Word agreement examples. Relationship "matching": examples

Better to be overdressed than underdressed.

folk wisdom

I think that I will not be mistaken if I say that any secretary working in an organization where there are no clear rules for document management or these rules are not carefully worked out, has repeatedly been visited by thoughts about the high responsibility that he bears on his shoulders in the preparation of one or another organizational, administrative or commercial document.

I fully share this concern. Indeed, the issues raised in the documents sometimes lie on such different planes that it is often difficult or even impossible for one person, even if he is seven spans in the forehead, to understand all the subtleties, hidden nuances and possible consequences that will entail the signing of a document.

The exit for the clerk (secretary) in this case will be the procedure for agreeing on a draft document before its approval by the head of the company.

Let's try to develop, debug, approve and put into operation a viable mechanism for coordinating draft documents that can remove the burden of responsibility from an office worker or office employee and minimize errors in the preparation and approval of certain company documents.

Our reference

There are two forms of approval: internal and external.

Internal coordination - this is an analysis and evaluation by leading experts (heads of relevant services or departments of an organization) of a draft document in order to verify the correctness of the wording of the content, assigning responsibility, deadlines, financial benefits or losses, verifying that this document complies with current legislation and local regulations companies.

External approval - this is the agreement of the document with third-party organizations or their officials.

External coordination, depending on the content of the document, can be carried out both with subordinate and non-subordinate bodies (if the content of the document affects their interests), research organizations, various committees and public organizations, regulatory authorities, etc.

1. What document in the organization regulates the procedure for agreeing on a particular document?


3.3.4. Preparation of normative legal acts of the federal

body executive power

[…] The Instructions for Paperwork reveals:

the composition of the details of the regulatory legal act and the procedure for their execution;

the procedure and terms for preparing a draft regulatory legal act;

the procedure for its approval (coordination of a normative legal act with officials of the federal executive body, approval of the draft act with other federal executive bodies, if it contains provisions, norms and instructions relating to other federal bodies executive power, other bodies and organizations, the procedure for agreeing on a draft normative act prepared federal service or federal agency, with the federal ministry under whose jurisdiction they are);

the composition of the documents accompanying the project, and annexes to it, the rules for their execution;

the procedure for submitting a normative legal act for examination to the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation;

the procedure for the adoption (signing, approval) of regulatory legal acts;

the procedure for bringing a normative legal act to the executors. […]

Thus, the main guide to action, in which the procedure for coordinating documents should be prescribed, is business instructions.

As my experience shows, far from all organizations this document is drawn up properly and with a detailed study of the process. Many organizations do not have not only a well-established approval procedure, but also the instruction itself. Therefore, consider this, the most unpleasant case for us.

The secretary or clerk of such an organization immediately has whole line questions.

2. In what cases and what types of draft documents at the stage of creation require approval?

Let's call for help the Instruction on office work in the apparatus of the Judicial Department under Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2007 No. 76 (as amended on January 20, 2015), according to paragraph 3.3.18 of which approval of a draft document is carried out if it is necessary to assess the validity of the document, its compliance with legal acts and previously adopted decisions.

In our case, these are all contracts, agreements and all administrative documents of the company. Other documents, as a rule, need approval much less often, and this happens on a routine basis and does not require a strictly established approval scheme.

3. Which specialists and in what order should coordinate the draft of this or that document?

Here you may have to be pioneers and, in a sense, legislators, i.e. determine and approve the procedure for internal coordination. Feel free to seek help and advice from leading experts in your organization. With your appeal, you will demonstrate a responsible approach and a thoughtful attitude to the issue under development, and not at all incompetence.

In order not to reinvent the wheel and discover America over and over again, I strongly recommend that you approve the approval list for each certain type business papers and adhere to it when agreeing on all draft documents of this type without exception.

Let me explain with an example. A draft contract for the sale of products manufactured and sold by your enterprise is being created. What should be the list of visas on this document? In my opinion, the following list of approvals will be exhaustive for this type of documents:

The main executor of the document (GUIDE), his contact phone number. This is the initiator of the document, which will accumulate and make appropriate corrections to the draft document.

The GUID is responsible for the content and execution of the document, the timely and correct introduction of changes and proposals submitted by specialists participating in the approval procedure.

Direct supervisor of the guide, his contact number(for example, in this particular case, it could be the head of the sales department). At this stage, the head of the guide conducts an initial examination of the document, reveals gross (and, depending on qualifications and experience, minor) errors in the preparation of the document.

Together with the guide, he is responsible for the content and quality of the document.

Chief accountant / financial director. Conducts an analysis of the submitted draft agreement for financial correctness, analyzes tax risks (payment terms, the need for a bank guarantee, the correctness of the choice of the currency of the agreement, compliance with tax code RF, etc.).

Head of Purchasing (Head of Purchasing Service). Analyzes the document from the point of view of the correctness of specifying the names, article numbers, catalog numbers in the contract, as well as the possibility of purchasing and the delivery time of the relevant purchased components and semi-finished products necessary to fulfill this contract.

Head of logistics (or transport) department, i.e. the one who is responsible for the costs of shipping products and for the delivery itself. Checks the draft document in terms of the reasonableness of the cost, terms and methods of delivery, customs security, etc. specified in the contract.

Head of design service (chief designer). Considers the document submitted for approval from the point of view of providing production with appropriate design documentation, i.e. analyzes whether necessary drawings and specifications, or they need to be requested from the counterparty and approved as annexes to the contract, checks the dimensions stated in the sketches, etc.

Head of technological service (chief technologist). Analyzes the document submitted for approval from the point of view of technological preparation of production: have the relevant technological processes whether there are appropriate equipment, tools and fixtures for the manufacture of these products.

Production manager. Checks the submitted draft contract from the point of view of the possibility of manufacturing, taking into account the comments of the above specialists.

Head (or representative) of the legal service. Analyzes the submitted draft document from the point of view of compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, controls the legal capacity of officials and counterparties participating in the signing of documents, if necessary, requires the counterparty to provide missing information and documents confirming the rights of officials.

Head of the economic security service. Checks the reliability and solvency of the counterparty and other aspects of the economic security of the transaction.

I fully admit that for many this list will seem inconsistent with the realities of your enterprise: the functions of responsible persons in your organization may differ significantly, be combined, etc. So, the technological, design and production part can be coordinated by one person, economic security consider a representative of the legal department or chief accountant.

In this case, in agreement with the leading experts and with the approval of the head, you can exclude some links in the chain I have given and add the ones you need, not forgetting to approve the accepted procedure for coordination with the instructions for office work or a separate order.

To agree on draft administrative documents (orders and instructions), I recommend supplementing the list of approvals with the following items:

Head of business service(secretariat, office - that is, you yourself), whose duty will be to control compliance with internal regulations, the correctness and literacy of design (stylistics and grammar), compliance with the requirements for issuing administrative and other documents.

Supervisor personnel service whose task is to check compliance Labor Code Russian Federation and internal local regulations relating to work with personnel, compliance with internal labor regulations and labor discipline.

Head of Security your organization, whose duty it is to verify compliance with the regime of trade secrets and information protection.

After establishing the list of leading specialists and divisions of the company participating in the approval, it is necessary to fix their responsibility in the approval procedure, i.e. include in the regulations and job descriptions relevant clarifications and listing of responsibilities for the procedure for coordinating documents.

The rights of persons participating in the approval of the document may include:

  • the right to reject a draft document with justification of the reasons for their actions in the approval sheet or by attaching a list of comments;
  • require the guide to additionally coordinate the document with specialists from other departments that are not represented in the approval scheme, but are related to the topic of the document being developed;
  • do not accept for consideration a document that has violations in the approval procedure (if one or more stages of approval are omitted);
  • to extend the term for approval of the document by certain time, arguing this action (for example, legal service may require an extension of the approval period by the time required to request and receive from the tax authority an extract from the unified state register legal entities);
  • initiate the approval of a draft document according to a procedure that differs from the established one, if:

a) this is the requirement of the first head of the organization, dictated by the urgency and importance of this document;

b) the meaning and content of the document affects the area of ​​responsibility of departments and specialists, whose participation in the coordination of the established procedure is not provided.

4. How should visas be approved?

Let us turn to GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. unified system organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation Requirements:


from GOST R 6.30-2003

3. Requirements for registration of details of documents

[…] 3.24. Approval of the document is formalized with a document approval visa (hereinafter referred to as the visa), which includes the signature and position of the approver of the document, the decoding of the signature (initials, surname) and the date of signing. For example:

Personal signature A.S. Orlov

If there are comments to the document, the visa is issued as follows:

Comments attached

Head of Legal Department

Personal signature A.S. Orlov

In practice, the two most commonly used options are:

a) in the form of an approval sheet (Example 1);

b) in the form of a stamp on the back (in some cases - on the front) side of the last page of the draft document (Example 2). This stamp can be ordered from ready-made and put it as needed on the draft document before starting the approval procedure.


According to clause 3.19 of the Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003, at the discretion of the organization, sheet-by-sheet sighting of regulatory legal acts, applications to protect against possible replacement of sheets is allowed. With sheet-by-sheet sighting, not all elements of the visa can be used, but only a handwritten personal signature and its transcript.

5. How should comments be made? In what order and by whom should appropriate changes be made to the draft document?

Here is what is said in this regard in the Administrative Regulations federal agency for the management of state property for the execution state function"Implementation on behalf of the Russian Federation legal action on the protection of property and other rights and legitimate interests of the Russian Federation in the management of federal property and its privatization on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, the sale of property seized in pursuance of court decisions or acts of bodies that have been granted the right to make decisions on foreclosure on property, the sale confiscated, movable ownerless, confiscated and other property converted into the ownership of the state in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation”, approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 22, 2009 No. 229:


from the Administrative Regulations

30. The order of the procedure for agreeing and signing the draft document

30.1. The prepared draft document is submitted by the executor responsible for the preparation of the document to the head of the department in the order of office work.

30.2. The head of the department reviews the prepared draft document for compliance with the requirements established by law. Maximum lead time this action is 1 business day.

30.3. If there are comments on the submitted draft document, the head of the department returns it for revision in the order of office work to the person responsible for preparing the document.

30.4. If the draft document meets the requirements, the head of the department approves and transfers it to the head of the Department in the manner of paperwork. The maximum turnaround time for this action is 1 business day.

30.5. The Head of the Department reviews the prepared draft document for compliance with the requirements. The maximum turnaround time for this action is 2 business days.

[…] 30.11. If the draft document is returned, the person responsible for preparing the document eliminates the comments. The maximum turnaround time for this action is 1 business day.

30.12. After the comments are eliminated, the person responsible for preparing the document, in the order of office work, transfers the draft document to the official of the Federal Property Management Agency, from whom the document was returned for revision.

When making changes of a fundamental nature in the process of finalization, the draft document is subject to mandatory re-approval.

In this way:

  • responsibility for the content of the draft document, timely and reliable introduction of changes based on the comments and proposals submitted during the approval process, taking into account the comments submitted by the specialists participating in the approval, the comments in the draft document are the responsibility of the CEO and his immediate supervisor who issued the first visa;
  • the draft with comments (if they arise from the persons participating in the coordination) must be returned to the CEO from the approval stage at which the comments arose. That is, if the draft document has been successfully approved, for example, at four stages, and there are comments at the fifth, then it is not transferred to the sixth stage, but is returned to the CEO for making appropriate changes;
  • after the comments have been eliminated, the document is returned by the GUIDE to the level of approval from which the project was returned with comments;
  • after making changes of a fundamental nature, the draft document is subject to re-approval from the very beginning;
  • comments in the draft document must be notified to the person authorized to sign the final version of the document;
  • if there is no visa of any specialist/division on the draft document, then this document is considered inconsistent, and therefore cannot be passed to the next stage.

All of the above can be represented in the form of an algorithm.

6. In what ways can the approval procedure be carried out?

In practice, the following methods of internal coordination are usually used:

Coordination is carried out through the electronic document management system (EDMS) or its equivalent, according to the algorithm embedded in the EDMS , - simultaneously by all responsible persons or departments participating in the coordination, or sequentially.


  • EDMS is not available in all organizations;
  • SED is not free;
  • There is no such EDMS that would ideally suit each specific enterprise.


  • operational tracking of the approval process;
  • information is stored in in electronic format, there is no need to repeatedly print documents related to work on this document project, because at any time, you can access the database and read the comments of any specialist;
  • in the EDMS, the time spent by a particular document at each stage of approval is recorded, i.e. The CEO can always see at what stage there is a violation of the terms of consideration of the draft document, and take appropriate measures;
  • the transfer of the document from stage to stage is carried out automatically.

Coordination is carried out by e-mail.


  • a drawback arising from the very principle of parallel coordination - it is practically impossible to correctly take into account the comments received simultaneously from several specialists, since they are often mutually exclusive;
  • tracking the approval process occurs manually and is available only if the specialists who approve the document do not forget to send the documents related to the approval to the guide and / or his head;
  • you are not insured that the next specialist will correct the draft document without highlighting the corrections made and without attaching a list of comments;
  • the absence of the original "live" visa of a specialist in the approval sheet and at the bottom of the remarks sheet;
  • the presence of correspondence that needs to be preserved and systematized, i.e. it is assumed that users have sufficiently high skills in working with the mail client (which in most cases does not happen).


  • parallel work with the draft document at all stages of approval can significantly reduce the time for approval;
  • the presence of a history of correspondence;
  • efficiency;
  • the draft document and comments to it are moved between the stages of approval in electronic form.

Coordination is carried out by live sequential movement of the document , those. transferring a paper draft document.


  • laboriousness;
  • increase in terms of approval.


  • The CEO makes corrections and additions to the draft document sequentially, as comments are received from specialists. Thus, specialists of the next steps analyze the draft document from the changes made;
  • corrections in the paper draft of the document are almost impossible to make imperceptibly, especially if you apply sheet-by-sheet approval of the draft document by the GUIDE or his immediate supervisor;
  • the most significant: the presence of "live" visas in the approval sheet and signatures under the remarks sheet, because, as it says folk wisdom Better to be overdressed than underdressed.

7. How is the external approval of the draft document formalized?

Here is what is said in the Instructions on office work in the apparatus of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, approved by order No. 76 of June 15, 2007 (as amended on January 20, 2015):


from the Instruction on office work in the apparatus of the Judicial Department

at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

3.3.18. Approval of the draft document

[…] External approval of the document is formalized with the stamp of approval. The stamp of approval is located below the requisite "Signature" on the front side in the lower left field of the document and includes: the word "AGREED"; the name of the position of the person with whom the document is agreed (including the name of the organization), personal signature, signature and date of approval or the name of the document confirming the agreement, its date and number, for example:


Deputy Minister of Finance

Russian Federation

__________________ ____________________

(personal signature) (initials, surname)


board decision

Judicial Department

dated 27.03.2007 No. ___

Thus, external matching:

  • can be carried out by specific official or a document (letter, protocol, etc.);
  • issued in the form of an approval stamp or an approval sheet;
  • practically not regulated by internal regulations organizations.

Office Service Role

The role of the records management service during the document approval procedure is as follows:

  • to support and general control of compliance with the established procedure for approval and terms of consideration at each stage;
  • coordinating and ensuring the interaction of specialists - participants in the approval procedure;
  • timely informing the participants of the procedure and senior management about the status of the approval process.

In addition, the records management service must constantly monitor and check the relevance and improve the approval schemes and routes for the movement of documents as part of the approval procedure, keep up to date the lists of departments and responsible persons involved in the approval of documents. For the high-quality performance of these duties, office workers must be well versed in business processes, schemes, forms and procedures for the interaction of organizational units.

Organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003, approved by the Federal Archives.

Home the norm of agreement in Russian is agreement of the subject with the predicate in a sentence ( Sun is up. Roosters crowed.), as well as agreement of the determined with the main word in the phrase ( red apple, wooden table). But the Russian language is very multifaceted, so sometimes it is quite difficult to determine the dependent form. To do this, you need to know about some rules.

1. In official speech the semantic replacement of agreement is considered incorrect in cases where the noun male, denoting a profession or occupation, agrees with the verb in the feminine gender (if the person who names the noun is a person female):

The doctor entered the room (not corr.). - Doctor Tikhonova entered the ward (corr.).

As we can see, only if there is a proper name indicating belonging to the feminine gender, the predicate is consistent with the proper name in the feminine gender. The same thing happens when there is standalone application, which is expressed by a common noun:

Alyona, my curator, today I could not come to class.

2. At the same time, in other phrases like "common + proper"(names of cities, rivers, countries, names of animals, etc.) the predicate is consistent with the common noun:

Hero City Moscow these days looked pretty gloomy. kitty Cherry had white nose and funny tassels on the ears.

3. Phrases with collective nouns require agreement in singular, without any exceptions. Semantic agreement in this case is a case of vernacular and is categorically not allowed.

The crowd of people were noisy and worried (nekorr.). - The crowd of people was noisy and worried (corr.).

The bride's relatives did not like the groom very much (corr.) - The bride's relatives did not really love the groom (corr.).

Agreement with the pronoun "who", "what".

Pronouns "who" ("someone") and "what" ("something") by default require singular agreement: who- male, what- average.

Whoever came in to the room, everyone praised the new renovation.

Something light and bright settled in her soul.

Agreement with words of a different gender and number possible only if used with a qualifying pronoun "that" (that, then, those):

Those who came to a meeting got a lot of pleasant impressions.

The one that was me, for a long time has changed and became another.

Coordination of nouns associated with the numerals "two", "three", "four", with definitions.

1. Nouns masculine and neuter in such phrases consistent with the definition in the genitive plural. In this case, the noun in such a phrase will be in the form of the genitive case: two open windows, four small cucumbers.

2. Nouns the feminine in this case takes the form of the nominative plural, and agrees with the definition in the same form: three green birches, two huge parcels. If the noun takes the genitive plural form, then the definition can also take the genitive form:

From the hillside one could see two snow-covered tops.

As you can see, in each of these cases the numeral is in nominative case, regardless of the case in which the other parts of the phrase are.

Agreement between the predicate and the subject, which is a collective quantity (“most”, “half”, “row”, “part”).

  1. If the controlled word is in the plural, then the collective noun comes into agreement with the predicate, as a result of which the predicate is used in the form sole person: Most employees supported reform.
  2. If the noun does not have controlled words or the existing controlled word is in the singular, then the predicate is also used in the singular person: A number of symptoms pointed out for pneumonia. Majority supported lifting of sanctions.

From this rule, there are several exceptions when the predicate can be used in the plural:

  • If a noun has several controlled words in the plural form at once: Most girls, girls and women adore sweets.
  • If there are other members of the sentence between the subject and the predicate, subordinate clause with a plural conjunction or participial: Some of the visitors who watched the premiere stayed frankly dissatisfied. Most of the visitors who watched the premiere stayed frankly dissatisfied.
  • If the proposal contains a compound nominal predicate, nominal part which is expressed by participles and adjectives: Part of the trees in this forest were coniferous.
  • If along with the subject there are homogeneous predicates: A number of symptoms aggravated and become much sharper.

The same rules apply to sentences with the words "many", "little", "how many", "several", "so many", "many" in the role of the subject and agreement with the predicate.

The methods of subordination are as follows: coordination, control, adjacency

Coordination as a way of subordination

  • Coordination- this is a kind of subordinating connection, when the dependent word takes on the grammatical forms of the main word, for example: a beautiful picture.

main word when agreed are a noun, substantivized adjective or participle (i.e. passed into the category of nouns), as well as a pronoun, a noun, for example: high spirits, student canteen.

dependent word can be an adjective, pronoun-adjective, ordinal number or participle, i.e. such categories of words in which the categories of gender, number and case are not independent, for example: the right decision, our meeting.

Management as a way of subordination

  • Control- a kind of subordinative connection, when the dependent word is used in that indirect case that requires the main word, for example: write a book, click teeth, advise a friend (to whom? dative case);

main word when managing, it can act as a verb (to enjoy meeting), a noun (love for people), an adjective (worthy of regret), an adverb (not far from the city), ordinal number (first in class).

When driving dependent word nouns, noun pronouns, substantiated adjectives always appear (cover with snow, talk with workers).

Adjacency as a way of subordination

  • adjoining- this is the kind syntactic connection when an immutable dependent word is attached to the main one in meaning. For example: Very nice (how nice?).

Adjoining invariable words: infinitive, adverb, simple form comparative degree, gerund, some invariable adjectives (order to advance, door to the left, a little south).

Infinitive adjoins the verb (try to answer, came to visit), noun (desire to make peace), adjective (intends to rest)

Comparative forms adjoin the verb (answer better, run faster), to the noun (the news is more interesting, the drink is stronger)

Participles adjoin the verb in cases where the meaning of the adverb develops in them (read lying, sleep sitting).

Invariable adjectives such as beige, mini, maxi, Hindi, midi, flared, etc. adjoin nouns (Hindi language, peak hours).

Distinguish between connection and control

  • Her shoes- this is an adjunction (whose?),
  • To see him- management (of whom?).

In the ranks of pronouns there are two homonymous ranks. Personal pronoun answers questions indirect cases, and it participates in a subordinating relationship - this is control, and the possessive participates in adjacency.

  • run to the store- management,
  • go here- junction.

It is important to distinguish between the prepositional case form and the adverb, because there may be the same questions! If there is a preposition between the main and dependent word, then this is management.

Consent is like this subordination, in which the main word requires that the dependent word be placed in the same (all or some) grammatical forms in which the main word appears.

Since when agreeing in phrases there is always a noun, the agreement is carried out in the forms inherent in the noun - in the forms of gender, number and case:

units hours, m.r., I. p.

big house, in an old park, at the dinner table.

Which word in phrases with agreement is the main one, and which is dependent, is determined on grammatical basis. The main thing is the word that can be put in any form inherent in it, while the dependent word will always have the corresponding concordant forms, cf .: good teacher - good teachers - oh a good teacher. A dependent word is one that in a given phrase cannot realize all the forms inherent in it, but only realizes those that the main word dictates: it is impossible, for example, the phrase * a good teacher.

In cases where two nouns are combined by an agreement, it is impossible to determine the main and dependent word on a grammatical basis. So, in the phrase handsome man, you can put the noun handsome in any form, and for him there will always be the corresponding form of the noun man, and vice versa: handsome men, about handsome men, handsome men, etc. In phrases with agreement, in which it is impossible to determine the main and dependent word on a grammatical basis, is represented by special variety agreement - mutual agreement.

With mutual agreement, it is possible to distinguish between the main and the dependent word only by meaning. If, for example, we assume that the word that names a broader concept is the main one, and a narrower one is dependent, then in phrases with mutual agreement, the ship-ore carrier, the young man-student, the Ossetian-cab driver, the handsome man-man are the main ones by location the words.

On the basis of agreement, the noun as the main word and the adjective, participle, pronominal adjective as dependent words are most often combined: tall man, withered flower, my briefcase.

On the basis of mutual agreement, nouns are combined: a dictionary-reference book, a dump truck; hero city.

Agreement can be complete and incomplete m. With full agreement, the agreed words are likened in all forms, with incomplete - not in all forms. For example, in the phrase city of Moscow, agreement occurs in the forms of number and case, but there is no agreement in gender. A special case incomplete agreement is presented in the phrases good doctor, young associate professor, where the feminine gender of the dependent adjective shows the real gender (female) of the person, the profession, the title of which is indicated by a masculine noun. Such a mismatch in gender is possible only in non-strict spheres. literary language, for example, in colloquial speech, in official business speech such combinations are not allowed; it would be correct there: a good doctor, a young assistant professor, even if we are talking about a woman.

Main grammatical meaning forms of connection of agreement - an expression of defining relations.

Agreement is a purely grammatical connection. This means: you can know nothing about the lexical meaning of the main word and know only its grammatical indicators in order to say exactly what form any one should be put into in its own way. lexical meaning dependent word. For example, all masculine nouns singular. numbers in the T. case will, upon agreement, have adjectives in the same forms: young forest, fast train, etc.

Coordination is an optional connection, that is, in a sentence, a dependent word can be removed without destroying the structure of the sentence, cf.

Agreement is a morphological likening of the form of the dependent word to the form of the main word. The weak point is the choice of ways to coordinate the predicate with the subject in Russian.

Here are some rules that governnorms of agreement of the subjectwith predicate:

1. The predicate is put in the formsingular,if the subject includes nouns with the meaning of a certain amount (flock, group, three, couple, dozen, hundred etc.):Troika horses harnessed into the wagon A flock of birds flew south.

2. The predicate is put in the formsingular, e if the subject includes nouns with the meaningtime period(hour, day, year etc.):Gone two years. Ten days of rest flew by unnoticed.

3. With the subject, expressed collective noun (row , majority, minority, part ) and the wordseveral + noun in the genitive plural, the predicate can be singular or plural.

In the shape ofsingularin the following cases:

    noun refers to an inanimate object:Part light bulbs burned out;

    the predicate precedes the subject: Several people came up. Most of the exhibits have been removed;

    with the subject there is a definition: The overwhelming majority voted "For";

    if the predicate is expressed by a passive participle:Most of the soldiers are wounded.

The predicate is placed inplural:

    The noun denotes an animated object:Several workers were laid off;

    in the composition of the predicate or subject is homogeneous members: Several boys and girls stood at the entrance. Most of the children had a good rest, gained strength and started their studies;

    between the subject and the predicate there is a subordinate or attributive phrase:Several vacationers waiting for the bus walking down the alley . The predicate here adjusts to the nearest component -waiting.

4. If the statement conveys the joint action of several persons,plural,when both objects (persons) act as equal producers of action:Maxim with Oleg for a long time waited father's return .

If the second object accompanies the main producer of the action, then the second noun is an addition, the predicate is put in the formsingular: Grandmother with grandson went to the store.

5. The question often arises of how the definition agrees (in the nominative or genitive case) when combining a noun and a numeraltwo three four. The choice of the form of the nominative or genitive depends on whether the definition is before or after the numeral:

The definition comes after the numeral:

    the definition is ingenitive case,if the noun is masculine or neuter: Threenew car off the assembly line. Two neighboring the fields are sown with rye.

    if the noun is feminine, then the definition is put innominativecase:Four white lilies swam in the water.

    - the definition comes before the numeral:

    usedNominative caseregardless of gendernoun:He traded for them greyhounds three dogs . New four houses appeared in the microdistrict.

6. If the subject, which includes numerals, is preceded byrestrictive particles(only, only, only, etc.), then the predicate is put in the formsingular: Total only five persons came for an occupation.

7. If the subject includes a compound number that ends inone ( forty-one, three hundred and seventy-one, five hundred and thirty-one etc.), then the predicate is put in the formsingular: In conference accepted participation one hundred and twenty one student. Thirty-one women have received awards for motherhood.

8. If the subject includes numeralsthousand, million, billion, then the predicate is put in the formsingular : One thousand human came out for Saturday.

9. If the subject includes wordsabout, less, more, over , then the predicate can be used as inthe only, and inplural: More than a hundred students are (are) engaged in scientific work.