What is an informal note. What does informal mean? How to understand the word informal? Meaning and meaning...

Who are the informals?

Walking down the street past another crowd of young people, we involuntarily pay attention to brightly dressed, tattooed or specially combed people. "That's the youth!" - we think. However, few of ordinary people imagines that such clothes, hairstyle and tattoos can mean a lot. For us, of course, they mean little. But for the young people who are going through difficult period of his life in connection with age, such clothes are a symbol of something special. What? Let's try to figure it out.

Informals - who are they?

Who are the informals? First of all, informals are a social group. As a rule, the term refers to those young people who strive in some way to stand out from the society of the people around them. The desire for informal cultures occurs in a person usually in adolescence. However, there is a large number of cases where people remain informal for a long time. This is due to a deep awareness of the ideas of the informal movement. Subsequently, such people become some kind of spiritual inspirers of youth. They are constantly in the circle of young people and do what is written in the informal "rulebook" of their culture. Naturally, the set of rules does not imply the existence of a legal document. Rather, they are simply the beliefs and traditions of a certain informal culture.

Perhaps the most common cause for the emergence of an informal group is Musical direction. These yeasts form the main informal cultures. For example, hippies, metalists, rappers, indies and so on. Music has a kind of magical effect on young people. Known music bands should feel a great responsibility for what they convey from the stage. In order to understand who the informals are or what it means to be, for example, a metalist, you need to love metal music. Without awareness of music and without its acceptance, no person will be truly accepted into this or that informal culture.

Another popular reason for the emergence of informal cultures is the political and historical situation. For example, Nazism in Germany was also an informal culture that grew into a world-class killing machine.

From this point of view, the history of the emergence of hippie culture is interesting. Initially, there was a beatnik movement (from the word "beat" or "blow"). They can be considered the progenitors of all informal cultures of the present world. The movement originated in the 1950s in the United States of America. During the Second World War, many young people lost their parents, after which their generation was called broken. These young people expressed their grief and protest by dressing in torn jeans, saggy sweaters and old sneakers. Against the background of the rest of the schoolchildren in jackets and ties, the beatniks looked like beggars. Such clothing and often defiant behavior of informals were a challenge to the traditional foundations of society. By the end of the 1950s, by order of the US government, the drug LSD was invented, which was designed to destroy vulnerable youth. According to studies, up to 60% of active LSD users died from heart attacks. But the situation quickly got out of control. The drug has become a national disaster. In that environment, such great musical groups as The Doors, Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones arose. The musicians actively took drugs and wrote songs under their influence. The bands were very popular, leading to the formation of the hippie movement. These young people led a hectic life, used soft drugs, traveled from city to city in various music festivals. Their motto was famous expression: "Make love, not war", which in translation into Russian sounds like "make love, not war."

Friends, have you noticed that there are a lot of words in Swedish that end in –is? I'm sure you all know the word kompis.

But there are many others! What unites them and what connotation does this suffix carry? Let's figure it out together :)

Suffix –is often helps to make the word shorter, like Russian photography - photo, training - friction, teacher - teacher ...

Of course, such abbreviated words sound informal.

It's the same in Swedish. (In English there is a similar feature - the ending ie, for example, cutie, sweetie, freebie).

It's time to get to know the most frequent words on the –is.

Kompis- the word "friend" comes from the word "company" or "companion". Hi French, from which the Swedish got some words. True, now company, neither companion are not used in the meaning of "friend, companion", but they gave us a good-natured and convenient word kompis.

Grattis- "congratulations / congratulations." From gratulerar- "Congratulations". I always try to translate these –is words, and grattis I translate “congratulations” :) just like hugs, which we will analyze a little later.

Dagis- garden from daghem (lit. "day house") - a kindergarten. Although the word is now officially accepted f ö rskola , but also dagis, and fritis/fritids(from fritidshem - also a type of kindergarten) is still in use.

Godis- "sweets". I think it comes from godsaker - “tasty things”, that is, “sweets”.

Sometimes -is gives a contemptuous, derogatory connotation:

Fjortis- "14-year-old" ( fjorton - fourteen). It is used as a contemptuous stereotype of a teenager "with superficial interests": clothes, catchy appearance, busting with cosmetics, the opposite sex, hanging out with alcohol. Also sometimes used about immature young people.

Fegis- the most common version of the word "coward". Derived from feg - cowardly.

Tjockis- fat man, fat woman. From the word jock - thick.

Sometimes the -is suffix makes words sound sweeter:

Bebis/ bä bis- this is from the English "baby", "baby", and bebis obviously sounds very sweet and gentle.

Sö tis- dear, dear, from s ö t - sweet, sweet. Used as a referral.

Mjukis- soft toy; soft person, mjuk - soft. It is also often used as part of other words, for example, mjukiskla der - cozy plush home clothes (made of knitwear and other materials that are pleasant to the body).

What does a "soft man" look like? For the average Swedish dad:

Den svenska mannen ä r en mjukis som gillar att umgå s med sina barn. – The Swedish man is a sweetheart who loves to mess around with children.

Kramis/ kramis- hugs from kram / kramar - hug / hugs (often written at the end of sms and messages).

Just cool words, which are closest to our analogues "washing machine - washing machine":

Bä stisbest friend, from b ä sta v ä n .

Kä ndis- celebrity, k ä nd person .

Skå dis- actor/actress sk å despelare .

Hemlis- secret from hemlighet .

Kondis- confectionery, from confectionery . It can also mean "state" ( condition ).

Pingis- Ping pong.

Pankis- pancake, pancakes, from pannkaka .

Vaktis- on duty, watchman, watchman, from vaktm ä stare .

Fuskis- fake from fusk - deception.

Frä ckis- “insolent, impudent person” or “indecent anecdote / joke”, for example , dra en fr ä ckis - make a dirty joke.

snacks- "hot", widely discussed topic, from the word snacka - to chat. For example:

Brad och Angelinas uppbrott blev snackis i hela vä rlden. - The breakup between Brad and Angelina was talked about all over the world.

Bergis- “exactly!”, “one hundred pounds!”, from bergs ä ker (=helt säker) – “completely

sure". Berg - mountain, s ä ker - sure. Very Scandinavian.

Knä ppis- dumb, stupid kn ä pp or kn ä pskalle (lit. "stupid skull" - we have already analyzed this word in the article).

Bakis- with a hangover bakfull (lit. "behind + drunk").

sotis- jealous. Full size version - svartsjuk , in itself an amusing word, because it translates “black + sick”. He has an abbreviation svartis from which it seems to originate sotis. Used in the same way as the original:

Han är sotis på min ex-kille. He is jealous of my ex.

Avis- Another emotional word, "envy", from avundsjuk . Used in exactly the same way:

Jag är grymt avis på honom eftersom han ska på en affärsresa i USA.- I envy him terribly, because he will go on a business trip to the USA.

Words in -is are often composed spontaneously, according to the situation. (that's why there are so many of them!):

Solis- "sunshine" sol - sun. Officially, there is no such word, but sometimes they say so when they want to affectionately name a loved one.

Kortis- it is impossible to translate normally :) meaning - "quickly", from cort - short, brief

Jag skulle bara in en kortis på toaletten.- I'm going to the toilet right now.

Ritis- this is my nickname, which was invented by my old pen pal. Although he is not a Swede, the name Ritis sounds very appropriate and very Swedish :) some of my friends still call me that, this one has taken root well smeknamn :)

I want to note that NOT ALL words that end in -is belong to this informal group. For example, potatis, polis etc. came in this form from other languages. When a word is informal and abbreviated, it is immediately obvious, because the source word is easily traced.

By the way, playing with the ending -is is especially popular in Stockholm and its suburbs. So if you are going to Stockholm, try to show off and surprise the Swedes on occasion :)

Informal… Spelling Dictionary

Informal, private, private; backstage, particular Dictionary of Russian synonyms. informal, see the unofficial Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z… Synonym dictionary

Sanctioned… Antonym Dictionary

informal- informal; briefly form of linen, linen ... Russian spelling dictionary

informal- kr.f. informal / flax, informal / flax, flax, flax; informal/more informal… Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

informal- * informal / l ... merged. Separately. Through a hyphen.

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Aya, oh; flax, flax, flax. One that is not formal. ◁ Informally, adverb ... encyclopedic Dictionary

informal- oh, oh; flax, flax, flax. see also informally One that is not formal… Dictionary of many expressions

informal- not / form / al / th ... Morphemic spelling dictionary


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  • An informal notebook on St. Petersburg, Marina Zhdanova. An informal notebook designed to inspire. Filling its pages with your plans, desires and thoughts, you write a script own life, which you will play in the best ...

At the word "informal" people have various associations. Someone remembers the goths, punks, etc. All these youth subcultures there are common features.

General information

So, informal - who is it? In a generalized concept, such people include those whose thinking, behavior, habits and appearance differ from social accepted norms. In fact, any person who stands out from total weight people, even just by their style of dress, is already taken for informal. To do this, bright laces on shoes or long hair will be enough. young man. All. Ready! In the eyes of society, you are already informal personality. But being different from everyone else does not necessarily mean standing out from the crowd due to an extraordinary appearance. It is quite enough to have what makes an informal such - thinking and views that are radically different from generally accepted norms. The absence of frames that people draw for themselves is a characteristic feature of the considered representatives of various subcultures and simply extraordinary personalities.

Informal teenagers are not just a youthful rebellion against society. This is a break in the framework, opposing oneself to the preference of the majority of people. They deny former experience generations. Their goal is shocking, the search for a new, overturning consciousness. Avant-garde and aspiration for the future - best features informal environment.

Extraordinary currents exist great amount. Moreover, some of them are characteristic of certain countries, while others have acquired a global character.


Goth, of course, is also informal. Who is it? Gothic subculture appeared in the seventies of the last century. Her roots come from punk culture. So what happens? Are these two streams the same?

The Goths differed from the punks in their more refined demeanor and style of clothing. Also, the difference is that the Goths are more diligent. They can be proud of their academic performance. Often such people have a penchant for art. With the advent of the current in question, gothic rock music began to develop.

Representatives of the subculture themselves are often accused of promoting suicide and death. But so it seems to those people who look at them with the naked eye. Psychologists, in their statements, note that the Goths are potential suicides. And, gathering together, they help each other to adapt to society.

Clothing for non-formals who consider themselves Goths has a style that matches their worldview. Representatives of this subculture prefer black, sometimes combining it with white, red. The main materials for their clothes are goat fur, suede, satin, velvet. The decorative part is obligatory - corsets, jewelry, lace, flounces, lacing. When applying makeup, goths of both sexes practice excessive lightening of the skin of the face. Feature- Eyes lined with black pencil. By these basic parameters, you can recognize a Goth at any time. Any additions to the image are allowed. For example, a haircut with shaved temples.

AT given time there are even brands of gothic clothing. The most famous companies are:

1.Spiral Direct.


Emo informals

Have you heard of this flow? Emo is also informal. Who is it? This direction came to us in the eighties from the West. The last wave was about 5 years ago. It is worth noting that in the course of its revivals, the movement acquired striking differences from the emo culture of the West.

Western informals (see photo below), entering the emo trend, are teenagers who prefer pastel or natural colors in clothes. Representatives of this trend do not accept tattoos and piercings. Such teenagers position themselves as children with hyper-emotionality. Representatives of the considered subculture Western countries fundamentally different from emo from the East.

Among our teenagers, tattoos and piercings are considered obligatory attributes. And informal girls practically do not differ from boys. No, you don't think they dress like men. Rather, on the contrary, guys are very similar to girls. They also line their eyes, paint their nails, wear the same hairstyles. In emo clothes, one can distinguish the predominance of black and pink colors, checks, stripes. Also an essential attribute is a great variety of bracelets and a large shoulder bag with an incredible number of badges. Emo identify themselves as bisexual. Perhaps this explains the similarity of guys and girls, as well as the fact that they promote peace throughout the planet.

Emo listen to music that reflects unrequited love, sadness, sadness, apathy.


Yes, that's right, gopniks are also informal youth that have existed at all times. Why are they considered a separate subculture? The answer is simple. They have their own style of clothing, attitudes, slang, behavior and musical preferences. Therefore, it turns out that the gopniks are also informals (the photo is presented below).

Seeing a representative of this subculture, you can unmistakably recognize him by a tracksuit, baseball cap and sneakers (or shoes). Moreover, the guys wear classic shoes all under the same tracksuit. Advanced gopniks may have a rosary and a purse with them. These informals have a reputation as bullies and hooligans. They also have personal business card: beer with seeds. The reason for this reputation is their rejection of dissent. Not only representatives of other informal groups, but also the intelligentsia can become victims of gopniks.

The main part of the subculture is made up of young people from working class families.


Punk is also informal. Who is it? Punks appeared in the USSR. They frightened the adult generation with their numbers, behavior and appearance. Now this movement has died down. There are not so many punks who have remained true to their tastes and views today.

This movement does not recognize any authority and laws. Punks reject accepted social norms. In short, they prefer anarchy to any kind of framework.

Punks wear shabby clothes, dye their hair in bright colors or shaved patterns, there are piercings, chains, tattoos and wristbands. There are also girls among them. Informals of this trend prefer rock.

How do currents appear?

Each of those who have become an adherent of one of the subcultures has their own reasons for this. The most common ones are listed below.

1. Awareness of one's uniqueness.

2. Problems in understanding with peers or parents.

3. Desire for recognition.

4. Loneliness.

What should the parents of such children do?

In order for this period to pass quickly and painlessly, it is necessary to act non-belligerently.

1. Do without scandals.

2. Learn about the subculture maximum amount information.

3. Find positive side in this (maybe your child will learn how to play the guitar).

5. Tell us about your youth and how you were. Perhaps if he realizes that you are similar, then you will be able to find a common language.

6. Allow your son or daughter to display their subculture paraphernalia in their room.


In conclusion, I would like to note that belonging to any informal group does not always make it possible to characterize a person. More often than not, these preferences are temporary. A person finds his "I", realizes that he is unique. To do this, it is not necessary for him to stand out from the crowd in any way.

The grayness of the world

No one knows when humanity began to strain the similarity of features and behavior. After all, there was a time when people were content with the animal skin as clothing and ate one mammoth together. How would the tribe react if one of its members suddenly dyed the extracted skin with ocher and tied it in a new way? Probably, at first the elders would have been indignant, and then, realizing the convenience or beauty of the novelty, they would have adopted the idea.

What is the difference these days from the past? There are also rebels who do not want to be like the rest of the world. For them, kitsch in clothes is a way of self-expression, a kind of cry from the heart, with the help of which they declare themselves and their rules. Basically, informal teenagers are inspired by the idea of ​​being bright, but in fact they don’t even realize that each subculture has its own history and values.

Beauty in its own way...

Each person is beautiful and unique. Therefore, it is impossible to equate humanity to the gray mass. But sometimes these facts are not enough for us, and we strive to color everyday life.

Emo informals in today's world have become somewhat limited, although the original idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits formation was truly delightful. The abbreviation "emo" comes from the word "emotional", thereby expressing the essence of the subculture. Emo are not afraid to express their feelings. They laugh when they feel good, and cry when tears come. Such openness of the soul quite logically coexists next to external fragility and tenderness. But these are not dolls in human form, but real romantic informals. Photos of girls dressed in the style of "emo" give only an approximate picture, and not a guide to action. Really "emo" love pink color and complement it with black, but this does not mean that they bring the overall picture to the point of absurdity. It's just that their main values ​​are brightness and power of thought, and the easiest way to express this in clothes is to combine the most delicate and roughest colors. If you're really into emo culture, don't limit yourself to color. After all, who are informals, if not rebels who break the rules? Combine juicy green and golden red in your image, add softness gray color or create an image in a soft turquoise shade.

Darkness in the world

Although emos appreciate the black color, they tend to dilute it, but the true adherents of darkness are, of course, goths. Initially, they were equated with punks, and the style was characterized by harshness and cynicism. Gradually, the girls also came to the image of the goth. Adherents of style can be easily recognized on the street. Long coats, corsets and black skin, high platform boots and black lace. There is also gothic makeup, which, by the way, is applied not only by girls. Men with thickly lined eyes look a little strange, but with a reasonable approach, even stylish.

Somewhat aloof from the Goth style is the Gothic Lolita style. Remember this heroine of Nabokov's novel? So her seductiveness and puppet features were supplemented with notes Victorian era and gothic darkness. As a result, fragile girls appeared in lace dresses and coarse boots with accessories in the form of crosses, skulls and other elements of darkness.

Was it a boy?

Can males have weaknesses? Do they also want to express themselves in everything? Concerned parents, who noticed how their child is changing, they begin to frantically monitor the media and look for an answer to the question of who the informals are. It affects the fear for your child, the desire to patronize him and control every step. But rebellion is a natural part of growing up, which only says that life goes on as usual. It is important for a growing boy to know that he has his own world, where he can be anyone, regardless of his social status.

Informal guys unite on the basis of common musical interests, familiarization with a special social group. Sometimes the cause of interest is falling in love. And not necessarily in a girl who is far from the accepted ideals of beauty. Who are informals, if not bright birds in the mass? Girls often distinguish them at least for the brightness of the image. And there is already close to mutual interest (with the right approach). On a subconscious level, guys try to be remembered and stand out from a group of friends in order to be worthy of the attention of their chosen one.

Internal crisis

Unfortunately, often joining a subculture is not part of self-expression, but the desire to impersonate someone else. Be tough, like representatives of the "punk" style, not be afraid of your feelings, like "emo", enjoy life like a "hippie". Sometimes it even simplifies life, because even the same hairstyles are chosen by many informals. Photos of girls in the article - bright to that index.

Many of them sincerely worry when they see a person with a similar haircut, and strive to stand out due to a new styling or hair coloring method. And adherents of the same style sometimes just copy each other. So where is the essence of this separation from the mass? It turns out that from the crowd of habitually dressed people stands out a crowd of freaks who look alike, like clones. A superficial attitude towards a subculture gives just such an effect, therefore, in order to answer the question of who informals are, you will first have to understand yourself.

Who are you and who are they?

Who do you want to see yourself? What attracts you to the subculture? Does it match your lifestyle, and can you exist within such a society? If the answers to these questions are in the affirmative, then forward - to new achievements, but it is only worth remembering the reasonableness of the approach. It's not enough to be bright like a parrot, you have to be beautiful like a phoenix. Direct your style to your image. What colors suit you? Not pink, but yellow? Well, it's also an emotional connotation! This is the color of the sun and joy, so make your image appropriate. Complement yellow blue - and get a harmonious combination. But don't forget about rule of three colors. If there are more shades in your ensemble, then you risk causing ripples in the eyes.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Let me invite you to read a publication on communication styles in English language. We will be incredibly happy if this essay solves the problem of the exchange of opinions in society for you. You will learn how to communicate in high society, and what vocabulary to use in drinking establishments during leisure hours with colleagues.

Yo, people! The nerds are attacking, but you don't cut it? Relax! Only today - we are burning chips and driving topics: how to pump English up to 80 lvl and stay on the same wavelength with friends. Check out the new post on our blog!

First, let's find out why it is important to know the differences between these styles of English. Language is part of your image. A bank employee will never come to work in a tracksuit. And an evening dress and high-heeled shoes on the beach will look strange. Similarly, you should choose your communication style. Moreover, every English learner should master different styles of conversation, because even the most strict official has pajamas in his wardrobe, and every stylish lady, in addition to high-heeled shoes, also has comfortable ballet flats for long walks. In the same way, one should keep expressions of various styles with oneself and use them according to the situation. And to do it right, let's find out the signs of each style of communication.

The formal style is used in official setting: in this style, conferences and presentations are held, business communication takes place, documents are written, science articles and books.

There are several rules that should be followed to make the speech sound formal:

1. Don't shorten words

In formal speech there is no place for all sorts of I'm, I'd, I don't. Instead, you should use full forms words: I am, I would, I do not.

At the same time, it is acceptable to use expressions indicating ownership, for example, the company's manager, it is not necessary to say the manager of the company.

2. Avoid using phrasal verbs

In a formal setting, you are unlikely to hear “The inflation rate went up”. Instead, it is customary to say “The inflation rate increased/rose”. Phrasal verbs are replaced by regular ones.

3. Avoid slang and colloquialisms

We think this point is obvious: it's hard to imagine a business partner who calls you bro (bro). And if you want to ask how a representative of a partner company is doing, you are unlikely to say “What’s up?” Rather, you ask “How are you doing?” And in response, you will receive not the colloquial “Yourself?”, but the friendly and polite “Thank you, very well.”

4. Build Complex Expanded Expressions

No need to attend courses oratory, it will suffice not to be limited to short, jerky phrases that we use in everyday speech. If you start to express some idea, then develop it, back it up with clear arguments, justify and bring it to the end. If you are asked a question, answer as fully as possible. Keep track of the cause-and-effect relationship between sentences.

An example of a complex sentence in a formal style:

The period of the five months has been very rich in new events, with significant developments taking place both in the securities markets and in the financial system as a whole. – The five-month period was rich in events and significant transformations that took place both in the securities market and in financial system generally.

5. Use technical terminology

Each industry has its own specifics, so try to use the appropriate vocabulary. For example, if you work in the field of economics and check the financial statements of a company, it would be appropriate to say “We audit financial report”, and not “We check financial report”.

In addition, there are synonymous words for words familiar to us, these synonyms should be used in documents or official speech. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of such words on. Try to use "formal" words in a formal setting, business letters, your speech will only benefit from this, and the interlocutor or addressee will be pleasantly surprised.

6. Avoid the word "I"

If you are writing a business letter, try to avoid the expressions I think, In my opinion, etc. As a rule, such papers are written on behalf of the company, on behalf of the company in which you work. Likewise on business negotiations: talk less about yourself, your opinion, address the interlocutor on behalf of the company.

Should you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact us. - If you need any Additional Information, do not hesitate to contact us.

7. Use complex grammar in speech

Formal language is distinguished not only by long phrases, but also by complex grammatical constructions. For example, in official letters and oral speech passive voice used much more often than in normal conversation. The reason is that active voice personifies speech, and the passive has a more formal connotation, compare:

You are invited to the conference. - You are invited to the conference.

We invite you to the conference. - We invite you to the conference.

As you can see, the first option sounds more formal and respectful. This is what an official invitation or appeal looks like.

If you want to speak in a formal style, remember to use participles, infinitive constructions, conditional sentences, inversion, etc. in your speech.

8. Be tolerant and politically correct

This item, although it is the last, but plays important role. Formal speech is an example of ethics and political correctness. Choose your words carefully so as not to offend your interlocutors, listeners or readers. For example, use economically exploited instead of poor, and senior citizen instead of old man. We advise you to read the articles of our teachers that will help you choose the correct words: " English and political correctness" and " Pseudo-euphemism, or manipulation of consciousness with the help of language".

Informal English is referred to by some as the "dark side" of the language. It is the language of youth. It is used in an informal setting: in a conversation with friends, in online chats, etc.

How to make your speech sound informal:

1. Use slang and idiomatic expressions

When communicating with friends, it is appropriate to use various “juicy” words and vivid expressive expressions. Therefore, if you are learning English with a friend, do not miss the opportunity to screw in some idiom or slang word that you like. By the way, we advise you to read the article "", our tips will help you find a good reference book of expressions and fix them in your memory. An example of informal speech is given below:

He's a joke. He can't do anything right! - He does not deserve respect. He can't do anything right!

In this example, joke is a ridiculous person (sometimes a thing) that doesn't deserve respect.

2. Keep it short

Short simple phrases- an attribute of simple colloquial speech. If you are asked a question, answer it directly, in monosyllables. In a friendly environment, no one requires you long speech with introduction, arguments and conclusion. Be simpler - and they will not only reach out to you, but also talk to you in English.

Hi! What's up?
- She told me, I'm joke.
- Really? Oh, come on, you're cool!
- Thanks!

3. Use phrasal verbs freely

Conversation in a friendly atmosphere - room for creativity in speech. Here it is not only possible, but also necessary to use phrasal verbs. They decorate speech: make it more lively, informal, short. For example, in informal speech, it would be appropriate to use the slang phrasal verb knock off instead of finish:

I usually knock off at five o'clock. - I usually "round off" at five o'clock.

4. Shorten words and use their colloquial forms

A conversation with a friend or a chat is the very place where your speech will fit perfectly colloquial forms words and abbreviations, for example: wanna (instead of want to), I'd (instead of I would), yep (instead of yes), etc. Let's give an example, here the abbreviation ain't is used in the meaning of do not:

I ain't like this book. - I don't like this book.

5. Follow the fashion for words

It can be difficult for non-native speakers to learn how to communicate in an informal manner, because we are usually taught classical English, where there is no place for slang and some colloquial expressions. Therefore, it is so important to “follow fashion” ... in words. Watch various videos, series, films in English. Let's start with the next video. Is your English old-fashioned too?

Neutral English is somewhere between two extremes. This is the language of almost all books and magazines, it is used when communicating with colleagues, acquaintances and relatives. It should be noted that the neutral style differs from the informal in a more polite tone.

Neutral English is just the language that teaches you. It is the foundation on which you can build any style of communication by learning necessary vocabulary and our article. :-)

How to learn to speak neutral English:

1. Use phrasal verbs freely

When talking with colleagues or neighbors, it is appropriate to use phrasal verbs. These are not slang words, their meaning will not make anyone upset, so use them freely.

2. Use abbreviated forms

Neutral conversation allows the use of various I’d, I’ve, you’re, etc. No need to pronounce the full forms of words, otherwise the speech will turn out to be more formal.

3. Be careful with slang

It is undesirable to use slang in a neutral conversation. The latter is the language of youth, the language of the streets, and therefore its place is on the street, and not in the office or visiting grandmother.

4. Be polite

A semi-formal conversation implies respect for the interlocutor, so do not forget to correctly formulate requests, wishes, preferences. For example, instead of "Send me that letter" you should say " could you please send me that letter.” look interesting video on how to speak politely:

We invite you to compare how the same sentence sounds, said in different styles:

You think that your acquaintance is a little bit stupid.He is somewhat intellectually challenged.He's a bit stupid.He's not all there.
A friend has a new BMW.He has acquired a top of the range German-manufactured automobile.He's bought a BMW.He's got a beemer.
A friend of yours, Mary, wants to apply for a job but is afraid she will be rejected. You tell her not to be so frightened.Do not allow your cowardice to hold you back.Don't be such a coward.Don't be such a chicken.
You are very tired. You want to go to sleep.I require some rest and repose.I need to get some sleep.I'm gonna catch some zees.
Your friends went out last night, drinking heavily.They went out partaking of alcoholic beverages.They went out drinking.They were out boozing.
You want to ask a friend, Michael, a favor. You aren't sure how he will react. You ask another friend, Jim, to find out.I asked Jim to ascertain Michael's willingness to assist me.I asked Jim to find out whether Michael would help me or not.I asked Jim to sound Michael out; I asked him to get the lowdown.

Gentlemen, the authors of this publication sincerely hope that they have managed to reveal the topic, and you have received a complete understanding of what formal, informal and neutral English are. Accept the postulate that the main task of communication is the exchange of thoughts between individuals in society. Be well-mannered and tactful, and then this exchange will be crowned with success.

Have you mastered the multi-bukaf? Rexpet! Now you know what kind of fail it is - to use office English at a party with friends or rub for life with the boss when he is not in the subject. Want +100 Karma? Learn true English!