Ukrainian nationalists after the Second World War. Ukrainian nationalists in World War II

Conclusion The working group of historians under the Government Commission for the study of the activities of the OUN-UPA.
Well-known local neok and falsifier of history viktor_lvivin again tried to distort and distort the meaning of this important research, arguing that these are not the conclusions of the commission, but thoughts of only one historian Anatoly Kentii, although the annotation of this book on the site clearly states that this is exactlyFakhovy visnovok of a working group of historians, not someone else's collection dumok

And so, we read (my translation from MOV).

  1. The last step towards the final curtailment of the anti-German front of the OUN and UPA can be considered part 1 of the order of the UPA group "West-Karpaty" dated August 22, 1944. It noted that "with the abandonment of Ukrainian territory, the Germans cease to be an occupier and main enemy for us." The command of the group was prescribed "bypass any clashes with both the Germans and the Magyars"

As we can see, with the retreat of the Nazis under the pressure of the valiant Red Army, the Germans cease to be " occupiers " , although the OUN members themselves entered Ukraine on their bayonets (as once Mazepa, Petlyura and other traitors to Ukraine-Rus), hoping to get the coveted Independence (which most Ukrainians did not support). In fact, it must be clearly understood here that the OUN-UPA did not perceive Germany as an ideological and mental enemy, since they themselves were essentially pursuing goals similar to Germany. Therefore, to say that the OUN-UPA fought against Nazism is a lie and hypocrisy. They fought with their allies, who did not live up to their expectations.And as we remember" Navit todі (in 1943) Bandera was reiterating that the only real chance to get independence for Ukraine was to join the Nimechchina and the war from the USSR. " (page 10)-

Especially since " by the fall of 1944, the Germans released S. Bandera and J. Stetsko with a group of previously detained OUN leaders. The German press publishes numerous articles about the successes of the UPA in the fight against the Bolsheviks, calling the members of the UPA "Ukrainian freedom fighters" Martovych O. The Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). — Munchen, 1950 p.p.20

Well, i.e. how is it that the OUN-UPA are fighters against fascism and these same fascists sing odes to those who fight against them? How can such nonsense be promoted?
It is quite obvious that the OUN-UPA ended the war as allies Nazi Germany- collaborators, fighting with the Red Army and thereby preventing the day of victory of the entire civilized world over the plague of the twentieth century.

  1. Thus, the anti-German Front of the OUN and UPA, which arose in early 1943 and lasted until mid-1944, played important role in the Ukrainian resistance movement during the Second World War. However, the struggle of the OUN and UPA on the anti-German front did not receive priority in the strategy. Ukrainian movement and was temporary.

As I said, all this resistance was about a year as a reaction to the lawlessness of local administrations. This is evidenced by numerous documents in all the archives of Germany, Ukraine, Russia, etc.

  1. The armed actions of the UPA on the anti-German front were of no strategic importance and did not affect the course of the struggle between Germany and the Soviet Union, but only limited the activities of the German occupation administration regarding the economic exploitation of the territories of Volyn-Polesie.

As I said above, it was a reaction to the lawlessness of local administrations, when the Germans turned from allies in the fight against Jewish communism into occupiers and exploiters Ukrainian people.

  1. In general, the actions of the OUN and UPA on the anti-German front did not play a significant role in the liberation of the territory of Ukraine from the German invaders.

As I said, Bandera are trying to cling to the great Victory Soviet people, although for the most part time were collaborators and accomplices of Nazi Germany and participated in the Holocaust. Therefore, these posters "Victors over Nazism" are an outright lie, a falsification of history and a cynical disdain for those 6 million Ukrainians who fought, the real heroes of Ukraine and the liberators of Europe from German Nazism.

GLORY TO SOVIET UKRAINE, which defeated Nazism in alliance with other Republics of the USSR!

Local neuk and forgerviktor_lviv once again, unsuccessfully trying to downplay the undeniable conclusion of the Government Commission, disappointing for Bandera's consciousness, argued that:

I was not too lazy, and went to read this book, and indeed, A. Ketiy does not express these thoughts, but he DOES NOT REJECT what was said before, simply because he does not give any estimates at allactivities of the OUN-UPA, but simply narrates, citing data from various sources, and this new book does not change the overall picture at all, and does not refute the conclusion working group historians under the Government Commission for the study of the activities of the OUN-UPA.

So nauk and forgerviktor_lviv once again he tried to manipulate, but he got stupid and screwed up like all the previous times, and continues to persist on the path of the manipulator and falsifier of history of the OUN-UPA.

And most likely he will try once again to distort everything, manipulate and falsify the history of the OUN-UPA.

so we are stocking up on pop-con, the hysteria of the neuka will not take long to wait, and he will throw out his next Svidomo sheet of blatant lies, outright falsification and primitive manipulations, for which he became famous here thanks to me :)

In the alley, they "decorated" the trunk of each tree with the corpse of a child who had been killed before.

According to Western researcher Alexander Korman, the corpses were nailed to trees in such a way as to create the appearance of a “wreath”.
Yu.Kh. from Poland: “In March 1944, our village of Guta Shklyana, commune Lopatyn, was attacked by Bandera, among them was one named Didukh from the village of Oglyadov. Five people were killed, cut in half. A minor was raped."
March 16, 1944 Stanislavshchina: group "L" and group "Garkusha" in the amount of 30 persons destroyed 25 Poles ...
On March 19, 1944, a group "L" and a county fighter in the amount of 23 people held an action in the village. Zelenivka (Tovmachchin). 13 farms were burned, 16 Poles were killed.

On March 28, 1944, Sulima's group of 30 people destroyed 18 Poles ...
On March 29, 1944, the Semyon group liquidated 12 Poles in Pererosl and burned 18 farms ...
April 1, 1944 Ternopil region: killed in the village. White 19 Poles, 11 households burned ...
April 2, 1944 Ternopil region: nine Poles were killed, two Jewish women who were in the service of the Poles ...
On April 5, 1944, the Zaliznyak regional group carried out an action in Porogy and Yablintsy. Six houses were burned, 16 Poles were destroyed ...
April 5, 1944 Kholmshchina: the groups "Galaida" and "Tigers" carried out a liquidation action against the colonies: Gubynok, Lupche, Polediv, Zharnyki ... In addition, the self-defense group "Fox" destroyed the colony Marysin and Radkiv, and the Orla group - Polish colonies in Riplyn. Several dozen Polish soldiers and many civilians were killed.

On April 9, 1944, the Nechay group liquidated in the village. Pasichnaya 25 Poles...
On April 11, 1944, the Dovbush group liquidated 81 Poles in Rafaylovo.
April 14, 1944 Ternopil region: 38 Poles were killed...
April 15, 1944 in the village. Fat 66 Poles were killed, 23 households were burned...
On April 16, 1944, the Dovbush group liquidated in the village. Green 20 poles...
On April 27, 1944, the district fighting liquidated 55 men and five women Poles in the village of Ulatsko-Seredkevichi. At the same time, about 100 households were burned ...

And further in this report, in detail, with accounting accuracy, figures are indicated, more precisely, detailed statements on the number of liquidated Poles by the UPA group: “Flows - 3 (local), Lyubich-Koleitsy - 3 (local), Lyubich - 10 (beige) , Tyagliv - 15 (women, local) and 44 (unknown), Zabirye - 30 (local and unknown), Rechki - 15 (local and unknown).
April 17, 1944 Khovkovshchina: the UPA group (Gromovoy) and the Dovbush combat unit destroyed the Polish stronghold of Stanislivok. At the same time, about 80 Polish men were liquidated.
April 19, 1944 Lyubachivshchina: the UPA group "Avengers" destroyed the Polish village of Rutka. The village was burned down and liquidated by 80 Poles...

From April 30, 1944 to May 12, 1944 in the village. Glibovichi killed 42 Poles; near the villages: Myseva - 22, Township - 36, Zarubina - 27, Bechas - 18, Nedylyska - 19, Grabnik -19, Galina - 80, Zhabokrug - 40 Poles. All actions were carried out by the uyezd militia with the help of the Orly UPA.

In the summer of 1944, a hundred "Igor" stumbled in the Paridub forest on a camp of gypsies who had fled from the persecution of the Nazis. The bandits robbed them and brutally killed them. They cut them with saws, strangled them with strangleholds, chopped them into pieces with axes. In total, 140 gypsies were killed, including 67 children.

From the village of Volkovya one night, Bandera brought a whole family into the forest. For a long time they mocked the unfortunate people. Seeing that the wife of the head of the family was pregnant, they cut open her stomach, pulled the fetus out of it, and instead pushed in a live rabbit.
One night, the bandits broke into the Ukrainian village of Lozovaya. Over 100 peaceful peasants were killed within 1.5 hours.
A bandit with an ax in his hands broke into the hut of Nastya Dyagun and hacked to death her three sons. The smallest, four-year-old Vladik, cut off his arms and legs.
In Makukha's hut, the killers found two children, three-year-old Ivasik and ten-month-old Joseph. A ten-month-old child, seeing a man, was delighted and with a laugh stretched out her hands to him, showing her four teeth. But the ruthless bandit slashed the baby's head with a knife, and cut his head with an ax to his brother Ivasik.
After the warriors of the “army of the immortals” left the village, in the hut of the peasant Kuzi, on the bed, on the floor and on the stove were found dead bodies. Splattered on the walls and ceiling human brain and blood. Bandera's ax cut short the lives of six innocent children: the eldest of them was 9 years old, and the youngest - 3 years old.
Ch.B. from the USA: “On Podlesye, that was the name of the village, the Bandera people muzzled four from the family of the miller Petrushevsky, while 17-year-old Adolfina was dragged along a rocky rural road until she died.”
F.B. from Canada: “Bandera came to our yard, grabbed our father and cut off his head with an ax, our sister was pierced with a stake. Mom, seeing this, died of a broken heart.
Yu.V. from the UK: “My brother's wife was Ukrainian. Because she married a Pole, 18 Bandera raped her. She didn’t get out of this shock ... she drowned herself in the Dniester.”
At night, from the village of Khmyzovo, a village girl of seventeen years old, or even younger, was brought to the forest. Her fault was that she, along with other rural girls, went to dances when a military unit of the Red Army was stationed in the village. "Kubik" saw the girl and asked "Varnak" for permission to personally interrogate her. He demanded that she confess that she was "walking" with the soldiers. The girl swore that it was not. “And I’ll check it now,” “Cube” grinned, sharpening a pine stick with a knife. In a moment, he jumped up to the prisoner and with the sharp end of the stick began to poke her between her legs until he drove a pine stake into the girl's genitals.
The same young girl Motrya Panasyuk was tortured by Bandera for a long time, and then her heart was torn out of her chest.

scary, martyrdom thousands of Ukrainians died.

R. Shukhevych's henchmen from the Security Council waged a merciless fight against Soviet partisans and underground fighters. In confirmation, here is another document from the Rivne archive:
“10/21/43 ... 7 Bolshevik scouts were captured, who were going from Kamenets-Podolsky to Polissya. After the investigation, evidence was obtained that these were Bolshevik intelligence officers, and they were destroyed ...

On October 28, 1943, a scammer teacher was destroyed in the village of Bogdanovka, Koretsky District ... In the village of Trostyanets, 1 house was burned down and a family was thrown into the fire alive ... Headquarters. 10/31/43 Chef R. 1 V. Zima.
Nurse Yashchenko D.P.: - Soon we witnessed how the OUN members completely slaughtered entire hospitals, which at first they left in the rear as before - without guards. They carved stars on the body of the wounded, cut off their ears, tongues, genitals. They mocked the defenseless liberators of their land from the Nazis as they wanted. And now we are told that these so-called "patriots" of Ukraine fought only with the "punishers" of the NKVD. All this is a lie! What kind of patriots are they?! This is a rabid animal.
A policeman from the village of Ratno, Volyn region, A. Koshelyuk, while serving with the Germans, personally shot about a hundred civilians. He took part in the destruction of the population of the village of Kortelis, which received the name of the "Ukrainian Lidice" among the people. Later he joined the UPA. In the police and the UPA he was known under the nickname Dorosh.
Roman Shukhevych: “... The OUN can act like this, so that everyone who recognizes the power of the radian, were poor. Do not zalyakuvati, but physically snicker! It is inappropriate to be afraid that people will curse us for zhorstokі. Out of 40 million of the Ukrainian population, half will be deprived - there is nothing terrible for them ... ".

Bandera, who improved the skill of executioners in the German police units and the SS troops, literally excelled in the art of torturing defenseless people. Chuprinka (R. Shukhevych) served as an example for them, encouraging such studies in every possible way.

When the whole world was healing the wounds inflicted on humanity by the most terrible of all previous wars, Shukhevych's thugs killed more than 80 thousand people in Western Ukrainian lands.

The vast majority of the dead were far from politics peaceful people civil professions. A significant percentage of those who died at the hands of nationalist murderers were innocent children and the elderly.

In the village of Svatovo, four female teachers who were tortured to death by Shukhevych's henchmen are well remembered. For being from the Soviet Donbass.
Raisa Borzilo, teacher, p. Pervomaisk. Before her execution, the nationalists accused her of promoting the Soviet system at school. The Bandera people gouged her eyes out alive, cut off her tongue, then put a noose of wire around her neck and dragged her into the field.

There are thousands of such examples.

Here is what one of the organizers of the genocide on the lands of Western Ukraine, the commander of the UPA group, Fyodor Vorobets, said after he was detained by law enforcement agencies:
“I do not deny that, under my leadership, a large number of atrocities against ... the civilian population, not to mention the mass destruction of OUN-UPA members suspected of collaborating with the authorities Soviet power... Suffice it to say that in one Sarnensky sub-district, in the districts: Sarnensky, Bereznovsky, Klesovsky, Rokitnyansky, Dubrovetsky, Vysotsky and other districts of the Rovno region and in two districts of the Pinsk region of the Byelorussian SSR, gangs and militants of the Security Service subordinate to me, according to the reports I received , in 1945 alone, six thousand Soviet citizens»
(The criminal case of F. Vorobets is kept in the SBU Department for the Volyn region).

The result of the exhumation of the victims of the massacre of Poles in the villages of Ostrówki and Vola Ostrovetska, carried out on August 17-22, 1992, committed by the monsters of the OUN-UPA: total victims in the two listed villages - 2,000 Poles.

In accordance with regulations International Tribunal, such acts are classified as war crimes and crimes against humanity, which do not have a statute of limitations.

The actions of the Banderaites can only be called GENOCIDE against humanity, and is it worth recalling that the hands of the bandits from the UPA were stained with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Belarusians and Russians killed during the establishment of the “new world order” in Ukraine.
In many Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian cities Monuments to the victims of the Bandera GENOCIDE must be erected!
It is necessary to publish the book “In Memory of the Victims of the GENOCIDE Who Died at the Hands of Ukrainian Nationalists and Bandera”.
The main organizer of the genocide of Poles and Jews was Chuprynka (R. Shukhevych), who issued a special order that read:
“Treat Jews the same way as Poles and Gypsies: destroy mercilessly, spare no one... Take care of doctors, pharmacists, chemists, nurses; keep them under guard... Zhids used for digging bunkers and building fortifications should be liquidated without publicity at the end of work...” (Prus E. Holokost po banderowsku. Wroclaw, 1995).

The souls of the innocent victims are crying out for a fair trial for the brutal murderers - Ukrainian nationalists from the OUN-UPA!

During the Great Patriotic War, 5 million 300 thousand citizens of the USSR died at the hands of the Nazis in Ukraine, 2 million 300 thousand people were driven to Germany as slaves. At the hands of Ukrainian nationalists and collaborators, 850 thousand Jews, 220 thousand Poles, more than 400 thousand Soviet prisoners of war and another 500 thousand Ukrainian civilians were killed 20 thousand soldiers and officers were killed Soviet army and law enforcement agencies.

The beginning of the criminal activity of Ukrainian nationalists was laid on June 30, 1941. The Nachtigall battalion, under the command of R. Shukhevych, broke into Lviv at dawn together with the German advanced units (according to some sources, the Nachtigall special unit captured the Lviv radio station already on June 29) in the first days he destroyed more than 3 thousand civilians in Lvov, whose native language was Polish. In just a week of "cleansing operations" in Lvov, Shukhevych's battalion "Nachtigal" destroyed 7,000 civilians, including the elderly, women and children.

The head of the Uniate (Greek Catholic) Church, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, on July 1, the day after the occupation of Lviv by the invaders, held a service in honor of the "invincible german army and its chief leader, Adolf Hitler" (also after the capture of Kyiv by fascist troops on September 23, 1941, Sheptytsky sent a congratulatory letter to Hitler, in which he welcomed the Fuhrer as "the invincible commander of the incomparable and glorious German army"). Sheptytsky blessed the Ukrainian nationalists and personally S. Bandera on the fight against the Bolsheviks.With the blessing of the head of the Uniates, Sheptytsky, a campaign was launched mass destruction civilians by bandits-terrorists from the OUN, UPA, "Nachtigal" and the SS division "Galicia".

Bukovinian kuren, created by an agent of the Abwehr, a member of the Chernivtsi regional wire of the OUN Voinovsky, arrived in Kyiv on September 22, 1941, where from September 28 he took an active part in the massacre of civilians in Babi Yar. Of the one and a half thousand punishers, there were about three hundred Germans, the rest were Ukrainian nationalists and collaborators. In total, 350,000 civilians, including 50,000 children, were deprived of their lives in Babi Yar.

From the published archival materials of the Central Administration of the FSB of Russia

(from the message of the head of the 4th Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR Sudoplatov to the deputy head of the 3rd Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR Ilyushin.
December 5, 1942 No. 7/s/97)

“Ukrainian nationalists, who had previously been underground, met the Germans with bread and salt / in Dnepropetrovsk, Pereshchepino, Kishenka, etc. / and provided them with all kinds of assistance. The German occupiers widely used the nationalists to organize the so-called "new order" in the occupied regions of the Ukrainian SSR. In an effort to create the appearance of the participation of Ukrainians themselves in the management state apparatus, the Germans put at the head of the administrative and municipal bodies organized in the occupied territories patented traitors of the Ukrainian people.

The post of mayor of the city of Amurnizhnedneprovsk was given to CHERNET-KALENIK. Fedor Ivanovich MANZHELEY was appointed regional judge of the Dnipropetrovsk region, Ivan GAVRILENKO was appointed to the post of deputy. The head of the Dnepropetrovsk regional police, the adviser to the Gestapo in Dnepropetrovsk is GAVRILENKO Ivan Fedorovich, ZELENSKY Nikita, a native of the village of Manuilovka, was appointed to the post of chief of the Amurnizhnedneprovsk police. Right Social Revolutionary, then ukapist, who later crawled into the CP / used / U, worked as chief foreman of the plant. K. Liebkhneta in N-Dneprovsk, was expelled from the party, we judge, in 1929 he disappeared from Dnepropetrovsk and reappeared only under the Germans. PETRENKO Savva was appointed headman of the village of Znamenka, N-Moskovsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region. Secretary of the city police in the mountains. Amurnizhnedneprovsk and a Gestapo adviser appointed Daniil REVOL, a native of the village of Manuylovka. Cousin CHERNETA-KALENIKA - CHERNETA Peter, a native of the village. Manuilovki, former right sr, under the Germans he was the chairman of the "enlightenment" in the village of Manuylov, under Petlyura he was a volost headman and organizer of the Petliura units, then he was a member of the UKP, was arrested by the NKVD. Works for the Amurnizhnedneprovsk police…

It should be noted that the Germans, knowing the past of these villages and cities of the Dnepropetrovsk and Poltava regions, the so-called Kishensko-Orelsky district, put them in a privileged position compared to other villages. Having turned the Kishensko-Orelsky region into their stronghold, the Germans, with the help of Ukrainian nationalists, cleared the area of ​​everything Soviet. So, for example, in s.St. Orlik in the spring of 1942, the Germans seized and then shot 60 families of Soviet activists in the forest near the Dnieper River, 45 families were shot in the village of Kitai-Gorod, 35 families were seized in the village of Zhdanovka, Kotovsky district, about 200 families were shot in the village of Nekhvoroshcha families, in Pereshchepino shot about 100 families, and 2 people. - former assistant chief The RKM and the foreman of the collective farm (I don't know their last names) were hanged on the gates of the German commandant's office.

Similar atrocities took place in a number of other villages. After that, the Germans carried out extensive recruitment among local population for police service in other areas, mainly adjacent to the Samara forests. To combat the partisan movement, the Germans organized from Ukrainian nationalists punitive detachments and sent to the village of Znamenka, N-Moskovsky district 150 people, under the command of PETRENKO Savva to the village of Vasilyevka, Pereshchepinsky district 100 people.

From February 1942, the Germans began to form a "volunteer Ukrainian national army." To this end, they previously made a re-registration of all those liable for military service from 19 to 45 years old. The recruitment of "volunteers" in the Ukrainian units was carried out in the district centers by military departments, and the formation took place in the cities of Kremenchug, Krivoy Rog, Dnepropetrovsk, Stalino and Mariupol. The recruitment of "volunteers" into the Ukrainian army was carried out by calling the military department of those liable for military service, where they were asked to "voluntarily" join the "Ukrainian national" army, and at the same time it was announced that the latter would protect only the interests of Ukraine. Those who refused to join the army “voluntarily” for some reason were considered by the Germans as unreliable, were arrested and sent to special concentration camps in the cities of Kremenchug and Dnepropetrovsk. For the training of command personnel in the city of Krivoy Rog and Dnepropetrovsk organized officer schools. Cadets in these schools were recruited from Ukrainian nationalists, former. commanders of the Red Army. Teaching Staff in schools consists of German officers-instructors. The training of the rank and file of the "Ukrainian army" is carried out by Ukrainian officers who have already graduated from school, under the supervision of German officers. Discipline introduced stick.

From conversations with families and soldiers of the “Ukrainian army”, I learned that the Germans sent the formed Ukrainian units to Western Ukraine and, mainly, to the city of Lutsk. where, allegedly, a "Ukrainian army" is being formed, which will be directed against England. The most reliable “Ukrainian units”, formed from Petliura elements, are used by the Germans to fight the partisans….

Ukrainian nationalists traveled around the villages and agitated the peasants to join "their" army, which would protect their own interests. In the first days of April 1942, when CHERNET-KALENIK left for the village of Podgorodne, Depropetrovsk region, where he tried to convince the Ukrainians of the need for "voluntary" entry into the "Ukrainian" army, he was received by a gathering, consisting of approximately 5 thousand people, very unfriendly, ridiculed and booed. As a result of such a reception, CHERNETA-KALENIK had to quickly retire without finishing his speech. When leaving the village, the boys threw sand and stones at his car.

For insulting their protege, the German invaders shot 400 people. The descriptions for the execution were compiled by the headman of the village. Podgornoye /I don’t know his last name/, a former kulak, a Petliurist, an active ukapist, was arrested several times by the NKVD and the head of the DUB police Ivan - a former Petliurist, a “fork Cossack”. In the village of Znamenka, N-Moskovsky district, repeated attempts by the headman to gather the peasants for a gathering were unsuccessful, the German agitators had to leave with nothing.

CA FSB of Russia. f. 100, op.11, d.7, l. 60-66

To be continued...

June 22 marks the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In modern Ukrainian school textbooks today this day is called the beginning of the battle between "two totalitarian regimes" for the enslavement of a free and democratic Europe, and the heroes who fought against the two occupation regimes for the liberation of Ukraine are members of the OUN-UPA. But all these books, newspapers, TV shows cannot outshine archival documents and human memory - almost every family in Ukraine has the scars of that terrible war: graves on graveyards, yellowed field mail triangles, darkened orders. What is the baggage of "merits" in the fight against Nazism OUN "heroes"? Why do the Kyiv authorities today call them true liberators, while banning the Victory Banner as an occupational communist symbol?

In 1939, the population of Western Ukraine greeted the Red Army with bread and salt. Over time, the repressions of the NKVD began there. But the literature is silent about their cause and the role of the OUN in provoking them.

During preparation German aggression against Poland, Hitler's intelligence flooded the country with its agents, mainly OUN members. They were supposed to paralyze the resistance of the Poles to the Germans. The influential OUN member Kost Pankovsky, who during the Second World War was the deputy head of the so-called. Ukrainian central committee Vladimir Kubievich, one of the initiators and inspirers of the creation of the SS division "Galicia", in his work "The Rocks of the German Occupation" (1965, Toronto) writes that on the eve of the Nazi attack on Poland, "the OUN wire planned to raise an armed uprising in the rear Polish troops and formed a military detachment - "Ukrainian Legion" under the command of Colonel Roman Sushko. After the occupation of Poland, the Nazis invited them to work in the "Ukrainian police", intended to fight the Polish resistance.

The activities of Ukrainian police officers on the territories [space] of Poland german hosts appreciated highly. Therefore, shortly before the attack on the Soviet Union, the Nazis began mass training of OUN police personnel for the future. occupation regime in Ukraine. The leaders of the OUN, with the money of Hitler's intelligence, created schools of the "Ukrainian police" in Kholm and Przemysl. They were led by Gestapo officers Müller, Ryder, Walter. A similar school was established in Berlin. Simultaneously German military intelligence launched training for espionage and sabotage activities on the territory of the USSR. In a special camp on Lake Chiemsee (Germany), Ukrainian nationalists were trained as saboteurs, and in the Quinzgut military training center - spies (TsGAOOOU, f. 1, op. 4, d. 338, l. 22).

After September 1939, the activities of the nationalist underground became more covert. During the reunification of the western regions of Ukraine with the Ukrainian SSR, the leadership of the Krakow wire of the OUN instructed its underground links not to be hostile towards Soviet military personnel, to retain personnel, preparing them for future active operations against the USSR. They also had to collect, using the collapse of the Polish army, to infiltrate local and party authorities. So, former member Lvov executive A.A. Lutsky, for example, managed to get into the office of one of the district executive committees of the Stanislav [since 1962 Ivano-Franskov] region and even achieve election as a deputy in People's Assembly. Fearing possible exposure, at the end of 1939 he fled to Krakow. Soviet authorities identified 156 OUN members in the Stanislav region alone, embedded in village committees.

The OUN leadership began to organize Western Ukraine acts of sabotage and terror. According to incomplete data, in the second half of 1940 they carried out 30 terrorist attacks, and on the eve of the German attack on the USSR, there were 17 of them in just two months of 1941 (GDA SBU. F. 16, op. 39, l. 765). So they killed the instructor of the Stusivsky district committee of the CP (b) U of the Ternopil region I. Rybolovko, the prosecutor of the Monastyrsky district Doroshenko and other Soviet and party workers (Archive of the USBU for the Ternopil region, d. 72, v. 1, l. 1). In July 1940, a grenade was thrown into the cinema during a film demonstration in Lvov. As a result of the explosion, 28 people were injured (GDA SBU.F.16, op.33, b.n. 23, fol. 765).

Similar actions, as well as acts of sabotage, were organized in many western regions Ukraine. In addition, the Germans demanded that the leaders of the OUN intensify the organization of an armed uprising, which would serve as a pretext for war against the USSR. Preparations for it, as one of the leaders of the Abwehr, Colonel E. Stolze testified in Nuremberg (Military History Journal, 1990, No. 4), were directly supervised by his subordinate officers Dering and Market.

Communication between Stolze and Bandera was provided by Rico Yariy. On March 10, 1940, a meeting of the leadership of the OUN was held in Krakow, at which a next plan actions: 1. Prepare and in as soon as possible transfer to the territory of the Ukrainian SSR the leading cadres of the OUN in order to create headquarters in Volhynia and Lvov for organizing an armed uprising. 2. Within two months, study the territory, have a clear idea of ​​​​the presence of rebel forces, weapons, supplies, the mood of the population, the presence and location Soviet troops(Ternopil regional archive, f. 1, op. 1-a, d.2, l. 125-127).

Trusted members of the organization visited the OUN underground on Soviet territory. Among them was a member of the central wire, as well as an agent of the Abwehr A. Lutsky (Bogun). Being detained in January 1945, he testified that “the main task assigned to the wire was to prepare, by the end of the summer of 1940, an uprising against Soviet power throughout Western Ukraine. We carried out urgent military training for members of the OUN, collected and concentrated weapons in one place. They provided for the capture of military-strategic objects: mail, telegraph, etc. They made up the so-called. a black book - a list of employees of party and Soviet bodies, local activists and employees of the NKVD, who immediately had to be destroyed when the war began ”(GDA SBU.F.16, op. 33, p. n. 23, l. 297).

Lutsky testified that “if the uprising provoked by us in Western Ukraine had lasted at least a few days, then Germany would have come to our aid.” The same testimony was given by his deputy Mikhail Senkiv. Well, just like the "call for help" of the Sudeten Germans! However, in the summer of 1940, at the direction of Canaris, the preparation of an armed uprising was removed from the agenda, since Germany was not yet fully prepared for an attack on the Soviet Union.

With the beginning of the war against the USSR, the OUN marching groups followed the advancing German units. “Ukrainian integral nationalists,” notes Canadian historian O. Subtelny, “enthusiastically welcomed the German attack on the USSR, considering it as a promising opportunity to establish an independent Ukrainian state” (Subtelny O.Ukraina. Istorija. Kiev. 1993, p. 567).

In the OUN pamphlet entitled "For Ukrainian Statehood", which is an overview of the reports of a number of leaders of territorial underground organizations Bandera, it is recorded: “Before the start of the German-Soviet war, the OUN, despite incredible difficulties, organized a network of underground workers in the villages, who ... in a number of districts of the Ternopil region organized armed demonstrations of rebel groups, disarmed many military units. In general... our militants attacked all the towns and villages of the region even before the arrival of the German army.”

Similar crimes were committed by Ukrainian nationalists on the territory of Lvov, Stanislav, Drohobych, Volyn and Chernivtsi regions. So, on June 28, 1941, near the city of Przemyshlyany in the Lvov region, several OUN gangs attacked small detachments of the Red Army and individual vehicles that evacuated women and children. Over the Red Army and defenseless people, the militants committed a cruel massacre. The same gangs helped the Nazis capture Przemyshlyany. In the area of ​​Rudka village, the subdivision fascist army ran into the courageous resistance of the Soviet troops. The Nazis asked the OUN for help, and they, as this pamphlet says, accepted active participation"in the most victorious battles." The nationalists were also active in the Volyn and Rivne regions.

The atrocities of the OUN gangs are reported in the report of the headquarters Southwestern Front dated June 24, 1941: “Enemy sabotage groups dressed in our uniform are operating in the Ustlug region. Warehouses are on fire in the area. During June 22 and in the morning of June 23, the enemy landed troops on Khirov, Drohobych, Borislav, the last two were destroyed ”(GDA SBU, d. 490, vol. 1, l. 100).

The leaders of the OUN sent several so-called marching groups to Ukraine after the advancing units of the fascist army. These units, according to the definition of the OUN "guides", were "a kind of political army”, which included nationalists who had experience of fighting in conditions of deep underground. The route of their movement was agreed in advance with the Abwehr. So, the northern marching group of 2,500 people moved along the route Lutsk - Zhytomyr - Kyiv. Medium - 1500 OUN - in the direction of Poltava - Sumy - Kharkiv. The southern one - consisting of 880 people - followed the route Ternopil - Vinnitsa - Dnepropetrovsk - Odessa.

The activity of these groups was reduced to performing the functions of an auxiliary occupation apparatus in the occupied territory of the republic: they helped the Nazis form the so-called Ukrainian police, city and district councils, as well as other bodies of the fascist occupation administration. At the same time, group members established contacts with different kind criminal elements, using them to identify the local underground and Soviet partisans.

From the very beginning of their existence, the mentioned self-government bodies were under the rule of the Nazi occupation administration. The materials available in the archives of Ukraine confirm this.

For example, in the instructions of the Reichskommissar of Ukraine Erich Koch for No. 119 “On the attitude of military units to the Ukrainian population”, it is emphasized: “Created Ukrainian national local governments or district governments should not be considered as independent administrations or authorized from higher authorities but as trusted to communicate with the German military authorities. Their task is to carry out the orders of the latter” (TsGAOOOU, f. 1, op. 1-14, item 115, fol. 73-76).

Unfortunate historians in modern Ukraine they are trying to convince its residents (the younger generation in the first place) that it was the OUN-UPA warriors who defended the population of the Ukrainian SSR from the invaders. I will briefly remind HOW they did it.

AT punitive operations against the civilian population, military units were used, formed mainly from OUN members specially trained for this purpose: legions named after Konovalets, "Ukrainian Legion" and others. The notorious Nachtigal was especially "famous". One of the founders of the OUN, Bohdan Mikhailyuk (Knysh), a Melnikovite, wrote in his pamphlet Bandera's Revolt published in 1950: big name"Legion", and the Germans "Nightingale", since his task was to go behind German troops, sing Ukrainian songs and to create German-friendly sentiments among the Ukrainian population.” How did the "nightingales" create "friendly moods for the Germans"?

Already in the first hours of the occupation of Lviv, massacres began against its inhabitants, accompanied by torture. To do this, special teams were created from the formed auxiliary police and legionnaires, which were engaged in the liquidation of local government employees, Poles and Jews. In the period from July 1 to July 4, 1941, with the participation of the Nakhtigalevites, prominent Polish scientists and intellectuals were destroyed in Lvov - academician Solovy, professors Bartel, Boy-Zhelensky, Seradsky, Novitsky, Lomnitsky, Domasevich, Rentsky, Weigel, Ostrovsky, Manchevsky, Greek, Krukovsky, Dobzhanetsky and others (Alexander Korman. From the bloody days of Lvov 1941, London, 1991).

In a terrible situation in the Nazi-occupied territory were the Jews, on whom the fascist ideology of Dmitry Dontsov mechanically endured the German practice of complete physical liquidation. Simon Wiesenthal, a world-famous fighter against Nazism, witnessed the massacre of Jews in Lvov in the first days of the war.

About how it happened massacres Jews in Lviv, was truthfully described by Julian Schulmeister in his book "Hitlerism in the Jews", which was published in Kyiv in 1990.

Here are some excerpts from the memoirs of eyewitnesses of the mass crimes of fascism, published in Schulmeister's book.

Testimony of F. Friedman: “In the early days German occupation, from June 30 to July 3, bloody and brutal pogroms were organized. Ukrainian nationalists and organized Ukrainian police (auxiliary police) began to hunt Jewish residents in the streets. They broke into apartments, grabbed men, sometimes the whole family, not excluding children.

Testimony of Janina Hescheles: “Yellow-blue banners flutter. The streets are full of Ukrainians with sticks and pieces of iron, screams are heard ... Not far from the post office there are people with shovels, Ukrainians beat them, shouting: “Jews, Jews! ..” On Kollontai street, guys beat Jews with brooms and stones. They are taken to the Brigidki prison, to Kazimirovka. On the boulevard they beat again ... "

Testimony of Rubinstein: “The next day, the Germans, together with the Ukrainians, organize a pogrom. Then about three thousand Jews were killed ... "

Testimony of Ukrainian Kazimira Poray (from a diary): “What I saw today in the market could have happened in ancient times. Perhaps this is what wild people did... Near the Town Hall, the road is covered with broken glass... Soldiers with SS emblems, who speak Ukrainian, torture and mock Jews. They are forced to sweep the square with their clothes - blouses, dresses, even hats. They put two handcarts, one on the corner of Krakowska Street, the other on Halytska Street, forcing the Jews to collect glass and carry with bare hands to carts... beaten with sticks and pieces of wire. The road from Galicia to Krakow is flooded with blood that flows from human hands ... "

Thousands of innocent Soviet citizens were tortured by the Nakhtigalev executioners in Zolochev and Ternopil, Satanov and Vinnitsa, other cities and villages of Ukraine and Belarus, where the Abwehr unit was held. These executioners also committed bloody orgies and mass executions in Stanislav. There, in the first days of the Nazi occupation, 250 teachers, doctors, engineers, lawyers were destroyed.

The nationalists dealt particularly cruelly with the Jewish population. In the first months of the occupation of the western regions of Ukraine, the OUN, together with the Nazis, arranged "crystal nights" - they shot, killed and burned tens of thousands of Jews in Lvov, Ternopil, Nadvirna. In Stanislav alone, from July 1941 to July 1942, the Nazis, together with the OUN, destroyed 26 thousand Jews, which was confirmed in Munster (FRG) at the trial of former leader security police and SD in Stanislav G. Krieger in 1966 (Cherednichenko V.P. Nationalism against nations. K., 1970, p. 95).

For armed struggle Belarusian partisans the Nachtigal battalion was withdrawn from the front at the end of October 1941 and merged into one formation with the Roland battalion - the so-called Schutzmannschaft battalion. In mid-March 1942, the 201st Schutzmannschaft Battalion, led by an OUN member, Abwehr Major Yevgeny Pobigushchiy, and his deputy, Hauptmann Roman Shukhevych, was transferred to Belarus. Here it became known as the 201st unit. police division, which, together with other brigades and operational battalions, operated under the leadership of SS-Obergruppenführer Bach-Zalewski.

What was the "fighting prowess" of Pobeguschiy and Shukhevych, as well as the entire Schutzmanshaft of the battalion, is stated in the book of the famous Ukrainian researcher V.I. “Earlier today,” the author writes, “it is clearly indicated that the Schutzmannschaft battalion could not be buried in the partisan region, in Belarus, but at the warehouse of the penal formations of the SS Obergrupenführer von Bach-Zalewski against the Belarusian partisans and civilians, taking the fate of the penal operations “Swamp Fever”, “Trikutnik”, “Cottbus” and others” (p. 27). On their "combat account" dozens of burned farms and villages, an uncountable number of ruined lives of Belarusian citizens.

Mine blood trail Ukrainian policemen also left on Ukrainian soil, completely destroying the Volyn village of Kortelisy and 2,800 of its inhabitants, which Volodymyr Yavorivsky, now a BYuT poet, wrote about in his book “Flamed Kortelisi”, who seeks honors and the status of heroes for these executioners.

The role of Ukrainian nationalists in the tragedy is still terra incognita for researchers Babi Yar. In the Soviet period, this was done for the sake of the friendship of peoples, contemptuously called former singer this very friendship by Vitaly Korotich is vulgar. Today's "historians" are trying to "wash the black dog white."

September 20, 1941 Kyiv was occupied by the Germans. And a few days later, the future participants in the bloody action at Babi Yar arrived in the city - Sonderkommando 4a, led by the sadist Paul Blobel, two punitive Ukrainian police battalions under the command of B. Konik and I. Kedyumich. And also the infamous "Bukovinian chicken" under the leadership of the fanatic Pyotr Voinovsky, who had already managed to distinguish himself by bloody pogroms, executions and robberies on the way to Kyiv in Kamenets-Podolsky, Zhmerinka, Proskurov, Vinnitsa, Zhytomyr and other cities. By September 26, over 2 thousand policemen and SS men had gathered in Kyiv (Kruglov A. Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. K., 2000, p. 203).

A lie is the assertion that the UPA was created to fight the German occupiers. The French researcher Alain Guerin directly pointed out that the UPA is a product of the long-term activity of the German intelligence service (Guerin A. Gray Cardinal. M., 1971).

It was created entirely according to the Hitler model. Most of its leaders were trained by the Nazis in special military reconnaissance and sabotage schools in Germany on the eve of the war. Many were awarded military ranks of the Abwehr. For example, the UPA commander Klyachkivsky (Savur) had the rank of senior lieutenant of the Abwehr and at the same time was a member of the OUN central wire. Ivan Grinyokh (Gerasimovsky) - captain of the Abwehr, at the beginning of the war, chaplain of the Nachtigal battalion, then an official in the department of Rosenberg, and from February 1943 - an intermediary in negotiations between the commands of the UPA and the German occupation authorities. Negotiations on the interaction of the UPA and German troops against the Red Army were led by Alexander Lutsky (Bohun), a senior lieutenant of the Abwehr, a member of the main headquarters of the UPA, commander of the UPA "West-Karpaty"; Vasily Sidor (Shelest) - captain of the Abwehr, company commander of the Schutzmannschaft battalion, "famous" in Belarus, then commander of the West-Karpaty UPA (after leaving the post of Lutsky); Petr Melnik (Khmara) - company commander of the SS division "Galicia", commander of the UPA kuren in the Stanislav region; Mikhail Andrusyak (Rizun) - lieutenant of the Abwehr, served in the Nachtigall, commanded a detachment in the Stanislav region; Yuri Lopatinsky (Kalina) - senior lieutenant of the Abwehr, member of the central wire of the OUN, member of the main headquarters of the UPA. The heads of the security service (SB) of the UPA were, as a rule, former employees Gestapo, gendarmerie, auxiliary Ukrainian police. All named and many other leaders were awarded German orders for the Eastern peoples.

The Nazis not only formed the UPA, but also armed it. This was done by the Abwehrkommando-202.

According to incomplete data, 700 mortars, about 10 thousand heavy and light machine guns, 26 thousand machine guns, 22 thousand pistols, 100 thousand grenades, 80 thousand mines and shells, several million rounds of ammunition, radio stations, portable cars and etc.

A characteristic example of the interaction of the OUN-UPA with German troops is the fact that on January 13, 1944, the German garrison in the town of Kamen-Kashirsky, Volyn region, was replaced by UPA units. He left 300 rifles, 2 boxes of cartridges, 65 sets of uniforms, 200 pairs of underwear and other equipment to the OUN people.

In March 1944, partisans of A.F. Fedorov’s formation, while repelling an armed UPA attack on one of the detachments, captured a document confirming the connection of the warriors with the Germans. Here is its content: “Friendly Bogdan! Send 15 people to our hut, who will work on the construction of the bridge. On March 3, 1944, I agreed with the German captain Oschft that we would build a bridge for the crossing of German troops, for which they would give us reinforcements - two battalions with all the equipment. Together with these battalions on March 18 with. we will clear the forest on both sides of the Stokhod river from the red partisans and give free passage to the rear of the Red Army for our UPA detachments, which are waiting there. We stayed at the negotiations for 15 hours. The Germans gave us lunch. Glory to Ukraine! Eagle Commander. March 5, 1944 "(Miroslava Berdnik. Pawns in someone else's game. Pages of the history of Ukrainian nationalism. 2010).

The cooperation of the UPA with the Germans was not an isolated fact, but was encouraged from above. Thus, on February 12, 1944, the Commander-in-Chief of the Security Police and the SD in Ukraine, SS Brigadeführer and Police Major General Brenner, on February 12, 1944, oriented intelligence agencies subordinate to him in western regions Ukraine that in connection with successful negotiations with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in the area of ​​the villages of Derazhnoe, Verba (Rivne region. - M.B.), the leaders of the UPA undertook to throw in Soviet rear to inform the department of the 1st combat groups located at the headquarters of their intelligence officers and the results of their work German armies"South". In this regard, Brenner ordered to allow free movement of UPA agents with passes of Captain Felix, to prohibit the seizure of weapons from UPA members, and when UPA groups met with German military units enjoy identification marks(spread fingers of the left hand raised in front of the face) (TsGAVOVU, f.4628, op. 1, d. 10, pp. 218-233).

During the defeat by the Soviet troops of the UPA group in the Rivne region in April 1944, 65 German soldiers were captured, acting as part of structural divisions UPA. This fact is mentioned in the collection of documents "Internal troops in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945". It also contains a statement by one German prisoner of war about the connections of the command of the German Wehrmacht and the UPA in the joint struggle against the Red Army and Soviet partisans.

Alain Guerin in the book "The Gray Cardinal" answers the question: did Bandera kill the Germans, and if they did, then under what circumstances? Yes, they did, writes Guérin, but only by misunderstanding or when they got rid of them as "unmasking material". The fact is that many German soldiers were seconded to the UPA units. Once surrounded by Soviet troops, Bandera in a number of cases destroyed their allies in order to cover up the traces of German-Ukrainian cooperation. By misunderstanding, if the means of identification did not work, for example, when the Germans dressed in the uniform of the Red Army, the Bandera people were mistaken for enemies.

Historians-falsifiers who offer a Ukrainian-centric concept of the history of the Second World War, and the leadership of Ukraine, by hook or by crook, are trying to whitewash both the OUN and the UPA. At the same time, they seek to take away Victory Day from the Ukrainian people. And in the place of the common sacred symbol for the people, they are trying to establish a symbol of oblivion - poppy, so that later the people drunk with poppy infusion will impose evil false gods who flooded Ukrainian land the blood of its citizens.