Ways to relax in the workplace. The Five Best Relaxation Techniques

The key to an active full life, gaining peace of mind is the ability to relax. Strong lasting emotions invariably generate physical stress and subjected to destructive load nervous system and the whole body.

We notice bodily fatigue immediately, but we do not pay attention to mental and mental fatigue, because we are already accustomed to living in constant nervous tension. It is absolutely necessary to listen to your body in order to help it in a timely manner: if it is difficult for you to concentrate on the action you are performing, if you experience drowsiness, then the brain and psyche require rest.

To restore energy, relieve and fatigue, allocate some of your time and engage in relaxation (from the Latin relaxatio - relaxation, relaxation). A big plus of such a rest: it is applicable in any circumstances and does not require much time.

is an effective means of combating and psychosomatic diseases, gives a general healing effect. It is actively used in psychotherapy, hypnosis, in many health systems, in Buddhism, in yoga, wushu, is milestone entering a mediative trance.

The action of relaxation is aimed at partial or complete relaxation muscle tone, which provides psycho-emotional inhibition.

Muscle tone is an active multi-level process controlled by the central nervous system and providing our motor ability.

Relaxation of muscle tone reduces the flow of electrical impulses from the muscles to the reticular formation (activating system) of the brain, which ensures its waking state. This reduces the flow of information to the brain from the muscles, and hence the level of wakefulness, which makes it possible for the brain to rest, to “reboot” for further vigorous activity.

The Benefits of Relaxation

  • Removal of muscle spasms, accompanied by pain, stiffness of movements. The causes of painful clamps in the muscles of the limbs and neck can be both psychological (chronic stress, for example) and bodily (osteochondrosis). More often than not, both occur at the same time.
  • Restoration of energy balance in the body. Quality relaxation gives good rest throughout the body, promotes better circulation of lymph and blood, which enriches all organs with oxygen, from limbs to the brain. This normalizes all functions: digestive, respiratory, metabolism, etc.
  • Restoration of psycho-emotional balance.
  • General recovery. The combination of all the above relaxation actions relieves the body of chronic stress, starts up hidden reserves for self-healing. Deep mental and muscular relaxation is beneficial for the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the activity of all internal organs.

Thus, the effect can be very different: from passive relaxation to a cure for a serious illness. The possibilities for relaxation are endless. It all depends on the level of knowledge, training and the purpose for which it is carried out.

Types of relaxation

long-term- sleep, hypnosis, pharmacological effects; short-term- is replaced by tension.

Mental (figurative) and muscular.

involuntary(results from physical activity, before and during sleep) and arbitrary caused artificially by certain conditions.

superficial(short rest) and deep(lasts 20 minutes or more, called by special tricks). Deep relaxation has the most powerful healing effect.

Total(general) and local(differentiated).

emergency(in cases where instant relaxation is needed) and prolonged(assumes systematic use and long-term training).

A striking example emergency relaxation can be observed in birds, when they are exhausted by a long flight, fall down like a stone. During a rapid fall, the reflex mechanism is triggered. muscle relaxation, thanks to which in a short moment the bird is restored for further flight.

This technique of muscle relaxation is also available to a person in order to create conditions for inner peace, relieve psycho-physiological stress and recuperate.

Relaxation that combines several types at once is considered the most effective.

Relaxation Rules

  • Place for sessions it is advisable to choose a secluded one, it can be a home corner, a comfortable chair or a bed. Once you learn the techniques of relaxation, you will be able to transfer them easily into your daily routine.
  • Time for practice always have to correlate with the rhythm of life and with the goals of relaxation. You can practice in the morning after waking up, before eating, in the evening before a night's sleep. Everything is individual.
  • Duration: 10-20 minutes, but if time is limited, then a shorter relaxation will also be useful.
  • Periodicity: It is better to make relaxation a daily procedure.
  • Don't exercise on a full stomach, the digestion process will not allow you to relax completely.
  • Silence. Choose a calm quiet place. If extraneous sounds (freeway noise outside the window) are present, muffle them with "white noise" - turn on the fan, for example. You should turn off your phone and ask others not to disturb you.
  • Lighting and temperature should be comfortable.
  • Pose comfortable and relaxed. In the supine position, the cervical spine should be relaxed: use a low pillow or turn your head to the side. If lying down is not possible, sit in a chair or chair and relax.
  • clothing- free, not restricting breathing and movement.

Before a relaxation session, you need to tune in to a calm state of an outside observer, easily and passively relating to reality.

Muscle Relaxation Exercises

Any relaxation involves muscle relaxation, which can be learned through the following exercises:

  • In a sitting (standing) position, raise one by one and then at the same time raise your hands up and release them freely. Get them to dangle like whips.
  • Drop your head to your chest, like a person standing or sitting asleep.
  • Raise your shoulders high and lower them freely. Do this standing or sitting, at the same time and in turn: left, right.
  • Standing (sitting), swing your arms like pendulums, increasing and decreasing the amplitude.
  • In the supine position, with tension, press with your whole hand on the surface of the bed, release. Feel the contrast. Do this with both hands and alternately.
  • Stand on a low stand, swing your legs alternately, like a pendulum.
  • In the prone position, lift the torso, focusing on the heels and the back of the head, relax.
  • Lie on your back, arms along the body, palms turned up. Turn, without raising, your head from left to right and vice versa, ten times. Feel the relaxation of the neck muscles.

All exercises are easy to perform and aimed at relaxing muscle tone.

Relaxation technique

There are many relaxation techniques that can be applied outside of the home. Here is one of them.

We take a comfortable relaxed position lying or sitting. We relax the muscles with the exercises described above. Or we imagine that they are "blown away" or spread, like a drop on the surface. We slowly close our eyes.

Tune in to silence, stop internal dialogue. We follow the breath. Each new breath brings us deeper into a state of relaxation. We do this until we feel a deep relaxation in the whole body. We let peace and quiet into the soul, enjoy this feeling.

Useful to complement a relaxation session visualization:

imagine in your mind a cozy place where nothing disturbs you, where you are completely safe. It could be pleasant memory from childhood (your children's room, a far corner of your grandmother's garden) or a picturesque place created by your imagination.

Stay in this peaceful place, smell the scents tactile sensations, sounds associated with it. If it is a seashore, you can hear the sound of waves, the cries of seagulls, feel the coolness of the water and the warmth of the sun.

Listen to your body, it will tell you that you are sufficiently rested and cheered up. If the relaxation is successful, you will feel warmth in your limbs.

End relaxation when it ceases to bring pleasure, when you want to return to active activity.

There is no need to rush and jump. Stretch as if awakened from a dream, slowly open your eyes, smile at yourself and the world.

Aromas have always been considered the best helpers of relaxation. Applying relaxation before sleep can significantly improve its quality.

Anna Krachek | 09/06/2015 | 2788

Anna Krachek 6.09.2015 2788

Stress kills thousands of nerve cells in minutes. Learn to get rid of it quickly.

There are moments in life when everything bad comes at once: problems at work, tension in relations with her husband, unwillingness of children to study, lack of money. You rush about like a squirrel in a wheel, trying to bring life back to normal, but you feel that a little more - and your nerves will give up.

Stop for a minute, catch your breath, and try one of these quick relaxation techniques. They will not take you much time, but your mood will immediately improve, and stress will recede.

Hot bath with essential oils

bathtub filled with hot water, is one of the most affordable and effective means to relieve stress at home. The principle of its operation is very simple: plunging into hot water, you again seem to find yourself in the womb, where you were warm, calm and good.

Add a few drops of essential oil to the bath - and you will greatly enhance the effect of the procedure. Lavender, orange, ylang-ylang, bergamot, mint oils are known for their relaxing effect on the nervous system. The oil must be diluted in some base (milk, base oil, honey), and the resulting mixture is already dissolved in water.

Be careful: bath water should not be too hot, otherwise it may adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Optimum temperature- 37-38 degrees.


In Eastern cultures, meditation is the main method of dealing with stress and gaining inner harmony. Why don't we try it out for ourselves?

For a meditation session, you will need a secluded place where no one and nothing will distract you from the process. If the weather allows, go outside: on the lawn in a small park or on the river bank.

Take the most comfortable position for you (it is not at all necessary to sit in the lotus position), breathe deeply and evenly, relax all the muscles as much as possible. Try to drop all thoughts of problems, deeds and feelings. Focus on the process of breathing, be aware of each inhalation and exhalation.

During meditation, try not to move or be distracted by extraneous noise. Saying a monotonous sound, such as "Mmmmm", can help with this, but this is not at all necessary.

If you can spend at least 5-10 minutes in a state of immersion in yourself, you will feel a much calmer and more relaxed person.

Neuromuscular relaxation

This relaxation method is often used during hypnosis sessions, but it is just as good for relieving stress at home.

Take a comfortable position. It is best to lie on the floor with your legs and arms out to the sides. You can also sit in a comfortable armchair or sofa. Turn off the TV and music, ask your family not to disturb you or make noise for 15-20 minutes.

Close your eyes and begin to mentally relax every muscle in your body. Imagine how your feet become warm and heavy, you can not tear them off the floor. Then do the same for the hands. After that, imagine your body going limp. Lastly, relax your neck and face, let your head hang freely. Hold this position for a few minutes, trying not to move.

End the session with a sip as if you just woke up. You will be surprised how much your health and mood will improve!

Exit aggression

This method is good if for some reason you are very nervous and angry. If aggression is not released in time, it will cause considerable damage to your health: repressed emotions lead to nervous breakdowns and occurrence.

Don't take your anger out on your co-workers or family, instead take a pillow and give it a good beating, imagining the person who made you angry. With each stroke, you will feel the negative energy leaving and calmness taking its place.

There is one more good way get rid of bad emotions, but to complete it you will need all your acting skills and a good imagination. Imagine that your left hand suddenly gone crazy: she is convulsing, moving absolutely chaotically, you cannot control her. The wilder the moves, the better!

Now imagine that the madness has spread to the right hand. Then - on the legs and torso. Move your arms and legs as you please, move your pelvis and other parts of your body intensively. After 5 minutes, stop and restore your breath. The effect of such a "wild dance" is simply incredible! You will not even remember about stress and nervous tension.

By the way, it is better to perform this exercise in solitude. Otherwise, there is a great risk of being seen by a psychiatrist.


Cats, dogs, horses and other animals, being next to a person, help relieve stress and calm. If you have a pet, pick it up, stroke it, play with its favorite toys.

If you haven't got a pet yet, feed the homeless animals or go to a shelter: volunteers are always needed there. So you will not only relax and relieve stress, but also do a truly good deed. And who knows: maybe you will find yourself best friend for life.

"People who know how to relax are not only more flexible in their thinking, but they are also better equipped to deal with stress."

R. Copelan

Relaxation as a phenomenon is often devalued and confused with idleness and "doing nothing". In fact, this is a very effective and powerful method of psychotherapy in its impact.

The idea of ​​the method and the history of its occurrence

Relaxation(from the Latin word "relaxatio" - "relaxation") - a special method that appeared abroad in the 30-40s. of the twentieth century, aimed at relieving muscle and nervous tension with the help of specially selected techniques.

Relaxation is a voluntary or involuntary state of rest, relaxation, associated with complete or partial muscle relaxation. It occurs as a result of stress relief, after strong experiences or physical efforts. It can be involuntary (relaxation when going to sleep) and voluntary, caused by taking a calm posture, imagining states that usually correspond to rest, relaxing the muscles involved in different kinds activity.

Muscle relaxation techniques are historically the earliest techniques of body-oriented psychotherapy and still remain its main methods. At the heart of the emergence of relaxation techniques are Eastern spiritual and religious practices that have developed their own techniques of psychoregulation. Upon penetration into European culture these esoteric methods were reworked, primarily in terms of a pragmatic approach.

The first Western experts who applied the relaxation method in their activities and developed their own muscle relaxation techniques were American psychologist E. Jacobson and German neuropathologist I. Schultz.

As a psychologist, E. Jacobson studied the objective manifestations of emotions. One way to evaluate emotional state human was the registration of muscle tension. The specificity of changes in muscle tone was found in various psycho-emotional disorders, neuroses and psychosomatic diseases.

E. Jacobson called the discovered relationship between muscle tension and neuropsychic tension neuromuscular hypertension, which he considered as a manifestation of the reflex principles of the functioning of the nervous system. He proved that relaxing the muscles helps relieve the state of hyperexcitation of the nervous system, helping it to rest and restore balance.

Therefore, teaching a person the skills of muscle relaxation is useful both for relieving mental tension and for eliminating the symptoms of a number of diseases (such as headache and heart pain, gastritis, hypertension, etc.)

In addition, additional effects of muscle relaxation are improved sleep, elimination of "muscle clamps", emotional "discharge" and increased efficiency.

Relaxation is different

There are a great many techniques, techniques and methods aimed at relieving stress and relaxation.

The relaxation stage is one of the main preparatory stages when providing psychological assistance to various categories of clients and it is no coincidence that it is an indispensable component of trainings of various kinds (including business trainings and trainings personal growth). Relaxation is one of the auxiliary methods of sports and autogenic training, speech therapy work, acting skills etc. For human education independent use muscle relaxation skills and mental self-regulation there are special relaxation trainings.

Modern psychologist must have in his working arsenal a sufficient number of exercises of a relaxation and meditative nature. After all, it is known that relaxation is not limited only to the effect of relaxing the muscles of the body. Self-relaxation and self-regulation skills, as well as the ability to restore physical and psychological resources in short time in demand now in the most various areas human activity.

The range of application of relaxation techniques is quite wide: this is the removal of muscle clamps, and the study of emotional trauma, and the treatment of psychosomatic diseases, and much more. In addition, training in various relaxation techniques is available for both adults and children.

Conventionally, there are several main types of relaxation.

By time: long-term - occurring during sleep, hypnosis, with pharmacological effects and relatively short-term - replaced by stress.

By way of execution: muscular and mental (figurative).

Origin: primary (natural, arising spontaneously after physical exertion) and secondary (purposefully caused, created under artificial conditions).

Depth: superficial and deep. Superficial relaxation is equated to a short rest. Deep relaxation lasts at least 20 minutes and is performed using special techniques. It is deep relaxation that has a powerful effect on the body and has well-known healing properties.

According to the speed of occurrence: emergency (emergency methods of relaxation in case of urgent need) and prolonged (involving long-term training and systematic use for therapeutic purposes).

As an example of emergency (fast) relaxation, one can cite the metaphor of M.E. Stormy, describing a similar "instantaneous" relaxation.

The bird, exhausted by the long flight, falls down like a stone from the cloudy heights. And in this rapid fall are included reflex mechanisms muscle relaxation. Thanks to the natural, natural, saving relaxation, in a short moment of falling, the bird has time to rest in order to continue the flight.

Similarly, a person who has mastered the techniques of muscle relaxation can, in a short period of time, create the conditions for the necessary inner peace in order to restore strength and relieve physical and psychological stress.

In terms of impact: general (total) and differentiated (local).

Differentiated (local) relaxation involves the elimination of local muscle clamps by selective intense relaxation of individual muscle groups. The first stage of this exercise - self-observation, is used primarily after stressful situations. The purpose of this observation is to find areas of stagnant muscle tension in the body, felt as pain or heaviness, especially intensified in connection with unpleasant emotions. Then, along with a deep long exhalation, it is necessary to instantly relieve tension ("exhale with relief"). To achieve a greater effect of muscle relaxation, you can combine the described methods of general and differentiated relaxation with the respiratory relaxation technique - work with sensations in the area of ​​tense muscles using "directed" breathing.

When using this method in medical practice (for example, in manual therapy), each cycle of tension-relaxation ends with passive movements performed with the help of a doctor to smoothly stretch the corresponding muscles ("post-isometric relaxation").

Well-known psychotherapeutic methods often combine several types of relaxation at once, which makes them as effective as possible.

As an example, we can cite the methods of E. Jacobson and I. Schulz mentioned at the beginning.

The method of progressive muscle relaxation by E. Jacobson is based on the principle that after strong muscle tension, their strong relaxation occurs. That is, in order to relax a muscle, you must first strain it strongly. Straining alternately different groups muscles, you can achieve maximum relaxation of the whole body. This type of muscle relaxation is the most accessible, in game form it is used even with small children.

AT autogenic training(AT) I. Schultz, in order to achieve a state of relaxation, not a real preliminary muscle tension is used, but an ideomotor modification of its tone (method " mental movements"). This corresponds to more general principle ideodynamics, according to which only one mental representation causes physiological response organism without the participation of consciousness (according to M. Sandomirsky). The main elements of relaxation here are sensory awareness and directed imagination. This is a careful observation and memorization of bodily sensations of muscle relaxation, on the basis of which the skill of voluntary reproduction of these sensations is developed, and, together with them, the necessary functional state.

This type of relaxation can be called more advanced, since it is its development that gives a person the opportunity to manage the state of his body on his own and effectively cope with tension and stress.

What are the benefits of relaxation

Relaxation is a fairly common phenomenon and is understood by everyone in different ways. Therefore, the effect of it can be different: from passive "relaxation" to meditative music to the cure of a serious illness. It all depends on the knowledge and level of training of the person.

The effectiveness of relaxation as a special method has been studied and proven, its possibilities are endless, but in practice it is mainly used in the following areas:

  • As a means of relieving muscle "clamps", accompanied by pain, local fatigue and limitation of movement. The appearance of painful seals in the muscles of the neck and limbs can be associated with both psychological causes, that is, chronic stress, and with initially bodily causes, disorders of the peripheral nervous system (osteochondrosis of the spine, muscular-fascial pain). More often, there are causes of both types, which are superimposed on each other (the syndrome of "mutual aggravation").
  • As a way to restore the energy balance of the body. Good relaxation helps restore the body's energy and give all muscles and joints proper rest. Excellent physical state closely related to the improvement of blood and lymph circulation. All organs, from the brain to the limbs, are enriched with oxygen, which stimulates the metabolic, respiratory, digestive and other functions of the body, and, in addition, the body adds strength to overcome stress.
  • As a means of restoring peace of mind and emotional response. Speaking about relaxation as a psychotechnique of personal growth, it is necessary first of all to keep in mind its use as a subtle tool for creating transformational, altered states of consciousness in combination with the technique of sensory awareness.
  • As a way to heal the body. All of the above functions of relaxation in their totality lead to the fact that the body gets rid of chronic tension and gains access to new resources for survival and self-healing. In addition, the very process of deep muscle and mental relaxation has a beneficial effect on the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the activity of internal organs.
For correct understanding the basis of the changes occurring in the body, it is necessary to consider psychophysiological ideas about the mechanisms of muscle relaxation and its effect on the functional state of a person.

Psychophysiology of relaxation

As you know, muscle tone is not a passive state, but active process, physiologically representing a reflex to stretch the muscle, due to which, in fact, the movement occurs. The muscle tone regulation system is multilevel and is controlled by the central nervous system.

Relaxation reduces the flow of electrical impulses (sensory impulses) from the muscles to the cerebral cortex, and from the muscles to the activating system of the brain (the reticular formation), which maintains the cerebral cortex in an awake state. Thus, a decrease in muscle tone reduces the flow of information from the muscles to the brain. This partial sensory deprivation reduces the level of wakefulness, which allows our brain to rest and "recharge" for further fruitful work.

Against the background of the described decrease in the level of wakefulness, general protective (according to I.P. Pavlov) inhibition of the cerebral cortex, its "conscious" sections, that is, the frontal lobes, "fall asleep" faster, which reduces their excessive activation. This is especially true of the frontal (anterior) cortex of the dominant, left hemisphere of the brain, which is initially in a more active, and often "overexcited" state, which is often the cause of mental overstrain and neurotic disorders.

Relative sensory deprivation also creates conditions for local activation of the cerebral cortex, redistributing processes voluntary attention on its individual areas associated with viscero-sensory sensitivity and controlling the functional state of internal organs. Thus, the focus of attention "in" that occurs during deep relaxation helps the body to deal with problem areas and improve health.

Relaxation for men and women

There is a certain group of muscles that has a special stimulating effect on the brain - these are facial and chewing muscles. Therefore, it is impossible to completely relax without relaxing the muscles of the face, tongue and lower jaw. By learning to relax this muscle group, you can learn how to quickly relieve tension even in cases where it is not possible to lie down or sit comfortably in a chair. In autogenic training, the "Relaxation Mask" is used for these purposes.

Relaxation mask exercise is done in the following way.

1. To relax the masticatory muscles with the head upright, silently say the sound "s", let your jaw drop.

2. Relax your tongue. This can be done with the silent syllable "te". If you are sitting, the tongue should “fall apart” in a relaxed manner in the space of the lower jaw, gently resting on the back surface of the lower teeth. If you lie down, the tip of the tongue rests slightly on the back surface of the upper teeth (the lower jaw moves slightly down).

3. Stay in this state for several minutes, observe how a wave of relaxation passes through the body with the relaxation of the masticatory muscles, how the muscles of the face relax, the eyelids become heavier, the look becomes blurred (this is due to the relaxation of the muscles that focus the lens).

4. The exercise must be completed with an exit, as in auto-training. If the exercise lasted less than 10 minutes and / or a deep autogenous state did not occur, it is enough to take a few deep breaths and sharp exhalations, then stretch the whole body while inhaling and open your eyes while exhaling.

For women, it will be useful to add massage stroking of the face to the "relaxation mask". Such psychological massage can become an indispensable rejuvenating cosmetic procedure. Participants of our relaxation trainings are very fond of doing this procedure: it not only calms and improves mood, but also slightly tightens the circular muscles of the face, smoothes out small mimic wrinkles. This is due to the fact that when chronic tension is removed from the face and jaw, blood supply and oxygen supply increase. facial muscles, which leads to an improvement in turgor and general condition muscles and skin.

A similar procedure can be used as a light sleeping pill if done at night, just before bedtime. Massage stroking can be done in combination with a "relaxation mask" or separately. It depends on what effect you want to achieve.

Stroking is done with the fingertips along the massage lines (from central line face to ear). Lightly touching with your fingers, as if with brushes (as in the elite "Royal massage"), you seem to sweep away daytime fatigue from your face. At the same time, you feel how, after the touch, every cell of your skin relaxes, how your face is smoothed. Special attention focus on the eyes and forehead: acting in this way on this area, you can reduce the tension of the eye muscles, which is very useful for tired eyes. Stroking the chin area, try to relax as much as possible, "let go" lower jaw. This procedure is done for a short time, exactly as much as you need to relieve tension. If everything is done correctly, then good mood and fast falling asleep will be a reward for your care of your health.

Nowadays, everyone is in a hurry somewhere, often they don’t have a single free minute to take a break and relax. Stress and strain accumulate over the years. Finally the immune system"gives a crack". The person is unsettled for a week or more. Therefore, it is so important to learn spiritual and physical relaxation.

This article will describe various techniques relaxation, without which modern world hard to get by. You can choose the technique you like and try it out for yourself.

What is relaxation

It is important to know that this is not just a way to relax your mind and body. Deep relaxation is a powerful tool for getting a new supply of energy, as well as the right way getting rid of various problems psychological nature.

It's no secret that mental suffering can lead to physical ailments such as migraine, gastritis or hypertension. The technique of relaxation and relaxation has wide range impact on the body. Its adherents are distinguished by their ability to cope with life's trials without outside help. It helps to consciously reduce muscle tension with the help of special exercises.

If a person systematically practices relaxation techniques for a long time, his physiological state returns to normal, which greatly contributes to endurance and performance.

Why is overvoltage dangerous?

Each stressful situation prevents us from relaxing, as a result of which muscle clamps. They cause very unpleasant sensations that interfere with normal life. The circulatory system is disturbed, attention decreases, the general tone of the body increases.

The spiritual and physical components of a person are closely intertwined, so the technique of relaxation and relaxation helps both the body and the mind. But without the principle of generalization, one should not hope for success. Exercises must be clearly organized and systematic. After all, this is not a magic wand, at the beck of which everything will instantly work out.

Why Relaxation is Necessary

ultimate goal relaxation technique is to find peace and tranquility, then no stressful situations can knock you down. The most important thing is to find time for relaxation. To do this, you must definitely stay in a secluded corner, inaccessible to all sorts of external influences. TV, phone and other irritants should not distract you.

When choosing a relaxation technique, one should be guided by personal preferences and expectations. But you need to start by finding a competent mentor who will help you master the technique you have chosen. After that, you will be able to do all the exercises without outside help.

The Importance of Proper Breathing

Most easy way to gaining a sense of relaxation and inner peace - this is control over respiratory activity. Keep an eye on this throughout the day and ask yourself questions like:

  • Does my breath stop in stressful situations that pose a potential threat?
  • Are my breaths deep or shallow?
  • What is their frequency?

We cannot directly influence the breathing process, since it happens by itself. But we can change this process. If it is convenient to settle down in a place devoid of external stimuli, then you can begin to breathe deeply and calmly, being aware of each inhalation and exhalation. The goal of proper breathing is to evenly deliver oxygen to the lungs at intervals of about five seconds.

The essence of muscle relaxation techniques

To relax and get rid of problems Everyday life, it is not always necessary to use yoga or meditation techniques. Often we unconsciously apply this or that relaxation technique by simply stretching or taking a few deep breaths. You can also cite as an example a person who, at the end of the working day, gets behind the wheel of his car. During the trip, he involuntarily looks at the trees, houses, squares passing by, imagines that a cozy sofa, an affectionate wife, a faithful dog are waiting for him at home. Human consciousness switches, psychophysical stress decreases, strength is restored. If you follow all the rules when using muscle relaxation techniques, then you can long time get rid of depression. Also, these techniques allow you to draw a supply of fresh strength and keep the body in good shape.

Simple Ways to Relieve Stress

Fortunately, there are many techniques for relaxation and self-regulation. Any can be introduced into the list of your daily rituals. It:

  1. Deep breath. The reception is quite simple, but if used properly, it can have an impact on consciousness. Works great in stressful situation. You should fill your lungs with air, hold your breath for 10-12 seconds, then exhale very slowly. Taking a break will provide an opportunity to realize the seriousness of the situation, evaluate your own advantages, as well as get fuel for the body and moderate excitement. An important aspect reception is what you need to drive away from yourself negative thoughts because they interfere with obtaining the desired result.
  2. Embrace. They are the best method of calming, as they give a feeling of support and security. During hugs, endorphins are released into the bloodstream, allowing you to overcome stress. An important aspect of the reception is that you only need to cuddle with a person close to you who is pleasant. A person who is unsympathetic to you will only cause a storm of negativity, aggravating the situation. It's best to cuddle with babies. Children are able not only to calm, but also to cheer up.
  3. Massage. It is one of the most effective relaxation techniques. The course of such treatment gives a stable therapeutic effect. Even one massage session can give pleasant sensations, relax tense muscles, and calm the nerves. To make a person feel on the threshold of paradise, it is enough to massage the collar zone, earlobes, fingers or toes. Massaging the cervical region is preferable, since it is there that many arteries, veins and nerve endings pass. A massage, combined with the Jacobson relaxation technique, will increase blood circulation, soothe the muscles and at the same time give a feeling of cheerfulness.
  4. Aromatherapy. This technique is ideally combined with the previous one. You can, for example, take baths with various herbs. In the morning - mint, in the evening - bergamot. To increase efficiency and tune in to positive, it is enough to purchase an aroma lamp and put it on your desktop. A few drops of orange oil are perfect for this! In addition, perfumes with the smell of this citrus representative, or simply a vase filled with these bright tropical fruits, will positively affect your mood.
  5. Music. Since ancient times, kings have been pleased with it, as it is a truly magical method for relieving tension. Music can distract from problems and give pleasant emotions. Modern scientists have proven that classical works have a beneficial effect on the development creativity in children, and clear drum rhythms increase attention and concentration. For adults, it is no less useful. If you dance to the beat of a drum for 15 minutes daily in the morning, then after a while you will feel like a more cheerful and relaxed person. The reason for this is the vibration coming from the percussion instrument.
  6. Herbal teas. Refusal of caffeine (black and green teas, coffee) and the transition to the use of medicinal plants leads to ridding the body of toxins and improving concentration. The main thing is that herbal tea is chosen correctly. Chamomile, lemon balm and mint allow you to calm down, while ginseng and oregano give cheerfulness. If you have problems with blood pressure, then be sure to consult a doctor before using herbal teas.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique

These are independent exercises combined into a program. Well-established systematic training is needed to get the best result, otherwise there will be little benefit. It should be noted that the technique of deep relaxation helps to maintain the general tone of the body, which is necessary for many diseases. Besides, this technique can be used to relax individual organs and systems.

The point of this technique is to learn to alternate and control both tension and relaxation. The Jacobson Relaxation Technique helps you consciously relax muscle groups from your head to your toes. To do this, you need to sit comfortably in a chair, close your eyes and start the program at a moderate pace. The technique is quite simple, so it is very easy to master.

Before you begin, read each exercise several times and understand the essence. The progressive muscle relaxation technique should teach you proper relaxation, so sit back, close your eyes. Next, you should strain and bring the muscles to their original state in the sequence that is given below.

Exercise number 1. Forearm:

  • Clench your fingers into a fist for 5 seconds, and feel how the muscles of the forearm and hand become tight.
  • Unclench your fingers for 30 seconds, completely relaxing them. At the same time, light tingling (goosebumps) or just a feeling of pleasant warmth will appear in the muscles of the forearm and hand.

Do this exercise on both hands, and then move on to the next step.

Exercise number 2. Biceps:

  • Squeeze your hand. You need to tighten the biceps muscle. The forearm should remain in a calm state.
  • Place your hand on the arm of the chair, feeling it go limp and warm. Compare your sensations with the relaxation of the muscles of the forearm. Feel the difference. Rate the result.

Exercise number 3. Triceps:

  • Stretch your arm along the body, while tensing the desired muscle. This exercise is best performed lying on a hard surface. The palms should be pointing up.
  • Relax your shoulders, feel their softness and warmth.

Exercise number 4. Shoulders:

  • It is necessary to tighten the shoulder muscles, lifting them up.
  • Let your shoulders drop, feel a pleasant tingle.

Exercise number 5. Occipital region:

  • Tilt your head back, while tensing the right muscles.
  • Bring your head back to the starting position.

Exercise number 6. Facial area:

  • Clench your jaw tightly and close your eyes. At the same time, precisely those muscles that are responsible for facial expressions will tighten.
  • Bring everything back to its original state.

Exercise number 7. Back:

  • Pull the shoulder blades down, straining, desired group muscles.
  • Relax your back completely.

Exercise number 8. Abdominal muscles:

  • Pull in the stomach as you exhale, straining it until it feels hard.
  • Inhale deeply, relaxing the abdominal muscles.

Exercise number 9 Buttocks and thighs:

  • Squeeze your buttocks together, tensing your hips.
  • Relax your buttocks completely.

Exercise number 10 Calves:

  • Tighten your calf muscles by stretching your feet and toes down.
  • Relax your legs.

Exercise number 11 Ankle:

  • Tighten your tibial muscles by lifting your toes up.
  • Bring your legs to the starting position.

If, after all the manipulations done, the dream still has not visited you, then do the following:

  • Close your eyes.
  • Breathing slowly and deeply, bring your hands together, then spread them apart.
  • Exhale and open your eyes.

Effective ways to relax

AT modern psychology there are many productive methods relaxation and self-regulation, which are easy to use and do not require physical effort. Consider the most effective of them.

Breathing exercises

Such techniques are the foundation of yoga and Pilates. In addition, breathing relaxation techniques are widely used among professional athletes, as they are very good at helping to relax.

To achieve a positive result, classes should be held in twilight and silence or to the accompaniment of a rhythmic melody. It is best to use the sounds of wildlife, such as the singing of whales. An important aspect in choosing musical composition is the lack of text, since the words are very distracting and prevent you from properly tuning in the right way.

Having decided on the melody, take a position that is comfortable for you and relax your abdominal muscles. Now close your eyes and focus on your breathing - it should be calm but rhythmic. Control the process of how your chest and stomach are filled with oxygen. Start visualizing. Imagine how the air penetrates the skin, filling each hand. The same should be done with each part of the body, switching only after you have achieved the desired vision in the previous section. At the end of this technique, lie on your back and place your hand on your stomach. Breathe for a few minutes, tensing your abdominal muscles.

Creating an image

This method much more difficult, as it requires systematic training and is one of the deep relaxation techniques. Visualization is not easy, so the first time is not given to almost anyone.

Turn on a pleasant melody, take a comfortable position and start the reception. Imagine conditions and environments that are most desirable for you. The top of the mountain can become your working image, sea ​​coast. It all depends on your individual preferences. The main condition for this technique is complete immersion in visual image, that is, it is necessary to represent everything in it to the smallest detail.

If you saw yourself on the beach, then you definitely need to hear the sound of the waves breaking on the shore, feel the warmth of the sand and its texture, feel the hot rays of the sun on your skin, the taste of salt on your lips and the freshness of the wind in your hair.

You can try different options over several sessions. Regular use of this visualization will build muscle memory in your body. After that, in any difficult situation it will be enough to find a couple of minutes to recreate an image that will help you relax and accept the right decision.

Another sure way to get rid of health problems

The technique of post-isometric muscle relaxation is a preparation for further manual practices. It has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect. The technique lies in the fact that the body should be held in a certain position with involuntary stretching of the muscles (isometric work of minimum intensity). Each approach should last at least 5 seconds, and the number of cycles should be six.

Soft manual techniques of post-isometric muscle relaxation create a stable hypnotic effect. Thanks to him, syndromes various diseases disappear. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • Each exercise should be short and performed without undue stress. If you do not pay attention to these parameters, you can get the opposite result. In addition, special attention should be paid to the intervals, otherwise the physical and psychological clamps will not disappear, but only intensify.
  • Muscles can be consciously (not necessarily isometrically) tensed, which will cause the exercise to become a little more intense, but the effect of this will not change.
  • If you combine conscious muscle tension with the direction of your gaze, the muscles will be worked out better. This is how our body works.

Before you start performing post-isometric relaxation techniques, you need to fix your body in the desired position (comfortable for you). Excessive tension and pain will not allow you to achieve what you want, so follow the principle of moderation. Hold your breath first. After that, activate the desired muscle group. Then take a deep breath and relax. After a few seconds, start stretching the muscles, which should last no more than 10 seconds. The cycle should be repeated several times.

If, after the application of soft manual techniques of post-isometric relaxation, relaxation was not achieved, then the holding time should be extended to 30 seconds. If you strictly follow the rules, then the desired effect can be achieved after the third approach.

At the initial stage of the session, the instructor should supervise to help you come out of relaxation correctly. In addition, a mentor will help you master the basic techniques of this technique and teach you how to feel your own body in space.

Post-isometric relaxation is useful for:

  • Warming up the muscles.
  • Pain relief.
  • Decreased muscle tone.
  • Treatment of pathologies associated with the spine.

Before you start using this technique, you should consult your family doctor, as for some diseases, the use of this practice is unacceptable.

We are spinning like squirrels in a wheel - so many things accumulate every day that we do not have time to redo them all. No time to take a breather.

But you still need to take a break, carve out 10 minutes for relaxation - and this will help you recover quickly! To continue to do things with tripled energy!

Surely you are thinking like this: I could relax wonderfully if I had more free time! But think about what exactly you do when you really have it. You start cleaning the house, washing, ironing, remembering what old things you didn’t have time to redo ... and then you fall into an armchair in front of the TV and start watching everything, even what you are not interested in? Do you recognize yourself?

But you need to rebuild yourself and your attitude to rest - and then you will be able to do much more! Haven't you been surprised that many people can do so many things in a day that another can't do it in a week? And all because they know how to properly allocate their time and know how to relax properly.

Therefore, it is necessary to allocate 5-10 minutes a day for yourself. To do this, find a place in the house that you do not associate with important things and rest there.

Also, you need to learn how to relax. Since a person quickly gets used to repetitive moments, you yourself will even notice how the body begins to relax as soon as you enter your territory of rest, which you have chosen for yourself.

Be sure to ventilate your apartment - fresh air will purify not only the room, but also your thoughts. Besides, everything breathing exercises that you will do will bring much more benefit.

And, what is very important, arrange with your loved ones in advance so that they do not come to you and do not disturb you when you relax.

So. Just have some tea. In the evening, about one to two hours before bedtime, have a relaxing tea. It is not difficult to prepare it: for this you need to fill a thermos with 1 teaspoon of dried flowers and leaves of St. John's wort, lemon balm or mint, lime blossom. Pour boiling water over all this and let it brew for half an hour. Drink tea slowly, in small sips, but no more than 150 ml at a time.

Second. Do a meditation. To do this, sit back, close your eyes and imagine that you are rising above the house, above the city, and then above the Earth. You can fly so high that our planet turns into a small ball ... And think about how small your problems are from this distance. Imagine the whole universe - and feel how tiny you are in comparison.

Third. Take the pressure off. When you're nervous, you probably clench your teeth involuntarily. To relieve this tension, you need to feel for small depressions on the jaw with the tips of your index fingers at the level of the earlobes. Press these points for 5 seconds and slowly release. After that, touch the sky with the tip of your tongue and stay in this position until you feel that the muscles of the jaw have completely relaxed.

Fourth. If you are very tired and after work you feel completely exhausted and overwhelmed, then you urgently need to help yourself recover: after all, in the evening, any woman still has a lot of things to do. You can recover using Express Help. To do this, soak a terry towel in hot water, wring it out, lie down on the bed and cover your head with this towel. You will not believe, but after 10 minutes the fatigue will go away! No wonder this method was often used by our mothers when they had a headache.

Fifth. By the way, if you have a headache. Sit down, close your eyes, and massage your scalp with your fingers for five minutes. in a circular motion massage the temples, then the back of the head, gradually make the massage easier, barely touching the scalp with your fingers.

Sixth way. As clichéd as it sounds, music is a great way to relax. It is especially good at such moments to listen to classical music or the one that you like best. It is better if she is not very energetic. CDs with nature sounds, sea waves, birdsong, etc. are great. Make your own relaxing collection of music in advance and listen to it when you need to quickly relax.

seventh. Helps for relaxation correct breathing. To do this, you need to master the method abdominal breathing. Inhale the air, filling the stomach “for 5 counts”, then slowly exhale “for 10 counts”. When you exhale the air, think that you are getting rid of the bad negative energy that overwhelmed you. This technique will help you stay calm in any situation.

Eighth. Essential oils are the best helpers in relaxation. No wonder they are so often used by Eastern practices. Pour a few drops of vanilla, lavender, bergamot oil into the aroma lamp and light it for 15 minutes. During this time, your “rest area” will be filled with the aroma that you like. Breathe it in and take your mind off the day's problems.

ninth. You need to master acupressure - this is a wonderful assistant in the art of relaxation. Shiatsu massage, or acupuncture points - as it is sometimes called - is a real ambulance for pain, fatigue and stress. If you massage the points correctly for 10 minutes, you can very quickly get rid of discomfort.

  • When overtired, you need to massage the superciliary arches.
  • If your eyes are tired, for example, from a computer, then you need to carefully hold it several times index finger from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer.
  • With stress and migraines, you need to massage the point located between the eyebrows.

And tenth. For relaxation, buy yourself a rubber ball with "thorns" - this is an excellent home massager for hands and feet. It can also be rolled during some kind of work - if, for example, you write or read something. You just need to choose a ball that is suitable in size and rigidity.

Eleventh. For relaxation, it is important to learn how to breathe correctly. If suddenly you receive some kind of unpleasant news, then just inhale several times as deeply as your lungs will allow. Hold your breath and exhale the air in jerks - repeat this exercise several times. In general, intense breathing is indicated for stress. So we take the example of Hollywood heroes who begin to breathe a little into a paper bag or do breathing exercises as soon as something happens to them.