Regulatory framework and materials on the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities.

Dear parents!

From September 1, 2016, federal state educational standards for children with disabilities come into force. handicapped health and federal state educational standards for children with mental retardation ( intellectual disabilities) (hereinafter referred to as GEF HIA and UO).

GEF HIA and UO is a set of mandatory requirements for the implementation of adapted basic general education programs of primary general education(hereinafter - AOOP IEO) in organizations engaged in educational activities.

GEF HIA and UO applies only to students enrolled in adapted basic general education programs (hereinafter referred to as AOEP) after September 1, 2016. The rest of the students who switched to AOOP education before September 1, 2016 continue their education until the end of their studies.

GEF of primary general education for students with disabilities,

GEF education of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities).

The main objectives of the introduction of standards:

Introduction to educational space all children with disabilities, regardless of the severity of their problems;

Rendering special assistance children with disabilities who are able to study in a mass school;

Development life experience, highlighting complementary components: "academic" and "life competence".

founding documents and guidelines on the introduction of GEF HIA:

In accordance with Russian legislation every child, regardless of the region of residence, state of health (severity of mental development disorders), ability to master educational programs has the right to a quality education that meets his needs and abilities.

For children with disabilities, their temporary (or permanent) deviations in physical and (or) mental development hinder the development of educational programs, so this category of students needs to create special conditions for training and education.

Early and properly organized education of the child makes it possible to prevent or mitigate these violations secondary in nature: for example, dumbness is a consequence of deafness only in the absence of special education, and a violation of spatial orientation, distorted ideas about the world - a probable, but by no means an obligatory consequence of blindness. Therefore, the level of mental development of a student with disabilities depends not only on the time of occurrence, nature, and even the severity of the primary (biological in nature) developmental disorder, but also on the quality of previous (preschool) education and upbringing. Children with disabilities and disabilities can realize their potential only if they start on time and adequately organized learning and upbringing - satisfaction of both those common with normally developing children and their special educational needs, given by the nature of the violation of their mental development. Access to education for students with disabilities and disabilities, enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), is ensured by the creation of special learning conditions in educational organizations that take into account special educational needs and individual abilities of such students.

Electronic educational and methodological resource "Training collections for preparing students with disabilities for the GIA", developed by FGBNU FIPI

The resource was developed in order to provide methodological support to teachers in preparing students with disabilities for the GIA in the form of a state final exam.

GEF IEO for children with disabilities from September 1, 2016

In accordance with Russian legislation, every child, regardless of the region of residence, state of health (severity of mental development disorders), ability to master educational programs, has the right to a quality education that meets his needs and abilities.

For children with disabilities, their temporary (or permanent) deviations in physical and (or) mental development hinder the development of educational programs, so this category of students needs to create special conditions for education and upbringing.

Timely and properly organized training of the child makes it possible to prevent or mitigate these violations secondary in nature: for example, dumbness is a consequence of deafness only in the absence of special training, and a violation of spatial orientation, distorted ideas about the world is a probable, but by no means an obligatory consequence of blindness.

Therefore, the level of mental development of a student with disabilities depends not only on the time of occurrence, nature, and even the severity of the primary (biological in nature) developmental disorder, but also on the quality of previous (preschool) education and upbringing.

Children with disabilities and disabilities can realize their potential only if training and education is started on time and adequately organized - meeting both those common with normally developing children and their special educational needs, given by the nature of the violation of their mental development.

Access to education for students with disabilities and disabilities, enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), is ensured by the creation of special learning conditions in educational organizations that take into account the special educational needs and individual capabilities of such students. (See Articles 41,42,79 of the RF LAW on Education).

Dear parents!

From September 1, 2016, the federal state educational standards for children with disabilities and the federal state educational standards for children with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standards for HIA and UO) come into force.

The Federal State Educational Standard for HVZ and UO is a set of mandatory requirements for the implementation of adapted basic general education programs of primary general education (hereinafter - AOEP IEO) in organizations engaged in educational activities.

GEF HIA and UO applies only to students enrolled in adapted basic general education programs (hereinafter referred to as AOEP) after September 1, 2016. The rest of the students who switched to AOOP education before September 1, 2016 continue their education until the end of their studies.

IN educational institutions conditions will be created for students with disabilities to receive educational and personal results meeting the requirements of the new standard. Information on the progress of implementation and the results of the introduction of GEF HIA and MA will be published on the website.

  • Monitoring the readiness of a general educational organization to ensure the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education for Students with Disabilities (FGOS NOO HVD) and the Federal State Educational Standard for the Education of Students with Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disabilities) (FGOS O UO).

Terms of availability

  • Action plan ("road map") of the MOU "Secondary School No. 9" to increase the values ​​​​of indicators of accessibility for the disabled of objects and the services provided on them in the field of education

The presence of a ramp for unhindered entry into the school building

Children with disabilities (HIA)

  • Interdepartmental comprehensive plan for the organization of inclusive preschool and general education and the creation of special conditions for the education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities for 2016-2017 July 25, 2016
  • The federal list of individual general education organizations providing training in adapted basic general education programs for students with disabilities included in the implementation of the event "Creating conditions for the education of disabled children in preschool educational, general education organizations, organizations additional education children (including in organizations engaged in educational activities according to adapted basic general education programs), including the creation of architectural accessibility and equipping with equipment” state program Russian Federation « Accessible environment» for 2011-2020 April 22, 2016
  • Interdepartmental comprehensive action plan on the development of a system of vocational guidance for children with disabilities and persons with disabilities for 2016-2020. April 1, 2016
  • The federal list of individual general education organizations that provide training according to adapted basic general education programs for students with disabilities included in the implementation of the event "Creating conditions for the education of children with disabilities in preschool educational, general education organizations, organizations of additional education for children (including organizations carrying out educational activities according to adapted basic general education programs), including the creation of architectural accessibility and equipping with equipment” of the state program of the Russian Federation “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2020 March 1, 2016

Organization of GIA for participants with disabilities

“Rosobrnadzor is constantly working to create comfortable conditions passing final certification for graduates with disabilities. For many of them, studying becomes a good stimulus to life, allows you to fill it with something interesting, the search for knowledge, the study of the world around.

It is important for us that these guys feel full members society and had the same opportunities to study and take exams as their healthy peers,” said Sergey Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor. The video shows what conditions are created when passing the exam for persons with visual impairments, hearing impairments, wheelchair users and other categories of students with disabilities, what additional rights they have, how to apply for participation in the Unified State Examination if the graduate has health problems, how the examination room should be equipped and what can be taken with you to the exam.

Exemplary adapted educational programs for students with disabilities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards IEO HIA and the Federal State Educational Standards OUO

The name of the program

Program status

Approved by the decision of December 22, 2015 Protocol No. 4/15

Approximate adapted basic general educational program for the education of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities)

Approved by the decision of December 22, 2015 Protocol No. 4/15

Approximate adapted basic general education program of primary general education for students with severe speech disorders
Approximate adapted basic general education program of primary general education for students with disorders of the musculoskeletal system

Approved by the decision of December 22, 2015 Protocol No. 4/15

Exemplary adapted basic general education program of primary general education for students with mental retardation

Approved by the decision of December 22, 2015 Protocol No. 4/15

Exemplary adapted basic general education program of primary general education for visually impaired students
Approximate adapted basic general education program of primary general education for deaf students
Exemplary basic educational program of secondary general education
Approximate basic educational program of primary general education

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With inclusive education, all children are involved in the process of obtaining knowledge, regardless of their mental, intellectual and physical features. Such children have the opportunity to visit the place of residence comprehensive schools along with their healthy peers. At the same time, taking into account their special needs in education, they are provided with special support. All participants in the process adhere to equal treatment to all children, therefore any discrimination is excluded, but with the obligatory provision special conditions for children with disabilities.

The purpose of the GEF for children with disabilities

Introduction of children with disabilities into the community - the main task correctional systems. Program and methodological manual accompanying the introduction of inclusive education in educational organizations It is designed to solve issues related to the education and upbringing of children who have other, special needs, together with the usual ones. In the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, a note was made in the program of correctional work: it is developed if there is educational organization children with disabilities.

Thus, GEF HIA with corrections latest version 2016 is aimed primarily at correction negative points in psychological or physical development children and points to ways to solve problems in the development of the main curriculum. It contains recommendations for helping and supporting children in this category.

Purpose of the program:

  • To identify and meet all the needs of students with disabilities in their assimilation of the BLO.
  • Integrate them into educational process.
  • To implement a comprehensive and individually oriented psychological and pedagogical support for training, taking into account the state of health of children with disabilities.
  • Create special conditions education and development.
  • Create favorable conditions communication and learning activities.

Difficulties in the implementation of inclusive education, described in the standard of the Federal State Educational Standard for HIA

In our society absolute majority still perceives people with disabilities as something non-standard, foreign, and children with disabilities are often recognized as unteachable. School leaders and teachers are not sufficiently aware of the problems of such children and are not prepared to include them in the process of mastering knowledge in regular classes. Parents do not know and do not defend the rights of their disabled children, indicated in the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities 2016, which can be downloaded and studied on special sites.

After all, inclusive education is not only the physical presence of children with disabilities in classes with other children, but also a change in the school itself, a change in the relationship between teachers and students participating in the educational process. There should be close cooperation between parents and teachers, involvement of parents in the learning process.

GEF standard for children with disabilities

IN federal law(clause 6, art. 11) the right to receive without fail education of children with disabilities and special educational standards include requirements for the learning process.

The following options for educational programs are offered:

  1. The program is intended for children with diagnosed hearing and vision impairments and without intellectual disabilities, who are fully included in the educational stream. The main educational program for students with disabilities is mastered as part of correctional work (inclusion). An individual curriculum is available.
  2. The program is designed for children with mental retardation, visual, hearing, or speech impairments. varying degrees gravity. Children with disabilities receive education together with healthy peers. The process is carried out in other calendar terms, determined by the GEF standard for children with disabilities in 2016. Training can also take place in separate classes or organizations.
  3. The program is designed for children diagnosed with mental retardation. The education these children receive is not comparable to that of their peers. It is recommended to create several curricula and individualize the provisions of the program.
  4. The program is designed for children with disabilities who have complex or multiple developmental disabilities. Education takes place according to an adapted program, which is based on an individual curriculum.

In the process of training according to the FSES HVZ standard, special educational programs, special learning programs, special educational and didactic aids. Permissible stress levels, which are determined with the help of medical professionals, must be observed.

At present, the topic of inclusion in Russia is relevant. The problems of its implementation in schools were clarified by specialists of the Center for Independent Monitoring of the Implementation of Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation "People's Expertise" of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF) during an expert survey in 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Nearly all respondents indicated good points consistent introduction of inclusion in schools, improving the quality of education of children with disabilities, their successful adaptation to society.

At the same time, experts also noted objective risks: a possible deterioration in the quality of education for healthy children, an increase in the burden on school teachers. According to the survey participants, the main problems are the lack of specialists - tutors, speech therapists, psychologists, speech pathologists, as well as the lack of teaching programs for joint education of healthy children and children with disabilities.

ONF experts also believe that the introduction of inclusive education for children with disabilities is inefficient,

“It was assumed that children with disabilities and children with disabilities would be able to fit into the general educational process in ordinary schools, and such a solution will at the same time remove the problem of their socialization. In practice, it turned out that the child was pulled out of the correctional school, and quality education they could not guarantee him, because the responsibility for the children fell mainly on the shoulders of an ordinary teacher who did not know how to work correctly with such students. At the same time, they themselves correctional institutions began to close, ”said a member Central headquarters ONF Lyubov Dukhanina.

The main problem, according to the experts of the Center, lies in the lack of “a common conceptual understanding of the system (federal model) for the implementation of inclusive education” and the absence of regional “road maps”.

Normative base And useful materials according to the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities

Currently, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science has adopted a number of regulatory documents on inclusive education, a number of documents are still in the draft format. This:

4. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program based on federal government educational standards primary general education for children with disabilities (projects of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen):


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Regulatory framework and materials on the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities: 82 comments

    Do you know in what regulatory documents you can find information about the duration of one lesson in correctional schools for children with mental retardation? 45 min? 35 min?
    There is also no information on the maximum occupancy of a class of a correctional school with mental retardation.

    tell me if there are standard requirements for writing individual program for a child with disabilities, for example type VIII? where can i watch? Thank you.

    Hello, everything is written very well, but in reality, nothing is done by schools and a child with disabilities is forced to be normal. None of us parents special children, does not ask whether we want inclusion at all? Especially good for children with mental retardation. KRO classes were closed, leaving two for the city of a million. To get to one school, you need to buy a second car, and in another school, declared as a place for teaching children of the social risk group, and where the deviant is in full bloom, you can only learn a criminal there.
    We sit normally. Without adapted program, without additional classes with a psychologist, without additional hours with a teacher. And about individual approach and so on and dreaming is not necessary.

    started compiling thematic planning for grades 6 and 9 and the question is how many hours should it be if the program is designed for 3 hours a week (author Kaufman. English language)

    Good afternoon Please tell me what is the difference educational and methodological requirements GEF IEO and GEF with disabilities.

    Hello. What normative documents Is the duration of the child's stay in the compensatory orientation group in MBDOU regulated? A situation arose: the parents insist that the child stay in kindergarten and in a specialized group up to 8 years, tk. the psychiatrist recommends postponing school entry for a year. Diagnosis of autism and mental retardation. The shortcomings of speech are overcome.
    What would be the legal basis for such an exception? Are a psychiatrist's certificate and a recommendation from the PMPK sufficient?

    sorry but on account work program teacher, you are wrong. The development of such programs is not within the competence educational organization and cannot be regulated by the relevant local act. Work programs are developed on the basis of exemplary author's programs approved by the Mines and the Region by the commissions. Don't mislead teachers

    Hello! Has the CSF for children with disabilities been developed for the main school, and if so, when should it be introduced? Thank you.

    Good afternoon, please explain what is the difference between an adapted educational program and an adapted basic educational program. What are the reasons for their development.

    Please tell me what documents are required by the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities in basic school

    Good afternoon Please tell me if there are requirements for the number of children with disabilities in a general education class. It seems to parents that I deprive ordinary children of attention.

    There is a particular shortage in speech therapists, psychologists, etc. NO. They just don't want to introduce new (additional) rates! They told me so (I am a speech therapist teacher at MDOU) that add. there are NO and will not be rates with the involvement of specialists. They asked to “enter the position of the district” and silently “pull” all children with disabilities to 1 rate. The filling of children according to SanPin with severe speech disorders is NOT fulfilled!

    Hello! Tell me, please, how many students with mental retardation (option B) are assigned to the position of a speech therapist? Thank you.

    Good afternoon Tell me, please, the Federal State Educational Standard that has entered into force elementary school for children with disabilities does not apply to children enrolled in grade 1 earlier (2014)? What legal acts then regulate their education? (a child with an endocrinological disability) Particularly interested in the obligation extracurricular activities, where is it registered, and how to refuse it if the child does not have the opportunity to attend? Thank you!

    Please tell me what documents a teacher-psychologist should have at school to organize educational activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard NOO HIA?

    Good afternoon What regulates the escort of children with disabilities in preschool institutions? Thank you!

    Good afternoon. Please tell me where can I find a curriculum for a child ( home schooling). The certificate states: “recommended training under the GEF program for students with intellectual disabilities, option 2.” Can't figure out which group to belong to this child(ZPR, mental retardation???) Help!!!
    Thanks for the answers)

    can a tutor be prescribed for a child (Down syndrome) to study at school?
    PMPK refuses to prescribe, saying that schools do not have such a unit in the state.

    I graduated from the university faculty of psychology-teacher elementary grades and I work in a correctional boarding school. In connection with the introduced standards, we are forced to take courses related to working with oligophrenic children at our own expense. The question is, shouldn't the school pay for these courses? And what does the school of correction and oligaphrenia have to do with it?

    March 31 in Moscow took place international Conference"Speech therapy: yesterday, today, tomorrow: traditions and innovations". The representative of Min. education, which said that a new Regulation on the work of school logopoints was being prepared. At present, this issue is very relevant. When is the Regulation on the work of school speech centers supposed to be released?

    Good afternoon Please tell me! I work as a teacher-speech therapist in a preschool educational institution, with children with TNR (ONR, level 3). Do not understand why this category children were assigned to the group of children with disabilities, and secondly, what program should be developed for work: working or adapted? Thank you!

    At present, there is a very acute issue of children studying in mass classes, to whom the PMPK recommended training in the AOOP var. 7.2. It is clear that it is ideal if these children study in the KRO class. But not all schools have such classes. How to prolong training in accordance with curriculum for var. 7.2? Is it necessary to prolong it at the expense of 1 additional. class? How, when studying in mass class a child with mental retardation (var. 7.2) will study in. lang., which in his account. plan appears only in the 3rd grade? It's about about a child who, at the very least, mastered the 1st grade program.

    Did I understand correctly - at the regional level, the “Procedure for organizing training ...” should be developed

    Hello! Tell me, please, what program should I use for a child with severe multiple disabilities? Option 2 is recommended. This is what exactly? What should be the weekly load? The girl is tough.

    Good afternoon And how is the remuneration of a teacher in a class where there is a child with disabilities regulated by law? I'am a teacher primary school, I have a child with mental retardation in my class (7.1). Faced with the fact that with an allowance of 15% from the NTF "for working with pupils (students) with developmental disabilities", at the request of the administration, she was forced to "work out" this allowance: 2 hours a week to work with the child additionally corrective work. The director explains this by the need to perform AOOP and overload school psychologist and a speech therapist.

    Good afternoon!! My child is studying under the SIPR program 2 type in correctional school. We missed 3 weeks of classes due to a trip for treatment, the teachers wrote in the magazine that the lessons were allegedly held. When I asked to hold these missed classes during the holidays, they refused me, citing the fact that this was a violation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Please tell me what is the best way for me to handle this situation. Should those missed hours be spent???

    Hello. Are there approved specific, exhaustive, closed lists of property, goods, items, works and services necessary for the implementation of measures to educate children with disabilities and create a universal barrier-free environment for unhindered access and equip organizations with special, including educational, rehabilitation, computer equipment, etc.

    Good afternoon Please advise: resource class in which children study according to programs of the form 8.2,8.3,8.4. Can a defectologist teacher take children from lessons for individual lessons? How does the document support this? Thank you

    Hello. Please tell me, is there such a document that would indicate the amount of correctional assistance in hours for preschoolers with disabilities (TNR and ZPR)?

    Good evening. On the basis of what documents is the AOOP developed by NGOs for students with disabilities?