circumstances, although if the heart starts beating again, most often irreparable damage will be done to the brain due to oxygen deprivation.

As you can see human body unable to continue functioning for too long after the fact of death, and the extent of its performance is limited to a few reflexes and minimal bodily functions.

2) Secondly, a decaying corpse, albeit infected with a supervirus, cannot move, walk, and even more so run, even if some part of the brain is alive and continues to send impulses to the limbs, because muscle cells are dead and impulses do not reach neurons to muscle fibers, which in turn cannot contract.

In rotting meat, the cells are dead, and any movement needs impulses. Even if the dead man is new and fresh, the impulses to his cells will come more slowly and less, because without blood supply, the vital activity of the cells is impossible, therefore, they will die, and decomposition will begin.

3) The heart does not work - tissues are not supplied with oxygen, important biochemical processes, responsible for the production of energy with which the limbs move. In a body in which the heart and, accordingly, the lungs do not work, long-term aerobic processes, that is, movement, cannot occur, because there is no blood circulation, and there is no oxygen supply.

Hand twitching is a muscle spasm, standing on two legs and moving is a complex and energy-consuming process that, firstly, requires impulses from the brain, and, secondly, energy for movement.

At least in connection with these 3 important aspects, humanity will never experience a zombie apocalypse in all its glory. Do not loot in the ruins of your city, fighting off aggressive walking dead with a machete or shotgun in your hands. Raising a corpse from the grave and making it walk and attack others can only be done by magic, capable of moving even dead cells and a non-functioning brain.

The closest zombie apocalypse film to reality is 28 Weeks Later. In the film, the virus that turns people into "zombies" was called the rage virus and did not kill its carriers, depriving them of control over their actions and giving them superpowers, which is very similar to the rabies virus.

Also transmitted by saliva or bite, the virus attacked the brain and spread along nerve pathways. Emotions are controlled by the frontal lobes of the brain, which have deep-seated regions responsible for primitive emotions such as aggression and hunger.

The part of the brain responsible for actions receives signals from them and controls these emotions by triggering a stop function. It is obvious that when the brain is damaged, the stop functions cease to work, which causes fits of rage, and during aggression, hormones (testosterone, adrenaline, etc.) and enzymes are released that contribute to the emergence of superpower, which is already in the potential of the human body.

Yes, we should not forget that a person does not use the full potential inherent in us by nature. Yes, in extreme situations with powerful adrenaline rushes, people are able to run faster or lift heavy things that they normally could not lift. In these cases, the body works for wear and tear, but this is the functioning of the body controlled by the brain.

Given all of the above, based on scientific data on the topic of zombies and the zombie apocalypse, this problem can be dismissed as utter nonsense. True if physical world does not allow the possibility of the existence of zombies in reality, that is, the world of magic formulas.

In the world of magical magic and spells, with work on the body and objects, everything is much simpler. Here, it is enough to whisper a spell, sprinkle with cunning powder on the fire, and any body changes its characteristics in the required direction. In this case, yes, not only gnarled sticks charged with megatons are possible here atomic energy, but zombie creatures are also allowed.

The topic of turning part of the Earth's population into bloodthirsty zombies that walk the streets of cities and hunt those who are still alive has been worrying the minds for many decades. interest in zombies recent times gaining great power, while the United States continues to be the main supplier of stories about the dead. It is here that they constantly wonder about when the zombie apocalypse will be and diligently prepare for this day. The Pentagon has even developed a plan of action in case of such a phenomenon. Why this question excites people, we will try to figure it out today.

Apocalypse problem

The zombie apocalypse is a fantasy scenario in many horror films where some viral infection turns healthy people into cannibals who are aggressive and this leads to the extinction of the Earth's population.

In 1968, real zombies in the form of the bloodthirsty dead were introduced into culture thanks to the movie Night of the Living Dead. After this, ideas about the apocalypse began to act as standard models that were applied to many areas of popular culture. The fictional apocalypse scenarios involve a zombie invasion with an infectious virus, much like an epidemic of a real disease. The bite of a walking dead contributes to the death of a person and his subsequent transformation into a monster that is eager to attack living people. The military and police cannot deal with such a massive threat, so those who are left must fight.

The scenario also describes how to defend against zombies. To do this, you need to find a weapon and a car in which to go to a deserted place and settle there. First, you need to stock up on food, clothing, water, medicines and various equipment.

Reality and Zombies

Many scientists have developed a model of a zombie apocalypse as a viral epidemic of unknown origin, where they pointed out that the existence of this problem will lead to the collapse of civilization. In 2011, a humorous instruction was published on how what to do during a zombie apocalypse. This joke aroused public interest. Three years later, the Pentagon developed a plan to evacuate people from cities if such a catastrophe happened.

In Britain, scientists have calculated how much time will pass until the moment total destruction humanity in the event of an apocalypse. According to their assumptions, within a hundred days the number of people on earth will be two hundred people, and zombies - one hundred million individuals. They also established that, , he will acquire global scope already twenty days later. The chances of getting infected in this case will be 90%, while the dead themselves would live for twenty days, after which they would be eliminated due to hunger and dehydration.

Preparing for the apocalypse

Today, almost everyone knows. They swept popular culture fairly quickly, appearing in movies, books, video games, and so on. Americans have a deeply imprinted fear of the crowds of the dead who want to feast on living flesh. Therefore, so-called anti-zombie kits began to appear in many weapons stores, which included real knives, shotguns and more.

The comedian released a "Survival Guide" in case of an apocalypse, which formed the basis of the famous film "World War Z". The Pentagon has developed plan CONOP 888, which describes the actions to attack the zombies. There are regular exercises in Kansas, so everyone is ready for that moment. Also, this topic is highlighted by the media, periodically giving out news, which, of course, are ducks.

But most people tend to believe a fake, so they are seriously preparing for a massive epidemic. For example, several years ago it was reported that on the shore of Fr. St. Thomas was thrown away the body of a male with a skinned skin. When the police arrived, the drowned man stood up and attacked them. The guards began to shoot at the man, but this had no effect, so they began to retreat. One of the observers grabbed a pistol and shot the dead man in the head, from which he died. The body was taken by the military, who later claimed to exist. A few years later, the Minister of Australia, before the date of the expected end of the world (12/12/2012), issued a statement that she was ready to protect her people from the walking dead.

Virus Solanum

Zombies are not the result of black magic or any other force. They come from a virus called Solanum. And whether there will be a zombie apocalypse depends on how quickly this virus spreads on the planet. This virus spreads through the bloodstream from the site of entry to the brain. It uses frontal cells to copy data, which it then destroys. When this happens, all body functions stop, the brain does not die, but goes into a dormant state, and Solanum turns body cells into new organs. The resulting new organism is not dependent on oxygen. Upon completion of the mutation, the body comes to life, but it is similar to a corpse. Some functions of the body remain, others function to a limited extent, and still others stop altogether. This the new kind called a zombie - a representative of the living dead. Thus, the Solanum virus creates real zombies, it enters the bloodstream of a healthy person, causing certain mutations.

Survive at any cost!

Survival is main goal at the apocalypse. When confronted with the living dead, many abilities are needed: first aid, weapon skills, leadership, and more. Currently, many films are devoted to this topic, by reviewing which you can get knowledge on how to survive and fight zombies. To eliminate such an individual, it is necessary to turn off its brain, other ways to deal with these creatures have not been found.

the walking Dead

Today, almost everyone knows the walking Dead that embody evil. They are endowed with unmotivated rage, aggression towards the living, strong hunger, they walk in packs. Their brain is affected, the functions of the body do not work, the tissues decompose. But there is no logic in all this, such creatures are observed only in pop culture and have nothing to do with reality.

This image of a zombie was created for the plots of films for the purpose of box office. After all, it is the dead that people who believe in the zombie apocalypse are most afraid of. Science refutes the possibility of the existence of such walking dead. So, it has been proven that dead body don't happen metabolic processes, there is no tissue regeneration, there is no biochemistry in it, which is capable of providing thinking, movement, reflexes and aggression itself. It follows that zombies in real life will not be able to walk, because they do not have internal energy. Since the bonds between the tissues are very weak, they would simply fall apart. In addition, the dead do not have digestion, so they cannot eat their victims.

zombie man

This version is more realistic and to some extent fits modern times. According to some interpretations, a modern zombie obeys someone's orders, it is a person with an undermined mental health and memory. He is a kind of slave without consciousness and will, deprived of independence, and follows orders from outside.

We know what a zombie apocalypse is from movies and books, but what if it's already here? In this case, sectarians act as zombies, who blindly give their property to the sect, and in some cases commit murders and suicides. By manipulating the human mind, their leaders commit various illegal acts through the hands of other people. Also, those who blindly believe in political rhetoric can become zombies. Such a zombie apocalypse has already been in our history and claimed a huge number of lives - it was called fascism.

infected people

Pop culture has created a kind of zombie that matches healthy man, infected with a dangerous virus, it makes him aggressive and hungry, having lost common sense. Such a virus, according to some sources, is created in a military laboratory that develops biological weapons. Therefore, the question of When does the zombie apocalypse start?, is highly relevant. In fact, such viruses already exist in nature and are familiar to many people.

Real viruses

AT modern world there are several diseases. People who get them are somewhat like zombies:

  1. Toxoplasmosis is a disease that is transmitted from cats. Many studies that have been conducted on rats have shown that when infected with this virus, they begin to eat themselves. This disease actually affects half the globe. People with strong immune system do not notice any symptoms, but those whose immunity is weakened notice outbursts of anger and auto-aggression. Although toxoplasmosis to date has not turned anyone into a zombie.
  2. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is an ailment of the cerebral cortex and neuronal nodes, which is dystrophic in nature. The human brain is damaged, hallucinations begin, dementia appears, loss of skills, inadequate thinking, rage. There is no cure for this disease, it can be hereditary and acquired. But this disease is unlikely to lead to a zombie apocalypse, since a person with such an ailment dies within two years.
  3. African trypanosomiasis is caused by the bite of a tsetse fly. The disease affects the central nervous system, there are bouts of hunger, accompanied by fatigue and lethargy. It is possible that this disease has created African peoples zombie image. But this disease is completely curable and will not lead to the apocalypse.

Zombies in modern culture

So ? Most likely never. Zombie is just a popular brand that was created to make money. This image symbolizes a person's phobias, something terrible that one can encounter in life. And many earn on these phobias. Today, almost everyone knows who zombies are, what they look like, what they eat and how to kill them. And it's all thanks to contemporary culture: cinema and literature. In communication, the words “zombies”, “apocalypse”, “walking dead” and so on began to be used more and more often. Some universities around the world are studying zombies as cultural phenomenon. Students are engaged in considering the question of why filming has been taking place lately. great amount movies about these monsters, and what interests them common man. Every year in various countries procession of the world a large number people disguised as dead. Sociologists and psychologists are still studying this phenomenon.


Thus, the zombie in the modern world expresses human fears from which it is impossible to escape. It is films that give rise to these phobias, which in many cases require medical treatment. And the apocalypse, most likely, will not come for the next hundred years.