Energy laws of life. Development of the vital force

A book about how to survive in the modern world






The periods of activity and rest, life and death reflect the essence of the energy laws of life, according to which every creation of Nature lives. This also applies to humans.

“Essentially Life is Divinity,” says “ Secret Doctrine". Life is a manifestation of God in the visible and invisible Universe.

The One Divine Beginning (God, Absolute) manifests itself in the trinity of Spirit, Matter and Energy, and this trinity carries certain Laws of manifestation.

Everything that exists in the universe, starting from elementary particles, atoms, molecules and ending with planets and galaxies, consists of Spirit, Matter and Energy in individual, quite specific combinations, potential and properties.

spiritual center, manifesting itself in matter through the energy radiated by it, forms certain form and develops, accumulating and improving its energies in the process of contact with the world of forms. This is the simplest representation of the manifestation and evolution of the Spirit, which in material world results in the evolution of forms: the improving energies of the spirit increase the vibrations of matter, which means they improve this form. The spiritual center is a particle of the Divine Spirit, which is called a monad. The energy it accumulates is consciousness, and the radiation of consciousness in the material world is thought.

"God is Fire," says Scripture. "Space is an ocean of fire, and fiery sparks it is formed by countless monads” (P2, 103), adds E. I. Roerich.

The meaning and purpose of evolution is the disclosure and gradual deepening of consciousness - from the rudimentary form inherent in any monad to its highest and most perfect state. Because of this, the monads go through all phases of evolution in all the kingdoms of nature in countless transformations from simple and gross forms of life to complex, subtle, more perfect ones; from less conscious beings to more conscious ones. Gradually, the impersonal monad turns into a thinking being, into a self-conscious individuality.

The Secret Doctrine says the following about this: “Nature must become a combination of Spirit and Matter before man becomes what he is; and the Spirit latent in Matter must be awakened to life and consciousness gradually. The Monad must pass through its mineral, vegetable and animal forms before the Light of the Logos can awaken in animal man. After this comes the human phase of evolution - "Thinker in action" - a phase in which self-awareness and free will person.

Eastern philosophy claims that the gradual ascent of the spirit is carried out through reincarnation through karma.

Probably, there is no such person among us who has not heard something about reincarnation. The idea of ​​reincarnation underlies Indian philosophy, the teachings of Pythagoras, Plato and other thinkers of antiquity. The Wisdom of Solomon states that being born in a clean body is a reward for "kindness" (ch. 8, 20). Christ also meant this teaching when he told his disciples that John the Baptist was Elijah. If we consider Holy Bible in more detail, we will find many references to reincarnation in both the Old and New Testaments. Origen recognized that "each person receives a body according to his merits and his previous actions" (Origen, "On the Beginnings", book 2, ch. 9). Though condemned at the Second Council of Constantinople in 553, the doctrine of reincarnation was accepted by many in the enlightened circles of its time. One of the prominent thinkers of the Middle Ages expressed his attitude to this idea in such words: “I stepped out of a stone and became a plant; I stepped out of the animal and became a man; why should I be afraid of death? When did I shrink when I died? When did I become smaller when I died? In time, I will emerge from a human and become an angel.”

Next: | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 |

We will be surrounded by invisible energies that affect life, whether we know about them or not. Using them correctly, we increase our internal forces. These laws always act on people, just like the laws of physics. What should we do to make the laws of energy work for us and not against us?

Let's get acquainted with the rules that will help make our energy field stronger.

1. Determine the quality of information

Almost all information has a positive or negative connotation. The first one uplifts and inspires, which means it makes a person energetically stronger. The second - upsets and upsets, weakening his field. It is in your power to independently choose what information to receive, filter the channels of its receipt.

Watching a family movie about dogs or crime news - no one has the right to decide for us. Reduce the amount of negativity and expand the positive channels.

2. Don't stop

Life is based on movement - both physical and mental. To save high level positive energy, you need to constantly move and not allow yourself to be idle. Go in for sports, learn new things, develop your body, spirit and mind.

3. Take care of the material channels of energy supply

We get energy from outside world through quite tangible channels - food, water, air, ears, eyes and skin. All this must be clean and healthy - if any of the channels is dirty, it does not transmit energy to us well. Take care of the usefulness of food and water, the state of your health, the good functioning of the senses.

Even Aristotle listed five organs of perception - hearing, smell, sight, taste and touch. Through them, energy both enters and is lost.

4. Balance

In order for energy to flow freely to a person, he must maintain a balance - evenly develop the mind and body, think about his moral character, behavior, carefully choose people for communication.

5. Watch your reaction to certain events

Each person reacts differently to the same event. Someone will feel great, and someone will suffer in a real way - and all this is under the influence of one and the same factor. A negative reaction to certain events weakens the flow of energy, and a positive one, accordingly, increases it.

A great example is the weather. Some love bright sun and warm, others prefer snow and tingling frost. Heat-loving people often feel bad in the cold, and frost-resistant people are exhausted from the heat. Notice how your body reacts to different conditions and if possible, get rid of those that cause you inconvenience.

6. Thinking is a generator of energy

What thoughts roam in your head determines the amount of incoming energy. If you are constantly worried about something, nervous, afraid, then you lose your strength. And the more you are busy with empty experiences, the weaker you become. Bad thoughts devastate us, and good thoughts energize us, so you can’t get hung up on your problems and failures, on fatigue and illness, someone else’s evil words and envy. Get rid of it, and then you will have a lot of energy to overcome difficulties. Think about your achievements, goals, develop plans. And stop being nervous.

7. Eat quality foods

This was mentioned in passing above, but it is worth dwelling on this point again. The way you eat largely determines the amount of energy you get. There are heavy and harmful foods on which the body spends a lot of energy - first for digestion, and then for the removal of toxins. High-quality food saturates the body with useful substances, helping it to be more active and energetic. Good way determine the quality of digestion - observe your condition after eating. If drowsiness and fatigue appear, then it's time to change something.

8. Stress is an energy destroyer

Stressful events consume our energy. To get rid of their consequences, it is necessary to involve positive energy with the help of rest, joyful experiences and other means of improving mood.

9. Choose a comfortable environment

Every space has its own energy. At the city it is fast and jerky, and at countryside- slow and measured. People, buildings, plants, interiors - all this affects your energy. Everyone has their own environment, you just need to understand and choose for yourself the most comfortable conditions. One needs calm environment, and the other will languish from idleness, trying to dive into the cycle of events.

10. Serve Yourself, Not Idols

Life is given to us for development and improvement, and not for wasting time serving people, money and things. Giving yourself to them, you lose energy. By developing yourself, you accumulate it.

11. Rest

Active work must necessarily be interspersed with periods of relaxation, helping to relax the body and mind. Do not confuse with laziness and idleness! Proper rest energizes and gives you the opportunity to rush into battle with renewed vigor. Make yourself a full day off once a week and a three-day vacation every 3-4 months.

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For any person, energy is very important. For all of us, there are uniform laws of energy that should be followed in order to always be in good shape, as well as have a good mood.

The laws of energy are very different from the laws of the Universe, however, there is a certain connection between them, which we will discuss in this article. This knowledge is very important, especially for those who experience certain difficulties with luck, health and mood.

Why you need to increase energy

It is necessary to increase and maintain it at a high level so that a person does not fall into depression and is always confident in his actions. This brings good luck in any business and makes life more intense, meaningful and enjoyable. When there is no mood, everything is bad, then the energy drops. On the other hand, this process is reciprocal, since bad thoughts make energy weaker and more vulnerable.

That is why you need to know the laws of energy, which will be discussed later. Living according to these laws and regulations, you will be able to provide yourself with good luck, because without it it is sometimes simply impossible to achieve anything in love or business.

A high level of energy in the body is able to provide a person with protection not only from himself, but also from others. It's about about evil eye. When you are in good shape, it is almost impossible to break through your defense. To do this, you will need to piss you off, upset and unsettle. That is why bioenergy experts advise never to succumb to the provocations of people. It may be simple energy vampires, which is good because you are suffering, and there may be individuals who wish you harm. You can’t joke with this, because the consequences are sometimes catastrophic.

Laws of bioenergy

Main energy laws easy to understand and, most importantly, easy to follow. Follow them, and then your life will be transformed beyond recognition.

Law one: remember that work is work, and you need to rest as efficiently as working. Timely rest will always help you save the energy of the body. For example, during the day you should have breaks and the opportunity to just sit and not think about anything. At least one day a week should be unloading. You should just do nothing, and rest not only physically, but also psychologically. Try reading a book, watching a movie, getting more sleep in the morning. The best day for this, of course, is Sunday. Once every three months, you need to take a short vacation for an additional two days so that the brain and body can take a break from the gray everyday life and from everyday problems. Constant loads deplete and squeeze all the juice out of a person, even if the work is simple and brings joy. Even housewives need a change of scenery from time to time.

Law two: a person's energy depends not only on what he does, but also on the state of the stars and the moon. To track impact space objects there are horoscopes and a lunar calendar for people. They will give you everything important information about how to live each new day. Horoscopes will also help to plan things for a month, six months or even a year ahead. Moon calendar and weekly horoscopes will help you tune in the right wave and learn what to expect from people and from ourselves. People with strong energy less influenced by stars, planets and the moon, but it still leaves its mark, so do not ignore the forecasts of astrologers.

Law three: a good mood increases energy and, conversely, a high level of energy makes you enjoy life and always be positive. Avoid depressions that destroy consciousness. They lead to failures in all areas of life, because the energy layers are destroyed and torn like thin sheets of paper under a load. psychological problems. Do your favorite things, hobbies, watch less TV, meet friends. In a word, live full life and don't go into isolation.

Law Four: watch your health, because it is one of the main regulators energy processes in the body. Get rid of everyone bad habits that you have. This applies primarily to fatty foods, fast food and smoking. It is not necessary to engage in a full-fledged sport without missing a single workout. You can just run from time to time in the morning or after work. You can do exercises at home. So your body will always be in good shape, which cannot but reflect well on energy. Go to bed on time and do not overload the body, if not good reasons. Keep track of the quality of the food you eat. It is better to eat less but healthier food than to eat more but wrong.

Law five: watch your thoughts. Thoughts are material, therefore, you yourself are the source of any problems or successes. Even if everything is bad, then you should not wind yourself up that you are a loser or loser. Be positive, because failure happens to everyone - they teach us. Negativity breeds negativity, so avoid dark thoughts. Use affirmations to bring good luck. These phrases will increase your motivation, calm you down and put you on the right path.

Law six: do not stand still, for movement is life itself. Development should be not only physically, but also internal, spiritual. Read more and look for something new in everything. Novelty attracts good luck and increases a person's energy. Set goals for yourself to achieve them, and not leave them unachieved. Don't be afraid to study things that take time. So you will not be overtaken by stagnation in creativity.

law seven: get rid of everything that brings you only negativity. Don't be afraid to say no to people, and don't be afraid to be alone. Better quiet solitude than company nervous people. Look for the best for yourself. If a person hurts you, then you should not endure it. When you love someone and they don't love you, find the strength to let go of the person.

These laws really work. If you follow these rules, then a person's life will change beyond recognition. Be attentive to your life, as correcting mistakes is always more difficult than preventing them from occurring.

Boost everyone's energy possible ways to harmonize your body with your soul. Life will become more colorful, and failures will eventually go away. Change fate in your thoughts so that they are imprinted on the canvas of your life. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Knowledge has the power of influence. This means that this or that information is capable of both raising your mood, that is, increasing your energy, and spoiling it, that is, reducing your strength.

1. Knowledge has the power of influence. This means that this or that information is capable of both raising your mood, that is, increasing your energy, and spoiling it, that is, reducing your strength.

Conclusion: Filter the information that comes to you. Narrow or remove completely the channels through which you receive negative information. Increase positive channels.

2. Life is the movement of energy. Thus, in order for your energy to be at the proper level, it is necessary to prevent stagnation in your body. Both physical and mental.

Conclusion: Move more, learn new things, constantly develop, set goals and achieve them.

3. Energy comes to a person from outer space through various channels - food, air, water, sense organs or perceptions. If a channel for one reason or another does not function well, then the energy flows through it poorly, or does not flow at all. This means that the energy of a person decreases, leading to bad mood and poor results.

4. For a free flow of energy, a person must be in a state of balance and equilibrium of the body, mind, behavior and external environment.

5. To increase your energy level, you need to track the relationship between external events and your condition.

Conclusion: monitor the reactions of your own body and, to the maximum, remove those events that negatively affect your well-being and comfort.

6. What you focus your thoughts and attention on has a very serious effect on your energy. If a most of your time, you are worried about something, worried, afraid of something - then your energy level will be extremely low. Moreover, than more attention you devote to this more energy you lose. The whole paradox is that negative thoughts they discharge you, and the positive ones, on the contrary, charge you. Conclusion: pay attention to what you want to get and how to achieve it. Leave empty experiences for others.

7. The higher the quality of your digestion, the less energy you spend on this process, the less waste and toxins are formed, and the more useful substances You are getting. Conclusion: Watch the quality of food and digestion.

8. Some foods are easily digested, others require high energy costs, which means that their absorption leads to fatigue and decreased activity.

Conclusion: Track your condition after eating. If you feel sleepy or you feel a breakdown, then you need to change something in your diet.

9. Stress and others negative reactions have an overwhelming effect on your energy and digestion process. To remove them, you need a state of relaxation and rest, which can be achieved through the use of factors that increase your mood.

10. There are special natural rhythms. Activities in accordance with them increase energy and efficiency, if violated, overall efficiency decreases and fatigue increases.

11. Environment- people, nature, cities - also affects the energy state of the body.

12. The 5 sense organs are energy channels through which energy can both come and go.

13. Your life is yours personal development rather than serving external objects. By serving someone or something, you give your energy. When you develop yourself, you increase your energy.

14. For the effective functioning of your energy, periods of rest are necessary both in physical and in psychologically. This means that 1 day a week must be devoted to rest and relaxation. And once a quarter, arrange a 3-day mini vacation.

15. To increase the level of vitality, it is necessary to focus on its source - that is, external energy, and not on the problem that arises due to its lack - that is, fatigue. It is necessary to remove not fatigue, but to increase your energy. Then the fatigue will pass.

1. Knowledge has the power of influence. This means that this or that information is capable of both raising your mood, that is, increasing your energy, and spoiling it, that is, reducing your strength.
Conclusion: Filter the information that comes to you. Narrow or remove completely the channels through which you receive negative information. Increase positive channels.

2. Life is the movement of energy. Thus, in order for your energy to be at the proper level, it is necessary to prevent stagnation in your body. Both physical and mental.
Conclusion: Move more, learn new things, constantly develop, set goals and achieve them.

3. Energy comes to a person from outer space through various channels - food, air, water, sense organs or perceptions. If a channel for one reason or another does not function well, then the energy flows through it poorly, or does not flow at all. This means that the energy of a person decreases, leading to a bad mood and poor results.

4. For a free flow of energy, a person must be in a state of balance and equilibrium of the body, mind, behavior and external environment.

5. To increase your energy level, you need to track the relationship between external events and your state.
Conclusion: monitor the reactions of your own body and, to the maximum, remove those events that negatively affect your well-being and comfort.

6. What you focus your thoughts and attention on has a very serious effect on your energy. If most of your time you are worried about something, worried, afraid of something, then your energy level will be extremely low. Moreover, the more attention you pay to this, the more energy you lose. The whole paradox is that negative thoughts discharge you, while positive ones, on the contrary, charge you. Conclusion: pay attention to what you want to get and how to achieve it. Leave empty experiences for others.

7. The higher the quality of your digestion, the less energy you spend on this process, the less waste and toxins are formed, and the more useful substances you get. Conclusion: Watch the quality of food and digestion.

8. Some foods are easily digested, others require high energy costs, which means that their absorption leads to fatigue and decreased activity.
Conclusion: Track your condition after eating. If you feel sleepy or you feel a breakdown, then you need to change something in your diet.

9. Stress and other negative reactions have an overwhelming effect on your energy and digestion process. To remove them, you need a state of relaxation and rest, which can be achieved through the use of factors that increase your mood.

10. There are special natural rhythms. Activities in accordance with them increase energy and efficiency, if violated, overall efficiency decreases and fatigue increases.

11. The environment - people, nature, cities - also affects the energy state of the body.

12. The 5 sense organs are energy channels through which energy can both come and go.

13. Your life is your personal development, not the service of external objects. By serving someone or something, you give your energy. When you develop yourself, you increase your energy.

14. For the effective functioning of your energy, periods of rest are necessary both physically and psychologically. This means that 1 day a week must be devoted to rest and relaxation. And once a quarter, arrange a 3-day mini vacation.

15. To increase the level of vitality, it is necessary to focus on its source - that is, external energy, and not on the problem that arises due to its lack - that is, fatigue. It is necessary to remove not fatigue, but to increase your energy. Then the fatigue will pass.

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