What does burnt mercury mean. Burnt planets in traditional astrology

When considering a birth chart, we periodically encounter a planet, or even several planets that are very close to each other, in other words, are in conjunction. Conjunction is the position of the planets, in which the planets are located in one degree and one zodiacal sign (or at a distance of up to 7 ° from each other).

If any planet is located in close proximity to the Sun, then the question arises: “What is it: an ordinary conjunction, burning, a planet in the rays of the Sun or Kazimi, and what does this entail?” Let's try to figure it out.

The planet is considered burnt, if it is located at a distance of up to 8.5 ° from the Sun in both directions, and at the same time both the Sun and the planet in question are located in the same zodiac sign. The defeat of the planet by burning is considered more severe if the Sun goes to connect with the planet than if the Sun leaves the planet.

Why was it burnt? Because, falling under the light of sunlight, it becomes invisible to us, i.e. disappears as if on fire.

Most often, Mercury and Venus are burned, because. they are characterized by elongation - they never move further from the Sun than a certain distance: Mercury from 18 ° to 28 °, Venus - about 48 °. Mercury tolerates burning much more easily than other planets.

There is an opinion that if the planet is in its possession or exaltation, then it is not subject to burning by the Sun. For example, Oscar Hoffman and John Frawley write about it in their works. Unfortunately I'm on this moment found no convincing evidence for this. Also, some astrologers do not take into account burning at all and take into account the conjunction of the planet with the Sun as an ordinary conjunction that does not carry defeats. Or they believe that even if the planet and the Sun are in different signs, then burning still takes place, because the border of the sign is not a barrier from the sun's rays. There are even different opinions regarding the orb of burning: from 5 ° (according to some modern astrologers, for example, Nicholas Devor) from the Sun to 8.5 ° from the Sun (according to V. Lilly) in both directions.

According to the rules, which the ancient Persian astrologer Abu Mashar wrote about:

“Some people say that when a star becomes burned in its own possession, or in its own exaltation it is not struck. However, when Saturn, which is cold and dry, becomes burned, it is like a stone that becomes hot with fire and will disintegrate and break. When Jupiter becomes combust it is like gold which melts and when it moves in the rays sunlight, his pure essence acquires a red hue. Then, when Venus and the Moon become burned, they are like mercury, which, if we throw into the fire, the fire avoids it as something different from its nature, and is not able to consume it.

“Some people say that when a star is in the heart of the Sun (we read “burnt” - author's note), it becomes more powerful; however, I say that, at this point, the star is like a man who purifies himself by fasting and therefore has no strength as a result of this ritual, but he will regain health afterwards. When Saturn is burned, it is like an old miserable person who is unable to bear pain, sorrow and punishment; and when Jupiter is combusted, it is like a man thrown into trials, who is nevertheless able to endure pain and sorrow, since he hopes to gain advantage through this. Then, when Venus is burned, she becomes absolutely weak and without strength, and she really cannot bear the combustion; but when Mercury, which endures combustion, becomes burned, he is like a man accustomed to hardships and calamities and poverty, and who endures such things as they are familiar to him; then, it is said that when Mars becomes incinerated, it is like a very evil person whose evil and wickedness increase."

"...when connected, it [the Sun] becomes a Malefic, because it burns and makes unhappy every star with it in conjunction, unless it is in the heart of the Sun, where each star is strengthened." (The Soul of Astrology, Guido Bonatti)

What effect the burnt planets have on the character of a person is a complex question that requires additional research. If the burnt planet rules the 1st House of a person or is in it, then it will affect his personality. If the planet controls other Houses, then it will influence the fate of a person in the area corresponding to the House controlled by it.

It's believed that Moon in conjunction with the Sun has a limited outlook and tends to keep a distance in personal contacts. Tends to indifference and some introspection. Can live someone else's life. Depends on the environment and situation. Overly susceptible to external stimuli.

Mercury when burned, it gives an extremely talkative person who can state in monologues, ask questions himself and answer them himself, interrupting the interlocutor. One topic will smoothly or not flow into another. A person with a burned Mercury knows how to lie well and has a talent for various kinds of manipulations. Prone to subjective thinking, has difficulty with intuition.

Venus when burned, he likes to adorn himself. This does not always mean that she will wear all the jewelry at once, but she will often wear and change them. She loves cosmetics and lots and lots of clothes. In general, she is the most beautiful. And no one else is capable of loving the way she can love. It has good feeling taste and artistic talent. AT negative manifestation- selfish and capable of overdoing it with jewelry. A person can consider himself a step above everyone: "where am I, and where are you." Thinks only of himself. By the way, often this can also be healthy egoism: they will be able to stand up for themselves. People with burned Venus can be arrogant, overly emotional, doubtful and with high expectations.

Mars when burned: "I'm right. I am always right. I'm never wrong. Remember it." Very angry. Can be confrontational and aggressive. Often strive to show their strength, both internal and physical. Extremely active. Anger drives him forward. It is better not to get involved with a burned Mars - it will burn. Hardy, unshakable, tireless enthusiast.

Jupiter when burned, it gives excessive ambition, a person may not take into account the opinions of others and not recognize anyone's authorities other than his own. He likes to teach life, he believes that he knows how to do it. But maybe a good teacher or gather a crowd. It gets fanatical. The theme of success and personal achievement is extremely important.

burned Saturn inclines to pessimism and inner devastation. A person does not have an inner core. closed. Doesn't make contact. Hermit. Very serious. Such a person may have difficulty with discipline, with understanding what is good and what is bad. But at a high level, he is hardworking, enduring, gaining invaluable experience through difficulties. People with burnt Saturn, the ruler of the 1st House, have increased self-control, they observe traditions and customs.

burned Uranus- conservative, does not like innovation, it is difficult for a person to find friends, his concept of freedom is distorted. But he can go to extremes and, on the contrary, spends time in search of the unknown. The person is unreliable, careless, impudent, stubborn, quick-tempered.

burned Neptune- not intuitively strong, but easily succumbed to bad influence, it is easy to recruit him into a sect or be drawn into some kind of dirty deed. The owners of the burnt Neptune have high sensitivity, a tendency to drink alcohol and intoxicants. Characteristically strange behavior.

burned Pluto- a person does not understand and does not realize the strength of his energy. Thirst for power. Characterized by overexcitation, energy overload.

Since the opinions of astrologers, including the ancients, regarding the issue of the burning of the planets and their influence on the fate of a person, differ somewhat, it is imperative that when interpreting, one should take into account what sign and House the planet is in, which House it rules, how many degrees it is from the Sun , the Sun approaches it (its influence increases) or moves away from it (its influence weakens), i.e. whether the connection breaks down. All this can lead to nuances. Somehow I read that if Venus, the ruler of the 7th House (marriage), is burned, then potential suitors disappear to no one knows where. This can be allowed if the burnt Venus that controls the 7th House is actually located, for example, in the 12th House. Although there she is in the House of her exaltation. But one should not judge only by the moment that the burned Venus 7 rules the House, which means that the suitors disappear in an unknown direction and for no apparent reason. They may not marry a girl soon, but not the fact that the abyss.

AT natal astrology Burning technically looks like the planet being within 4 degrees of the Sun. If more, then this is already considered a conjunction of the planet with the Sun.

How does incineration work?

In order to understand what burning is, let's remember what the Sun is responsible for. The daylight is the ego, the Self, the core of the personality.

Being under the influence of the Sun, any planet becomes either very bright in manifestation, or very selfish. It all depends on the level of awareness of the native.

For example, at a low level, burned Venus can give boundless self-love, narcissism. The native may also consider himself the most beautiful, the sexiest, and generally the best in all areas of Venus.

On the high level burned Venus gives a unique sense of taste, the ability to love like no one else can, rare abilities in the fields of art and creativity.

Another meaning of burning

On the other hand, the burnt planet becomes as if invisible to the eyes of others. For example, a person with a burned Mercury knows how to hide his thoughts from others, skillfully lie and manipulate words.

It is also worth considering carefully which House the burned planet controls. The affairs of this House will be hidden for the native or difficult to implement.

For example, the burnt ruler of the V-th House - a person and his children may rarely see each other, or the native does not know at all that he has a child. The burnt ruler of the 7th House - partners, potential suitors disappear for unknown reasons.

Let's summarize. In natal astrology, burning means:

  • the planet becomes selfish and notices only itself (burnt Mercury - I hear only myself);
  • a unique talent or ability (burnt Jupiter is a rare teaching talent);
  • the ability to hide the motives for the manifestation of the planet (burnt Mercury - the ability to hide one's thoughts, skillfully lie);
  • defeat of the ruler of the House (the burnt ruler of the II House - money goes away as if through fingers, as if burned).

Find out the meanings of burned planets

Now let's take a closer look at what each burnt planet means.

Burnt Moon

The native may not understand well what he really needs, not feel his needs. Often the burnt Moon inclines a person to live someone else's life, social patterns. Problems with mom, difficulty taking care of anyone.

Burnt Mercury

The native hears only himself and considers his thoughts to be the most correct. It is difficult to conduct a dialogue, because it turns it into a monologue. Can give cynicism and sarcasm.

Also the ability to manipulate words, skillfully lie. At a higher level, the Sun seems to highlight Mercury and gives the native the power of his words, the ability to influence the public and convince people. Eloquence.

Burnt Venus

At a higher level, it gives exceptional talents in the fields of art and creativity.

Burnt Mars

The native believes that his actions are the only correct ones. A person tries at every opportunity to demonstrate his strength: both physical and internal. If the burnt Mars starts to do something, then the whole world will know about it.

At a higher level, it gives unprecedented endurance, an inexhaustible source of energy and strength.

Burnt Jupiter

The native believes that his worldview is the only correct one. There may be some fanaticism in matters of religion and outlook on life. The ability to captivate the audience, to gather a crowd around him. The teacher's gift.

Burnt Saturn

Difficulty getting together, difficulties with discipline and order. The native may also consider that all the troubles and problems that have fallen on his head are the most difficult, in comparison with the problems of other people. At a low level, the native can deliberately inflate a molehill out of a fly at every opportunity.

At a higher level, it gives exceptional endurance and diligence. Personality is forged in difficult situations, gains great experience overcoming obstacles.

Among astrologers there are various points vision as to in which cases the planet is burned, and in which it is under the rays of the Sun. There is no consensus on the role of such planets in horary and natal charts. Therefore, in a series of my publications addressed to people who study and practice astrology, today I propose to clarify these issues.

It is known that the burning of a planet is due to its close distance from the Sun, and we see the biggest discrepancy among the masters of traditional astrology when determining this very “ultimate” border, beyond which the planet is considered burned.

So, Guido Bonati in the book “The Soul of an Astrologer” speaks very vaguely on this subject, interpreting burning as a conjunction of the planet with the Sun within 15 degrees, with the exception of its position “in the heart of the Sun”.

Biruni in his "Book of Instructions ..." says that the planet becomes burned if it is in conjunction with the Sun at a distance of 16 arc minutes to 6 degrees, and at a distance of 7 degrees to 12 or 15, or 18 degrees (12 gr. - for Mercury and Venus; 15 gr. - for Jupiter and Saturn; 18 gr. - for Mars) - is considered under its rays.

We find similar distinctions in Ben Ezra (The Book of Judgment on the Stars).

William Lilly in "Christian Astrology" proposes to use for burning a distance from 17 minutes to 8.5 degrees before and after the Sun (though in one of the examples it "breaks down" by 10 degrees). Lilly also gives somewhat confused information about the position of the planet under the rays: in one place of the book he says that the planet is freed from the rays of the Sun by moving 17 degrees, and in another place he narrows this border to 12 degrees from the Sun ...

In my opinion, John Frawley brings clarity to the problem by explaining the calculation of the burning zones and "under the rays" the angular size of the Sun's disk visible in the sky. Therefore, in practice, one should proceed from the following:

  1. Any planet is considered burnt if it is at a distance of 18 arc minutes to 8.5 degrees on either side of the Sun. At the same time, both the luminary and the planet must be in the same zodiac sign.

Examples. Sun at 10 gr. Libra, and Mercury at 15 gr. Libra - Mercury burned; Sun at 5 gr. Aquarius, and Mars in 14 gr. Aquarius - Mars outside the zone of burning; Sun at 27 gr. Taurus, and Venus in 1 gr. Gemini - Venus is outside the burning zone.

  1. Any planet is considered under the rays of the Sun if it is outside the burning zone, but at the same time it is not further than 17 degrees from the star (in both directions). In this case, the presence of the planet and the Sun in different signs of the Zodiac is allowed.

Examples. Sun in 2 gr. Pisces, and Saturn at 13 gr. Pisces - Saturn under the rays; Sun at 5 gr. Cancer, and Mars at 25 gr. Gemini - Mars under the rays; Sun in 4 gr. Virgo, and Venus in 23 gr. Virgo - Venus is not under the rays.

Recently one of the visitors to my site asked me interest Ask, consisting of the following. According to him, some fellow astrologers believe that the planet cannot be considered burnt if the Sun is in its own abode or exaltation. Is it so?

Based system analysis approaches of most of the old authors (Ben Ezra, Lilly, Abu Mashar, Biruni, Bonatti, Dario) to the issue of burning, we can conclude that the position of the Sun in its great dignity, i.e. in Leo (abode) or Aries (exaltation), in no way reduces the effect of burning for a planet that is in the burning zone.

The only thing I think is that one should agree with J. Frawley in the statement that if a planet is burned in its own abode, this should be treated as an indirect, but strong mutual reception between it and the Sun (the planet rules over the Sun by virtue of its being in the abode of the planet, and the Sun rules over the planet by virtue of burning). However, this proposal must be treated with caution. In addition, even in this case, the horary clause about the inability of a person to see or something to be visible is not canceled.

The meaning of burning the planet

The old masters of traditional astrology agree on one thing: burning is the ultimate defeat for any planet. In this position, she is completely deprived of the opportunity to act, her efficiency is practically zero, and the spheres it signifies in the chart are subject to "destruction", oblivion or chronic indifference.

In what a burnt planet means, a person does not want to do anything or cannot do anything.

In horary charts, the burned significator of the querent means that the person does not see right decision and hardly able to heed the advice of an astrologer. In the horaries about the loss, the burned significator of the lost (stolen) object says that it is useless to look for it until the planet leaves the burning zone (which often coincides with the moment the loss was found).

It should be borne in mind that there are certain differences between the burnt planets approaching the Sun and moving away from it. The former are like a sick person whose condition is seriously deteriorating, and the latter are like a seriously ill person who is slowly starting to recover.

The presence of the planet under the rays of the Sun mainly affects only the fact that it practically loses the ability to act. Otherwise, the effect of such a situation is much less destructive, in contrast to burning. Here you should also consider whether it is approaching or moving away from the star.

If the burning of the planet can be called a “universal” defeat with some stretch, then the position of the planet under the rays is only clean water accidental detriment.

However, in the hands of an experienced astrologer, even such a planet can serve good service. For example, J. Cardano in his aphorisms about elections recommends: "If you want to keep something a secret, let the Moon be under the rays of the Sun when you do it."

I hope my article has helped you understand what burnt planets are, planets under the rays of the Sun and what is their significance in the map.

Have you noticed that you lack an important character trait, such as patience or caring? Do you know that with the help of astrology you can find out where self-doubt, pride, anger come from? It is possible that the matter is in the burning of the planets. In this article, we will draw up a natal chart and deal with this phenomenon in more detail.

What is the burning of planets in the natal chart and what does it bring

When another planet comes too close to the Great King, the ruler of the Sun, he scorches it with his light. It is akin to a burn that causes pain, discomfort, irritation and a desire to hide from the heat. In a similar way feel like planets burnt by the Sun. Enraged, they are lost, fade and weaken next to him, like servants against the backdrop of the majestic Tsar.

Burning weakens the power of the planet, and the affairs of the house in which it is located also worsen. The beneficial effect of benefic planets decreases during combustion, pests become more irritated.

A “burnt” planet brings character difficulties and problems in its period. But you should not be afraid of burning! With its light, the Sun cleanses a planet that comes close, gives a karmic lesson to a person and indicates what qualities need to be worked on.

How to identify burning in the map

The first thing to remember is that burning occurs not only if the Sun and the planet are in the same house and sign! Planets that are with the Sun in neighboring houses and different signs can also burn.

Burnt Venus gives people obsessed with their beauty or love relationships confident in their own irresistibility. Yes, they are really beautiful in appearance, but they are emphatically bright, too “macho” and “sex bombs” who like to show off their victories and suppress others.

Burning of Mercury affects the mind, "blinds" it, makes a person dominant, too proud of his intellect. Often he uses his mind for the sake of personal ambitions, ego, dreams of becoming famous and moving forward, making a sensation, showing his superiority over other people. Burnt Mercury can also give speech defects, a love of disputes.

Burning of Jupiter gives pride and high achievements which a person does not always use correctly. He wants to show them to everyone, is proud and admires himself, acts as a benefactor "to the public."

Burning Saturn gives a combination of such qualities as pride and righteous anger, as well as the inability to admit one's mistakes, asceticism, craving for hard work ("working class"), even with a good education.

Any kind of burning indicates internal discomfort, "suppression" of the beneficial energies of a particular planet. It is important to understand that burning is not hopelessness, but a lesson and an indication for working on oneself. This is not a terrible forecast, the Sun with its beam “burns out” problem areas in a person’s character, which are worth thinking about and which can be worked out.

Do you have burnt planets in the map? Share your comments below the article.

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Burnt planets in traditional astrology

The burning of the planet by the Sun refers to the undoubted difficulties in the interpretation of the horoscope. Many schools of modern astrology generally ignore this factor when analyzing a chart. Like, the connection of the planet with the Sun is quite enough to interpret as any other connection, simply by combining the values ​​of the planet with the values ​​of the Sun on an equal basis. Other astrologers, based on the traditions of past centuries, attach particular importance to the optical fact that in the immediate vicinity of the Sun, planets cannot be seen in the sky, they seem to burn out in sunshine. But how exactly is this optical fact to be interpreted? Literally consider that if the planet is burned by the Sun, then it is as if not in the horoscope? Or consider that the manifestations of this planet will be more hidden, almost invisible?

However, the appeal to natal charts specific people unambiguously refutes such straightforward interpretations. Many eminent speakers, scientists and writers have a burned Mercury in their horoscopes; many celebrities from the world of arts were born on the burnt Venus; many champion athletes achieved their victories, despite the burned Mars.

It seems to me that for an adequate interpretation of the burnt planets, several issues need to be sorted out. The most important of them: if we are talking about the disappearance of planets in the radiance of sunlight, then what exactly disappears from the point of view of astrology? The functions of the planets cannot disappear from the horoscope in any way, because people with a burned Mercury think and communicate with others, people with a burned Venus still have their own tastes and preferences, and even people with a burned Moon give birth to mothers. The power of the planets, as I think, also cannot disappear completely without a trace. The law of conservation of energy must also operate in astrology. If the burned planet's strength has decreased, in some other place of the horoscope this strength should be added. Then in what?

It is logical to assume that the key to the answer should be the analysis of the influence of the Sun. As soon as the light from the planet is "clogged" when burned sunlight, then from an astrological point of view, it is the Sun that "crushes under itself" the functions of such a planet. The daylight traditionally denotes parents (especially the father), bosses, rulers, authority figures, and so on. So the burning of the planet by the Sun is like a child, parentally controlled, or an employee who does not give free rein to the boss. If the Sun in the horoscope is evil, the planet will encounter obstacles to self-expression from the tyrant or despot, if the Sun is good, it will be like the problems of celebrity children. No matter how hard they try to prove what they are worth on their own, they still remain in the shadow of their outstanding parents. In addition, in any particular chart, the Sun usually rules some house of the horoscope (if there is a cusp in Leo), and dominance over the burnt planet may come from the figures or topics indicated by this house.

In general, the power and meanings of the burnt planet pass into the power of the Sun. It is it that determines whether to let the planet do something or not. And the scenario "dogs in the manger" is not always realized ("he does not use it himself and does not give it to others"). The sun itself can use the resources of the planet (albeit mainly in own interests) and allow others - if it favors them. But without the permission of the Sun-parent, the planet-child will not go anywhere for a walk. If the parents like this neighbor's boy, they will allow their son to walk with him in the yard, but if not, the son will stay at home. This explains the rule of medieval astrology, according to which the aspect to the burnt planet itself may not give any result (there will be a so-called "return of strength"), because this planet has no power over its actions. Here the study of the relationship of the aspecting planet with the Sun comes to the fore. For example, if Mars aspects a burned planet that is in Scorpio with the Sun, then the Sun will respond to the desires of Mars (because it recognizes him as its owner) and allows him to make contact with the burned planet. But if the Sun is not in any of the virtues of Mars, one should wait for the return of strength.

Another important question. If we accept that the conjunction with the Sun is unequal, since the Sun usually dominates the burnt planets, is there any reciprocal effect? Say, if the Sun burns Saturn, will it experience the limiting and disciplined influence of Saturn? Or will it not recognize any restrictions, and will remember the functions of Saturn only when it needs it for something?

Reverse effect is present. If we return to the analogy with the boss and subordinate, it becomes clear: any leader is forced to delve into the affairs that he leads. So, even a civilian, placed at the head of the Ministry of Defense, begins to think in terms of military categories and military tasks. Of course, bosses are different, but The general trend is. Therefore, the Sun, realizing what tools-planets are in its hands, usually seeks to use them, and not ignore them. As a result, the topics of burned planets are in the horizon of the interests of the Sun. But still, they only feed it, and do not control it. Thus, the pattern we noticed at the beginning of the article (many athletes have burned Mars in their horoscopes, many artists have burned Venus, etc.) is explained at once on several levels of interpretation. One side, physical activity athletes (Mars) is often from childhood under the vigilant control of parents and coaches (Sun). The same applies to musicians with burned Venus: they usually have a parent, mentor, artistic director, conductor, etc., who will constantly put pressure on this Venus and exploit it. On the other hand, the success of the ward will become a source of pride for the mentor, satisfy his ambitions, raise him in the eyes of others. Finally, if we consider the Sun as a significator of our own ego, then the burnt planets feed it and color it in their own tones.

Next question. Is all the power of the burnt planet controlled by the Sun? Or does the planet in burning still have the opportunity to "hide" at least part of its strength from daylight? Practice shows that such a possibility really exists. In particular, a powerful channel through which a burned planet can direct its energy around the Sun is its location in the same zodiac sign with a planet dependent on it, which, in turn, is outside the burning.

The brightest example a similar situation is provided by the natal chart of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. According to a surviving entry in his father's diary, the famous composer was born in Salzburg on January 27, 1756 at exactly eight o'clock in the evening.

Note that the strongest planet in the Zodiac in this horoscope is Saturn in the 2nd degree of Aquarius. He rules the fifth house (the theme of creativity) and stands in it himself. However, you must admit, neither Mozart's creative realization, nor his pleasures and entertainments (to which he was a great hunter) are somehow described by Saturn - the most severe and gloomy planet in astrology. Obviously, in this context, in the horoscope of an outstanding musician and a big fashionista, we would rather expect to see Venus. But let's take a closer look: five and a half degrees from Saturn (in the 8th Aquarius) is the Sun, and another degree - Mercury (in the 9th Aquarius). Thus, in Mozart's chart, not only Saturn is burned, but also Mercury - the ruler of the two most important houses (the first and tenth). Both of these planets are of high quality, essentially strong, which means they denote great creative and career potential. But the Sun that burns them is an evil planet here, because it is in the sign of exile. In addition, the Sun rules the XII house, denoting secret enemies and bad habits. But Venus is also in Aquarius. She, it would seem, is quite weak (does not have essential strength, and even stands in a falling house). However, most importantly, it is far from burning (22 degrees ahead of the Sun), and being essentially weak, it is all the more obedient to the will of its dispositor Saturn and the ruler of the element Mercury. As a result, although Saturn and Mercury themselves cannot fully reveal their potential, being in the power of the tyrant-Sun, they entrust the realization of their resources to Venus. And judging by the power of the composer's talent and the level of Mozart's fame, we can confidently say that this Venus got a lot of power bypassing the Sun.

In the biography of Mozart, we find in abundance confirmation of the interpretation of the burnt planets that was given by me above. He was never free in his work, he was forced to write music in those genres and on those subjects that his superiors ordered, and as a musician he worked in the service of the Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg. Archbishop Colloredo considered Mozart a simple servant who should know his place, and did not give him career development. Although, obviously, the presence of such a genius among the servants comforted the prince's pride. When Mozart nevertheless managed to escape from service in Salzburg, he changed his master, trying to make a career at court Austrian emperor but didn't do very well either. There were also intrigues of secret enemies and competitors (the legend of Salieri - by the way, the solar Lion - for all its mythicity is very revealing). There were also bad habits that undermined health (the burnt ruler of the first house) and hindered creative realization (the burned ruler of the fifth house). It was the rampant lifestyle, apparently, that became the main reason for Mozart's early death.

By the way, this example convincingly refutes the opinion of the famous British astrologer John Frawley that the burning of the planet in his monastery is supposedly a positive factor that should be interpreted as mutual reception. According to this approach, in the Mozart chart, the Sun depends on Saturn, since it is located in its abode, and Saturn depends on the Sun, since it was burned by him. And as a result, they should interact for mutual benefit!.. But the reality of Mozart's life and career was quite different. On top of that, the notorious Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg, Hieronymus Colloredo, from whom Mozart suffered, was born on May 31, 1732 and had in his natal chart Mercury burned by the Sun in the 11th degree of Gemini. And Mozart has the Midheaven at 11 degrees Gemini, cusp X at home! Agree, a colorful touch to the history of the relationship between the chief-prince and the subordinate-musician. At Mozart himself, Mercury (ruler of I and X houses) is burned by the evil Sun, and in the horoscope of his master-tyrant, strong Mercury is burned by the Sun - moreover, exactly on the cusp of Mozart's career house. And according to Frawley's approach, we, again, should be glad that in the Colloredo chart, Mercury in Gemini is burned - another "beautiful reception" that improves both planets in conjunction. And consequently, such a connection on the MC of the Mozart card should be interpreted as the appearance in the person of the archbishop of an ideal boss for Mozart, advancing him to the heights of his career. And not pushing nowhere, as it really was ...

One more question is often asked (in particular, after reading the same Frawley): is it considered a burning situation when the Sun is in one zodiac sign, and the planet, which is only two or three degrees away from it, is located in a neighboring sign? Indeed, in traditional astrology there is often a statement that the planets in neighboring signs "do not see each other", and therefore the connection across the border of the sign is not considered. However, burning is optical phenomenon which has nothing to do with the signs of the zodiac. If the Moon, one hour after the new moon, passes into next sign We won't see it in the sky anyway. The sign boundary is not a physical shutter. The phase relationships of the planets are not related at all to whether the planets are in the same signs of the Zodiac or in different ones. We are only concerned with the actual distance between the planet and the Sun. Yes, if the burnt planet is separated from the Sun by the boundary of the sign, then there will be no connection between them. The coordination of the actions of the planet and the Sun will be lost, but the burning will remain. In such cases, the Sun often does not even realize how much it prevents the burnt planet from manifesting itself, and it does not occur to it to use its potential power over this planet in its own interests.

Finally, last question, which should at least be mentioned in this article. At what exact distance from the Sun are the planets in incineration? All classical authors agree that in the most exact conjunction with the Sun ("in the heart of the Sun"), the planets are not burned, but, on the contrary, acquire great power above the Sun - albeit not for long, until they move away from the Sun by 16 minutes of arc. From the 17th minute, burning occurs. At a distance of 6-8 degrees from the Sun, burning significantly weakens - so much so that many medieval astrologers even singled out a special phase of position "in the rays of the Sun", different from burning itself. This position lasts until a distance of 15-18 degrees from the Sun, after which the planets are considered to be finally freed from the Sun. However, many authors, especially in the early medieval tradition, did not consider burning and being "in the rays" to be something fundamentally different. Here, rather, dynamics is important: if the planet has approached the Sun by 10 degrees and will continue to approach it more and more, we should talk about the coming weakening of the independence and brightness of the manifestations of this planet. But if the planet has already moved away from the Sun by 10 degrees and in the following days the distance between them will increase more and more, we should talk about the coming liberation from the control and dictate of the Sun and the increasing manifestation of the themes of this planet in the future. The exact angular distance between the planet and the Sun, after which the planet becomes visible in the sky, depends on a large number factors, including the conditions of observation. The example of the "Book of Instructions" by al-Biruni is typical: the famous Central Asian scientist gives some figures (in particular, he says that the way out from under the rays of the Sun for Venus and Mercury can be considered a distance of 12 degrees, for Saturn and Jupiter - 15 degrees, and for Mars - by 18), but immediately notes: "it is not at all necessary that the planets will be visible during this period, since the time of visibility varies depending on the specific country and climate" ("Book of Instructions ...", p. 222).