How to become disciplined and punctual. Overcoming new small changes leads to huge results

Guys, be more determined. Your insecurity is your first enemy!
Girls, be humble. Let the guy finally take the initiative!

Any relationship develops incrementally. Gradually, friendship turns into affection, affection - into love, love - into family obligations. The intensity of mutual caresses also changes. A light friendly kiss on the cheek turns into a kiss on the lips. And then it's time for more passionate kisses.

Here, for most young people and girls, the question arises of how to kiss passionately. Indeed, this one is quite serious step requires preparation. An “adult” kiss is already a prelude to something more. It helps partners get used to each other, feel the first sensation of mutual intimacy.

In fact, you should not think long about how to learn to kiss in a hickey. It's not difficult at all! It is enough just to read a few general recommendations and start practicing. Only daily workshops will make you a master of this art. Believe me, over time you will stop racking your brains. You will just do it, give your partner a piece of yourself and receive a lot of positive emotions in return.

In order to learn how to kiss passionately, choose the right time and place, and then start the experiment.

Stages of a kiss

The kiss should go on increasing. Don't jump right into your partner. If you are a girl, be gentle and compliant, if you are a guy, try to contain your impatience. A wide open mouth and a tongue stuck in the entire depth of the mouth are not the best remedy in order to show that you know how to kiss passionately. You can just scare your partner with such aggression and never see him again.

Control saliva flow. This applies to both girls and boys. Too wet a kiss at first is unacceptable. Let your partner get used to your taste and smell, do not fill his mouth with your saliva, do not lick him, this can cause a simple physical disgust.

How should a guy behave?

Guys, be more determined. Your insecurity is your first enemy. Let your girlfriend not guess that you just didn’t know how to do all this yesterday. But don't forget: there is an even bigger enemy than uncertainty. This is artificiality. No one should ever know that you are trying to follow some rules. Rules kill feelings, they nullify intimacy and infatuation. surrender own feelings and try to guess the sensations experienced by the partner.

How should a girl behave?

Over time, you will stop racking your brains over how to learn how to kiss passionately. You will just do it, give your partner a piece of yourself and receive a lot of positive emotions in return!

Girls, be humble. Finally, let the guy take the initiative. Relax and enjoy the process. Action time will come later, wait a bit. If you feel your partner's tongue in your mouth, gently stroke it with your tongue, as a rule, most men are completely delighted with this. By the way, you can close your eyes, this will intensify your sensations and produce good impression on a partner. Girls, oddly enough, are still adorned with modesty.

Don't delay the process. You don't get the Guinness Award for the longest kiss in the world. So, do it for as long as you want, remembering sometimes to break away from each other to swallow saliva and say a couple of gentle words. If everything has already happened, then you no longer need to think about how and what to do. You can relax and get mutual pleasure from the process.

Admit to yourself that you have asked yourself more than once exciting question, . Do not be embarrassed, it is of interest not only to today's youth, but also to older people who have been married for a long time and have children. Behind long years spent together, two loving people may never learn the art of kissing on the lips. But this is very important point especially for ladies. It reflects certain form closeness of a man and a woman.

How to kiss with tongue

Touching your lips to another person, you can chase different goals. Based on this, one can distinguish the following types this action:

The name of the kiss How is it happening
Related When meeting with relatives, a light kiss on the neck or cheek can become a form of greeting. This is especially true in Italy and France. Some Slavic peoples also follow this tradition.
Friendly With it, we thank friends or acquaintances for warmth, care or peace of mind. Educated gentlemen, kissing the hand of a lady at a meeting, express their respect and respect.


"French" With it, lovers openly express their feelings. This action is performed with a slightly open mouth, so that the partner's tongue gets into it freely. In the process, you can improvise: stroke or bite each other, or otherwise kiss with the tongue.
"butterfly wings" The closed lips of two loving people gently touch the most hidden parts of the body: cheeks, eyes, neck or sponges. In the process, you can whisper in your ear various words love.
"in a hickey" A real kiss "in an adult way." Various parts of the partner's body are used, a kind of technique that involves the joint actions of the tongue and lips.
Farewell Hearts that love each other with its help convey their feelings before a short separation (at the end of a date or, if necessary, go somewhere). This is a kind of gratitude for the presented joy of coexistence. Inadvertently, it can turn into a fit of passion and a stormy night.

How to learn to kiss with tongue

The technique of the correct kiss is actively used in foreplay. So, if you plan to continue the evening in bed, you need to be able to do it right. Actions should not confuse your partner and make you tense up. Both of you should experience pleasure, excitement and an ever-increasing passion from them.

Young and inexperienced young people, in order not to look ugly on a first date, should study some of the recommendations on how to kiss with their tongues given in the table.

What turns you on when kissing

Fundamental rules How to act
Refuse to use onions, garlic, alcohol and cigarettes. No one likes kissing an ashtray that is barely standing on its feet from drinking.
Perfect condition of lips, hands, hair. Everyone wants to eat delicious and smelling candy. If you want to play the role of this sweetness, then you need to look your best.
romantic setting Use all kinds of devices to create the appropriate aura: quiet music, low light, rose petals, scented candles.
Appropriate body and oral hygiene. Even if you are deeply in love, the smell from your mouth can discourage all the desire to hold your soul mate in your arms. If a toothpaste is out of reach, use other means: chewing gum, sprays, apple or parsley.
Use of hands No need to freeze in one position, stroke the source of your desire on the neck, hair or back. This will help both of you relax.
Do not be silent Combine lips touching parts of the partner’s body with gentle cooing in the ear nice words and compliments.
Practice on a tomato or peach Swipe Pre training exercises using a juicy fruit or vegetable. In the future, remembering how you did it, you will be able to deliver a lot of pleasure to both yourself and the girl with a kiss.

What should be the first kiss

The first touch with lips even on the cheeks of the object of one's adoration is very exciting. Having already learned how to kiss with the tongue, you can experience amazing bliss from each other's actions. If a girl is young and brought up in strictness, she will carefully prepare for the moment when she allows herself to be kissed for the first time, and even more so frankly with the penetration of the tongue.

How to kiss on the lips

By the way, any decent guy will not have respect for the one who on the first date will pounce on his neck.

The collected statistics show that about seventy percent of partners at the first meeting not only kissed, but also entered into an intimate relationship. But more often than not, these meetings never developed into something more serious. Therefore, if a guy values ​​\u200b\u200bhis chosen one, then he will respect her principles and wait for a response for as long as necessary. You should decide what you expect from the relationship, and what, in your opinion, they should become.

What not to do first

The unspoken laws of decency require girls not to throw themselves on a guy's neck at the first meeting and not allow him to take unnecessary actions. A frivolous man will not be happy with this state of affairs. But, if the spark ran, and you are waiting for a serious and long-term relationship, then such behavior will only strengthen the belief that the choice was made correctly.

In the event that a lady is crazy about her gentleman, and no creeps are planned on his part due to modesty and shyness, then you need to be more wise. Use all possible female tricks and charm, but within the bounds of decency, of course.

How to like a guy

If you want to win a guy over and get him to take the initiative, then explore the things he's interested in. Is your chosen one an avid fan? Go to a match with him and sincerely rejoice at the success of your favorite team. Just do it as naturally as possible, and not under duress. Romantic natures will like walking in the park in the evening, talking about books and musical compositions.

Only when the girl is really passionate, these actions will be truly sincere and come from the heart. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to step over your interests and strive, by all means, to please your beloved. For example, if you are passionate about parachuting, joint jumps are not at all necessary. It will be enough to be present at the competition.

Men are actually not as simple as they seem. And any tricks that are made not from pure heart, bite into one or two. At the same time, sincere feelings will support and reciprocate. Thus, it will not be difficult to bring the moment of the first kiss closer.

In the first touch of each other with lips, you should put all your sensuality and tenderness. Imagine that by kissing, you give each other a piece of youth and beauty. No need to rapidly develop events, but modesty will also be inappropriate.

How to be the first to take the initiative

Most often, decisive action is expected from a man. But do not forget that he is, in fact, a hunter. He will quickly lose interest in you if you are too pushy. But, if the partner is modest enough, how to make him act more decisively? Every woman feels that very “moment of truth”. If you've been dating for quite some time, and the guy is afraid to even touch you, then you should take that very first step.

Most likely, you have already studied all necessary information about how to kiss with tongue. But, nevertheless, some basic rules will not hurt you.

Erotic kiss rules

Give your look more piercing. It will be better than any words. By frankly looking into the guy's eyes, you will let him know that you are ready for a kiss.

  • Gently hug and snuggle up to each other.
  • Lightly touch his lips with your eyes closed.
  • When kissing, open your mouth slightly, so you will make it clear that you are waiting for decisive action from him.

Few men can resist such a manifestation of feelings. Most often, you will be answered with a French kiss. But you do not need to immediately demonstrate all your skills and abilities, if you have them. Further practice will help you achieve good results, improving and getting real pleasure.

The Art of Tongue Kissing

If both partners have moved to the manifestation of the most decisive action, then in this case, timidity or uncertainty is completely inappropriate. Most likely, passion and love emotions completely filled the brain of lovers. But do not take frank caresses if the woman has not yet decided on them. Be patient enough and attentive to each other's desires.

How to turn a guy on with a kiss

With a French kiss, you do not need to strive for deep penetration of the tongue into the partner's mouth. Avoid excessive salivation. Such a manifestation of feelings can cause a backlash and push the girl away.

There are a number of unwritten rules that must be followed when making love kisses. Pay attention to the main ones:

Key Aspects Description
Mutual feelings Only two loving people are able to give each other a quality moment of pleasure. Even if the young man is not experienced, but is crazy about his chosen one, you are guaranteed an unforgettable experience.
Clean body and neat appearance Intimate actions during a kiss suggest freshness of breath, body fragrance, well-groomed nails, neat clothes. This is the only way to create a favorable aura of closeness of two hearts.
Measure in cosmetics Too thick a layer of lipstick on the lips is unlikely to please your chosen one. Perfume should also be chosen with a fresh, natural and delicate scent.
Naturalness and ease of action It is not at all necessary to pre-announce that a kiss will happen now.
Calm and even breathing You should not try to hold your breath, you are not at a sporting event.
Correct location of body parts It doesn't need to be so nice moment was interrupted by an uncomfortable position of the body. To keep your nose out of the way, position your head at an angle to the man's head.
Embrace Use your hands to demonstrate all your tenderness and passion. Stroke your partner's neck, back, or hair.

The basic nuances of a kiss in French

Throw aside all your complexes when performing this action! No taboos or prohibitions! Modesty and shyness will be absolutely superfluous qualities in this process.

Important kissing rules:

  • The first touch to each other's lips should be light.
  • Then slightly open your mouth, close your eyes and cling to the lips of your beloved.
  • Touch your partner's tongue with your tongue and gently stroke it. Do not forget about naturalness and ease. Try not to make the tongue too tense or sluggish.
  • Mutual contact with tongues, stroking in different directions.
  • Don't leave your lips blank. Change the intensity of the kiss from gentle to more passionate. Throughout the action, do not open your mouth.
  • Gentle kisses on the face before or after intimate actions with tongues add pleasure and pleasant sensations.
  • ​Change the technique, speed, and method of touch as you go.
  • In a fit of passion, the penetration of the tongue is deeper than with gentle touches.
  • The kiss can be fast or slow.

You can use a combined approach or stick to one variant of the manifestation of tenderness. It all depends on the feelings that two have for each other. One thing is important, that it is not at all difficult to understand how to kiss with the tongue. And constant training will bring perfection to your actions and give delightful pleasure.

You will be interested.

Penetrate her mouth, lick her tongue, touch the inside of her mouth, run your tongue over her teeth, play with her tongue. Start with light touches with the tip of your tongue, sometimes such a simple touch is a great pleasure. Play with your girl's tongue by flicking it quickly with the tip of your tongue.

And you can rub your tongues. But to be honest, this question sounds strange, just like you are asking: “What should I do with my tongue while eating?” Sea options. The tongue is the most mobile organ human body they can work wonders.

Do languages ​​need to work at the same time?

Yes. French kissing is usually initiated by one of the partners, so at first one person works the language. For example, you are kissing your girlfriend, but you want something more exciting, and you gently touch your tongue to her lips and wait until she answers you with her tongue ... There is contact! The most exciting moment of the kiss is coming! You both start the game: you run away - she catches up, she runs away - you catch up. And when it will end... no one knows.

Is it possible to forcefully press on your partner's tongue with yours?

You can, but to the extent that you yourself would like it. It is especially pleasant when she resists with her tongue. Now wait and see her reaction. Does she resist? Or obey? Starts a tongue fight? Her reaction can tell you a lot about her true feelings.

How to end a kiss in French?

Gently retract your tongue, tilt your head and close your mouth. If you do all of these at the same time, it will be pretty abrupt. If you want to show tact, then after the kiss, do not immediately move away from your partner. Abrupt withdrawal can lead to emotional shock. To soften it, smile at your girlfriend, caress her. You can also end with a "dry" kiss on the lips or forehead.

How to make me like french kissing?

You can develop a taste for kissing with your tongue more by thinking about how much you enjoy eating your favorite foods. Do you like ice cream, sweets, cakes? As you eat them, focus on how they taste, how they make you feel. If you like it, you can be sure that you will also like the feeling of your partner's tongue in your mouth. Your hatred of French kissing may disappear if you change partners. Your disgust will go away if you kiss a girl you're crazy about. With her, any action will bring you pleasure. The stronger the feeling of pleasure, the more you should enjoy French kissing.

Do all couples practice French kissing?

No, some are limited to simple kisses on the lips. You can live without French kissing. If you absolutely do not like them, it is better to tell your girlfriend about it, she should respect your wishes. Tell her about it before you start kissing: not in excited state She will quickly agree to your request. Of course, she can try to change your taste, but if she fails, she will have to put up with it, as she would put up with the fact that you, for example, are a vegetarian.

Does French kissing really have to be the same as in the movies?

No, and this constantly confuses young viewers who are trying to learn how to kiss in this way. One girl asked me, “When people kiss in movies, they always open and close their mouths passionately. When I first French kissed, I tried to do what they do in the movies. It all ended with the fact that I simply bit my boyfriend's tongue. So what should you do while kissing? Just sit with your mouths wide open and your tongues joined? Movie kisses rarely look like they do in real life, because only outer side actions. Often it is reflected more than necessary. It is not at all necessary to open and close your mouth during a French kiss.

Is it possible to French kiss without touching the lips?

Yes, it is possible to French kiss without touching each other's lips if both partners stick out their tongues and come close enough to each other that the tips of their tongues touch. Then they will play with tongues without the participation of lips. Such an unusual and exciting kiss very often turns into more intimate caresses.

Is it possible to French kiss without the participation of the tongue?

No, because a French kiss always involves the contact of the partners' tongues. In other words, during a French kiss, the partners' tongues must touch each other at least once, at least for a split second. It is very important to remember this. You may need such knowledge if suddenly your girlfriend wants to test you and asks: “Darling, yesterday we kissed in French, or was it a kiss without the participation of the tongue?”

A kiss in which partners touch each other's lips and open and close their mouths can be incredibly pleasurable, especially if it is interspersed with "sucking" kisses, which involve sucking on the partner's upper lip while she nibbles on your lower lip.

How should you breathe while kissing in French?

Breathe through your nose while French kissing. You can practice ahead of time. Sounds boring? Would you ever think of something like that? Try during your workout to imagine that you are kissing a person to whom you are not indifferent. Trust me, you won't find it boring! Breathing through your nose, you can extend the kiss as long as you like. long time without opening your mouth.

Why do I get nervous during a French kiss?

This may be because the contact of the tongues during a kiss is as intimate as sex. It is arousing and can serve as a smooth transition to more intimate love affairs, which may or may not be desirable. It can turn both of you on at the same time. It brings you closer, more than a hug or a handshake. It affects your feelings, which means that your nervous system is in perfect order.

Is it true that French kissing is done all over the world?

Not true. Arctic people don't French kiss. In Asia, such kissing is very rare and considered unhealthy. On South Pacific Ocean instead of a French kiss, partners suck each other lower lips. Variations on the theme of the French kiss are common among the inhabitants of this region, when the partner strokes the tongue of his chosen one with his tongue.

Is it necessary to rotate the tongue during a French kiss?

If you like it, don't give it up for anything. Enough a large number of people rotate their tongue during a French kiss. But if your partner does not feel any joy from this, which you will certainly see from her reaction, it is better to stop such actions. On the other hand, if you can't live without it, you can gradually accustom your partner to your kissing style. However, remember that rotational movements language during a kiss in French is not required. If you don't like it, you don't have to do it. Nobody can force you in without fail roll your tongue while kissing.

Why do some guys avoid tongue touching?

Approximately 3% of women are surprised that their partners, contrary to tradition, avoid contact with the tongue. For example: “One evening we were returning home from the cinema. Then for the first time we were drawn to each other, and we kissed in French. But during the kiss, he did not work his tongue, and I had the feeling that I was kissing a hole in the wall. Why didn't he use his tongue?" The answer is: this guy was either inexperienced, or timid, or simply did not know that a French kiss involves the use of language.

But maybe there was a deeper, psychological reason. He might want his girlfriend to take the lead. Here, for example, is what one young man says about this: “When I kiss my girlfriend, I just don’t know what to do with my tongue. Because I want to kiss her without any tongues. I know she likes French kissing, but every time it comes down to it, I feel like an inexperienced fool." For some girls, these guys are good change impressions, giving them the opportunity to show their own qualities of a leader.

Is it possible to enhance the pleasure of a French kiss with some kind of fragrance?

Certainly. Before kissing, drink iced tea or something else that tastes good, your partner will feel it when you start French kissing. Then it will be her turn to drink something, so that you, too, feel the good taste. You can experiment with different types ice cream, it will give you a pleasant feeling of exciting freshness.

Does a kiss have to be like fireworks?

Yes. If you are kissing in French with a person to whom you are really not indifferent, the sensations from the kiss are enchanting. Young people say that this makes them dizzy, their hearts pound strongly, their knees tremble, their palms begin to sweat, they get goosebumps and they lose control of themselves, they catch their breath and pressure starts to jump - in general, everything is like in a car accident, but not like that. scary and without casualties.

Is French kissing necessary all the time?

No, because sometimes you still need a change. There are over 25 other types of kisses you can try out. If you're constantly French kissing, you may feel tired of it after a while. In addition, many couples say that sometimes simple innocent kisses are much more enjoyable.

At first glance, a kiss is a fairly common thing for adults, so this should not cause any particular difficulties. But beginners in this business probably don’t know how to kiss correctly, so it would not be out of place for them to learn about a certain technique of action that helps not to lose face in front of their partner. What can we say, many adults still do not know how to kiss correctly, considering their clumsy inclinations for a real kiss.

The kiss itself denotes the great sympathy of one person for another, representing an extremely intimate expression of one's feelings. But kissing another person can be different, so few will argue about the differences between a friendly kiss and a more passionate kiss that we bestow on our loved one. Let's try to understand these aspects, as well as quite simple rules the right kiss.

Basic rules for a kiss

If you want to know how to learn how to kiss, then you should follow a number of specific recommendations that turn out to be very useful for both the guy and the girl:

  • Prepare your lips first. A kiss consists of nuances, so attention to detail is fully justified here. Few people enjoy kissing a person whose lips look like a dry piece of granite, so you should take care of them properly. You can use brown sugar to exfoliate your lips. Then you can treat your lips with a special balm, or hygienic lipstick to moisturize them.
  • Take care of the freshness of your breath. If you have a romantic meeting with your loved one, then the day before you should not eat garlic and onions. On the day of the date, you should also avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, because few people like to smell this kind of smell. Be sure to thoroughly brush your teeth, as well as use additional refreshers - chewing gum, mouthwash, etc.
  • Also remember that your appearance, as well as the smell of your body, play an important role. You should breathe freshness and good perfume, although this is only general recommendation. Some people cannot stand strong smells, so the smell of perfume can scare them away. But these kinds of moments are special cases that any person should know about his partner. Also, girls should not abuse their lipstick, because your boyfriend is unlikely to appreciate his dirty face.
  • Kissing another person should be casual and easy, as if it were a natural extension of what is happening between two people. You don’t need to ask your partner’s permission to kiss, and also report that you are about to kiss him - these are direct signs of your insecurity, and few people like it.
  • Take care of yourself while kissing. No need to hold your breath - this is not a parachute jump, but quite natural action. Do not be constrained, try to include your hands in the process, but do not overdo it. We think that light strokes of the back will be quite enough if we are talking about the first kiss.
  • Position your head slightly at an angle to your partner's head. It may seem funny to experienced people, but beginners should listen - so you will not come face to face with your lover.
  • Choose a place for the first kiss so that there are not too many people there. It is unlikely that any girl will agree to go on a first date to a young man's home, so it will most likely take place on no man's land, so this must be taken into account.
  • Before the kiss itself, a kind of "reconnaissance" should be carried out. Try starting with light touches while watching your partner's reaction. If you can clearly see that he does not mind, then you can start with kisses on the cheek. Kissing on the neck right away is not recommended, because this is already a rather intimate process leading directly to intimacy. After an innocent kiss on the cheek, you can already move on to more decisive actions, gently touching your partner's lips.

If you are still not confident in yourself, not knowing how to kiss for the first time with your partner, then a few tips will come in handy for you.

The first kiss for both partners represents a certain sacrament, special form trusting relationship together. We are now talking about normal young people who respect themselves and their loved one, and not those who are much more willing to commit more frank actions under the influence of alcohol or other factors.

So, you are a young girl belonging to the category of decent girls, so a reasonable question arises before you - how to kiss a guy on a first date, and is it even worth it? Even if you really want to bring this moment closer, you should not forget about accessibility measures, because if you give a young man what he wants too early, he can quickly lose all interest in you. Yes and any normal guy will respect the principles of his girlfriend, if he really appreciates her, so he will not rush her with the first kiss.

Remember that the rules good manners, on the first date you should not let the young man superfluous. Even if you yourself really want it, you need to pull yourself together a little, which will certainly have a positive effect on your future relationships.

If a initial period your relationship has passed, and the first kiss will no longer be a sign of easy accessibility, you probably want to know how to kiss for the first time? We will not talk about the kissing technique itself yet, we will note only general points.

The girl needs to know that you should not take the initiative in such matters. Remember that it is the man who is active party, a kind of "conqueror". But there are times when a guy is so indecisive that the moment with the first kiss drags on for several months. As a rule, there is no other way out for the girl, except to take on all decisive actions.

This should also be done carefully, following the recommendations given:

  1. You need to look into the eyes of your young man. Any girl has the ability to have an inviting look in her blood, so you should let your partner know that you are ready for a kiss.
  2. Hug him, pulling him a little towards you.
  3. Close your eyes, then gently touch your lips to his lips.
  4. After the kiss, slightly open your mouth, which will make it clear to the young man that you are not against continuing at all.

A natural continuation of this will be a rather passionate kiss from the side young man. Ideally, it should be French, i.e. with the language, but for this you need to know a certain technique for its execution. It will be different, depending on the type of kiss, so let's look at them in more detail.

Technique of various kisses

There are some practical tips for those who want to know how to learn to kiss. We will not take into account friendly and related kisses, because we are considering kisses of two people who have a clear sexual interest in each other.

Let's start with a description of the technique of a gentle kiss, which is carried out without the participation of the tongue. So, kissing on the lips should be as follows:

  • At the moment of contact with a partner, slightly stretch your lips. Make sure that they are not very tense, and also not very elongated, otherwise it will no longer be a sensual kiss. Close your eyes so you can focus on the kiss itself.
  • Touch one of your partner's lips, after which you can take a short pause, stepping back a short distance.
  • Look into your partner's eyes with a smile. In his look, you will understand whether it is necessary to move on to further action or not.
  • If all is well, then you can continue kissing your boyfriend or girlfriend. We say this on purpose, because these rules apply to absolutely everyone. So, you kiss your partner, trying to make sure that his lip is sandwiched between yours. If you don't know how to kiss a guy the right way, you can practice with your finger by holding it between your lips. So you can learn to control the degree of compression, intensity and other points.
  • Next, you need to smoothly move to the second lip, doing the same manipulations with it. Grab her by sucking her with your lips a little so that you both enjoy the process of kissing.

If you want to know how to kiss with your tongue, then you need to follow these steps:

  • When kissing your partner's lips, touch them with your tongue. This will be a clear signal to him that you want to French kiss him. with tongue. If he is not yet ready for this step, then you will immediately understand everything.
  • If all is well, then you can proceed to active actions. Open your mouth wide, then push your tongue into your boyfriend's mouth. Your tongues should touch, after which you can take it a little to the side.
  • The French kiss is quite passionate in its own way, so there is no need to be ashamed of your actions. Grab your partner's head, and then start kissing his lips more intensely. After taking a breath, kiss him as if after the heat you fell to the saving neck with cold water. In this case, you need to suck on his lips, biting them a little.
  • After such an intense period, you can slightly reduce the “turnovers” without ceasing to kiss at the same time. Language should also be involved, but without such passionate manifestations, so that the partner has a desire to resume the process again. Here the game of initiative begins, i.e. you showed it, then retreated a little, giving the opportunity to do the same to your loved one.

Remember that you can kiss with the tongue with a guy various methods, changing techniques, moving from a passionate kiss to a more gentle one and vice versa.

If you want to know how to learn how to kiss in such a way that this is a clear hint to further intimacy, you can use the following suggestions.

You can kiss with or without tongue. What matters is what you do at the same time as the kiss, i.e. touch, stroking intimate areas and other manipulations. But remember that tongue kissing is more enjoyable for both partners.

Here are some tips for kissing the right way:

  1. Open your mouth slightly, then touch your partner's lips. Start with kisses only on the lips, gradually connecting the tongue to the caresses.
  2. You can lick and suck on your partner's tongue with your tongue. Take special care during this process, because the tongue is not only erogenous, but also a very vulnerable area.
  3. Try to caress with your tongue not only the partner's lips and tongue, but also the inner contour of the mouth itself.
  4. Breathe through your nose, because it will be difficult to do this with your mouth.

In principle, you already understood how to learn how to kiss, so it's time to start from theory to real action. And remember that a kiss is a special pleasure with your loved one, for whom you have the most real and sincere feelings. And the technique is just an addition, which is called "the highlight on the cake."

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Before moving on to more intimate kisses, consider a description of the main varieties of manifestation of feelings in an appropriate way:

  1. love is shown by gentle slow touches, neat as for the first time;
  2. passion as opposed to previous concept it is expressed by more emotional, frank and uncontrollable movements of the mind, not only with the lips;
  3. friendship corresponds to a meaningless kiss on the cheek or even without touching it, as if in the air;
  4. reverence - an elevated feeling, which manifests itself only in raising the lips to the object of respect;
  5. airy light and playful. Good for a little flirting. In this case expresses or good friendly relations or the birth of something more than mere sympathy;
  6. Parental tenderness or kiss of a child. The most real and valuable;

Lips using the tongue represent only loving and passionate types of kisses, as they show exactly the physiological needs, both in the case of a guy and a girl. The organs participating in the process of contact through their receptors transmit the necessary information to the parts of the brain that are responsible for feelings. And from there they come out in the form of excitement and desire. Therefore, kisses often end not only with mutual caresses, but also with an intimate relationship.

Kiss with lips without a tongue

When the time comes for growing up, changes begin to occur with the guy and the girl in terms of the appearance of sexual characteristics. This is how teenage love begins. Modern sympathy is not limited to evening walks and handshakes. There comes a moment of physical manifestation of feelings.

Multiple videos that our children have to watch since childhood are already saturated with vivid scenes of love. But no one explains at this time to the kids that real emotions can be shown not only in this way. So they have to try to master science on their own. Let's try to tell:

  • Freshness. If you decide that today you will definitely let your soulmate kiss you, prepare your breath for this. Good breath is more important than ever;
  • Practice. Imagine your partner and touch your lips, but not too defiantly and demandingly, but gently. Use your wrist to feel how your loved one will roughly feel;
  • Tilt your head so that your noses do not touch each other. It interferes with the process;
  • Hold back saliva. Being wet from other people's secretions is not very pleasant, especially if you have not yet learned all the intricacies of intimate literacy;
  • That is why this kind of affection is appreciated. He is the first, laid-back and sincere, does not provide for vulgarity and sexual intimacy at an early age.

To add effect, hug the neck of a representative of the opposite sex, press a little to yourself. It is not necessary to squeeze the throat with pressure and clamp the partner in a "vice". Everything should be by mutual desired agreement. Don't forget that this kind of petting is without a tongue!

French kissing - the art of moving the tongue

How not to go further and give up deep way touches using already and language. This type of kiss is called "French". He already expresses sexual sympathy and activates not just excitement, but also the corresponding organs, nerve endings. Erogenous zones begin to awaken and influence general state organism.

The duration of this process usually does not exceed 5 minutes. Depends on how close the partners are emotionally to each other. To learn seductive tongue movements, simple lip kissing skills will not be enough. Gotta be ready:

  • doing something the first time is never easy, so just start with ordinary touch lips;
  • gradually open your mouth, but do not try to eat your partner;
  • if you were answered, continue, gradually penetrating the tongue, but slowly, inside oral cavity second half;
  • watch the reaction of the opposite sex.

If everything worked out, put yourself a "offset". The next kisses will not be so careful and interesting. Gradually, you will no longer be the initiator of events. Your chosen one or chosen one will independently provoke a French erotic kiss. So now it will be permanent, get used to it and do not be shy.

An important point in mastering the intricacies of a French kiss is complete relaxation and trust in a partner. The confidence that your feelings are not fake, but the most real and perfect, will do its job. Leave outdated prejudices and get amazing pleasure.

5 Ways to French Kiss

You have already mastered the initial laws of how to kiss with the tongue correctly, but you should go further and learn the science of all kinds:

  1. passionate "mill". It provides for movements, like the blades of a mechanical analogue, in a circle. Here, mutual play and support is indispensable;
  2. exquisite. You should touch the elements of the oral cavity: palate, teeth, gums. But this should be done as gently as possible and very calmly;
  3. gentle. "Outlining" the contours of the oral cavity, lips, tongue;
  4. playful flirt. Simultaneous use of teeth, which should gently bite the partner's lips. An addition from already familiar French caresses will not be superfluous;
  5. the last type is "Samayan", which most clearly reveals the depth of your intimate relationships. Sucking gently on the organ of the partner's oral cavity is no longer a simple skill.

You will definitely achieve these requirements over time. Everything is known as a result life experience. But don't rush to grow up. Sometimes learning the charms gradually is the best solution.

Be careful and avoid mistakes. They can cause you an irresistible disgust later and cross out all the pleasure that you previously received from a French kiss. Often, out of ignorance, with a girl and a guy, against the background of a nervous experience, an abundant secretion of saliva, which is unpleasant for some, can happen. You will have to not kiss, but wipe your mouth with improvised means.

Don't try to push your tongue too hard into your partner's mouth. You are not a corkscrew. This is annoying and can cause your significant other to feel uncomfortable, gag or choke. It is unlikely that the next attempt will be welcome.

Why do you need to kiss with the tongue

What does the usual traditional and sensual intimate kiss in French bring into our lives? These two effects affect the organs of the reproductive system and the processes of excitation, and hence the entire body. And this is a scientifically studied fact. Representatives of the University of California decided to prove it.

A small and simple experience in the form of observations and regular surveys showed the following undeniable results, which happens with regular kisses with members of the opposite sex:

  1. a noticeable increase in financial well-being;
  2. significant resistance to irritation and stressful situations;
  3. full muscle tone;
  4. excellent indicators of immunity;
  5. ideal condition and youthfulness of the skin;
  6. an increased amount of joy hormones in the body;
  7. feeling of strength and vitality.

In addition to the above positive effects, kissing reduces calories, anesthetizes and normalizes the natural metabolism in the body of both partners. Every year on July 6, the whole world bows to the art of kissing and celebrates his day. This is a manifestation of a real sensual relationship. How to resist temptation. Kissing a loved one is happiness that everyone must experience.