What city was named after Ort. literary streets


Many geographical names associated with names prominent people our country.

In the name of the immortal Lenin - the founder of the Communist Party and Soviet state- named the city of Petrograd (formerly St. Petersburg), the cradle of the Great October socialist revolution. Leningrad today is known to people all over the world.

In honor of Vladimir Ilyich, Ulyanovsk was named his hometown of Simbirsk. The name of Lenin was also given to some other cities and workers' settlements, mountain peaks, artificial rivers(channels).

Two cities on the Volga (near Saratov) are named after the creators of scientific communism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Another manifestation of the internationalism of our Party and people was the recent appropriation of three Soviet cities names eminent figures the international communist and workers' movement - Maurice Thorez, Palmiro Togliatti and George Georgiou-Deja.

The names of a number of other prominent figures of the Communist Party and the Soviet state are also imprinted in the names of cities: Sverdlovsk, Kuibyshev, Kalinin, Kaliningrad, Dzerzhinsk. O legendary heroes Civil War names resemble Chapaevsk, Shchors, Lazo, Kotovsk. One of the largest cities on the Volga bears the name of the great proletarian writer Alexei Maksimovich Gorky. The names of Pushkin and Belinsky were given to the cities with which their life is connected.

Ukrainian city Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky was founded over a thousand years ago. At first it was simply called Pereyaslav - in honor of the victory of a Russian warrior in a duel with a Pecheneg giant. “After all, the Russian youth took glory from the giant,” the chronicle says about this event. In 1654, the Pereyaslav Rada, at which the Ukrainian people expressed their will to reunite with fraternal Russia. To commemorate this event, in 1943 the name of the great son of Ukrainian people Bogdan Khmelnitsky, and Old city became known as Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky.

In honor of one of the most prominent revolutionaries of Dagestan, Makhach (his real name was Dakhadaev), the capital of Dagestan was named. Literally, the name Makhach-Kala means the city of Makhach.

Great honor is given to scientists, researchers, travelers who have enriched our domestic science outstanding discoveries.

Russian explorer and industrialist Erofey Pavlovich Khabarov in 1649-1652 made several campaigns in the Amur region, introduced huge contribution in the study of the Amur basin. On the places where it passed, subsequently, small settlements arose that served as military posts. One of these posts, which appeared in 1858, was called Khabarovka, in honor of Erofei Pavlovich Khabarov. And in 1893 Khabarovka was renamed into the city of Khabarovsk. The name of the famous explorer is also named railroad station Erofey Pavlovich.

If you look at the geographical map, we will meet such names as Michurinsk, Przhevalsk, the Barents Sea, the Laptev Sea, the Vilkitsky Strait, the Bering Sea, the Bering Strait.

Curiously, the Bering Strait owes its discovery to hearing. The Portuguese navigator Marco Polo suggested that there was a so-called Strait of Anian, allegedly separating the Asian and American continents. Interested in the assumption, Peter I decided to check its reality. He equipped Kamchatka expedition Bering, who really found the strait at the site of the alleged one. Now this strait is called the Bering Strait.

Important discoveries replenished the world geographical science our compatriot, Russian scientist, honorary academician Yu. M. Shokalsky. He was the first to prove that all seas and oceans the globe make up one great ocean. And science has noted his merit. Shokalsky named after two straits, two islands, sea ​​current and glacier.

To our national pride, it should be said that the names of Russian scientists and researchers are repeatedly found on geographical maps of the whole world.

Numerous names on the maps are honorary monuments glorious sons our country.

With name famous navigator Vespucci, a Florentine by origin, who was in the service of the Spanish and then the Portuguese king, is associated with the name of the American continent. Amerigo Vespucci in 1499-1504 undertook several voyages, during which he visited the northern part South America and called it the New World. Named Vespucci new continent named America. In fairness, it should be named after Christopher Columbus, who discovered America seven years before the voyages of Vespucci - in 1492.

However, he was not forgotten either. The name of Columbus is called the state in the northwestern part of South America and eleven more settlements, states, regions, highs and lows.

There are many cities in the world named after famous people.

There are many cities in the world named after famous people. Some of them are major capitals world, important political, economic and cultural centers.

The names of these cities will characterize their history of development. In this article, we present several clear examples such cities.

Adelaide - administrative center and most Big city state South Australia, the fifth largest city in the country. The city was founded in 1836 and named after the wife of the British monarch William IV, who ruled from 1830 to 1836, Queen Adelaide.

Albertville- a city in the French department of Savoy in the Rhone-Alpes region. The city is named after King Charles Albert of Sardinia.

Upington is a city in the Northern Cape province of South Africa. The city is named after Thomas Upington, who was Prime Minister of the Cape Province from 1884-1886.

Arseniev- a city (since 1952) in the Primorsky Territory of Russia. Founded in 1902 as the village of Semyonovka. In 1952, the working settlement received the status of a city and was renamed Arseniev - in honor of the famous Russian scientist, traveler, writer and researcher Far East Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev.

Monument to Arseniev on the hill Uvalnaya

Barchevo is a city in Poland. Named after Walenty Barczewski (Polish: Walenty Barczewski, 1856-1928), a Polish folklorist, historian and public figure who lived in Warmia.

Borisov- a city in Belarus, the administrative center of the Borisovsky district of the Minsk region. The city is named after Prince of Polotsk Boris (Rogvold) Vseslavich.

Monument to Prince Boris and Resurrection Cathedral

Brazzaville It is the capital and most populous city of the Republic of the Congo. Brazzaville was founded on September 10, 1880 as a French military post on the Congo River by order of Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza, who was the commander of the French expedition.

Washington- the capital of the United States, was founded in 1791 and named after the first american president and Revolutionary War hero General George Washington.

Gadzhiyevo- city in Murmansk region. Located in the city naval base Northern Fleet Russia. Until 1967, the village was called Yagelnaya Guba. October 16, 1967 was named Gadzhiyevo in memory of the Hero Soviet Union Captain 2nd Rank Magomet Imadutdinovich Gadzhiev, who died on May 12, 1942 in a battle on the K-23 submarine. In 1981, the working settlement of Gadzhiyevo received the status of a closed city with the new name Skalisty. In 1999, the city of Skalisty was again renamed Gadzhiyevo.

Hamilton- the administrative center of Bermuda. The city is named after Sir Henry Hamilton, Governor from 1778 to 1794.

Lermontov- a city (since 1956) of regional subordination in Stavropol Territory Russia. Named after the poet Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov.
The city is located 182 km southeast of Stavropol, in Ciscaucasia, on the southern outskirts of the Stavropol Upland, in the center of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody resorts.

Salavat- a city in Russia, one of the largest industrial centers Republic of Bashkortostan. Forms the urban district of the city of Salavat.
July 7, 1949 received the status of a workers' settlement, named after the Bashkir national hero Salavat Yulaev.

Tursunzade- a city in the Gissar valley, the administrative center of the Tursunzade district of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Named after Mirzo Tursunzade, Tajik Soviet poet, a prominent statesman and public figure.
The main enterprise in the city is the Tajik aluminum plant

Sherbrooke- the fourth largest city in the province of Quebec in Canada, the capital of the administrative-territorial unit of Estri in the historical and cultural region of the Eastern Cantons. The city is located 150 kilometers east of Montreal and 50 kilometers north of the US border. The city is named after John Cope Sherbrooke, the British Governor General of Canada in early XIX in. Agrotourism is widely developed in the city, various festivals are held.

Hermosillo- a city in northwestern Mexico, the administrative center of the state of Sonora.
The name of the city is given in honor of Marshal J. M. González de Hermosillo, a fighter for independence from the Spanish crown

The cities of the USSR, named after people, will not cause the slightest surprise in our compatriot. All of us have long been accustomed to a similar tradition in the names of administrative territories and geographical objects. We are quite familiar with the countless streets of Vladimir Lenin, the boulevards of Fyodor Dostoevsky and the avenues of Vladimir Putin. In the overwhelming majority of cases, cities in the USSR named after people bear the names of prominent communist figures of the first generations. At the same time, the habit of giving such names existed in Russian society and in old times. Suffice it to recall the same Petrograd or Yekaterinoslav. And even earlier there was Vladimir, founded by Prince Monomakh, who gave him a name. Some cities former USSR they bear the names not of statesmen, but of representatives of culture, which is also quite sound and good for the national memory. For some interesting examples we will take a look at such settlements in the text below.

Cities of the USSR named after people: immortalized statesmen

Joseph Stalin

Perhaps the "leader of the peoples" in this sense was the most popular. List of cities in the USSR that wore different time his name is not something that cannot be counted, but he exceeds a similar tribute to any other politician:

  • Stalino: until 1923 Yuzovka, and from 1955 became Donetsk.
  • Stalinir, and since 1961 Tskhinval (a city located in Georgia).
  • Stalinobad - the modern one bore this name until it turned into Dushanbe.
  • Stalingrad - a city that has become an insurmountable obstacle for armies, of course, the most famous of this galaxy.

In addition, not only in the USSR, cities were named after their leader. There were such people in the fraternal So, the large Bulgarian port of Varna at some point was called Stalin. The modern Polish Katowice had the name Stalingrud, and the Hungarian city of Dunaujváros was Stalinváros for ten years.


Not everyone knows, but this Russian city also named after a communist revolutionary. The modern one bears the name of a local party leader during the revolution, Makhach Dakhadaev.


But the name of this city is a kind of reciprocal tribute of respect. It is named after the General Secretary of the Italian Communist Party in the year of his death. Until 1964, the city was called Stavropol-on-Volga.

Cities of the USSR named after people: memory to cultural figures

This list in its in full quite impressive too. In Georgia, there are the cities of Mayakovsky, Rustaveli, in Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk and Khmelnitsky, Chekhov, Chaikovsky and other cities of Russia.

Przhevalsk, Kyrgyzstan

I wonder which list should include a small Kyrgyz town (with a population of just over sixty thousand), bearing from 1889 to 1922 and from 1939 to 1992 the name of a famous Russian traveler and naturalist, whose name, ironically, made the horse more famous, and not a city?

The city that was "lucky" to change names. The first name by which he is known was the name Khlynov. There are several versions of the origin of the name Khlynov. The first is based on the cry of the hly-khly birds that lived in the area where the city was formed: ... A kite flies by and shouts: "Kylno-kylno." So the Lord himself indicated how to name the city: Kylnov ... According to the second, the city was given the name of the Khlynovitsa river, which flows nearby into Vyatka, which, in turn, was named after a breakthrough on a small dam: ... water gushed through it , and the river was given the name Hlynovitsa ... The third theory connects the name with the word hlyn (ushkuynik, river robber), although most experts attribute a later appearance to this word.
The second name of the city was the name Vyatka. Some researchers tend to believe that it came from the name of the territorial group of Udmurts Vatka, who lived in these territories, which was erected to the Udmurt word vad "otter, beaver". However, such an etymology is completely unrealistic with linguistic point vision. The name Vatka itself was formed from the hydronym Vyatka. According to another version, it is associated with the Vyada people, who had close relations with the Udmurts. Some sources erroneously correlate the word Vyatka with the Vyatichi tribes who lived on the banks of the Oka. However, the word Vyatchane is recognized as the correct self-name, it has established itself as an ethnonym for the inhabitants of the Vyatka region. In addition, historically, such a correlation is completely unjustified: the Vyatichi did not go so far to the east. Nowadays, the most relevant version is the version of L. N. Makarova - she considers the name of the river (Old Russian in origin) with the meaning "larger" (cf. other Russian is more like “more”).
The name Kirov was given to the city after the murder in 1934 of a native of the city of Urzhum in the Vyatka region, Sergei Mironovich Kostrikov (Kirov).
The chronology of the renaming of the city is extremely complex and ambiguous, since few historical documents confirming the very fact of renaming. Usually, when they talk about the old names of Kirov, they use the simplified chain of transformations Khlynov - Vyatka - Kirov, and indeed, when it was founded in 1181, the city was named Khlynov. Starting from 1374 (the first mention of Vyatka), the word Khlynov is not found in any official document or chronicle, on the contrary, Vyatka was found on the maps of that time, and was even included in the "List of all Russian cities far and near", where it was in the section of the so-called "Zalessky" cities after Nizhny Novgorod and Kurmysh. In 1455, a wooden Kremlin was built in Vyatka for defensive purposes with earth rampart, which was given the name of the nearby Khlynovitsy river. Subsequently, the name Khlynov spread to the township part of the city, and from 1457 the whole city began to be called Khlynov. in the Kazan. On December 5, 1934, by decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, Vyatka was named after Sergei Mironovich Kirov.
The city is in a region with a large representation national minorities, therefore, names in other languages ​​have historically been assigned to it. In Mari, it is called "Ilna" or "Ilna-Ola" ("ola" in translation from Mari means "city"). In the Udmurt language, it is called "Vatka" and "Kylno". In Tatar, the name of Kirov sounds like "Kolyn". All of these names are obsolete and modern speech are not used.

Street names after famous people

a) scientists:


Dokuchaev Vasily Vasilievich(1846 - 1903) - Russian naturalist, a prominent scientist who wrote many works on soil science.


Named after famous doctor, professor and public figure S. P. Botkin.

Botkin Sergei Pavlovich(1832 - 1889). In 1855, Botkin was engaged in a number of medical clinics abroad and in Russia. Was honorary member Moscow and Kazan universities, 35 Russian and 9 foreign medical societies.


Ukhtomsky Alexey Alekseevich(1875-1942) - Russian physiologist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1935). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1932). The creator of the doctrine of the dominant, the author of many works on physiology.


Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich(1711-1765) - the first Russian natural scientist of world importance, chemist and physicist, founder physical chemistry, astronomer, instrument maker, geographer, metallurgist, geologist, poet, who laid the foundations of modern Russian literary language, artist, historian, champion of the development of national education, science and economics, founder of molecular kinetic theory, science of glass. Developed a project for the Moscow state university later named after him. Discovered the existence of an atmosphere on Venus.


Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev(1834-1907) - Russian scientist and public figure. Chemist, physical chemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, teacher, balloonist, encyclopedist. One of the most famous discoveries -- periodic law chemical elements.

b) Russian naval commanders

Admiral Nakhimov

Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich(1802-1855) - Russian naval commander, admiral, hero Sevastopol defense. During the Great Patriotic War On March 3, 1944, the Nakhimov medal and the Order of Nakhimov of the 1st and 2nd degrees were approved.

Admiral Ushakov

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich(1744 - 1817) - Russian naval commander, admiral, participant in Russian - Turkish war 1787. During the Patriotic War of 1812, he was elected head of the militia of the Tambov province.

Street names in honor of state, public and political figures


Antonova-Ovseenko Vladimir Alexandrovich(1883-1939) - member of the ASDLP since 1902. Active member October revolution. In the years civil war was the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian fleet.

Karl Marx

Karl Heinrich Marx (1818- 1883)- German philosopher, economist, political journalist. His scientific works and publications formed in philosophy dialectical and historical materialism, in economics - the theory of surplus value, in politics - the theory of class struggle. These directions became the basis of the communist and socialist movement and were called "Marxism".


Kikvidze Vasily Isidorovich(1895-1919) - an active participant in the civil war. He commanded a number of units of the Southwestern Front.


Lavrov Andrey Sergeevich(1886-1936) - member of the Communist Party since 1905, since the spring of 1921, chairman of the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies of the Tambov province.


Fioletov Ivan Timofeevich(1883-1918) - participant in the struggle for Soviet power in Azerbaijan. Since April 25, 1918 - member of the Baku Council people's commissars, for the National Economy.


Shlikhter Alexander Grigorievich(1868-1940) - Soviet statesman, doctor economic sciences. From 1920 to 1921, Schlichter was the chairman of the Tambov Provincial Executive Committee.


Ernst Thalmann(1886-1944) - leader of the German and international labor movement.


Usievich Grigory Alexandrovich(1890-1918) Member of the Communist Party since 1907.


On November 25, 1911, the City Duma gave it the name Gavryushenskaya. On March 16, 1938, it was renamed Volodarsky Street.

Volodarsky Moses Markovich(1881-1919) - active participant armed uprising in Petrograd, was a member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, a Bolshevik agitator.


On February 27, 1951, the newly designed street was named after Kotovsky Grigory Ivanovich.

Kotovsky Grigory Ivanovich(1881-1925) - Soviet military and political figure participant in the civil war.


Named after Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsko Go (1828-1889) - revolutionary democrat, writer, literary critic and a publicist.


Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich(1885-1925) - party, statesman and military leader. An active participant in the revolution of 1905-1907 and the October Revolution.


On May 25, 1953, the executive committee of the City Council named the newly formed street after Dobrolyubov. The street is named after the revolutionary democrat, philosopher, literary critic Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov (1836-1861).

Boris Vasiliev

Vasilyev Boris Afanasyevich, since 1904 a member of the Bolshevik Party. From 1921 to 1922 worked as secretary of the Tambov Provincial Committee.

August - Bebel

August - Bebel(1840 - 1913) - a prominent figure in the German and international movement, the founder and leader of the German social democracy and the II International. Author famous book"Women and Socialism".


Chichkanov Mikhail Dmitrievich(1889-1919) - in March 1918 he was elected chairman of the city executive committee of the provincial council.

Bohdan Khmelnytsky

On April 9, 1957, the executive committee of the city council named the newly formed street in memory of the outstanding Ukrainian statesman and commander, hetman of Ukraine, who actively contributed to the reunification of Ukraine with Russia, Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1595 - 1667).


Ieronim Petrovich Uborevich (full surname: Uborevich-Guborevich) - military and political figure, commander of the 1st rank. In January-February 1918 - the commander of the Red Guard detachment in Bessarabia, fought against the Romanian and Austro-German troops, was wounded, taken prisoner.


Kuibyshev Valerian Vladimirovich(1888-1935) - a prominent Soviet party and statesman. Led the fight to establish Soviet power in the Samara province.


Urbanonyms are the most mobile and changeable layer of toponymic vocabulary, they contain a large amount of information about traditions, foundations, originality of mentality and features of the worldview that characterize a particular language community.

Chapter II, when considering and analyzing urbanonyms, is connected with the study of proper names and determining the status of urbanonyms in toponymy and onomastics. Here an attempt is made to theoretical-linguistic and cultural understanding of the specifics of the names of intra-urban objects.

I analyzed 80 units. As a result of my research, I found:

55 one-piece and 25 one-piece units.

23 street names in honor of the Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Street names in honor of famous creative figures, including 18 writers, 1 painter and 1 musician.

Street names in honor famous people, including 7 scientists and 2 Russian naval commanders.

28 street names in honor of state, public and political figures.