What is Justice? Mercy is greater than Justice. A just person understands the importance of doing good, mercy and compassion. When a person forgives, shows compassion, he lets the situation go to the judgment of God

Justice- this is the concept of due, containing the requirement of conformity between deed and retribution. In particular, this is the correspondence of rights and obligations, labor and remuneration, merits and their recognition, crimes and punishments.

Justice- Fair treatment of smth., smth.; impartiality.
Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

  • Justice is logical evaluation actions in accordance with the criteria set out in the generally accepted and binding regulatory system- the law.
  • Justice is the willingness to sacrifice personal to achieve the public good.
  • Justice is an appeal to a set of values ​​that are considered higher than those embodied in law.
  • Justice is what appears with the first sources social relations. Justice is always social.
  • Justice is what the state and judicial system; but that remains an unattainable ideal for centuries.
  • Fairness is one of the most important moral problems modernity. This is a historically changeable phenomenon, which in the new conditions acquires new qualities.

Benefits of Equity

  • Justice gives strength - to fight evil in all its manifestations.
  • Justice gives hope - to achieve a society of opportunities equal for everyone.
  • Justice gives freedom - from partiality and bias: a fair person to the same cases applies in the same way, regardless of the status of the people who appear in these cases.
  • Fairness brings confidence own forces and in their own right.

Manifestations of justice in everyday life

  • Signs of justice - consent and reciprocity. Where there is agreement, there is always justice; this is true for reciprocity as well.
  • revolutionary situations- all the revolutions in the world were made in the name of justice in the subjective understanding of those who made these revolutions.
  • Family way - in the old days big family gathered at the table and all family members took turns scooping food from a common plate with a spoon: this was how justice was manifested.
  • Legal system - when the court makes its decision on a particular case and gives legal definition one or another act, each participant in the case is waiting for justice.
  • social order– care for the weak, for the elderly and children is a manifestation of social justice.

How to learn to be fair

  • The acquisition of knowledge. Justice is based on knowledge of moral principles and criteria legal structure society.
  • interest in the environment. A just person is sensitive to the people around him and the world around him.
  • Working out own worldview. Justice does not bring semantic load in itself, but meaningful as a phenomenon in a certain coordinate system. Worldview is the system of coordinates in which justice is manifested.
  • Struggle. Struggling with manifestations of lawlessness (injustice), a person approaches justice.

Golden mean

Injustice | complete absence justice


Dogmatism | "frozen" justice elevated to the absolute

Popular expressions about justice

Of all the virtues, justice is the rarest. For every ten generous people, there is one just. - F. Grillparzer - Who makes a decision without listening to the opposite side, acts unfairly, even if this decision was fair. - Seneca - To teach people to love justice, it is necessary to show them the results of injustice. - A. Smith - To do justice, you need to know very little, but in order to with good reason do injustice, you need to thoroughly study the law. - G. Lichtenberg - The majority of votes cannot be the measure of justice. - F. Schiller - Vladimir Zhikarentsev / Life without borders Vladimir Zhikarentsev adheres to the views according to which everything that happens to a person is absolutely fair. For the world is - just a reflection of our inner "I". Unlike difficult-to-understand esoteric treatises, the central thought of all Eastern philosophy is conveyed by the author to the reader with amazing simplicity and elegance. Fedor Dostoevsky / Crime and Punishment The brightest literary monument Justice. If you haven't picked up this book since you were in school, be sure to reread it. This is one of the few books that opens up to a person in accordance with the amount of his experience.

The rarest thing you can find on

earth is a truly just person.

James Fenimore Cooper. St. John's wort

What satisfaction does a person experience when, having looked

in own heart, makes sure that it is fair for him.

Charles Louis de Montesquieu. Persian letters

Someday they will ask: “What can you actually present”?

And no connections will help to make the leg small,

a big soul, and a fair heart.

Cinderella (1947)

Justice as a quality of a person is the ability to divinely, impartially follow the truth, the truth in one's actions and opinions; act legally and honestly.

Once, two women came to the wise, just King Solomon with a request to resolve their dispute. One of them said that they live in the same house, and they had a son of the same age. Last night, another woman in a dream accidentally strangled her son (“slept off” him) and shifted the dead one to her, and took her living son to her and now passes him off as her own. Another woman claimed the opposite: allegedly the one who accuses her did it. And each of them claimed that the living child belongs to her. Solomon ordered a sword to be handed to him: “And the king said, Cut the living child in two and give half to one and half to the other. And that woman, whose son was alive, answered the king, for her whole inwardness was agitated from pity for her son: O my lord! give her this child alive and do not kill him. And the other said: let it not be, neither for me, nor for you, chop. So Solomon realized which of the two women was the true mother of the child, and gave him to the one who asked to save his life.

Solomon's judgment is a just, wise judgment. Solomon's decision is a witty decision, a clever way out of a difficult or delicate situation.

Justice and injustice exist only in interpersonal relationships. Where there is self-interest, profit, passion and hatred, people, by definition, will simultaneously consider the same action either fair or unfair. People in passion and in ignorance think: - Since it is profitable, then it is fair. If it's unfair, then it's unfair. In nature, there is a given and harmony. Oceans, mountains and fields do not argue among themselves whether their existence is just or not. Per winter is coming spring, after spring, summer, after summer is coming autumn and winter again.

A just person is, first of all, a person living under the influence of the energy of goodness. Goodness allows you to be open-minded, impartial and wise man. People who are under the influence of the energy of passion, and, moreover, ignorance, have no chance of being fair. It is worth realizing their plans, as they joyfully rubbing their hands, exclaim: - Finally, justice has triumphed!

Justice is the daughter of impartiality. Witness Lee, in his book Character, writes: “To be just means to be open-minded, to treat everything without prejudice. For example, when evaluating people, you need to be reasonable. Disadvantages are invariably found in something good, and virtues can come across among the shortcomings. To be fair, one must be impartial, paying attention to every side of a person or issue, evaluating it under different angles and giving it its rightful place.

This is not connected with spirituality and not with morality, but with character. Both the teacher who interprets the Scriptures and the elder who rules the church must be of a just character. A person cannot do right if there is an element of injustice in his character. good example this is an inaccurate level, with which it is impossible to make a flat surface.

To be fair, a beneficent person must possess a substantial level of knowledge. For example, without knowing the laws, it is difficult to make a fair trial, relying only on intuition and the voice of conscience. A just person all his life is in the position of a student of life. He shows a genuine interest in his surroundings. You become fair when you have your own coordinate system, your own worldview, which is in harmony with the laws of the universe, with God's commandments.

Haruki Murakami, in the context of this thought, wrote: “People die every now and then; human life much more dangerous than you think. Therefore, you need to treat people in such a way that there is nothing to regret later. Fair - and as sincere as possible.

A just person understands the importance of doing good, mercy and compassion. At the same time, he realizes that everything in this world has its cause and its effect. This is a world where everything is subject to the laws of cause and effect or the laws of justice. Here the principle "Tooth for a tooth", "An eye for an eye" applies. It is not given to a person to know what he did in previous incarnations. Therefore, the karma that has come seems unfair to him. He does not see causal relationships, so he exclaims: - God! For what? Because I'm so good! Why kill me? And this good man in a previous life committed the murder of a man. Life is a boomerang. The debt was returned to him according to the laws of justice. What goes around comes around.

When a person forgives, shows mercy, shows compassion, he breaks out of this world. Grace is not a category of the world of passion and ignorance. Mercy is greater than justice. Justice is a quality of a person's personality. The divine qualities of a person are forgiveness, mercy, mercy, compassion. In the world of passion, everyone seeks indulgence, mercy, forgiveness. To others, in his opinion, he shows justice. That is, the rule of caudillo Franco applies: - Friends - everything, the enemy - the law. When it comes to him, the person says: “Do me justice,” and we mean that I be forgiven. That is: "The Soviet court is the most humane court in the world." To ourselves we want forgiveness, compassion, mercy, to others - bare justice: - Stole - to prison.

Alexander Sviyazh writes: "Life can be neither fair nor unfair, since everything in it has causes and effects." Alexander Zhurba echoes him: “The world is fair. Every effect has its own cause. Everyone gets exactly what he created the conditions for. Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks write: “It turns out that there is no injustice. Everyone always gets exactly what they feel and project into the world. Everything always corresponds to one another - which means it is fair.

Petr Kovalev 2014

Justice is the daughter of impartiality. To be fair means to be unbiased, to treat everything without prejudice. For example, when evaluating people, you need to be reasonable and have experience in evaluating actions and deeds. A person cannot do right if there is an element of injustice in his character.

Where is justice sought?

In society, these are the actions of a person and the ability to act honestly and legally. Justice and injustice exist not only in relations between people. Justice also operates in many laws of the universe. Greed, Benefit, Passion and Hatred always pursue and will pursue humanity. This is the law of the Universe, where everything is subject to evolutionary perfection. In the world of passion in which they live ordinary people, everyone is looking for indulgence, Mercy, Forgiveness. People, by definition, will always consider the same action either fair or unfair.

Who is a fair person?

A just person is, first of all, a person who lives under the influence of positive energy A strong personality. This allows you to be an open-minded, impartial and wise person. Of course, people who are under the influence of the energy of Lies and Ignorance have no chance to be fair. A just person understands that shortcomings are invariably found in something good, and virtues can come across among the shortcomings. To be fair, you need to be impartial, paying attention to every side of a person or issue, evaluating it from different angles of the situation that has arisen.

What is required for a fair judgment?

To be fair, a person must have a serious level of knowledge, wisdom and life experience. Without knowledge of the law, it is difficult to make a fair trial. fair man most life gets life lessons justice in different situations. A person becomes fair only when he has his own coordinate system, his own worldview, which is in harmony with the laws of the Universe and the laws of society. Fair is Sincerity and Truthfulness and these are confident concepts about the true level of justice and where the starting point is. There is no absolute justice. What seems from your position on the scale of Justice - may be a delusion or not realizing the full depth of the event. Injustice was invented by people, not knowing, not understanding and not being able to know the whole picture of an event or situation.
In fact, a person sees much of what is happening in his life one-sidedly, biasedly and tendentiously to the extent of his own development.
Good or bad character traits such as Bias, Limiting Beliefs, False Beliefs, Prejudices, Stereotypes, Patterns.

Justice - according to esoteric laws

According to esoteric laws divine qualities personalities are Forgiveness, Mercy, Grace, Compassion. It is very important to remember that Grace is not a category of the World of Passion or the World of Ignorance. Grace cannot be used in an ordinary society where the laws of Cruelty apply.

There are some foundations of moral attitudes in which there are basic ones. Their position relative to each other is determined and they need to be known. All concepts stand in their places, they are stable and not subject to time.

Mercy is greater than Justice. A just person understands the importance of doing good, mercy and compassion. When a person forgives, shows compassion, he releases the situation to the judgment of God.

Cause and effect

However, there are examples of other opinions about justice. Everyone realizes that everything in this world has its cause and its effect. We live in a world where everything is subject to the laws of cause and effect or the laws of justice. Therefore, life can be neither fair nor unfair, since everything in it has causes and effects. Everyone gets exactly what he attracted to himself and created the conditions for such a situation. And based on this point of view, it turns out that there is no injustice. People always get exactly what they feel and project into the world.

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adj., use often

Morphology: fair, fair, fair, fair; fairer; nar. fair

1. Fair they call someone who acts, treats someone, something fairly, because he himself does not support someone, something personally, but acts only in accordance with the truth, rule, law.

Fair judge, teacher. | A fair boss, commander.

2. Fair they call an opinion, an assessment, etc., which are based on the observance of truth, the law, the same attitude towards all, without singling out anyone in particular.

Fair assessment. | Fair distribution of wealth. | Judge the match fairly.

3. Fair name what is based on the requirements of compliance with moral and legal standards.

Fair deal. | Just structure of the state. | Fair laws. | The judgment was swift and fair.

4. Fair what is felt by someone as deserved, having reason is called.

Fair remark, punishment. | A just demand, an accusation. | Fair reproach. | Righteous anger. | Fair verdict. | You were justly punished.

5. Fair name what corresponds to the truth, reality.

Fair rumors, suspicions. | The information received was correct. | Law gravity Newton is valid only for weak gravitational fields. |


I rightly suspected her of lying.

correct, true, confirmed

justice noun, and.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .



See what "fair" is in other dictionaries:

    Just, impartial, impartial, objective; harmless. According to God (fairly), according to merit, rightly so. Judge righteous, strict. Prot. right. See impartial ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under … Synonym dictionary

    FAIR, fair, fair; fair, fair, just. 1. Impartially following the truth, the truth in their actions and opinions. Fair Judge. He is strict but fair. || Based on impartial observance… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    FAIR, oh, oh; iv. 1. Acting impartially; corresponding to the truth. S. Judge. C. deed. Fair decision. Fairly (adv.) evaluate. 2. Carried out legally and in good faith. Fair claim. 3. True, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Fair- Just ♦ Juste Respecting justice - legality and equality, law as an institution and the rights of individuals - and ready to fight for it. In other words, the one for whom the rule of law and respect for the rights of people are one thing is just. ... ... Philosophical Dictionary Sponville

    fair- absolutely fair absolutely fair... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    fair- ▲ correct assessment, act of justice correct assessment deeds; correspondence between deed and reward; the logic of humanity. fair (#outrage). by justice. according to conscience (act #). truth (to seek the truth). right (you ... ... Ideographic dictionary Russian language

    App. 1. Impartially following the truth, the truth in their actions and opinions. ott. Founded on impartial observance of the truth. 2. Based on the requirements of fairness [fairness 2.]. ott. Justified, legitimate, deserved. ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

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  • Fair Dari. Adventures of Timun in the Kingdom of Itai, Tatyana Snetkova. Book `Fair Dari. The Adventures of Timun in the Kingdom of Itai` is a colorful collection of short stories about the boy Timur and his faithful friends. The character of Fair Dari unites everything…

The modern concept of justice is based on the philosophical works of Aristotle, which means that then, as now, this question occupied the minds of many people. Why do people seek justice? They seek the truth and create laws, trying to improve the world. Because it is impossible to live without hope. Faith in her sustains everyone.

Age features of attitude to justice

Many studies have shown that belief in justice is most unconditional in childhood. preschool age. Kids, in general, are not prone to criticism, do not discuss the actions of their parents, rarely dispute the punishment, considering it really deserved. If a child of this age is constantly condemned and subjectively punished, he acquires lifelong complexes, which he puts up with or fights for years.

The older the child becomes, the more critical it is to the words and actions of others. Now life experience prompts, Kara can comprehend the innocent, the reward can be received by the unworthy. So faith in justice becomes dull over the years, but the teenager will not stop looking for it.

What kind of people tend to believe in the triumph of justice

Believe in justice strong personalities, authoritarian leaders. But their concept of justice, as a rule, differs significantly from the general canons. Weak characters, prone to obedience, people are more easily persuaded, therefore they often believe in universal justice. But in their lives they face the opposite phenomenon. Of course, altruists believe in it. They understand that the world is not perfect, but selflessly serving humanity, they make it better.

Role in society

Justice allows you to regulate relationships between people, to adequately assess their contribution to the work. Based on what, everyone receives a reward, material or moral satisfaction. Whether it is remuneration, recognition of his contribution to the development of a business, or high mark his human qualities at the level of interpersonal communication.
The justice of rights is supported by an objective distribution of duties between people. If this ratio is not observed, unrest arises in society, developing into large protests that have destructive force. Thus, both each individual and humanity as a whole are interested in observing justice. But people's views on the correctness of the structure of the world differ significantly, because of this, the idea of ​​​​creating an ideal world is considered rather utopian.


Governments and individual leaders of various states often use people's faith in their honesty to achieve planned goals, create the right mood in society. For example, there are cases in history when mass consciousness introduced information about the cruel, misconduct as an act of deserved retribution. And the majority of the citizens eventually believed in the created illusion. This technique is still in use today. Funds mass media have access to the mind of every person. It depends on how critically he perceives the “cocktail of ready-made news”, how unshakable his own convictions and faith in justice are.


For a person, the priority is how others relate to him. Such character traits as decency, nobility, tact are based on justice. We respect people with these qualities. We rely on them in difficult situations.
Conscience, morality, mutual respect help people not to lose faith in justice. And she, in turn, helps to live, and therefore they will always strive for her.