Examples of exercises and techniques used - Methods of modern psychotherapy. Study guide - L.M

Exercise "Genogram"

Time - 40 min.

Goals of the exercise:

1. Mastering the skills of collecting information and compiling a genogram.

2. Detection of parallels in the family systems of unfamiliar people who chose each other intuitively, based on the proposed criteria (similar to choosing a marriage partner).

Instruction: “Choose from the group a person who is in some way reminiscent of someone in your own family or, on the contrary, who, in your opinion, fills in the missing link in it. Team up with him, interview and build each other's genogram."

After the participants complete this part of the exercise, the facilitator asks them to compare the received genograms and note the matches, contrasts and their possible complementarity.


Quite often, when comparing genograms, participants find many parallels. For example, having an older sister, a participant can choose a partner who is eldest daughter in their family, or it turns out that both partners lost one of their parents at a fairly early age, or that both come from families in which divorce is extremely rare, etc. If you devote enough time to this exercise and supplement the formal drawing of the family pedigree with an analysis of the relationships in the parental families of the partners, then you can see how reasonable the supposedly random choice in this exercise will be.

Exercise “Family Roles”

Time -30 min.

Handouts: Questionnaire “Family roles”. (Author's modification of the psychotherapeutic technique “Role card game" [R. Sherman, N. Fredman, 1997]).

Purpose: Awareness and discussion of the role structure on the example of your family, the contribution of each family member to the organization life together(roles-duties), typical behaviors, including in a conflict situation (roles of interaction).

Participants of the training are divided into pairs and fill out the questionnaire individually. Then they exchange feelings and impressions with their partner regarding the role structure of their families.

Instructions: “Enter the names of your family members and mark the number of stars to what extent the listed roles are typical for each of them:

*** - his (her) permanent role;

** - quite often he (she) does it;

* - sometimes it refers to him.

Some of the roles mentioned are not specific to your family or are never performed by any member of your family. In this case, leave the column blank. Perhaps your family has its own unique roles that are not in the general list - add them.

Discuss with your partner the results of completing your questionnaire.”

After completing the exercise in pairs, the facilitator talks about the application of this technique in counseling families.

The technique can be carried out individually or with the whole family as a whole. She is very clear, informative and group option can serve as a basis for discussing the family situation and differences in the perceptions of family members. The questionnaire usually does not cause resistance, it is easily integrated into the discussion of many family topics, bringing an atmosphere of humor and jokes into the discussion.

Role-playing game “Vicious circle”

Time -2 hours 30 minutes.

1. Training skills of observation.

This exercise is performed in several stages:

a) Participants are divided into small groups of 3-6 people. The optimal number of such groups is 3-4. The facilitator gives the following instruction: “You need to choose one of the family problems or situations that seem important and interesting to members of your subgroup. Discuss various aspects this situation, assign roles and show it to the whole group in the form of a small skit, coming up with a name for it. The situation you choose should not be a personal problem for any of you, as our task at the moment is to develop perceptual skills, not the personal therapy of group members. You have 15-20 minutes to prepare.”

b) Preparation of the episode in small groups.

c) An impromptu scene is organized, and one of the subgroups shows everyone their situation. Participants should act it out, and explanations of what they are doing should be kept to a minimum at this stage. As a rule, the participants spontaneously correct the plot during the game and the situation develops according to its own laws, often quite unexpectedly for the actors.

d) Analysis of a role-playing game in which the whole group takes part.

e) The next subgroup proposes its episode, then its analysis follows, and so on, until the situations of all subgroups are played and discussed. Each subgroup takes about 40 minutes. and after 2 scenes a break of 10 minutes may be taken.

The analysis of the role-playing game proceeds as follows:

a) The report of the players about their feelings in the process of playing roles. How did they feel in this situation, what did they want to achieve, what were their needs. The facilitator deliberately draws a line between the characters of the scene and the personality of the group members. This is achieved by the fact that the leader treats the role played as a theatrical mask arbitrarily chosen by the participant and addresses them not by name, but calls their roles. “What did the husband feel in this situation? What was he afraid of? How did the child cope with this conflict? What did your wife want to do at that moment? etc. Such a distinction allows the host to conduct a diagnostic analysis of the family played without injuring or causing resistance among the members of the group. To draw or not to draw parallels between the game and their own lives - the participants themselves choose. The players' report helps clarify the individual response patterns of the characters in the scene.

b) Next, you need to combine the reaction patterns of the characters in a sequence, preferably circular. The facilitator once again briefly recalls what the chain of plot moves and reactions of family members was (for example: the husband came, the wife said, he answered, the child cried, he left home, etc.). Gradually, they move on to questions about what could have been in a family of this type before the moment played out in the situation, and what might happen later.

The facilitator might say something like this: “We have only seen one act of a multi-act family play, and we know that when a family gets stuck and the problem is not solved, the family gets into a vicious circle, repeating the same moves. The reactions of family members become stereotyped. Imagine that you are a family counselor and happened to be watching this family scene. Our task now is to trace the circular sequence of family interactions. What types of questions and which family members would you like to ask to clarify family dynamics?”

Group members are also trained to notice the circular loops that occur in the skit itself. For example, a father rudely scolds a child for poor academic performance. He starts rubbing his eyes. His mother comes to his defense and tells her husband that he is too strict. The father retreats, but after a while he tries to return to the problem again. The child again takes on an offended look, and the mother again attacks her husband, and so on. The model of family communications over a short period of time may reflect the general family approach to education and problems of marital relationships.

c) Group members are trained in building various systemic hypotheses, including the reactions of all family members.

The facilitator from time to time asks the participants who put forward their versions of what is happening: “Which side are you on in this family? How does this affect the formulation of your hypothesis?” Such reflection helps the participants to clarify their own connection to family issues and restores the neutrality of the counseling position.

Diagnostics of the family situation takes place according to all parameters of the integrative model of systemic family psychotherapeutic diagnostics (Chernikov A.V., 1998), thus combining the knowledge gained during the training.

Communication Clearing Technique

Rationale: This technique is used when organizing a negotiation process with a married or parent-child couple of clients. The concept of using this tool in domestic psychotherapeutic practice was actively developed by Spivakovskaya A.S. Ideally, this technique requires the work of two therapists. However, with a certain training, it can be carried out by one specialist.

The technique is especially effective in situations of acute family crisis, when clients have strong and conflicting feelings towards each other. “Clarifying Communications” allows you to organize the constructive expression of these emotions and achieve a deeper acceptance of each other by clients. The most appropriate use of this technique in marital therapy. It also works with a parent-child client couple, but there are age restrictions in its use. The same goes for any negotiation strategies that work the worse the younger the children.

Description of technology. In fact, the communication clearing technique is a development of the psychodramatic duplication technique. Clients are asked to discuss one of the family topics. As the dialogue between them becomes more and more emotionally charged, there is an opportune moment to move on to clarify communications. At the same time, psychotherapists are transplanted, located slightly behind and to the side of each of their clients. Next, therapists, as in duplication, try to connect to emotional state of their clients, articulate their experiences in the first person and help them express themselves more fully without resorting to defensive maneuvers. Therapists stop clients from time to time and ask them to evaluate how faithfully they reflect their messages to each other.

The "translation" of the psychologist must match the client's inner state, so much so that the client may get the impression that the therapist expresses his feelings better than himself. The partners' messages become clearer, previously hidden fears appear, and the spouses move on to a real live dialogue, moving deeper and deeper in understanding themselves and each other.

At the same time, family members are learning through process modeling open communication. Therapists transform clients' critical You-statements into I-statements, which allows them to manage the negotiation process, curb the flow of accusations and mutual attacks, teaching them more constructive interaction.

In the case of a heterosexual couple of therapists, when working with spouses, the man, as a rule, voices the wife, while the female therapist voices the husband. In this way, a male-female coalition is avoided. To work effectively, psychotherapists must have “clean” communications and analyzed difficulties in interacting with each other.

Organization of technical training during the training:

1) Demonstration session of the hosts - 0.5-1 hour.

2) Working out in fours (two participants in the roles of “therapists” and two in the roles of spouses or a parent with a teenager) - 1.5 hours.

3) Demonstration game session of training participants under the supervision of the presenter - 0.5-1 hour.

Technique “Unfinished sentences”

Purpose: Development of trainees' skills in organizing negotiations in family therapy.

Rationale: This technique helps to modify the nature of communication of family members in the situation of a therapeutic session, namely:

a) stimulate the dialogue of distant family members;

b) structure the communication of two people and make it safer for them (wording in the form of I-statements, the balance of expressing negative and positive feelings, indicating the direction of change). Voicing positive characteristics is especially important in a situation of family conflict, when family members exchange mostly negative reinforcements, provoking an increase in a quarrel;

c) ensure equal contributions to the conversation by discouraging the verbose and encouraging the silent family member.

In addition to changing the procedural characteristics of communication, this technique allows us to explore the main content of mutual claims.

Description of the technique: Two family members are selected, the relationship between which is supposed to be investigated. They are asked to sit opposite each other and alternately complete the following series of unfinished sentences:

I like that you...

I get upset when...

I get angry when...

I thank you for...

We could do it differently...

Empirically, it was found that the optimal in such work is the completion of five sentences. Family members should go through this list 3-4 times. This usually does not take more than 15-20 minutes and usually does not meet with much resistance. On the contrary, it can stimulate jokes and laughter. All those present can clearly see how quickly negative feelings fly out and in what agony the recognition of each other's merits is born. Teenagers often say that they heard something good about themselves for the first time. A limitation in the use of this technique can only be a small age of children. This procedure can be used on its own or serve as a good warm-up for further negotiations.

Exercise “Workshop in positive redefinition”

Time - 40 min.

Purpose: Teaching feedback skills.

Rationale: One of the options for responding to a problem situation is to emphasize its positive aspects. A distinction must be made between positive review and customer support. If support is based on the psychotherapist accepting the ideas and experiences of family members, encouraging them if necessary, then a positive reassessment allows you to present certain aspects problem behavior in a different, more advantageous light. The purpose of positive reassessment is not to deny the problem or minimize it. Redefinition must always be based on truth. The specialist simply points out those aspects of the situation or behavior that were previously obscured by negative emotions and prejudices of family members.

Exercise options. There are many variations of redefinition exercises. For example, one of the participants proposes a problem. It may be invented or based on real experience, may relate to individual difficulties or interaction problems. His neighbor must then try to find positive wording this problem. If he fails, then the next participant makes the same attempt in a circle, and so on until a variant is found that satisfies the one who proposed the problem.

Another option for training this skill is based on the “brainstorming” method. One member of the group names the problem, and the whole group comments on it in all sorts of ways. in positive ways. The quality of the wording does not matter at this stage, and the participants are free to come up with the most fantastic versions. This allows the group members to feel more relaxed and makes the creative process easier. At the next stage of work, all the ideas put forward during the brainstorming are carefully analyzed and evaluated from the point of view of applicability to this problem.

It is also possible to perform this exercise in small groups.

Simulation of a Therapeutic Interview

Time - 1 hour demonstration and 1 hour discussion.

Purpose: To learn how to work with a family group.

Rationale: The facilitator conducts a demonstration of an assessment interview with a simulated family, which is played out by the training participants. Other members of the group act as observers. theoretical model for this session, Jay Haley's modified first interview with his family is presented (Chernikov A.V., 1998). The first session has a clear structure and develops according to quite predictable stages:

1) social stage. (Therapist meets the family, makes them comfortable in the office, establishes contact with each family member, builds a simplified genogram, collects the primary social information about family, etc.).

2) Problem stage. (Therapist asks the family about their problems):

a) revealing the point of view of everyone on the problems of the family;

b) group discussion of family members;

c) finding out the details of the problem (a variety of interviewing techniques are used).

3) The stage of defining the goals of therapy and concluding a therapeutic contract.

The assessment interview should enable the specialist to obtain information about family structure, interactions, family historical roots and tasks. life cycle with which the family cannot cope at the moment. The result of the interview for the therapist should be a set of circular hypotheses about the family, on the basis of which he can plan the creation necessary conditions to solve the problem. For the family, a good outcome of the first meeting is a jointly agreed contract for further work, increased motivation and involvement in therapy with this specialist, the emergence of hope for success. The first interview can also stimulate the family to initiate change: its members engage in homework between sessions and change their view of their own problems as the therapist reformulates them.

Discussion. After a short break, the participants, together with the host, conduct detailed analysis session. The facilitator asks those who played family roles to speak first. They express their feelings from the roles of family members and watching the course of the therapy session. Further, in a free order, other members of the group speak. The moderator answers questions. The analysis of the session occurs in two directions. Firstly, the diagnostics of the played family is carried out using an integrative model according to the main points of the map of structuring information about the family system, hypotheses and therapy planning (Chernikov A.V., 1998). Secondly, the host analyzes the technical elements of the interview, tells what, when and why he did in this session. Discussed possible prospects further work with this type of family is being developed in in general terms therapy plan.

Technique “Family Reconstruction”

Time: 5-8 hours

1. Personal therapy of the training participants.

2. Teaching systemic perception of family processes.

Rationale. First this technique was described by Virginia Satir in 1964. In this approach, based on the systemic family theory, V. Satir managed to integrate the ideas of psychodrama, Gestalt therapy, communication theory and hypnotic techniques. From the point of view of the author of the proposed curriculum, this approach, better than others, allows you to show and experience the “arrangement of families”.

Family reenactment is a form of personal therapy using group resources. Main actor(“star”, “researcher”) is a member of the training group, whose family is reconstructed in three generations. The reconstruction itself is a consistent series of “family sculptures” and role-plays, symbolizing the relationship in the families of the researcher and his parents in key points family history. At the same time, the researcher most time is in the position of an observer of what is happening (psychodramatic technique “mirror”).

Family reconstruction allows the researcher to:

1) achieve new insights about intergenerational relationships;

2) “meet” in the game with relatives and complete unfinished business, for example, express grief and sadness of their loss;

3) experience a unique experience of perceiving parents as ordinary people, demystify their images. In real life, it is difficult to objectively see your own parents. They are perceived, as a rule, as gods or demons, and not as real people with their childhood experiences, trying to survive with the means available to them;

4) make sure that there is a deep need to change one's own parents, to get them to support and approve themselves, which is more adequate for a child than for an adult, and to develop their own self-support systems;

5) say “yes” to their historical roots, feel like part of a family clan, accept their own parents and other relatives. The consequence of this is changes in self-identification, greater internal integration and self-acceptance.

Other members study group Those who play the roles of the researcher's relatives or just spectators are also quite deeply involved in the work process, associating what is happening with their own families. Before their eyes, a hundred-year segment of the history of the life of an individual family passes against the backdrop of social cataclysms of the twentieth century.

Stages of family reconstruction.

1. The researcher does part of the work at home (Handout “Structured Family History Assignments”) and brings to the group family photos, as well as posters with completed homework.

2. Group preparation. It is important for the facilitator to provide the researcher required level group security. To do this, a number of procedures are carried out that stimulate group rallying and warming up on the topic of family history.

Warm up example. The group is divided into pairs. One of the partners tells the story of his family on behalf of one of its members. Being in the role of his mother or father or anyone else, he describes events through the eyes of this person. The task of the other member of the couple is to listen carefully and help the partner to remain in the chosen role. To do this, he asks him questions from time to time in such a way as if he were actually a character of his choice. After 15-20 minutes, the group members change places, and at the end of the exercise they exchange experiences that arose during it. This is followed by a general discussion.

3. Researcher interview. The facilitator invites the researcher to designate the focus of the upcoming family reconstruction. To do this, he asks the researcher about what he would like to receive in the course of the upcoming work, before which life choices and he faces dilemmas at the present time. Family history work is not important in itself, but as a way to shed light on his real life situation.

4. Sequential reconstruction of three families (parental families of the mother and father of the researcher and the family in which he himself grew up until the age of 18). The reconstruction of each family is an independent therapeutic session (1.5-2.5 hours) with the final processes of exchanging feelings and removing roles.

The real family in which he lives with his spouse and children is not reconstructed, since in the implementation of this approach it is more important to trace historical roots becoming a researcher. Moreover, it is believed (Nerin W., 1986) that the reconstruction of families in which his parents grew up should be given more time than the family in which he himself spent his childhood.

The reconstruction itself begins with the selection by the researcher from a group of three key players who will represent the father, the mother, and the researcher during the entire action. All other members of the group may be involved in more than one role.

Exist special ways introducing players into roles by listing the events that happened to this person in life and building a “psychological sculpture” that reflects the character of this character.

Reconstruction begins, as a rule, from the moments of the weddings of the grandparents of the researcher. The family chronology is read with stops at key dates in family history (births, deaths, marriages, divorces, serious illnesses, wars and repressions, moving to another city and changing professions, etc.). Events are illustrated by family sculptures and short sketches in the style of play back theatre. Moreover, sometimes they are directed by the researcher himself, and sometimes the players chosen for the roles create them spontaneously, as it seems to them from within the characters.

All this makes it possible to reflect the dynamics of family relationships, the development of specific patterns of coping with stress, and to restore white spots in family history. The researcher can ask family members questions, and they can answer him without leaving the role. Their answers often strike the researcher with their depth and accuracy. Being inside family sculptures, players are able to capture the smallest nuances of relationships in a particular family.

The role of the leader in this technique is quite active. Maintaining contact with the experiences of the researcher, he simultaneously manages the entire unfolding process: helps the players to enter the role; prompts the researcher to face frightening fragments of family history; based on system hypotheses, offers an alternative vision of what is happening in the family. As the experience of the author of this training program and other domestic specialists shows, the technique of family reconstruction makes it possible to adequately reflect the multigenerational traumatization of Russian families.

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  • Nikorchuk Natalya Viktorovna, Head of the Service psychological support process of complex rehabilitation, psychologist of the highest category

Quite often, teenagers and adults turn to a psychologist with problems that require psychotherapeutic help. These issues include:

Adolescents and adults who come for counseling are usually tense, depressed and anxiety. In such cases, during the consultation, the psychologist is obliged to “work on the condition” of the person who turned to him for help: to calm him down, remove internal stress to identify opportunities for a more optimistic outlook on the life situation.

Adolescents and adults (clients) who turn to a psychologist feel the need for psychotherapeutic assistance regarding three main groups of problems:

  • inability to control oneself and restrain one's aggressive emotions;
  • inability to cope with the experience of depressive states;
  • the desire to get rid of self-doubt, stiffness and tightness.

To solve these problems in a consultation with a psychologist, the following groups of psychotherapeutic techniques (exercises) can be used:

1. Techniques to aid withdrawal emotional tension, muscle clamps, neutralization of internal stiffness, normalization of the emotional state

Exercise "Apple"

The psychologist and the client stand opposite each other at a distance of 1–1.5 meters. The psychologist says: “Imagine that you and I are in the garden. In front of us is an apple tree hung with beautiful, juicy fruits. Do you see the ripest apple hanging on the top branch? Probably the most delicious! Let's try to get it!

(On the inhale) Stretch as high as you can! Hand up! Higher! Wow! Got an apple!” (Exhalation)

The duration of the exercise is 10-12 minutes.

Exercise “Integrative breathing”

The exercise is performed while standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, fingers clasped in front. Hands up, slightly back (inhale). Stretch. Then sharply lower your hands down, reach your toes (exhale). The exercise is recommended to be done 4-5 times within 5-7 minutes.

Exercise "Fist"

Make a fist with your fingers curled inward thumb. While inhaling calmly, slowly, clench your fist with effort. Then, weakening the force of clenching the fist, exhale. Repeat the exercise 5 times. Doing the exercise with your eyes closed doubles the effect. The exercise must be performed with both hands at the same time.

Exercise "Rainbow"

“Stand up, close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine that as you inhale, you are climbing up the rainbow, and as you exhale, you are sliding down it like a slide.” The exercise is repeated 3 times.

The exercise is then repeated with open eyes, and the number of repetitions increases to 7. After completing the exercise, the client must necessarily tell what he experienced, what he felt while doing this exercise.

Calming breath exercise

Standing (or sitting) take a full breath. Holding your breath, imagine a circle and exhale slowly into it. Repeat this step 4 times.

Then, after inhaling, imagine a triangle and exhale into it. Repeat this step 3 times as well.

Then, after inhaling, imagine two parallel lines and breathe into them. Repeat this step 2 times.

Repeat the entire exercise 9 times.

Exercise "Wings"

Starting position - hands down. The eyes can be closed to better feel the movement that is born in the hands. It is necessary to smoothly raise your hands up and also smoothly and slowly lower them down. “Watch this movement and help it turn up. When the hands begin to float, there is a mass of new and pleasant sensations. Help yourself with pleasant figurative representations. Imagine that the arms are wings! Wings carry you! Allow yourself to breathe freely. Allow yourself to feel the state of flight.”

Exercise "Jellyfish"

Sitting on a chair, make those smooth movements with your hands, imitating a jellyfish swimming in the water.

Exercise “Fire-Ice”

The exercise involves alternating tension and relaxation of the whole body. Performed standing. At the command of the psychologist “Fire”, the client begins intensive body movements. The smoothness and degree of intensity of movements are chosen by the client arbitrarily. At the command “ice”, the client freezes in the position in which the team caught him, straining the whole body to the limit. The psychologist alternates both commands several times, arbitrarily changing the execution time of one and the other.

Exercise “Candle”

Close your eyes. Imagine that you have a candle in front of you. Try to fan the flame mentally, and then reduce it. When you inflate it, it becomes lighter; when you reduce it, it becomes darker. Alternate darkness with light. Imagine that the light becomes brighter, more radiant. Try to make it so bright that it becomes as bright as day around. Now dim the light of the flame very slowly.

2. Techniques that help neutralize and suppress negative emotions: anger, irritation, aggression

Exercise "Hedgehog"

This exercise is aimed at defusing negative emotional states. Relaxation is achieved through tension. It is necessary to strain, for example, the hands as much as possible, and then relax them as much as possible. Imagine a hedgehog that twists and unwinds.

Focusing exercise

It is necessary to sit comfortably in a chair or on a chair. Under a certain command should focus on certain area your body and feel its warmth. For example, on the command “Body!” you need to focus on your body and feel the warmth spreading over it, at the command “Hand!” - you need to focus on the hand and feel its warmth, “Brush!” - on the right hand, “Finger!” - on the index finger of the right hand and, finally, at the command “Fingertip!” - at the tip index finger. Commands should be given at intervals of 10-12 seconds. The total duration of the exercise is 5-7 minutes.

Exercise "Press"

The client imagines inside himself, at chest level, a powerful press that moves from top to bottom, suppressing and displacing the resulting negative emotion and internal stress associated with it. When performing the exercise, one should achieve a distinct feeling of the physical heaviness of the internal press, which suppresses and, as it were, pushes down the unwanted negative emotion and the energy that it carries with it.

"Grounding" negative energy performed 3-4 times. The total duration of the exercise is 5-7 minutes.

Exercise "Step forward - beast, step back - man"

Take a step forward, causing a wild rage in yourself, feel ready to destroy everything in your path. Then take a step back, smiling and returning to a state of absolute calm.

Again, take a step forward, reincarnating as an angry beast, and a step back, returning to the state of a person. As you step forward, feed your rage with shouts, clenching your jaws and fists. When stepping back, it is very important to catch the moment of relaxation, paying attention to the muscles.

This exercise requires a lot of emotional investment. You need to stop and stop doing the exercise as soon as you feel tired.

3. Techniques aimed at displacing negative emotions (experiences) associated with “stuck” on a personal problem

Exercise "Run the Problem"

The client is invited to imagine that behind him is any of the existing problems that he would like to get rid of. It is necessary to drive away the problem, pushing it away with a sharp movement of the hand back and an elbow strike, while saying: “Go away!”.

Exercise “Rotating Cube”

It is necessary to mentally enclose your problem in a cube. Mentally rotate this cube with a problem, move it horizontally, and then remove it beyond the horizon. Exercises must be done 3-5 times.

Exercise “Erasing negative information”

Sit down and relax. Close your eyes. Imagine in front of you a blank sheet of paper, pencils, an eraser. Mentally draw on the sheet a negative situation that needs to be forgotten. It can be a real picture, a figurative association, a symbol, etc. Mentally take a washing gum and begin to sequentially “erase” a mentally created negative situation from a sheet of paper. “Erase” until the picture disappears from the sheet. Open your eyes. Check. To do this, close your eyes and imagine the same sheet of paper. If the picture has not disappeared, take the washing gum again and “erase” until it disappears completely. After a while, the exercise can be repeated.

After each exercise, it is necessary to discuss its effectiveness:

  • how positively it was perceived by the client;
  • did he find it useful and convenient;
  • what sensations did he experience;
  • whether the internal tension has decreased.

It is necessary in the course of counseling for each specific client to select those psychotechnics that are most suitable for him.


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  3. Malkina-Pykh I.G. Age crises: Handbook of practical psychologist. - M .: Eksmo Publishing House, 2005.
  4. Rean A.A., Kudashev A.R., Baranov A.A. Psychology of personality adaptation. - St. Petersburg: "Prime-EUROZNAK", 2008.
  5. Samoukina N.V. Practical psychologist at school: lectures, counseling, trainings. - M .: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2005.
  6. loose body. Reader on body-oriented therapy and psychotechnics / Edited by V.Yu. Baskakova. - M .: Institute for General Humanitarian Research, 2001.
  7. Sirotyuk A.L. Correction of training and development of schoolchildren. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2001.
  8. Sharapanovskaya E.V. Socio-psychological maladaptation of children and adolescents: Diagnosis and correction. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2005.

To your attention, dear visitors of the site of psychological assistance website various psychotechnicspsychological techniques and psychotherapeutic techniques, which are used in face-to-face and online psychological consultations and online psychotherapy. Also, these psychotechnics you can use on your own to improve your mental state and getting rid of various emotional problems: from stress and depression to fears and some neurotic disorders.

Data psychological, psychotherapeutic techniques very efficient, they have been tested and proven to work great experience. And if you have a real motivated desire to change yourself and your life, then these psychotechnics are just what you need - with the help of these psychological techniques you are on your own - unless, of course, you have critical situation- make yourself free from a negative life scenario and a successful, happy person.

So, psychotechnics (psychological, psychotherapeutic technique) - "Hidden reinforcement"

“Hidden reinforcement” (reinforcing beliefs) is a psychotechnics consisting of three methods of psychotherapeutic influence, including independently, on the psyche and subconscious to get rid of psychological and emotional problems.
This psychological and psychotherapeutic technique will help you solve problems such as stressful condition, depression, different kinds fears, anxiety, obsessions and other negative and unreasonable, in the situation "here and now", emotions, feelings and sensations.

Method 1 - Psychotechnics "Reinforcing Beliefs"

This psychotechnics is developed on the basis of rational psychotherapy.
  1. Create your hierarchy problem situations and accompanying automatic thoughts - 10-15.
  2. For each situation, create a list of rational beliefs.
  3. Next, you need to get into a state of relaxation using Silva psychotraining or self-hypnosis techniques. And in this relaxed state imagine the best way with which to deal with every situation.
    While immersed in the situation, think of the most reasonable and realistic beliefs possible and imagine the emotions and behaviors that generate new thinking.

    Imagine the scene, but this time imagine that you are thinking realistically. Imagine it as clearly as possible. Now imagine that you are experiencing realistic emotions and acting accordingly.
    Keep imagining it until you have completed the entire scene, thinking in the correct way and acting in the way you would most like to.
    Continue until you can reproduce this scene with ease.

  4. Once the above images are very clear, imagine the possible consequences of the new thinking, not only in this situation, but in all such situations...

    Picture the best possible consequences new way of thinking.
    Imagine thinking realistically in all situations like this.
    What really good things will happen to you? How will your life improve?
    Don't just think about what might happen, but imagine how it happens.

    Continue until the image is vibrant and distinct.

  5. Repeat this mind technique at least three times for each position.
    Do this until you stop having negative emotions when rendering this scene.
  6. Continue the application of this psychotherapeutic technique, moving up the hierarchy that you wrote out in the first step of the psychotechnique.
  7. It is advisable to record on video (for yourself) this psychological technique, for later viewing - three times a week.

METHOD 2 - hidden reinforcement psychotechnics…

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Pass psychological tests

Psychological exercises help the participants of the training to know themselves better, to see their strengths and weak sides to outline the paths for future development. Another one important task psychological exercises - to learn to better understand other people, it is easier to negotiate with them.

Psychological exercises very varied. But, in the end, they all help the participants of the training to become more harmonious, more successful, happier.

Psychological exercises most commonly used in training personal growth. But not only. Coaches also often include psychological exercises in the training program of communication, confidence, stress resistance, goal setting.

The experts of the largest professional portal for coaches have selected for you 7 interesting psychological exercises which can be found in the public domain.

Psychological exercise "Gift"

Target: The exercise increases the self-esteem of the participants, stimulates their work on themselves. Improves the mood of the participants and the atmosphere in the group.

Time: 25-35 minutes

Group size: 8-16 participants

Let's sit in a circle. Have each of you take turns making a gift to your neighbor on the left (clockwise). The gift must be made (handed over) silently (non-verbally), but in such a way that your neighbor understands what you are giving him. The one who receives a gift should try to understand what is being given to him. There is no need to say anything until everyone has received gifts. We do everything silently.

When everyone has received the gifts (the circle closes), the coach turns to the last member of the group who received the gift and asks him what gift he received. After he answers, the coach turns to the participant who presented the gift and asks about what gift he gave. If there are discrepancies in the answers, you need to find out what exactly the misunderstanding is connected with. If a group member cannot say what they got as a gift, you can ask the group about it.

Outcomes of the exercise:

When discussing the exercise, participants can formulate conditions that facilitate understanding in the process of communication. Most often, these conditions include the allocation of a significant, unambiguously understood sign of a “gift”, the use of adequate means of non-verbal image essential feature, focusing on the partner.

Psychological exercise "My shortcomings"

: The exercise increases the self-esteem of the participants, stimulates their work on themselves.

Time: 25-35 minutes

Group size: Any

It is very important to try to find a new name for your imagined flaws. Designate them as follows: properties that can be improved. The word “weakness” carries a connotation of hopelessness and immutability. By replacing it with another that allows for the possibility of improvement, you begin to look at life differently.

Write within 5 minutes detailed list reasons why you can't love yourself. If you do not have enough allotted time, you can write longer, but in no case less. After writing, cross out everything that relates to general rules, principles: "To love oneself is not modest", "A person should love others, not himself." Let the list of shortcomings remain only what is connected personally with you.

Now you have a list of your shortcomings, a list of what spoils your life. Think, and if these shortcomings did not belong to you, but to some other person whom you love very much, which of them would you forgive him or, perhaps, consider even virtues? Cross out these features, they could not prevent you from loving another person and therefore cannot prevent you from loving yourself.

Note those traits, those shortcomings that you could help him overcome. Why don't you do the same for yourself? Write them down in a separate list, and cross out those that you can overcome from them.

With those that remain, proceed as follows: let's say to ourselves that we have them, we must learn to live with them and think about how to cope with them.

We will not give up on a loved one if we find out that some of his habits, to put it mildly, do not suit us.

Psychological exercise "I want to change in myself"

Target: The exercise helps the formation of new qualities in oneself, accelerates the personal growth of participants.

Time: 25-35 minutes

Group size: Any

To begin the exercise, take paper and a pen and divide the sheet into two columns.

Traits I want to get rid of

Character traits that I want to acquire

Now, putting the prepared table in front of you, try to relax and think about yourself. You can turn off the lights, but leave enough light so that you can write. Then look at the first column, start " brainstorm and quickly and without thinking write down all the traits that you want to get rid of. Write down everything that comes to your mind, and don't try to argue whether it is realistic for you to get rid of this quality.

For example, if you snore, then most likely you are not able to get rid of such an ailment - this fact does not prevent you from writing it down in the first column. Continue until you write down at least 5-7 character traits. Then turn to the second column, start brainstorming and quickly write down all the traits you want to acquire. In some cases, they may be the opposite of the traits you want to get rid of (for example, instead of being shy, you want to be more outgoing; instead of being intolerant of people, you want to be more tolerant).


Just keep going with this process and write down whatever comes to mind without trying to criticize or judge it. In addition, do not try to argue now whether it is realistic for you to acquire this quality. Again, keep writing until you list at least five traits, or until the process starts to slow down. When you feel you're done, you're ready to prioritize the traits you want to get rid of or acquire.

Eliminate repetition first. For example, if you wrote down "become less negative and critical," the opposite would be "become more positive and supportive." After you have written down this opposite trait, cross out the character trait that you want to get rid of. To prioritize, consider each of the traits on the list in turn and determine how important they are to you by assigning letters:

  • A (very important)
  • B (important)
  • C (it is desirable to have, but not so important)

Write these letters next to each line. Look at the traits marked A. If you have more than one trait in this category, rate them in order of priority: 1, 2, 3, etc.

You have now set your priorities and will work on developing the traits that are most important to you first. But work on developing a maximum of three traits at once. Once you feel confident that you made them yours individual qualities, move on to the next traits on your list in order of priority (work on all A traits in order, then B traits, and finally C traits). If you feel that you have changed a lot, compose for yourself new list priorities.

Psychological exercise "Unrated"

: Exercise trains the ability to communicate without judgment, develops a more positive attitude towards people.

Time: 15-20 minutes

Group size: Any

The group is divided into pairs. Partners need to take turns telling each other about common acquaintances, avoiding judgments. Statements should be in a descriptive style.

Each partner works 4 minutes. During his speech, the second partner monitors the presence of grades, marks (gives a signal) if they are.

  • What were the difficulties?
  • What helped to avoid evaluative statements?
  • What new qualities have you discovered in yourself?

Psychological exercise "Tangled chains"

Target: The exercise teaches you to communicate effectively with each other, helps to rally the team.

Time: 15-30 minutes

Group size: 12-20 participants

All group members stand in a circle, close their eyes and hold out in front of them right hand. And they grapple with the hand that they met first.

Then the participants extend their left arms and again look for a partner. The facilitator helps the hands connect and makes sure that everyone is holding two people's hands, not just one.

Participants open their eyes.

Now their task is to unravel without opening their hands.

As a result, the following options are possible: either a circle is formed, or several linked rings of people, or several independent circles or pairs.

Summing up the exercise:

  • Are you satisfied with your result?
  • What helped and what hindered the process?
  • Who do you want to single out, thank for your result?

Psychological exercise "At risk"

Target: This is very short exercise. An exercise in trust.

Time: 5 minutes

Group size: Any

Now we will do an exercise related to certain risk. I ask you to trust me and enter the circle of those who want to help me ... "

After everyone has entered the circle, thank them and say that this exercise is over.

Summing up the exercise:

Ask those who left why they did it? For those who did not enter, why? Discuss how the phrase "Trust me" influenced their decision.

Why do people often trust others without thinking about the consequences, etc.?

Psychological exercise "Life goals"

Exercise helps develop life goals.

Time: 25-35 minutes

Group size: Any

Step 1. Let's talk about your life goals. Take a pen, paper. Take 15 minutes to reflect on the question, “What do I really want out of my life?” Don't think long, write down everything that comes to your mind. Pay attention to all areas of your life. Fantasize. The bigger, the better. Answer the question as if you have an unlimited resource of time. This will help you remember everything you are striving for.

Step 2 Now, in two minutes, you need to choose what you would like to devote the next three years to. And after that, two more minutes - to supplement or change the list. Goals must be realistic. Working on this and the following steps, unlike the first, write as if it were your last years and months. This will allow you to focus on the things that really matter to you.

Step 3 Now we will set goals for the next six months - two minutes to compile the list and two minutes to correct it.

Step 4 Take two minutes to work on auditing your goals. How specific are they, how do they fit together, how realistic are your goals in terms of time and available resources. Perhaps you should enter new target- acquisition of a new resource.

Step 5 Review your lists periodically, if only to make sure that you are moving in the direction you have chosen. Doing this exercise is similar to using a map on a hike. From time to time you turn to it, adjust the route, maybe even change direction, but most importantly, you know where you are going.

Summing up the exercise:

  • How do you feel after the exercise?
  • What interesting conclusions have you made for yourself?
  • What was unexpected for you?
  • What was the hardest thing? Why?
  • Who has made a realistic plan and is ready to follow it?

So, we presented to your attention 7 high-quality psychological exercises. But it is worth considering that since these exercises are taken from free sources, they may already be known to the participants in your trainings, since they are available to many trainers.

When you need:

  • exclusive and best exercises known only to a small circle of professional coaches
  • exercises with detailed coaching methodology for their implementation, revealing the entire "underwater part" of coaching, all coaching "tricks" and secrets,

then you can always find such exercises for training on a professional coaching portal

This portal has grown on the basis of the largest psychological center"Synthon". For more than 30 years of work, the Sinton center has collected, probably, largest base best games and exercises for psychological training.

the site is a team of professional trainers who:

  • take away only the best, brightest and effective exercises on a variety of coaching topics
  • describe professionally and in detail hidden method of their implementation!

Buy our coaching exercise manuals for the most affordable prices you can in the section.

The exercise "Traffic Light" is unique, since it is the author's development of professor of psychology N. I. Kozlov.

Incredible in its effectiveness, an exercise capable of making a "revolution" in the minds of the training participants in just an hour. A real "pearl".

Many people do not know how to appreciate what they already have in their lives: material, spiritual benefits, relationships with loved ones. If, in an unexpected way, a person loses what he previously had, then he falls into a state of emotional negativity. And the stronger the event is in terms of the degree of negativity, the more difficult it is for a person to maintain his positive attitude towards people in particular and towards life in general. With the help of this tool, the trainer helps the participants, without going through the situation of loss in life, to make an inventory of their values, while at the same time reducing their emotional involvement in an unpleasant situation.

What do you think will happen if you offer the participants of the training to learn a technique that allows you to completely understand and feel your interlocutor, right down to his self-awareness and train of thought? Most likely they will think that you are either playing tricks on them, or you will teach them some complex technique that takes years to learn and has a natural predisposition.

And if you tell them that this is not a joke, and that in 30 minutes you will really teach them a simple and accessible technique for understanding your communication partner, a technique that anyone can learn? Of course, they will gladly seize the opportunity.

The “Feeling” exercise allows you to give an opportunity to practice this very technique and get amazing results already in the first stages.

Highly effective and "deep" exercise that can cause real changes in the self-esteem of the participants of the training.

The "Court" exercise really looks like a court session, so it will most likely become the brightest and most important event training for all participants who get the opportunity to publicly hear feedback from their colleagues in the group. Although the feedback is given in a constructive way, it still contains both "positive" and "negative" remarks, and therefore will be a real test for the group. But at the end of the training participants will receive opportunity to see fit own self-esteem , to test their ability to calmly listen to or voice criticism, to get a more objective idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow their actions and manifestations are evaluated by others.

Exercise is a must for everyone confidence training(what confidence can there be without adequate and stable self-esteem?). It will ideally fit into personal growth training, it will be a good addition to stress resistance training.

game exercise, expanding the perception of the participants of the training about themselves boosting confidence and opening up new perspectives. It reveals the creative potential of the training participants, sets up and motivates the group for further work. Could be like warming up, as well as the main thematic exercise.

Exercise "I'm good at it!" great for personal growth trainings and motivational trainings. Will be good option for teenagers and youth groups. It can be successfully combined with the tasks of team building trainings, and made very indicative at confidence training. In addition, the exercise is indispensable for trainings for starting your own business and employment trainings.

Very good and effective exercise on purposefulness, which provides the training participants with the opportunity to work through their doubts and possible obstacles on the way to their goal. Increases the energy and motivation of the group for further learning.

Suitable for any training related to the topic of achieving goals. First of all, of course, these are goal-setting, self-confidence trainings, motivational trainings, as well as trainings for personal growth and stress resistance.

The trainer has the opportunity to visually demonstrate to the participants how minor obstacles that arise can interfere with the achievement of goals, and how easily they can be overcome, simply by having the right focus.

We recommend unique coaching manuals for the best exercises for training:

  • Role-playing game "Incident in a hotel"

    Bright and memorable exercise, which clearly demonstrates to the participants of the training weak spots in the ability to negotiate or establish contact in sales, and also shows which techniques and techniques lead to success in sales and negotiations, and which ones do not. Which ones allow you to quickly establish contact, and which ones rather heat up the situation.

    The Hotel Incident exercise is perfect for sales trainings, negotiation trainings, trainings confident behavior, trainings of influence.

    Thanks to an unusual legend, the exercise “Incident in a hotel” increases the level of involvement of the training participants, the energy of the group, motivation for further education.

  • Warm-up exercise "Unclench your fist"

    An effective exercise suitable for many training topics. Taking only 10-15 minutes, the exercise allows the trainer to quickly raise the energy level of the group, in a memorable way to draw the attention of participants to next topic and increase participants' motivation for further learning.

    The exercise demonstrates to the participants that force methods of influence give losing results, but we often act out of habit precisely by force.

    The exercise will be a good introduction to mini-lectures on the topics: how to deal with customer objections; How can a manager deal with employee resistance? how to deal with conflict...

    Volume coaching manual: 8 pages.

    Bonus! An audio recording of the exercise and appropriate music are included.

  • Exercise-challenge "Go to the chair"

    A powerful goal-setting or negotiation training exercise.
    The exercise clearly demonstrates to the participants of the training their habitual patterns of behavior, helps to reveal negative attitudes, beliefs that prevent them from easily achieving their goals or negotiating. Provides training participants with new resources.

    Coaching exercise manual developed by professionals especially for the coaching portal. RU and contains a lot of unique recommendations, tips and coaching "chips" that allow you to conduct an exercise with maximum result. You won't find this anywhere else!
    The volume of the coaching manual: 12 pages.
    Bonus! The manual contains 3 exercises at once (! ) suitable for three different training topics: goal achievement, negotiation and effective communication.