The science of studying gestures and facial expressions. The language of facial expressions and gestures of a person

Physiognomy is the science of reflection psychological characteristics and emotions of a person on his face.

AT modern world people are increasingly interested in psychology and study books on the study of techniques that help to discover inner content your interlocutor.

Facial expressions, gestures, posture that a person takes during communication, much more accurately convey the real thoughts and feelings of the opponent. Knowing how to read them, you can easily determine what a person is thinking about and how much he is disposed towards you. And if you use knowledge correctly, you can adapt to a person and achieve what you want from him.

Psychology of gestures


In case of danger or unwillingness to show one's internal state, a person tries to hide from everyone, instinctively closing himself off outside world. This can be seen in the arms on the chest or in the “foot to foot” position. When a person takes such a pose, then there can be no talk of any open feelings, he does not trust his interlocutor and does not want him to climb into his space.

An additional barrier in communication can be an object that the interlocutor holds in front of him, for example, a folder or papers. He sort of withdraws from the dialogue, keeps his distance.

Clenched hands into fists indicate the combat readiness of the opponent to enter into open conflict And it is better not to provoke this person.

2. Openness and predisposition

Often these gestures are used by managers or trainers to inspire confidence in the client.

When speaking, a person gesticulates smoothly with his hands, open palms up, or connects his fingers at a small distance from the chest, in the form of a dome. All this speaks of the openness of a person, that he is ready for dialogue, he does not hide anything and wants to finish off the interlocutor's predisposition to himself.

That a person is relaxed in this moment, testify to the unbuttoned upper buttons on the clothes, the inclination towards the interlocutor during communication.

3. Boredom

Such gestures are intended to convey information about the lack of interest in the conversation, and perhaps it is time for you to move the conversation to another topic, or end it altogether.

Boredom is indicated by shifting from one foot to another, a hand supporting the head, tapping the foot on the floor, looking at the situation in the area.

4. Interest

When showing affection for opposite sex, women, for example, adjust their makeup, hairstyle, sort out a lock of hair, shake their hips when walking, there is a sparkle in their eyes, a directed long look when talking with an interlocutor.

5. Uncertainty

The doubts of the interlocutor can be said by sorting out an object in the hands or fingers between themselves, a person rubs his neck, sorts out a piece of clothing.

6. Lie

Sometimes a person talks very confidently about something and seems to be true, but intuition tells us that there is a catch somewhere. A person, when lying, subconsciously rubs his nose, earlobe, may even close his eyes for a while. Thus, he himself tries to isolate himself from this information by transmitting signals to you.

Some children cover their mouths when they lie in an attempt to stop the lies. Growing up and gaining experience, they can veil this gesture with a cough.

Psychology of facial expressions

1. Joy, happiness

The eyebrows are relaxed, the corners of the lips and cheeks are raised, small wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes.

2. Irritation, anger

The eyebrows are brought to the center or pubescent, tense, the mouth is closed, and stretched out into a single straight line. The corners of the lips look down.

3. Contempt

The eyes are slightly narrowed, the corner of the mouth is slightly raised on one side, the lips are frozen in a smirk.

4. Surprise

The eyes are rounded and slightly bulging, the eyebrows are raised, the mouth is open, as if it wants to say the letter "o".

5. Fear

The eyelids are raised along with the eyebrows, the eyes are wide open.

6. Sadness, grief

Empty look, extinct. The eyes and eyelids are lowered, wrinkles form between the eyebrows, the lips are relaxed, the corners look down.

7. Disgust

The upper lip is tense and raised, the eyebrows are practically joined together, the cheeks are slightly lifted up, the nose is wrinkled.

Of course, this is only a small part of the gestures of facial expressions, the rest can be studied independently by reading books on physiognomy. Psychology is very interesting science, which never ceases to amaze with its discoveries in the field of human studies.

All features and properties human soul find expression in the body: facial features, posture, facial expressions and gestures. You can learn to define them only in a complex way: by understanding the psyche and observing its external manifestations. How to do it?

And yet he lies! He tries to hide his excitement, but gestures and facial expressions will always betray a person. Look how the eyes are running, the fingers are drumming on the table. Although no, the next moment he looks directly into my eyes. And such a sincere, open look, penetrates right into the soul ... Believe him or not? Maybe I'm completely misunderstanding the meaning of his facial expressions ...

How to stop being nervous when communicating with people? Learn how to read a person open book! So that not a shadow of doubt remains as to what his true intentions, thoughts and feelings. They say that there is a way to accurately judge the character and behavior of a person - by his gestures and facial expressions. It's like reading people by appearances. I'm not doing well so far. Maybe there is a way to become a professional in this matter?

How to understand a person by facial expressions and gestures: the road of trial and error

In an attempt to understand how to read a person by gestures and facial expressions, people have created a whole science - physiognomy. How convenient it would be to penetrate the secrets of the human soul through facial expressions and gestures that are noticeable and understandable to everyone! And how easy it would be to understand the psychology of people. Externally, we want:

    recognize false information through understanding people's gestures and their meaning,

    get a transcript of a person's facial features,

    learn to determine the state of the interlocutor by facial expressions and gestures, determine hidden emotions person in conversation.

Unfortunately, our attempts to determine the psychology of a person and the deep motives of his actions with the help of gestures and facial expressions often fail.

Owner high forehead in fact, it turns out not to be a great genius, but an arrogant windbag. The one who squinted, looking at you with obvious disbelief, in fact, simply forgot his glasses at home. A colleague who nervously taps his foot and fiddles with his tie is not trying to “sit” you, but is simply late for something. So read books on human psychology after that ...

So do gestures and facial expressions matter in psychology? Maybe we just misunderstand something in body language and gestures? Didn't exercise enough?

Gestures and facial expressions in human psychology - secondary signs of mental properties

Facial expressions and gestures really matter, they really reflect the inner state of a person. But deciphering them is a secondary tool. It is possible to effectively apply the analysis of facial expressions and gestures only on the basis of accurate knowledge about the device human psyche. Otherwise, you will constantly be at a loss as to why a person is now combing his nose, for example? Is he lying or doubting, embarrassed or remembering? Or maybe the truth itches, and the secret language of gestures and facial expressions has nothing to do with it at all?

training System-Vector Psychology Yuri Burlan offers a different approach to how to understand the psychology of people. She explains that the human body and soul are indeed inextricably linked. All the features and properties of the human soul are expressed in the body: facial features, posture, facial expressions and gestures. You can learn to define them only in a complex way: by understanding the psyche and observing its external manifestations. Understanding human psychology - behavior, facial expressions and gestures are observed as clarifying details. How to do it?

We read human gestures and facial expressions systematically

Consider on simple examples. Before us is a person with a skin vector. What can be said about the psychology of this person and how is this expressed in behavior and gestures?

By nature, he is given the following properties:

    mobility and focus

    competitiveness and high ambition,

    striving for property and social superiority is a natural earner.

His psyche is flexible and adaptive, able to quickly adapt to changes in the environment.

The human body, its gestures and facial expressions are fully consistent with psychology. The body of the skinner is slender, mobile, flexible. Both men and women with a skin vector literally "tackle" in the crowd without colliding with anyone. If a skin person is sufficiently realized in his properties (military man, athlete, middle manager) - he is organized and smart, dexterous and accurate - not a single extra movement. The gestures of such a person and their meaning can really say a lot about him.

However, a person with the same properties under stress or with a lack of social realization looks completely different.

From his body language and gestures, you can see that he literally "flickers":

    spinning, tapping fingers on the table,

    shakes or taps his foot,

    alternately clutching at one thing, then another, unable to bring anything to the end,

    in a state of irritation, his characteristic gesture is to wag his finger.

Can we characterize the psychology of this person by such gestures and facial expressions? Determine if he is capable of destructive actions against us?

It turns out that external signs alone are not enough. Facial expressions matter, but we need accurate systemic diagnostics, an understanding of the psyche from the inside, in order to understand exactly who is in front of us?

    Option 1. This is a developed skinner. The head of a serious company or a professional military man, an engineer or a technologist, a professional athlete. In a situation of severe stress, he can demonstrate the gestures and facial expressions described above. The reason may be a serious collapse of his ambitions (did not get a promotion in his career, “failed” the competition). However, a skinner with this level of development will not lie at every turn or rob you.

    Option 2. Human behavior, his gestures and facial expressions outwardly look the same. However, deep systemic recognition from the inside allows you to see that the skin in front of you is not sufficiently developed. Due to childhood psychological trauma and/or adverse circumstances, he did not learn to realize his natural properties in society. Then instead of a "getter", he remains undeveloped, just a thief, prone to stealing to one degree or another. And such a person can lie "without blinking an eye" - if it is beneficial to him.

Therefore, without knowledge of human psychology only by behavior and gestures, people make erroneous judgments.

Human gestures and facial expressions with anal vector

Quite different gestures and facial expressions can be traced in the psychology of the carriers of the anal vector. These are by nature sedentary, assiduous, scrupulous people. They have thoroughness and attention to detail, a phenomenal memory. Potentially, this the best teachers They strive to share experience and knowledge. Perfectionists, people of quality who want to correct the slightest mistake or inaccuracy.

Nature gives them a body, facial expressions and gestures that perfectly match the aspirations of the psyche. These are stocky, overweight people who prefer a sedentary lifestyle.

A developed and realized person with an anal vector:

    Carefulness in work and the desire to correct the mistake make him a professional.

    Has an open, honest face. His facial and body language is not difficult to read. These are people who are incapable of lying by nature.

    A wonderful father and husband main value the owner of the anal vector is the family and children).

    A grateful person who treats people in general with respect.

However, when the carrier of the anal vector is under severe stress or lack of development and implementation, we see a completely different picture:

    the ability to teach becomes the desire to teach everyone and everything,

    thoroughness in details is expressed in the fact that a person notices and emphasizes the mistakes and imperfections of others, criticizes,

    honesty is expressed in the fact that he "cuts the truth-womb" in the face, without thinking about causing pain to others,

    instead of gratitude, a person is fixated on grievances and the fact that he was “not given enough” of something,

    in the language of gestures and facial expressions of such a person, reproach and reproach are read: a heavy look from under the brows, a characteristic gesture - a threat with a fist.

Is it possible to recognize the intentions of such a person by gestures and facial expressions? Predict his behavior, understand how dangerous he is for you? alone external signs(facial expressions and gestures) will not give anything. But with a deep, systemic recognition of a person, you will know exactly who is in front of you:

    Option 1. This is a developed owner of the anal vector. Professional in his field, teacher, analyst or critic, scientist. His stress is temporary and can be caused by social or sexual frustrations.

    Option 2. Before you is a person who has not received sufficient development of his properties. Then he can be a life-long critic and "scumbag". Moreover: it is anal men who have a propensity for violent crimes. Understanding the laws of the psyche allows you to recognize such people not by gestures, but by all their manifestations at a glance. After all, human psychology is primary, and gestures, facial expressions and even behavior are only a consequence.

In each of the vectors of the human psyche (there are eight in total) there is a whole palette of states, degrees of development and realization. BUT external manifestations these states, in addition to facial expressions and gestures, give the voice, face of a person, his words and, of course, his actions. To determine all this, you do not need to walk around with multi-volume books on human psychology and read them on the go. There is a much easier way.

Facial expressions and gestures are secondary

Gestures and facial expressions in human behavior are secondary. They are only the “outer facade” of the recesses of our soul. Today there is a way to any state of people. For those who have mastered this, there is no secret in how to read another person and understand everything about him:

If you want not only to understand emotions, body language and facial expressions of a person, but also to read his psyche like an open book, you can start with Yuri Burlan's System Vector Psychology.

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

The human body and soul are inextricably linked. Therefore, it is impossible to separate the character from its external manifestations. What is outside, so is inside. Human psychology by behavior and gestures makes it possible to easily determine the character. Let's learn this as well.

The appearance of a person can say a lot

If a person's clothes are distinguished by their unusualness and pretentiousness, catchiness, then this speaks of an artistic type of personality, an artistic nature. There are people who neglect appearance. After talking with them, you will easily understand that this is his creative attitude to life or banal slovenliness.

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If a person is dressed with a needle, as if he had just stepped off the catwalk, this often indicates that he wants to establish himself with the help of clothes. It's a sign internal uncertainty and helplessness.

Appearance of a person should be in harmony with clothes, complement the image. Schizoid types individuals do not adhere to this principle.

Bright colors in clothes are loved by emotional and loving people, and halftones are calm and balanced people. Often people who are hard to get used to and adapt to new circumstances wear clothes that are out of season.


A handshake is a common form of dating men. If a person from afar comes to you with an outstretched hand, then we can say that he is cheerful and sociable, he does not hide anything behind his soul. If he still actively shakes your hand and speaks quickly, this is an active, energetic person.

Secretive people usually shake hands with the palm down and with a large bend of the arm at the elbow joint. Such a movement seems to say "I will not give anything back." Often such people turn out to be two-faced, ruthless. If your palm seems to be pressed down, then in front of you is a domineering, overwhelming and callous person.

A sluggish handshake speaks of laziness and lack of initiative. Shy and humble people shake hands awkwardly.

Communication zone

Human psychology by behavior helps to recognize people who are unpleasant and annoying.

Aggressive and unceremonious people are unpleasant in communication. They often break the allowed distance. You feel this subconsciously. They may pat you on the shoulder. Hold your hand for a long time or look into your eyes. If a unfamiliar person approaches you very close, less than 50 cm, then this causes a desire to move away, as well as anger and indignation.

Shy, insecure people keep a long distance.

How longer people communicate and become closer friend friend, the distance between them decreases.

Posture, gait, gestures and facial expressions

Human psychology in terms of behavior and gestures is not always as simple and unambiguous as it might seem at first glance.

Since a person is brought up from childhood to adhere to certain rules and norms of behavior, it is sometimes very difficult to determine the character of a person. For example, it is difficult to judge by a smile what is happening in a person’s soul, because it can be real or “through tears”.

The duality of human nature also makes it difficult to understand him. If a person is soft and trouble-free, but does not want to seem like that, then he will accordingly behave differently and control his actions.

To understand body language important role play precisely involuntary, unconscious movements.

If a person has an asymmetrical face, then you can say. That the rational and the emotional are at odds with each other. When there is a constant internal struggle, remorse, it is very reflected in the face.

If a person has an unnatural, stiff gait (that is, legs, pelvis and lower back seem to be tightly connected), this indicates problems in the sexual sphere.

An important role is played by tension or relaxation of movements. When a person is relaxed, he rests his soul and is open to the perception of others.

The psychology of human behavior helps to determine character traits according to the main features:

  • Carelessness and indiscipline are manifested by a lax gait, relaxed postures;
  • Uncertainty and fearfulness are expressed in closed postures of arms and legs, hands in pockets or covering part of the face. Also, redness, intermittent voice give out a person who is unsure of himself. These people tend to constantly wind themselves up and make an elephant out of a fly;
  • Nervousness, anxiety give out rhythmic movements of the fingers. Picking up objects, fidgeting in a chair.
  • A wide and slow gait speaks of a person who wants to put himself on display. And the theatricality of gestures speaks of inflated self-esteem;
  • Rectilinear and restrained movements speak of coldness, prudence of nature;
  • Sharp and disordered movements speak of irritability, nervousness;
  • If the movements of the body are rounded and smooth, this characterizes a person who is emotional and carefree about the world.

Eyes and gaze

Eyes reflect inner world person. They are the first to react to the internal state. When we are sad, sadness appears in our eyes. If we have fun, then our eyes shine with happiness.

The look is also different. For example, hard, prickly, cold, angry, shameless, affectionate, gentle, gloomy, cunning, stubborn, confident, ferocious, excited ...

Any communication is accompanied by a look. If there is normal, calm communication, then the look will be the same. If the gaze goes into the distance, then the person is distracted or thoughtful. A sidelong glance expresses distrust, secrecy. Narrowed eyes express distrust, anger and revenge of nature.

Politicians often have such a picture when one eyebrow is raised. But the wrinkles on the forehead remain horizontal. This speaks of a strong will, neglect and hostility to the outside world.

Looking down speaks of arrogance and contempt. Conversely, a bottom-up look is about subordination and helpfulness.

A long, direct and firm look indicates that a person wants to subordinate you to his will. This is how investigators and prosecutors look during interrogations.

A "running" look characterizes people who feel fear or threat. Such eyes are often found in criminals who for a long time spent in jail as well as scammers.

Human psychology by behavior and gestures sometimes helps to determine what profession a person has, what position he occupies and to what social class applies.


When communicating, the face is the first thing you pay attention to. Here it is important to consider the nose, lips and folds near them. They will tell you a lot.

There is a so-called “suffering fold”, which gives a person a suffering facial expression. These are people from weak character. Weak-willed, helpless and patient. Always retreating in the face of difficulties.

The strength of character is judged by the wings of the nose. If they swell strongly when breathing, then you have a temperamental and energetic person in front of you.

The corners of the mouth show general state person. The lowered corners betray a pessimist, eternally dissatisfied with life.

The degree of tension of a person shows a closed mouth. It speaks of determination and firmness of character. A slightly open mouth indicates relaxation, passivity.

Smile and laugh

All people smile and laugh differently. Laughter can be contagious, quiet, mocking, angry, sincere, barking, impudent, artificial, etc.

Pure carefree laughter shows an easy, free, laid-back nature.

If there is aggressiveness, envy, anger or contempt in a person, then these feelings prevent you from laughing easily and freely. It turns out something like "heh heh heh." Young people who want to draw attention to themselves usually "giggle". Laughter like "ho-ho-ho" seems to say: "Well, tell me too ...". It reflects arrogance, boasting, the desire to humiliate, doubt what was said.

Each person can judge the truth of a smile, relying on his intuition. She will tell you whether a person is pleasant or not, likes or dislikes, “slippery type” or “somehow he doesn’t smile like that.” Intuition rarely deceives. Human psychology by facial expressions makes it possible to determine, first of all, the sincerity of a person.


  • Lowered or raised shoulders, along with a slightly stooped back and a retracted chin, speak of humility, weakness, a sense of inferiority of a person;
  • Too highly raised head and protruding chest is a sign of pride, vanity and arrogance;
  • A tense and immobile posture fences off sensitive and shy people from the outside world;
  • Sometimes sensitive people they try to hide it, outwardly showing rigidity, coldness, as if bristling at those around them. Then a certain angularity of posture appears;
  • A person with feelings dignity, has a free, relaxed posture with a proudly planted head. This demonstrates trust, openness and respect for people.

Human psychology in behavior and gestures has been studied for many years. This science is called body language. Achievements modern psychology in this area gave impetus to this direction, and the demand for this knowledge from a practical point of view prompted psychologists to further research connection between soul and body. Since any of our inner experience, the movement of the soul causes a response in the body, facial expressions, gestures, movements.

Often we see all these external manifestations and our brain processes them instantly at the level of “pleasant - unpleasant”, “trustworthy - not trustworthy”, etc. After all, there are often situations in life when we say “something I don’t like about this person” or “what a slippery type he is”. That is, we do not know what caused such our reaction, but subconsciously we feel it. By trusting your intuition and learning a little body language, Everyday life you will be able to determine the character of a person at a glance.

It helps a person to convey his feelings and thoughts to others orally or written language. In the first case, not only voice transmission of text is used, but also non-verbal means of communication, such as gestures or facial expressions. They enliven speech, giving it more emotional coloring. The ability to correctly read non-verbal signals allows you to understand true motives interlocutor, since it is facial expressions in communication that expresses a direct relationship to what is happening.

The value of facial expressions in human life

Non-verbal communication does not involve the use of speech, only sensory or bodily contact: facial expressions, touch, gestures, glance. They help people reach mutual understanding at the level of emotions. Studies have found that only 35% of the information we transmit to each other through speech. The rest 65% is accounted for by non-verbal signals: body movements, gestures, gaze, facial expressions. They complement spoken phrases, enhancing their significance.

In fact, non-verbal means of communication are quite capable of replacing themselves. This is what happens to deaf-dumb people. For them, speechless communication through gestures and facial expressions is a common way of communicating with others. The same can be said about children who have not yet learned to speak. tricks non-verbal communication people enjoy to install communication links with representatives of the animal world.

The importance of facial expressions in the process of communication cannot be underestimated. After all, sometimes facial expressions, coupled with other non-verbal signals, carry more information about the feelings or mood of the interlocutor than words. People are used to being in control of what they say. However, non-verbal manifestations are difficult to hide. Many movements occur reflexively, before the emotion is evaluated by the brain. By learning to capture and interpret facial expressions and other non-verbal signals, you can understand not only what the interlocutor wants to say, but also what he is trying to hide.

Manifestations of feelings and emotions through non-verbal signals

Gestures, pantomime and facial expressions are means of communication that are related to optical-kinetic. This system of non-verbal cues includes appearance, voice timbre, hand or head movements, body position in space. The successful establishment of contact depends not only on what the interlocutor says, but also how confident his facial expressions, voice, look are. This is the reason for the interest in studying the meaning of non-verbal signals on the part of psychologists, businessmen and people who want to build a career.

What will the facial expression say?

The most important element non-verbal communication is mimicry. American psychologist Paul Ekman designed Facial Affect Scoring Technique, or FAST for short, which allows you to determine the emotional state of the patient visually. The professor suggested conditionally dividing a person's face into three zones:

  • forehead and eyes
  • nose and area around it,
  • mouth and chin.

According to the FAST methodology, the value non-verbal facial expressions considered only in the totality of changes in at least two of these areas. Such a simple analysis of a non-verbal signal makes it possible, for example, to distinguish a feigned smile from sincere joy.

There are six basic emotions that are most vividly expressed through facial expressions:

  • joy,
  • anger,
  • astonishment,
  • disgust,
  • horror,
  • sadness.

Involuntary or reflex facial expressions these are non-verbal manifestations that the person himself does not control. It is she who reflects the true emotional state.

We propose to consider the most significant non-verbal manifestations of feelings reflected in facial expressions, which are schematically shown in the picture:

  1. Emotion joy reflected in the area of ​​the forehead and mouth. The corners of the lips are raised, the teeth are parted. There are slight wrinkles around the eyes. Eyebrows are also slightly raised in relation to the bridge of the nose.
  2. The face of a person experiencing happiness, relaxed. This is expressed by half-closed upper eyelids, while the eyebrows are slightly raised, the look is radiant. The corners of the lips are drawn to the auricles.
  3. For surprise characterized by raised eyebrows, rounded eyes, slightly open mouth.
  4. Doubt expressed in a person's gaze shifted to the left. Exactly left hemisphere The brain is responsible for analyzing the situation. The position of the lips resembles a sarcastic smirk, that is, only one edge of the lips is raised.
  5. Gloominess or despondency express lowered eyebrows and corners of the mouth. The look is dull, indifferent.
  6. The face of the frightened man is tense. Fear expressed in raised eyebrows, wide-open eyes. Teeth are partially visible through parted lips.
  7. Rounded eyes, parted mouth, raised eyebrows - this is how facial expressions express shock.
  8. A one-sided grin, a sideways glance, squinted eyes and a raised eyebrow - this is what it looks like mistrust.
  9. man's gaze, thinking about a problem, directed upwards. The corners of the lips are slightly lowered.
  10. Wide-open, recklessly shining eyes, raised "house" eyebrows and a parted mouth, express joy over came up with a brilliant idea.
  11. Human, self-satisfied, looks relaxed. His eyebrows and eyelids are lowered, and his lips are folded into a half smile.
  12. O insidious plans will tell the look with a squint, the raised outer corners of the eyebrows, the lips compressed into a thread, folding into a forced smile.
  13. cunning narrows his eyes, looks away. The left or right corner of his mouth rises.
  14. demonstrating determination, a man compresses his lips, tightly clenches his jaw, looks from under his brows. His pupils can narrow sharply, his gaze becomes menacing.
  15. embarrassed, people fix their eyes down, smile with closed lips so that one edge of the mouth rises. The inner tips of the eyebrows creep up.
  16. Resentment expressed in pursed lips, low lowered eyebrows and eyelids. The gaze is taken away from the interlocutor.
  17. Concentrated when thinking, most people move their eyebrows so that a crease forms on the bridge of the nose. At the same time, the gaze seems to be directed into itself, the chin is tense, the mouth is motionless.
  18. Uncertainty expressed in a slightly bewildered, wandering look, raised eyebrows. The corners of the lips are lowered.
  19. Expression daydreaming on the face is characterized by highly raised inner corners of the eyebrows. The gaze is directed upwards, the corners of the mouth are asymmetrical.
  20. Fatigue expressed in complete relaxation facial muscles, including century. The lips take on the shape of a horseshoe, with the tips pointing down.

For exact definition emotional state by facial expressions or by a combination of non-verbal signs, it is necessary to take into account such details as the direction of gaze, the state of the pupils. If a person experiences strong antipathy towards the interlocutor, he involuntarily squints. The liar averts his eyes to the side, he is betrayed by frequent blinking or, on the contrary, by an unblinking look. Insincerity is evidenced by the asymmetry of the face, too mobile facial expressions.


Interpretation non-verbal behavior people by facial expressions or gestures depends on many factors. it cultural traditions country, gender, age of the interlocutor, the situation in which it occurs. It is worth remembering that non-verbal gestures and facial expressions among the inhabitants of Europe or Asia are different. In addition, most adults have good control over their non-verbal reactions. To capture genuine emotions from the facial expressions that flashed across the face in a matter of fractions of a second, a certain skill, observation is required.