I can't stop hurting what to do. Medicines for the prevention of frequent colds

Let's talk in a simple but very important topic Why do we get sick. How to stop getting sick? I think many of you have heard about such a concept as psychosomatics. All diseases from the head. I can say for sure that any disease is a signal of the body about violations in the system.

How to stop getting sick and what determines whether you will get sick?

I remember when there was an ambiguous situation in my family, for some reason I began to see worse. As a teenager, I realized that I wanted to see normally. And my eyesight improved within a month! I know many families in which someone suddenly, as it seems for no reason at all, is planted with vision, begins to change arterial pressure. In fact, this is a completely understandable reaction of our body to what is happening outside. This is the body's verbatim response: "I don't want to see this" or "I can't stand this."

When there is a lot of love, a lot of trust, a lot of warmth, then people begin to recover. Even the appearance changes! This happens all the time in my training. People come out rejuvenated even though they haven't done any spa treatments. We just worked on how a person relates to himself and to reality.

Often the climate in the family can change if you stop pushing problems away from you. You need to open your eyes and look at these problems openly. Don't fool yourself, don't suppress your feelings. Suppressed feelings cause disease.
For example, as an extreme case, consider a family with an alcoholic. This is usually a problem for someone who doesn't drink. And he begins to convince the drinker and everyone around that this is a problem. But if they begin to fight drunkenness, then almost always a person not only does not stop, but rather even begins to drink even more. You can’t even imagine how you can greatly influence the situation, just believing that this is a problem or not. And this is reflected in our condition. You think: “What is it? I don't say anything. I just said it was a problem." But with your "I think" you influence the situation.

How can we eliminate the cause of the disease?

When health problems appear, you always have 2 ways - to treat with medicines external manifestations or try to find the cause of the disease so that it can be eliminated. Thoughts come from emotions. Each of our emotions is reflected in the body physically.

I ask you to watch yourself. What emotions do you most often experience? If it's fear or anger, how will it affect your body? What you radiate is what you receive! Think about it.

This topic is not only about diseases, but also about our misfortunes as well. It is always very easy to make a problem out of what is happening. You may not like how someone behaves, how they treat you. Think about it, maybe you are creating problems where there are none. Maybe if you think that this is a problem, then others begin to think so.
Even Plato believed that the soul and body are one. This idea was supported by the authors of Ayurveda, doctors of the Ancient East and China. The most common reasons psychosomatic diseases are stress. In order to understand how to stop getting sick, you need to change your emotions. Positive emotions heal. I urge you to live healthy, appreciate your own body and take care of it.

Hello! My name is Stepan. I have been on the Do4a website for more than a year. I want to go to the gym from time to time. Before that, I only read the forum, but today I have matured to write an article that, in my opinion, is relevant. Let's talk about the common cold. I will share my experience and recommendations of doctors who have devoted their entire lives to this problem.

The point is that all conscious life I was constantly sick with colds. Those. stable, 2-3 times a year for a week I was mowed down by the flu ( heat, runny nose, sore throat, earache). My brother is in a similar situation. Quantity and quality of received medicines only slightly improved the state of health, but did not cure the common cold. As a student, I began to realize that this is not normal and something needs to be done.

It became known that today DOES NOT EXIST! medicines that can cure the common cold. We can only suppress the symptoms for a short time but not to cure the disease itself! famous saying: "If you don't treat a cold, you'll be sick for 7 days. And if you treat it, you'll only be sick for a week." - turned out to be quite relevant. The trick is that only our immunity is capable of defeating a disease (viral infection)! ALL!

This is where we will dance. Our the main task- help the body to cope with the virus. And it's real!

To date, the most effective tool from a cold is HARDENING(Corny, but true).

But here, despite the simplicity, there are several nuances.

First, DON'T THINK immediately start pouring over the whole body ice water- You will get sick! Here, as in our beloved "Kacheva" - everything must be done measuredly. After all, you advise beginners not to try to immediately press 100 kg, but first to master the technique. So it is in hardening.

Many practitioners advise to wet the towel first. cold water and then wipe them off. Your body will slowly get used to the cold. My brother and I took a slightly different path. I will describe it below...

So, on the first day of hardening, we open the tap with cold water and wet ONLY HANDS on the shoulders (you can fill a basin with cold water and dip your hands up to the elbow there). Choose the time spent under water on your own according to your well-being, the MAIN THING! don't make it goosebumps. If you get goosebumps or cramps, immediately remove the limbs from the water and dry them thoroughly with a towel.

1. Don't goosebumps.
2. After each procedure, dry thoroughly and dry with a towel.

We give the body time to gradually get used to the load. After 1-2 weeks, we wet our legs knee-deep with our hands. We took a shallow bath and stupidly got on our knees, stayed in this position for a while and got up. Over time, we increase the depth of the bath, so the level above the knee gradually sinks higher and higher into the water.

After about a month, you can try taking half a bath and sitting with your ass in it, i.e. will be all under water Bottom part your body to the level of your navel. It will not be easy, but we are Kachata - difficulties do not frighten us. In fact - from this moment on, your body already receives enough stimulation to fight viruses. To increase the depth of the bath, to immerse the rest of the body over time - it's up to you to decide. I moved on :)

I do hardening before going to bed, when I already wash myself - I take a bath until right level and into the water, and then immediately sleep. Feelings are indescribable. On the day of hardening, he cuts down the moment and sleep at +5.

In general, I hope I helped someone decide and finally start to harden - this is a really working method, tested on me and my brother. We really forgot what a cold is. Sometimes there are symptoms in which we would have been guaranteed to fall ill before. Now we feel that the body does not allow the situation to worsen. In general, I recommend it to all choleric people - it's nice to realize that it's not so easy to knock you out of the saddle :)

If the article turns out to be useful, I will tell you how to quickly overcome a cold (in 2-3 days) without the use of medicines (especially since they will not help :))))), if you still get sick.

PS. I tried the method with Hyper doses of vitamin C in practice - it did not help me.

The main goal of the health authority in the country is to treat the population very well, so that there are as few disabled people and people with chronic diseases as possible. After all, any state needs people who can work, therefore, pay taxes. But when we are talking about own health, every person sooner or later thinks about how to stop getting sick. What to do to make life easier and enough for all the forces.


Before the disease begins to make itself felt on physical level It manifests itself in the subconscious. This happens at the level of life attitudes and stereotypes of thinking. How to stop getting sick and where to start? The subconscious mind needs to be reprogrammed.

This is especially important for those individuals who visit doctors endlessly, moving from one specialist to another, but in fact none of the doctors can help, because there is no problem. What are these patients looking for? Most likely, attention is either trying to justify their failure in another area of ​​life in this way. Checking whether you are such a person or not is very simple. If you are worried about back pain or migraine, then you should imagine what life would be like without these torments. If it didn’t work out, then you are the person who needs to completely reprogram your life settings.

The easiest way to help yourself:

  • Write 50 answers to the question: "Why do I need health?" All answers should not contain the “not” particle, since at the subconscious level a person does not hear it. Simply put, you cannot write: "I will not feel pain", the correct answer is: "I will feel great."
  • Then another question should be answered: “How will I understand that I was sick, and then stopped hurting?” There should also be 50 answers. For example: “I get up early in the morning and feel an unprecedented surge of energy” and so on.

This simple technique allows you to install for yourself new system value coordinates. You can use this method at any time, as soon as the deterioration of well-being begins. But it should be understood that if a person with a problem lives for a long time, then it will take a lot of time to correct the subconscious.

Bad habits

No one will argue that many interesting things were invented precisely in the state drug intoxication, this is both rock and roll and works of art, many books have been written. But how much does our body need drugs and energy, which practically exhaust our body and soul?

What to say about alcohol, it is clear that a glass of wine once a week will not do any harm, but will simply allow you to relieve tension, but daily drinking should be said categorically "no", just like smoking cigarettes.

It is regrettable to admit, but a modern person, especially living in a metropolis, is too little on the street. This applies to both adults and children. But if you listen to your own body, it will tell you that it is much more comfortable for him on the street, even if it is cold or, conversely, hot.

How to stop getting sick? Try to gradually increase the amount of time you spend outside. Graduality in this matter is very important for those persons who quickly catch a cold. It's actually not that difficult to do, go to work 15 minutes earlier than usual and walk a couple of stops on foot. Go for a run or just take a walk after dinner, then the dream will be sweeter.


As with fresh air, few people play sports or have an active physical lifestyle. In fact, it is not necessary to become a professional football player or boxer. Some people may say that they go swimming or go to the gym twice a week, but in reality exercise 45 minutes twice a week is not enough.

What to do to stop getting sick? Even if physical exercise will be 45 minutes a day, but they should be at least 5 times a week. It can be yoga, which, by the way, is suitable for people over 40, since training does not consume the body's resources, but, on the contrary, strengthens muscles and nerves.

Avoid pills

Many people try to prevent a cold by taking pills on the first day they get sick. In fact, the body is often able to cope with acute respiratory infections on its own, and if a drug enters it, then it no longer fights. Do not forget that the body temperature, which has risen to 38 degrees, does not need to be knocked down, because it is she who says that the body is fighting the infection.

In no case should you take antibacterial agents without consulting a doctor. These medicines are intended for the treatment of serious pathologies and have many side effects. Look for alternative ways treatments, many folk remedies perfectly allow you to cope with a cold even at the stage of its development.

Sleep and rest

Never forget that a person should sleep at least 7 hours a day. Another problem for many people is the inability to separate rest and work, that is, some people do not know how to disconnect from work problems at all. After some time, the psyche is so overloaded that problems appear on the physical level, which manifest themselves in various pathologies.

How to stop hurting and start living? Learn to delegate your responsibilities. If there is no way to change something, quit and look for another, more quiet work even if it pays less. Remember that life is one, and work can be changed regularly. After all, even your loved ones need you healthy.


The importance of water in the body is repeated at every step. But many people forget that we are talking about pure water, and not about 10 cups of coffee a day or tea. Exactly pure water removes toxins from the body. If an insufficient amount of fluid enters the body, then the mucous membranes dry up and let the already pathogenic microflora into the body without fulfilling its protective function.


The saying goes right: "We are what we eat." Modern man does not bother much in matters of menu selection, therefore it absorbs mainly simple carbohydrates, refined and fatty foods, carcinogens. And then - only deterioration of health.

How to stop getting sick? Of course, reconsider your diet. The menu should be completely balanced and contain all healthy foods in sufficient quantity. Give up sweets and pastries, of course, these products can be consumed, but in limited quantity. Don't eat fast food and don't eat on the go. Eat the food that will benefit, it is sea and River fish, lean meats, vegetables and fruits, eat less fried foods.

Focus on foods containing anthocyanins, that is, substances that help strengthen the immune system. It is they who will help in resolving the issue of how to stop getting sick with a sore throat. It can be cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries and blackberries. It is recommended to focus on these products in the autumn-spring period, when the number of people with a cold increases. Don't overeat.

Don't forget to replenish your iron levels in your body. About him not enough constant fatigue and frequent colds may indicate. To make up for the deficiency, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy; there is a lot of iron in dried fruits, buckwheat, nuts, sesame seeds and seaweed.

How to make it suddenly stop hurting? The most important rule is the control of emotions and thoughts. It is clear that our life is connected with many problems both at the level of everyday life and at work, but we cannot take all of them to heart. Any problem should be treated more simply, because sooner or later everything will be resolved anyway, and extra stress only "steals" a piece of health.

There is an opinion that some people consciously or subconsciously seek to get sick in order to enjoy the attention that relatives are required to show to a sick person.

In reality, these people want attention, not illness. In any case, they would consciously agree to some slight indisposition, inflated by their groans and sickly appearance to a size where attention can be received without pricks of conscience.

The same can be said about a person who wants to solve some problems with the help of an illness: for example, not to go to work, because the boss is very angry after a scheduled check, and you can get under a hot hand.

Poor health can also serve as a variant of self-justification: is it possible to move forward, to make some effort, if you are physically ill?

But if you ask such people whether they would agree to acquire a serious disease, such as diabetes or intestinal obstruction, for the sake of solving their problems, they, of course, will be very surprised. They will also be offended, because you considered his cold, flu or constant ailments to be “fake”. After all, they are the most real ones: a thermometer can confirm, and a runny nose, and a cough.

However, the point is not in simulation, but in the fact that people manage to get sick because they are besieged by various life problems! They "order" the development of events, which in this moment they seem to be the best.

An order is not always formed in words or thoughts: the body itself knows how to “get out” of the current situation, especially if there have already been precedents. The simplest algorithm works.

But this fact is of interest to us in terms of reverse action: if a person can, at will, attract malaise, maybe, at will, really get rid of a real illness? At least from a headache or the same runny nose, really “caught up” in slushy weather?

"Reverse" experiments

Such "reverse" experiments were also carried out. They used the same "event order" mechanism. Let's say right away: the results of these experiments are impressive. Moreover, during their course it turned out that it is not necessary to recover from the disease - you can just stop getting sick.

For example, a participant in an experiment who sincerely wanted to get rid of a cold listened carefully to himself in order to understand what was the cause of his illness. If the cause was found, it was eliminated, and the disease went away with it.

But if there was no reason, it turned out that it was just stupid to get sick. The person urgently decided to recover, and his cough and runny nose simply stopped.

May you have no time

And yet the question arises: how did a person who was not going to get sick suddenly get sick? After all, he didn’t “order” himself a cough or a temperature. Oh is it? Remember what we think about in the midst of another flu epidemic. Everyone somehow assumes that he can get sick. Fears, but considers it possible. And what is the first thought that comes to mind when we get cold or our feet get wet?

Harmful thoughts about a possible illness should simply be thrown out of your head (or better, not allowed there). Remember: healthy people- these are those who simply do not have time for such thoughts. They do not think about diseases at all, as they are busy with other things.

Of course, the experiments were carried out on mild diseases. But perhaps, when the mechanism is studied, it will be possible to learn to "refuse" from more serious diseases?

Olga Mariuts

Winter is coming, which means that soon people will start to mow down the flu and colds in droves. It would seem that the same story has been repeated for many years: a person knows what to do in order not to get sick, dresses warmly, drinks hot tea with lemon prophylactically, but no, no, and even “falls into” a cold.

And all right, if this trouble occurs in winter, but when the disease overtakes you somewhere in the summer, on vacation, this is doubly insulting. Many have probably already got used to the idea that at least a couple of times a year they will have to lie down with a temperature and a runny nose. I was one of them until I learned not to get sick.

By the word "illness" I mean a cold or flu that does not allow you to work/study in a normal mode. Last time I got sick on January 20, 2012, that is, almost 2.5 years ago. On that day, I made a strong-willed decision not to get sick anymore. Lasted a year, then another, and now in next year getting ready to meet the third year without colds and flu.

To understand how to deal with diseases, we first consider the causes of their occurrence.

Why do we get sick

  1. Stress. According to statistics, most sick days occur on a stressful Monday. Least of all - on Friday. On Friday, a person feels an emotional upsurge before the upcoming weekend, but on Monday he feels the brunt of the upcoming working week- It is at this time that the likelihood of getting sick increases. Sooner or later constant stress force a person to take sick leave.
  2. internal protest. Are you tired of work or it became unbearable to go to class in the morning? Or maybe you want to finally relax, but far from vacation? There is a way out: the subconscious itself will turn on the necessary mechanisms so that you are often exposed to the wind, cold and air conditioners and can thus get sick.
  3. Lack of attention. You want the people around you to start giving you oranges, drink coldrex, feel sorry and ask about your health every day. This is pleasant for everyone, but this is nothing more than a method of manipulation.
  4. Intense cold. This kind of cold is hard to miss, because it is clearly felt by every cell of the body. The first desire, when you feel a strong cold, is to warm up urgently.
  5. Light cold. A striking example- an imperceptible draft or a treacherous air conditioner nozzle, which quietly, but systematically, minute by minute takes away your heat - this is one of the most dangerous types of cold.

How to deal with the causes of diseases listed above

  1. You can deal with stress at work either by reconsidering your attitude to work (to be simpler, not taking everything to heart), or by changing jobs.
  2. In the case of internal protest, it makes sense to pump yourself up with good reasons to go to work (motivation) or, again, change jobs and do something more pleasant. In addition, it may be that you are stuck with routine. In this case, it makes sense to consciously take a vacation for at least a couple of days and emotionally cheer up with the help of a short trip and communication with interesting people.
  3. If you do not have enough attention, then you should not build a martyr out of yourself. Going out with friends to an event will be much more productive: you will spend much less time and get your dose of social capital. The more often you go out in public, the less you will want to get sick. And if you fall in love - and even more so.
  4. Strong and light cold require different approaches. It is easier to prepare for a strong cold than for a light one, because it is more noticeable and palpable. It is impossible to let it pass by: when you are shivering, and your teeth are tap dancing, you will either urgently look for a way to warm up, or make a strong-willed decision to endure. This is the secret to fighting extreme cold.
  5. Light cold is like a frog that is quietly boiled over low heat. In order not to fall for this most insidious kind of cold, it is required high level consciousness. You need to learn to feel your body and notice the slightest uncomfortable manifestations around you. Don't be a hero and endure a light draft or a blanket that isn't warm enough. A slight cold can take you by surprise when you are sleeping and you have no control over the conditions of your sleep. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare in advance for possible scenarios sudden cold snap and prepare an extra blanket or take an extra sweater with you. It is better to sweat than to be cold. To increase your chances in the face of a slight cold, you should not only do " homework” for warming with sweater blankets, but also add a reminder to the “cache” of your head that the wind is blowing and you can’t relax. That is, even when you are sitting somewhere in the office on important meeting, in the head it is necessary to “book” the thought of the cold. When you remember the cold and are aware of what it is and what it affects you, you already increase your chances of not getting sick by 50%.

Prevention will save the world

It is much easier not to get sick if you regularly perform simple but effective actions:

  • Temper yourself. Even a couple of minutes cold water at the end of the daily morning bath, they are already able to work wonders.
  • Get dressed. Risk areas that require attention in the first place: back, chest and neck.
  • Sleep. This is very important point, since lack of sleep leads to poor health and reduced immunity.
  • Drink hot drinks. It doesn't matter if it's coffee, tea or just hot water. An extra glass of something warm will not only remind your body that it is being taken care of, but will also allow you to more accurately determine the sources of cold in contrast.
  • Take a hot shower. Even if you are not cold. It is never superfluous to warm up the back and neck.

Shock measures: revenge on the cold

It happens that you find yourself in a severe frost, while you are aware of the danger of getting sick, but, unfortunately, there is not a joule of heat nearby. In such cases, even a glass of hot tea is not able to cover the "damage" caused by the cold. In such a situation, it is necessary, as before, to keep in mind the thought of the cold. It doesn't matter that he won the battle, because you still have the power to win the war!

Take revenge on the fierce winter, having a good steam in the shower, while pouring hot tea with lemon into your throat at the same time. Dress in everything you have, cover yourself with all the blankets you have available, and go to bed. And sleep as much as you want without getting up at the sound of the alarm clock. It is better to oversleep work, but be healthy, than heroically be at the office on time, but with the onset of the disease.

And for a snack - a health recipe from integral yoga guru Sri Aurobindo

"The only disease is insufficiency of consciousness. For more late stages when it is firmly established in us inner silence and we will be able to perceive the mental and vital vibrations still at the periphery of our paraconsciousness, we will be able to feel the vibrations of disease in the same way and take them away before they can enter us. If you are aware of this surrounding self, Sri Aurobindo wrote to a disciple, then you will be able to catch a thought, a passion, a suggestion or the force of illness and prevent their intrusion into you.

What are some ways you know to help prevent pain?