About rebirthing and unfinished tasks. Rebirthing and myths about it

Something that I get asked sooo often. What is the difference between the practices: Vaivation, Holotropic Breathwork, Rebirthing?

We will not consider the differences between holotropic breathing and rebirthing, since technically this is one and the same practice. The only difference is in the approaches (those filters of perception of the world that the trainers have and through which they offer to look at the practice). Interesting points can be found in both approaches. But if you come to a holotropic or rebirthing, technically you will be required to use the same “technique”, which will provide the RESULT.

In general, Vaivation, holotropic breathing, rebirthing, are similar in that end result that practices have on a person. This is a cleansing of mental problems, a better understanding of yourself, your body, great freedom perception and, as a result, greater freedom of choice and action. This is an opportunity to find integrity ( healthy body, peace of mind). Make your life more meaningful and interesting.

The same result happens through different mechanisms.
In Vaivation, we always work with the body, stay in the body, or, when we no longer feel the body, we are still in the here and now. In contrast to holotropic breathing, in Vaivation there is no (or extremely rare) transfer to other realities, out-of-body travel, strong uncontrolled experiences and uncontrolled altered states of consciousness. Practice, rather, helps to understand how deep THIS reality is, in the here and now. This is due to the softer effect of the practice, as well as the possibility of its practice (with experience) without a siter or trainer on your own, in absolutely any conditions. So, for example, one of the most difficult and powerful forms of Vaivation practice is action vivation, during which the practitioner breathes ONLY Vaivation for a week, two or more during his usual life activity. This is a very powerful transformative experience!
The processing of mental material (discomfort experiences) in Vaivation happens through awareness and acceptance. With the help of special algorithms, breathing rises the material (experience) forced out of consciousness. As a result of living the material during the session at 100 percent (which happens due to breathing), its rethinking and "letting go" happen. This is accompanied by more than pleasant experiences. Some practitioners say it's better than sex.
Technically, Vaination breathing is much less dynamic than holotropic breathing, which is due to exhalation: exhalation is ALWAYS relaxed (“receiving”), effortless.

Holotropic breathing is practiced with a siter or a supervising trainer. This is due to the fact that the practitioner during practice may not be fully aware of their actions and cause harm to themselves or others. The effect of holotropic breathing is due to the powerful energy pumping of all human energy channels due to deep intensive breathing. All energy-information structures (psycho-energetic blocks, mental troubles, etc.) are simply brought “outside”, into consciousness. The very consciousness of the practitioner at the same time greatly expands (the level of consciousness grows in proportion to the flow of energy passed through the body). Such a state is more than resourceful and productive. From it, a person can easily cope with problems and situations that, in a state of narrowed consciousness and energy deficit, seemed to him “dead end” (not solvable). Also, in such a state of consciousness, a person can suddenly realize that he is something more than just a body, or a person, or what he used to think of himself. A practitioner can experience the experience of his birth, or the experience of past lives, gain experience of out-of-body travel, have meetings with spiritual beings of the religions he professes, and much more. All this is a powerful transpersonal experience, which determines the transformational features of the practice. Having had such an experience, a person returns to another.

It is worth writing that the effect of these practices has nothing to do with oxygen and hyperventilation, as they say, for example, on Wikipedia. If you think that it's all about oxygen, then most likely you will have a very limited understanding of the processes that will happen to you during breathing.
In the same Waving, for example, with proper breathing, there is no hyperventilation in principle, but the psychedelic effect from this breath keeps happening.
As for the harm of practitioners, both Vaivation and Holotropic Breathwork have contraindications. Viveation has a little less of them, which allows you to practice this practice more sick (if the disease is not on the list of contraindications).
In the absence of contraindications, practices are completely harmless to the body. And even more than that, they have a healing effect. I personally witnessed how people got rid of a number of chronic diseases after breathing sessions: colds often disappear, menstrual pain decreases or disappears completely, gastrointestinal diseases disappear, practitioners lose weight, refuse sleeping pills (as unnecessary), etc.

This article will talk about what the assemblage point is and how it shifts. Some mystics liken the assemblage point to a slider that determines which waves the radio will receive. However, in the author's opinion, this comparison does not quite reflect the essence, since the receiver is only a receiving device, while a person is able to act and change his assemblage point in the process of action. People who can see energy flows speak of the assemblage point as a kind of pulsating area on our energy cocoon. If we consider the analogy with a radio receiver, then the human chakras in it are seen as broadcasting stations, to which the receiver can be tuned. If you have talked at least once with practicing magicians, then you have probably heard comments: “Why talk to him! He has a point of view in Manipura, stupid aggression, here I have it - in Anahata - I love everyone!

In fact, for each person, the assemblage point tends to shift, both during the day and throughout life. Remember how you behaved five or seven years ago, and think about how different your vision of the world is from what it was then. The assemblage point is responsible for how you, and any other person, see and explain the material world to yourself. There is an opinion that with a very strong shift of the assemblage point, a person is able to fall into another world, but one should not dream of wandering between worlds in the early stages of working with the assemblage point. After all, it may turn out that another world in this case just a reality that differs from yours by the events that take place in it, and not by the sun that shines above your head, or the color of the soil under your feet. For example, you don’t like a world where everyone around is thieves and bribe-takers, so shifting the assemblage point can help you get into a world where thieves and bribe-takers are either absent or there are not many of them at all. You say, petty and too prosaic? Not at all, because for many people such a change in reality is akin to going to heaven! And there are fairy tales about other worlds in various fantasy books, and if you know how to immerse yourself in a book, traveling to other worlds is not a problem for you.

A person is born with a "floating" assemblage point. Often, children who start talking early talk about luminous cocoons around people and other phenomena that are not available to the attention of an adult. However, later a person develops something that forms his assemblage point, namely: habits. In this case, the word habit should be understood not only as smoking and alcoholism, but also as self-determination, attachments, and the entire conglomerate of mental attitudes that a person is. At the same time, the assemblage point can very actively jump from one chakra to another, depending on the experiences that a person experiences. For example, emotional resentment can cause a sharp jump to manipura in a person who, in a calm state, is in goodness and loves the whole world.

To change the position of the assemblage point and go into the world of your dreams, you need to painstakingly work on your habits. Very often, to explain how to change the assemblage point, an example is given with the terms "health" and "sickness". A person who wants to be healthy must completely stop thinking in terms of “illness”, “I don’t want to get sick” and “being sick is bad”, moving to the line of life where there is health and even more health. In a corresponding way, from destructive to constructive, other human habits must also change. The result of these changes can be a situation when a person finds himself in a world where he either has no diseases at all, or very few of them. Such wonderful metamorphoses are available to each of us, but most people continue to live, floating on the ocean, guided by their assemblage point like a navigator, and do not realize that this navigator needs to be adjusted.

“Assembly point” is just a term that the general public got acquainted with thanks to the books of C. Castaneda. Carlos also has practices for working with the assemblage point and recommendations regarding how and where it should be moved. Another interesting concept that magicians use is the "contract" - how all people perceive the world together and individually. Based on how the assemblage point works, the aforementioned contract is formed. You must have met people whose assemblage point is different from yours. It could be crazy, pop stars, born businessmen, lovers exact sciences or vice versa, creative people. However, in most cases, only those whose assemblage points wander approximately in the same range can get along side by side. Therefore, having decided to shift your assemblage point, be prepared for the fact that your environment may change almost completely. This will be the new world that you will enter, and may happiness await you in it!

Rebirthing Rebirthing was developed in the early 70s. Leonardo Orrom and is a method of self-help regenerating natural connection between the field life form and the physical body. This connection, according to the authors, is broken when a person does something wrong or under duress. People experience discomfort emotional sensation in the body, but at the same time consciously continue the work begun by suppressing these emotions. As a result of suppression discomfort deposited in the body chronic stress causing some kind of physical ailment. This is how Jim Leonard and Phil Lauth describe it in their book ("Rebirthing", St. Petersburg. TF "IKAM" 1993).
- One of the models for describing suppression uses the connection between the physical body and the "spiritual body". The "spiritual body" in this model is the "body" you have while you sleep. It includes your mind, your sense of identity or self, and all of your conscious awareness. During sleep, you do not feel your physical body, because at this time your spiritual body is not in physical body. When you wake up, you feel your physical body exactly to the extent that the spiritual body is in contact with it. Suppression, from this point of view, means the long-term removal of the spiritual body from the sphere of the physical body.....
In this model, your spiritual body is what gives life and organization to a group of molecules and coordinates them to work together in an elaborate form that we call the "physical body". Withdrawal of the spiritual body from the physical body due to suppression leads to blockage of the vital, organizing energy in this part of the physical body. Molecules become less organized, conditions are created that are known as "aging", "disease". Areas of blocked energy inevitably affect other parts of the body in such a way that a person begins to act incorrectly. This then leads to more suppression, more energy blocking, and so on. In other words, this is the same "mental and emotional garbage" that causes "shells" and distortions in the field life form, which must be disposed of. To get rid of "mental garbage", the authors of rebirthing applied several mutually reinforcing principles based on the features of functioning human body. In turn, the author, while mastering the classical Rebirthing and explaining its mechanisms of action for himself, came across a mass of undescribed healing mechanisms of the influence of Rebirthing on the physical body. In addition, having knowledge of biorhythmology and knowledge of the mechanisms of Rebirthing's effect on the physical body, it became clear to me how to combine all this together for the treatment of diseases associated with acupuncture channels. Based on this, I decided to supplement the classic Rebirthing scheme with my own developments to increase efficiency. Thus, the following material is a combination of classical Rebirthing with my biorhythmological recommendations and a description of the mechanism of influence on the physical body. If you wish, you can use the classic Rebirthing technique described below, or my modernized one, which I called - " Breath of Happiness. The first principle is ecstasy. The essence of this principle is that every person constantly be in a state of ecstasy, no matter what he feels. (Remember the excerpt from the Katha Upanishad - The Root Cause Atman, Purusha, who created man constantly enjoys his creation, no matter what the person feels - good or bad). But the body and mind divide all sensations into useful, pleasant and harmful, unpleasant. Harmful and unpleasant sensations cause "garbage" in the field form of life - suppression.
Positive emotions (ecstasy is the strongest of them) affect the hypothalamus (because it is associated with the formation of emotions) in which the structures regulating the functions of all levels of the autonomic nervous system are located. Recall that the autonomic nervous system provides regulation of: endocrine glands - thyroid, pancreas, genital, adrenal glands, etc.; functions of internal organs - heart, liver, kidneys, etc.; blood vessels, mucous membranes, muscles, etc. This is the healing effect of ecstasy on the physical body. The second principle is integration. The essence of this principle is to transform suppression into glorification. In order to do this, you need to remember what was done wrong before and caused you an unpleasant feeling and experience this feeling in a new way - not negatively as before, but positively, rejoicing and glorifying it. In other words, you must relive the negative, admiring and idolizing it. In order to put this into practice, there are several methods. Be grateful. Each person has a feeling of gratitude for existence, for being here, for the opportunity to feel everything. But most people are limited in their sense of gratitude and recognize gratitude for only a few things. But really, all you have is this moment. So be grateful for every detail of it! Adequate comparison. If you compare a paper cup with a beautiful crystal glass, it will seem like garbage to you. But if you compare it with itself, then it will turn out to be a normal means to pour water into it. If your hands are cramped and you compare it with the usual feeling in your hands, then the cramp will be a painful and unpleasant thing. But if the spasm is compared to itself, then it will seem like a sweet sensation of energy in the hands. The same can be said about pain. Do not compare it with yourself, but enjoy the feeling of an intense manifestation of energy. Recognition of benefit. Being aware of what happens to you during a Rebirthing session causes a feeling of gratitude. Amazement. The sensations that arise in your body should arouse your interest and charm with energy overflows. In some cases, this is quite enough for integration. Love for everything and admiration for everyone. Love every moment of your life. If you love everything that exists just because it exists, then you will integrate everything. Admire every little thing and you'll quickly integrate. To drive something away means to stop integration.
As a result of integration, you will be freed from suppression and wake up clean from "garbage", and therefore more healthy and energetic. The glorification of life in all cases causes a rise in the tone of the physical body, and laughter is a sign of successful integration. The third principle is circular breathing. This breath is used in Rebirthing to provide access to "shells" and "distortions" in the field form of a person's life. This breath refers to any kind of breathing that meets the following criteria: 1. Inhalation and exhalation are linked so that there is no pause in the breath;
2. Exhalation is spontaneous, without tension, naturally following the inhalation.
3. Inhalation and exhalation must be done through the nose. In some cases, breathing through the mouth is allowed. As a result of circulatory breathing, energy is pumped into the field form of life and its circulation is enhanced. A person breathing in this way feels the flow of energy, feels where it is blocked (pain, bursting) by a "shell" or distortion. The feeling of being blocked is usually associated with some sort of unpleasant experience, a repression that you have to integrate into the joy. If you do this, you will release the blockage in the field life form and "descend" to a deeper level. So, layer by layer, you will purify and heal the field life form.
With this method of breathing - active inhalation, passive exhalation - the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is activated, which: enhances metabolic processes in the body, increases the content of red blood cells, sugar and hormones in the blood, stops the development inflammatory processes and allergic reactions (adrenal corticoids have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect), raises blood pressure, expands the bronchi. In other words, this way of breathing activates the body for self-healing and strengthening.
During long cyclic exercises, and circular breathing belongs to them (remove the motor component in running and you will have one circular breath), due to the constant volitional effort to maintain the proper intensity of the above breathing, the human body begins to produce natural opiates- endorphins. Doing more and more more they themselves cause and maintain a state of ecstasy and euphoria.
Endorphins, causing sthenic emotions, additionally activate the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system, exciting defensive forces body and provide it with energy.
There are various types of circulatory breathing that change the intensity and shape of the flow of energy circulating in the field life form in different ways. This, in turn, leads to the activation of certain suppressions ("garbage"). Therefore, different types of circulatory breathing bring specific effects. Breathing can be changed according to the following parameters: increase or decrease the volume of inhalation, vary the inhalation speed, inhale air into the lower, middle or upper part of the lungs, breathe through the nose or mouth (breathing through the mouth is ineffective due to the low absorption of prana, which is absorbed in the nasal channels - Ida and Pingala).
In practice, three types of circulatory breathing are mainly used. Full and slow- a larger volume of air makes it possible to better identify and understand the blockage, and slow pace makes it easier to focus on it for integration. fast and superficial breathing is best if the exit of "garbage" is intense. Shallow breathing makes exit easier, and speed speeds up integration. When this kind of breathing is used, it is important to concentrate on the features of the "garbage" coming out. fast and full breath is best if the "garbage" coming out puts you into a state of drowsiness (ie separates the field life form from the physical body). A large volume of air helps to keep the field life form in the physical body, the speed enhances integration. Normal breathing rhythms imply that the above described types of breathing may vary depending on the situation, the release of "garbage", etc. In the same way, the filling of the lungs can change - the upper or lower parts. If you feel the exit of "garbage" from the head or upper body area, then breathing with the tops of the lungs will facilitate the process; if the exit starts in the legs or lower body, then breathe in the belly. It is important to note the following - correct circulatory breathing does not cause hyperventilation and does not flush out carbon dioxide from the body. It "pumps" you with energy. Arms, legs, the whole body begins to "buzz". This is an important sign that you are breathing correctly. Tetany- this is a contraction (twitching) of the muscles during the release of "garbage" from the body. During Rebirthing, this most often occurs in the arms and muscles of the face (especially the mouth), as well as in other parts of the body where there was an energy block. In order to reduce tetany, or to avoid it altogether, it is necessary not to focus on it, but rather to relax and integrate the unpleasant sensation into ecstasy. "Releasing breath". Normal circulatory breathing activates "mental debris" that pops up in ordinary consciousness in the form of an unpleasant feeling. And we suppress unpleasant feelings - this is our protection. But this protection in Rebirthing is to reduce the flow of energy that washes out this "garbage", which leads to breath holding. As a result, such suppression creates various combinations of breath holding: blockage of the sinuses, constriction, tension, bronchospasm and much more. To overcome this, a person needs to consciously continue circulatory breathing, and integrate the unpleasant feeling into ecstasy. When you get such an integration, then breathing will immediately become freer. This is what is called "freeing the breath." The fourth principle complete relaxation of the body. The main purpose of fully relaxing the body is to remind you that breathing increases the flow of energy in the body, and you can either relax into it and allow it to heal you, or become constrained, which will cause even more tension. the fact that you get tired of maintaining the rhythm of breathing (fatigue of the brain structures responsible for maintaining breathing causes diffuse inhibition in the cerebral cortex, which leads to relaxation and immersion in a kind of hypnotic state). But active inhalation by stimulating the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system allows you to constantly maintain a high concentration of attention, which is especially important for complete muscle relaxation and focus on emerging emotions, sensations for better integration.
When the body is relaxed, the constrained areas become more conscious. Remember, the area of ​​the body that doesn't "want" to relax is filled with repressed energy. AT complete relaxation it is much easier to feel the flow of energy in the field life form. Directly at the very moment of integration, relaxation helps in that the energy formed by suppression is released and not restrained. muscle tension leaves the body freely. Body position. Rebirthing practitioners are advised to take a supine position, do not cross their legs, palms up. But we must remember that the field form of life, representing a spatial formation in which energy circulates, will be better "washed" out of individual sections"emotional garbage" and other suppressions, when its form changes, and energy flow increases due to this. For example, when people integrate strong fear or sadness, it is better for them to curl up.
It is important to know the following: having taken a comfortable position, do not move or scratch yourself during the Rebirthing session. Instead of moving or scratching, you have the opportunity to experience the feeling desires do it. This is one of better ways quickly activate the energy of suppression and integrate it easily. Fifth principle - concentration of attention. During the Rebirthing session, you need to focus on the sensations that come to your attention from the body. Suppression ("emotional garbage"), when opened, can cause any sensations. It can be localized pain, tickling, a cat howling in the street, a memory of something, etc. Therefore, pay attention to any sensation that arises in this moment.
So, when you have any sensations, you focus your attention on them and explore every detail that you feel. And then you begin to integrate it into ecstasy and glorification. The hypnotic state arising from the fatigue of the center maintaining the necessary level of circular breathing allows one to better "grasp" all the details of the activated suppressions. And the constant activation of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, again by circular breathing, allows you to constantly maintain a high concentration of attention to completely relax the muscles and focus on emerging emotions, sensations and better integrate them. As already mentioned, suppressions are arranged in "layers". Each layer of repression forms at a specific time in your life. Therefore, when a repressed layer of energy is integrated, it usually activates another repressed layer that lies underneath. As a result of this, you can move from one sensation to another, because the layers of suppression are formed from various trapped emotions and sensations. Understand the main thing - every time during the Rebirthing session something starts to "distract attention", it means that there is a suppressed energy that draws your attention to yourself with the requirement to concentrate on it and feeling it in every detail at the moment. Some people are so depressed that they just can't feel. They experience themselves as thoughts floating through space towards the body. The simplest test for identifying such a person is the question: "If you are angry, how do you know about your feeling?" If a person responds with a five-minute speech, what thoughts he calls anger - this is a depressed person. An angry person experiences certain sensations in various parts body. Therefore, for depressed people, wet types of Rebirthing are more suitable. For example, Rebirthing in warm water. Sixth principle - full confidence in the rebirthing process. Doubt - this is the same suppression, leading to the formation of "mental garbage". If you doubt Rebirthing, then you will fail. All previous theoretical part is designed to dispel your doubts, to inspire faith in success, in a powerful and unconditional recovery. Act with unshakable faith in success, fully trust the process of self-healing with the help of the natural mechanisms described above, and you will succeed. Remember, rebirthing only works effectively when it is pleasant and you completely trust it. Rebirthing methodology. 1. Set yourself up to delight in whatever you feel.
2. All sensations will be perceived as beautiful, internally glorifying them.
3. Take a relaxed comfortable position, best of all lying down.
4. Begin to perform circular breathing, easy, simple and self-regulating. It pleases you.
5. Everything that pops up in your mind, that you feel and feel in the physical body is bliss for you. You "bath" in the boundless ocean of diverse bliss, feeling and experiencing it in the smallest detail.
6. Everything you do leads to integration, to cleansing your being from filth.
7. End the Rebirthing session only after enough suppressions have been activated, "surfaced" and integrated. As a result, you feel great, internally liberated and light. Practical advice. In order to master Rebirthing on your own, start practicing it for 5 minutes. Next, bring gradually up to 30 minutes. And only after you feel that you are doing well, spend more time, fulfilling the conditions of paragraph 7. In the future, you can independently master other types of Rebirthing (in a warm and cold water etc.), in order to activate the deep suppressions that have arisen in early childhood and even in utero. Due to the fact that each person has an incredibly large amount of "emotional garbage" and other suppressions ("slag capacity" field uniform life is huge, it is many times larger than that of the physical body, but it also has a limit), the process of purification of the field form of life stretches for several years (if you regularly practice Rebirthing sessions, every other day for 1-2 hours, then a year is enough, or even less). But the beneficial effect of the above healing mechanisms affects the physical body much faster. You will see for yourself that every properly conducted Rebirthing session makes you healthier and life better.

Rebirthing. What my neighbor Moishe sang

- I don't like the way Luciano Pavarotti sings. Fake, and even burr strongly!
- Where did you hear it?
- Yes, my neighbor Moishe sang to me ...

Over the years of my own practice of rebirthing (and this is already more than 20 years), I have met with the fact that very few people are familiar with real rebirthing. Some people are familiar with this word, but they do not understand the essence of rebirthing. But, perhaps, situations were even sadder when people understood by rebirthing something that was not at all.

I remember the astonished eyes of Leonard Orr, the creator of Rebirthing. In 2003, he first came to Moscow at our invitation. We translated to him a description of "rebirthing" from a website of some Moscow center. "How can it be? - he said. - This is not a rebirthing at all! Why are they using my name for their own breathing exercises?!" We were unable to answer his question because these people were not interested in the possibility of personally getting to know Leonard Orr and learning (or even improving) the practice of rebirthing "first hand".
Breathmaster Dan Brule, teaching rebirthing in his seminars, constantly makes the reservation that he prefers not to use the term himself. The fact is that the amazing effectiveness of this technique caused such a rapid explosion of its popularity in the very first years after its publication in the 70s of the twentieth century in the United States that the term "Rebirthing" became a kind of guarantee of attracting customers. However, many began to bring something of their own to the technique, and, alas, often changed it beyond recognition! Dan Brule says: “Under the name of Rebirthing, they began to do some very dangerous things. And I decided with some colleagues that I do not want my name to be associated with this word.

Myth 1. A person in the USA died from rebirthing.

Of course, in the USA "added fuel to the fire" tragic story death of one 10-year-old girl, who was presented in the media as "death during rebirthing practice." This was the reason that rebirthing is officially prohibited by the laws of one state in the United States. However… even in this case, the same “neighbor Moishe” sang the word “rebirthing”. The fact is that for the English language this word is quite common, and it is translated as “revival” or “new birth”. Beautiful name for almost any transformation technique, right? And such a term began to be called certain psychotherapeutic methods of working with clients, not at all connected with Leonard Orr's research in the field of breathing. In particular, the “New Birth” technique (“Rebirthing” on English language!), which consisted in the fact that she was completely swaddled, practically tied up with sheets, then pressed with pillows, they demanded that she free herself - this, according to psychologists, imitated the experience of birth - moving through the birth canal. They squeezed the girl so hard with pillows that she suffocated and died.

As you understand, nothing to do with skill energy breathing this case did not. Leonard Orr himself no longer just says "Rebirthing", but constantly uses the "Rebirthing Breathwork" add-on.

So, starting several years ago to create a Center for Conscious Breathing, focused on a Russian-speaking audience, I found that it was impossible to find a clear definition of what Rebirthing is. I want everyone to be extremely clear about this wonderful and safe technique, so that any person can absolutely understand: he is (or has been) rebirthing or something else.

Rebirthing is a breathing technique practiced in separate “breathing sessions”, during which a process of energy movement occurs, starting an “energy cycle” - activation of suppressed blocks, their release and integration of a new state:

breathing should be coherent (circular), active inhalation and relaxed exhalation;
the body is in a state of maximum relaxation;
consciousness is preserved, not turned off, but acts in the mode of awareness - a neutral observer of thoughts, emotions and sensations of the body.
Myth 1. Rebirthing creates a trance state.

The fashionable word "trance" today denotes a variety of things, and in reality this concept has no solid content. Most often, it is not theoretical scientists who start talking about this, but ordinary people who are interested in breathing as a natural way to improve their lives. And in this case, by "trance" they mean an altered state of consciousness, in which the critical perception of information stops and the ability to consistently analyze and comprehend decreases.

"I'm in a trance!" - usually means "I can't think."

By the way, some people are looking for exactly this in rebirthing! They tend to "switch off", "altered states", visions (watch "cartoons"). Therefore, rebirthing disappoints them - a lot of body work, no blackouts, watch the body, watch the breath ...

There are no uncontrolled actions, body movements, exclamations and the like in rebirthing.

Psychologists still disagree on the terminology to be applied to such processes. There is an opinion that an "altered state of consciousness" causes a loss of connection with reality. If we adhere to this interpretation, then this is also not in the rebirthing. Many note that during the “Rebirthing” breathing session, the so-called “expanded state of consciousness” arises: in addition to the persisting perception of one’s reality (“I am in the hall, doing a certain breathing exercise”) opens the vision of more subtle and deeper processes and phenomena - own thoughts, emotions, their connection with sensations in the body, there is an understanding of the deep essence of events, the actions of different people, insights come about new opportunities.

In fact, this does not mean entering a trance, but awakening from a trance: if before that a person lived in isolation from the sensations of his body, his feelings and experiences, did not notice his thoughts, then it is during the breathing session of rebirthing that he will notice and feel himself.

Myth 2. Rebirthing is a psychotechnic

Rebirthing is not psychotechnics. However, since rebirthing successfully solves the problems that arise in the work of psychologists, progressive psychologists have adopted this way of working with their clients. However, you don't have to be a "classical psychologist" to be able to rebirth. And the range of tasks that are solved thanks to rebirthing is wider than the tasks psychological help: from physical health issues to working with energy and getting spiritual experience. Leonard Orr himself, the creator of rebirthing, proclaimed a new direction in psychology - "spiritual psychology", but this idea did not meet with support in academic circles.

Myth 2. Rebirthing is dangerous for certain diagnoses

How dangerous is your arm or leg? If there is not enough awareness (you are not aware of what is happening with the hand and do not control it), then it can grab a fork and poke into your own eye! But if you manage your attention and your body, then this will not happen to you. You will consider both the fork and the hand itself to be safe.

It's the same with breathing! Every person has his breath. People with any diagnoses and in any condition - breathe. This is the most basic need of a living being, and if you start to study how nature regulates your breathing in different conditions, you may notice that the breath may become faster or slower, stop, go to the stomach or chest, pass through the nose or mouth, etc. All this has importance. And since there are a lot of breathing parameters that can change (seven at the level of the body and seven more at the level of consciousness), and the number life situations with all their features and degrees of intensity it is generally impossible to calculate - it turns out that the regulation of breathing must be competent and skillful. Nature does this in the natural mode of physiological unconscious breathing, modifying it for the fastest beneficial result for a person. But if suddenly instead of necessary changes some others will be included, or even completely opposite ones - then, of course, the result will come not useful, but harmful.

If we talk about the use of one's own breath, then of course, it is necessary to master both knowledge about this and practical skills. The general illiteracy in this matter and the lack of physical education in the very broad sense, unfortunately, in our time have catastrophic proportions. This also includes the unskilled actions of pseudo-specialists who hide their incompetence (that is, the lack of their own knowledge and skills in applying rebirthing in different situations) for words about the dangers of this method.

But if you understand that the purpose of using conscious energy breathing is to attract vital energy, then it should be recognized that this goal cannot be dangerous. On the contrary, on the restoration of the circulation of vital energy is built and Chinese medicine, and Indian Ayurveda, which have won well-deserved recognition around the world. However, in those cases, you need the help of another specialist - a person who knows and can do something that you do not know and cannot do.

This is the miracle of rebirthing - you yourself can become a master of your own breathing, learn to attract vital energy, recognize situations when it is required, manage different breathing settings depending on own state, own feelings.

It is one of the most valuable and significant life skills. But in in a certain sense it is not suitable for all people: if you think that someone else should take care of your body, your emotions and thoughts, your health, then this method will not suit you. Only you can breathe, only you can use your consciousness - the instructor can only advise and offer something to you. But if you set yourself the task of mastering the mastery of your own breathing, so that you can use it as easily as your arms and legs, as the skills of balance in space, then you will not be able to harm yourself during the practice of rebirthing with any diagnosis.

Even with beginners, work is carried out in a safe manner: a competent rebirthing instructor knows the important parameters that affect the course of the process, finds out before breathing practice your state of health, and first of all educate you necessary equipment security for your situation.

Also, don't discount common sense and life circumstances where you are. If you are in severe pain, sudden attack or some kind of injury, and you are not sure that you can help yourself with energy breathing, then it would be wise to consult a doctor. But to reduce the pain and support yourself until you receive medical care, you will be able to with the help of rebirthing, choosing the appropriate breathing settings for your situation.

AT international organization Rebirthing RBI has accumulated customer feedback that rebirthing has helped them with a wide variety of diagnoses. This is not surprising: the essence of any disease in the human body is a violation metabolic processes on the cellular level: the cells of a certain organ cease to perform their functions, do not receive the substances necessary for their nutrition, do not get rid of waste products and toxins. This is what restores energy breathing in the Rebirthing format. And you can easily learn to manage the intensity of this process yourself from a competent specialist.

Start learning

How to Find a Good Rebirthing Instructor

Myth 3. Rebirthing requires the supervision of another person.

Let's remember the definition: rebirthing is the practice of conscious intuitive connected energy breathing. Mindfulness is a skill that is practiced by the individual himself. Intuition is also a quality inherent in the person himself. Breathing is also an action performed by the person himself. The goal of rebirthing training is to give each person the most important "keys" to your own breathing, to teach you how to control your breathing so that you can independently use the power and potential of the energy of breathing. Since the practice is carried out under the condition physical relaxation, is not a trance, but rather requires maintaining full awareness, and in the basic training course, the breather is taught to regulate different options breathing in order to independently manage the respiratory process - this practice does not pose a danger. We, as specialists in rebirthing, following Leonard Orr, its creator, very much hope that you will master this wonderful way of using the energy of your own breath and will do this practice on your own.

You can compare rebirthing training with learning to drive a car: at first you drive with an instructor, but as you develop your own skills, at some point you feel ready to drive a car on your own.

It can be noted that the practice of breathing with an instructor contains many important qualities and opportunities for the breather, due to which even experienced practitioners still continue to come to the instructor’s classes: this is the very fact of the presence of another person for you, attention to your every breath, support with a word or advice before or after a breathing session (and sometimes during breathing session), observation of relaxation (being inside the process, it can be difficult to objectively assess your relaxation). This can be compared with a massage (you can massage yourself, but it’s still more pleasant when another person does a massage) or with a trip to the bath (you can steam yourself with a broom, but it’s still more pleasant when the other person does it).

However, self-rebirthing skills are acquired by each person who has passed basic course training, and supervision by another is optional.

Myth 4. Rebirthing requires music

The practice of rebirthing does not require musical accompaniment. Wonderful activities held in nature, in the forest, on the seashore. You can have a breathing rebirthing session in any room where you need it.

However, many find musical accompaniment breathing session is very useful, inspiring and allows the process to go to the greatest depth. Since rebirthing is aimed at developing personal breathing skills, you can decide this issue at your discretion. The main thing is that there should not be a rigid dependence “you need to breathe only to the music.” The breath master owns the entire range and does not need external "crutches".

Myth 5. Rebirthing requires deep, frequent breathing.

Rebirthing does not require deep, rapid breathing. the main task breathing - learn to fine-tune control of all parameters of your breathing in order to independently control energy process. There are people for whom deep rapid breathing is excessively intense, they have to be limited and stopped so that they do not accelerate. When learning rebirthing, it is useful for any person to practice passing the breathing session through a soft and subtle, slow and not deep breathing.

Myth 6. Rebirthing can cause hyperventilation.

Hyperventilation is an increased (or excessive) passage of a volume of air through the lungs. By itself, this does not mean anything, and in some cases it is even performed on purpose - for example, by scuba divers to obtain a beneficial effect of oxygen supply. However, if you are not a scuba diver before diving, then pay attention to the fact that in rebirthing you do not need to breathe "a lot", you do not need to breathe "deeply", you do not need to breathe "quickly". The most important thing you need to do with your breath is to remove pauses from it, to connect inhalations and exhalations. However, even if you breathe “more” (that is, formally start “hyperventilation”), this also does not mean anything bad in itself. During the practice of rebirthing, you will have different sensations in the body. This is part of the process, you increase your awareness and your sensitivity on the one hand, and the energy of breathing, like a magnifying glass, increases the visibility of any sensations. While beginners do not have sufficient skill to control all 7 parameters of their own breathing at the same time, discomfort may occur at first. Even the novelty and unusual sensations can cause some people discomfort. But since the classical rebirthing is performed with the obligatory relaxation of the body, the preservation of consciousness, and the training is carried out with an instructor, there are dangers or negative consequences cannot arise from this. In any case, you should understand the essence of hyperventilation: doctors define it as "effort syndrome". If you put excessive effort into your breathing where it is not required, then you can create discomfort for yourself. Most often this happens during the first lessons, and especially for those who find it difficult to relax, allow, let go, accept - for such people, the exhalation phase is performed without the necessary relaxation. But since breathing is physical action, it is trainable. Therefore, after a few sessions, absolutely any person who has begun to study rebirthing already masters this skill of balancing work on inhalation and relaxation on exhalation - and is freed from any manifestations of hyperventilation. And hyperventilation is dangerous if it suddenly starts on its own, not during rebirthing, but at some other time during your day. That's when you should be worried.

Myth 7. 5 principles of rebirthing were formulated by Jim Leonard and Phil Lauth.

Jim Leonard was trained in rebirthing by Leonard Orr, and decided to improve this practice by making some personal additions to it. Since the practice began to differ from the classical rebirthing, he began to look for a new name for it. For a while, his breathing technique was called Integrative Rebirthing. And over time, he gave her a new beautiful name "Waiting". With his friend and colleague Phil Lauth, Jim Leonard began to promote his breathing technique (in particular, he wrote the book Rebirthing or How to Know and Use the Fullness of Life. Translated from English - St. Petersburg: TF "IKAM", 1993, - 192 p. » In it, he formulated 5 elements of his practice:

Connected breathing
Complete relaxation
Attention to detail
Integration in joy
Process Trust
However, since this practice was called "integrative rebirthing" at the time, these principles began to be cited in relation to Leonard Orr's "rebirthing". In fact, these principles (also often referred to as "elements") describe the essence of the practice of "Waiting", however, in in general terms they are quite applicable to the Rebirthing and do not contradict it.

Mindful breathing practices around the world have proven effective in the following areas:

Health: breathing - as a way of self-healing.
Emotions: getting rid of stress, emotional harmonization.
Inner harmony: contact with yourself, better understanding of yourself, self-acceptance, self-love.
Relationships: interacting with other people and outside world, acceptance of self and others, understanding of needs, understanding of limitations, compassion, giving from overflow.
Creativity: frequent results of rebirthing are creative insights, new ideas, inspiration and strength to realize these new ideas.
Success: awareness of one's value and uniqueness, getting rid of limiting thoughts, the ability to see existing opportunities and use them in harmony between their own needs and the interests of other people.
Spirituality: development and deepening spirituality that extends throughout your life.

We all know that a person after his birth must learn to walk, talk, write, read. Does he need to learn to breathe? Surely not everyone thought about this question. Many people never even thought to pay attention to how their lungs fill with air and how it leaves them, as well as which muscles of the body are involved in this, and what emotions arise.

The process of breathing occurs unconsciously, automatically. However, about ten million people on our planet devote two hours of their free time every day to listen to the body.

Popular breathing technique

Almost recently, humanity has found the golden key to their health. For those who often feel tired and overwhelmed, it is recommended to use rebirthing. What it is? This is a technique for quickly getting rid of negative emotions that have fallen on a person, which allows you to quickly replenish the body's strength.

The issues of proper breathing have been covered for a long time. This topic has been raised by many religions and teachings. It has always been believed that a person has two levels of breathing. One of them is air, which is composed of oxygen and other chemical components. The second level refers to energy that has an all-pervading life force.

The same idea is followed by the technique of rebirthing. The essence of this technique is to restore the natural rhythm of breathing during correct staging inhale and exhale.

Impact of negative energy

We all know the feeling of fear, anger and stress. Whenever these negative emotions overwhelm us, we invariably hold our breath. This leads to a violation of its rhythm. The process of breathing is also reflected in the birth trauma received at the birth of a person, as well as family education, forcing small child be subordinate.

Considering this issue more deeply, it is necessary to touch on subtle matters. After all, any shock or even a minor injury that a person had to endure during his life will certainly leave an indelible mark on the flow of energy that feeds the body along with breathing. As a result, the energy becomes negative. It begins to negatively affect our psyche, body and emotional condition. Simply put, a person acquires a whole bunch of physical and psychological diseases.

This is where rebirthing can come in handy. What it is? This is a method of restoring full breathing, which allows you to renew the soul and body, as well as to make all systems of the human body work normally.

Discovery history

The rebirthing breathing technique was proposed in the 60s of the last century by the American Leonard Orr. Moreover, he made his discovery quite by accident. Leonard was forbidden any excitement. When it occurred, the man's throat constricted, and he began to choke. A similar disease was caused by birth trauma. When he was born, Leonard's throat was wrapped several times with an umbilical cord, which did not allow the baby to breathe. Then the doctors saved him. However, the trauma received at birth left an indelible mark on the psyche.

One day Leonard decided to take a bath. He got into the water. However, she was too hot. Leonard burned himself and began to choke from fright before he even got out of the bathroom. In order not to die, the man forced himself to inhale the air intensely. And a miracle happened. Deep breathing allowed Leonard to emotionally relive the moment of birth trauma, which freed him from the disease that arose in infancy. Thus, rebirthing was opened. What it is? This is a breathing technique, the name of which, translated from English, means “rebirth”.

Conducting classes

How to ensure that the most effective way to use the rebirthing technique? Reviews of experts suggest that it is not necessary to take a bath to perform this technique. And although Leonard always preferred to spend at least two hours a day in the water, completely immersing himself in it and breathing through a special tube, such training will also be effective on a regular sofa. To do this, you just need to get comfortable on it and relax as much as possible. Breathing is not just about deep breathing.

This must be done consciously. When conducting rebirthing on your own, it is important not to make any pauses between inhalation and exhalation and to follow the basic principles of this technique. Let's consider them in more detail.


If rebirthing is performed independently at home, then this principle will be especially important for a person. Its essence lies in the fact that each of us, no matter what he feels at a given moment in time, is certainly in ecstasy. The mind and body of a person divide the existing emotions into useful (pleasant) and harmful (unpleasant). Positive impressions affect the hypothalamus. It is he who regulates the work of the nervous system, which has a direct effect on the human body.


This is the second principle of rebirthing. It lies in transformation, suppression and glorification. To do this, you need to remember what was done earlier incorrectly and provoked an unpleasant sensation. Such a feeling must be re-experienced, but done positively, in a new way, and then glorified it.

Mutual breathing

This is the third principle that rebirthing uses. What it is? Mutual refers to breathing, which is used to remove distortions in the aura. In this case, certain conditions must be met. They relate to inhalation and exhalation, which are so closely interconnected that there are no pauses in the process of breathing. Exhalation must be spontaneous. The person should not be stressed. Both inhalation and exhalation must be done through the nose.

Only in the most exceptional cases is breathing allowed to be done through the mouth. As a result of the actions taken, energy is pumped into the aura. Mutual breathing allows the activation of mental debris that floats in everyday consciousness and turns into a form. unpleasant feelings which we tend to suppress. This is our defense against negativity.

Body relaxation

This is the fourth principle of the methodology. The need for complete relaxation of the body this way breathing explains that in the constrained areas contains negative (overwhelming) energy. How to do rebirthing on your own? In order not to violate his fourth principle, it is necessary to lie on your back and stretch your arms along the body. The legs should also be straight. Under the knees and head you will need to put soft rollers. No body parts should be crossed. In the process of relaxation, unpleasant sensations in the form of tingling or scratching in the body may occur. Do not give in to emotions and start moving. Such sensations are nothing more than a manifestation negative energy, which needs to be integrated.

Concentration of attention

This principle is also important to keep in mind for those who are rebirthing at home. During training, you need to focus on own feelings. The emotional garbage in the head, after its “opening”, can cause a storm of strong sensations. Sometimes it localizes pain, various memories arise, etc. That is why it is necessary to pay attention to any sensations at the time of applying the technique.

As a rule, the suppression of negative psychological state applied in certain layers. Each of them occurs at one time or another in a person's life. And if you find the cause and remind yourself of the time of occurrence of a chronic disease, then it becomes possible to reverse the disease.

Complete confidence in the methodology

This is the last, sixth principle of rebirthing. If a person has even a slight doubt, then this will certainly lead to the appearance of the so-called mental garbage. In this case, there will be no benefit from rebirthing.

There is no need to consciously control or manage anything. Rebirthing should go spontaneously, which will be most useful for those who apply this technique.

Type of breath

Anyone can learn rebirthing on their own. Reviews of those who have already done this say that after 5-10 sessions they became most sensitive to the world around them, which led to a rethinking of their whole life.

What types of breathing exist in rebirthing? There are only four of them. And on what type of breathing is used at the moment, the intensity, depth and speed of the flow of psychological processes in the subconscious depend.

1. Slow and deep breathing. It is used for a gentle introduction to the rebirthing process itself. Sometimes, instead of soft breathing, deep stretched is used. This allows the body to relax. In our Everyday life this type of breathing is recommended to be used at the very beginning of any negative state. This will neutralize unpleasant feelings.

2. Frequent and deep breathing. What does it represent? Such breathing is almost twice as deep and more frequent than usual. It is considered the main one in the technique of rebirthing. This type of breathing allows you to reach the level of the unconscious. Exhalation should be relaxed and not subject to control. When inhaling through the mouth, exhalation should be done in the same way. Do not force or hold your breath. Otherwise, there is a contraction, as well as muscle tension in the legs, arms and face. And this, in turn, finds expression in internal resistance and the appearance of fear. A person must constantly remember that he does not need to control anything.

3. Shallow and rapid breathing. It is similar to the "dog" and allows you to crush and split into pieces all the existing experiences. Rebirthing uses this type of breathing to relax the body and quickly overcome all painful and unpleasant sensations. Frequent inhalations and exhalations are recommended in extreme situations. This will allow you to quickly get out of a state where emotions are brought to the limit.

4. Slow shallow breathing. It is used to exit rebirthing. Do not force things and rush to finish the process in advance. This must be done carefully and slowly.

Conducting classes

How to correctly apply the method of rebirthing (holotropic breathing)? To do this, lie down and relax. After that, it is important to shift all your attention to the breath. In a single rhythm with a person, his whole body should breathe. In this case, you will need to remove all the pauses that exist between inhalation and exhalation.

It is necessary to imagine that the air in the body moves in a circle. So, after inhaling through the nose, it descends into the lungs. After that, the air passes into the stomach, and then goes around the genitals. Then it rises along the spine and exits into the surrounding space through the top of the head.

Inhalation during rebirthing should be conscious. In this case, it is necessary to mentally control the process of filling the lungs with air. Exhalation should be inert and flow without any human participation. And for this, after inhalation, the air must be released. This will allow him to go outside on his own.

After the necessary parameters of the inhalation and exhalation process are finally set, then everything should happen by itself.

When using all types of breathing, maximum result which finds its expression in pleasure and psychological relief. In the rebirthing technique, it is believed that with a more relaxed exhalation, the process is much more efficient. And this can be achieved with a sharper breath. Also, the rebirthing technique is recommended to be included in the breathing process. chest. It is believed that a lot of emotions "settle" in her muscles.